We have but one aim and ob ject in view, and that Is to build up and maintain a big, reliable, thriving and lasting business by selling the people “high grade goods at low grade prices.” This we are enabled to do by the piles of strictly seasonable goods we are dally receiving at bargain prices and selling the same way. Space forbids mention of the various articles we will offer for the next ten days at bargain prices, better come and see. OBsmEassaBB Morris Bros. Yark Cenaty Sm. Yotkville uricm have been gwgrfbynd iccleim by the protracted a root n. . Mr. J. B. Peg ram is moving fate the T. B. McClain rest* peace, recently purchased by Urn. , Arrangements an being per fected for the laying of the cor am *tooeof the Yorkvillc Graded •fad bnilding on next Monday Am* U ml o'clock, p. m., Maaonic ceremonies. fa; G. W. S. Hart, who nego tiated the sale of tbc $12,500 bonds iaaoed for the pnrpoae of fnctiag the graded acboolbUld ing, received a check yesterday > $M,ttft?44. PTU, XO premium and $69 44 on fined interest. There has not beea*Mfahfa the negotiation* ea* Mr. Hart la to be congratu lated npon the manner in which he has managed tUa important in., I - i I, of wind. t*1*1 wnif ■xrernoon. *-iag struck one of the • o< the Clover Mannfac comnany, and a portion : roof was Mown off the A Cue eow belonging to —.Wjr V<** wwHlSTV. W. H. Sparrow, who lives shorn under false pretenses last Friday and this lucky defendant Is still ahead of the prosecutors. There was another mistrial; but the de fendant had a close shave of it. Whereas, as the result of the first trial the jury stood five for con viction and only one for acquit tal. The case was heard before Magistrate Johnson at his home in Bethel township. Messrs. J. S. Brice and W. W. Lewis ap peared for the prosecution, and Major James F. Hart and F. P. McCain, Esq., for the defendant. There was not a little tremble in securing a jury, as a number of jurors stated on their voir dire that they bad formed opinions that could not be changed by the law or the evidence. The testi mony was about the same as pre aented at the fint trial on July 29. except that the prosecution introduced additional drcnai •fences intended to show the ftandnleat intent of. the accused while taking money from the pa trons of bis alleged insurance company. The bearing inclu ding the matter or empauncling **}*J1U7 fiechargedbteauee of Ha inability to agree. After failure to get a verdict to-day (Wednesday) was fixed as a time, for another hearing. Magistrate Johnson agreed to Neely’s re lease from custody on his own ^cognisance so far as the Hogue case la concerned. He had been committed, however, on two other warrants in addition to the Hogue warrants and therefore continues in jail. MIMEiS' association. r* M««t is laltUb gigiriar 3 —Township Waafttf lag. 23. T» Coasno BOW IN YATES WEBB, of CtoaeUnd. Ticket lftk Jadicisl Mstrlct Pm BoHcitM 12th Judicial Dtatnet: JAMES L. WERE at Cleveland. Ctesty Ticket _Pm Stain Senate 32nd Dtariet: STONEWALL JACKSON DURHAM. Pm Hoaee of Eaptaatalaflvee: WILLIAM THOMAS LOVE. JOHN F. LRU FUR For Clerk ot Superior Court: CHART.88 C. CO HNWI ILL. ForSktnl: CHARLES B. ARMSTRONG, fku Rasfater of Paedt: MILKS A CARFHNTBR Por Treaaamr: JAMES E LEWIS Pm Coma ex: W. MEEK ADAMS For Surveyor: JACOB KISER. For Cmaty Coeralee loner* J. a ROUJUI1). J. K CONNELL. JOHN M. GASTON. JOHN D. R. McLXAN. K A. WHJTU JUDGE BYNUM'S VOX. W»«n « Scholarship —Estate Worth Fifteen Thtaund Dollars. CmtuboroTelcsrun. Those nearest Judge Bynum were satisfied he left a will, but it was not found until Saturday. It is properly witnessed and signed, the witnesses being Mr, John N. Wilson snd Mr. Z. V. Taylor, both of whom are out of town, in consequence of which the instrument