‘Hn THE GASTONIA grow* ffT*»tCT, not 1«M- ~ ... r . .' — . ... . — L, Published Twice a Week—Tuesdays V. r. MAKSHAU. Eli tor an* Proariator. DEVOTED TO THE PKOTECTION OF ——=■*==—■w=g=aaaa«i ‘a—.icngspp«MBnoBMO——efcKA'i. —i. ^gmr VOL. XXIIX. GASTONIA, N. C„ TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1003. - . ■ • — ■■— —«— - - ■■ i—^wa——W^a^a——iP——a—a— M'KINLET AND REED. Aa Badmate and Comparlaoa of tbe Two Men. tibwb op wulluc alibi white Wllsr ml the lUMrU (Km.) Ob. ' *»«'• TvUa of Ik. Rivalry Thai Ra tal** Mwwtt Hi Tni MmtmmmM ul What Wiald Hnva nagseara If Rev* Baa Saak UmH4 Freel Im«M af BifWIw. Tlie death of Tata Raad cloaca tbe chapter cf on# of the atrangaar rival, rim that ever occurred la American politic*—the rivalry between McKinley aod rued, aayt William Allen White la tbe Km ports (KanJ Gaaetta. Tbe contest was not bitter—It rarely came above tba carfare o( (blogs—yet It woe an Inevitable conflict end was made ao fay the characters of tbe tiro men and their propinquity In political Ufa. The man wrro ae antithetic to oae another as a dog and a cat In no trait of tbolr characters wore they similar. aod each Irritated tba otter. McKinley mu solemn, rattier pomp OR devoid of humor, given to Prtnc* Athens aad white string ties, never ra ve* ling himself except to his Inmates, canny, tactful, arbaoe, adroit, smooth, otengii la and placid. Used wan brusque. a jolly men who liked to re veal bis real salt and hated shame end pretenses, a scholar who despised the patter of polities that peases for learn ing In congress, a wearer of each coats and clothes with lots of pockets In them—wrinkled clothes sail a soft hat; tactless end proud of It: sot afraid of making an enemy where It would do the moat good: bristling with retort and Invective. LB noirw McKinley and Band were metaben af one party and protectJcm leta in theory, but them (topped the peruDcL Beed became Boor leader and afterward speaker of the boosa. McKinley waa defeated for speaker of tka bouse and want Into committee work. Reed roee to kls (lory. The quantise which McKinley woold hare put Into the speakership would have made him a failure. Basd waa lbs man needed, and Ma work there has changed the current of Dacca in Amer ican congress as greatly as an amend meot to thu constitution. McKinley rose afterward to Ma glory and forced Reed oat of political Ufc. McKinley's tactics there urare distinctly his own. Hu need no ootward show of force. He did not appear to bo moving at alL Yet ho ground Seed aa with a glacier. There !■ no dotfbt that If Beed had been president ha woald have forced McKinley out of action. There was bad blood between them, but Bead would bore dona It before nil tbe peo ple sad perhaps would hare disrupted the party. He woald have glceied la It Beed dloHhcd McKinley and waa frank to Us acquaintsncaa in dlaruae* bag It- In un McKinley shot tbe door of petreaage on Bead, accept In Ms cmixskocil district need was aa mad aa a buB and bellowed out a good many kinds of damns about McKinley to his friends. The day McKinley died Bead aa4 n mutual friend and I happened to meet at luncheon In the Central eleb In Kew York city. Bead waa Mg with the philosophy of the boor. His rival was dead; the race bad bseo ran. Used was out of M; tbs book waa closed on Ms ambition. Ha know It. After a simple mao) bad bean pot away Bead pushed back Ma ebatr sod began to talk. For three kmg hours be dis coursed moot beautifully' opoO Ufa. its unesrtalaty. Its real rewards and its checks and balance* upon tame and Its accidents and Its rmptlnea* upon death and Immortality and Ood and all Ma