JUDGING from the crowds that thronged our store on the Fourth and com bined business with pleasure by purchasing largely/of the match less bargains we are giving, one would naturally expect business to be a little slack now; but not so, we’ve enjoyed a steady output of unmatchable merchandise ev ery day since the memorable 4th. Do you ask “How’s that?’’ Dead easy, listen: Havingsecured from first hands some entire lots of Men’s Pants, Men’s and Chil dren’s Suits, Gents’ and Ladles’ shoes, uents and Ladies9 Under wear, Shirts, Neckwear, Handker chiefs, etc., at ylrtually our own price, we have, In order to equal ise values throughout our entire establishment, cut down prices on all regular goods, and by this means secured to our customers, on almost everything we sell, an average In price IJiat Is unap proachable by our competitors. So lt9s dead easy to see why there’s no let-up In our business. Morris Bros. Two Troubled Tom. PnbMf there never has been move discord in the Honse of Representatives than on yester day, when the speaker and mem ber* undertook to sing "For he's ■ Jo»y good fellow" and "Dixie" in chorus on the door. As to the jolly good fellow composi tion. we doubt whether the oldest veteran public dinner attendant ever heard it performed OB any occasion with anything W* « musical effect. Usually kcmncs along in the shank of a buoyant and bibulous evening . '.when everybody Is full of food and enthusiasm and other good cheer and nobody k disposed to give attention to time—except toe moot timorous married men to that of the clock—or time or Pitch or key—except the latch fgy that amst presently be Nn Leaving the Navy. *«*•. but Wine of Cardul ,1om mpraiato Jrrtmffemonta that prw. eant oor.orptlon; dona paaraat nlltanrlaftn i dot* rmtom weak and aliattorad ttnrroo aad dow brine bahk. «. hooM I **■ and di-aolate for >«ara. I ^"Ino of Cards! gtrm women the to bear hoal «ut gat a TTiaa ai Cards! L_j WllkN YOU THINK OF c: ;d printing Yott will quite naturally think of TheGazette louse ammmmm OASTONIA, w. c The month ol May has been a record breaker with ua. Wc hove it haa bees ao with yon. The modem ideaa we can introduce into your Printing will help yon to make every month a record-breaker. SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE GMEAT HIGHWAY OF TMADE AW T^AbEL. Unit In* llM PtbtMMl c—to—Ul Canlan >nd HtoUk ud Mmmn »—rtt of Ilk* |Mlk witk Ik* « * NORTH, EAST and WEST1 Thc GASTON IA GAZETTE = TWICE A WEEK ; 'T_ From now ontlll 1903 for only 50 cent* SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE. Train* Jrorn Atlanta. OntovUit, Spartan SEtJiS:", Elizabeth College, FOR WOMEN. Charlotte, N. C. RBV. C. B KINO. Piaaideat. Professional Cards, GEO. W. WILSON, Attorney at Law. GASTONIA, N. C. Citig ft Wilnon Balldtoc Phone 111. At Dallas every Monday. LUCIUS J. HOLLAND, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, DALLAS. N. C. Office near residence. t P. H. COOKE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GASTONIA, N. C. once la Cr^sftwgye »alldtng At Dallas in Clerk's office every first Monday. R. B. WILSON, Attorney at Lew. GASTONIA, N. C. P. R. PALLS, DENTIST. GASTONIA, N. C. Office over Robinson Bros. Store Phone 88. dr. d. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. BM'f GASTONIA, N. C. _Phone m._ I