/'Mlsl THE GASTON grown greater, not leal. __ _Published Twice a Week—Tuesday W. F. MAI SHALL, Editor mmi frapriatw. ._DEVOTED TO THE PSOTECTION OF HONE AND VOL. X_XJII. . GASTONIA. X. C.t TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IS. IPOg CONDENSED STORIES. Kelly MiyHert to Learn That Inf Land Mlfht Whip U. "Again." W. W. (“Hustler”) Sally was, if not the first, the moat strenuous of Am erica n theatrical man to invade London in tha eighties, when hie brazen, pagan methods of “boom ing” his entertainment created something of a sensation. Ho was the quintessence of Ycmkea gall, but really made himself liked by hie breesy manners and hearty ways. Ona evening when ho was away for a brief period half a dozen friend* were lounging in hi* office. There were fire Kngluhmen to a solitary American, and the quiptot speedily convinced tho Yankee that lha en tente cordials was a matter of indi vidual testa. They simply wipod up tbo office with him and rendered him helpless by their boastful throats of the things England would do to tbs United States should them come another war between the two countries. And they bad figure*— stacks of 'am—to prove thaur argu ment. Finally Sally, blowing hard on a big and black cigar, arrived. Tbo victim grootad him joyously. ■ “Say, Sally, the** fallows havo lied me on the rack the last hour telling me that unless tbs United State* lavs very low England will simply wipe us off tho earth !” Kelly’# cigar rolled to on* sid* of his mouth, his eyebrows lifted and in a ton# of profound surprise he naked: “What! Againr •am Got th* Tip. Secretary Shaw tells this on him self: “Bam, the darky who brushes my clothe* in a barber shop down in Washington, is particulsriy clarar "lit MM nun xoua coat aoaix." in delicately reminding customer* that he expects a tip. Ono morning after I had been shared I was think ing of other things and was walking away without dropping a coin into hia hands. “ ‘Let me brush your coat again, Mr. Secretary,’ said Sam, running after me. “ 'Why do you want to bruih it again V I naked. ""Cause, Mr. Secretery,’ mid Sam, without cracking a smile— ' ’cause I might brush out soma aold (last, air. "Sara got bis tip."—New York Herald. __ Didn't Mm Lay Doorknob*! Dr. Henry Van Dyka tall* a itorr of an old Irishman who waa engaged in the buainaaa of chicken railing near Princeton. One day a trav eling man exproaaod mirprfue at tha tiea of to much connate! at feeding time and suggested that tha mss] bo mixed with eawdnat, ineieting that the hona ’Would not know tha difference. A few months later tha traveling man wad again in the community, and be asked If tha new diet had been tried and what tha re mit had been. "It Wcrirka beautiful ly/* wad the reply. “See that old reUow banf w*lt I tried her on naif and ball, and aha liked H so wall I changed to all sewdnet, and the la at time ah* hatched three of the ohioka had wooden lege and a fourth was a woodpecker." M Into tha Fleet Raw. That wna a novel expedient by which one young woman wna en abled to iee King Edward during the coronation crash In London. Her itorr show* the value of di plomacy. T wae right behind, ma’am,6 aha said, relating her expe rience to her mistress " ‘Oh/ I •aid, 1 (han’t see anything in this crowd.* And then a young man that I hadn't not lead mid, ‘Why don’t you faintf* Taintt* I oaiu. 'Who** going to faint f And then he up and calls, ‘Hera’s a young woman faintingv And a p’iicemiti come through, and they carried me «t to the front I me mleadid. in, Urn yen mg man helped the p'Hoecaan.'*_ Subscribe for lint Oairttr. A HARO^ WORKER. "Privite” John Allen, who repre sratsd a Uiiiinippi district in com graae for Mrtral years, but who vu left at home two years ago by con stituents who thought he was not tsrions enough to be a successful legislator, was in Woshingiou re cently on business connected with Use St. Louie exposition. While In oengreae John Allen wns known as "the srit of the house." During his last visit to Washington he us* din ing with some friends at u down town hotel. The hour was lute, and the conversation dragged. “Private" Allen began yawning. Finally ha stretched out both arms und with a long drawn yawn said, “Well, gen tle men, I must co to