ways and work* It waa a kind of funeral oration the likh of which taw man are privileged to baar. At tbe. end of It all tbs Mg man threw back Ms head and looked up at tbe great oak rafters af the room far a long whoa and then 1st Us hands faB heavily on the short arms of tbs chair as ha atghsd: "HI, hoi What does It all meant Where la It golagT Who at# wet What It this aafathomed mystery wo nail Ufa? Ood know* I Ml* Rm4 tu McKinley1* lataDeetaal » parlor, and ba eoaldn't balp bat know It Road waa a acbeUr of wida and Jedhdom rending- Ha know things at tba barn and nrtentaad tba aKbaate ptiDoaophy of them. do ba wrote watt, ■a got « chapter la a acetmoc. Ha waa alwaya earn. Hla atyla waa apt srameUe. McKinley bad tba warty atyla af a an wbo ta not quite oak tala of bla paam— art la trying ta aooettM hlmaatt Ha two man arar reraalad thoracolva* aa nakedly la tba* atylaa aa MaKMlay aad Baad. ta Me Klulej’e written and npotwa language a kind beartad man abowa hlmnelf; la Baad’a, a Mg brained man. MeB3» lay’a aUeugtb waa not la Me bead, bat hie heart Ha grew to real graatama becaaaa ba waa kind. / Ha WnaM aat agaad any ana, aad bit Inrad to piaaaa Tba greotaat calamity that canid hara. befallen liawtra waa ta hare bad Tam Bart elected .prrtdertwbm McKMtoy waa alerted. Awadiatt beta allowed America tolge,* -way with Spain. Ha wanld bare 5dm to pee chad by etagram art way declared b. BHte of Mm. Pram ad tntatteafmJ ataadpolnt Baad wanM hart beta right Bat tbara la a force la tMe world atraagar fbaa bralaa. Tbara tea deettay af arttarn aa wan aa mad. art wlmn wa wmdd pat ear own Merle wtlla la Ite way aaamtblag outride amardraa —call It dratlay ar ram tartiarj ar Oad-latarrraaa art bruofcee the cham man eride art ptoyi Aa awn gemoi Beaux wladam la aa BmBrtl hraloa aarwt far aa tittle; (be thing wWeb ana wrong aftm beta» great errata Tn GassTtb, tlJOO a Year. right; piiunlng and Ntntaf and look lug ahead avail nothing. Qnly when w* look buck over thJaga that we would have done nod sue boor foolish are nor dealrae even the wlaeat of them lu (lie light of the days that com*-when we see wbat calamity would bar* followed our prayer's ful OUmcut. wa gain a faitb in the moving spirit outsldu ooraelrca iluit "doath all thing* well." iiuman w I Mona count* for Utile. Leaning count* for 11 LU*. No man con tell wbat a day Hill bring forth. Faith la the bsglnuing and cod of aU phlloeopby. The wlac men of the country If thry could would hare made Rvwd preel doot. Tliey feared UcKluley. They could rot see the kind of a man needed for the event* that wer* coming, tired In the White House would hare bees a national dlaoetrr. The destiny of millions of Lamitu creatures la the le luod* of the ace would have been changed from that which looms ahead of I twin today. Out the sanity of the people chose McKinley. There seemed to be u prescience lir It. There wee this; McKinley wa* th* common aver age man. He nod Ids Ideals and hie eonragu. which was not of tli* strong est. but which- was average and hu man; his viewpoint, tile education, bla aspire tlof^ for America, wer* those of tli* Average Annina, and so war* instlnctireiy thus* which shonld reflect all the people, nod the people's destiny waa safe with hint. Per hap* In Used** life, which would have been embit tered Bare for hi* boo pent philosophy, ha vnw these thing* ucd recognised that he was bora out of time. Cer tainly be liad In Lira the making of a great uian, Uut bla day wae uot come. Ood rest bla soul Ull Its appointed time; FACED DEATH IN TIBEf. ■*#« Media DHnllm Harran mt Trmnllx at liatrimn litl(kl>. 