PPtbkNgafwItbtPoMeplgaaia ****** •#***P to elUnni tiium. l>ce dollar paid now getiTuc Gacetts *!**'• It will come total weekly oiler April 1A . TP _~iTa alaeo, btlpt. Hew local paper among tba eNh ******* ***** aboaM nrwmtod it to ***** PCBWMleo family. Xu Si ***7» * "A • pagrr a ad a Mbi *■** *■*»• ApU IP wn get it m par. Altar tbe data turned Tu Ca ***** will coma twice a work. *•**•*•* «pra u» atHI piling

a «ra*»-P« exposes. Instead of mount **• bits tbs 1 tones ate of dsttarst wssld torsly rwa into tta bsadreds. Tto pieoeof amstoaS^S between Cutsets aod Mas has bars • ... t>udoss arrenoo all winter oo tba ralue Wgaodronda. At LMasad and at tba •uaread oars toUaeof mod b&t oo tba yotou road Itself aero la tba won* * ******* aM was a trotting grade asd “■"■A ■"•*«■ to advaataga H would be If all asatlOba Of tba county tbs adraooa attSft oa lasaraaoe relea recant* mis bp tba flsstb Beat •toTarl* I asailauso ooa oao to la. TP test that aaeb eoo m p tto refusal af tp wbbtp tapeoaetaPa by a ferliwg H Slate •* t» labor asd bop tPi .a, wla tba ..ottto uip, Mr. JeBnaao Wallaea. of Wish mood ▼IrglBlo Carol loa Cbeaalea! Company's AJytoto tar IBB. It eontalaa wear ** **—*» •*« Is pet ad with later ■•€!♦! tomctilif firtlltirra ltd dtpr tans tapes, asoiaasa ralaabta HatPlss aad sttor IXfana allow af pstaleP Pin. Pa a gaad Index, aod ■ *Msg«tPr Stoaf IP aKat tatewat tag pebflmUena tar tp pognaataa pwtat efwblp we bon beewladgr. UO.UMff.lak Ha High! MM bad tarn aa intaaM nNw iw about a Mkniib naiaoia. HtnUjiiUr •ta InkatM tat phawWaw proaaaaead •whiitaMaaad Um4 frtcada 414 la nMa tar Ml Mat* tioura waa a bn nutM at Mm da HrrMk k la tar hiMbaad nta tar. Mm bam two Wttatocoaiyaa lafhM, ttaWta* Itar daatftitttamatatata deploted. Tta y11!** —* ■ ■natar at ita Baptiat Cbarefc troa wbiaH tta faiwral aurkn ?”**rtaBy targMknr, Bar. B. h !***>>tataatUta Tta it gtaaMMml la tta acBatrry at tau*aM^MBby? %y. B. L. Bata, wtih hi* ort£, •ntrtabjsM taii.-iuj nnlat aad WCatrad tta eoi, .Auitatlooa of ttalr Mnkl who had t .rpa rad a tomb 5*T*taaj»»tby tain ,-d fnrntshad It. Tta fainJtqra waa giam aa a praamt jjT^ta —HI IrtradanC tta happy young w* tarn bam brrtag a aaaaoo of pr.achtoBdjmog tta part WMk. Bar. y BawiriM aad Bar. Ur. Tblgrr WMidri tentaa laat atak aad wUMarrdttkbty odd enartnlan*. Bar. Dr. wam, tta Preaidiar Kldir of tta Btalby Diatrtat. held tta ****** a a** tarty(bultmti bait •*!««• Jftati ™ atao i>.Mcbh.a •k tta BaptM chttreh aa oauat sUnd*> Mrwelag aad night. BM.TB. «. MaUooer. agent (or tta Ktaol* of tta Waatcm North Carolina J'°n***K'*r, waa alM oo band aad ia kU ■•tataM# atyla reptoacatad tta **2? fc"l5*y®0* tate » OoUaoUon. n» McAdnfllto Fm» OUee ha* ■gala abaagod poat-fiuMtaea. the prarent iarawMMtatogO. W. Rawfatt. MAlwnOdiN ta awe aloft. LttU* Lana, daogfain of Ur. aad UnLO^U Webb, la any tick with • BtaBattle Uaagaw who* tta *Uk IIM laat weak bat la tatter aaw. ▲ aowber af oar paopU who laid taia than uai aad war* aacetoatad ar* eotaplaining with aor* atb*. Ita wow earn wet* M. J. Hay and M. S. Uowm bat thgy war* ant atrtmuly af tailed; it mty “took wafl.” rwvwv rvvvvvvv'oivyvwvvvwv' STANLEY NOTES. 