cannot be proba ted until they return, which will be within a few days. Deceased provides for a free scholarship in the State Normal and Industrial College from Burke county, the provisions 'of which are made plain. His North Carolina Reports are to be given to the State Library at Raleigh and a portrait of his father is to be presented to the Phi. Society of the University. Provision is made for a memorial to the memory of his wife in the Presbyterian church, Morganton, and Fanny, and old servant, is provided for. His library and office furniture is willed to Judge W. P. Bynum; one thousand dollars is set apart, the interest on which is to be used for keep ing up the graves of his wife and himself. Aside from these bequests the estate is left to his wife's sisters, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Greene and the others. The estste is estimated to be worth about $15,000. He had a policy for $5,000 fully paid up, in the New York Life. Geo. D. Greene, of Wilson, is executor. Senator Simmons Beady (or the Campaign. The Raleigh Times says: "State Chairman F. M. Simmons has secured the place for Demo cratic Headquarters for the com ing campaign. He has rented from C. M. Bernard the small house on Fayetteville street jnst north of the Hotel Dorsett. This is next to the rooms used in the last campaign and much more cou venient. The campaign will not really open until about Septem ber and then Chairman Simmons Secretary Field and Mr. A. D. Watts will be there the most of the time. Chairman Simmons has appointed the following ad visory committee of five to assist him dming the campaign: Capt. S. A. Ashe, Raleign; Josephus Daniels, editor of the News and Obeerver; R. M. Furman, editor of the Morning Post; James H. Pou, Raleigh; John E. Wood ward. Wilson. CmIWwiIi Rente*. On Wednesday, August 20th, there will he i State reunion of the Confederate veterans at Greensboro. It will be a grand occasion foe the old soldiers, and Greensboro, may be coveted on to do the handsome thing lor them. Tests wilt be famished and all who do VOt feet inclined to go to hotels will be provided with lodging and the trip will coat them nothing but the rail mod fare. The reunion will lest two days and the railroad fare will be one cent a mile each way. 2*4 mi 4MI. $he State Beard of Election bee made the following order relating to the aisee of the ballots to be voted this fall: Kesolved. That the State and Judfcfcl tickets shall be eight i (•)inches long and (4) Inches wide, and Congressional tickets two (2) fpcheeloagand four (4) • UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, TUB IIBaD Ol the State's EhoUouI System. Academic Department, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. One hundred and eight scltolersli ips Free tuition to tenebers and to min isteta’ tons. T.oena (or the needy. SOS Students. 84 laatrectera. N'ew Donnilories. Water Works. Central Heating System. Fait Una begins September 8. 1908. Address. F. P. VENABLE. President, Chapel Hill, N. C. NO FLIES ON US! We use wire*screen doors and windows. Do tell! Where did you get them? Why, at ...The Page Company... Well, well! And did you get them promptly? Yes, indeed, after their wire>netting arrived. They have a full stock on hand and are ready to help you in keeping the flies out. SCHOOL ...BOOKS... AAA Teachers and patrons of schools now opening in all parts of the coun ty will please bear in rniud that. MARSHALL’S BOOK STORE iu Gastonia carries all. the public school books. . Dig supply just received. A A • M School Supplies... Such as composition books, pens, inks, tab lets, slates, copy books, always"on hand. AAA Marshall’s Book Store, ON THE CORNER. Roller Mills For Sale Oue 75 Barrel Roller Mill, one Corn Mill, and