8v*u Ftsdla. the explorer, who recent ly attemptod to reach r *■-the capi tal of Tibet, give* In on Interview with the London cocreapoodont of the Phil* dolphin Tiaee e vivid narrutloD of Ule sufferings on the Journey from Charkik te Ladakh, which ucc opted eight months. Be tost nearly the whole of hit cara van owing to traveling at enormous at titudes Even the valleys ware higher than the summit of Mont Blanc. The ■ere act of breathing was moat diffi cult. Tour members of the expedition died simply because they eoald Dot breathe. Two died gradually from thatr fact upward, the brain being the last attacked. ■run Hedlo was tern affected than the others, but was quite unable to walk and only saved himself by keep ing Immovable Id tbo saddle from morning until camp was pitched In the evening. Even unbuttoning bis coat In volved acute pain and tension to an overwrought heart, which was literally at the point m breaking. The explorer In describing the awful [ >gjMM around Lohnor. which la a ffrled ap lake, said there WHS uo sign of Ufa of any kind. It waa a land of daath. Bo found rulnad tampion and house with high towers In four rtl legao a few miles apart. The streets were wtda. Ha found among the ruins cart wheels. Iron axles clay Jars and Chinese manuscripts which It can be proved are MOO years old. Undoubtedly; the road waa a great postal highway from reking l«f Kash gar MOO years ago ead waa probably tba longest rad tn the world. HATCHET STORY WA8 NEW ■wwlu PMHUt IlNlM WkM CMHN< With WMlltaltM. A dealer la pigs In Woidao. Bavaria, was testifying, according to ■ apeeial cable dhgwtcb from Munich to tbe Haw Teak World, In court to tba bon eaty of hie eon, wbo waa tba ant In tba suit, and aware be oarer to*d a He. “Re reminds me,” tbe Judge re marked. “of George Washington.” Tba witness, detecting something Ironical, ss be thought. Is tba JodgWe tone. Bared op sad told be.knew hott ing of George Washington, and his lawyer demanded that tbe«Jbdge ex plain, Then tba -Judge told tbe anec dote, which the peasants of Welden board for tba first time. Ceol bp rreatitnles. Goal la ao scarce at Watertown. N. T-. that wbsra there ore etch peresoa In .the family the bead of the booar bo*d goea la tba attending physician Cor a certificate staling that coal Is a csosaotty, esys tha Philadelphia Press Tha certificate to then taken to tbe coal dealer, wbo furnishes aH the coal ho can. If no mors than a saekfnl Is Wk.1 Pn ir«M Do. "What nrM aQ Um troohlo. tboawfcT” ■an a*Id to pa taolu. "AM why MnM Cnrlrtnna want to go and Baht with Cfcrlotln wool AM why atwaM wa ba minin' In aaa body Won't wur b aaaana to w thorota notbio' loft Mal i half arartb flgbtlaT ter. la ~ i i* part at ast What daaa H own that thoy— lha OaoMaaa gad tbs te«hka»-aw« _ Ilka to taka awayf "Taw waalda'1 wMorataad." ga Mid. "Wa AM ~whark*3a *gaad aaptatnte’ rhtega that aaaTt ba Sdwaaoad? I OAly wMi^that l waa tbaro aM moata I waatdPt wah. (ibo Taddy data, wlthawt a word to ooy. T« «tra tho Mlgo to Downy. (i| fg goad Mm got to 00A And grotty aaaw. you hot. tho world would aanr from oaargr aM Mar w* ’ItljT*" Tbo aaty tbteg I know b that lboy-ro rtirrto' og • raw. a grtnatgaD. bat a Mb'I tod n aatoo trow at tba atari ar bow M bay goad la ba tboro; I *«oao ii Snbdcribe for Tn Gadctt* CASTRO FEAR8 A88ASSIN8. hvmlu PmlJni, Always ly OsarAeA. tarrin a Karat*#*, ' Compnrallrviy UtlW U kaown In tUs Un:tal HtatM «f tbs personality at rrrthJsot Culm of VtomuiJa, now a prominent Agere la International mt In ths car, aptiust the door Krom Ids aut he could sec before Ulm all thou to ths pcriy. whoso hocks wers toward hiss. Thor* who tisre