8 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOg TW Brevard mill dam flee atlas uorth olStanley wbtob waaeoudemaal ■* the last term of Lincoln court, la teiM tom out tbla woo*. Mr. Ueary IMUofer baa tba ooo tract. Saparvlaor Eddlemaa boarded the train bare tba Brat of tba weak fur Hutberfordtoo. By aoaaa a la charge of tha turnout and Mr. Bra eard Uaabergar waa the proprietor. Mr. C. C. Moor*, of Iron too. la oua tern plating moving to Stanley ao^a no baa ranted a bonding from B. P. CwpMter. Our dramatic club la practichig for a play wblob will coma off anon. Tha Bock oak-land llatten have aeoond o Dew ball gtonnd much more ooevealent to town, and »re lu high gka at preaaat. Tba aoeall pax acaro naa abjot sub sided to tbaro m a boiler tbat It taoaly a form of ekMm-pox. Mr. Chart la Childs, of Llnoulatoa, pprwtj^Merday and to-day In Stanley Plowing began In oaraeot oyer hero today. Sinew tba apriag days but ooaae, MOM af ear older dtlxene have ap paarad In town, who have nor been bare for montba. jsirsc- — * Tho walla of anew nraidenoe ooo bo MMSotog ap la won Stanley. Brown PMaaraw la tba baatlar. MOm Withers, Bag., la still condaed to btaraom. Mr, Sewuei Sherrill, of Clevohmd laaaad tba Jvaklaa ahope far tbe mom aad H dally giving aa tba •ark chorar. j -aituiPOTt. !*• SwYlca of Lba LotU mm MM to IMIW •Imm. TM --l. tto. W. — Ma loriwarml ■oMtihN MhOTlaomn* « laiaraatlD* mi SS" Mm m tlto Aufaburf TM IretoM m« gtraa !2!I mlM to»d in Se^kss •MMjrrto Mfcool m4 PrtKarr Da JAlto Mlaa MaM Dvratbaai Volf "TSSmI. W SMrltf a ad Mr a. ■^mrfrr"4 ,*fc*‘'* _Ml PMWkU M. lU imimi P** Mm M* MMMd to M 4ut»* " Mr. MH OMMr vm la (•«« m IMv tin. M'Imhmt baa Mm *M Mm 22*ftr Mr MMM MMto »... iurtta anui Hurnr. *' •**•«■» Istllst Ml* Ks—I— ta CSS. wsmumi i ucsBwyab. R«p<*a clans* Klull * uuul» a twenty ■Mat**' H»sch Ud.> la •’ppoalllon to UM Load Mil. which pi opuses to put tbs rural delivery *jN«a <« iba oon treat baata aad to tat uw toot** to ifca lowcat Udder Mr. Klatta evuwatlcd iu neatly that soeh a change would role iba system. Baral carrier* ar* »» paU MOO per annum aad tb* pro poaad otjrot of tula MU 1s sonaamy. -U lb* polity of tba dalirrrr of mails to eltUa-sat thou Homes bo admitted.” mM Mr. Klaus. -1 ata aaa no —rni •hr tb# question of economy sboald •Hat a* lo Iba ratal swrtaa, mot* tbaa ta tbaoity sen let*. -t niwrin why, stoii a Mly carrier who worba ta eomfart. walks oa atasiy fixed par* is, aaada o# coo rays oca. baa all Mid*y* aad aicb leave*, and worba right boor* a day, free Ira* from WOO to $1,000 par and am. iba sam of WOO should bo grudged ta Urn rural Mrriar who mast furnish hie ova onn leyseor. his own autottluta. and tiavel mealy or mor* mils* ovary day la lb* rvar over bad road*, lu tU waathar. I am lo farce of aU proper economy, >ut I bare llUla patianea with gealle »»« who auqaaaUuusbly rot* for ipproprislloa of hundreds of million* lor other purposes aad bocoma soddenly