The Gastonia _ Devoted to the Protection, of Home and the Interest* of the VOL. XXill. Ufcr.srasttfr.,,} GASTONIA. N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH •, 1902. THE SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. Thb Semi-Weekly Gazettr is scheduled to appear the first '*ee^t *n April. Of course we are more or leas dependent upon the type magnates for getting our new material to hand in time, but we know nothing at present to forbid the expectation that The Ga zette will meet its published schedule. It will be printed with new type from head-rule to foot-slug. Its make-up will he somewhat changed and, as we believe, improved thereby. In contents and character it will be a little different from any other paper on earth. Of course, in keeping with its motto which has so long stood just beneath the heading, The Gazette will be devoted us here tofore to the protection of borne and the interests of the county. It will be a paper fit to go into the home and welcome there be cause of what It bringa of profitable information, of pleasing enter tainment, and of helpful instruction. Devoted to the interests of the county with all its heart and strength, it will appeal as never before to Gaston county people—to those who live in the towns, to those who live in the country, and to those who are dwellera abroad. We are grateful for the substantial evidences of the hearty welcome with which our recent announcements have been received in the way of renewals and new subscriptions. "The only thing I have against Tit* Gazette.'’ say our friends, "is, that it doesn’t come often enough for so good a paper. Welcome, Semi Weekly 1 Hurry up with the daily?” Oh, it is coming along. PRICE OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY. We wish to make ourselves quite clear about the subscription price of Tiie Semi-Wkkei.y Gazette. The price has not yet been fixed. Our subscriber* will determine that. It costs more to publish a paper twice a week than once a week, and naturally its subscribers expect to pay more. A one dollar paper coming twice n week ought to cost two dollars a year. But in case of The Semi-Weekly Gazette it is our earnest desire to publish it at the present popular price of one dollar. We can easily do so if there are enough people in Gaston who want a semi-weekly at that price. If, therefore, a sufficient number of those who want a one dollar semi-weekly will say so with the money before the first of April, we shall be able to let the present price stand and to give two papers a week for the price of one. Hence we announce that all who subscribe or renew for The Gazette before April 1st, will get the semi-weekly for this year at the present price of one dollar. Whether the price will be advanced when the semi-weekly starts depends upon what the people of the county say before that time. Meanwhile, until the first of April all who want it have on opportunity to get The Semi-Wkukly Gazette at the rate of one dollar a year. The place for everybody in Gaston county who wants a county paper twice a week for a dollar is on The Gazette’s sub scription list. Get your name written there at once. It will cover the county like a blanket. Already the people arc coming. Wc would thank our friends to keep the good word going. Tmt Gastonia Gazette—prints the news and tells the truth—Gaston county’s oldest, youngest, neatest, livest and most reliable news paper—only one dollar a year—semi-weekly after first of April. “•LI HACK'S- STOKY. Bill An VHIa AMI Ika DM AM UMt Arp la Atlaeta CowUluUon. Of onoree—of oourae It was Tom Moors. Hoar oaks 1 to any Wist Burns wrote that pratty ballad beginning ‘'And I know by