The Gastonia Gazette BUSINESS LOCALS. QUAILS WANTED at Morria a Restanrant. CRBSHFISHoc sale at Morris'* r Raatmaraat Tkvtdtjr and Satar day. fVRUNBATORS lor Jaxuary at the U Gastonia Book Store on tho corner. . _ Apply to NoaiiAM Uottow. a LL^XRSONS OWING ns eitto A by note or ope* account t that are dno or past dot are requested to settle at once. CeAia St Wujkix, ONBY TO LEND—I hare at my disposal tome money to loan on farms. Persona desiring loan* will do well to aee or write me. Lvova J. HoUAVD, Dellas, N. C. ORSE8 AND HULKS—Nice car load Ten net*** horaaa and mulaa (4th thia tea ton) expected thia afternoon. Call at oace and got yoor choice. Casio & Wiuao* DO YOU WANT A HOMEt Will lend you money to bny or build at 3 per cent. For tall information call on W. H. Martin, State Agrbt, Alexander House, Qattonla. N^C^ ^PUBSPAY. DEC. 9. 1902. LOCAL AFFAIRS. • —Hal the weather’s getting right. —This weather has caused many a (at porker to squeal. . —The city council meets in regular session Thursday night. —Why don’t the grocery stores have clearance sales and bargain days? —A slot weighing machine has been put in at the Southern passenger depot. —Lowell, Stanley, and lit. Holly are fighting out the grad ed school questions at the ballot box to-day. —Christinas only 16 days ofi. —The U. C. Club meets at lira. M. E. Punley's Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. —The man with the bears were in town yesterday to the great delight of the small boy —and a lot of grown up boys, too. —Receipts at the local cotton platform yesterday amounted to twelve bales, the price paid for the best being 8 cents. Satur day receipts were twenty-five —Register of Deeds Carpenter yesterday it sued marriage liscense to Mr. L. L. Campbell, of York county, and Misa Bessie Wilson. Misa Wilson Is a daughter of Mr. W. W. Wilson, of South Point. —Bargain days are common enough with the dry goods trade, but Messrs. Craig and Wilson are giving us something new in their bargain sales of bone flesh for th* next two weeks. / Their advertisement tells about u. —A few days ago Mr. Frank Whitesides killed a porker 17 months old that weighed 432 lbs. Mr. J. L. Wilson 'killed one 7 months’ old that weighed 250— one that he bought from Mr. Neal Davis when it was only three weeks old. —The Sunday school of the First Baptist church will enjay a big Christmas tree Wedoeiasy night ppccmfecr 24th. The mat ter was decided last Sunday af ternoon. It has been a number of yens since this school en joyed the delightful festivities of a Christmas tree. . —The Hartis-Psrkinson Stock Company, which closed a week’s engagement at the Opera House here Saturday night, left Sun day morning for Asheville where it will pi ay this week. A full bouse meted the "James Boys" Satur day night and it is generally considered that this Is the best popular priced company that has been to Gastonia in a long time. —A cotamltte# consisting of MImcb Msnal* Chreitsberg, Oaie . Stanford and Curie Morns has < .Veen appointed-to arrange a pro Mua for a Christmas exercise to be given at Main Street Metho dist timrcb on some night dor music, ri‘5Si^ons0an big as this,"—here he ran his hands like parentheses around s space as big as s wash bowl—"and it was as long os this,"—here be held his hands about two feet apart—"and it the thing had been the long regulat' radish shape, it would have been this long”—stretching out his arms from east to west— " and with the big end toward you it looked like a stump. Pact. You look in the Landmark and you'll read about it.” We looked in the Landmark and there h was—long white variety, raised on Mr, J. C. Kimball’s farm, , weight 20 pounds. Bat what ac connt is a 20-pound radish? Lieut* of ihiOMstThut. An old document that ha Just ly prises highly has Ju»t coma into the buds of Capt. J. Q. Holland. It Ls the marriage li cense of his grand-fatber to hit first wife, Polly D. Graves, is sued in Lincoln county on the 4th of September, 1807, by Daniel M. Forney,1 Clerk of the Court. It is a small document, not much larger than a bask check, but it was just as powerful in its day and time as the blanket-size per mits issued now-a-dsys by Keg. isterm of deeds. The printing is of the old style with the long s’s that look like f’s. Cut. Hol lud's mother was a Rankin— the second wife of his grand father. Of the first wife only one child was born, s daughter who was afterwards the mother of the late Rev. Abram Wells, The license was Holland a few thoughtfrufriend, _ day, of Charlotte, who obtained it from a great-grandson of the Mr. Forney, who iaued it, the great-gTand so n having discov ered it among some of his ances tor’s old papers. Another old paper issued in 1817 was brought along also by Mr. Friday, bat Capt. Hollud