raty aoooomioal. when something ta ill* IB pled for tb* bvtlmmenl of tba aial population. Tba rare! free da leery servlet Is tb* first nasi effort to tat the farmer op someth leg Ilka Kjoslt.j with tb* city folk* as to da Itvvry of mails. It baa barn a grand naceeaa aad baa doo* moob la make Ilfs on tb* farm more pieammt, aad 1 i» ig»roo*d l<> anything which woald rnlait by degrading It In a I*eel with Iba discredited star rout* service. Th# preaant regalatioos putting It uadar llvll sarylon taka It eatliuly out of politics aad make It abaolaUly non par tlseu. Mr. Klutts paid his respects ta lively [ashloo to tbe provisions of tb* bill sad Ha supporters awl had axotllaot iMeolkra aad litoral applausa. lu fscl It was owe of tba best sparehes of tba mss loo. _ *tw« main. Doid Pauocefute. the British Aniaa. Mddr, la an a ?tall to Mr. George Van drrWit at hta Blltmcrv estate. It la raportwl that tba rmtoni is ibippiag 1.000 bosks Is of seed ooro nail to lbs needy farmers "1 Arkansas. Cs|it. Richmond lVarsua Hobson was lo lecture la Statesville last ulgtat no. drr tbe auspices of tbs Daoghleis of tbs Confederacy. tra MeDaeld. lb« Atlanta mail olstk who had small pox in Charlotte, was pronounced cured after two weeks sod discharged. Tbe ateamahtp Oriel cleart-d l«st week from Galveston. Texas for Bre men with MT8 seeks of ootlonserd meal, valued at 18899 Two bew enterprises wbkb are being talked tor Statasvlile are a fruit canning mtoWtabaMot and a handle and spoka factory. Mlta Alice Hosaaveit, tht daughter of tbe President, whose tr*p to tba English eurouetluu baa been called off, bat gone oa a rutlt to Cub*. Tbs Eorly-secouJ Aoonal State Pair nfNor'.b CaroUtia. will take place at Kalelgb, October 97ib to Mat, next. Preparations ora on foot lo rnako tbe Pair of 1009 eclipse all olherr. R V. Dttke. B. L. Dube, Washing loo Duke, sod George W. Watts offer M.000 in cash for tbs Bed Meu’a Or phanage If located at Durham. A ■Its of twenty acne near Balelgb tv offered. Gov. Oddi, of Maw York, has been Invited lo attend the centennial of tbe bmndieg of Ibo Salem Pamela Academy nod College at Wlastoo Salem during the wish beginning May 83. Mr. Enoch Bowen sod fatally, of Bra'id Island, Meb.. are visiting rela tlvae id Davis euuuly. They made the trip In n two buna wagon. Mr. Boweo moved from Darla to tbe far West 46 years ago. Shelby (M. C.) Onteo Mills baa amended charter, Increasing capital from 800,000 to $160,000. and allowtog fortbar Incraaao to not more than $900. 000. Improvements of a minor oburac ter will be made. Dr. J. Edwsid He;re, a South Caro tlann by birth and a torgeoo major lo lb* Siamese Day* for the peat thirteen loan baa recently bod ooafarted upon him by tbe King of Siam tba Royal Order of tba While Elephant. The Charleston P.wt says the exhibit of Hosiery, colored sad while, sod of underwear mod* by tbe Excelsior MID* of IJolon, 8. O., sad the Mayo Mlllt. of Mayodao. N. U., would be creditable la any manufacturers la tba world At Usoablaae mratlng Friday the rmllMt reqoeetad tka f