The Gastonia Deroted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the VOL. XXIII. _GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, MARCH 27, THE SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. Thb Semi-Weekly Gazette is scheduled to appear the first week in April. Of course we are more or less dependent upou the type magnates for getting our new material to hand in time, but we know nothing at present to forbid the expectation that Tnii Ga zette will meet its published schedule. It will be printed with new type from head-rule to fool-sing. Its make-up will be somewhat changed and, as we believe, improved thereby. In contents and character it will be a little different from any other paper on earth. Of course, in keeping with its motto which has so long stood just beneath the heading. The Gazette will be devoted as here tofore to the protection of home and the interests of the county. It will be a paper fit to go into the home and welcome there be cause of what it brings of profitable information, of pleasing enter tainment, and of helpful instruction. Devoted to the interests of the county with all its heart and strength, it will appeal as never before to Gastou county people—to those who live in the towns, to those who live in the country, and to those who are dwellers abroad. We are grateful for the substantial evidences of the hearty welcome with which our recent anuouucemeuts have been received in the way of renewals and new subscriptions. "The only thing I have against The Gazette," say our friends, "is. that it doesn't come often enough for so good a paper. Welcome, Semi Weekly! HuiTy up with the daily?" Oh, it is coming along. PRICE OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY. We wish to make ourselves quite clear about the subscription price of The Semi-Weekly Gazette. The price has not yet' been fixed. Our subscribers will determine that. It costs more to publish a paper twice a week than once a week, and naturally its subscribers expect to pay more. A one dollar paper coming twice a week ought to cost two dollars a year. But in case of Thk Semi-Weekly Gazette it is onr earnest desire to pnblish it at the present popular price of one dollar. We can easily do so if there are enough people in Gaston who want a semi-weekly at that price. If, therefore, a sufficient number uf those who want a one dollar semi-weekly will say so with the money before the first of April, we shall be able to let the present price stand and to give two pQpera a week for the price of one Hence we announce that all who subscribe or renew for Thb Gazette before April 1st, will get the semi-weekly for this year at the present price of one dollar. Whether the price will be advanced when the semi-weekly starts depends upon what the people of the county say before that time. Meanwhile, until the first of April all who want it have an opportunity to get The Semi-Weekly Gazette at the rate of one dollar a year. The place for everybody in Gaston county who wants a connty paper twice a week for a dollar is on Thf. Gazette's sub scription list. Get your name written there at once. It will cover the county like a blanket. Already the people ore coming. We would thank our friends to keep the good word going. Thb Gastonia Gazette—prints the news and tells the truth—Gaston county’s oldest, youngest, neatest, livest and most Yeliable news paper—only one dollar a year—semi-weekly after first of April. . —-1.! . |.