tbs amoka that so gracefully curled f” I knew batter and the editor should bare corrected It, for he koew better, too What is •n editor for if he does sot correct a penaae*1 like that f Bui I am wade the mistake for It baa me three letter! and a postal . kk renting bn, and prone that the people who read the old-time authora era not a I dead. The tarn, line of that verse rUwaya ramlada me of a good oM man, a oomradc. Captain John Hoekanhnll. an Englishman by birth, but a Georgia rebel who uend to recite poetry for us around the camp dree in IMS sad 1868. Wa called him “Old Hock” and everybody loved him for be waa a ouckaey and dropped the h*» where be should not, and vies vans. Than la always a charm Is htokaa English ecd to murder the King’s English la no grant offense. "Old Hock” knew a great dial of Tom Moore mod Borne and Hood aud Campbell aud it waa a treat to hear him say: ”Tha ’ear* that la ’amble might >ope for It ’are.” He knew that other asset belled ef Annie Crawford: "KmUiltcn MftVtwrutDQ, Uwffiit d*«a to broifcloi Tbo bon Of lba banter la beard on tbo MU.” And ba alwaya aalf ••Tbo *wn of SSJU^VJ? 'wo on tbo UUI.” Tbo "blob bo called the H”1*01 another of bla farad tea. He Itaraod then dm me frOM bl. aweatbeart wl.tle bn nu t^fSQliM Id Londos—ib OntiB boy I bound for auroral yearn to n bard mit. I tar, a brewer. and bla dally aoerlea waa to carry tbojaraof Dealt froa* tbo cellar np n flight of atooa alapa to tbo floor abort. Ha borer bnd a kind word from bla aaoater. aod owe day bo Ulppod aad fall and broke a Jar aad . waa bitterly aboard for It. and told | tbo* bn had forfeited tbe £» that be wm to got wbaa bla tana waa out. Ua M and had yet three yean to Wl Mb*. hard, a,U>tonoaa work _ *» jwawd oat hta heart to lba gWIbalored aod daatarad ba won Id £■* ■*** •»*,J? '• Anar Ian on the drat aall ttuu left the port. That ba z& aaaSkiu -js-u-tiftP£rt hi* and atory and tba aalior told tbo mate, aod they Wat Ma aboard by atnMaod hM bla daw* la tba beM of tba W«d aatlt tba good abtp bad "Mad id anchor aad waa far oat a aaa,. "Otd Haab” VoM It to h ona com > night at Maoaasmi and bow tad tod ***•' waa tala last embrace, hit tan ■nod bye. Ua ebokad op sometimes and the tear* glisten »d la hit eytt, but It was a pretty itory aod Diokena could hare bailt upon It and mad* a tender nxaaooe. Tbit waa away back la the forties when oar italc wet building lbe Western wed Atlantic railroad aod wanted labor*re and had wot a man to New York to b*re lm migrants at they landed at CatUe Uaideo. ‘Old Hock" did not hare to wait a day, but waa hired sad shipped to Atlanta aod from there to Alka'oon* where be dM bla first work. Be said he did not fwl nalt si pen the ocean voyage or In New York harbor, for bo faared ho might in ariao way bo oaoght U n fugitive and taken bock, bat when ho gut to AUntoono and sow tbs woods all aroood him and the high bills and deep ravines and mingled with good kind-hearted area aod women, he felt tofo and free. I never know Wat freedom was before, and you Uamer loans tav ao bides w’st s blewlog It la. Ha good woman w’era 1 bearded •od her daughter won ao kind and gentle to mo that I would ’av tagged them If 1 dared, but I thought all of the time of tba girl I bad loft btblnd mo and It narved me to good, ’oaeat work aod Urn contractor toon raised "*jr weaw, asd la »bi month t I tad a taodred ds'Jare to tbs book and got a good mu to asod U to sootlmr good to maw *0rtt, aad he found tba um* captain I eaaoa borer with aad bo took It la my awaatbaart, and aba *«• blaa, aad while I waa a«try day looking for a lattar aha took ma tar aarprlM oaa mom lug and brooglit l ha lattar with bar, and we loat fall la to baaab both*,*. harm, like—Ilka-Ilka—major baaonaa ma ■mt. I “«* to and look hofu-r my *aae.M Ha bad named Ula Sea man Kama, I reckon. But wti nadn blm fialab tba atory afterward* aad tall boa ana good frtacd eolnalaerad to go aftar the llaeae*. aod another aftar tba Kanober. aod hit land lad r aod Itar daughter baked earn* oak a and gat an a boktw tapper and tbay warn married Umt night at bar 'mwe, aad alt ba rw memberaaboet what tbanraoabar said "Wboaa God ‘albJoined tagathar. 