, The Gastonia Gazette BUSINESS LOCALS. NICK FRUIT at Mom*'* Restau rant at all times. CRUSH GARDEN SEEDS at Elite r Grocery. ONION SETS and Garden feeds at Elite Grocery. TjOUR-ROOMhouaeon 3rd street (or " rant. Apply to 3. 8. Morris. TIOME SPUN wool yam. black and rl white. Burg Crock*v 25 CENT CAN ol Aluminum Paint beautifies and saves your stove. Curry A Co. COR KENT—Good lour- room house F on York Mrsst. just out ol town limits.Eu Dick soar /-OVERCOAT iouiid. Pay (or nd. W and prove property. I. N. AlUXAXBIIR, C. of P. WL GALLANT, licensed agent for the People's Mutual Beuev olcnt Association of N. C. W/ANTRD —To exchange st once W furniture for a gnndinilck cow. Williams Foiorntnu Co. hyfONEY FOUND—Five dollars" Ivl Claimant rauat identify and pay for ad. Apply ul this office. WANTED TO EXCHANGE furni W tare for corn. Will give highest market price. Williams Furniture Co. LL PERSONS having jobs of work left with J. H. Gorman for repain will call at Torrence Bros, for same. 2t f>OLD WAVE coming—Buy quilts, v> comlorta, mattresses, ana pil lows to-day. Williams Furniture Company. _ FARMER BOYS, bring ns a load ■bf cord wood sad exchange for as express wagon. Williams Furniture Company. FLINCH—All the Winch you are looking for at Marshall's Book Store. The Kalamazoo kind, with decorated backs, is the beat. 50 cents. Moil 8U eeats. QBBD POTATOES—Carload Red O Bliss, Maine-grown; carload Rose, Hebron. Burbank. Peerless, mixed, both in this week. —It. P. W. Brawj.hy At Co. Mattresses, mattresses by the bandied. You need shall a dozen. Coaie to-day. Bny one as a sample. Mach comfort for the money. Any kind or size made to order promptly. Williams Furniture Company. FRIDAY, FEB. 20, 1903. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Shut the dooi! —Not a bit of horehound can dy in the town. —Jury out all last night on Bishop case, but no verdict yet. —Confederate Veterans meet in Dallas next Tuesday. See coll of Secretary Stowe. —The U. C. Club was delight fully entertained yesterday af ternoon by the Misses Shuford. —The Narrow Gauge cars bid us a long, long farewell and will leave us for the last time this afternoon. —Gorton’s Minstrels gave a very creditable show at the opera house Tuesday night and had a fairly good house. —The Rumley Sisters appear in vaudeville acts with the Southern Comedy Company at ,the Opera House all next week. —An item in Tuesday’s paper refereed to a charge of ‘‘profan ity” against Mr. W. H. Poole. We are advised that this .is an ' error, and are happy to make the correction. —We are requested to say that a full attendance is desired attiie regular meeting of the I. O. O. F. Gastonia Lodge No. 188, Satur day night in tneir halt. Butineas of special importance will come up for consideration. —Court next Monday. Th* Gazkttk man expect* to be there to greet old friends and make new ones. We ate especi ally desirous of meetiug the man who wantstotake Thh Gazbttx. Twice a week, one dollar a year. —Bight bales of cotton were sold to ghe Loray yesterday by Mr- W. B. Adams, of Clover, for 9.50 cents. He stored them at the mill a month ago when cotton was a cent lower. Storage and insurance amounted to ten cents a bale. —Monday night’s storm, lift ed the Presbyterian church at Bessemer from its foundation and left it flat on the ground. The building stood about four feet off the ground. The tower was also slightly damaged. Mr. J. T. Spencer went down yester day to see the extent of the demage and make preparations to repair the building. So far as can be learned Bessemer City •Detained no other serious dam age from the storm. _ —‘The General Manager of the North Carolina Mutual Aid and Home Protective Association, Mr. W. H. Lewis, informs us that inquiries and application* are coming in with n most sntis factory degree of rapidity. Tbi* is a home company giving life insurance and received Ha char ter from the present legislature. An extended notice of its organ isation sad plans appeared in those columns last week. The company realism the value of Iudictous advertising and Ismah dg itself known to the people through the advertising columns cf TnOtitm. PERSONAL MENTION. —Dr. H. G. Chreitsbexg went to Charlotte yesterday. —Mr. B. M. Holland was a Charlotte visitor yesterday. —Miss Gossie Beatty returned yesterday from a trip to Florida. —Mrs. M. D. Wilson has re turned from kichbofY. S- C where she has been visiting for several months. —Miss Mamie Love returned Wednesday nigbt from Henri etta. where she went to attend the Love-Hayncs wedding. —Messrs. J. K. Dixon, John, L. Bryan, A. K. Loftin, M. A. Thompson, and B. F. Houston were Charlotte visitors Wednes day. —Mr. Roscoe Douglas, now of High Shoals, came down ou the C. & N.