The Gastonia Gazette BUSINESS LOCALS. Quails wanted at UorriT* Raatanrmnt. GO to Morris'* Restaurant for all kind* of aka fruit*. GOOD COAT foand a few weeks ago. Pay for tbit notice and get proparty. /-kPHNWO at Marshall's Book L? Store on th* comer Wednesday night (17th) and Thursday. WANTED—Everyone to read our advertisement in this Issue. J. H. Kaimanv tc. Co. BOYS, you should have a Wagon - oc Trciycle for Xmas. We have them. William* PuaMircnx Cu.'w Apply to No*man Moaaow. CEB THE 400-DAY CLOCK in O Gorman's window. «It is a thing of beauty and will prove a joy for ever." A RCH ARENA BOARDS (Mgames) *» and Crown Combination Boards CSS games) at Marsha))'* Gastonia Book Store. X/ISIT GORMAN S Jswalry stor# v and inspect bis stock, on open ing night, Wednesday. Dec. 17th at 7 o'clock. a LL PERSONS OWING at either A bj note or open accounts that are doc or paat doe are requested to settle at once. Csaio & Wilson. CLINCH, in pretty seta, smooth, * thin cards, decorated backs, nicest yet on this market. Price SO cents (wail 55c) st Gastonia Book Store. rv BCORATED CREPE PAPER, 17 holly designs, 20 cents toll. White, red, green, bine (plain) 10 centa roll, at Marshall's Gastonia Book Store. MONEY TO LEND—I have at my ™1 disposal some money to loan os farms. Persons desiring loans will do well to see or write me. Lvctus J. Holland, Dallas, N. C. OUGHT FORDHAM dt MOORE out? That’s what we did! At leas than factory cost? Yss. sir! Come share the bargains with us. Come to-day. ' Williams Fti*Nrru*« Co. CURNITURR— Latest styles,largest r assortment outside of cities. Beautifully arranged. Prettiest goods far the mosey This is the verdict of ladies who have seen our stock; there to no appeal from this decision. Come see far yourselves, come to-day. Williams Pcxxitu*b Co. TUESDAY, DBC. 18. 1902. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Receipt* at the local cotton platform yesterday amounted to twenty-five bales, the prices ranging from 7.80 to 8 cents. —The holidays are upon ns. Much choosing and buying of gifts already. May this be a season of happiness and good cheer to all our people. —Tan Gaxettk's Christmas stocking hangs at every post office in the county. Drop yonr subscription ($1.00) in now and let us thank von for it 104 times during the coming year. —-The Singer Sewing Machine Company is haying its office in the Davis Block papered and remodeled. When the work is completed this will be one of the handsomest offices in town. —A small tent, about ten feet square, is pitched on the vacant lot just east of the Gastonia Oil Mill. In front a large sign done in red informs the public that n this is the largest collection of snakes in the world.” —An obiect of interest in the handsomely decorated show win dow of Gorman's jewelry store Is a clock which runs 400 days with only one Vinding. The works are enclosed in s glass case and the whole is a handsome affair. —A Chinese laundry will be opened about the first of Jan uary in the house now occupied by Roman’s Clothing store by Loo Yick, of Charlotte. He was in the city yesterday perfecting arrangements tor the establish ment of his laundry and will return in about (wo weeks. —There was something doing at the city hall Thursday night between eight and nine o’clock as was indicated by three pistol shots which rang out on the still night air. A crowd soon gath ered to see what was happening. A negro who bad been arrested at the Loray on a charge of stealing made a break for liberty just as he was shout to be com mitted to the cell. The police man’s shots failed to stop him and he made good Ms escape. Hr. Wumm Tim. Reports from Charlotte last night as to the condition of ltr. Thomas Wilson, whose serious ill net* was noted in last Issue, were unfavorable, and great an prehension is to his recovery IS feh by his many friends is Gas tonia sad throughout the coun ty. In Ike Mayer's Court. Ratcbford Row had too mnch whiskey Sunday, as a conae ot which three negro inhabitants of that retort were la the police oonrt yesterday morning, charged with disorder ly conduct and disturbing the neege. They were Idea watts, fined