engineer of tho WUtt Plains local train that crashed into U»e Danbury eg. press ia Uw Park avenaa tunnel January 8, causing a loss of 17 SffiiSS SS£ mM» are making an effort U» trial over with at ■ possible. Ht was faTahT ft?tha "ifipaue4 it p*uUy breaking down his *r2e indictment was returned J° ****** Morn has been trying ever since, he says, to get the District Attorney to P*t die <*»• oo the calendar. ^•Wisher ia worrying bis life away,"said Attorn-/Moss. "He » anxious to have the case abated op, and night after night he never closes bis eyes. He has a story to tell that will be a anrpnae, but I have refused him permission to tell it until he i goes on the witness stand. *lfy client left the employ of the New York Central that be might better prepare the case. Ha had difficulty in finding work, many persons refusing hut employment when they found that an. indictment wat hanging over him. The rail rood company has not given money for his defense. Ail the money has been raised by the church of which he is a member. It Is an injustice to this man to delay hu tnal any longer.” A ttMM nu AT MCWBEUf. Newberu, Oct. 31.—Pin broke «* v*0-*#** b» tbe Trent Lumber MilU, owned bv Thomp son Bro.., of Philadelphia. The ■*01 is sitnated on Trent river, close to the business section of the city, sad bod the wind been “ ■ eouthwest direction un doubtedly half the business ■^tion would have been swept Mmj. The entire dry kiln and 250,000 feet of lumber was con* The h>ss is estimated at $20,000 with no insnrnnce. The of the firemen iu saving pier No. 1, of the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad, was s masterly piece of Work. The ongin of tbe fixe is unknown. The fire is now under control. Mantels Presbytery. Chwtatr Obacrrac, ISO. The committee appointed to strange the details of the di vision of Mecklenburg Presby tery and form the new King's Motmuin Presbytery reported: . 1- That the following min isters and churches shall consti tute this Presbytery: Ministers ~K. Z. Johnson, J. J. Kennedy, R. A. Miller, G. A. Sparrow, R. C- Morrison, J. T. Wade, M. McG. Shields, W. H. Wilson, S. L. Cathy, W. R. Mintcr.J.R. Millard, If. A. Henderson, T. P. Booeer, T. C. Croker. Churches: Lin cointon, Dallas, Hephsflwk, Lowell, Belmont, Union, Oney, Bnttain, Duncan’s Creek, New Hope, Gastonia, Stanley Creek, Unity, Castanea Grove, Mt. Holly, 1ronton, Mac Pclah, Long Creek, King's Mountain, Bessemer City, Chenyvilie, Waco. Shelby. Mooresboro, Henrietta, Rnther fordton, Stanley Plains, Forest City, DrusHta, Columbus. The Presbytery shall meet in Liwcolnton. November 18, 1402, at 7:30 p. m. Rev. R. A. Miller ■ *gPoiut«d moderator to call feet oraumali *° on*er TbeVresbytery shall have two toaateas of Davidson College *wo of the Presbyterian Col ogne* Charlotte, leaving Meek Mburg Presbytery with five trustee s of each of thaae colleges The following candidates an eteo included ms tbe transfer: The following agreement as to the ftltacts foalao recommend ed: L That this Presbytery m~ •Jtete the stneoat due Rev. R. C- Monison and Rar. 8. L. Cathy from tbe home mission ■5*“sr;aar* jSprtKAtsam $ That the ptopoaed new to the treasurer the fsrfc Coaly Itsas. Tnfcvm* Itaalm. A protracted meeting is to be commenced at the Yorkvilie Baptist church on November 17, during which the pastor. Rev. W. B. Hurt, will be assisted by Rev. John Bass Shelton, of Ches ter. Messrs. Glenn ~8i Allison’s young mare, Juba Dean, ran second in a three-quarters of a mile bant at the State Pair on Wednesday; Then were five Matters, The mam was entered for a mile race on Thursday and ran fourth. , Mr- H. J. Harsbaw, a well kcoWn and highly esteemed cit pen of Guthriesrille neighbor hood, died at Ids home on last Thursday evening at 8 o’clock. Mr. Harsbaw was*farmer, about 58 years of age, and was a good snstsntlal citizen. A barn belonging to Mr. Bish op Moore, who lives near Guth ncsvUle, was destroyed by fire last Saturday.