— -L- . . I ■ ■ ■- ■ TUI II* nil aCMIDT MIL tl* l«Mn m It fiwul tba Vo»*t«c mxnUm.Bt"n,T Tba ahlp subsidy bill, aa passed by th* senate, ia divided iota two parts. Tba Brat rater* la oasao mall vobaldlva and author laaa, until July 1, 1010, eou traeta tor carrying tb* mall* for taraoa of truss 6 to At lean year* botwean tba Ualtrd Stataa sod each port* as will bast serve tb* postal and commercial Interests of the United States, the con tracts to go to tb* lowaet rrapoaaibl* bidder aad to expire In 1810, Tba itaaraahlpa carrying malls ara to ba elaaatOad aooordlBg to toosge and spaed aad pay from 1 07- cent* to 97-10 easts par ragiatarad ton for aaob 100 ■Ilea on tb* outward trip and ara to b* accepted and suitable for auxiliary maters la eras of war. A certain proportion of tbalr craws ara to be Amariaaa and tbay are to narry one apprentice boy for aaab thousand ton* of register. The expenditure la to be net mart that <8.000.000 natil July 1. 1907, aad afterward uot to exceed $8. 000,000. Tha right of oougreas to oaoed or repeal the bill V* aot to b* coasiderbd no impairment of aontraeta made under It. Tb* saoood part deals with general subsidies aad deep ana Ashartea. Tb* janaral subsidy la limited to salt or steam rasa*la slaaad not Isas that A. 1. of orar 1,000 ton* register, and haring * speed of aot laaa than eight knots, aangad la th* foreign trad* or with the Philippine bland*. For the Brat tra years after accept ing bounty they era to ba paid If cent* per gross (on tar aaab 100 Bills* sailed, and thereafter at tba rate of 1 oeot per tow. Tba tots**, bo waver, most be aot laaa than 1M mllaa frees port, tba •raw must at laaat ba oaafoertb Asaarlaana mad tba vraaal most carry ■b meat half a fan earge aad owe ap prawttea boy for aaok thousand tons of No steamship o*o racalyt both mall awbaMy sod gsoarsi aubaldy, sad those rsoaiTiog th* letter era to wm United States mail fra# of obarg*. Vsaaal# r*. calving awbsldy are te ba tekso for the Mbna dafoaca spco fair taloaUow, aad are wot fob# said rxoapt by owoaaat of tea Secretary of lb* Trromwy. Foreign balk ship* era tetrad from parilrtpatlaa to tba bounty an lam an prwsaly aMpalatad In tea contract. Two psaaais engaged la dasp ara fltelag foe aet Wastes a thraa mootbs of tea year, there la U b* paid « per ipem teu par aoaaai, and te aaob Amariaaa rdtltea earring as a member of tea moor, <1 par month white ao am plopgd. At teas owe-third of aasb Ogjjste b# sempsard of Amariaaa fery mss ws «*w. White wo favar tb* *1 ration #f Atwa ter* by pop*tar rote, w* do aot alalia that H w2l result to te* Oteottoo of batter mea ta tba San ate. It la aaaaa Umaa tb* earn that th* man with Urn meat ismmr-rtt a* hia earomsad estate* tba nrawd m(.> in imsimiB.. wim o—olaa, la In Tan. IHU» »aj> la prtoaa tor tkCHar ■ •w Tor* Xrcutnjr Sam. Pot wiling bin daughter. Joan. U year* old, to a French waller for 360. Fmtio Pollto, a French Canadian, liv ing at 133 Waat 10tb (treat, was esc teooed to 16 vcnn in prison and fined 11.000 by Judgw McMahon In Part 1. General Sessions, today. Tba waiter turned Bute's evldeoce and PDHtlo,was found guilty oo charges of aawutt sad abdnotion, a ten years senteoee was lapoeed on the former charge and five year* with an aoooca psnying Ooe oa the second. The other chargee were preferred by the Childrens Society and If lie is oonylelsd oa thaw they may add twenty yean more to the erntreor. On nil these charges Pollto has been held as the eocewory. The sale of thogtrl took place lo ttop Uaher,;1000. She was taken to the bouse and detained there. The girl's mother. It if sakl. wee prevented from making a oomplatat and the matter did not ouoe to light until recently. The welter was then arrested. He tamed KUle’i evidaeee and then indict ments were found agat net Poilio. He pleaded guilty to ell of them. In oowrt today the man's oooneel ••ked fee aa Interpreter for his client. Judge Ms Mahon waa SO toosussd at tba "rotting nature of Urn erlma that he |^UA , “He’ll need no Interpreter when I ««* through with him." Wtoat le a r»B WerthT Sow Tor* fna. My old frleod William H. Plumb, of Basgor, X. Y-. waste me to tell him whet a farm to worth that gtvw an assual isoomo of 1*500. and what lo the Taloe of a sow that fires *13 net lo milk and