one half east, amonntln* to |3.4t; Lovey Bratton, fined 93 and one half coat, amounting to 99-49; tlaaia Utiebcrger, discharged. Th# Viitktr. Yesterday’s bureau dispatch says: Rain mid warmer to night; clearing and colder Tues day. . At Janaa Seminary. Everybody is invited to attend the brilliant entertainment et Jones Seminary next Monday nigbt. It will be given by tbc teachers and pupils of the school and will consist of charming musical and elocutionary recitations. There's a good time promised and in store lor all who attend. . At 10:30 o’clock on Christmas day there will bt aapecial Christ mas service at the Lutheran church. An appropriate program consisting of recitations, songs, and an address by the pastor, Rev. C. I. Morgan, is being pre pared for the occasiou. The program will also include re freshments, consisting of fruits and candies, for the yonng folks. Death al a Child. Ilessie Erwin, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dellinger, died st 4 o’clock Thursday after noon of cholera infantum after au illness of less than a week. In a few days she wontd have been seventeen months old. The funeral was conducted at the home Friday morning by the pastor of the family, Rev. R. A. Miller, of Lowell, after which the little body was laid to rest in the city cemetery. At tha Opera. The Hi Henry Miuctrela which will appear at the local opera house Friday night, the 19th, it one of the very best and one of the highest priced minstrel shows on the road. The fact that Manager Tor rence has succeeded in procuring this splendid attraction and at the reduced prices of 35, SO, and 75 cents should guarantee a full house Friday night. The press has been profuse in praises for this company in every city where it has been presented this season.__ Nairn CUM Barnsd. Johnsic Holland, a negro child about four years old, a daughter of Frank Holland who works at the Oil Mill, was so badly burned about noon yester day that it was not expected to live last night. The mother went to the mill at noon to take her husband’s dinner leaving her two children, the one burned and a younger one, at borne in the Bradley row. The child’s clothing caught fire from a grate or stove and it ran out into the yard, where its clothing was burnt off, its body also being horribly burned. Amaismat Brant al tha Saasoa. Henry’s »ig City Minstrels, fifty all white performers having a spare date enroutc from Ashe ville to Colombia has decided to favor Gastonia with this date. Friday, Dec. 19. The Lynch burg News says: Those who were present saw a good show, one of the best minstrel entertainments that has visited Lynchburg. The stage settings in the opening scene were very pretty and tastefnUy arranged. The singing was well up to the standard, the features being the songs of Messrs. J. P. Moore and George S. Van, the latter singing a deep baritone selection, "A Thousand Leagues Beneath the Sea." Mr. Vai was tha interlo cutor, and his work eras of the very beat. He£is a sum of fine stage presence and his introduc tions were graceful as well as business-like. The second part opeued with a cornet aolo, by Mr. Hi Henry, which showed him to be the master of that in strument. Mr. J. A. Probat, the human song-bird, gave several imitations and brought down the house, and the two expo nents of physical culture, Senor Pran cells, gave splendid feats | n physical strength. The show on the whole was a good one, and was highly appreciated by those present. N«dM« «| Row -awsTss.’?1 “w* “*• u'!£Kr£Z??l£>"“u'»M SsZ&lt&SX!:**™ jCtmy* Co.—HwAwm Km in &cUS2,KS!Si lAAftSSASK^iiS ts tt.ivrsK^r£K »*• CJotkkr—Cot to hm VtrtoroiM Umb ovbt twfon. W SS^SSifi^ sSSftSilpyS us; ^^aagaaas.1*! PERSONAL MENTION. —Mr. Motes Roman was a Charlotte visitor Sunday. 