"'•te^k.o. TlJC ^ A CTT/^MVTI A vsaastfsrc. 1 nC UAo I wf\ IA medium. IU circulation A. A A JLW A AKS A A 1 AX An grown greater, not lean. . - _ W. r. MAI SHALL, Editor end Pr»»cUtor. _DEVOTED TO THE PBQTECT10H OF VOI^UV. _^ GASTONIA, N. C.. FRIDAY, JANUAKY A CUSH WITH GERMANY Critical Incident of the Late Chinese War. •El. OHAFTEEU YIOOIOUB AOTIOI iMrttu Mtti'i riMni Anlu< W«»lo> DntnMlM «r KlalHta DalMlsa at PtUw Oeeolted la aa lataraetlaaal Pupate Ptptoasatla Kata Annul fitmtai. Former Attorney General Griggs to a recent talk lot out some stole eecrate regarding tbs ovents which followed tlio landing of tlM allied forces on Chl ooao soil In tba summer of 1M1 and told of a clash between Germany and the ratted States oarer before related, says a Washington sped si to tba Chi cago Tribune. ‘The story which General Chaffee Is now telling." said Mr. Griggs, “about how America saved 1804)00.000 for tba Chlnraa government reads almost like a romance, and yet Iboro la anottief story in connection with our forces la China which 1 am surprised Americas as wipe pert havo haver learned of. sad that la about a letter General Cbaffoe wrote to Von Waldcreoe. the com maadar In chief of the allied forces la Chinn. "Shortly after tlxs entrance of tbo German forces lata Poking tlx soldiers of tbs kaiser entered Into and de stroyed tho great nod historic obeerra lory In that city. 8a flagrant was tbo outrage that General Oh iff o# wrote a Uttar of proteat to Tea Walden**. ‘Tbe letter of General Chaffee waa read on# morning at a cabinet meeting, and upon tbo eoodualon of Its reading tbo member* of the cabinet wen foand applauding tba sentiments therein ex pressed. I can only remember the tenor of the latter, and now that the Gbineae war to a dosed Incident sad our soldiers, aa wall aa the soldiers of the nations, bare bean drawn from tba cslastlal empire It aeema tbe incident of the Chaffee letter ahoald accompany tba atory General Chaffee la now tall tag. "In substance the letter was a pro test against the destruction of an un dent an observatory a* that of Po king. In tbo Utter General Chaffee said It was the act of barbarians, and be wanted to protart as strongly ns be glibly could against each ruthless demolition. In due course General von Waldsraee returned the letter to the German ambaeaadar at Waahlng ton without comment Speck von Surra bore then charge d'affaires, presented the letter to Secretory Hay and de manded an apology from tba American PftTM nnrnt "It was a serious moment to tbe Chi nese situation. Oeoeral Chaff*#'* lab tor was net oouebad In diploma tie language. It wae the letter of a stur dy American soldier p rot dating against naeleaa and wanton destruction of property that should bar* boon bald sacred. "Speck ran Sternberg, who to a splendid fallow, la at the asm* time the perfect embodiment of the im perialism of hU august majesty. Stem burg wae greatly excited, and he waa rushing around demanding reparation for tba gran* Insalt General Chaffee bad put upon tha command or in chlaf of the allied force* In China. It was naoaaaary for the cabinet to more la the matter, and It was finally decided to wilts a letter that would appease tha angry faelingi *f the kaiser and Yob Woldemc. "That Uttar was read to Mr. McKin ley's cabinet before tt waa sent. I da not new recall who wrote It, but tt was read by Secretory Hay. I bettors that President McKinley had some thing to do with its preparation. At toast tt waa satisfactory to tba Ger man government It was a master piece of diction, and tt served Ito pur pot*. If I were Go nan 1 Chaffee, noth ing would give me more pleasure than to have tbs original of the Utter be wrote Ton WaMetna* and tba Uttar ef apology, to caflled, framed, so future generation* might aa* bow an Ameri ca* soldier contacted himself in a for Hneu."