5L«f “• pot baaondar.” “Old ^k, *“ * P^rWt, a good banaat h^me* uTrS“' .*«lghbor» at Ma h£!£J?h?l S'. 411 'or*1 »4 o.1*1 y>d there waa not a man (tfr gi«r—u »«w»te) ■Off WIOTIO Of mn to mb l. SLj for ba waa tboaaa tbalr eomWwy' early In tba war. aad you know u la ao natural to km. tboaa wbo toad you Whan ratlase wan abort bo would Irani all eight to atfture aiupPoa aod tba boys know that If “Otd Hook’1 ooatdn't get wbot I bay wanted nobody oould. Bat In aoarat of tlmo the old mao aat aieb aod wanted to go homo. Other oIiot hod gat farlowba, but ba bad nteer aahad far oaa Ha wont to bad aod aant for aa. aad told toe *«a ttek aod If ba didn't aat a fartougb he battered ho wontd fft sicker aad perhaps die away from 'ore. X suspected that b* was homesick, but bt looked sick ard 1 sent up blesppltea tloe. Tbs army kad barn f>H sows days swelterlog In lb* bot sa Qua Sr'S sun not f»r from Richmond. T*a »p plication was rsfarted hi lira Jqu irtons »t Richmond, and [ took tt In lo tbs proper nfflolal. who irl .ooed at It aad s«ld: "lapfi tiH ai earnests aia dally expected, wji ait iuih ugh* lo go home are airiotly peolilbntd. Ttn b*st I can do la to sand lbs csuialn to Farmvillo for thirty dart.” Thera was an army hospital at Farmville. wbloh waa only 90 miles sootb of Richmond, where tiek * 111 on s Were sent to rest and be treated for thrlr ailments. And to lie Indorsed upon It Farmrllle, and laths next blank Bald thlity days. Suddenly a lln uAht oame over ma which I could rot resist. ( knew “Old H *y asd8>u”«Dd -Dae id Copper Be Id.” Then there U ' Jobs Halifax,” by Mrs. Moloch aod “Tea Thouaaad a Year,” by Warren. Buy "Tba Vicar of W»kw add” for Hie eeke of the brrmlt. Of eaeree our own aelbori should wot be neglected, such se turn of Irvings’ works end Hawthorne aod Longfellow aud Bryant. Buy J 1*1 Ires for bla "Marco Beams’ if nothiug star. Thera are two tut tmoka by Mlaa Ratherford of Allieut, Oe , I Ur cultured principal of 1-uey Cobb loalitaU, (hat aboold be la every respectable household. Coe la Eogliab authors sad lb* other la American authors Doth .ugeUier make a good library and are always ready for relartuco. 1 bad rather giro op toy other two books than tbosa. The "Fisherman's Prsyar,” by Jeat Ingelow, Id lbs Orel named, is worth twloe tbe cue!of tbe book. Now moat of these books osu be bough: nicely booud at price* truss M coots to tL But then* are hundreds of good books by such author* as Mr*. Austin ssd Charlotte Urania and Mr*. Hemes*, Mrs. Sigourney sod others. I name only a few to fll tbe tleoder purses of onr yowug people. When you are able get by ell means s ey eloped I* of biog raphy, so that too oao tarn to tbe in teresting sketches of any great mao or woman, such aa Gall I leu, Mortrt, Handel, Raphael, Beethoven. Audubon, Ltm bos and buodreda of others. Bat don’t crowd your yoothfal mind with modern noyeU. They are mid* to sell —I hat’s all. Omm Mm* MW,. UMOttUI Jonrral. ▲ group of senator* gathered to Sea otor Maaoa’s eommilttae room and in dalged to a paMim* wbieb la a delight to the IlllooU aUUaman-Impromptu ■tory to) llog. Om of lbe yarna oon aeemd Senator Bailey, of Tan*, and wia to tbe effect, while the Texan waa a member of the booaa, heat traded a oeaaa maetlng la bl* rttatriot. Daring the meeting ba eoaataatly referred to J«eob T. Pauiofc, a promlaeat Hevub llera from Keatoeky aa -Jadf*." Tble laceneed Ur. Patrtak, who dually arena nod an id : “l am not a judge. I never waa, aad more Lhaa that, I have do title. lam pialo Joke Patrick, the only at,lolly private eitiaeo to lb* entire common wealth ef Kentucky. I am ao* area a 'mlater.n "Well, eir,"replied Mr. Ballay, ere eolqae. I ehoold think that yoa would at lea* be a cokmal.