butter a year. According to tba system of farm bookkeeping with which I bats long barn familiar, this *000 loco ms masse that there Is that sum toft after deducting tbs scat of M«di, planting, cultivating, harvesting, cud stoikstlsg Urn crops, Wing wages m all lbs help, feeding tbs bands sod all tbs clock, clothing Uw family, paying the tares, paw rent, tickets to the aVrcue, buying a new •» two, repair lug the oarrtogss, wagooe. and imtfamsiiU, expenditure hr cbewtog tohreso, smoking tobeeoo, P*to**_tvw. »*lloue pf wbtohev now gad tkoe, ala., world without end. Soeha farm la toe valuaMs to sell at soy yrtoa. Aa for the eew—why, As la worth, aeaotdlag to the asms ga.a of boek keeping, a good sarrytog and three brao-ucahw a day._ Alexander B Shepherd, who far three years waa A the bend of tba OoverMMftt of toe Dtstrtot of fJtolua hia, aed who want 646.006,000 la Im proving waAioftoa, to returning a •RHonalre from Mat too, wbttbar ha •"t pr set I sally yenattraa hi 1676. Ha •aafurtuwatala alrbg venture*. Ms la «T yaara oM. *»»« HIMMMVa. Mil Mn Im IMak Mappr Time la Haw M NmsI. Pill am U Atlanta Cbaxllanoa. T bellovo tba tsilleanlu'n emi lisa onbiided for a while. Wllblu my ra oollrctiim It bobbed uu thrv# or four tlmro aod excited *<v>4 poo pie all over tbe country, for *<» d paopte with it to coma and lie* inliopo and expects tlou. I r«member when William Miller. of Massachusetts, had all Naw England rxctted. for lio til a eery learned man and a (looses cbrtotlan aod believed all that l>r profs said. Kor lea year* he exborted l bo people to ho ready for lbs eomtog of Christ la IMS aod area fixed tba day wbsu they would sea Him drioeodlag Ipib heaven lo maguitloriil glory aod escorted by Boars and Elijah and a ratloua of angelo. Ho bad otrrr 00,000 devoted oonrert* aud the night before tba promised day they arrayed ihetoeelvae In »lilt# raiment and aaog and abeulod and taayed aaUI morning aad then climbed the high bill# aod the tree tops and tbe aolire of tba chore has to meet Him as ha neared Uia rarUi. Dot lie did not eome. aod it nearly broke Ibeir hearts and Ihry liked lo bavt perished to death, for they bad girts away all Ibeir earthly pun Vrxt eats* Dr. John Cummings. a very learned minster of Lnodea, who wrote a book oa It aad fixed the millennial year at 1809. Wo worn fighting over here about that time aad lha millennium bad to be pootpoord. Tba mllleonlam meant lbs reign <>f Christ upon tbs earth for a tboasaod years, when everybody will bo good and there shall be ou moro death nor pain cor sorrow and there has not boon a century etnoe Hks orastfixlow that tba rvligtnoa people have not bveo tooting for ills oomlng. Tbe Christiana got Ibeir be lief from the prophecies of Daniel aad from St. John and Sr. P»Ur aud later oa from Irsniea* sad Justin If ally r, arid lbey daiigfatad themaelvas with dreams of glory that was sear at band. Soma ot lbarn declared there would b* no mare winter*, no mute nights and everlasting well* would roo with bossy sad milk and wins. Jerusalem woold be rebellt and tbe Intils of tbe north would bo oolomol mad never dying. (Jon notable writer said that rvery grape vine would have 10,000 branches and every branch 10.000 shoots aud every shoot 10,000 baaebes aad every bunch 10.000 grapes and every grape would make Si Ballons of wise Good (melons I bow ibirety that fellow must have brva. But tbs mlUeonlooi did not coma, aod by sod by Orlgeo, a very wins aad guod man. cams along in tbe third cantnry sod daolared that them would bo iw such grapes, but ibatCbrlet’e coming wquld bn al together spiritual. .Still HU coming kept ou bring predictrd sad when the reformation of Lolber aud Calvin c*m* aboot they said that the pope eras lbo toll Coilat aud the mflleniiluni was near at hand. Next earn# Oliver Cromwell, who excitad Ms follower* with a predict ton of the mlUannium— aud so