THE GASTONIA GAZETTE BUS1NBSS LOCALsT"" lULVMAQAXKNESM theUaatonla S cotta*** HAVK U bushel* of Whippoorwill P— foraak. W. L. C. tfrTuAjr. U AVK Shu ford, tfaa photographer, 1 * to make a picture of your float on the Fourth. /"'ABBAOR plantsforaale. Wood's phxe head lata flat Untcb. D. R. UFai. All FRI VILBOE TAXES dae Jane the first and must be paidatoace. C. B- Ajuutuokg, Sturifl. COR RBXT—Pour-room cottage on rB,51'SS2'"taW“l1 Poudmak A Moors. n°?:i_LV*r towm on the Fourth CORplIAM A MOORE have jut * what you want In all kinds of furniture almost at your own price. OB8IDENCE LOT (or sale. Un K improved. Site 12S«2® feet. Apply at this office. Bargain. CORDHAM & MOORE hare the r beat line of Furniture ever shown in Oastoniaat the lowest prices. See them. CROATS photographed by 8hnford. r Don’t Fall to see him. No belter souvenir of the Fourth than a picture of your float. CHlruXD ia the man who makes « fine photographs at the right price. Try him on the Fourth sod be convinced. f IFE INSURANCE—Persons da A* siring life insurance in Gaston a* Cleveland diriaioa of the People's Mutual will please note that I will ba in Onatonia, Jaly 3rd and 4th. ^c^aavga. Agent. JTUgiDAY^J LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Six months of 1902 gone. —After the Fourth the prima ries. —All faces turned to the Fourth. —A great day is arranged for in Gastonia July 4th. Some Lenoir people will attend.— Lenoir Topic. —In the bell game between McAdenville and liodena Satur day afternoon, the Modena boys won by a score of 7 to 10. —A negro, Jim Jones by name, was tried before Esquire Anders yesterday morning on a charge of wife-beating. He was fined $5 and costs. —Services at the Methodist church Sunday night were con ducted by Rev. John W. Moore, formerly of Gastonia but now of Bethel church, Asheville. —I*ast week’s rains made some new work for the super visors. We understand that there was a considerable wash out and cave-in on the Kings Mountain road at the bridge this side of the Harvey Bradley place. —A big blue crane was killed on Crowder’s Creek Saturday afternoon by Mr. Coot Parham. Mr. Tommie Hope Adams was along with him and says the crane measured about five feet and nine inches from tip to tip of wing and 5 feet from beak to tail-tip. —"Cold weather a little sooner this fall than usual," said Mr. William Robinson Saturday. "How so; what's your sign?” was the inquiry. "Heard the katy dids last night, several of them; and it'a the saying, yon know, that there’ll be frosty weather in three months after tbe katy-dids begin to sing.” —By noon to-day, ao Cant. Nolen inform! us, sufficient rails will be laid along the line of the C. & N-W to complete the new broad gnage from Lenoir to to Gastonia, with the exception of the distance between Newton and Hickory. He thinks ths line will be completed to thie point within the next thirty days. —Our statement last week that Rev. C. I. Morgan, the new Lutheran pastor, had spent the past year at the Southern Theological Seminary at Mt. Pleasant 8. C., was correct as “‘t went. Bat as a matter of fact Mr. Morgan spent three years at this InstitSSon and *f**“**d wr. We are pleased to make this correction. —Our subscribers at Lowell and connecting points an in formed that the tattm* of Tn Gazbtts to reach them on time last Friday was due to the fact that the railway mail clerk ear ned the papers by at that point. The papers were mailed at Gas tooie in good time, and the *«lt la not in this office. We thaak oar friends for the vigor ous kick they made. Mmn uau rik*. A moot delightful at borne was five* y«Jte«J*T • malog ssseeznjEZisjz ■of Newbaru. A boot tiro doaen of their little friends speat two happy boon in rare enjoyment of ■of toe occasion. ftlSOHAL MEWTIOW. —Mr. H. A. Hoffman, of Dal* Us was in the city on business yesterday. —Caj>t. P. Dilliog, of Kings Mountain, was in towu yester day on business. , -TM}" J«un*e Stermau, of Bed ford Cite, Va., ia the guest of her aunt, Mix. D. Lebovitz. —Mr. Fletcher Fink, of Con cord, spent Sunday with bis friend, Mr. C rat on Sevier. —Mr. A. T. Clifton, of Waco, Texas, arrived last night to spend a few days in Gastonia. —Mr. James M. Wilson spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. .R. A Wilson at McAdcnville. —Mrs. J. T. Sigmon of Char lotte, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. ty. McLaughen. —Mr. W. M. Watson, of Kewbern, arrives to-day to visit his daughter, Mrs. T. L. Craig. “Miss Julia Smith arrived Wednesday from Asheville to visit her friend, Miss Mary Ragan. —Mr. and Mrs. P. E. McClain, and children, of Lincolnton, visi ted relatives in town Saturday