_ . MOVING A PINE GROVE. teBr Opt tattoo to laitotol a Mao* •*" With Foil Otown Traoa. Wteo a U Blair's now mansion at Blalradm, near Far HIM. Is completsd It wm bo surrounded by a groro of goo full grown ptno traoa, soya a «paaui from Morristown, H. to tba Haw Tort Times. Mr. Blair dom not want to wait far tlie trree to grww, knowtag that wttb modarn method* fug grown Ira eaa bo trmasplaetsd. All tbo traoa ate vary larga sad aaaat at tbaaa will bare to be meted by mil The dManee from Chester, where the grvt* is keeled, to Blalrnden k about Ms mike eterlend. bet they will bare to make quite e tag trip on the eon * <n order to raort tbatr deettnatku. It will require two ears to carry each traa, and It k rxpoetod that It wig fake team naw to April to eeemnpllsb tba teak. It *• eeMmeted the eeet wfll be lu tba . nolgbborbood of 1100,000. SabicriU (be Tm OatwctT*. LORO BERESFORD EXPLAINS D****«d Aa«w-tl«mu Kiln 1* Vw mmU Csss ■nimjeal. Lard CbarWa Berccford when lean by a reporter lor the New York timid tlia other day wai aooiawhnt perturbed otct what he mid wan n tnlMiudcr ■binding of Ida remark* on the motive of England and Germany In proceed ing nmlnat Vcncauda eud denied that bo bed ever said or intimated that th* underlying moliro wn* an aitnrk on th* Monro* doctrine. "I never Mid that Uoruuuiy and Great Britain Juiced tuqvtbiT lu an at tack on tb* Monroe doctrine.'- Lord ttenwfnrd Mid. "What 1 did wy wat that I thought It Imprudent for two groat undone Uke Germany and Great Britain .to Join tuotibei* over a ■mull affair like th* Veursoclau dispat* for two renaoni: “First, that Great Britain might quite conceivably do *oincthlng to irri tate Germany or Germany might do somcthlug to Irritate Great Britain. Tbla could not vecor If both nations worked cm their own bottoms sepa rately. 1 The second reason was that tbs Mac fact of two great European na tions Joluidg together In a matter prob ably requiring armed force* and con nected with a state aitanted on tb* con tinent nf America might reasonably arouse Americas nuKwinlbOlUM with regard to tb* klonro* doctrine. “In fact tb* words that I used w*r* almost Identical with opinions express ed by Um pres* of Great Britain and the United Rules when dlacnsslng tb* question and also represented a large amount of proas opinion* la Oeraiany. It was unit* Impossible." I-orri Rerss ford continued, for m« to hsv* infer red that tb* Britlrt Rov*rnm*at wsa anything bat a supporter of the Maze roe doctrine. “My government declared to that af fect In tb* bouse of commons in De cember I am thoroughly aware of Ha fssllDgs on tbs question and knew that th* *ctitini«nts of tb* British p*opi* or* most certainly id sympathy wHb th* lotwamcut' "THROWING FITS'* IN COAL. few ■•nans at fail Catfcarara a* Make U4aa Waaaaa Psy Trtkata. The coalyarvu alt on tad at One Han drail and Thirtieth street and ths North river. In New York, being loo WSll guarded to make prospecting prof itable to young fuel soakers, they de veloped a osw trick tho other day to get anthracite. A doaea or moro ur chin*, clad In rage, gathared In ths vi cinity of Manhattan atrret and Broad way, when tho large wagon* laden with several tons or coal sorb pais coutlncoaaly. Very little cool fell from tbs cart* aa they rnmblsd along, sad