- In the barn there were several thousand bundles of fodder, & lot of harness, some agricultural machinery sod other articles of value. There is now good reason to hope that Mr. J. B. Long, who was recently injured in a gin ac cident will recover without the necessity of ampotating bis arm Mr. Long is still being cared for at the residence of Mr. H. P. Thomas son. rue open-season for patricides and other dame birds commences today. Prom now on it will be lawful to shoot' partridges and other birds, except on lands which have been posted in ac cordance with law. Ia the case of posted lands, h will be well for the hunter to have the con sent of the landlord. . Shortly after their marriage at Gastonia, by Rev. Dr. J. C. Gal loway, last Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. James U. Moss took the aoathbonnd Carolina and North Western train and proceeded on through to Columbia. Upon their. return they will take up their residence at Mr. Moss's pretty little home about two miles southeast of Yorkville. The home of ^fary White, col ored, on the southwestern out skirts of Yorkville, wmsdestroyed by fire last Thursday morning. The fire broke out at about 10:30 o'clock, and had made consider able headway before it was dis covered. A NegTo man living nearby reached the scene in time to rescue Mary who is old and infirm^ from the flames. Mr. S. M. McNeel, president of the Loan and Savings bank, is in a better position to judge of the business of Yorkville than is any other citizen'of the town. The bank is really the heart of the business of Yorkville and vicinity, and Mr. McNeel watch es the pulse of the snbject close ly. He says that "there is right sharp business being done,” To people who understand Mr. Mc Ncel's way of looking at such matters, this statement will prove encouraging. Dag's Moentaln Hams. Kiaa*s Xmunaia News. Oct. The carpenters are nearly through with the improvements at the residence of H. P. Allison. Esq. Mr. Bd Allen, of Alabama, is visiting his father, L^ban Allen, here, and relatives at Patterson Spnitgs. ' Copt, and Mrs. P. Dflling and Messrs. Charlie and Walter DU Kng leave to-day for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Falls. Rev* J. R. Millard left Tues day for Cheater, S. C., where he wUl sjmnd some days with hit fondly before taking work. W. J. Renfrew has moved bia family into towmand will occupy the cottage by the Methodist chords. He will now be much handier to his shop sod can give it bis entire attention. A. J. Stockton, of the Bonnie mill orereem, has moved into the Beattie house which he re cently purchased. He Is a good toan and clever citizen ana we ore glad to zee him bay property psje* The street mile, cart and hand ora kept buoy there days filling t»P the worst holes in the streets and sidewalks. The work is done in a permanent manner «*d will last when finished. TMs is to the credit of Captain DUllng. The Southern Railway people ere placing a neat boa railing about the landing at this place jfW1 win greatly Issstn the risk 0# damages topassengers getting M and off the train at night. IN are also informed that the eompany will make other im provements about the depot tag with a new wagon and he naucoitfl nzs out one arm, but [■• loeo tfbo hauls but more MghtthM be can is not in this Mrmnrothertown. HeUanex Butler Sri; gfrst miotSg'asn,Ck b,1y FOOTWEAR Oar line el fine Footwear for Men, Women end Children la an* peri or to that oi any frcriooi aaaaon. We have more atyle pot into the designing. We have more work pot into the making. We have more near put into the material, and we have more demand tor the ahoee than ever. We have them at price* to nit all. ; ROBINSON BROS. IMU RATI and HUTS miMMBM. n« mprtaiH, aad •Nhi I »wi— at ■ FINE TAILORING AUIMBVALRO. • til. A. ROMAN, The Clothier, , >OLt LOCAL ttLlWO AGHII> jr*r Ir Retd A Alexander, ELITE GROCERY. Coroe to ua also for White Star Coffee, FePs Naptha Soap, Malta Vita, Fresh Cakes, "Crackers and Candles. Elite Grocery. rT'I88UR PAPERS—The new Hiattt 1 paper*, plain, crinkled, and dec orated at Marskail’* Oastonla Book Store • d*»W™** ssra Sotc** Oorioala Book -. .1—1-... ■- — WE HAVE MOVED A into the Craig & Wilsou building. More busi ness demanded more room. Had to have it. Am better prepared