Thc Gastonia Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Internets of the Comity. VOL. XXIII. GASTONIA, N. C„ TUESDAY, APRIL I, 1901. CECIL RHODES DEAD: PASSES AWAY LAST WESEEBSAT. a* *ks BaUsMs Wsvs Dp. iaanwi, Isr. ■sMrtt, CM. Uahsnl M*4m mU ■r. Wellae-TWa Lam Words I'norod *>r Mr. Msiss War* isi. Wmmrn os Uto IrsSlMr KAMI Earn or Ikf *4k»s rptwal-TLs My Will |.it la SSAMa a* Iks ■«»M«atoa or skat DsMowd «war Capa Towa-rw« lalariaaaiS May Taka ritnaxuapfs IIIlia. Mkndraia. Cap* Town, Maroli SO. —Cp«II Rhode* died peacefully at 6:47 p. CD 11a elenl duricg lb* morning aod again iu (be afternoon bat Me breathing Lwcuos* moredlOoult aod ble »u*nglh pescrp llbiy dlmiDlehed until he peeead away. At ble bedeide were Dr. Jameaun, Dr. J. W. bmtrtt, the oommlaelourr or pub Ho worke; Oil. Elmhuist Rhode*. di rector of tlgoalllog at (tie Soulb A*r1 ess Held force, end Mr. Walton, a member of Ibe assembly ul Fort Elm ba»b. Mr. Rhode* I net word* were the name* of hie lirolber end eoroe of tbe otbere prteeut. wblcli ware meant tn be good-bye*. Tbe only person who at tended klm during In* illiioea aed was preeent at bli death bed waa Dr. Siev aaeoa. All the other*, Lie boy* and per euuel kituIi, were aduiltird at lb* leal. Tbe body will be takee to Groom obanr. the reeldeooa of U»* danmeert, near Cepe Town, on a epactal train tomor row. Tbera it will piobably lie Id out* for a day or two aod the public will faa admitted to elow the remaioa. ft be* no* yet been determined where he will be burled. It waa tbe wUb at Ml. Rhode* to be let erred at at Matoppo HIlia, Rbodeala. Certain of ble frlatida will proceed to Matoppo Hitt* to determine whether it la practi cable to carry out tbit with. Tbe fra lure* of the dead men era pleeldaod a death meek of them will be takaa. Mr. Rhode* we* eoueotoaeaotll 6:64 p. m. wbau be uttered a few worde aad eank quietly. Tim Immediate cause of death waa two auoeaaalre attacks of heart failure. Tbe goveroDsent be* decided to giro Cecil Rhode* a public fnneral. Hie re maioa will be brought bera from Groot eeebocr. for tba burial aareloee. which will bo held In tbe cathedral. T ie body wlU tbeu bo taken beck to Gruot eioliaur mud will eventually belotrned .ft Uaf/inan I I ill. Sloes Mr. abode* took bta bed three weak* ago, bta friend* have bee moat aoxtoua that he should recover aafBot eotly to to taka a hack to Botdand. I The ootlage where be died was a sim ple saaalda cabio, small and close to the railroad. It was tll-fltted to baa aiok obamber, although the utmost was done to Improve the ventilation and make It move comfortable Dr. Ile* eoaoo slept by hi* patlaot every night tbal be ralgbt bs In raadioaaa to ad minister oxygen, which practically kept Mr. Bbodaa alive. Tbs news of bla death apraad through Ctpe Tows between 7 and 8 o'clock this eveolog and canard profound grief All ptacas of amusement wen Immedi ately oloaed. An opeo-alr oooccrl urns (topped and the audience uncovered while tbs band played "The Dead March." The people than illently dis persed. HI* BKATM KO ICKTBUt. t> (• Tka Lai Mr. MewSi Mr pi a flm M»M BP DftM laumt, AL Iktatk Ma am Kara aat Kan Ifriuai^ Min Pwiaaaa »lw<lp la araiaal. London, Hereto 36.—Th* desth of Ceoll BMdis oausu u bo groat surprise te tboan who mar Lira during hla last v.