scraping tb* tops of tbs lands with ■ticks SDd rakes did not yield moch of a supply, says the New York Times. Finally aoe boy, seeing an uaasdaUy large lead of not cool heaped high on • these toe wagon, climbed orsr ths tailboard sad. throwing himself down In tho coal, floundered aliont like oos In a Bt. scattering tbs fuel In nil di rections. Tbs astonished driver turned about la amassment and did not mal ts* ths dercr trick until be sow the crowd gathering tho plunder: then. swktsg a wild leap from the seat, ha started after tho crowd, which disap peared around ths corner before Us hod taken twenty strides. Tbs next wagon that cams along waa frosted h» tbs as me manner, each hoy taking hia tom at “throwing a fit in ths coal.’* as ttiry colled It. who* his •oapaalons gathered up tho tpoOa. Cttlscna stopped to watch the fan and seemed to enjoy It Immensely. Tb* po licemen on post either did not a a* what was going on or. If they did. paid do attention to It During tho afternoon at least a ton and n half of coal eras scattered through the otreet Brsry ***** wes gathered op and earofnlly hoarded. ARMOR SUIT AT A BALL. Mraoer •« lew Twk Aria. leteslr MWMTtuUMhrlhtKdMi. At the Alton btlL to ta given Friday alckt. Feb. «. la tta Madam Oarden. ta New Tort. ooa of the weelthlwt aad beet knows ritlsaos of Cbieoce, a mem ber of the Avion society. wtN attend la 4 complete edit of amor which bee been lent aa a mark of racial favor by tta German kaiser, who consented to bare it taken from tta royal eo<lec tion and sent over to New Jferk for tta occasion. The breastplate and belaist are Madded with precious stones, and It la vetoed at $l8/xx>, aaya tta New Tort Commercial Advortlaor. After the InUI It ta te be returned to Its origi nal place. Emperor Wilhelm ovtoend a lively latenat la the great Her man •OCtoty o« occatloun wboo lto moan her* ♦toltod Barilo, and several costly evl twines of us tolerant are trophies ad tta otab. • - 4 Wvwdtp ln*nMn. PrM«aontWonOraw Wtiaan of Prlnoo toa aslrordty lo at work on Ut 4ord opmoat of a plan of hla own which will ha as lasoratlon la ‘-itxtiad sstretsl ttaa. Tit totooda to introdaoo tM tutorial ayataai lata Prinoatan, aaafa on •tr oard Ip Oxford aad hr whlah tsttra arr aratlahlr for avary rtadrst la bio MMM preparation far tlawa* Tbia and otbor ebont— prtpaard wilt ro qWta Hiaoo.ooo, wbleb PrraMaat WU. aaa has (aith ha wiu obtain VnMt'a not—o la Wood. Am Mr* H. fh Norton of Otlat osar Wlaated, Omul, waa a boot to pat a adsk of wood lata tha atarr aha aaw what aba tboaghc waa a plctarr of a Imm Poat-bWpanh. It prorod ta ha s Hw—Waa of tbs wood and waa a sort art plctsra of a waaoas la wslkhtd •ttlro. Bdwartl Uhl of Now Torn af *WM Mis. Norton 910 for tbo atlah of Tn GPUTTS $1.00 0 year. SUN'S REPULSIVE FORCE New Astronomies! Discovery Discussed by Scientists. ■KILL BODIES CHIEFLY AFFECTED ■< light n tk* Liuw TTardlr Itttlkk-lU <h* iiiMit tad Con ti* I'roui ills Oca mm Well M AltruM ta It—Virus at S-re Ihiov tea. Ttio great gathering of acirotistt Jurt bald lu Washington devoted much at tention to tho atudy of repulsive (ore's, wldeli lisas rcoeutljr utirsctnl so much attention among ostrouo.iier* and pliysldst*. says lb* SL Loot* Ulobe Democrat. Since tbs time of sir Isaac Mewtou. about two or made* ago. as tronomer* bars esplulnad nearly all oa troi cmlcal ohaerrattona by (lie turr of untvvrvl gravitation. Tills great law of nalnro accounti for tbs Owirs of lbs anrtti nod planets and the loot km* of the pin nets Slid comets s round tbc sun, aud It also accounts for tlia