* I have alwuya oodaretood UmI la Keo tacky it la Iba eaaleet and ebaapaat thing in the world to bo a colonel." "Theta la eooMtblog ia that."reviled Mr. Patrick. "It i*-aloao*t aeeeay aad obaap to ba a oolooel In Keotecky aa to be a euagteetmsn ia Tex**.” AaMtofMffMafjr. r«f«*Oi* Inininr. Mr. W. G. Tamer. who live* two »UM mm of YorkrUlo, ku (Wan Tha Xogolrcr another pig atety that la ln taroMlag aa lUoMrattnf Uia proM that la to to nade of 1*00*1% baodlad ton la Ibta country. •'A little ear two yoora ago.•* mm Mr. Tamer. '*1 bootht a aow atf for VI. r«M fall a year ago, thla ana bronchi a IRUr of Im ptga. All »f lhe» wete raia*d at a aaiali eaat autll fattening tlaa. aad whaa klllal to fall ttoy netted no 1,000 poundi of pork, la topinnlwr. the anw dropped aaottor ittior of arm ptea. Up aalll two wfoke ago. [ did not feed theta o eant'a worth of Mot that tod toloo for aay ottor parpoao, Ml of MU*** M» WdoTSi?’! ?HI h*WttooM»»wa«*d ftrn ptoa loft aad mo got VS fiC aaeh for UwjMge aoy day I Agrod to toko the nettop ■Trxtma aid «uu. How a Uma.III. kMIlanaw ladwH a TMri la Hah* Coaltulaa. OraaaHHa MoootoJoeoc. HipooUa* la Mid detection of oiltuc la to beoooM on* or th« davrloi.aoui* | nf Ihla remarkable ag* a»d wblk ancli moaiii (or Lit# appich*n*loM i.f 0r|». 1 Inula Id tu lb* embryo aa yet. thaic aro I good f.«e believing that lb* ►Oiruoe or whenever It may be ealhd eao tie mad* iukTiiI in lbe detective •yatem of lowou. 4*100 moolBa ago alien tba alraoge and unaccountable attack wea made upon the rnllruad and exprraa aged at Gievr’e, In wblet. Mr. HIU eame near Ineiiig bit Ufa. ooe of oar poitoemco coucelvad tbo Idea that ha would hyp uolUe a nrgro hoy had question hlia concerning tba affair at Grtar’e lo aa* omtata wbat be Might learn from Uib •oaioa la addition to wbat lie already kiMW Tba negro wsaeaally out under oeoir.l by ibu potloemna, nod la re •punao lo quaatiuna ba related tha i • detective »t«ocy. and it waa ba wbo mads lha experiment with tha negro boy In Iba O.trr'w loaidmi. Last weak ba waa In formed that tba family o( Mr. Man log Leegus, go ax-CusMarate aotdwr wbo dtrd a faw wroka agn. bad bIhmI aoaeo 1'itaroaUag rrllca of bia errata* tu tba •my, toalodlog bis baynnrt. gcabbard, bait and cartridge bos. winch be had cxirfwlly preserved aloee tba asrra^dar “I Lae. and that tbria waa • u clue to lira Biasing articles. The family oouid nut Imagine what bad become of tbaao ■ rea agree. IniI Mr. Toeker bag an aa Is realisation of iba fas la >od dream ■tan tea. and reached tba soaelssioa that a certain urgro dr I rrr wbo had •carte to the boss* of Mr. Was Hoaab where lha articles had hreu kept sines ttg dswtb of Mr. League, was ettbrr lire guilty party or knew where Uit gb-lrc le'los wsr*. Tucker managed to tugags the as gro is a pi I sale eoovsrssLun, acd ot» Ialned fata enaaeot t» being bypootixyd. Io which gists bs waa t»ld that tba ar tieisa named had beau stole a and that he knew where they were, to which he readily gars assent. Tucker then com weeded him, after lha negro oosTraced that lbs ai ttolra were at hla boss* no Oacar atrret, to go there Immediately and bring them back, wlileli without further ado be compiled