te» m to talk to nswggapar —j—fl—|g Hwtt ■attar* ndn dbevoln at tha Mai-weakly awctieg*. It waa thought hret far tka Preelamt hlmaatf to awka gabOe aoeti malum aa ka duwid grog ar t# ka gtaaa owl. flareoftar tka Praaideet wHI do IkU. Mr. Joko M. Trott. a Charlotte ■alooakeeger. died la Hot SprteM, Aik..a few dryh ago aad hie leeeaiae were keewgkt boeM oad barled. Trott wee raggieH ta be so married gad left u aetata relaed at IflJ.OOO or (80.000. Mow a Charlotte wo area, who waa MM KUe WUaoa, oomea forward aad ■!■ aba wu eaeaetly oMrrted to Trot* Met Aagoet aad ’Sealre W. O. Bailee, ef FleerUle, who garforawd Ike Mreeteey. eeodraM bet MeteoMet. Mb. Trott, aee Wltooo. will lahiat oe rrortnog bar ekere at ike feoieiifl TnAfbeeUte. leaWOTTgCSraSuETSeereeM. Waakbwrw-Croeby Co ..ef Miancap otta, Ulna., haw not ooly the largeat bat owe of Ike deeel editing pleats hi Ike world. Their Gold Medal floor look £tat award at the Pae Aaeerfcaa Rnpoeitieo. The wheat weed (a their atM la the aery flwaet. The fleer ie a BMe golden la color, which IndteeUo parity aad otreagtfa, ead the bread will keen a rich natty fletwv, Ml fMadJa the eefllaary floor. Their floor la gngalaraafl flfltfjfefl om flfch ; floor ie (WfiHj . ... , i. A. OmwrfkCo..Oeele ale. are their aflwu. Advice to the Aged> «gw Mq) bdhwdttm, mcFh A* TutfsPills IMPARTING VIGOR_—. te «h« **«*»•«**• on* Long. twar. * x-w. m. m. Tortrllli RnqikLxrr, Sth. It can now ba Mated aa a faot. that although tba standard gauging of tba Usrotlaa and Kortb-WratSo railroad will not ba completed wilblo tba flaw agr«4 upon—July 1, next—theta Is no oaed fer diaooaregomeal oa tba part of **•# people interacted. Precidant W. A. Barter made tba matter my plain to tba board at ooauly commtaaiooera last Wednesday. It will be remain be red that oa tba laM previous occasion that Mr. Barber ap peared before the board of oouaiy coa mlaaloDeri oa the suMsct, ha agreed to .‘••rfolt tba earn of 1900 Id case bo failed to complete tba ataridard-gaaging of the road aad to pay the oommlmiooera tba ana of $3,900 fur tba one l bon land •barm of stuck that York oouaiy holds la the corporation, on or before July 1, seat. The object of Mr. liar bar’s appear aaca before the board on Wednesday, waa to adelaa the body that it waa a pbyatoal Impossibility for him lo com ply with bis agreement within the Urn specified, and to ash for an extension or tlM tlaa limit In tba natter of tba forfeit. Hoax plained that although be had disposed of the hoods nf tba read snocesafulty, and bad bought and paid fur hundreds of carloads at steel rails aad several now hr Id*, a, at a oust of $199,000, th« iwopta alth whom ba had contracted bad found it impossible to wimplr with ihelr agreeiueots prompt ly. nod inuauioeh as such W irt can be dune much o.oie mtiafactorlly and teo tiOBleally in tba summer than in the winter, the board would confer a grout favor by extending the time limit to Its oontreet with Mr. Barker from July 1. next, to January 1, next. Ai tli* Southern Hallway and tb* W. N. C. Railway