and Sunday. —Miss Grace Brown, of Con cord arrived on the! o’clock train yesterday to visit her friend, Mrs. J. H. Separlc. Rev. P. C. Hickson, of Gaffney, S. C., spent the day in town yesterday ‘and was s wel come visitor ty hi* old friends. —Mr. Prank Summerrow, of Stanley, will arrive to-morrow tor a visit of several days to his brother, Mr. Tom Summerrow. —Mr. W. P. Rochester, of Anniston, Ala., arrived yester day afternoon to visit Mr. J. P. Worsham. Mr. Rochester was formerly telegraph operator at this point. —Mr. A. J. Peters, who has been the guest of Mr. P. T. Heath for some-time, left Satur day morning for hia home in Sa vannah G«,, stopping at Augus ts enroute. —Misses Bright Torrence and Janie Jackson, of the graded school faculty, left for Knoxville, Tenn., yesterday morning to at tend the neat summer school in session there. —Mr. J. L. Webb, of Shelby, will secure the nomination for Solicitor of this district without apposition, as Capt. R. L. Dur ham announced last week his withdrawal from the race. —Drs. J, E. Moore and H. Johnson, with their families, Messrs. R. B. Babington, Oscar Carpenter, Jaa. W. Atkins, and Tom Sunfmerrow were among those who visited Stanley Sun day. ■ —Hr*. W. B. Delvin, of Pelrer S. C., who has been the guest of Mrs. J. H. Jenkins at Dallas left on No. 12 yesterday for Charlotte and Pin evil le to visit friends. She was accompanied to Gasto nia by Mrs. Jenkins. —Rev. J. L. Vipperman and family were in the city yesterday afternoon cBronte from Dallas to Wilmington where they will reside in the future. They left on‘No. 12 for High Point where they will spend a week with Mr. Vrpperman’s father, Rev. J. H. Vipperman, before going to their new home. Married. ! Mr. Wade Wallace, of Mt. Holly, and Miss Pettie Edwards were married at the bride’s home at the Arlington Mill Sunday af ternoon at 3 o’clock. Rev. W. F. Watson performed the cer emony in his usual happy style. Lasaaby-BardelL Sunday afternoon at 1:90 o’clock Mr. James C. Loren by ond Miss Carrie Bell Hdrdell, of the Modena, were married by Rev. W. L. C. Killian. The ceremony was performed st Mr. KOlUn’s residence on Air Line street. •_ Their Baby Dead. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Veach sympathise with them in their sorrow. Their little son, 8-months old, died last , Thursday afternoon and waa buried Friday afternoon in the city cemetery. The funeral services were conducted at their home at the Loray by Rev. W. F. Wataon. Hr. J. E. Warren has been limping around for a few days ** the result of having had an altercation Friday with a mole ■e waa shoeing. Hie rnnkahip Quietly enongh * **1**1wu nailing on a hindaboe. Suddenly the male ^rren shot In the other direction. lathe mix »Utl wee tom and be received two or three pretty ati* kick.. His son Kob^ eit and the colored man helped him into the hocae. Mr. War ren says he haa been working at the blacksmith's trade ever sTace he waa twelve yean old, bat he has never before either in the bkekantithing business or court* lag bealnms got aech a kicking aa came Via way Friday. A SAP DEATH. MmUt Jafca Mania Faaaad Away Early tianday Meralag—Few Vtab al blame Hiiffarlag Fraa Appendicitis — Fraaral Services Largely Attended. Ouc of the saddest deaths that ever occurred iu Gastonia was that of young John Harvey Mocris, which took place at 6:30 o'clock Sunday morning at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Morris, on Air Line Street, The fact that his life had been despaired of for several days did not soften the sadness brought to the family and friends by the untimely end of one just budding into vigorous youth. ror lour weeks be bad been confined to bis bed, suffering in tensely nil the while from aa at tack of appendicitis. On Mon day, June the 23rd, an unsuccess ful attempt was made by Drs. Sloan, Wilson, and Bunting to remove the appendix. The dis ease had then reached such a stage that the doctors decided it would be impracticable, if not impossible, to remove the appen dix, adbeaiou to the walla of the abdomen having taken place and peritonitis, or inflammation, hav ing already aet in. His entire illness was charac terized bv intense suffering and he was kept largely under the influence ot opiates during most of his illness. Very little nour ishment, and that only in liquid form, was administered and from the time of the operation it was known that his death was only a matter of a few days at most. Saturday about noon, having revived from a state of uncon sciousness, he celled for his boy friends and associates to whom he spoke some very tender and touching words. He begged forgiveness from any he