with wlwu tueagbt from under lira hjpootle aprll. sad in ■ sery abort lime the relics wore dell rsrrd to lha polio* sulttnrUtoa by whom they war* trensfrircd at to llielr rtghlful owgrr. Mr Tucker says that be cuuk) bars fast the urgro while bypnofi* d after the stolen goods, but concluded it waa heat not to do ao, and when be cam* from under ibe Udaeneo Mr. Toeker explaloed lha altceUoc m him. rs mlndlag blot of the oonfasaloi end promise, whan bs straightway mad* a be* Hoc (or bis horse, with the result already stated. Tbs- doubtless waa eonriooed that Mr. Taekar was"* mtgbtt on proper auw to ba fooling wlih." and ba tbocgbt dissratloa waa decidedly tha belter part of Tutor In this li.atacor. Tb> family of Mr. League era mtle fled with tbs return of his accentrs maeia, which »ro priced very highly os accoimt of their wgaoeiailoa with big army experience Poliorman Tucker la saltaflrd with bia expert*ooe in hyp sot lam. and tba darkey la aallxdad tlmi •lexllog Isa risky buatem when Mr. Toeker ts around. Tills geoeral uatie f act loo with tba isault has kept tlw oaas off tba police docket. rwimMi-iu. Kcvtua rmorto. Ooe section or tba am rod meat, rati WbfUa people of North Carotin* at tbo •leotiuo in 1U00, provide* that BTerjr volar oho doe* not pay hia poll tax by tbo Orat of May oaanot vota at any attotkm during tba tear. Tbt* la one of lire beat feature* of tba-Hired maul. It U Intended to disqualify l*K dodKTTJ from voting. U Impose* no new hardship oo regu lar tax payers It baa long bean tbo lew that taxes moat bo paid by that time. Tha durldr are required to mk on tbo Orat Monday to May lb* la'id a of ovary taxpayer who haa not am tied with him by tbat time. Borne may My that there are voter* who have no land. That la an, bat their pereonal property and their dally, weekly or monthly wages are liable for their tat m, and the Sheriff * duty to fore* tbo payment of taxes from theta U aa Ire pnraUre It I* from the land-owner*. It la true that a good antsy men who bav* no land for the db« riff lo levy on ■Meage to stava off the payment of tax beyond the drat of May. Bnt there are malaly tax dodger*, and some maaaae to dodge the Sheriff Ike whole year. The amendment gay* there tax dodger* «u*t pay their tare*, jest the mm m people who eaunet dodo*, or stand said* on vieelkn day. What la wrong about thl* t It I* re hard far many a mau who nwna t Hlil* pi*** of land to pay hi# tax by a Axed tire* aa M It for swat of thore who do hot owe laud. But lb* lead-owner* have t* ooure up lo time, and why not all other* } The dret uf May I* the prreor date tor limiting the pay meet ofp >H UK. Any other data would he both Mlogloal and unfair. Thl# rrqatrereeat It now uirt of oweonuMlietioa, and we knew that every good man will fael It Ida duty lo obey It This I* written aa a lemltxW lo voters There who bare »"t already reeaired Uielr rareipta tor Uinir poll tax should get there daring lb* next two month*.Marebend Apr*. And after get tin* the neetgtg. lake eareef there, to prove ywur right to ret*.should ihlequeetien be raiesd on elaetlea day. Thl* Is aa larerteat reatler nod should net he nrannaked j mueaiutiiR uac«a,. T*» rami nrrka N«a Me lilarialla -- ---II Okarialf* M*arer*r. r< I. DU. U can’t la> milled a ueall pox team Time in «l»n lit* mare awhi of email p»a mould here creeled « paHa, but UK au non. A man with Uie mam aUa or aim)* parading i« the nirmta I anlalit eimla mm paealug In term. pueaiWy b irilrrieg cm rxdleowut Tba - al«ht af a >aaa with ble face aglow I with a col bell on uf papal**, or earn uf ! umbilical rd trade We, mould i comely **elte couimrnt. Lut week the paper l»ld of a negro going into « *aloon aad • ♦Mur