The Gastonia Deroted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of VOL. XXIil. GASTONIA, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1902. THE SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. The Sumi-WxkkLY Gazette is scheduled to appear the first week, ia April. Of course we are more or less depeudent upon the type magnate* for getting our new material to hand in time, but we know nothing at present to forbid the expectation that The Ga zette will meet its published schedule. It will be printed with new type from head-rule to (oat-slug. Its make-up will be somewhat changed and. as we believe, improved thereby. In contents and character it will be a little different from any other paper on earth. Of course, in keeping with its motto which has so long stood just beneath the heading, Thu Gazette will be devoted as here tofore to the protection of home and the interests of the county. It will be a paper fit to go into the home and welcome there be cause of what it brings of profitable information, of pleasing enter tainment, and of helpful instruction. Devoted to the interests of the county with all its heart and strength, it will appeal as never before to Gaston county people—to those who live in the towns, to those who live in the country, and to those who are dwellers abroad. Wc are grateful for the substantial evidences of the hearty welcome with which our recent announcements have been received in the way of renewals and new subscriptions. "The only thing I have against The Gazette," say our friends, "is, that it doesn’t conic often enough for so good a paper. Welcome, Semi Weekly! Hnrry up with the daily?" Oh, it is coming along. -- —JPBBagg"ggggT PRICE OF THE SEMI*WEEKLY. We wish to make ourselves quite clear about the subscription price of The Semi-Weekly Gazette. The price has not yet been fixed. Our subscribers will determine that. It costs more to publish a paper twice a week than once a week, and naturally its subscribers expect to pay more. A one dollar paper coming twice a week ought to cost two dollars a year. But iu case of Thk Semi-Weekly Gazette it is our earnest desire to publish it at the present popular price of one dollar. We can easily do so if there are enongh people in Gaston who want a semi-weekly at that price. If, therefore, a sufficient number of those who want a one dollar semi-weekly will say so with the money before the first of April, we shall be able to let the present price stand and to give two papers a week for the price of one. Hence we announce that all who subscribe or renew for The Gazette before April 1st, will get the semi-weekly for this year at the present price of one dollar. Whether the price will be advanced when the semi-weekly starts depends upon what the people of the connty say before that time. Meanwhile, until the first of April all who want it have an opportunity to get The Semi-Weekly Gazette at the rate of one dollar a year. The place for everybody iu Gaston county who wants a connty paper twice a week for a dollar is on The Gazette’s sub scription list. Get your name written there at once. It will cover the connty like a blanket. Already the people are coming. We would thank our friends to keep the good word going. Thf. Gastonia Gazette—prints the uews and tells the truth—Gaston county’s oldest, youngest, neatest, livest and most reliable news paper-only one dollar a year—semi-weekly after first of April. l»VMTiM4t r4cn aw* nuian Id 1900 the tea tut** rojlh of tbo Potomac ecd Ohio and eaat of Um Mlaalaalppt looted mg LouIiI.d*, had 22 par eaot or the total population of the United Htataa, and 29 par oaet of tha reboot population; yet only 0} per eaot of the total axpaudltorea tor public •eboola waa nude la tbaoa state*, aad ooly 4.1 per neat of tha *538,023 730 of pablto sebool property waa lotlme