-ltto Loodoo during the aalnler. Whether U wudu to hla accumulated anxieties regard tog tba arar In South Africa with an accompanying eUanga of pnblln fading In Koglaod toward him, thara la no doubt ba »u nlaaoat compleWlr broken down wlthlu the last two ysers. Even his appearance ohaegad. Hie ohm Uoely chiseled fans bad nr coma hloatad and hla always bag* frame Ailed oat eetll he hr came eo etout aa to malt* walk lag e matter of difficulty. He ww* frequently at tacked with aevere heart trouble* dur ing wntota ha exhibited aba stole lira which marked bin extraordinary esietr. lor did ha allow hte bodily nllcneou to laiarfere with h*e boalnsae. Among hla ueoeUtse In the city be carer men tioned them, oor did be permit (bam to be meat Insod to him. Up to tbe last Mr. llbodea kopl a Qrm grip on nil (how mat Booth African intonate created end controlled by bln. Except that be wee more dictatorial, there wee no outward change In bis method of headllng men. million* and empire*. Towards the eoota) aide of life, how ever, be scared visibly Once bis day's work at the cdlcse of the British South African (Joelpuny wen over be shat himself ap from the curious In ad on frrquactad London hotel, where bo ul to*fy denied himself to ell egeept half s doaeo favoiud Inmates. Dr. Jamceoe wee hie constant companion. I taped bobs of Dr. Jemaopo** i.'ii.orffitJoun aver attested the warm rriaodatderma ting hetwtee tbe two men Especially did Mr. Bhod>s shun the prsenot government Isadora HebUtor ly eiprsmed bis ooeUmjA of British army methods la South Africa aod probsMy osyrn “*• Chambnrlsle and Lord Miloet for not cosaselUag him or eadserurleg to otn >ee the. powerful teeoatel political mashlM wbieh Mr. Bbedea uadoebtod ly maetpnletad ayer the whole of Sooth AMm. WMh leeseaotog krttoWWly whkffi he did net best tots to feet ea plebeians or *th*v* who croessd hie path, ba grew mars end more realism Mthstmlof blelire drew tear. Urn eloslaf dors dsyotsod late ae booms ftSSS Cbsrtersd Beutb African Comps., ud Otter greet teeth Afitaea wutgrr* Rhodes' forte no bed bsoe steadily aa cemeteries, Me lari mewey ever the war. bet whet Inroad* that mad* meet have taw totting with tbe many mU lloes b* pssemmd. MMEI.BV MKI.I.U Uimmill TWWw nitlauM alia |«ym far l<l«hla Ml (lira* Iban Esclwatre Praaaliten far 14 VMM. CMialby'a Elect no llgut plaut hat paaaad Into tba hoed* of two of lu progrraalra yoyg eltlnni, any* tba Aurora. They are Mr. Aerry Me Murry and Mr. Hugh Millar. am or Mr. Audtew Miller. Furtlrrr particular* of tbe Aurora -ra ua loll r»r: town ahlar man hat* entered into a outi tract nlio thnaa guntkioarn to furutali for street liglttlag twenty arc 4000 Ob nil la |MWrr aro llglrta and 10 mauy Si oiudia power Ineaudtacwol llgbla aa a proper IrgbtlDg of tbo lowu u>ay liullcata. ”he are llglrta aaclr toooat odd par au i oum tba ioewadeaoaut llgbta toooft each $13 perunaara Tbay fuitliereni,tract to farnlali for prlrara nw incandbwaul llgbta at OOata. waob pr» month with downward (tiding *c*W for any number , la aeoaaj of tb«t number. The lowu granta tba aaetualra franchise for Id yaara oiudlllooally tba' ilahall have a standing option to puicltaas tbw plaul In foroa fjr are yaara from data of sals, uudrr sails factory coadltlom of appraiiment. Mr. And raw C Millar raprwaactlag bla aou Hugh O. and hit. A. W. Mu Murry It ft on Tuesday etanmg'a train for Ctrarlulta ahrrr tbuy go to purchnaw a large rqalpcoanl plant. We learo that baring any unfur.aan a acid act It la ax pm tad to baea tbo ptaot In operatioa by tbo Idth of April •teMt kn4 Cm* ItkMb. Houtkrru run ItiialM. Is hw Qr«l mmm to lira Virginl* aammblv Hot. A. I. Montague brought together lb* advocacy u( two Imported eodrrteklog* oloeely routed to «Mb other, which, if carried to completion, will solve morn than ooa weighty Sooifi ern problem. He nllnded to tbe Im pairment of tbe eAalaflsy of rural •eboule through tendency to multiply them. He (aid Ibd itroocer aobool*. with louge* term*, were needed; Hist they would command better leecbrri. eod would admit of lira ctaeeifloatlou neoeatary to lain re tbe beet