for a drink. The bar-lender •an that hie faea >H a maa* uf email' poxecab* and dmvebim latatb* Krret . The negro about far aavernl buar*. In the ■ runt law. hundred* #f paupla bad bra* bed by blm. A dap or; two ago. The Obarreer told uf a poeUJ I elarli. whoam run woa bet worn Cbarlutle and Waafatngiou. talug mol to a boa- ' piial la the latter dtp with aauU-wox. Further Inwdeote might bare ban. eg Peeled and bar* they are: Mr. 4. H, Norwood, o poatal dork hoi ween Charlotte *14) Richmond, fa e»uBoed to lile boma. Mo. 507 Hemiih atraet, wltb a weU-darctoped cam. Mr. MeOarld. a pmtel clerk bat nee a Charlotte aud Atlanta, la eoniaid to a bat In Kuaeter’a Row, la tba aoelbara H«it uf lbe cite, aud the beam af Mr. Bd. Fleet*, la tba allay la the rear of auuiari iwo. niWI NRM, M •aaraallerd. on* of Mr. Uvww’a cfc’l dltd being III wlu am all pox. Mr. Ifnrwood eaoM-ln from hla raa i to liiohmood two daya ago a aiok waa. ' n# wrwt direct to hla homo a*d raitir day tha lortur dlagnoard hla earn m •mall pox. Tha booaa, which Mia awe of Ua mom llilekly aatUed pwtlooa of ward 4. waaqaarautlool. Two of lho . ■rn who r.o with him ara aowaick to 1 K churned with IM email u x ifuotal Clork MoDaeid eamo lu Maa- ! day night and slept lu tha rooms In tha poaluMco build log Marly last oigbt I br cam* op Iowa. Uellertng that ha had araall-pux and scorching for aaalib- 1 onco. Tim poltoeiaan lo whom bo op-1 idled rr*y quickly aaw tbo omture of the malady sod tot about hunt lug a Iioum to sand him !«. Me Dor kl waa placed lu tbo dooi way of a Kora ou i Wnot Tr Ida street, and lb are bo rr- I maim d Mi Itta pouring rain for two | Uuun. The duur-way waa dark and 1 not uuo cl ik# haadreda of peapla who ' l*a-owl by MwpMted tb* danger. About 10 o’clock. OMf of I’ullon Irwiu too reeded in wearing n but bi Kmotor*0 Bow. A OMtUroa nnd brddtog wet# oral itn-ra doC tboai lbe cictlm, follow log is l be wake of an oScrr, walked through town to tbo hoaao that la to •bailor bla daring bio lllaoaa. Me Dield h married. BH family Hero to Atlanta. Tbora arc night or leu caaeo of oaniH pox Ik Ibe prat boutr, end there are about 70 iomatra of the haute of dome l loti. Oj* hundred nod fifty pooul olorko run Into Cborluue. The tact that owe ra dawn is ffoobiaglon with oo>all-pi>x. twu lo B' eli mend and two lo Charlotte, la not rruaaurlng. A Wow Walnry Bn*. Allelil* Journal. l'ba average eltUjn mutably dor* i»«ai aaorr than the utbn mb eoUrlotirr. Bat if we say belter# tbeae hard-worked eBelale, ih» aorarn MM la not dolog tbo tqoara tblog by tbo«- Oor. Taft boa Informed a Han ala eomaaUtse that taka salary >« hardly adequate, fur tbo reason that be baa a great deal of ootertelatag to do. Ho tbluka that If be bed More Miaoy U apend on baiqoeta and other displays of Uto lor arias of afBoo bo would bo nbU to oarry no bio work of reonw* ■triMltea mure hopefully. Tbo Other eoaiatetowara ate of tho opts Ion that •bey oueld uaa an iaeraaaa of salary far tba b*oaflt of the Veiled States sad tbo Phlllpytaae to a similar way. What portion of their as lei lea they now nan f * the rntrrtainmeat of Uto ftilpiooe three peUtloaere do not atata hot they Irate oa to lafrr that the work Of paelgoatlon la the rbiltpploaa wWjka greatly proaaotod If tkstr pay lo It fa aoatlag as aotaetbicg Itbo two,* <300,000 a year to hold tbn Pblllplaa* now and Um addition iif a paltryttS, 000 or *10 000 to Uilo aaoual ovpoMo aoeonut would baldly bo Ml and would be my gnUfytag to Oe». Toft Hod tbi HbH OOODlnk)n»rt Tbo ptoyrtaly of euUlag down U»elr rxpeoM aoeooot would hardly bo Mt and nouldbo WT gratifying lo Oor. Tall and ibo other aowlottenira. Tho propriety of otUIng down tholr e neooak by red using