atataa. Tba par capita expenditure for public •eboola varied from SO otaU In Alabama aad 51 cent* ia North Carolina to 94.93 la llamaebnaetta and 95.30 to Nevada. Tbo average for tha wbola oountry waa 99 81; for them taw atataa ooly 8rt oenta. Th* averagepec eaptlafor ibrsa atataa waa l«m tbaa ono-third tba aver age for tbe whole country and ooly a little more tbaa one fifth tba average for the North Atlantic aad Waalarn atataa. Tbo average eatery paid taaelt' an for tbe entire aehool yaar varied from 987 far malm aad 978 for female* ta North UWnllaa to 81,2110 tor aMltt tod |I06 tec temotet In MtMtohuMUa, tha araraga for Um wbola aunntn. n dnaira of thaaa tan atataa, waa $459.09 far malm and 931223 for femalm; for them tan atataa 1179 for malaa and 91*0 tor female*. The average number of day* of aehool log for ***h child of aehool aga varied from 91 ia North Car ollna tolOT In Maraacboaatta. For tha North Atlaalte atataa It waa 87, for Urn North Uooual atataa 89. lor Um W eater* atataa 80. for them ton Hoatb arn atataa 42 K abould barmoam bared atao that ooly 184000 of Um 5,646,104 ohlldrao of aohool aga ta than tea •tataa war* reported aa aorolled la pel 'f1!* oefeoola. primary awd arcondary. Tba total aobnol fond of them tao atataa waa ooly million dollar* amt* than tba aehool fund of Ohio, god tba total vela* of tbolr mi him aohool property waa ooly on*half Urn vaiaa of lb« pub) I a aohool property of Ohio, A ganeratloo baa paaaad Unco Um eloaa of lha war between Um atataa, lad baa I near man la the prim* of Hfo whom children are so* In tha reboot* oarer bmrd tba notaaof battle or aw a wauadad aoIdler aant to lb* raw. Them atataa era rioh beyond «>mp«l tan ta aatoral ramaraaa. Tbay art 9**9j*d by a braya, a coWa rao*. Xa I* e,*“**? *® M that a nob eotapanao** ta taa above ahow each relative oan* d It loo* aa ta odaaathw t If Thaataa IcAtraaa, tba great Dam oaratla ittaaiaan, war* altveto day, ho arlgbl **0 if.* b*did la lha aarly paopto wlU haattawdad to." Thara la aw at her way Mi power, pruapvrlty and that It waa a “aawtalaa* ■ !»»•* reagb oaXtant. Wale Wright j ataTianu tuibuu^ DeeMeOIr rrtalUn CM4lilm ik>m ■ OMUiiy ip. iainni Ou«u. ProtaUy tow people know that tbe ortcteel mb* of the StaUiof Teonesaee waa Freokllo or lbat In 1786 tba sal aries of the ofioera of tbti Com moo wealth were (mid la pells, bat tbe fol lowing la e copy of tbo law ; “Be It ouecUd by tbe Geneial Assembly ef tbe Htau of Franklin, eud It U hereby aoaoted, by authority of the seme, that from and after the let day of January 1786, the salaries of the Ooiomoo wealth be aa follow■ to wit: “Ula Kaoalleocy liie Gorcroor, par sonnet 100 deenkioi. “Hla Honor tba Chief Junior, 600 deerakine. “The secretary to kia Bsoellacoy tba Gjrernor, 600 raooooq akin*. •‘Ujoniy clerk 900 bearer aklna. ‘dark of tbe House of Comm rat. 300 ratoon akin*. “Member* of tbe Asmabiy, per dlan, 3 raoeouo akloe. “ Justice's fae for aarylnf e warrant, 1 Blok akin.” At that time tbe State of Franklin extruded to the east bank of tbe Ml aw iaaipoi Hirer end on tbe west bank waa that great unknown forest region of Louisiana it waa then a “terra lueog nlta,” ease a raw eanoe lead lag* anl Italian trading poale oa tba riser banks It waa kaowa aa tba District ef Lot la !***' *a we* aada the Terri ton of Louisiana. The State of Franklin, which beeaae Taaaeaeaa In 177#, waa alMost ae ltUla bMWB. Tbe now greet ally of Mere phie weea mare tredleg port end waa aot laid oat aa a Tillage until 1660. Falla warn ae plaoUful la those day* ae peonies, end mack better distributed for purpose* of currency and barter. Tbe pioneers were par hap* as happy, as wall contacted aa la tba ararago eitlran now. __ S55BBBHHBHHBHES S bank Oa rattan talker. WUmlaataa Maasooccr. Uoloaal D. Worthington, of Wllaon. *e now writing a uoral with Sir Walter Batoigb aa tbe