my hotel end go to bed, for I have some hard work to do in Ahe morning." Knowing Hr. Allen's aversion to work of any kind, one of tho party aald: "Why, John, what work bavo you to do in the morningf" "Oh," drawled the Hiseiaeippian, "I have to get up." PrlM Manay doing A-bogglng. Tlioi-« it about $16,000 in tho United States treasury >■ prlxo and bounty money for sailors who took part in the Manila and Santiago battle*. Every penny of prize and bounty money that the court* de cided wai due to officers of th* fleets of Dewey and Sampson lias been distributed. In speaking of this matter Auditor Brown of tbe navy said it ia undoubtedly due to tho fact that the tailor* do not know that the money ia ready for them. Many of tho tars in the two naval engagements were of foreign birth and knew nothing of the system of dividing prise money and bounties. They have sine* been transferred to other ship*. Sorao hero died end others have gone out of tho service and into other trades. Tariff Freaks. A Gorman gentleman returning from southwest Africa brought with him a tiny monkey, weighing about two pound*. From Tanga to Genoa the animal was conveyed gratis. Thenea to the Swiss frontier Is. 3d. was charged on it is "a bird.” . Tha St. Gothard railway officials, how ever, viewed it as "a dog” and charged 7 shillings, while on tbe Eastern Swiss railway it became a mere “package” liable to eight pence. Through Baden and Wurttemberg th* animal was passed free, but at Stuttgart it ognm became "a dog* and cost another la. 5d. A ftamarkabU Blind Man. Dennis A. Baaidon ia Boston's meet remarkable blind man. He baa been sightless for thirty years, but ho is s successful architect buys all the goods for th* Perkins institute. Mr. Itaardon is th* ar chitect of fifteen completed build ing* detignod for tlie Perkins insti tute. By passing his fingers over the treeing paper he ia able to feel the line*, so sensitive is his touch, end he can tell whether tho idee his been carried ont os he intended. Mr. Beardon carries e watch with out • crystal and ia nevor et a lost to know tha time. Cosmopolitan Fattl. In order to glvo her a legal statue Mmo. Patti, wo are told, has token out latter* of naturalisation as e British subject This helps to aug ment Use greet diva's cosmopolitan km. 8b# was born in Madrid, her father was a native of 8Ieily, and her mother a native of Romo. She wea brought up by on "Amerjcsw" stepfather in the United States, married a Frenchman and also an Italian husband before she set tled down In Wales, Is the wife of a Swedish nobleman, Baron Coder atrora, and is now a daughter of Joke Bull. Tee Mueh Fir the Locuste. Geryville, in south Algeria, wai infested recently with a cloud of lo> cuati. Garden* and plantation* We covered with a flutteritg gray brown pall of the destructive in aocta. The major in command of ■ the garrison was seised with a heroic idee, lie called out the band and directed them (o play up fortewimo and march against the foe I The lo custs capitulated: at onco. The mu. sic waa too much for them, and with one accord tber cleared away to a lasa musical neighborhood. Hew to De It A man named Humphries in Olevstand began bnaineet with a pushcart loaded with popcorn, and new ho la rich. Bis roeipe la, "If you want to got ahead, get acquaint, ad with your Job." Volumee could “7.10.®0!? ,ad C*B- therefore, he omitted.—Brooklyn Eagle, A Mistake Stella —I cams near miming a proposal tot night Bella—Yon did t fiteQe—Ysa. He got down on hla birr, and I thought ho woo merely looking tor a pingpoag ball—Har Tn« Oairtti, fl.00 a year. BILL A«rS LETTER. Tbs Philosopher Talks el Yuksti end Netreee— Bin Wife Is Nsrslai Him. Hill Arp la AUaaU CoMtitatlaa. Lord Bacon said, "Wives are young men's mistresses, com panion.') lor middle age and old men's nurses." There is truth in that and iny wife is nursing me now. Ottr girls have gone off, one to a wedding and the other to Atlanta on a visit. T told them to go for they bad been penned up here with me for four long mouths and their mother said she would take care of me until they returned. I get along pretty well daring the a ay, but at night my cough is distrexsing and my wife has to dose me with various remedies until I go to