company. Tbe plaintiff aaka damage* to Uie amooDt of tS.OOO. He alleges tbat be la bliod and that be and bis guide, a ■even-year-old boy, were rjeoted from a railway train at Coaaflly Spring* on account of tbe boy not having a ticket. Pinch bad beeo iu the employ of tb* Southern Hallway preview loblsblind nea* and be elalme that be had always beeo allowed by Uis railway, tioee be lost hta eyesight, Uie privilege of hav ing tbia young boy accompany lilts aa a golds, for whloh no transportation was required. It la claimed, however, that Floob always bad a ticket for him self, though tbe guide traveled deaJ heed. Reclaim* that Ukt Ms) he was rjeoted from tb* train and had to re main over night at Connelly Syringe mbm g■■■ 1 — ■mhv •* rwM« MaiiHa. taa Saeih. Mew York DWyaleb, tab. Announce meat was made to-day that there baa been organised In ttita olty an aMoeiatloo to peomota South era education, to be known as tb* General Education Board, and that more than a million dollar* had been pieced at Ilia disposal of the trustees Tb* underlying principle of tbe aseo elation U staled to be tbe recognition of tli* fact Umt the people of the South ern States are earnestly engaged la the promos toe of public edooatica and that In thli effort they abould teeeiva generoa* aid; to this and. and In pur aoanea of (Me and kindred object*, tbe aesonlailon will leek gifts, large and small, from those la sympathy with IU PISD*. ___________ »uiri,rmT~>’mr* A. Rood many paoplo laugh a( an. at • pax and bacauaa tfea typa wlileb hat •aaocaHy prayalled la thia Btata lor tba part tbraa yaara ia vary mild many of tbtat laaiat that It la not amallpox, or If It la it la ao mild that ona aaad not It afraid of It. Dat tbia aainllpai, altboagb R la my mild, bllta aonw tlana Tbara hara baao a nambar of daatba froaa It Mi thamata. In Duplin aoDDty knot Thursday Dr. O. T. Howaa A lad from amallpox and a IS yaar-aM daughter of Mr. O. H. Waddiagton. of OMaa Or art. Rowan county, dkd Friday of tba aama dlaaaaa. A. Fduua. 10. ' ** ‘ r w * ^ • * * ’' BOOK BARGAINS. SPECIAL SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1"|UR CLEARANCE PRICES and a few sunny days have made busy times V-P at the book store. But we have a few book bargains left of which we wish to tell you more than was contained In our last announcement. To begin with— Oar Teachers* Bibles an aoM)»■ |b« brat bargains In i»w lot. They air amply teauliful In binding and Id pi luting -clean, 1 nw, and perfect in every ieap*ot. They liav« the rsfervnryt, hrlpu "•at1*, 4,000 quest It ml and anaeeye, ele. Our S3 Bible* gu for ti and lb* >2 50 1Mb*** go fur 41 50. Of oouie* they ooaldo'l *Uy long at lhe*j prior*. Only three lawn one* and eight (mall oon* remain. Dollar Books for 60 Cents. Beautifully bound In Sngllah Clolh *hd finely Illustrate)!. Large hand, •oioe volume*. Catalngue price 4116 our former pilce 41.00 8,vei»l price 80 erntf; two for *100 Poet.g« IS met* y.da me extra. Only these title*: ASDKB8EK-F.I,, Tatrn DEFOB-Roblnauo Orutoe OlllMM — Pairy Tale* -Arabian