knowlodge of the sad den tad (list baa befallen many Laths Amertcud pruidcsls will recognize the reason for this sc I loo. At tbs hotel la Marulo. too, he was constantly guard ed by officer* of bis army arlectcd per sonally by him for that purpose, wHil* outside, day and night, (toad a com pany of troops. Besides being always rarorted by a bodyguard, whether out on horseback or tn o carriage. I*re*ldri)t Castro It also armed. Hr earrlu In ua outside pocket on bis left side o small *2 cali ber pur! bandied rovatver. This be contra up with i handkerchief. It k bis hsblt to war* thl* handkerchief la acknowledging greetings Instead of sa luting or mooring hk bat. Two yusru ago t crank attempted the Of* of Pres ident Cntre. It be* beeo mid that ffinoe then be always bides hi* pistol la the handkerchief whan he takes It out But If be do** be doe* It remarkably wHL GRANT’S SISTER’S DREAM. hn ll r»r*»ol4 to Her Dnrk M Oeseeal*a VMn. Mra. Uir7 Oraut Cramer, • slater of Oaneral D. S. Oraut, alto lives wltb bra slater, lira Virginia Grant Corbin. In East Orange, N. J, says tbe death ot Mra Oraut was foretold to ber la a dream on Dae. 0. "The dream ace exceedingly vivid," ■aid Mra Cramer to a New York Trib ase reporter. “I thought Mra Oraut came to uiy bcdalda and, pin deg bar band on my shoulder, aald I mines! is ly, 'Mary. I bare coma to tatk with you •nd ray geodby because [ ana not go ing te be with yon moth longer.’" Mrs. Cramrr told bar dream at tba breakfast table the next morning, and to bra avuprtaa a fylsod of tba family, Mra Katbralna Lawrence. who was Halting at the tiara aald that abe. too, bad bad a angular dream. Mra Law ranoa said that aba dreamod that aha, Mra Cramer and lira Corbin stood tat tba portal of Oranfi tomb on River aide drive. New York, and that (here appeared to be a largo crowd of per aons outsider dream op In two Hast, awaiting tba arrival of a cavalcade of some kind. , VENEZUELA’S DEBT. FeaneSa g. Uaali Walla a Kerr nraa* Ita A Ml ley (a gap H. “Vanoauolo ought to have enoutgb money to erttle this debt," aald Fran Cte R 1-oycnU, minister to Portugal, the other day to the Maw York Bog 1W1 Washington correspondent. Mr. Loomis, who was formerly mtalatar to VenesoHa, bad - Juat coned at the White Donee to talk ever the sttsattos with President Booaoralt - "Yes.” be continued, ”1 know for a fact that they have at laoat >38,000.000 la caab. Not loag ago 1 mat Castro's secretary In London. wearing a vary Important air. " Indeed,' aald I, -wbnt ta ttT . “ 1 bsva obtained a toaa of |hl,000. 000.' “ 'Good: I congratulate you.’ " 'Thanks. Aad would yau loan me >100, ao I eau buy a ticket borneT* ” *1 Tm need'* yoke*. On • liuueward bound trip from Lou don tba lata To* need traa wltb a par ty of Aatorkaus la tba ICaatnn.eapriai for LtvorpooL aonetbiop wont wroup orltt tho brakea, and tbo train* palled op Wltb a root *Miooot of jtrttap and oeraaahlnp ot a Ihtle town called Holla, by. between Charter and Liverpool. Hr. lUed poked ble head ane-of tba wladnw •nd read tba etpn ou the atatloa plat form. “Ilaira byr be exclaimed. -flood preetoua, I boor not.