sent that to Mr. John O. Rankin at McAden villa. This was the marriage license issued in 1817 to th{ late Col. Rich Rankla ud Misa An* R«Mom •! K*w /UrirHwHli. **T*^*l PHc* f’mTkt* t mem. Alt wilttnw. % , t , \ ROBINSON-M0B18W NUPTIALS Qaiat Bmu Veddlag—A Singing mmI a Plan Sayper «| Um OnM'i Bnau. ts Um Batter tat; *» M* Li OT*r rarlu Ljto Itfc1* daU *np. _R. DkW. M. The Weather. Yesterday's bureau dispatch says; Freezing temperature to night; Tuesday fair and cold. K. e! P. Officers. At a meeting of Gastonia Lodge No. 53, Knights of Pyth ias, held in their nail Monday night, December 1st. the fol lowing officers were elected for coming six months: George W. WUson, Chancellor Commander; F. A. Costner, Vice-Chancellor; W. H. Jenkins, Prelate; W. Y. Warren, Keeper of Records and Seals: S. 'N. Boyce, Master of Exchequer: J. H. Kennedy. Master of Finance; R, C. War ren. Master st Arms; W. B. Todd, Master at Work: George W. Smith, Inner Guard: W. *. Head, Outer Guard. Tnese offi cers will be installed the first Monday night in January. The Lodge ia in a most prosperous condition. Death at Nr. SUaUa* Mather. Mr«. Ann Shield* died at her home near Carthage last Satur day morning about one o'clock. She w«» the relict of the late Duncan Shields, for 90 year* a ruling elder in the Carthage Presbyterian church, and was the mother of Iter. M. McG. Shield*, pastor of the Gastonia Presbyterian church. Mrs. Shield* Buffered an apopletie stroke Friday morning and did not ragain oonsefotunea*. A telegram about noon called her son to bar bedside, and be left on the next train, but the end came nearly 10 hour* before hit arrival Saturday morning. Hia friend* feel a deep sympathy for Mr. Shield* in thu sorrowful be reavement, * Aaaea t# lah Peak. To Um Mltor «C Um O—iHii Replying to Bob Peak on the "Negro Problem” in last Friday'* issue of This Gazktx: AMEN! David P. Dxujkokb. Rtep Mountain, N. C. Dec. 1 I I plACE TO PACE wjitll tjjijiy holidays; I ■ busy days before us and you. W ^ stocks to assist you In making ^ what It should be—the most delightful d_ ..Holiday Stocks.. of Table Linens, Tray Covers, Art Linens, Pillow Tops, Drawn Quilts, Handerkchlcfs, Kid Gloves, Bath Robes, Rugs, etc. Just the things to make useful gifts. It's only a few more days till the rush will be on. Why not do comfortable shopping to-day._ • Cloth Capes and Jackets. New .stock In to-day. Ladies Cloaks worth $5.00 at $3.98 Cloth Capes $1.50 to $7.50 CLOTHING. The very best values In Men’s and Boy’s Cloth ing, Suits $4.98 to $ UNDERWEAR. 30c Ribbed Underwear9 28c LadtesUodervesta worth 20c at x _lOc Blankets and CoarfortaMes. * All wool Elkin Blankets worth $4.00 at $2.75 . Good Gray Blankets at _48c LION BRAND TRACK MARK U. 8. BRAND I raowriKm. backat BARABOO 13 cent*. NOMTIHMl SACK I O*. BROOKLINE IO New fine of Men’s Collars. Latest styles. Lion and U. $• Brand* 1 . • • • • ■•...( •V',/ ; r 'yv si •• •. Kindley - Belk Brothers . A Bad Nad* — djJBn Baser. Chariot!* Ofcacmr. Dae. Tlh. Aa No. 12, on the Southern, palled la from Gastonia last night the porter sprang off and informed officer W. H. Pitta, who is doing duty as depot policeman, that a strange negro oa the train bad been creating a disturbance since leaving Gasto nia. This negro, with about six others, all of whom were drinking, had made the trip very unpleasant for the rest of the passengers. Upon boarding the train Mr. Pitts saw that the negro, whose name is John Alexander, bad his razor in hand and was preparing to clear the car. It did not take Pitts long to get Alexander in hand and store aim away in a cell at the police station. AUNTS WANTES 1 Two active men wanted to tell and collect lor the Sinter Sewing Machine Company in Gaatoni* and Gaston eoanty. A first-class contract to the right party. TU11 on or addreaa . W. W. Bno, Manager. Honae, Gasto Lock... TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS Of the.Town of Gastonia: The charter al tha taw* at Baataala rayotraa tha tas» caOactar ta oaOaot by dlatraaa aad tala aS taxaa r—alil*| upaM tha Aral day at Jaaaary. Ta aara a Jrartkiaf, aala, aad eaat, yaa aaaat pay year taxaa batpra (ht Brat day at Jaaaary, 1913. 3aa aactioa M14 aad M at charter. I. Nt ALEXANDER, tax collbcto*. Gifts for Ladies are a special feature at our ae*r and da> iaatataek. Yaawlfl find here The New, the Neret and the BeauttfuC Beautiful gifts for yom .weetfacart or urtcr. Many thing* that valid delight your wife. Selections that weald please year dear old'mother. Com* and ace and you'll trade with u» atatphr because yo« cant duplicate the good* or the price*. We arc glad to wefanaa rioter. and plaaaad to ahow cor good*. TORRENCE, The Jeweler. BRICK! BRICK! BRICK! A brick ia a brick) yaa, bat wkat a j i i Quid wiw