might have offended and asked them all to meet him in heaven. nc was me second sou o! Mr. and Mrs. S. Mac Morris and would have been 15 yearsold the 12th of September. Several years ago be joined tbe M. E. Church South and was a member of Mr. J. A. Glenn’s Snnday school class. For sometime previous to bis death he was employed by Messrs. Spencer and Jenkins, tinners, and proved himself in dustrious and alert to his duties. He was popular among the boys of his age in town as was evi denced by the large number who called at the house Snnday to take a last look at his face. The funeral service was con ducted by bis pastor, Dr. H. F. Clircitxberg, in the Main Street Methodist church at 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon in the pretence of a large concourse of friends. Tbe body was then taken to the city cemetery where, amid sor row and tears, it was consigned to tbe grave. Mr. and Mrs. Morris have tbe sympathy of the entire town and of many friends elsewhere in the untimely taking away of their loved one._ Falla Baaaa la Raw Into. Mr. I. C. Gresham is the new maniger of the Palis House. He took charge this morning. Mr. Gresham u a nephew of Mr. C. Gresham, the famous hotellist, and possesses the natural gifts of his kinsman as a popular enter tainer. We welcome him heartily to our town this fine July morn ing. _ A Handsome Brag Stars. The interior of the drug store of Messrs. Frost Torrence & Company is easily the hand somest in this section of the State. In' addition to the tiling floor recently pnt In, the walls and ceiling nave been covered with paper of beautiful shade and design, and overhead elec tric fans and a large number of new electric lights nave been in stalled. A large Bradley com bination cream cabinet and re frigerator and a $300 nickle-in thc-slot Regina music box, la handsome cherry finished case, also add much to the appearance of the store. The installation of the cream cabinet was rendered necessary by the increased trade which the largejrapid-fire freeser recently pnt in, has drawn for this firm. | Notte** tl N«r Mwrtliwmti. , BES5EMUL ot th» QuMIs Bessemer, July 1—Mr. W. C. Cooke spent Sunday in Gastonia visiting his brother. Mr. J. A. Smith returned from a business trip north Tnesday. Messrs. C. C. Clarke, E. A. Tucker and K. A. Perry have beea sick the past week but all are better at this writing. Mr. Tbos. Hall last Thursday was called to the bedside of his father in Shelby, who is serious ly ill. Kinn Mountain and Gaffney playea ball at Gaffney on last Thursday, the score was 12 to 3 in favor of Gaffney. We under stand it was a nice name. • wncmone i*odge No. 515 A. F. and A. 11. met on Friday night and elected the officers (or this terra: C. M. Cooke, Jr., W. M. s S. J. Durham, Sr. W.; Jake Ormand, Jr. W.; Edw. Pell Treasurer and Sr. Deacon, C. B. Whitney Secretary; H. W. Clarke, Jr. Deacon; T. S.Clarke Tyler. The officers were in stalled by C. E. Whitney. P. M. Mr. John Lynch baa taken a positon in the drug store of Dr. H. Garrison & Co., as clerk. We welcome Mr. Lynch to our town. Mr. C. C. Clarke, just as be finished eating dinner last Wednesday, discovered s snake in bis silling room. He prompt ly killed it, and of course, was a little excited. Mr. M. C. Carpenter and Mias Edna Clarke Lem Tucker and Miss Hattie Clarke went up to Cherryvllle Sunday to see Miss Bertie Hnss who is critically ill and Is not expected to live. Everybody is getting ready for the fourth of July. i m Lnstnct Lonierenct of the Methodist Protestent church met here on last Thursday night. The conference opened by elect ing Rev. W. F. Ashbnra, of Fallston, N. C.. President, and Bro. J. L. Wilson, a layman from Cross Anchor, S. C., Secretary. The following brethren attended the Conference: Rev. R. A. Plyler, Orleans, N. C., D. A. Braswell, Weaverville, P. C. Battle, Matthews. N. C.. W. R. Lowdermilk, Cross Anchor, P. D. Moore, Gastonia, N. C. There were several laymen present whose names we did not learn. They all took an active part in the work. It was said by the different brethren that it was the only conference that they had attended, it being so far superior to all others that have been held in this district. The program was discussed, the delegates were built np in the faith, and this conference did not only do the delegates good bat it has done our town good. Ududrens day next Sunday at the Methodiat Protestant church. There will be a collection taken for missions. We are expecting to have a nice time. Even-body is invited to come. Rev. N. G. Bethea is here getting np the program. Brother G. G. Beattie wna also here and did his part in the conference