-W. lost night on busi ness. He returned this morn ing. His old frieuds here were glad to greet him again. —Mrs. J. E. McLaughlin and Miss Grace Brown, of Concord, are the guests of Mrs. J. H. ,Sc park. —Revs, R. M. Stevenson, of Clover, A. T. Lindsay,of Pisgali and A. G. Kirkpatrick, of All Healing, went to Charlotte yes terday to attend theDay of Prayer services at the First A. R. P. church, yesterday being the day set apart for a Day of Prayer over the entire Synod of the Sonth. —Mr. P. S. Carlton, of War saw, N. C., who is thinking of locating here for the practice of law was in the city Wednesday and Thursday looking over the field. He left yesterday on the evening train for Raleigh and will probably return within a few days. Mr. Carlton is a grad uate of Wake Forest College, class of 1899, and has just re cently passed examination before the State Supreme Court. The Waathar. Yesterday’s bureau dispatch says: Friday cloudy and warm er, probably rain by night. A Phan* Chang*. Connections ^etweeu the Pied IP°nt Telephone Company and the Gaston.Telephone Company, of Stanley, were severed last Monday morning. This sever ance applies to Gastonia, Lowell, Mount Holly. Stanley Creek, and Lincolnton. The Piedmont Com pany has pay stations at each of Uic points named above, but no longer gives connections over the Gaston Company's lines. Lost $450. Wednesday’s Charlotte Ob server stys that Col. R. L. Abemcthy, owner of the Open View Farms, lost a wallet con taining $450 Tuesday enroute from River Bend to Charlotte or alter his arrival in Charlotte. Col. Abcrnethy drove from his farm to Mount Holly, a distance of five miles, Tuesday morning and took the train there for Charlotte. The wallet con taining the money was in his cost pocket. At last account he had not aucceeded iu recover ing it. ____ Chaags of Dot*. The Old Polks’ Concert to be given by the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist church and which was announced for Tues day, the 28th inst., has been changed to Tuesday. March the 3rd. The change was rendered necessary on account of the Southern Comedy Companyy engagement for the opera house next week. The ladies are actively engaged in practicing and the program promises to be an interesting one. The par ticipants will appear.in colonial costume* and many of the old favorite songs will be sung. Canrict Becaptursd. Wednesday morning Superin tendent W. P. Bddleman, of the county roads, returned from Yorltvllle where he went to get Joe Page, a negro who es caped from the county convict cainp about two months ago. Page was sent np for stealing a soft oi clothes from another ne gro, and had served the major part of an eight months sentence when he skipped out. His es Swat made possible by his a trusty. He had just 6n •arvlog a abort term on the chain gang at Rock HU1 when Superintendent Bddleman got him. f Monday Night's Storm. The severe wind storm of Monday night did some damage to property here, none, however, of a very serious natare. One of the large sine trees in front ot Mrs. Pannie Morrow’s residence on Main street was uprooted but did no damage in falling. The colored Presbyterian church in the northern part of town waa blown from its foundation. Al most numberless fences, signs, cbimuey tops, and light and telephone wires were blown down. A namber of the street lights were oat on account of broken wires. This storm which waa general, doing damage at many points, was the severest Gastonia b«» experienced (a quite a while. The Kntltr Slater*. The Southern Comedy Com pany. featuring tbe clever Kntnlcy sisters, under the management of Mr. J. k. Wright, will appear nt the Opera House all next week in high class vaudeville. The company consists of nine mem!