mottooa of tba Ooobla stars, of which many tboo sand sro now knows. Qscont physicists bars prorad that light exerta a alight rapnlslT* force, and consequently sll tba planets and cornet* are reprUrd from tba' son as well as attracted by It. Etco s cam!Is repels all bodies a lltlla, bat of course Its effect Is too small to adult of maas tnauient Tba astlicphydctsu tnocaUy In s-wslan dlecossed them new dlsoor srtre and klmlrcd qoretlotif ralatlog ta tlw nabnbe and new stars IW'fvwor T. 3. J. Boo of tbs navy baa ao elnborata paper on tble lire topic la Popular Aatrouomy for Utcmlwr, and tbls latest contribution cam* In far a share of comment. Professor See la roninveuHug so all thaw recant dlteor triua slioera that very small bodies at* most repelled by light, while the ef fort on larger bodies la hardly sensi ble. If the part idea repelled have a diameter equal to one oue-thousandth that of a grata of sand the repulsion from the eua Is eqnal to tbs attraction of gravity. and If tbs bodies' are still ■mailer, tbs effort la area (rosier. Tbls accounts for the tails of coasts, tbs ■odlaeal light and other celestial pbs oo metis. The tails of comets bar* long bean known to point from the can. aiul this ■It now accounted for by the rrputotou acting on the small parti Has wblcb compose these airy bodies. Moat distinguished scientists writs on tlili new subject with caution, but none of them doubt Its vast algnlg canoe for fature discovery. Professor Be*- says: “In conclusion ws should ro ruenibnr that gravitation condenses tha matter forming the Mare from a stats of taflntta diffusion and chaos. This condensation produces beat sod light and the radiation nf elect runs, nod tha wares of light and electric forces no autillr.g from such centers raps) all matter of a certain Oneness or of a cer tain cbetnlcal constitution ao powerful ly at to diffusa It again to the bounds of tha uni car as. 'There Is thus in nature a partial counteraction of tbs condensing and aggregating tendency of universal gravitation. Home of ths matter to again spread over tlio adverse by tbs Indirect effects of the some agency which canned tbs condensation. How Car tbla process of radialrtbutkm geos and what proportion of all tbs matter now fnlllnc Into the (tars for the main tenance of their radiation la 1bns ef fected cannot ot present be deter mined. but probably only n small frac tion of nil (ho Dialler drawn In to ever expelled. so that condenaaUoa contin ues, with sightly retarded rata. -It IS interesting to notice, bowerar, that If Uda espataSon of matter stum Id by any possibility at rat ore discovery (■rove to be equal to tbit drawn fas hj tbs attractive fores of frarltat!on K would be conceivable far tl>a universe In its present ruts to last forever, a thing heretofore considered impossible. TUs perpetuity of the buItst**, to be MTt, does not at peaaaat seam vary probable, but we know as yet too little to any that It la wholly impossible. There may be some lavra of nature ef a farrooeblaa character heretofore an known and wholly unsuspected yet ta be discs vet ad. And thee* may show that repnlatra forces In natare called Into play by gravitation itself aid tn redistributing wbat oevltnUon baa ac cumulated by Its oondenstus power. At any rate, in tbs future study ef the heavens repulsive forces must bo Me sklcred before farming any Baal eett matn of the drstlsy of the physical universe.” _ ■toAe Waive* Settle Per --m— A Matrons county ranchman recently bad a heifer killed by rohris says a dfaspateb free* Gasper. Wyo», Is