“-Kaw Tark BereaO OltttaeO cue* Pw WllUPb Map oaabla to pet wood wltb wbloh to at art a Ipa tn tba qoorten of Huai hook and ladder company ta Btoaaa iold, N. J . the other erealop. the b«b ban raided a reek in wblrk war* paw-, anl blUlard rwe lwok. tba* and naad tba* la Ilia atom uya tba Krw Tark Tlaea. Tbo m ucaudad In war* Inp tba plan nltekmity far tba* to play peal wltb tba mu that wen toft Th* Gamut* for 1903, $1.00. MONROE DOCTRINE VIEW What Da Martens Thinks of the Famous Principle. OOXPAttl IT TO A DT 9 AMITE BOMB U WuUuin bwa MbbOW It Contallr-Bt CraltWa lb* lBit*4 SiaUw la ltBB4ls« by • Tknn Mb 1 on— •! VtB Tbe acuta (tat* of attain la V«ne ■oete, tbo attitude of Otiauy aad Kn|Uf>d. tbe action of Italy. Spain aad Botyitim bi Jelnlns ibe a met la tbeir demand apoa Votieaarla and. lastly, tba ■pint of conjecture abroad upon Juat what course, If any. will be fell owed !a tbe matter by tbe Doited States re new* with on accost ouird force tbe per ■total latareet la tbe Xomree doctrine aad adds not a little Importance to tbe opinion expreeerd upon that subject by Prof amor V. de Martens. This epta loa baa bees siren la a apodal article for tlie Kcw Ytnfe Independent. X. de Xartena hi a recofulaad aatbor tty apoa many points of latmmaUooal •aw, and be X today considered by ue fellow BuMUna aa Urn pwttft Inter national Jurist tbeir country baa pro docetf. Ia the course of his article M. da Martens says that the Uonroa tloctrios was “called late srlstsan by the DO eeaatty of set I la* a limit ta the mania for Interfatenc* which came Into fash ion aiaou* tha greet power* of Borov* at tha beginning of the Mat oo*ury." U M. da Marteua' uptoleo. beweror. thle doctrine “hat boon changed from being aa laatinmaat af defeane late a kind of dynamite bomb that may es pied* at any nmmapt and la any pin or." Hr conti aars: “All depends on tha discretion of tha Washington eerarnotniL la whose beads tha uAn* doctrine la a ran too teat expedient for teaming the aetrango meat af all Europren tadnooce within the limit* of the entire American conti nent It etetne to me that It ia rery difficult to foresee all the complication* that may recall from the protect exag gerated appHeatinu of thle political doc trine. The reeponalbllity undertaker: by the Called State* In relation to thee* nattana who may hare any Interest In the ABMrican continrut M gnat hryeod acaairx Any eoch Intrrret may arm aa an exeat* fur Croat lug all kinds of eoilialon. In proportion as the political ratatlons of North America become mere campUcntad wtu there be all tho great er reason for fearing and anticipating pretext* for conflict*, the Baal result and lane of which uo one caa formal. “There ran be no doubt that the acw prablAn* In relation to annexed tent tort** moat rail forth new political in lereata and rrgulr* new means sad method* far their retention. The part Of “ddarn of the world’ cannot be played without Incurring heavy expenditure and aaertficea aod therefore the war budget of the Bolted Slate* bee al ready augmented with surprising ra pidity. Nee Is there a man who mu tall a* when (he limits of thu aumaesB tattoo will bare been reached.' “All thee* recent facts la the Ufa of the great a marl ran republic ago eary atriktag proofs af bar power and vital ity. However this may d* It Severn to to* that the historical mlaMan af the Bulled States has bean fully defined to the court* of Its US yearn’ exist enea. It teu afforded a briltiaat ex ample of the aimed fabutoue davri Opcaaait of all the bring forces *f a pan pi* by means *f peacefal tabor and the continued eulllratloti of then* great price!plea on which 1th political and aooial Ilf* waa originally rouadod. It appears to m* that In the large* devel opment of the* priori plan, to their ex teaatop and apiritoallantloo. oodhtata the •»»r to ha eartad btotorieal rnnetha and ml at leu of the great American re public." _ A New Weed. Bagltob papers stats that a root* aahbratad criminal aaaa baa cItcu to tho criminal riam* of England n new ward. bn. Penraadocte, the wife of ■ enmity magistrate, waa aceu—d and eenvicted of abort In* entity toward