sleep. The rain has come at last and purified the air and I feel better. Yes. we two are alone in a great big house. She sits iu her ac customed corner and sews most all day long, while 1 sit opposite in mine ana write or read aloud to her and when meal time comes she sits at one eud of the table and I at the other, and that's all. Old Father Gibbons came 9 miles yesterday to see me and to invite me and my wife to his birthday dinner. Next week he will be 89 years old and still be gets about lively and takes a comfort in meeting his friends sod abusing the yankees. It is hard to reconstruct these old veterans, especially when they come from Virginia. He and his brother moved to Georgia just after the close of the war. He settled iu this coanty on a good farm and hist brother lo cated in Rome. I never was at the old gentleman s house bnt once and that was in 1808. His brother was a game man and had been a colonel in the Confederate army. When the carpet-baggers and mean niggers overran their section and plundered every rebel's home the colonel orga nized a band of avengers aud played knklux among them and whipped them and rsu them off and later they came back with federal officer* and the colonel and his band had to leave to save their lives. Not long after the colonel hod settled in Rome the Virginia carpet-bagger* got a military order for his arrest and transportation to Virginia for trial. A deputy marshal and another fellow came secretly to Rome, but the colonel had al ready been advised of their com ing aud so one dark night about 10 o’clock he came to my house and told me his peril son said he could go to his brother's place, iu this county and hide out until thei pursuit had blown over. So I hitched my horse to our rock away and we left in baste. I knew the road to Kingston and he knew the rest of the way. It was abont 3 o’clock when wc reached the place and saw the gin house ont in the field. There we stopped and be took refuge in it and told me to tie my horse out in the bashes and then go down and rouse up his brother. This is the old man who asked us to come and dine with him. When I knocked at the door he came in his night clothes and said, "Who is that and what do yon wantf” 1 wmspereo ray bnrineu and told him to talk low, for we didn't want the family or negroes to know any thing. He put on bis clothes and went to his brother and I got {& ray conveyance and made for Rome, where 1 arrived about sunrise. Tbe colonel kept hid in tbe gin hoase under the cotton for nearly a month sad then dared to return for the officers had departed. I never see thin fine old Virginia gentleman but what I think of that ride and the narrow escape his brother made. Verily reconstruction Was worse than war. But it is all over now thank the good Lord, and we can hold onr reunions and carry our battle-forn banners and build our monuments and lay the corner atone for Winuie Davis and lynch the brutes that assault onr wives and daughters and as Governor Oates said to onr de tainers in congress. "What are yon going to do about it?" And as for lynching, I repeat what I have said before, "Let the good wotk go on. Lynch 'em? bang ’em! Shoot 'em I Born ’em." Israel Putnam went into a cave with a torch to shoot the wolf that had devoured the iambs of his flock, and just so T would lynch the brutes who outrage our women. He is not a human. He is a brute, a beast aod alt these demonstrations by gover nors and Jadges and sheriffs are hypocritical and perfunctory. In their breasts they rejoice ia the lynching. And there is another set of hypocrites who Infest our sooth crn land. 1 mean those (or the sake of filthy lucre and nothing else invite Roosevelt to visit their city and they promise him an ovation. He comes nearer being a figure-head of the presi dent than any wc have had. He is a confirmed alanderer of a great and good man and he slandered him and will not re tract or apologise. Our women have jort laid a corner stone for a monument to his lamented daughter and our veterans and members of the legislature ap proved it by their presence, and yet some of the same creatures would invite Roosevelt to Savan nah and Macon and Augusta. I wouldn’t invite any man to my town whom I wouldn’t invite to