now to give the best there is in furniture for the low est there is in prices. Stock fuller and better than ever before. Hit’s furniture, we have it. With tbanks for all past favors, we propose to bid high for a continuance of your trade with us. 4 Williams Furniture Company, CRAIG C WILSON BUILDING. Phone 191. The New Fall Millinery You will find it at MISS RUDDOCK’S UP-STAIRS OVRR MORRIS BROTHERS. Tlie new materials, the new styles, the uew colors, and new combi nations. And our knowledge,skill aud taste are all at your service. Your inspection invited, your orders so licited. Miss Ruddock. C. & N. W. RAILWAY. BLOWING ROCK LIMB Bffaetlv. S*»t. 14tk. ISOS. B—lare Ttme Stlltorl. Boom sotts. I No. g ho. g V 8tfia “ Hi 31 m m ll; 2 ■* ■ UsSaa a _ -a ppm? SQVTK. h»10 1 No. 63 — — T ADMINISTRATORS SALE.. As' administrator of Jacob A. Car penter, deceased, X will sell at 10 o’clock a. m. on Uterier. Krrate M. 1H2. the following property, vis.: One nurary, . some carpenter’s tools, household and kitchen furniture, wheat, and ether articles unnecessary to mention. - Terms made known at sale. Sale to he at late residence of deceased near Avon Cotton Mill lu Hast Gas tonia. A. M. CAUntNTBft. Administrator. RAILROAD WATCHES. We have |uat purchased the largest lot of RAILROAD WATCHES ever shown In this section. All kinds. When we say* “We make a specialty of Railroad Watches,” and “Our Watches pass Inspection,” “that’s naff sed.” They are all Dared and reedy for the pockets of exacting customers. Yoa may have the freshest goods, finest service and lowest market rates for asking. That’s oar offer to yon. Headquarters for everything from fine Watches, Diamonds, Cut Glass, or Silverware down to a Collar Button—Everything that any other Jeweler baa, and lots of things that no other Jeweler has. If yen are leaking for highest quality, lar gest variety, lowest prices end fair dealing, call on TORRENCE, The Jeweler. Watch Inspector Southern Railway. THOMSON COMPANY. No Idle moments at Thomson Co's Oar big stores are basy from early morn until late In the evening. Thousands and thousands of mer chandise poured out of our store lest week end this week Is being followed up by a close pace. . • Fall buying Is almost at high tide with us, and our customers now appreciate what was secared for them by our care and foresight In buying our fall stock. Many new things on sale this week. Visit us often, we're a I ways a p to the minute The People’s Store, THOMSON CO. STYLISH SUITS! For Economical Dressers. Those interested in true economy, and desirous of saving on heretofore extrava gant outlay* tor clothing, will want to investigate,what is going cru . here in the way of high-grade append'd this season. , Yon will find all the style, tone, workmanship, and finish of the best, moat ex clusive and high-priced tail ors’ products equaled in every way. but at an outlay of abont half, and sometimes even less. Those with slim purse* will find true economy In the inexpensive, but thor oughly reliable and depend able garments In our big stock. Wool Cheviots and Caaat mens, ing solid blue ."and neat mixtures. Magnificent assortment of elegant Wot< atads, Scotches and Tweeds, in all the newest patterns. It’s tima you wer*looking around for an Overcoat. Come beta and you will be suited In pries .'quality an£ fit. 'A full line of the latest creations jo*t received. We can please you. We have them at almost any price yon wish. Come to See Us! t ROMAN, The Clothier P.tI» Block. Next Poo, ,« p.vl.'’ *Mth rf tow McNair. A fefegraui waa received here 8atarday by Capt. DiUing an ncMcing the de*h ofMr. IMlair, at Jacksonville, Ark., on last Friday. Mr. McNair waa the lather of Captain DUling’a fitat wife and of Rrv. Lee Mc Nair, now in Maryland, Ha wan ««red in Oaaton county where be waa a prominent and highly respected citisea for many years of his life. Many frietida in Owton ae wall aa h Cleveland S&asr* Aa Ualtrteaato Sattratiaa. Cklcigo BMM^fTtnUe ,-t-l l,^ ce*. -be begen. fStjrtl’JTS ottrlatnllUa would—” u^&r'Sjl^EK t, 1 Wfll Dot

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