Nlgfel* -Helm Family liubtnaon. SIxty-Cent Books for 30 Cents. An excel lent gllt-top amis* of ami oeot anlbor*. Come lu *>d lake nolle* «f I he paper, pn»i|..g aod binding. You vould doubtless offer u* from S0o in 78e per yolam^ Our prlo* U only 80e—four tor 4100. Postage ft cent* per volume extra. Three title* left: CHARLOTTE BRONTE - Jane Byre JAMES HRYC'E-Hole Semen Km! pi re. LORD BCLWBR LYTJTON—Le*t Days of Pn in pell. HALL CAINE - The Daemater. Shadow cf a Crime COOPER— Deer Slayer. Ton Admiral* . Water Witch. A. CONAN DOYLt Plrm of Glrdleatooe. White Company. GEORGE ELIOT— Felix Uolt. Rnjnols G. A. I{BNTY — KecIoi DuUi MRS. MABY J noLMES Kogllab Orphan*. Lena Riven. YICTOU HUGO — By Order nf the King. Uunchbiok of Note* Dame. Ninety Three. Tollers nf tbe 3e*. MISS MULUOK-Jobn Halifax. CHARLES READS— Foul Ploy. LpttOMACAULAY-SpecobJ. WALTER SCUTT Tbe A bolt. Heart of Mldlulbian. Woodatook. EL'Z’BTU WBTH ERELL- Qoercby Flfty-Cent Book* for 25 Cent*. ,* ,B* Of llieae iu beautiful boxed edition* ■Itb da.uty Har.il ildra «|th gill i«|. end aid* nbOvi) marker Your oh..loe fog 20 oenta. 1'osta,. 10 vdeit* •***•'•• Only three left : TCb.tafS A,KRMP,»-«»l'*tlon of MBS. OA8KRLL—Cranford. na*THOKNlirmM111 ,h* Fl,>“' MA-THORNE-Hoo... ..f tbe Seven O- W. HOLMES—Anloomt of tbe Breakfast Table. Turn’. Cabin. («A MB— T*f®* From Btiakrapnaiu. Here ta n Hat of atlrilugalurtaa ft* Ivy*, mainly bi.turlcal reducrd from 03oenla lo 23 caul* during ihl> rprelal »a|e puatage 10 eta. per volume extra. ANDERSEN-Fairy Tab a ^UnaEN8_ CkUd'a Hiaiory of Eng Ottldil—Falte Taira. O. A. 11 ENTY— By Right ol Oouqnrat. Lion of He. Mark. Tlie Young Colon 1st* Ftelng Deulh. By England'* Aid. By Sheer Pluck. 1« Tiara of Peril. Dnigon and tbe Raveo. For tbe Temple Maori and iba Saltier. Fur Name and Fame. Final Reckoning. Orange and Green One of iba »th. By Pik# and Dyke, Young FranB-Tlr«u*a. Bonn* Pi Inca Cbailte. lo Freedom >a Cauae. Youci Cartbagenlana JAMBA OTIS —Wood I aland Light. -Arabian Nlgbu. -Sole* Family Robin**.. 35-Cent Books for 20 Cent*. Paper printing, nod binding that you eould expect lo higb-prloed bout a Tbay »«JI readily ut K cent, or 5br« for a dollar, but to clone out quickly »# baee cut the prioe to 80 cent* or l»o for 8u oenta Handy pockrtataed W“W* Poalage 6 cent* extra. Speak at auce. CHAULOTTE BRONTE-Jan*Eyra. BUCKLEY—Fairy Land of tteieuo*. DRUM MON D-Naloral L»* in ibi Spiritual World. GEORGE ELIOT-Romo]a BENJAMIN FRANKLIN—Autobb ography. JOHN IIAUBEBTON—CouWo’t tbti No. 7 HAWTIIOKNE Hi »i.af»Ui*-r V Chair Ui'U*« ..I thr Seven Dabbs lahgbwtiud T-lev TwhwToU Tabs. Wonder Bonk. MAltYJ HOLUES-Uor. Umu* MISS MUMJCK—John Halifax. SIR JOHN LUBBOOE—pleasures of Lift. KIPUNO-Id Black aod Wblta. SUAKESPEABB All'e WHI That End* Wall. Ai.Umy and Cleopatra. REV. CHAS II. SHELDON-Robert Hardy'. Scran Day*. ANON iTMOD8-EllnbeUi ami Uar Ueraiao Gnideo. Look at These Combl nations. Ur*. Harnett'* De Willoughby Cbla.gliw IIvirick'« Un> Web of Life. :.S8 Both for II 00 Postpaid 2 90 Mra. Barnett1* A Lady of Quality 1.00 Tbe Crisis by Ohorehll]. l.jg B>Uh for 1.70. PtMipaid S 00 Scton Thompson's Biography of a Urtxay .. . 