my house and no man who tougnt lor the ion cause or respects Mr. Davis would do that. There is more patriotism to-day among oar wuulen than among onr men. A friend wrote me from Atlanta that he was going to have 5,000 copies of General Jackson’s great speech on the "Wanderer* printed in pamphlet form for distribution at a small cost among onr people. I have promised to help him advertise it, but I had no idea that he conk! sell or hardly give* away a thousand copies, for our old meu and cultured meu and patriots were nearly all dead and this generation does not care whether General Jackson made a speech or not. I asked a col lege man if he had ever read it and he seemed surprised and asked who was General Jackson. Onr people who have grown up since the war have fallen into northern lines and are for money. Money is their ambition, their idol. Morgan and Rockefeller have done more to corrupt the youug men of this country than a 11 other causes combined. Those who are smart are looking for some short cat to fortune— some scheme, some tricky way to shear the lambs and get some body’s money for nothing. This it sad, bnt it is the truth. Well, the election is over and we are just where we were. We did't expect anything else. Sen ator Morgan can take comfort, for be said long ago that it was best to let the repnblicans have the house as long as they had the senate. Give them rope, all the rope, aud let tbe country see where they will run to and by the next presidential election the people will be alarmed and turn the rascals out. So mote it be. It Was a Mad Bag. YotkriUc Eaoalm. !S(1i. Mr. Geo. W. Williams, of Yorkville, has received a report from the Pasteur authorities of Baltimore, that the dog by which he was bitten sometime ago was really afflicted with hydrophobia. It will be remembered that im mediately after being bitten, Mr. Williams left for Baltimore, carrying with him the head of the dog. He placed himself un der the Pasteur treatment and Kve the dog's head over for cteriologkal examination. He thought no more of the result of the examination until last week, when a pig that had also been bitten by the same dog, began to show signs of disorder and he wrote to Baltimore tor a report of the bacteriologists on the dog’s brain. The report was to the effect that the rabbits that had | been inoculated developed hydrophobia, during the latter part of October. The pig. of course, was killed at once. Oirl Mss at the Peat Haase. CbtrloU* Obtnm, lStfc. Miss Minnie Sehenck, who has been ill with small-pox for about 10 days, died at the pest house yesterday. As has been stated in the Observer, Miss Scbenck had a very malignant attack of the disease, and her condition was critical after the first day of her illness. Miss Scbenck was the daugh ter of Mr. George Scbenck, who Uvea at 718 Soutli Church street. She was a hard-working girl, whose wages contributed much to the support of her family. The occurrence !a too pitiable to dwell upon. The horror was not emphasised by any lack of attention, medical or otherwise; yet it is doubtful if words can be used to more ghastly purpose than in tha saying that it was a young girl who died and that at the last she wss in a pest house. Liverpool capitalist! daaira to wake the west coast of South Africa rival the Southern States of America in growing cotton. They sent a hundred tons of Am erican icrd to Africa last season. The cron matured in ninety day*, ana tba staple was highly satisfactory in both quantity and quality. FRENCH Aigg THAT IlIZsT Mad* Succaaafsi Ascaats Mi BMMata. B atoning to Start* tag fatal* waaiutocroa. Nantes, France, Nov. 15—The airship built lot the brothers Pierre and Paul Lebaody made a very successful trial to-day in this neighborhood. Several free ascents and descents were ef fected. accompanied by cvols tions in all directions over the fields and woods bordering the Seine between La Roche Guyon and the town of Bonnieres. The flying machine returned each time to its poiut of depart ure at the rate of 25 miles an hour. There were four persons in the car. Yuk Connty Items. TotkvilU Bunlm. lith. Chief of Police Love caught three dogs during Wednesday. They were put op at auction Thursday afternoon. Two were