resell* from the mosey (pent for eduestlooel purposes. Quality rather tbao quantity was needed in educalloc, bn said, and Ira argoed that lira State oould bettor ■fiord lo transport ite children to one good «drool than lo piece an lodHZorewt school near Ura borne or every pupil. Politer on In bl* mraeega be mode an oaroeet plea for tbs la pro ram eat of pebllc highway*. Virginia la speeding *boui $500,000 annually upon tin roada wltbuut say Appreciable Improvement otlbam, beetld. and be capreaaed tbe conviction that tbe deeirrd end wee to be ranched through oooetruction of roads lo acoordsooe with approved ■aetboda and under responsible, o tpeble aod acteoliQo aupervialoo. H bl* aafgeetlOD a* lo tbe transpor tation of eblldrea tn school l* p> h# Adopted, good roads are au abiolul* prerequisite, for while It t* cheaper to traoeport ohlldreu to a good school tbaa to build poor sohooli witblo resell of all cbUdrsa, It weald still b* » waste of moeay to balld a good a.bool as long a* coDdttlon* of public highways for bad# transportation. Good school* snd good roads are oeoomary for good rvaulU from taxation for public ednea tlou. )• n«« AanUa r fcmuiloa, Pa. OWpeiek. vr. J. Bryan, who I act a rad bar* (bis evening, refuted to discus* witli newt paper men tba action of tba Democrats of tba Mississippi I^gidatv* tu paw ing the Me A later rwnlulton catting looee from Dry an lam. Hr laid l bat bis view* upon tha matter will be folly act forth lo tbe coming tease of The Com wooer. Mr. Rrren, lo answer to a question as to whatlM-ror not lie la again a can didate for tbe Democratic Domination for the presidency, said that be was merely a print* oltlxrn end not a oen dldate for anything, bat he would not ■free bond not to aeeept tbe Domina tion If It waa Undared him. ■•rtMar Oehla* the urn. Terre Hauto Uaaettr. Guoner 1III1 ba» joined Gan ner Mor gan In tba elan deemed Ineligible to promotion because not up to tlm etlqaatle standard eaUbllabed by tbe oaral ring They are Ana typw of there "mow behind the gun*” of wblcb *e bear eo mooli to song and story. Bnt they most slay behind tha guns Promotion la not for there. They are not 0t to ereoeUte with nor new friend* Mwmg tbe king* nod prion**. Clew distinction#, hard nod hat, at* parU of Uw pries we must pay lo order U be a world power. reelt Prana Kmi* irrtaa Mate la catenae. i.niatn INapMaa. Procure from Cape Colony. Booth Africa, made tbeir appearance on the Chicago market today. Tuts le the teeoud Lit that baa oorea her* within thirty day*. Considering the distance traveled and the length of Mew re quired the fralt we* In good ootidl tleu, bnt lacked the high color (hat waken tbe peach a favorite with *uo vareere. There eete anly a few bextn with a dense preohe* In Mob. The price secured was 14 10 a doc**, or Iff rente eaah. A Uw doita pi ore* ere with the pea cbm. They oom enrolled 13e dotae. '__ AuintTeow. °“**Mm* Plain ttaatar. .AlSTVISfc-’'* assL.? «?sss:,Tp,HJ!:. Y«u deeariptlon ef lha yoetJT 1a to* TMft mut tit ioatUiiNf nWMeabte aboal him in eddittoet* hM poverty. Toe rey. "Weald yon edvlen we to warty a poor yonee wan V" Tee fall lo tall bow poor be la, or why. At the anew lire* with ell other advan tages eqeal. are have bnt little beetle Men I* advising yoe to marry a >ueag waa who Mat poo*. It mav ha near* U yoe, hot the fast M poverty le an ndveeUgenne thing for e levahta fonng waa aaf where safe In the ppreeatw works of ietlee. WATTERSON ON REPUBLICANISM BROICHO BUSTER Of TIE WHITE HOUSE. At Me lM«Mt el Me Vlrelata lea., •rail* laMktlw. Mmmrf WmUmrmmm ■ akea a Mlrrla* »«■■» «■» IKlI •Mralllae kaeahllraa I— mm* null VpM kaeanrata i* Um* Tmrmtomr. Chariot ta Otaorvir. Hank. CU. Washington, Mare ; 31 —About IjO ■uaets ear* preaeot to eight at lb* banquet of tbe Virginia Democratic; Aaaoclatloo room at the Metropolltau Hotel. They included Democrat* o( naUoual prominenoe end mint of tbe pollltoil leader* and Democratic meco tore of Congreki from tb* OM Domin ion. Owing to Um feet tbU tb* eoa •tltoltooal cooveniloo 1* la tettioo end tbet tbe Vlrgtule Central Aaeeably I* noerlng Ita eloee. Qorertior Montague. Senator Daolai end Attorney Oenoral Andaceoa wet* unable to be praaent Md aaol their regrece. Cel. Hobart a. Harper, preeldeot of tb* aeaoei.Uon eetod at toaet-matter. Tboen who Klodudod Um folio wing: T. W. sb, aaooed vice president of tb* aaaooiaUok; Dok. lieury Wattenon. of Kentucky; Senator Carmack, of Tea DM**. Hon. Lewi. Kino*, lb* leader of Tammany Hall; BeprarateUy* De Armood of Missouri. and mean ben of Coegrea. from Virginia. Col. Wetter ■on orwed on Democrnt* a general union of foroM in oppneitlon to lave, r I alien* to all forme. He eald t “There I* no drop of Uoed In my AJ tboegb fer parpaee* of my own, having a deep design beneath theta, I oboee tbU ooplul of tbe nation for ay birth pie o*. my rertleat rteloe ot pare d|**_tba very dawn of aU my oouerp Ilona of honor and duly and glory— nettled tiueog yonder hilt*, acroa* tbe Potomac; and, when I go beoee my 7T *7^ wo uvmom m Kentucky. Virginia’* Dm barn end {■beat daughter. There evens, there lora. soma flinew* la mv ituing among J°“- Anyhow, baiog a KaotuckUo and a Democrat, I am glad to be Kara and you will oot. 1 hops, tblok am as •aalog aay oooaacuaolUl am aad graoaa If 1 add that 1 feel eery aoeb at none. Wears Democrats. we lore oar coue'rjr. Our beans ere true te lie lu*i|. lotions. We weald rtecoe tbe govern ment from tbe hands of thorn who ere converting It loto a gorercaant of trusts, for tbe trust* sad by tba trusts, nod restore lo the bands of those wko will bare some regard for tbe rights of the people. Tbe RepabHaan party la a ■yodloated party. Arbitrary power It motor, tbe almighty dollar lla trad* nark. If It be not cheeked to tbe gait It la going It wOl la the end aerely Uailcaolza tba republic MkKANCas OF MOST OXTVOC* IMPOKT. "One* again. In the White House we have tba man on horseback. Affecting the simplicity •* tbe cowboy, be con ceals beneath tba eel f-eoc Odea ce aad 3user manners of tba broncho bueter be aentlmeati and am bill on*, if not tbe ulaou, of a Dial To him a little tblag Ilka treating as admiral of tea eayy, wearing tbe laurel leaves of im perlmnable renown, as If be were a baby la eras, now to be twaddled mad now to be spanked, la merely so eodrsa af fair. begun and ended during ofl-ao meets between breakfast and luncheon. To him the reprimanding of tbe lira tenant feu era I of the aray,grown gray In the lighting of the battles of bis oo no try. becomes an amusing bora play, meant lo ralag hie mono lee anil Illustrate lila high-mightiness, whilst warning leaser ulBoers of tbe a. ay te obey orders and *ay nothing Aa tb**» things guforward, partaking somewhai of the character of feats lo divert and blind, to bond wink public i-pinlon, a bill cf aray rvnrganliilion 1* prepared and urged «:-mi Coogrea. wbloh.if It become* a law, will make tbe power of tba President absolute, aad wfaleb It I* not too much to any, ought to be ea titled. ‘Ad Aet to Make tbe President of tbe United Stefa • Military nontenant geusial, answering Um turn nos* of • oommlUaa of Ooagrsaa, u »" bU doty, expresses ao opinion ad for« to tbla bill. It la ptopomd to ratin him from tba ssreloo. Takaa to eoo neetlon with mcm otbar matter* of mon» or low alotaUr suggestion. throe •re meoaoew of moot ominous Import. ALL rtj* TUB UTITDtOATW, MOWS POO