It go** oo and oa aud now It la about 11 DM for as other as aoou as no base dooa killing off tbs Philippine* aod England boo killed out all Hie Boore well, oow all Umi ruBilaaliuoa •boat Uw millMaloa vara provoked by what 1 have been read lug about tba raeaut diaoovtrlaa ©t oil all over tbs tout'try. Una ibaagbt briefs oa another and If tba comm* of CorUt la near at hand and Ula reign la to ba a spiritual one for a thousand yean and tban I* to b* no winter or night ur stokaaaa or pain or sorrow, wa wont and all ibis oil. ueubar for fad or light. And so 1 don’t be 1 lev* tbs millennium I* very near. If all tba people an to ba oonyerled and been ana good it will ba a long time off, far It la a alow proem and all tba ooai and oil that (• In the bowels of tba aartb will ba needed It waaa't pot than for not blag. Mi a* to nary won is going on more ra(ldlv ihaaevat before, but 11 la Uka a drop la a backet of water. We have got 90.000 minloua/tea la baa tban land* and they an aided by 80,000 aatiys praaebara aad teacher*, but thaw 100,010 will hay* to convert an average for aaob of tan a year to make a million, and there an over a thousand million* of boat has* now and more doming oa. But they do aot oonyert half a million a year, for lire la* report give* only 4.000.000 all told. Last year wa apaal HO.000.000 on than and ban bow over 1.000.000 childrao going to CbrlatUa aobooia and ban 93,<W0 afaurobaa and onr 1,000 eao oodary school* baaldaa mad tael Collage* aad tnlnlDg acboola and hoapiuia aad aayluma for orphan aad tba Mlod aad tot alaoat rmythlbg that wa l»ara got and bow haaa protaelkoa to Ooo it ant I nop la tad Mila and Batrut and other *raal baatbao oeotere. The wart they hart dona la tba laat tan yean la amslag and tba ■ bduotioo of Mlaa Stooa baa teeraeaed their aaal. Thirty Billion doHart baa been profited Car tbla year aad they aay that it wa aaanot ooomt Uta wa ate at laaat old Ilia them aad tmab tba doetrioo of a olaan ablri aad a mb forlaWa boat and tbraa ate tba drat Whom I . reilal.n. Tba laat c Betel t«f«» tall* at that Bora than half the ••••B *h» fir la. Tor eeoturtea woaam aod girto bare been uader the baa and wm of ao more aoaaa^naaea lb the bouaebold I baa duga or baatla of bardm, but now they an brtag lifted up aad treated with baaaaUy aad reapaft. If tba work af bar ■laalonatlea aaooaidiabed no otoet good but tha rteeolng of woBan from the do gradation of ama It la eorth ten tlnwa 1U ooat. Uwt I what la the coat bat the aurplba of our wbakh, and that aarplea la Rot oure, bat Ood’i Uhrarfen aad eallegaa an good tbiiiga b> bnlld up aad fatter, balbow mneh ■llllooaTlaa gin to tba aaaaa af stationer Moat af tbla charity, wa on told, base fros l boat wbo are not •* • ■lltlab. ft la a UsciHabla feat that tba vara a sea baa tba Bara kb wait* aad the Baa ha a Intended toaBra the riot aad atWah, mo»t of them u;, give ate a little •or* mouey end l will take the n>k of l«etag hwTii Peal mid to Tlmuthy; “Otl* to oot godllam. bat god Hum *IUi annual air at l* unit gain. Wo tooaglil e<<blng lulu Ihl* world, and U to dtrtalu wo OrD Mr; nothing iHit aad they wbo would ba ricb ball Into umpution tod into footlah and hurt fill luau that eaat men Into prrdittoa. Ttw Ion of m may to tb« root of all oeil.x There to a aaraoo to lira by. but It to baid to do. Soot bow I eoo’t h«lp wtohlog I uad a Httto toon than I bare got-not for my mlf, bat my wife woo Id Ilk* a anrrteg* end bom* *ad rid* around tod taka lha grand ohildrea. aad aha would Ilka to hare •vise money of her own to diva away •ad hay litlla promote without eeklng me every now mad then for n dollar or twu. San duaa hate to du that, and I d.