bar little dough tar. The rase pas as. c»*d tot an** Intar** to England last «nly bam am of the prominence at tb* eiwii, b* because sha pat off with a lw of ISO. which for bar waa merely nominal punishment New when a prto onar gets off with an unexpectedly Ught sen trace or fin* be remark* that be baa received a IVnraddcek* The name may take Its place to aw ha guagv like tbee* cf ChpUta Boycott and Mr. BowiOer. A eebeaa la ou foot ta lnetract tbs Baaalaa ooldJoTo la rani oeoaotay. aaya • it rwtenbary apodal ta tba Itaw Tarb World. Toney ttm tora away Data Mr mhubutl labor* by Mr . niltary datiaa an ta ba aOoilbd ta atady acton tide oyrtceltar# wbao aat dr«lae or d*ta« gaard doty. Tin la •truoton an to be eotocted Mao ooaaac WMtaHato or ataoey offiotre bartay tachalea] kaowladya of oarleattw*. fba project to aeon to be aaatla to. IV | trntan for official oaacttorv Oanaoat Da Wo«*o arkobt. It to aald Ibat wbaa Joeopb Ubantbor rata aad Denar*) Da Wat wan lam Maad la Laadea tba aatoatol aaerotary i^itoH «b» Hoar yea—l aa "Mr. Da Wat“ -OaaaraU" oomnad Da Wat Ur. Cbaabertoto repeated tba wb droop to l>* Wat nmartad oteraly, -Ooaaral or notblnyr And tba oataatal —rotary bad ta fallow tba nMffita at Lard Kltcboaor. aaya tba baa Pnadto oa Aryaaaat, aad romyatn tba MUtory tottoa at Da Wat baton tba abliottoar Th* Oaikttb, $1.00 b Twnr. TOLSTOI'S NEW BOOK. Count TotatoTa new boat, Tha OBIS' Mila a atrouae Mbit at a ram *7 ao the banka at the Volga, aaya a ■t Pctaraburg dlapetch tn the Phfla datpbla Prana Tbo Uaabcad le a hope taaa drunkard, ao that tha wife. when young aad. beautiful, la obliged M maintain thaw bath. She cuter* tha o(loe of a factoey, and tha manager falto la lore with her. Pacing tba aahnpplnoaa at hw haow. Im amend* that aba shall pat a dlroroa from bar good for nothing haw band la order that be omjt mbs hag bla wife. Divorce In Beaeta. howarw, la an expaotora loaary, which ealy rteh people can indolgv la, ae tha man ager of the factory aad the woman Ml open the Idea of baying her *ntigan eonoast to the* union. The drunkard racetvea a com of moo ay and disappears. Hh hat and coat are found 00 the beaks at the Taiga, and tba weama 11 *11 Bn tha MBt ootpae availed up—aad tbare am many—a* bla body. Tha fhctaqr man ager niarriea bar, and they bve happi ly together antil one day a drakes loafiar lo 1 It. Pet»rah org tararo abauta: “Leave me alone. I am not allra. I aa a enrpm." Them acrenpa warda attract atten tion, and tha wbale daaaptlap aaama la Wit, with tlaa remit that aB three ate cent to Blbarla to gxplate their efihmaa TOOK I88UE WITH J. J. MIL*. «»m*» W. r*rktu Bara caaaliik Om4Mm la aa Oart aa >m Owtrga W. Prrklca of J. PlerpoM Marfan A Co. racchtly (oak flat kM wlcb ItOM J, KiB aad Mm IX Batke feller's recoat pa**imi«: !c uttermacea re garding tba caavlir'a tot tire, aji a Chicago special to tbe New Talk Press. Hr asserted Ua belief that the United lutaa had not aoca ha gnatnt pea parity and that tha BDa octal caatara la the cm would not bo greatly effort all by the drains of caab dee to lead la raatManta aad diralopaiaBt la the west “That urn icy la tight la evident to ov ary one." said Hr. Pcrklna. •'Where fore It la mto*tty orklrut tbat the Mae ■Inter la a toe Us. the bunaaar. la baa dkappod. Bat tba ratae of tbe ataeka tbeartdrca haa not been affected. Aa • general propaaMaa those that STS paytag dividends they Mr* a*mod era Mill continuing to cm I beau so to tba larratar they bar* the aaiaa rataa aa whan thdr sctllng prloe was Mack *Tbo country la la aa aoaad a caDdk Uen aa crar. thanks to tbe greet crepe aad tba todoairlal dcrclopcucct aad tba paaalailata should eberr up. Tha coun try la hot going to the dogs, aad tbara will ba aa panic la stocks’' PLAN TO BUY PALESTINE. Thh Artist Wests ts (tab* It ■ Christ!