eaotral figure. While tba great Hagliabmaa oarer bed bit *** "fp® »oy part of Forth Carolina, •* lolam**. to Forth Oa>o Colonel Wortklortoo wrote a -Tb* Brobee Hwor.l,” * •lory of Meeooatnattioa sod Deetruo write* to ,f0“ Wu*>“ Wrtue^lo The Itoleigh Poet on the 4ib “By the war, the tows of Colonel WortUagtoo bee reaohrd lbe^uteto Bedes tbe wreto-reoeward Booth oolWge, end he Has been larHad le dtdlrer a Itterary address ha April at that ttirlae ef enllnr* aod looming. TbeCaUmet win aeerpt iha Inriutlot. and we kwOW Me effort theta will nr base* Ula revs tat law aa a aha ratine and t»UI«Bad aprakrr. and add rioter aod rarer sad brighter la a rata le the brew af Monk Uarellea. tor he I* e arowned prises In tbo reala ef lltera tare.” • we- n*H «HIT a A Kin THhi Nn Iln Mmit UK I to Homo— hmmaiiri«or »7iUoi«rr OlUArp In iUuuCn Uuin. Moieli bap uo friend* ll la a diaagrreaUr. uucerinlu. blualertng mouth. II waa named lor Kara, lb* Uud i*f War, wlut waa Ilia aoti uf Jupiter aad ar.« »1tra> • buallug aiouod For a Belli. |ln • ». brlinyad to ba tin faibtr of Bomulua. Uia foundar of tin lie man Umpire, and taooc waa bald to great rertreum byllie Human*. Match wee t-antd for him. Thnan old Gicake •ad Human* bad uo wt e*a—nor day* uf lbe weea-no Sunday* or Muctday* or at.y ulhtr day. but they divided lime by Co tend* at a Idea. Tba Caleoil* w*r* tba Aral or lha month •nd lha Idea were tba BfWeoUi. All the tnl'miedtala (lay* went dealgoaled liy lbate, ••for lotlanea. tin third day alter lha Caleada of May or tba Oftb day Uf. te llte Idea or Uarati. Tba Bumtu tenate tlwujl brgau ila Mariana <>D the Ilea of ilia month, except that •Iter Julia* OaPar mutdtrrd tba •"nlerraary of that day tba Idea of March were obaeived aa a tiered day. I w*ut ilia youug people to know aad rtmemier ibat wa got our moalfa* from Bmnao mythology aad the day* of our weak* from tin Scandinavian mythology. Xow listen (o a pul uf thla wundarful ilory. For it la ctaaala •ad more farolaal log than lha Arabian Might*. Two thooMiid year* ago It waa tba faith and ntltgluo'of milllun* of people. Jupiter waa lha god u( ibe Gieaka and ilia Romaoa and Woden wa* lha gad of lha Nniarman and eaoh bad • *uo who waa tin god uf war. Tbor waa ilia too of Wodan Wedneaday waa named far Wodan and It waa originally Wodan’* day. Tharaday waa named fur Tbur and Fitday for hie oMkar. K*cbof Ikvaa myiboluglr* bid a Indea or laferual 'eg Ion for bad prop la and evil aplrtt* Plolo prtaldad over ilia uo« and a woman named Urla over (be other. TK.I km mkaea ■ lm n.i.4 -if-I I -_ from. It Mem* oo awful thing to put bell lo charge of a woman, but they (aid that no man wan a* bad aa a bad Woman. He( falbrr waa named l/ikl and aha had two brother* O** waa a •ortanl an big aod ao lung that tt (rapped around lha wot Id and ibon aw.llowrd IK own tall. Tb* other waa a wolf, ao at rung that lia broke tbe aUooteoi oh»ino jual like they were cobweb* Then Woden aot tl.e m*»ao taln aplriu lo make aaotiirT chain and they mads It of Ml thing* Tb* aolaa made by a oat walking, ilia Deaid or a woman, the root* of atone*, Ilia breath at Bah*., the amllea of bear* and the aoltlle of Idrdo. When Ilia chain wsa finished It waaaa aaaall and smooth and blit aa a ail sen stilus. bat no powet ou rartb could brenk Tt. And *» tln*y ctmiord him aod killed him. Hut listen what kind or a In mo Mias Hela had. Hunger waa Imr dining UW*. Starvation aa* her knife. IM»y waa lier bmii aervaul—Sloib aa her door •lap, Cat* her bed, and Aoguiib Uw euitalua to her bed chamber. So wonder aha waa cruel and always wot* a Main, unhappy aod rorhlddlug countenance This la Just a aamplo of Lbeir my thology. it dll* up aeveral book* Now, wliate In the world did that peo pl* gat all tbaaa wonderful atones. Away back Id Um ages they must have had poet* more luaglnatltm than Houwr. Som* of oar in oat