-n’l let her when I hava any te aparv. ■ktoalan rUlyiew HMwmuod Mawa. Tba at law lloo of Senator* liner. Till m*u and Taller end of the au String tierrga Krrd William* la detor^atla” ly Jlreoted to tbo Utoel report of nut rage t o balpto*i patriot* of tbo ftiilippliH * by rmtoaarleaof tie United Statea. It U reported from lha Inland of Ha •Hilo a here a Moro oitutew ventured too near a crocodile. Tbera to dark (Jguiflcanon la the feet tb«l tba i roco dib* paitakoa of lha eature of an « top**. The llnro wa* boating tba ooloputiand juit a* Uw < c>opu» U at nay time I laid a to taro and bag in to hunt Senator Tillman, eo tan greaping crocodile proeaodod to heal tba Muru. Both went la guaat of meat bat the orooodile are me to hava bad tba louaer reach and bo got there flr»t Ha opeatd himtrlf baopluMy and aSabtv aod Invited oar follow cHfCm to aumo laaatbo groaod floor and bo gruweil. Tbera art a momentary mtooaleuUUoo aad all tba orooodile got waa moot of oa* of hto antagoatot'a thlgba. Tba Muru cUitfu g»l «w*y with Uie rvot of hlmaolf, atlll Haro bat torn Olltotn Uau be waa hr fora. • • a An army aaranon took bold of wbal Wa* toft. Ha found, net orally, tint hto peltoot h»d lout flaah and that hto *ya um narded baltdtagup Ha wa*abort a tblgt aad lb* on* way to raatora bio wm to borrow tevrr*l pouuda of nattvn (tttloto. Tlw Dato «u tpprtM to. It ap pears that lira Dato ta a tied of a pc* •last bni*, or oMaf. and there aro 00 ■nitty of tbam as to aaggast that tit* lllto should be spelled •■Ditto ” The Dato culled oo lila tribesmen to oocne In and b* siloed for Uw rehabilitation of their comrade. They objected Xo uian likes to rroalre iho out direct Irom hia aorarelg*. They said they needed all tbs akin lbay bad la tbelr o*o tail etnas, and aaitiaallth* dot hr* they sear tbelr objection appears to bar* so sea basin la reason. 1q fact, wbau a i-titava strata Burning but bit •kls. It la a qoritiou a bat bar bis ip peeiaoce with pan of Ibal goo* sou Id sot subject bin to prosecution for In decent exposure. They deuouuced llwlr Dato aa a Sbyluch wanting bit pound of drab—tbs democratic liter slur* of U.a last presidential cam paign being popular m tha Pbilipplnas —from next their hearts. He said It waa a matter of tndlSeraoea to Mm where It asms fr*m but the cold fact cartels amount of meat and afclu to meet a dellete&ey. Hla subject* re joined that It was a akin gams and a graft and announced themself** In a state of laaairectlon. • • • Then art awful tiling bappei.d—a thing to task* Oaorge Kml Williams groan at tight to thlak of. s a a The tribe waa rounded up by United Hiatus marina* aad aaeh individual waa tbrowe down and forcibly deprived of a section of his own skin, wiloli waa • immsdlststy Inoorporaiad with lb* person of th* asntlsiw who bad Iho interview with th* crocodile and whom thigh bad Urn benevolently assimila ted. Bach botnUe elllxyo waa made n marked man against hla will, from each a place was conquered at the oont of war. I So Ibe lofeBout OObaM of centra ! I tart loo aad ooaaaa trattoa waa oairlad lout at tba tuuaaUoaof aUaltodiMalra i officer and by Uaa aid of Ibo aoldtom of our (OfaraaMOi. Tba oroeodlle-bU ! aag It now a peraabolaUup btda truat | an m Bilge ob! ton of tbo wbola trtba. iltob tore aad eaapafal ana patriot Bay look at Mb aad try ta Idaatify bla owa par tic la of Mat going a haul la another* lap and pot beyond tba control of ita oilplnal owner. Boob la part of bla aad ba baa part of aaah. They ara aU of tba Saab aad pat not fa*rotoi»iotu. Jt tbit tpallatloo pant un tot toed wa tball be aurprlaed. Wa ara llataaiag . for lit* cast brceto froB tba neighbor I hood of Boatoo to brliB on tba olatb of ! Uia raaouadlop jawa of tba parpataally ; aagatabed WlMaa*. Un aaa do bo bat lban deMod that tba outuga ba andaite—that tba orooodlie (aaowetinp ! to tbo oatopwa of tbta country) ba ro qutied to dlapoepa tba tblph and that to each of our aoffttlag aad dtap ailed fellow ottlaaaa tball ba tnatarad bla own aaatloa of blda wbaraof ba wmt un lawful uni Bout lotqultoutly deprived. Wbat rlpbt baa