Tno raorxa. -But taro from tba Wblta Homo to I Um capital and look at tbo RapubHotoa <a Ooogrssa. Tba troll of tbo Uada mark la oear tbom all. Old high tariff daooeo tbo eoo-ean la tbo How*, oh] *hlp aoboldy doao tbo rogohUor oa Vo-walk la tbo Senate. EearrtMog for tho ayudleotaa; nothing for tbo pao pla. And not oontoat with their arbi trary power lu tbo White Uuone mad Uwlr aiaroonary power la Oaagnm, tba lexers of tbla party of Ftdarsllsm aod falao pratraoloa would rip opea Pan don't boa to bleb tboooa Uie blank. pi mUoai dag of negro domination-tbo equally dtoreputaMeaad bloodr shirt of asotloiMl * glut loo-and. In order to mako aura of tho neat llouss. they era PrDP°*,“(* «» brlog forward auotbar *?"»• “'l l" »miu tbo Booth, to Might tbo Worth tod to oedesrt a load Iwa lag with loro aod peaoa Into a land reeking with hats sod strife. Bush la tb" baiquot to whloh tba ratt of If*. KloWy, tho stale*man, aod Um adrtut of Rooaatolt, tb* roogb rtdar, boa ln rltad oa- • napLT to nip wairrH-WAirm “1 am temetblag of o jingo foyooif. I boil pea In toe expanding areal sew and gfary of wy count ry. I rarer sea tho flsg tooting shoe* lbs doms on youdsr capital ibos my bosrt daw not throb with tbo prood, gisd thought, thojmy syso do not All with bsppy. exultost trors. toot I, loo. am w oHIboo. Ood Mm lb* lag, and God blew too bora tost 0«U ba “•oto H I mould oorry It loelahu*. I would boap tbom y tiros. And moaa wbllt, I wont to know what I* going i a away owl yoodor aurora Mo mull I i adiloot, the mysterious warm <*f ti*e AmIBo see. I want ullter wiiwina Mao aalf aaablag polllloraoo and oelf •*rt*ttta» oo Idler* to eurnc bora *ud toll w I refers to Ml my km|ut. I nturoto not ooatrot. And, If I «a> told by a wb tpper-eoap per In shoulder •Uopa, Mat uultaa I do 1 am a traitor to toy country, my reply to him eksll bo a slap In the face. call rna old rmt off, oi.d scours oquarw ‘ Prtcoda: lirolhus! Democrat*! Let os hare dons with dlaaeaaioba Lot ua turn sur bock* on tfca past, our ryaa to tho future, calling tba old tight off and tba old aooraa square, lie wbo (tarda with ma against Ibesa tbloga la my comrade, no matter wbat he Minks, or oyer thoognt, about silrer or gold. Ht wbo would drey as a place by bis aide to <lgbt them must I o sillier eery prrrerae or rrrr tiled. Let as cross no bridges till ws corns to them. But almsdy wo can am far oooogb ahead »o taka our nokoolag. Tbaro will ba oca task of o Democrat lo UXM-los the Hoc, tos Mo line—eay log lo artiltrary power aod absulolkie. Tboo shalt go no further! We. too. ore la Urn expansion buatnssa; but our t-xpensiun to fur lbs religion of tbu con stitution. imi lorn thus for lha raliglou of Christ aod Him crucified; oar ex pension mraae peace, not wai; lbs oeeur, wot tho degradettoo of the Hag: 004 last os sorely as Jelanoo wrote Ma Declaration of Independence and Jookocn fought the battle of Now Orleans, to resist dcagpHiem, shall wo make a uuw Fourth of July and Oei sbrato another Bib of Jstraary. lo ru •lstlug this unrighteous schuasa to obollsn the constitution and Mrs lean In lire gu vet aumt I" InTOs I ■■« to, Vgrtvtiic KfW|ulrw. Mr. J. V. Pure lay, of Clover. has amt to Tba Inquirer an inlervatlug old record that came tala In* |. evraelon recently. It M the account booh of one of tl»« early teacher* of tha north ern port of Ibe eonuly. aud coo Ulna aotnaa aaaioat bia patrons fur tuition. Onion Bolls waa the name of the teacher. Its taught at Centre, about 00* mil* eoulb of Glover. in 1A41-4S. Awoog (he patrons wboae names au P* r on tha old record, are Ibe follow la. : Samuel Mall be w*. John A. 1'alrlcb, Mr*. Bobleuon, D. 1). Howe. Ucaj. Montgomery. I>grand McCartar. Jamea Joekeou. Samuel