** n***bU«. * Arthur CBedtoy.Oraten. a yuang do ilgacr of Croon irleb Coun. to ogttat tag a mo-cmrut to pwcbaae PxleaOna •ad transform It Into a Ohrtodaa to pabUc, m/a tha New Yark THKo Ur. Qrwi haa epent Beat of Ida thaw la recant ram ta tha atndy of tha Pfa af ChHat Decently, he enja. be had a rial on. in which ho mw the land of II It mat (treteked oat before him Pw a roll, ■addenty the aceoc changed, and ha betoeid Peter tha Hermit ^-g troops of crate dam. Ur. Oreaua adds that aa the Vial on vinlabad ha heard a role* eaniuii nyoti una to ludatB the land from tba Turk*. The young designer than audo a Dag which, b* nay*, to aa tuot reprodne tkra of one be cow in bis MM, and with tb:# banner be propnaw ta ga from city to city caking tar MBtttoa done. Tbo flag of the Palestine repub lic of wblab this artist Mum to at Kaaarana bine, with a ansa, a stow a aad two etara. ELECTRIC BILLIARD*. - ka*«et ttam* ta Put* ta a*M On Bo n*a ml HdU. The rery la trot thing to Parle top* *» aa atoctrlc UOliard gam*, aaye tha Maw Toth World. It to ptoyad an a dlartna I tty* table, which ora I n foMed ap tola tha Use af a small warkbox. the beta «W wad* af occnpreeeail pitch. The an* to a penholder with n oark dtokat (he to cham lo* ay Mepatad. In tha awtoar of the table to n ptotr i raod af any (Mtortai whtoh ana ha *«uy Kirtndi l Tha gaa* conatota to nftoBptlag to auba mrotnaby caratorsctJngthastas trie teOnem* bekdnd (ho dap bans. A 1 pMcth-al player Bay ma an a taha af ••roin c bat a naotoa wfl) dad B nat at •M may The game to ftdto anBttoA to ha calii d an* at akin Tint Gastonia Gasette is only One Dollar a Year. - - -,---t_-__ Baking Powder \ •/; — ■■ oaicguaros tnc iooa agaln^ ! Millinery of the Seaaon, to Co at Half Price All ready-to-wear Millinery, except black, will be told by u» nntil farther notice at f HALF PRICE. . -• ' ' '• - Tbfa fa ea opportaaity that aeldona cones to get feat «*•» you have been waiting far. Aad to that yoa will have half jfear MHBaety money left! The fait to conae have the boat choice, of coatee. Infant’s Caps. We atin have thaaa faall thcdUkmrtafaeaaadaoaltica, from 25c to $2.25 JAMES F. YEAGER. LADIB8* FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY. READ! READ! GOOD NEWS FOR YOU! For some weeks we've bees talking stock to Ton IW fine stock we’ve been getting in and • wanting yon to ttv, Jr** we’v* b*** adHl* ^ <* ■»*■* Md rood ODM, fOO, -ffiaisiff JSSVrsas&ct ts on Bild. Among these are some specially a—t»*Ht saddle and driving horses, a few extra good family horses, 'anda plenty of good farm animals of almost any class in rise nom 14 to 16 hands high sad weighing from 800 to 1200 atsTiK^^^* NOW LISTEN!—We are anxious to cloae cp our year’s bosL n «s i ii order to nuke a new mart with the new year, and for this week and next we are rotno to Wbr SPECIAL BARGAINS In HORDES Md MULES'Jar took or on time. Stock will sorely be higher after Christmas. Boy now and save money. Don’t faff to caff and sec our mock. REMEMBER we guarantee every animal as repceseated to yon when are wt it, sad re member also that you will save szs&Jz** «““'*»• CRAIG & WILSON. Do You Want to Know? A Key to All Knowledge to Date K&fassasciNSsss?-*-**■—m***. THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPAEDIA 17 ROYAL OCTAVO VOLUMES, lfl.000 PACES. Entirely New—Not • Revision* EDITORS DanM Coil (Hlma, UL R* Hgtiy Hanlon Pik, PkE„ LH.D., Prank Moon C«Rr, MUL. \m twMrf w mm+t m —I—