which has hist closed. He will preach next Sun day and Snnday night at his church. All invited. Mr. R. C. Hawkins has accep ted a position In the beaming room of the Morgan Mfg. Co. at at Fayetteville, N. C., and will leave to-day for that place. We wish Mr. Hawkins much success in his new job. Mr. R. D. Ormand was in town Saturday. He has been attending college at Newton, N. C., the past term. Mrs. J. E. Lindsay is confined to her room by sickness. We hope she will toon recover. Rev. D. F. Putnam will com mence a series of meetings at the Baptist church on Wednes day night. July the 9th. All denominations are cordially in vited to come and assist us in the meeting. Orphan lay Dead. Aa orphan hoy named Tor rence Ramsay died last Thurs day afternoon at 6 o'clock, at the homa of his uncle, a Mr. Hicks, at the Arlington. The funeral services ware conducted at the uncle's home at 1:30 o’clock Friday afternoon, and the body was buried at Long creek. FOB THE SENATE. Yielding to the urgently ex pressed wishes of my friends that I become a candidate for the 8euate for 32nd district, 1 hereby announce that I will permit the use of my name for that office before the Democratic primaries to be held next Saturday. Very respectfully, F. Dilliwo. IS .» £0 | : FIB 1FTEEN YEARS AGO we opened a drug store In an old frame building In the lit tle town of Gastonia, then a hamlet of 250 people, with Gaston County's population one half of what It Is now. The building then suited the times, but now It Is different. Gaston County has doubled In population and Gastonia has grown from 250 to 7,000 people. The old frame store has passed from the scene of action totally outclassed, and we are to-day In one of the most complete modern drug stores In North Carolina. Our aim has always been to keep In the front rank and our business career will stand for Itself as answer to the public. We have lust equipped our drug store In keeping with the demands of this progressive day. We have a store that we are proud of. Ourfrlends tell us It would be a credit to any city. Come and see us. We are anxious to have every man and woman In the county to visit our store on the Fourth. We want you to be proud with us that there Is such an up-to date drug store In the county. The latch string has always been on the outside to the good people of Gaston county,* but on the Fourth we fling our doors wide open and Invite you to come and make our place your headquarters. We pledge Our best efforts to make you have a pleasant day while In the city. We have equipped our store with electric fans and want you to come in and enjoy the breeze they make. You will think you are on the sea-coast, so de lightful will the breezes be. And we will have ice-water running through our fountain to give you free of charge, and fans to keep you cool. Come In and be happy with us for one day. F. TORRENCE & CO., it DRUGGISTS. Elizabeth College, FOR WOMEN. Charlotte, N. C. High Grade, Suburban aita, 90 •cm, elevated, shaded, aotied for b**Hh, electric car Dat. ‘ Degree and Bleetire Coarse*. Fins buildings and equipment worth 9250,000 09- 1* experienced teacher*, a specialist in every chair, from the American and European Unto at* itk* and Conaervatorlea. frJTSSh Hh^JSSrSLhSa^Art inf who nrt noreo ttacbcn. Art RRV. C. B. KINO. President. Roller Mills For Sale — One 75 Barrel Roller Mill, one Corn Min, end one Winship Sys tem of Cotton Oitu with douole revolving Pres*, Steam Trutnper and Packer. Also, one Saw Mill, together with nature* aad appliances, leads, tonemest* and buildings on the lands. All sit uated In the live end thrifty lit tle city of Gestosis, nTC., in a good wheat and cotton growing country. Mills aud Machinery may all be purchased separately or together, with or without the necmtaary land* aad teocaaenU, Well located for shipping and for home patronage. Address, Mrs. Fannie 1 Morrow, Gastonia, N. C. P« doses. RW. wMU.sad UusTfe*. I NOW IS THE TIME FOR —ISTRAW HATSlI— We k«n a select stock of Fla* Hats of all Mads la Ro«Ck and Split Braids. . Negligee Shirts la endless variety-lfadm, Paresis, plaited or plain fronts. - R.PB1NSQN BROS. _ fWE CROWN JEWELS. “ EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS. We coat all have crown jewel* gives at, bat we can all ham attractive jewelry lor am or for gills. Wo doubt shoal the worth of s gift ol tbit character. We want you to see how well yoe oaa bo pleased Wo. »***•* thm* Iht baaa, Mhar MM twin Mass mi fmtotfn When looking for prices that always am right. Whoa searching lor goods that erfll give you delight, ft* J. H. GORMAN’S, Adjoining Baa Hive_ Jnrekr and gcfcsdSc Optician.