trained moo syy lbay got the fouudatWn of many of them from tbe Sibto. For Um atory goe* that away beek la ago* llM peopl* got ao bad that Jupiter aot dreadful mad with them sod resolved lo deaUoy them. So ba.ummoned all Um gods to coot* to bitu. and tbry oama from aU part* of tbe banyans, uavsllog on Mm milky wey, which |* Um atrevt of tlm goda, and after taking Oounael together they determined to de aUoy nil mankind and atari with a oew pair. Sj Jupiter was about (o iaanoh a red hot tbuoderlioit at lha earth and bam It up, but non of tb* god* told him that bo had bettor not. for JM might bare up Imoyon, too. Su Im oouelodtd to use water loataad of firs, and then earn* Um flood whleb drowned ■vary human balag exoapt Dtuoallon and bla wife, wbo were good oeoou. ruej eecipea to tbe top or • mountain sailed Farnsseua and wan and. That ll vrry Bach Ilka tbe Blbta story of tbe flood aad ot Jfoab aod Mount Ararat Aod ]nua» they got (larea 1m fro* Samson and Vo lean aod Apollo from Jalal and Tubal Cain, and the Dragoo from tbe serpent that Uwpud K*», aad the glanta who tried to scale lha wsM> of haaewa from Nimrod and bU tower. Keary gvrat heatbaa god had a faeorlta son just a* our Cbrtutlaa Uud bat a Ban, There la aomuthing suWIsm and oomfonia* in am bellev IM or Iwaglalng that a gnat aod good Mag la eoaewhars Ik lha teams, overrullog the earth and tta people. prmgMrteg lha good aud pa Utah lag Lha evil. Tbe fact lbat tiila eU-puwerfel Mag a invisible makes His existence the mors Impressive. Jopilrr sat ea> throned oo Mount Olympus, Woden had a beautiful palace of gold aod slim at Valhelln aad It coetd only he reached by walking on a rainbow And waprsy to our God, seytog: "Oh, Thou wh* dwellaet la tka hearene.” the t empire made with haode. HUtoiy irtvea do aeeouut nf any people »bo did not gut I belt trust lo eons gad, and this proves our oonfesalen of weakuuae and our need Of strength from some supernatural divinity. Toe more cultured end an lightened we beoouM tbe mere eonealoue we are of ear week usee. ObIMren de pend upon their gateau until nfer up In their (erne. They do not Deed gey otter gud, but by and by lha parents pest away or fall to eu) ply ihetr to or easing wants and lhav oomee that fee ling of kaiyleasrsM «wd the want of a prnlroior. Brfl-etion eoetea with age and lha mote r> Itsative a Ben be* eemca >nd the more latefligent from eUdy and tuliorv. the more be mutt ,,,, '«“«*»»•• «"d dependants. Tteyelore- I aammt undeyaUnd baw •aebaMteeed ueatlemau at tnguMell —» * »o tmeeieue. eeeerelm end pro yet lea* akotrtble own rsUeoee. far he eaxeet tell by wbet newer be ratoae Me bead ee etoiee Ms eyea when be Will* 10 00 K>- Hr Myt b* Would Mf' planned nan; iMnaa vary dlffrrrui He would have gtvru a nun wing* aud to# power in rt*. Hr would have and* bealtli cnlehina Inrlral of diaroui H would Imvr Bade |i farlo Oolle prow* aud the; lhaiikl i n a» lira l; when Iran a* idle ohleka wlirw Ihry rotor oulof tba »brtl and ih* old non ehowM at »<JI Iw o*lu nod Mirer In fact. Iir would hare luada rveiyhnddy happy durlnw llfo aud rrvry death a paiolm oor. He ought to have gone a little Nrtlitr aud al**ll*bed dratb and then eioalednoto wnrldafurtbawovar dylog pe<t>k in lira In. Out wo an firm and havr in aubralv to thlrga aa wa find than*, nod, aa Unyrruor Oaten aald. “Mr, Ingmaoll. wtiat art you going tat do aboal It T" A>d now 1 want tbit tnoolh of Haruh tn hurt; up aud p**a away, ft I •* augravallug wty grlppa and f trrl I llkr wrttiog "aa cdr to mrlaocholy M (t contract* ard wit hot* my charity to ■y follow men. I don't ram a cent for Kaooovclt and TtUaia, nor Rpootwr nor tba Atlanta depot. Bat a* Lhr n'.d feral an prophet aald. -'Kvrn till* (hall away." Kifly-tbiro yeora aan to day ay wlfa aod I were narrlrd, bat nu our account tb* wroUwr wa* aa lovely a* a Lapland night. I woo O' # of