Amyth, H. M. Jackaoo, David factaoo, kg Lav*. AU tbeMi people have long aiuee piaaaf away; bat *onw of tbem are Mill re team be rad by tba older people of ibe Clover osigbborhood. ITsladi kAla TUaaa. Michael J. Fleming, a prominent laaryer of Poltaville and foraaeely prin cipal oT tba Donaldson High School, relaud tba following anecdote: -One day at reboot I gave a very bright hoy a turn In algebra, and, al though the problem wee comparatively eaa>, he couldn't do It. 1 iraerfced: “ 'You ahould be ashamed of your «elf. At your »g« George Washington waa a turvejor’ “ * The boy looked me etralgbl la (tie eyae and replM: “ 'Tea, elr. aud at year age lie waa Prxidcut of the Dolled State* • " ** »«W m ruMa r»H»ri. Lincoln Journal. A corporation will be organised soon composed of Messrs J. U Qnlokle, A. L. (Jutckle aad I). W. Aderbolt nod others, for the pareoee of ereetlog a Cotton Mill oo Henry's Biver, In Horka Oouoty, over Htldri bread HU •bin. Tba capacity will be 5.000 apia dlas. and will be ultimately increased to 10,000. Tbe power will be obtained by erect to* a darn us Henry's Blear, wbi?b baa ample power for a mill of tbla capne lie. Catawba Kaperra Waa*bne—. Keaton KninrprUc. We bare noticed greet loads of baled bay, shocks, fodder sad straw going to tba depot far shipment elsewhere. There ore set many counties la tbe Wale that here store reeds toff of tbla klad than they abed for boms ooe samptloe. Wa are glad that ssr farmers are exporters lust sad of Im port are eemased AbtaSenlar. tW«0U»f Anrorm. Wa are adelaad that Mr. Ctida B. Hoay. Editor of the Cleveland Star aad a rlalag yoeng lawyer hare was paid a fas of ITS to defied a meu be fore tbe criminal ooart next week. We saake this reference without knowledge or permlaaMa of Mr. Heoy but as a oom pit meat for aide service, which lb Is fee iodioatse. Nad tp small ran. SNriuy Aurum.1 A Mbs Hares, a white servant at Brevard Jolly 4 la township Be. 9.4led Monday morning el small pox. It to a*Id that Mias Hayes bad ant bean at Mr. Jelly's long aad was la eomtsec wHli tba small pox before aba came to his house. — v .. IS nta. » MW Trams Lent weeh wee prebably tbe Brat week lo t wo menlhe that there wets aa saw eases of amall-pex to report In Kort Mill. The dtareaa la now os the wane and II la no uoeeael alght lo are at sac lima a ambers of people on tbe streets whose fesaa are badly pitted aa a retail of Urs disease. Tbe Waaliiagtan Poet makes a wail placed Mt when It says t "One head red milltos deOere for gaad reads la the Helled Blaise might ■at ba task aa oepopular thlac Hi the subsidy Has. Why net hush N onto tba Senate eebetdy bill 1" WKW POSTAL UBM. WLm rwr INIInt Itaw Im AM mp TWf Will M toe laM. WhHoiIn ■rentes lur. A MW one emt poet-ti card I* aow prleted at Um fiurasa ef JB* ctatIbc Md Prtatlat aad when u* In* issue ef 4400,000has been eoselad aad handled tbs saw cards will ba placad on sale It* distinctive feature U that tbs mw Sard Contains k TifneUe af Praaidaat McKinley la lisa ef Prato dent JeAnrvon's portrait. The Mi at of Uo Jefferson card will ba discon tinued arbaa Ua praaant stock ou band la exhausted. Wbaa deatrwd by porobeaaratba saw postal card win ba foratcbed la ahsatt of forty cards each- U Is npastsd ibis ae rant* me at will e fleet a Urge saving to parshaatri who bars tiitor mresegn or eddirwmo peiolcd ua poutal cards la ardor to arald the bevvy bteob drriecat tbctapof the JcObisca card aad Icovo a clear specs far Ua posUsark. Ua mw postal card baa three lien of small type printed about m inch batow tbs top of the card. Tbs oard la tbu* dittoed morally isto two sreUoaa~sM for tha postmark /nd oaa for iksaddrcaa. MW— ta lataMry. 