the number nod apiandor ol their antertalomeoU daw* wot ha anggaetad without laoumng Uia anapialaa af upw^Ulon. If nut sates] trenaan u> tea plea af aaleatloa for tba ruiptnoa that the administration In now working on. By all meant Wt Uto aalnrlea of Uoy. Taft and Me oSletal aaaoclatea ha la* orraerd. The only thlbg wo bhoold ho aerefal about to I# oaorrtaln loot bow dw Win bo it lofted with. Hating obtained tbla we oaa araaird to mho Ibo t of tbo treasury and bond M eye* to them. , ■ I IN<«Hi ftrsb The New Silks, The New RUMm, The New White Coeds. EMBROIDERED COLLARS ia all the MVM md lilnt dmigm, Wg ktvt them xtedy etnbroidered usd tlao th« plain .tamped 11m «o you can ewibroidei them yourself. ITiit .ARRIVED.^ ^ ^ AMK?«w, EdSwPridff— mi Peart Battddd J. F. YEAGER, LADIES’ FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. mum imn umimr. f MmM l.-Tbe Cel* lowing eooouel at Um captlrKyof Wise Hbeehae Imh oteelood hr Aaeoeiaiod Preea from reliable aooreet, boom of tfao Inlnr—Hee havtog heeo reeeleewg turn ernrMrlleee el the brlgaade. After the eegtara of near Baakoko, wa beptcotwr 8 li brlgaade h—teead ties aed «et»bl»db*d _____ _ Maoaui* of Goal brae, la the d Mr let, where iim whale (tea ware la ay«poil>* eiU iMee. tMe fate eaeWlag ISe head la oateteeuMy wd eefety aea la kaop le touch wlthUMoatelde world. While »walling Um rreall of Uaair eCeru to eeeaia too ran sum Um brtgMde draw Utolr supplies fro* the edjaceot elNago eC Peteta* perfectly eeeure. the fans here of the bead OMd to ebow th*aaMlrea offDly la I'lMinale and neighboring villa***, Belli they ware aarced by their beat ad terra ti to he More careful. Tee prfcouer* however were Joaioualy «eluded. Whea Mr U M. l>K*i.#oa. Cal tod Siaire doaeol at OoasUatlucfde. arrived la holla, early in October laid ead die clooed to Um aatharltiet tho where e awia of Mlee hMoe’e capture tho IO •ult wa* uoarly dkeutrou* tu tho prte oner*. Tba Bulgarian UevaniMsat HI* ! ■■■■■ unfi<9 voe ruiinf ofOu-l'eyr. fordo* U« brigand* to break off acgutlatleot. and iha band nhanind tu quartan - Kilo. Tba want bar —da travel in tba mouoiaJna n dreadful ordeal fur Ml— «oaa and Mate— IWka, cacuabmud a* they •are with Urn 1 attar'a Infant. Ifarr change of caoty oaenrred at night. Tba OMuutala roada ware trtqarollj l—rar lBJ|ua»ab*a. luring often deep In anew. Tba brlgaoda tiMated their aa kindly an tba nlina—aa ted, but tba food eupplr waa Uy yrtearioua. tbaaxb tba Udlaa wvea gireo lira beat tba laboayitnUla oeaatry afforded. Tba atralo aad aaayeaaa >quailed tba ynyeical bardtblpo. Tba cayUvea — oa lima knew lhair •hereabouts, tba brlgaada alaraya Veil la* ibam tout (bay wan *at la Bulgaria, aad May am ut aaaatauc fear of na nuaak by tba troop* when tba frieodth tp of tie ortlvaa wad aat alwaya able to prevent there aauaiag alaaa opou lha trail of tba baod. Aa equal enure af aaxlatf waa tba baby ufalah. It waa freqataUy faarad, uould dla front as—are. But until If ovum Mr Sad Ad tba American —Imertai corn la tauub with tba band, which wa* (faun eeubliabed (a a cava aaar DobRstt but fear of tba treop* forced tba brlgawdu M an outer flight. Tbit wre reuda ta a blind lug anew etorm, wbMh covered Me traakt of Me untiewi. but aaaard biller aofnriiga la tbeeaaltmo. After tble tba brigand* urereiffl la eomplaterly Mediae the aalhorillua. aad toward the aad af ff ay MB bar by a >aag circuit tbty —fled ta return lag to tbetr old haonu It Uc BthwAre dlatrtat They than aauaad tu be at—laud a y—rt Mat tba etpUvaa ware dead aad ft— that time managed **>«»* Mire (Roue aad Madame IbOku aafcly under cover rail] tba actual retrace of Ma captive* took ftltnvliv LtMlMdU It Mama to bo a i\aC>CM^S^t'V, |0Trftfc»