the Den ver Hrpubtlcaa. Be placed stryebnlna la tba carcase. Up to a recant data ha found eight dead wotrre ami atm coy ote baafala Urn remains. The beifer was worth only 93X and tbo wotvaa and ooyotes will re tarn to the raaeb mi something Ilka WOO In bounty and aaleof skins Ao«oe*e . ■eaarbabu MWiona. Loot* James tbo Sbakaspaarsao >» ter, reeat ml a telegram set long age fnm a Mg Intel raking Un to rdtn two pillows Hti rrpljr was that tba r*'l"«*t waa a n leas It. and new bo baa •nni Iba botai mnoagauwat for gai.ono, asn tbo Portland Oregonian Tbls toaka Ilka a rvmnrkaMa pliioweaaa. . norattr in ■•nw«i«. Wtw kinds of Hr big bottsrflles ran be prodnrad from retaking ferine bp great ly Increasing or decrenaloi tba ton. pern m re of tba plnee wbnw iba bailer tie* are kept. A dlltereoee in rotort^ and errs hi rorat baa tbne bran oh tailed bp Profaaanr llerbar In nwektl agprrlmaats Sobacribe for Th« OA«crrm. DOCTOR Q* ENGINEERING. *•*» nrsND Offered by »-—— Mtta laXIUU mi Teobaslsgi. A Orjrcm i crrr before competed for bj students in American technical school* bat Just bom offered by tho IXamacbos.-ttu loutltntc of Technology. A jonug wan wbo baa eotnpletod tbs work of om ef t^« regular onrm of four years may now study syoeUI prob lems la alert rid ty, sanitary cugtaceelog, ratbuad construction sod lb* Ilko sod us a nwolt rmemh-m tbs degree of “Sac l).“ (dot-tor of eagioocriagl. cnrrssptind log to tbc doctorate of plilloso|iliy (Tb. ft.) pm tiled by literary college* fer val cabl.- i-.chlrrciDCitts la tbc field of sclmt aiablp. The dr;res has never bsfere besn giron In ibis country for actual work, tbuugb 11 bns been pm-led as nn lioo a»r; dhKtnctiou. la tienuany. bower cr. It bas bsca bestawod upon ad mooed student* since tho Boyal School of Technology at Cbariotteaburg wgs started by the Emperor tVllllam In 13J0. The kalsar blmanlf nOublished tbs degrse sad declared bis latent too of Bulking tbs standarda of the greet •Wm 11 Oe schools as respectable and re ap eft od as tboas of tbc regular ualtkr iltwa. nSd a it iioo»ii oca ef tbs o«r maos wbo has alrasdy taboo tila Sag. O. Is I’rtaco Usury of tbs royal family Uic honor was coufcrrcd cs a rocugnl tlou of bis attainment* aa • aavol ro gUiecr. A* in Oertnany, Ibsrsfors. tbe Mateo, ehosetts Institute of Technology lu Und* to graduate no doctors cf ecgl noerlng wbo hato not given to tbs study of pmrtknl problem of living jest sucb drvctluu and painstaking ae eamry as ebarartertss stud tot Ilfs la tbe graduate schools of Garrard. Johns nor*In*. OarneU. kUeblgnu or Chicago. A student, lu other words, osaaot get the right of writing Eng. D. after Ms name until be has found out couietbtag valuable which tbe world did not know before. RECORDER GOFF A SLEUTH. mil bntalm ue u IlniUHttM m4 m mmuti ChNIwm. (UconSar Coff of How Tork brought •boot tbe capture of no alleged high wayman In Lla courtroom the other day and commuted tbe oian to the Tomb*. *oya the Haw York Tlaaea. Charles McCarthy of Hew York was on trial charged with highway robbery la a aalooo. the complainant being Jobs Connolly, agod aUty-drc, of tbe Bronx who aald that McCarthy had a con fadaratv. When tbe recorder had beard tba old aian’i story, be ordered tbe attendant! to cloa* tbe door* of lb* courtroom and not to allow anybody to leave. "How. Ur. Connolly," be said to tbe witness, “go among the spectator* aad a** If you con Bad McCarthy** com paoloa." Tbe old man teemed not to uoder staod at ant, bet lie nude bit way to the spectators' aaoti outside tba railing. B# want among the crowd for