1k« UU» MW. American capitalist* an proposing to leach ai boo to oooatruot aod maa ngn electrical railways, aad American sad tiormeu syndicates nod companion «* a obtain log uedara for all kteda of •Abet elrctnoal enterprise* at boon aod la our Oaioolta aod Depmdeoeiee. In aeltaa maoufectbritig. agalu, as baa like wins been abewu atrrady ta l bean eolnmos, on onr alarm ftaUowary. It la quite tree that we a re under a grant natural dla-adraotoga ta ear empetl lion in regard to eouoa wtui tba mau* ntactarvra both id Bombay and af the Hjulbem (Haim of America. We baea ta Impart the raw material from grsat fUtoMM, while tba wills of Bombay aod of the dual barn taalae are chae to the (Wills whore tbe cOUrm la grown. It la as Id. no the other baud, that (be clireale of laueuMi* la mocti moie favorable to tba product toe of the Mat bind of cotton yarn and Milan cloth I baa that either of IM Southern Matte or of Husky. If it M ro, it le a natural advantage <m our side which lo some extent. at all eveala la want off to ilia great natural advantage wbleb the rnsuufsclurrra of Bombay sad ibe diMlbera Ateeucau Males puaaeas. With respect ta tba oooapention of tbeOowtlaeul. wesra un dvr no oalnral disadvantage; raitivr, we have an advantage tecs use of our shipping aed tbe much leaser die laDcee ovartaud we have lo carry ibe raw material. Hot moot uootlaeatal comuvt* Itorx are aaaUred by protarttfv Sulks, which to a large exteot shut uonotfr.ibs Ibn eocliueelal -i.arket. Tbe third great trade i« wblob we an Un-tog ground Is tbs non aud the atm-l. Tbir • y e» forty yarns ag» we warn uai Iraki in lbean Industries, but derii-g tbe peat twenty years or no wb aiaadily lost ground until now tbe United 81atea is the greatest producer «f Iren sad steel la tbe world. There la a carious aod very sweet Uuie lagewd cherished liy Herman obit drau concerning ibe Beater labbli. <>#«• epaw a time, they ted as, a uioa, atad rabbit, who was walking sloes a qek* wood laud mad, eame acrem adne large i rat Oiled vrtlb eggs Tbe poor mctber-hni bad been seised W a wicked tax aod could out go nook to her dor H' g amt, eu lMe kind rsbWt slept all night ai«n It, ai.d when Its woke In lb* morning fit was E rater morning) tba beat Wat fall -f little downy, yel low eblrkena The ol.tokar.a Ihi.ogbt ■ be rah-it Wes their nwo camiuma. ee theycrb-H sal for souietbiug t» art and ibe rabbit rau about and retailed fond far Ibem aod krpt them warm and ted until they were all idd enough to taka cere of ibemeelvrs Brer at no* 1km the rabbit baa been iho special pent as ar Beater time. end. Una holiday Is not ootapieu far Gorman libit folk with out end “Osier Ham's neat” It belde meey a favor sod present, mating tire mam parpuee that Christmas etaoklnga aod wooden stiom do at Okrlatmm time. Ti»a r«im imia, l*Mlo<Mel>U Tinea awl. Cm>.) Tha Pmt odba Dmrtariit a«>ln da oarero aw oompHaaewta tor tha —r tr la wbiah It baa brought awtadlm tw booh «o lb la aity. Tba fraaOelont aaa af tba aaih by a yobllahiog aewpany baalrdtoaaeBbrrcf lawm.atarmta, aad ayain attention la direct ad to tha adnlrablaeyatrea apoa wMeh tha Pag* •Boa drpartowat la a.adaotad. Tha Integrity of waaigmtwt mad Uo ea rallaaoatif tha eerelea It racdara aloaar •a Bany different Uaaa art aobfreta tor congratulatloa. Oar raalaa far golf govoraBact MSI llrea whan a gitat ad Blnlotratlta department, wheaa later arta an aoattered ay aod down tMa broad land, potform ttotoaotlaag wltli tho aoiteleaa preclgli* whlah obaiadtar !