l#u children — ay wlf* wav oov uf tvn. und wv have Ian. and they have twenty, aud no gnat eaiawitty or affliction hath befallen us. lhaaka to the good Lord for hi* mrretas. CMftif1 NONET UMR U PUR. *R« Tint flak Natl t«4«r Um al aeatlaw at Rrh Ikmio. nearer Mors I •Ferbapa tba moat lolrreatiag crta turca lit Peru are tba apea.” aald Dwight Dariiugtoo la theorbo* .if Fbll- 1 ip HllcHaek of tba Wabaab Bellamy yaatarday. Mr. Derrlagtun haa an *x iroatre pUaUlloa la eaataru Fare.! He 1* iterating fur plaaaur* a;rota tu conUnent. I “For oaolurlra paat tbtte remarkable animal* bare bara performing Wur* | •bleb la uia-lly euppoted to regalra . Luman iotdUgeocr,'1 continued ba. Natuiratleu eaortdlt Iba home, dog. and alapbaat wiUi iMiaaaaiag atom iu tellrct than all other dumb animals bat 1 balk re Ilk Per arias irh aur|iaaa a>l brataa. lo Iba baga out (oirela of 1 ay adopiad o ra try the ape* ara ot lo ' rtuotUa rilue. Wilb awaEiug 0*1* nly they pick lira rich aau from tba dark lira*. taring much Hum and eg paoaa. Mao can out do the arork In 1 Ulrica ibe time requited by iba nimbi* > Qngured apta. •My plautatVoo near Ibe Ucayali river ' con talar 70(1 ociaa, uf wbicit to area I hundred ara In nut irrea. 1 have 40 I apea lo do Iba picking far me. Toro > aallra furetaen hart-charge of the hairy- ' bodied nut gather i I hare a hug* comfortable cage fur the apea. Urge eniragb u> aoeomoi data 100 ot them, lulu tbit they march orery Bight. K inli morningaarty. when ilraparoqua s aud roar Ur l Qoebra hr* id lo oeraaa. tie for*t»»n oi*u the door* of tba aage and oat Iruop tba apri. oh altering merrily. “They are permitted to eat aiel drluk for tan mlnutai aud then led off la tbe grove aalaoted for Iba day. Four apaa ara aunt upeaoh Irwi and every quar tette baa a big Uaaket at the bottom. “While tba foremen el»g aud pliy 1 upon their moatli organ*. airuUing about from tree to Iror, aud ootlag prograa*. tba apaa pluck tba aula with great rapidity. Aflat aer era I bean tba doc nay aragona appear with mora baakate acd remove thuee already loaded wttb D01S to Uia Mg bina in tba atoretiocae. There la tbeu a brief cea aatton of work. aumninn i gu out wun my tkjiiu and play i bit. Our apes Id nit am exceptionally fond of music, u I tap. poeo nil spun ore l>» my approach thsy ohsUarr C4gcrly uod group thorn stirs* around mo. I play tunes of all kinds, but mm fall to.cbiaw with to me thing lively and apt riled. I olap ■y hands, point to lira Irraa nod do part oo ay mulo. The a pea taka the hint and the empty b raketo, oook the uoptoked trees and brgia picking with renewed vigor. ••We elwayatnet them kindly. Pua labmaot for mteoblevoaa ooodoot Is ssvsse; but rarely naosssnrj. How time* the wild apes attack the planta tion in band a and do aoueh harm. Tire dogs glvs warn leg day or night and wa shoot the Intruders aeroilwaly. After llray have been repulsed and eossu killed, wa take our apes t» the spot in solaces processluo. We straw them tbs dead and bloody bridles of their friends. Then we lock them np tor e day or more. "Tim lessen produces an Indelible Isspsvmloe upon them. They learned long ago that all animate meat to eebaarvurat tu man. They evlnee rage at tire sight of e wild monkey. They ere must valuable servants and eoaMa Ura planters to make handeomd In comes, which would lie Impossible with solely human labor." FMIaesIskle riwsi. Met long ago Captain George Blakely, of the United tfutes army. Professor of Mathematics at Wsst Point, same to tbto his hhtlvs city. Hearting lo rewsw old friendships, bo telegraphed to Prof Robert Hart Brad bury, of ilia Mao sal Training aehooi, request log him to Mil a» bis betel at bis surliest eonvteteooe. Prat. Brad huiy wrote a reply. IdsUuoUox Ura sseM to have <t tslegraphed U the Ci plate at oeoe. The msMege reached Ceptale Blake If. wbe, after reading