lit* poearaaeat ae iu rrpvaaan tat lean—a liaoptity and un torapaloua toldlavy-io take tba aula and Mat of • M«ra eiUava and baatow it oa aaotbar thkarn f Maata Weapta C«'» DB»nlwt, AaiiertHt C1ii»m>- . Bob# narrow Bbided people ara tu* quirlnp how U ia tba fallow who wulba ufl with • wbola bank (uaa fiaa. wblla tba Baa who Bill a baa beeaoaa ba’t hangry peat a> ta tbo penile oil »ry 'or a two yaaia* tern. Bat there am tawa falta oho ara alwtya aaklap trouble aw q oeattona. teearieg aaear la raal tat tba dWtraaaa btlwia rabbiug a bank frata tba laatda and froB iba aotaMa Tba oatalda operator peta a Uttla Booty aad a loop tita, tba be ' Me Baa awtpea a btp wad aad paU off f: I Thursday and Friday, March 27th and 28th. ffYEAGER’S We will then have on display all the season's newest aad latest designs in Ladies’. Misses’ and Children's Headwear direct from the fashionable Mijunacy centers. You axe cordially invited to attend. JUST AKklVBD—First shipment of Gray Walking Skirts in Spring and Sommer weights. Latest dengw. All that is new aad np-to-date in Waist Silks. Silk Dress Patterns. Great dines, Rmbroideries, Laces and Appliques. J. F. YEAGER, GASTONIA, N. C. LADIES' FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. NOVELTIES: Batts, Neckwear, Turnover Collars, etc. UM. R1MUI * Trull* a* VartvOlc lto*uUar. it «h • ctiaracWrtotic mi of Com ■usndant IMafrjr I bit Ira amt lib fil la*j eetagiratos back Ktarkedorp to M Miimdrit to aa soon ■* ha I.iaod that Km. Methuen «w It to la moved. Tba pueesadoa u. hla hood* of • lira Btlltah general au not calculated le dlvlarb lira dear Jedcmant of tbie re markable deecaudaut of tbe oM French llugneaot* and lead him I a to petrosal. reprisal*. I A ireoid of lira strategy tad taottea of J. H Drlarey. lb* pro »prrout Wad owner aod leader of lira borgbave of Ltehtauburg for a>auy years of peace, would probably furnish lira Meat val uable matter fur admit he wt adapt* *f warfare that I* to be fouad oa either tide le tbe Booth African straggle. Bet apart from a military prate* last1 ■•call* Urn personality of Sum* of hi* aeeaetral compatriot* in tit* tret' Freoeli Republic, there to asothar eld* to Delator a* a mao. Whan the Boer* struck their Ira* blew Id the western campaign uy asp IntliMI the Britlali armored train on the Malehtsa Hue aed neoupylag Vrytmrg, tb* lloer operation* were directed Cj Ihtlarey. When Try burg, which Hcc out W lira lit wholly uoibettorao aed •a* au easy capture, found ttaHf with out a coectUated gvwrameet, Ura neutral* beg*a to help tuemeelvee freely to the houeahold furniture of Urn Bril let i rtddcwu. who had burned aoelh loto Cape Colony. Dtdatey blutmtf mured south with hi* Ltahtsabaig oummeodo, oaltootlog burenere as be went, e»J held tbe railway wrath of Kkmborly. Bat as aeon a* he • Warned tliet proceed leg* which were nut la accord with his area* of tb* art of war bad followed tbe Boer occupation, ha ordered every •tick of property lo Vrybutg to he re turned ta Nt rightful owner end rt oaeeest up • mueicipo) system wkieb wet found working to perfeot Older eight month* afterward, when Ura ovevwhilmlog oatabera and widespread disposition of lend Hobart'* oeleMoe moving north nr trad toted a Her movement back Into the middle Tba bank manager at Vrybarg told tba }ir»nat writer after tba BrttUb re oeeapatlou that Dalarry’r tykem had worked Ilka a perfect model, and It doea not appear that there fat a single oe Intending orients claim of aay k kid arising oat of Mo extemporise! govern miV The Iasi to lease V17burg wbra the Boer* Oacea In war* tba half deean of Bdtel* of tba Beohuanalaad Uorvry de part meat, Dalarey con r»red them down with ihatr fealHaa, handing ibem orer from oomtaaodaat to com mandant, ontll they wore eat free to taka the iralu below Orange near. Wbaa they ware **rt> at Cape Tow* no** had aay wu>da, bat Utea* of per