to fctlhWMill ftiriidia SaitiraatniE w5i2S& ^»&*ci“n*doiru SS? They fretted President Roosevelt is the pro ^sa^Sfria^ar jMaagft. D. W. P. C I" and he tom in hia carnage and made • profound Bow. Wednesday among the party wot on the Pilot Boy through the jetties and kept the crowdlivtly with tbelr songs and college yeflal The afternoon waa aptet at Iala of Palma. On the way hoaBe after ebs&bk Soul,—OodBeWitkYooTiUWe Meet Again,* and several other songs were snag. Gradually the pasaragm^oined in the atagiag. Kngcn jotMQ in uc nesrty nng* lag. It was a unique incident and w* f*i“ lor tartf ivfct music. Yeaierday morning the atadenta chartered the Liman and visited the Cincinnati. This waa a rare treat to the ibis and for the Jack Tan as well, for after they all over the _ fathered oa the and sang tone of their aid hymns. and aatfcaaiatac in and when the gave several gggft. Kwft S ■opelerFnac Bay*. Who are fining the places once * 1 by Senators VanCe and ? Their sous? No, _»of poor men are there. Two boya who had to bottle their own way through the world; who knew nothing about going through the maxes of the "brbu,” or playing tha polished gowdoman at a high tea or a low tea, at a swell chib or a card party. . Who b your Governor today, boys? A man who in youth plowed in a new ground, and hanled wood to town to exchange for meat and bread for the folks at home. Would he be where he b if he had been reared in the lap of luxury, or even in the second atmosphere where dudes are supposed to thrive? Well. bardlyTV^ Who occupy all the prominent places, ia all the departments of life? Cast your eye ovet the hat that yon know and see if you can lay your finger upon one who waa softly reared. Oh. it b mighty nice to have a plenty for every thing; to say to a ser vant do this and he doettt it, to go and he goetk. to stay ana be staycth; but it has its penalty, and that b to stay at the bottom whfla the bottom rail goes to the There are exceptions, but the rule is that the man who move things at* they who went bare footed when they were boys and who learned to break yearlings and manage mules. A fellow who overpowers a steer or gets the better of a young mule nas received kb first practical lesson in the menagemrnt of men. IQBAJfCE OF THE BOOKS. Hw Muy Titles D« Yoa KecogaiM?—See ii Y. » » » HWWk *. C AQQfllllelfEitr 8 n8fl0€i LEST YOU FORGET I I W« ar* m Ma Corner t | i 1 t > 1 How well we are equipped for doing your Printing we would Stimulate your memory some what and again impress you with the troth that this is the plage where the satisfactory kind of Printing is tamed out. We have good facilities, good workmen, good taste. The result is bound to be good Printing. Our designs will please your sense of the artistic and be a hflp to your business. Give us a chance to prove what we say. Our PM* [» K*. SO f . -i ...-'-.CTsrs-l-- ^ H The Gazette Printing House, : r ■■ •-Gastonia. N. C. - - _»•» , f SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE GHEHT HIGH WHY OF TMHDE HMD TDHVEL. Halting tha ConnmUl Ctalara ud Haaltk Md FUmnum *«»oHa of tka loath with tha # •Tik«. SALE or VALUABLE SEAL ESTATE. C. * N. W. RAILWAY. mwmo m>cK unb. ■ «M4iiU BITMtlv* WwbAbT 14. 1*01. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. 9CH8CULR. , COMMISSIONED SALE OP VALUABLE LANDS. «a*jr, aa* tcmt Uka n»gro 1*“**T- MurNtbalk “-fir •* **• W» Owcwj. yijpgr | •a*wntkagtaCtoaarM|j*a. laal aot talar tka» W»ii nmstri tSV.fnfett CHU6TTI I. C. Watt if- Hi—i