1—Mr. J. H. Walters made a business trip to Charlotte yester day. —Mr. Bari Pegratn, of Char lotte, spent Sunday with home folks. —Mr. Craig Gresham returned yesterday from a visit to Char lotte. ' —Mrs. L. J. Holland, of Dallas, was the guest Friday of Mrs. T. L. Craig —Mrs. Lizxle Falls, of Kings Mountain, was among yesterday's shoppers in the city. —Mr. Arthur M. Spencer is at home from Hickory, where he has been spending some time. —Miss Mamie Love returned Friday night from a pleasant visit to Mrs. J. D.. Bivens, of Albemarle. —Mias Mary Brown, of Moo month, Vs,, arrived “Friday and is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Golioway. —Misses Barron, of Charlotte, and Miss Eva Elmer, of Balti more were the guests Sunday of the Misses Hoffman. —Misses Emma and Bertie Simonton and Pattie Cannon, of Jones rSeminary, All Healing, were in the city yesterday. —Hr. Si. M. Glenn, of Glenn Brothers, Charlotte, was the guest Saturday and Sunday of nis brother, Mr. J. A. Glenn. —My. A. D. Clark and family will arrive to-morrow and will occupy the Dalton house, cor ner Narrow Gauge and Main streets. —Mr. C. A. Weller, who has been the guest for several days of Mr. and Mrs. B. Bryan Jones, returned yesterday to hia home at Knoxville, Tenn. —Mr.. B. J. Hoffman, ac companied by hia friend, Mr. J. I. Stoer, are here from Phila delphia and are the guests of Mr. Hoffman’s parents, Dr. and Mr*. W. H. Hodman. They, will be here for about two weeks. ■•llday Tickets. Holiday tickets on Southern sod C. & N.-W Railways ou tale December 23rd, 24th, and 25th, and also on December 30th, Ust, and January 1st. Pinal limit January 3rd. Rate one tnd one third first class fare. I Holiday tickets for students on tale December 16th to 22nd in clusive. Pinal limit January 8th. Applicants must have certificate properly signed. Rate one and sne third first class fore. Andrew Carnegie will give to his little daughter Margaret for a Christmas present a magnifi cent new mansion coating $2, 000,000 It is in New York city and said to be the finest honse in the district of millionaires’ homes. He has instructed the architect to allow no one to use the front door, so that on Christmas morning little Marga ret may be the first La unlock the door and enter the splendid man sion. BOOK uyyLi OPENING V edaeMky Nlfhl, Ike. 17th, and Thtmday, Ike. 18th. . There will be some attractive books and other beautiful goods on display at Marshall's Book Store on the corner to-morrow night and Thursday. We hope every one who reads this will see the display. This announcement is intended as a personal invitation to you to come. It is our purpose to cause yon to spend the evening or the day hours very pleasantly with us. We have bought for oar custo mers many elegant books, most beautiful in the writing, the printiug, the illustrating, and the binding. Perhaps your favorite author is here in attire you can not resist. And then there ere many other goods very pleasing to ate and delightful to have or to give. GASTONIA BOOK STOKE. V. r. MARSHALL < CS. CHERIYVILLE. "> ...4.HJUU of III* 'triflMU Dec. 13th.—Two pliottfgrn phcn pitched their touts in oar town this weak. Mr. Helms, from Mooroe, and Mr. Hoffman, from Burke. Both ora expect log to do a good business dariog the Christmas holidays. Mr. B. M. Berry and family have moved to Bnrke county, eight miles above Morganton. We arc sorry to sea this good family leave onr town. Mrs. J. W. Kendrick received s telegram to-day aouonocing the sad news of the death of her sister at Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. N. B. Kendrick says they have found clay at their brick yard, three miles north of Chesty ville, from which they make the finest fire-proof brick that sell for fifteen dollars per thousand. I see In the last issue of Thu Gazrttb some mention of a bond issue for the purpose of building macadam roads in Gaston county. The logic is good, and it is only a question of time when Gaston will have macadamized roads. Our child dren and grand children will have them to pay for any way; then why not make the atari by bonding the county, so we, who are growing old may reap some benefit from good reads. By the time the bonds become due 'our estates will be iq*tbc hands of our off-spring, and the valuation of some will then be triple what it is now. -I- I famuli Mtfkita. COTTON. Good VMIHm Strict MiddUap. Middlinp Btalocdl Cotton PRODUCE. Bulk Nest, sides_— Mol seers, home made. Cranberries, per quart. Turnips per bushel. Apples,per bushel_ Country Hams_ Beeswax, per lb_ Country Lard .. Turkeys, per lb Cattle, puss_ Irish Potatoes Peas, per bu___ Flour_ Tallow_*__tto 7 Waal_77 3ats per bumheL...SO to SO FtAthtn_ , re Jwtft potatoes per bosbef!._ JS to 40 Elides, dry, per lb . BtOlO Hides, preen, per lb—__S Salt, per sack-68 to 70 Honey_J_10 to 13 Hens per lb--6 Fries, per lb_j___9 Butter-U Sfe; per ICO.