>ers. all of whom are artists in their line. The Rumley sisters were seen here a few weeks ago when they were the bit of the Peruchi-Belde ni Company. Their clever work alone will insure large crowds next week. Fine presents in silver ware will be given away each night to those bolding the lucky numbers. At the residence of tbe bride's Earcnts, Mr. aud Mrs. Rawley laynes, at li«nrictt« Tuesday at noon Mr. Robert A. Love, of Lincolnton, and Miss Sarah Haynes were netted in marriage. The ceremony was witnessed by only a few relative* and inti mate friends of the contracting parties. Mr. Love is the young est son of Capt. K. C. G. Love, of Gastonia, and is n successful young business man of Lincoln ton. He has a large number of friends here. Tbe bride is the pretty and accomplished daugh ter of Mr. Kawley Haynes, a wealthy and prosperous cotton manufacturer of Henrietta. The bride and groom have gone to Florida on their bridal tour and on their return will reakle at Lincolnton. Mita Mamie Love, a sister of the groom, and Mr. John L. Bryan, attended the wedding from Gastonia. Mr. John L. Bryan acted as best man. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Kawley Haynes. The reception hall, where the ceremony was per formed, was handsomely decora ted with holly and evergreens. Mrs. S. C. McArthur Dead. Mrs. Sallie Wilson McArthur, wife of Mr. Samuel McArthnr, died Wednesday morning just be fore eight o'clock, aged 35. She liad been ill several weeks with peritonitis and complications, but was believed to be getting on well until Tuesday night, when pneumonia set in and caused her death twelve hours afterwards. Her death leaves three little children motherless and a hus band sorely stricken in heart and home. A daughter of the late Thomas Wilson, she is the third member of this family to die within less than twelve months, her father having died in Decem ber and her sister, Mrs. Robert Falls, in March last. Mrs. McArthur was a member of the Associate Reformed Pres byterian church. She was not only a devoted young wife aud mother, but a woman of noble character, of many virtues, and of marked piety. Her fnneral, attended by a large concourse of bereaved relatives and sorrowing friends, was held at the Associate Reformed church yesterday af ternoon at half past one o’clock, and was conducted by her pastor, Dr. J. C. Galloway, after which her body was laid to rest in the city cemetery. STANLEY. j CUJIv»pOBfl4QC« O* U»» (kMtt*. Peby. 18th.—Stanley, being in the pathway of the peat storm, received its part of the blow. The most serious damage was done to the new Wesleyan Meth odist chnrcli which was lifted off its pillows and dropped on the pound. No dwellings suffered damage other thau that resulting from demolished stove fines. Many of our citizens who were sleeping in the upper stories of their houses hastily moved to the ground floor. A few of them braved the ele ments and stood out of doors, gazing at the hurrying clouds in the west, the bright stars over head, and the vivid flashes of lightning in the north. A vast quantity of timber has been blown down in the forest and many fruit trees have been uprooted. Mr. A. Rhyne, living near here, had a part of the roofbiownfrom his bouse and a large cedar tree blown against the dining room. Mr. Harvey Peterson, of Kings Mountain, was in Stanley on Monuay soliciting signatures to a petition for the new county of King* and| Queens. Many signed the paper without reading K and others refused. Good roads ia the word with our people at present and also "that Dallas if an ideal place for a court house in Gaston, the couuty that we love." The Omly Answer Is a Sigh. RtnOd. Charlotte is to have a home lor fjulen women, but we arc afraid the benefit! to be derived frooj such an. institution in the smeller cities of the South are doubtful. After these women have been reformed, what la to ba done with them? Ceorte Bruce Cortelyou, for merly secretary to President Roosevelt, was Wednesday sworn iu as Secretary of the Depart ment of Commerce and Labor, a newly created cabinet office. Win. Loeb, Jr., succeed. Cortel you as secretary to the president. FRIENDLY NATRONS _ ENTERTAIN. Brilliant Recaption cl Rn'iiaci #1 Hr*. L. L. Jsaklas in Nanai •! Firil Anniversary—Music ky Charlotte Orcbaatra—Onl ol-Town Oaeata. _ The first Anniversary recep tion of the Friendly Matrons clob was