redeemed, and the third was bid in by the town and killed. A heavy piece of machinery that waa being transported by the Catawba Power Company from Old Point to their works at the river, smashed through the bridge over the creek last Mon day. Fortunately nobody waa hurt and even the mules escaped without injury. The piece of machinery weighed abont 30,000 pounds. Matt Bvera, the well-known colored malefactor who has figured so extensively in the coart of general sessions of this county and on the chaingang sod in the penitentiary daring the past dozen years, waa com mitted to jail again on Thursday. The charge against him this time is disturbing a religious meeting. He was arrested at King’s Mountain, N. C. Pursuant to previously adver tised notice, the board of trus tees of the YorkviHe Graded school, on Wednesday, let the contract for furnishing the new graded school building. There were present five representative* of differeut Ironses dealing in school furnitnre aud the compe tition was quite lively. A. T. Woods, of the American School Furniture Company, Piqua, O., was the lowest bidder, and se cured the contract to furuish 180 desks, 100 opera chairs, 200 feet of recitation seats, 500 square feet of slate blackboard, one desk for superintendent and four desks for teachers. The bill for the entire purchase amounts to about $800. Irish potatoes have been doing well this year where they re ceived proper attention. Mrs. C. H. Smith sent The Bnqnirer some fine specimens the other day of the Bliss Triumph variety that averaged nearly three-quar ters of a pound each. She has 100 bushels and they are worth $1 a bushel. Mr. W. A. Young blood, of Concord, says that one of his neighbors, Mr. Paris, has a bountiful second crop from the first planting. He ssed potatoes from his patch as he wanted them in the early summer and left the patch alone without digging the potatoes. The aec ond crop got the start of the grass and weeds, and is now heavier than the first crop. Sweet Potatoes. Yort-Ul* Imim. Refering to the harvest of Mr. D. A. Matthews, of Clover, of fifty-five bushels bf potatoes from one-eighth of au acre of land, the News and Courier says; "More than 800 bushels of sweet potatoes have been gathered from one acre in tba coast country of the state. Among the refugees from the low-country to the upper part of the state during the war, was Mr.' John Wilson, who estab lished himself at DonsldsviUe, in Abbeville county. Our recollection is that be raised on sn acre of laud on bis farm at that place, more than 800 bnshek of potatoes." _ |R>Val Baking Powder Safeguards the food against ahrni. INFANTS HEADWEAR. =—Mmg^r\{- ■ yiti . W« have a complete line of Infante’ Cepe la all the newest design*, very pretty, stylish, and attractive, from 38c to $2.60 each. UNDERWEAR. Come and inspect oar line of Ladies’ Hisses,’ and Children's Combination Saits and Underwear. NOVELTIES. Wc are constantly getting in tha new things the ■tyilah novelties—sach m COHB8, BELTS, PURSES, BAGS. etc. Have just received the aeweat thing out in back combs. Com and get yours while they am REMEMBER That we are always in the load on Walking Skins— Oxford grey, light grey, and Mack. . W " i PECO SKIRTS am the leading garment. Prices $1, $1.25. $1.50 each. JUST ARRIVED Kew lot AppHqoes, latest oat in Made and cream Medallions. JAMES F. YEAGER. LADIES’ FURNIBHOIQS A SPECIALTY. Do You Want to Know? Are then aay wubjttU that com ■ ^ dartn tefornatioa. tenable, op-'1 ' term? Thia i* the attitude of the (he leader in the orork oi the « _ ^ ~ A Key to All Knowledge to Date — -*«-«— - *• *««-• THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA 17 ROYAL OCTAVO VOLUMES, 15,000 PAGES. Entirely New—Not a Revision. EDITORS jr"*”""*" t U0—oa vroiiiar **hcmt $4 ttMHKMlUKUMNCOL MnTMDUIMAKBB m CHICAGO ILSJL FROST TO&lft!tfcE & CO. 'MSBmKwmmmmmmmmmmmrmi -i-- uui 01 Urn* (!*».> The South U still wild, but what of It? Klection* nowadays I art won without ths South’s aid. The onty way that the South can pet Itself into connection with the realities and vitalities the* Republic tn tide *'" * ^ *° j .. -*• A vurut hu been inaed lot F. C. Ebbs, wt Mtdiwm comity, cturgioar bin with «nt*«tlat $7,000. ffomdUn IBOIMV i « boy rjfBljHl