-- .’. ... 75 !n«- 36 Irish Potatoes, Chickens, Turkeys, Butter, sad Epps in demand. • :-* It’s less than a dozen days till Christmas and (ust to make thte the Mg geM and beat wocfc of all we’ve KNOCKED THE BOTTOM OUT OF PRICES on Shoea, Clothing, Capon, dncfcota aed Uedanraar SHOES. Ten cases Ladies’ fine Shoes, Inca cap toe, worth $1.00, a pair to-day • LadiM’ fine Kid Shoes, guaranteed to give entire satisfaction Iseasi Heai <x spring-heel. Stock tip lace. Wortk$L68 a pair,, but in Cl « the shoe sale to-day a pair for w***® Received to-day twenty-five coses of the famous Godman’s School $l.#0 Ten eases Men's ill solid leather to-day a paJ°rth •“Veh*1* tl.SS 98c Men’s VW Kid Shoes $1.25 Special Sale Clothing. Now is the time to fix op the little follows for the holidays. Boy’s Suits worth a dollar and • Qfi/, ‘ half at $2.50 Suits st , $1.85 Boy’s Heavy Knee Pants, worth 10c Men’s Suita $2.96, $3.96, and $4.98 Millinery Department. Now is the time to for your holiday saving in price. Pons, Breasts, 50c, $1.00, and Dry Goods Department. 48c Good Ootiuca at yard $£ Yard-wide Percale* worth Meat 5C Yard-wide Sheeting, best grade ~4c 5e Bwt Alamance, worth QHc Men's Underwear. "SUMnWWaJff 25c • anX«Wbto pSbtr#,IOlfa*,,r ** 51.00 Wool Underwear at • • $3C $1.23 Wool Underwear at 7&C 51.50 Wool Underwear at M $1.00®$ Capes and Jackets. $7.50 ww* $10.00 Coat Salts. Nov is the dose to ” new $5°oo. moo f, $12.80 Special Bargains In Kindley-Belk ___GASTONIA, I nsure Accuracy •ad urt dm* by coming at once to the"WR raMTHUSNACr whenever yon require the beat drug* and medicines that moaey can buy. Our motto: Party ad iswui wUh OmaMama. In medicine quality is of first importance. Pune drugs, moder .ate chargee and reliable attention guaranteed at all times. Oar •vary department la eomplate with choice selccdoaa. Meat sue at the "White Front Fountain." Whan yoa can’t cams, phone M. We aolicit your patronage. N. B.-Csll and sea our genuine bargain* is Holiday goads, a mall bat •elect line. Our prices arc our best sale amen. Callers and bnysrs am both alike thrice welcome. J. H. KENNEDY * COMPANY. IDEAL HOLIDAY STOCK. AAA Are yoa la doubt •• to the fit thing to give at Christmas ? Then yoa haven't seen the lovely things which GORMAN bus brought to town for Holiday buyers. Whatever your taste or* fancy, or whatever the length of year purse Gorman can meet your seeds If yoa have In mind to give Jewelry, Silverware or Novelties. Watch for the announcement of »ar opening. A A A J. H. GORMAN, Adjafadag In live. * JEWELS! AH! OETICIAH. TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS Oi (In Town of Qaatonia: The charter el (he leva el Qaeteala repairee (ha las* celleder te ceded hjr Oelreee aad eale al (asee aspaM the flrat dap el Jaaaerp. Te earn atartiataj. cale. as* ceet. pea aaal pap pear taxea helere the Brat lap el Jaaaaiy. 1H3. See eediea 2S 1-3 ead 26 el charter. I. N. ALEXANDER. TAX COLLBCTO*. 0 YOU HAVE THE MONEY WE HAVE THE POODS. ' . 4 ’’ ,■ i r v ’ '• ‘ and they are right here, ia our atore; good* bought light, displayed right, and offered at prices that will tell then. --Jtew, Hovd, mi Ifrfr-Ptte ihlky frnii • Watches, Diamond Bet Brooches, Gold aad Silver handle Umbrellas, Sterling Baser Toilet Beta, and Novelties of every description, sellable gifts for sweet* heart, wife, slater, mother, lather, brother, the children er even the baby, bless it’s little heart, it shell not he fargottsa la oar Christmas giriag. j , j Cone, be yoanrif the jwdge, aad uahe year selec tion. We never offered ante for the mrarj than we do at the preseattine. t ; TORRENCE, The Jeweler. % - - - • ■ l- . - •-_ . **- J* R OM AN, Daria Block. TIB CLOT I,

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