about tan minute*, peering Into tba fan* of each nun Ham. Finally lie stopped at ooa of tbv rows of east* la the rear and gated hard'.it a young man tan tad to a cornor. “Tbnt'i (be loan, your boner,” be *■ claimed to a voice Unit waa shrill aad load sa that all tba courtroom could bear Urn, pointing at tbe young °i»n who attempted to conceal hit feature*. Tba recorder ordered the court offl ccra to bring tbe young nan before him. U* gave bit name as Bdwln Co boon, and he did not any anything to tod lea to that Connolly had mad* a rate, take. He was led away to Ik* Tombs and tba trial iroi renamed, with tha result that McCarthy waa con rioted of robbery lu tbe (lrat degree. VALUE OF MENTAL SCIENCE Dow Hn. tMMKli ■>iw Orem Mr*. noowrHI cannot be cleaned wttl* adhcreota of mental selenca, bat •be has confided to her Meads that she : i* able to emlllngtjr endure 1 atrnia physical fatigue, and without apparent -•Cfort. by foJiowlug a few anggaaMeoa of that cult, soya a Washington special ; to Ibc CIiIcobo Itecord-Herald. > Daring a recent week, which was on* or phenomenal brill la ocy, the mlatraa* ot the White Boom reeetred and eon eeraad with nearly t,OW pereoua. la conaeqaeaeo the rabtuet wooxru wwe nearly pfoetrated by ilictr wirtliat which wrrr orach leas than Ur*. Boose retfu. Urn Itouai-rvlt aaya that when ah* Im went to Albany am old Mead gneo her the foOowiitg iKrrotloaa: “Oempal yeuraoir to hreomt Itucrested In year sarrouadlngO. nnd yoor bodily Matin will he forgotten. Do not think haw long jroo hare been steading or haw mnch yoor hand pains fraui tan touch ooetnet with year guasta. Try to think If you bare eror mat I baa* pdaplo be fore. gee haw tunny ysu eta remember. Ereu try to not* the gowns and If yog tbtak i bam beeomlag. Oat yoortaif he tarastad. and you win forget all about lb* fatigue.” Tkln mental remedy far pb/iloal no otcrtlon la attracting mneh attonUan from women In ort trial Ufa. It km •prorad so mocaaefnl la Mm Uoaaaeair* aana that It will become a fad. twin** •< WiMprn MmMm. "Barrow* hM Soaator Alfa* of tDcklgaa ta ul* raltaaru* tka atkar 4a/. "I'M Uaw roa off ta taoebaoi* Oaae Tkay Itaked ana* a Ml want down ta lb* aaaot* raataaraat. aaya tka Waak la/tou larriapaadiat of tka Xev Tork World. It waa oa atakorat* fanatloa. Tbla waa tka *mb*: loaator Harrow*: Oa* aaaoafat of koaala/. Om glaai of affOu IMiater A.'»ar: On* ewp of tea. Om Tm Qacotts 11.00 4 year. FOflJMUNS NEW USE. ISaccenfoUjr Ttsted la a Caws of Blood Poisoning. sooovzby or dl a a saiofi tow* • Bril* Warns hr lv toahaa s M«tn at (ha ha4**sUe War Tatar-Thara Was as ha* aWlaa larw«u>unw Tna •Milan KarVaO IM. Wliut ia retarded by msay yhyW dam as coo of the moat Important medical d'acovcrica af tbr day baa baaa made trj Dr. Charles C. Darrowi. a gynecologist wba is one of tbr vWt* tag pbjwrtaiia to HHterce uoapital. la Karr Tork. aud has baaa connected with that IratltnUou tor sixteen rearm. Beroint kxilajop the method of traat Ing Mood polaeh. Dr. norrovra* rirrima —Car each It may hi taada ta rob that tinea at of lu*terrcie aaq. aoma mam bar* af the medical fraternity baUer* WOJ prove moot raloabln la other amV adlaa that oaoaZly bar* a total stealt. mya tbs New Turk Herald. The aaa pattern a bom Dr. dlanoara has IraaBsd by bis new atcihad vu at the point of death wbaa be eras coded la. Kew aba la practically well. dj ursrruyiog im uectcru uni cre ate Mood poisoning dm Dr. narrow bodte tbe dtocaar. To da tUa ba to ebew tile use of oaedtetuca aud inject* Into tbe patieafa rdw a weakened so lution of wknt to