It, aunt Prof. Bradbury the feMcwtug deepa«oh : "Why don’t you toy some When this reply .aaebeJ Prof. Brad here he wat a»«piuaesd. lie hasUeed to lbs betel end leead lbs otptala. I "Jaeh, what the doMedoyoh mi by sesb e reply ns this?" he asked. -Whet do you SM«n »*y thleT" Mid ! the eaptaln, Itehdleg the prUosrw h* 1 mtss i >a H rand: "1 ta eat el nogs* , uod ena’loemel” Prof. Berdbory had or I Use: "lit out of sorts and oan't | heme!” Ttra aster wm the operator’s. Thursday and Friday, March 27th and 28th. it YEAGER’S We will tbea have oo display all the acaaon’a umii and latest deaian. In it -—■ M *“**..Children'1 Headwear direct from the Mitanhle Millinery center*. Yon are cordially invited to attend. JUST ARRIVED—Pint ahlpmaat of Cray Walking Skirts in 8orinc and weiglit*. Latest designs. ^ * . A11 ,th*t *» «*w and np-toblate iu Waist Silk*, Bilk Dm* Patten* Orenadino. Embroideries, Laces and Applique*. . ™' J. F. .YEAGER, GASTONIA, N. C. LADIES’ FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. NOVELTIES: Bolts, Neckwear, Turnover Collars, otic. **^**S*SaSSSSSS{SSSSSSaSoSa5SSSSoSadSaS«SaSafiSSSStSKSS8oSSS66fi&^ BOOK BARGAINS. SPECIAL SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd. ~52B£SSBS53BEB8& OlIR CLEARANCE PRICES and a few sunny days have made busy times at the book store. But we have a few book bargains left of which we wish to tell you more than wfi contained In our last announcement. To begin with— uur i esc tier*’ Boxes an among tba beat bargains la the lot. They ar« amply beautiful In binding and la prieUag—clean, t ear, sad perfect In carry rrepi ot. They hare tba rafrrracra. helps »iapa, 4,000 aoealbuia and aaaana, ►to. Oar HjuUte ■« far M. sad tbo »1 80 fib-re gj for ftl SO Or oneraa tbry couldn't atay long at three prices. Only two lain raes and reran aatll onaa remtlo. Dollar Books for 60 Cents. He»ullfully hound la English doth >nd finely illustrated. Large band* some min rare. Catalogue price SI SB, oar former price 41.00 Bnecul price 00 cent*; lwo for *1.00 Pnsiagelft c»*.la r. lume extra. Only (bear tltlra: AKDEB9EN— Fairy Talas. DEPOS-Robleeoe Crusoe. GRIMM—fairy Taira. -Arabian Might* -Swiss Family BuMaaca. Sixty-Cent Books for 30 Cents. Sa excellent gilt-lap series ot <mJ ■NMt authors Onaa la and taka notice «f tba paper, printing and binding. Yc« world doubtless ottar ua from Me tn 74o per rulaaar. Our price to aaly sue—faur far ftl 09. Foal age « teats par ralaaa extra Tbeaa UUre toft: CHARLOTTE BROMTR-Jaaa Eyre. LORD DULWEB LYTTOM—Last Days of Pomaell. HALL CAERE— Shaddw « f a Crime. GOOPEX Wrtrt Wit eh. A. GURAM DOYLE Firm of UltdUtooee. Whits Company. MBS. MABYTuOLUEd Bagliab Orpines. Lean Rivers. VICTOR HUGO— M lusty Three Toilets of tba Bra. COABLM READB—Foal Play. WALTIRSOOTT Daart af Utdlatblaa. Wood at ask ELZ’BTU OETHERBLL—Qaaaeby Plfty-Cent Books for 26 Cents. A law «r time la baaoUfal bowed rdltloaa with dainty Bora! aidee. wltb glH lop end aid* ribbon aurker. Your a bairn far ift east*. Postage 10 aaato extra. Only tbeaa left: _- —R--aL s _ a THOMAS A'KBM PlH—IuUalloa «f UtiilM. MBS. GaSKELL—Craaford. G BOROS XLtOT-MlU tl* Float. U A* THORNE—Hone* «f the dates Qiblti, LAMB-Talee Frees dfaeheepeem. Hare la a Rat of Mitring etariaa tor kaya. asalely btoUrtcsd. ladaeatf (na SO eaata tn 15 earn* daring Ikia special Si5SSSK“*,,W?~“~ CUOPKH-LtMOfUMHAlMM. ' DEFOB- Bubluaon Crasoa. WICK BUS-CniUPa History at Bag lend, G IK KIM—Fairy Tatoa. G. A. HKMTY— By Bight of Conquest. Lma a( At. Mark. The Yoang OaloataU. Faring Death. By Bngfcadto All By Sheer Ptaak. in Tinea aC Peril. Bragoa aad the Bssss. For the Taaspla. Maori and the Settler. For Beam end Fane. Final Baekaaiog. Orange aag Omen. Ooa of the 95th. By Pika aad Dyke. Young Fraaa-TIrau'*. Hoaala Prteoa Chari*, in Fmedanto Caaoa. 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