*'• tbo poetal eerylaa. • ■ ••• * - AMMM. ■a-ll-a. i-ai- n « ■ Havwa* Ha oflatal at Waghtafttoa baa rear •ooeyted a aronad laelutlaa to take a walk with PrtoUaal RoogevaK, to wboB aw OBaaht af ptiydaal esartlon la tlmoBa. Aa a Baaai pt pulling a# Mpertaano Awh a detail of oaa of Ibo Prratdonl'a Uodtgoard Bolt bo affrep tlfa. aod nalaao tha daeretaey of War pruvtoao tor Moral relief* tho aoMlora who ara ayyoiated to tblo omioo «M o A Jolot rtealuilna waaadapted la the Boom to day la allow a wangggrat to to meted no tho Mbtlg grooad at Wish you would come is sad ace the season’s new hammocks They will surely “catch you good." The new wu»u this -rs«nii ass unusually pretty, the colon and superb striping* la some instances charming tapestry cffecU, while the material* and making are all that could be desired. Prices 88c up to MJOQ. THE NEW BOOKS ALSO an here with their charming coven, pictures, and mrsisgti of in* struct ion and entertainment. Onr counters, too, aza a-bloom with the new April uagasinaa. Please drop in and browse among them to your heart’s contest. PASSE PARTOUT. Have you learned? We have the outfits and free jpirmtion book*‘ 2^ “** *ilv*r bindings at 20 cents per roll, colon at 10 cents. The mount board in the deep tints and red, stock so select from. Mail and phone orders solicited. MARSHALL’S BOOK STORE, On the Corner. MHW IW*. Tbe Amoco mmwIi Um opemtlao of an attomoblto lla# Ibll NSMT bi l«aru (fbatby and CtanaUod Syrian, and bHImn ibara mH ba aildwt travel to Mica It yay. Hm Mawtoa Baterprtos aaya aanra Catawba far man at* of tba tmlofes liiat lima win oMtem auk ooUoa ylaated ifela year u tom. bat man own. I» earn <4 a wet summer they (ay (bay eat* aicift a oara crop batter than cation. Hit Virginia Waterman, a wamati 00 yean oUUl! prmat a etodant at tba Huctb women* Ana demy. It liu ataa. In. tt* rspaota i» taka a fall colter* eonrae eaterlag Cbraatt after her acrdaallon at Eeaeatoa. Sba to tba oldest calVga * gill" on more. Tba Taeora Otvaa Mills, now famishing tba electric light* for York atlla. an lgartag an wandytag atemilo power a too. aaya lha Yeoman. Their dynamo now inns only at eight and Utey woald ban to rwaly tbamaataaa to ran by day atoo. If they taka Um atrp W arid b« la opmtn Um efmmfaae In r The Southern Eetloay W waa wracked sanr Va., early Monday entirely iy tainted. Altar befog ant thirty homo tba jury In the anted Orogeny coat to turned a ear diet of guilty of at ardor and tba onaanar waa aaatanaad to •Sad forth math oSmmTww Um Kal« and than sra not a fow who bation that tbe aaadaaitoad mas w9i noaer ba tmaalal. Aa ayyaal wUl ba taken by VKMb ot|ta L«id Boherte baa written to W. W. AS^' tJ*4**' n iiiionuir# for bto (tMTidt; la dosa ileg WO.OOO toward tbaanaeangawent of nflo eJckn. la Um totter Laid Bohwtaaatd: J*la toy nttotol eayaoBy aa head *f Um MU% army. I ratora yon my matt Medial and natefal tbenka. Tba baaoM at year lrtanUly •HI. 1 tmw, id todily foH and wih do ■Mb to stimulate and In eaasarage n|n shooting among ear at elites ‘•W. Attor. Bn." In iba estUy of Upper Seoth Voit rlvor. Borbo oannty. a fow gays age. Jobe torn, a termer, wm wttMng down a tree la toe Md and whan th* tm waa alamttrtody t* foil im i» A PRIVATE HOME SAFE mmtmammmmm&mrnmm TUs safe is issued to you locked. It cut only bo opened W us. Is ft yon are expected to accmmilate your small eoiss and return it to tu at least once ia sixty day*, when your money is removed, entered to yonr credit on your pass book and draws interest. Remeta ,ber that mosey at interest i WORKSONWEBICI * PAYS, SUWQAYS. HOLIDAYS AND TWENTV-FOUtt HOURS A DAY Take one of them safes borne Wit* von aad make h a rule to drop some amoant, however , *Tn*1'. Into it every day. and i at the close of a year you will be surprised to note bow orach > you have saved. Further par ticulars gladly given at THE CASTOHIA iAPUCINO CO,

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