known oa ftrmtlhi TWo to a 40 per cent motion of fer naldrUyde gaa la water. Tbto gaa. which to au oaldalloo af methyl atom bot. baa ttreng gartnlcldal 4 notifies, be ing atreagar than cnrbotic add aad onto aligktly laforlar to oomadre eob Utaatn Formalin. IU motion la wa ter. toe powrrfol aattaepOe aad to Cm Fbr ream It baa ton oaad aaT^pto etrraUve far feed prod acts ta Ida observation af tbe may cam af blood potoetdog waick cam andar hto notice Or. Burrows arrived at tba cooclnalou It waa abeotetriy necessary to dtetroy the bacteria If tbe id arm waa to bo fought oacmafalty. to hto ooarch far aomgant by which the end might bo gataod be thought of tor maHn. aud a careful study coprtaeed hla It ulgbt be emptoytd cdkaelouafy. with no barm to tbe patient. He found Ids flret opportunity af pot ting bin theory ta Uie teat In Bottom LoepUaL Alloa Boattey. a regress twenty -nix years eld. was taken to tba Institution oa Christ mat day sulfa ring from Wood poisoning. Bbe had fa Ilea dewnataira a month bottom lajarlng herself severely. When aim aetatad tba hospital. bar tempera tart wet 101* degrees and brr pntot waa IU. After tba birth of a baby tbo bad a reran cbUI, and bet temperature waa 100 de crees Bbe waa transferred to the gynecological ward and bar tompat* I tun Inrvaaaad to 10*0 logim. Urn became worse dally, and whan Dr. Darraw waa call'd la. oa Ana. 3, aha Mtohad to Im at tba point of death. Bbe waa ennlrevatoer and waa mattering Incoherently- nor rmpiration eras rap id and labored, her potto rouged fram 130 to 100 and liar tempera taro waa 108 dr great. Never had a petreo to tuck a condition been known to re cover. tt waa raportrd to Dr. Barrow* that o* Dae. 90 a amah portion of Um pa tient*# Wood Into baas drawn from bar •tm and that Dr. Unto*, m bactartot ogUt roonactad with th* Carnah toad leal roll***, bad uiada * culture, which ■bowed the praarac* or the rtrulawt baetorl* of aaptloemla. or atraptaataU. Bfeo had bi*o*l potaoaiag to Ha moot n—out harm, late oaa of th* largo ratoa of th# right arm Dr. Barrow* triad t* tided am Otar af to*— ao totiao. ah th* atraagth of oo* part af formalin to BOOO part* af watar. bat th* eroman’a daNWam and . .. aad* thta a dlMratt oparattoa ant a mall Quantity af ty* tormalta waa hat. about 800 oaattaMtran of tha an lattoa lading tor way Into th* ihrato 8m. Th* roaul t mi aad m to —Dm phyMeluia marraL Tba tampmaima fan alamat Immadtataty. aad th* pal** ■Wwad aa tnattaUuiiiu tonrwrwaaot Tbto motto aad. aad at a a'dock th* •toatmaiwtaB. dibit baora aftor th* tofatotoH. th* tampan tor* waa 1*1 da 8*aaa toatoad of UM, awl tha pal** had faBaa from NO to MM. Cat m tt* day fmmtd tha tompanturv roa* to 1014 «MM*a aad ttaa toB as.:* aotll It wu ?■**_*&_ T8? tha pattaat. aatan Ba rn aaathar id N mu tab mi De. Bar Mi af tt* toft arm, thta ttan af T80 wttomtan Agata tha tamparatari toC to th* oar mat, aad at aa tlom thanaftor 434 K rary amtertany. Two dtya aftar thta aaathar blood caltara waa mad*, aad th* bactmda wan almaat. Tha tnawh hoeata* caarelmieat rapidly, pad daw Mata wtfl. 4 WW Um fan kookwttfa A»« lit Malika Mart MifaraMraima WM»* th*|f*r Wafa Than asr Mart Ian a* Ufa* a mni4 an'm ■MKBM&js*' Ok, I hat* lb* abfa that fa Ami I kai* ttw «hW that U fsrwsrsrttsr Now lotto Mao to outoeMfco. to torn to (to CtottoMtal fenktoL •Md* Vi* mm (to to tor wtth fraaaa tad aad to*, mu » imimoii iw t»a. to tto oMmu* tvrtoM. *»• to*** toMTi Uto. At tto tojrtoto to *m wp.Mto to enrrl u» ™ | ■ » 1 » Tn OA*rmt, $loo ■ Y«v.

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