one Winship Sys tem of Cotton Gins with double revolving Press, Steam Truinper and Packer. Also, one Saw Mill, together with fixtures and appliances, lands, tenements and bandings on the lands. All sit uated in the live and thrifty lit tle city of Gastonia, N. C., in a good wheat and cotton growing country.' Mills and Machinery may all be purchased separately or together, with or without the necessary lands and tenements. Well located for shipping and for home patronage. Address, Mr*. FaanJe S. Morrow, Gastokia, N. C. Elizabeth College, FOR WOMEN. Charlotte, N. C. High Grade. Beburbea site. 30 «-m, iterated. .bailed, noted for >feJSMHE'r",2h3a« tram the American and Rumpeaa «*P*™»* Mo*1* CcajOTTatory banl RS25g^..'K!r;^ REV c. B. KINO. PRINTING that GRIPS Let us tell you what a customer wrote u» not long since—here it is:— "1 enclose check for $17.28 in full of amount due you. We have had a great deal of work done before by other houses, but yours, we find, surpasses them all. I will see that you get all of our future work." We have the original ou file in this of fice and it will be shown to any one who de sires to see it. ' 111 ■ ■ jmIlz_ Our printing is the kind that keeps old customers and grips new ones, to their own pleasure and profit. ““pe GAZETTE PRINTING HOUSE, Gastonia. IV. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE GREAT HIGHWAY OF TRADE AJfD TRAVEL. Uniilnj tha MMifat Camaraial Cantor* and HanltH and noaaora ■•aorta of tha foutk with lha A A NORTH, EAST and WEST. ■WhoClaaa VoUbaU Trains. TkrM*k Mswln*.CM bataaaa Maw Tarn tad Mow Orlasa a. ft* AttaM*. aaOaattl sad Florida Volasta ota Atlanta aai ota Aahtollla Mow Tor* sad ru.lda, tllkar ota Umskkarf. KanotUo wdMJttaaask, oo ota as.v-».^ Manama aad •tpnlti BlalafsOar Borotoo onaUThsoadhTralaa. latalltai Morotoo aad Vtw dates to Chaotaatan -T JteMtoalk Carolina tatefttete -—a Waal Indian •Inter TtasUt TtoMota to all Katana now ta __» ssdastd rttas. WICK. a. J- C. WAW. Utriuits, J. e. •tear*" SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE. nuIgaU. N. C.: GOING HAST. itB£fe=8RE GOING WEST. _ frmi CWtatM cad the But lor lb«jr^prrcBTil*c. Alluti. cm., pee* ''' r.««iqni» on alnal lot I to foiata be road Allan Due West Female College. Forty-fourth year begins Sept. 17. Ideal place for quiet study, thorough work, religious influen ces, aud personal oversight. Room for only 75 boarders. Pull college courses and the usual extras. An important choice— your danghteT’s college. For beautiful catalog, address Rev. JAMES BOYCE. Doe Wcet. Abbeville Co, S.C STANLEY CREEK INSTITUTE. A Preparatory School for Boys and Girls.... Opens August 4th, 1902. New School Building. Competent Instructor*. Board $6to $7 per month. Your patronage I* kindly so licited, B. C. JOHNSON. A. B. Prla. (Trinity College, clam of *M.) Professional Cards. CEO. W. WILSON, Attorney at Law. GASTONIA, N. C. Craig a Wflaoa Building. Miont 131. At Dallas every Monday. P. H. COOKE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GASTONIA, N. C. oak* In Cra$E*W%on ■■•Mina. At Dallas in Clerk’s office every • first Monday. R. B. WILSON, Attorney at Law. GASTONIA, N. C. P. R. FALLS, DENTIST. GASTONIA, N. C. Office over Robinson Bros. Store Phone 86. dr. d. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. Bld’g GASTONIA, N. C. _Phone 69. C. I N. W. RAILWAY. sLovina sock um a«h.a*i* ihwww a— isu, i»m. ItUrt Tl— wma i»o»T«. I I 'lr~ y«.~ jjjfjis *>'«» wm: ?snr -pjrgr ***^^«i— ii |g | ** life 111‘ill acrrm*gagr*£ Greensboro Female % College, MECTMOtO, If. C. Literary and Business Course*. Schools of Mnaic, Art and Elo cution. Uterary Course and «E Living Expense* $200.00 P«* Year. Pull session begin* Sep* Umber 10th, 1902. Por catalogue apply to iuct k. —emoif.