1.88 Average* by BleaaorStaart. 1.88 Bulb for 8 00. Postpaid i!5 8el**i Thomson** Llrva of tb* Haotrd. i gn Aa E.gla Plight. Dr. Jos* RJs i!. 1*8 BjU> far 9 98 Postpaid 9 60 Average* br Bb-tux Htaarl. 1 88 Do meat In Blunders of Woman ... 1 00 Bitb for 1 00. Postpaid 1 85 Btooapaataraa by Bleaour Stuart . . .78 Lora of Paraoo Lird-Mary Wil •Gm. l.gg Both for 100. Postpaid 1.70 Byron *1 Punas. 75 Klpllog'a Cnlleaiaaaa (rare poema) 1 10 Bulb for 1 *4 Postpaid 1 10 Bus turmGirl-list* Ashmore/Bab) .80 Tieaaum Ship-BuUaraoelh- a doc alory fix boy*. 1.50 Both for 1.30. PMtptid I SO Couit of Doyvlllt. 138 B*v*n Smile* and a Pew Fib*...! 100 Bolbfor l.ja Poet pa id 1.75 Court of Boyyille. 1 38 Chrbl m Story from David liar'um .75 Both for 1 00. Poetpsid 1.75 Brooks Adam*. America'* Ecooo mb Supremacy. 1 9J Tract'* Sou there Statesmen of OW Rvgigie. 9 00 rrobbtn of AaU-Uapt. Mabao 8- K. 2 DO Three moat exoallant books f r thoughtful men—the three for only • 8 Oo. p.wtpald for 3 90 Blaine'. Twenty Year* In Oon Two largevolomee.7.50 John aiermsD’a Recollect loo. of Forty Years Two aplandld volume*. ifa Both ietl on oouoter or bytipreai not prepaid for linn dr JrE!S . “f C,°“est 22nd- W« ■« oaring you some very great book values. Never mind about our making any money atthese aft*Cr ~k,ng“,e! a"i Wends. If we ™ke£e.«lea"“e sales will be sure to make us friends. Take advantage of these few remain ing bargain days, and If you would get your choice, better get ahead of any one else who may be wanting the same thing. Bring your purse spot money prices. Marshall’s Book Store. _ON THE CORNER. A. tr»m»r. SlMjealiliM. SPENCER A JENKINS, —contractors for— 8LATK ABD METAL BOOFIBti. Special attention given to Sky light Windows, Galvanised Iron Fronts. Cornices, Trimmings, and other ornamental work. Estimates tarnished from, Architect’s Plans. Correspon dence solicited. BFBlfCBK A JENKINS, Daw Dlock. Gastonia, N. C. fotiee *f leglrinttra ud • Bleelton. .£5££&at£ro,''t wto,u" «"«•». Ik»«k «ar»ra>r, hm I Marrb Mm 101b. lwdr.*’ ( 111 J * ’HI- -!■•-" -MJUtJ'.'I ll' I •fMUrftw tt« Mm. QHWU MwUt l MM1 Hint "Trb. ba’a abaoloMy |m nlWaa now, M o»oa k# waaa amwHanu enotrawar In Jfow York bM aol ik» iV*a’a (bora of all lit cottraot nark aiotn Ml v» UM OtMMMb a4«taiaiiaMaa." '•Afcl I aaopoaa wkaa bn I a nut ooar Uw Tlmr'a Mtaro ha tlttl Mn woaii Irfc.” | DON’T FORGET That we have the finest line of small musical instrument* in town, including: Mandolins, Guitars, Violins, Ban jo*, Accordion*, Antohirp*, Harmonic**, etc., and our price* are always right. TORRENCE BROTHERS, |_JEWELERS._ NEW DRUG STORE. I The Gazette'i reader* are oordiolly invited to viait toy new Drug Store joat opened on comer of Jenldna block. If yon 1 ever need drug* or medicine*, you want tbo beat and pureat | there le—the kind I handle. a M3BLcT8uWiSEn^^^rag5tewd,ph!ilraac5rihw^?eryaf oar preacriptioa department. H. JOHNSON, M. D. DRuooisr.