eoaal regard, to say of Mm. J. H. IMaray—prwwowwoa bis aam Da I* Bay—la a mad I am sttad m«a of Might Halid HI* head sad taalarag are large tad M» eompiexloe faiaba pale agaiaaf hi* tall btneh heard. He la aot oaly a maa af extraordtaory man tall ly, but be look* It, a a stars I anal hemal Idea aad a maa sf aot I a*. A qalat maaeat. earnMnod wltb extra ordinary bright eyaa, glee* g sees* at power at tba brat night af the maa.' A aarreapoadant who kaawptad Uia room wMah had baa* hW q Barters ha fora tba fall af BloetafooUl*, Wa* told that of lea Dtlarey was tn bad iaaa (baa iw* hear* la a eight. 8* was always parapaslty mrlag In tba aarrytag oat of hla plana. It waalw who oeeneM PM Crania •ban tba utdar maa kwlatad a* sUab •rif to tba aid atyle af IgMIag, (ragtag Um bUMMi ibd from Impratriari tkoaa nchsnan* uatag tba parahe** af tba big bar poattloaa ta threw baak attacker*. u h-d bma luoorasfuHr taila IkUMraui. OaUnfaM.* "Xo; they aW mum that ara ara 1 aa the kopje. LrK ua «a aetaewbme alaa." Ha had kid way at Magaaafantala. . ahaa Im moved tha Boar front llae far* w« J and to the left tatto lee* low 1 took or rowwMUl. away fraaa Ike Me 1 bill, aad (hereby trapped theUigblaod- 1 era. How right he waa may ba Jadged 1 by the feet that Load Math nee poured < Ijdlte all the prertotta aftrraooa .a 1 tba hillside, wbera It aabatqaaatly ap peared there waa aobody. Ayala wJieo General Kreaoti atroefc raaad to tha east lor the ralMt of Kim barley. DeUrey waa agalaat Crauja’a \ plea of felllug brtk alaug Ilia Madder, aud tba Lacinauhor* man gut bla eoat ■•ado away aurtb Co Bjebef. latter with kirn the Mg nr that bad koao turned acalaat Matboaa'a caotp at tha M odder liar tba prat Iowa two Baiba. He alaa **t away tba Boar atape yaaa outside Kimberley, aad task lie* all ap to his base aMual a aaaatlty. Hla babtlually aoearate reasoning led to DeUtey’a balsa freqaautly tahaa away from bla woaCarm Tr»na yea tore t^dawbe paltiein Car other Baer Meee tba UrltMb uoaupalkw of the railway I Me aad the airetoklag oat of tba Much boose ay Mob bees Made par son*! weothwa aBooy tha Boar Isidore bow diMealt, be baa maalaad la the waMani Transvaal. at whBh snerpt leg the towaa ba la stW praattaally SSNUVa Ua la a humane, companionable raaa, out at all byu leal. ochvwtaa bla raiaaae of Math oak might have haw aooom pooled by the aapaamloa of aa earnest wish that Urey might again aooa ba la buttle. Before tba war DeUray waa a leader am sag the litoral Transeaalon aad aat on vary oordlal taraaa with tba Pretoria Biharamaai. Be la aa aldar maw tbaa Ohrlatlai* I'« teat nr Loala Bathe, la aw deeply rollelowa aa bla Hagaaal for baaaa, aad baa gnat personal ladoeooi aaaaog the country Uueta. who la tha woat of the Traasraal la cl ate a large M l*l« flf MB of Mi MB Within ntaat* day*, aoaordlng to air »UHua V»o Horan, pHi«MI tba Oaba Oo.. laabaatboo* railway af Oab* •Ul ha mM to daaUag*, thaaaaa aaeUag JUawa wUb E—tltga, aad eatlau threap* the orouc of toTuuSd al«ont IU raUr* laagtk. a tallraad srHraraiflsKi'issJs: and of Oab* baa haaa linl •ithoat Pjl Bdpt ftWCPAl ||mj| ronoln* fro* aoaat porta oa lba aarlb ar* aad aaotbar* tola* "Thn iw part km of lba ia*d>”Mjwihalroa An, "toaaiwa daooll Mplrltoo, Poarto PiTiT otpa, Uotaata and da* Late, tiaanratag grantor wait aad raa* fpottoat par tlao of Matlago daUabaattbaaatottoa caatwd. Tbl* trig git* Irandparwilna advanUgna ta aa InpatUM aaatla* af lba laiaai) whioli baratofora ha* ham alracat loaaoraalbla aad with lba faad •ra. wblali will diabUtai b* baltt to tha aoaat towoa, apaa ap law* aaatlaaa of vlrtri* aowatrydtr WiBIm* Tan Horn* I* a tolrt *f tba Ualird Stato* aad of tba bawd af dtwotor* Paatta Railway Oaan A atraaga waltad apt*__j aim aarty iiwgay rearatag aad siw atong taa aim to •*," nMMUaaana | waaawt lotbopanthaato ta a harry _

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