given at the residence ol Mrs. L. L. Jenkins, on Mtri etta street, Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock and the oc casion was a biillimit one in every particular. This organi zation, which is the married ladies' club of the town, has just completed a most auspi cious year and it was particular ly fittiug that the rveut should be marked by so memorable an occasion. A hundred and fifty invita tions were issued. The guests, ss they arrived, were greeted at the door by Mrs. Jenkins, little Miss Lola Jenkins opeuing the door. Assisting Mrs. Jenkins iu receiving were Mrs. J. H. Sc park, Mrs. S. N. Boyce, aud Mrs. J. A. Page in the parlor; Mrs. Eugene Cross iu tue rear ball; Mrs. W. J. Clifford iu the sitting room, aud Mrs. L- V. Wetzell in the dining room. A very effective color scheme of red and green was carried oat in the decorations, these being the colors of the club. In the hall and parlors were hand some potted plants and cut flowers. The diningroom table, from which Mrs. J. H. Gorman and Mrs. R. M. Reid, assisted by Miss Helen Jenkins and Mias Blanche Gray, served cake and cream, was prettily decorated with red and green ribbons and in the centre was a vase of American Beauty roses, these decorations being augmented by a profusion of smilax. In the sitting room, where Mrs. Clif ford received, Mrs. H. Ratter presided at the coffee Uble, as sisted by Miss Kathleen Boyce. The orchestra of the Academy of Music, of Charlotte, fur nished mnsic for the occasion. Among the guests invited were the hnsbanas of the mem bers, who came about seven o'clock and were royally enter tained till eight, when the roost brilliant ana notable reception ever given by the club came to an end. On leaving, each mem ber registered in a dainty little book, made especially for the purpose, in the club's colors, red and green, aud which will be preserved as a reminder of this first anniversary reception. Among the guests were the following from os t of town: Mrs. W? A. Falls, Mrs. A. R. Rudisillf Miss Winnie Redfern, and Miss Katie Garrett, from King's Mountain; Mrs. J. E. McLaughlin and Miss Grace Brown, from Concord; Mrs. L. N. Glenn, from McAdenville; and Mrs. E. W. Mellon, from Charlotte. Confederate Veterans. BTlie annual reunion of Con federate Veteran* will be held at New Orleans on May 19-22, 1903, and in order that William Gamble Camp U. C. V. No. 1184 be entitled to representation, a called meeting of said camp will be held at Dallas on Tuesday, tbe 24th of February. 1903, to elect delegates to represent our camp at New Orleans. We would like to have as many as can conveniently attend to be present at the meeting at Dallas. W. I. Stowk, Secretary. This Feb. 16th, 1903. At tfa* Churches. Lutheran church— Preaching at 11 a. m. Sunday by the pastor Rev. C. I. Morgan. A. R. P. Church—Preaching Sunday morning and evening by the pastor,(Dr. J. C. Galloway. Baptist church — Preaching Sunday morning and evening by the pastor. Rev. W. P. Watson. Presbyterian cbnrch- -Preach ing Sunday morning and even shl w p**tor’ **ev’ U< McG Main Street Methodist cbnrch —Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. by the pastor. Dr. H. P. Chreitsberg. Tbe morning sermon will ha the completion of the sermon of last Sunday morning on "Growth in Grace]* —The work of remodeling tke interior of Curry Ac Co's drug store is aeariug completion. Tke handsome steel celling, newly papered walls, new shelves and soda fountain give it a most at tractive appearance. IfaticM at Raw Advartlaanaofa. Crabr ft Wilton-Anoth*r ciMoad o* male* and boraaa Jaat reeafaad. Williams Furniture Cs.-Tota Mr and id that pretty baby of yoara a aow pK«rt. . Tboataoo Co.—Not oaty dry goods hat groctrios as wall—areirytblng tnot,* food to wti MaratietVs Book Store-Bred ■CMlV-Mk .Btttkm 0>. - * treat Importance to rvary mot bar Wtar *° “ Sabacriba to TnOtom. Bread Osage ia Sight Agent C. it. Nolen yesterday received aider* from headquar ter* instructing him not to load any more narrow gauge freight cars and tu have those already loaded or partly no empty by noon to-day. This ia takas to mean that all the freight cars will lie taken of the road at once und tliat it is a matter of only a very few day* until the broad gauge will be in operation between Cheater and Lenoir. Aa noted in Tuesday's issue it is the intention of the company to pnt the through passenger ser vice into operation Monday. Tbe days of the narrow gauge, a familiar tight for more than a quarter of a century, are num bered, but no one wtU regret to see it give place to a well con structed broad gauge line, which will furnish much better accom modations both for passenger and freight traffic. _ I AccUaaf at Iran Works. About 2:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon, just • abort while be fore quitting time the workmen at the Gaston Iron Works were a tattled bv the crashing sound of falling timber. The large water tank, bolding between 15 and 18 thousand gallons of water and standing 40 feet from the ground, bad Just been filled up. One corner of tbc structure on which the tank stands rests on the around near the edge of the well from which water is secured for the worka. Tbc continued rains had softened the adjacent ground to such an extent that the walls of the well gave way thus precipitating the tank, with its contents, on tbc engine room. The tank crashed through the roof end damaged the en gine to qaitc an extent. The fireman, Mr. John Johnson, had a very narrow escape and bad he not been hurled aside by a falling plank, would probably have been killed. Mr. J. Lawrence Beal, the Manager, was standing with in five feet of the engine bat es caped injury. The damage to the engine and the building amounts to about $250. The tauk will be rebuilt at once. A public meeting was held at Pembroke Wednesday to take final action in forwarding peti tion* asking for au election on tbe removal of tbc county seat of Robeson county from Lorn berton to Pembroke. The pro posed site ie between Lu ruber ton and Uaxton at tbc junction of the Seaboard aod Atlantic Coast Lines. TOTE FAIR. Yon an not toting lair when yao drag that predona little baby arooad aider year ana or an year aho older; ha lad tbia ia entirely eat el atyle aiaco we hare fatten each a beaatiiol line of 9e-Car1a. d d L__ Jar ant ease htte patterns Tang father, yang adwr, fry one. They are fast aa essential ta year ceahit aa year caak stave sag sawing auchiae. EMer aethers, shave that eM style carriage Mawny hack** sag get aa np (••gate depart. Tea aeeg net expect mpttwsnts ler year gear little aaee anlees they rMe la a Mhrt beaght •las. Prices affrays right. 4 4 4 4 WILLIAMS FURNITURE COMPANY. tbe style*. • \ . :v..:"/v»v "r _____ Splendid olive green. Mack and gray mined anils, 4 to IS years. Former prices, 1141, $2. $2.48 end IS.M. For Saturday on ly your choice of #| y|0 tke entire let....fl»70 OUR SECOND SHOWING OF NEW SPRING FAMES Beginning to-day we Invite year Inspection of oor advance styles of tbe heavier .weaves of wash fabrics for early spring wear. Our WaahlOoeda section has always been an attractive factors «M Gastonia shoppers la the past sad this aoaaoa we will show a Mae of wash fabrics that wM represent the highest embodiment of advaaced skill la fabric making. -— ■ ■ 1 i ' .....I .W aim. JS_ Xia. plain soft weight for Shelf-emptying *nd counter-clearing price* prevail throughout tin. entire store, *o cone la a ns for the good thing* are os tba go at Kindley-Belk Brothers Co. CHEAPEST STORE ON BARTH. PRICES REDUCED. . pHESBf THE Aamrlcaa Tin Plate Company reduced price* os Tie Plate la December neatly a $1.50 a beater 20x2a. We are feat getting In a car teed ef 140 boxes at tbe new prices, end can give yon tbs benefit ef tbte reduction la Tin Roofing. Valley Tie, Tin SUagfea* nr anything in the^Hn line. Tbe price on Galvanised Iren has alee been minced. Write no teifprtcea on anything In tbe way ef Roofing. Guttering, Spouting. Galvanised or Tie hefore'yoo place pear order. * LONG BROTHERS imi.Carto.1., W. C. AND NOW THE RUSH IS OVER, We retnrn again to out old love, namely, to onr : tegs H The Holiday* and sotn* ol ^ __ we go back to work with the gratllcatloo that to aided in making many heart* happy. Thia may bare delayed watch work, and U behoove* u to tani oor attentlea again to the work beach. t *1 . » I II yoa hove a Watch. Clock, or Jaweby that oeeda repalrln g, Diam onda to be r* tot, or 0 alto BOeaftM or other eagravine to do. wttohar that wvwtDdok Up-to.Date aai at the Prayer Prices. TORRENCE, The Jeweler.