sy1 yjSs ***** WL* ** iB tight er teas* OWhu Mdhie « twin the wovd rf^-'T i'i M the to heart •wdtojr ttrlu • Catted TSto to rTS tftr.MB irre m> f A RIVAL OF MARCONI toamtoro Bwto-mm la the current lease mi the Electric*! la dascribad an Important is watioii 1a wlreleas telegraphy by Peter Oaoper Hewitt at Now York eHy. TUa dcTle*. which la a deeriepmeot at the Oompmr Hewitt mercury rapor lamp. talM tha plaea of the mual apart gap Hr dhrtiarglng la tha —fa ar lead teg amet It camatots of a glam globe, tatajw tan fa^hea la diameter, with t—oa sealed to the lower part of tha BtebU. The darica la mid to b* vary aasettra and. by this authority, will *—Me a much mar* powarfal electrical wore to b* sat ap than to poaalbto with «ba at paaaaat la am aad win la transmission of electro aaa 'at Columbia gatrcralty and wta^-awa fu. lnroatiooa to la gaotod by the Htoetrieal Bartow aa saying: "The Cooper Jlewitt mwLaij rapm Interrupter at oac* eatabltobae adrriaaa ttoograpfcy aa a commercial baton. The problem of aaieetlra aigaal transatlantic m» HEW COLLEGE FRATERNITY. data Cadoraea—iin *0 Uw »sheets amt Be MUwible. A aaw aacrot Creak letter fraternity named the Sigma No PM. detigned to atabraoo chapten to ah the law ecboeia of the United Btataa. (tod article* at Incorporation at Washington the other day, says tha PhUaAtlpkto Frees. Uero bam at other trateraidea wDI not ba admitted. The Membership will ba eoa Haad aattisiy to uadargmduatm at law •ebaoto aad alamal aasoctottosa aad their faculties. It to parpaaed ultimately to own a fraternity bona* la Washington BBd pahnah a paper that*. Tba member* on oeeasiaa of public functioua will wear gowns atodlar to these wore by joe tfcaa of the United Btataa supreme court fraternity rtag* win b* worn talial at fra totally plus. The incor porator* are ambm of the faculty aad aridirgraflaatea at the National Catrsfstty School of taw. A coearulo of Aadmw Canmgtoto^la artrfarranae and ban—rtpa. Samuel lOcbal*. aa aged dtlean of Keaaaaw, Ml, bar softer will ptuSt by tie pto tonthrapy of tha reared steel magnate (MU dUpatoh to the*Gblcago Inter Ocean, lit Ntebels has bees advised that be ha* bean pensioned hy Mr. Car. angle to the amount of fo monthly. A lattar recently race!red from tba lab tefs private secretary contained a dnft tor the pearl as tar the entire rearer UM8. Tbe two came to America Bfty yaariTago. —*&•**• «Mat SPAIH'S LOSS OF CUBA Secret IHstvOT of toe Spanish American War. h _____ tTOODFOED’3 BPABJLHO FOfc THUS. Bnaulnkte Mott MM hr Fmwh tawbre FtaMw at Madrid That Mtta* “dial ad Basaaaa Train" Af dalr-Was Win Ultel Mataa Laid «a leak tf Fm T**»*da Baal Da. airajara. Cedar 1b* banding of "lb* Bn at Uhtorjr of a Modem War" tbo f uunuduo Mack and Whit*. prompted Uy Ppain't molt against Clyde ship bctlder! for ttnjOOO dnmegc* bacr.tam ot failure to deliver fonr torpedo boat destroy ere on time and which hna Just been won by tbe Spanish government, •ays: "Thera is a divinity that ifaipn our •mi*. but the Spanish government bo Menu today tbat bod sl» tad the tour u-lilch were building for her ebs woukl bare p nr Tented the landing of rifles, immanlliou and men nod, taring tbe Cuban* l*ot*t*d from out •kto usilstunes. hove subjugated them before Um United Butte* dreamed of tntrrfrriug “Tbs law action Is a remark*hi* one. | bot there 1* * Mill more extraordinary rtory lu conn ret loo vrltb the Spanish American war. "tpoto wan unready, her minister of •Mtine tails us. Bod hhe known what "• •** know perhaps the prtmiMtt would not tars waited *o king. Had aa ■ny have bean the condlltou of-the Spaniards. the Americana were In a still more partem plight sad all the diplomatic trickeries, tbe delays and Mata of which ilia world wua witness In the spring of 1S0H. were parts of a bags cube me'to put off the IncTttuble dec la ratio u of war until America dared ■ufely make It. Tit story hi one of tbe swat remark *Me in fho history of modern warfare •ad la told by so lass on astborlty thorn Mr. Stewart L. Woodford, who at the time wua American minister at Madrid. Kegotlariocm of n mors or las* da Ur* to character, with war always looming In tbo distance, had been In progress tor ootno months, when on Feb. 15, USB. tbe United States bnttlcslilp Main* was blows op in tbo harbor of Havana. -Through deportments other Umu the suite department,' Mr. Woodford ha* told us, 1 tvertrsd telegraphic In formation on Feb. IS. There tveee uot oa tbo American ships or Is the ord bunco depou lu lb* United State* two roods of powder per gun st that Umo, and I was told to oxhauae the arts at peace until April 16. the eartiaat date at which we could be anywbsm near nadir tor war. -T did tbe beat I could, but let me tetl you (bet bad it not been Cor tbo unfaltering, unchanging and loyal friendship of England end tbs attitude of her minuter at Madrid I might bare failed to do tbo Utile I did do. because the rvpreaaatatlreo at Madrid of con tinental Europe were rSiJy at any time to interfere with the plana of tbe Uailed Stans ir tbe British minuter would only Ida them.’ “flu while Mr. Woodford eras gnaea Us and keeping tbo way open la Ma drid the work of preparing for wir want on In America, and to show bow accurately tbe tlnao waa gauged tit* ran of a ‘sealed express' across the A meric* u continent may l>* instanced. No man outside Washington know Its contents, and only two there. The train had right of wuy over all others. When 1* rwsdied boo Francisco Its cargo wni transferred to a waiting steamer, which raced to Honolulu. There the cruiser Baltimore waa waiting—every body wandered why it the time. The cargo of the steamer waa tnnytorrred to tbe Baltimore, wtitcb carried It to Hongkong. -On April 26 tbo cargo wan distrib uted among Use American warships them and Admiral Dewey bad tbo am munition for which ho had boon pto Inc. He reoatred orders on April M to sail for Manila. That ammunition on May day awoke echoes hi Manila bay that were I ward round tbo world and took from Spain an empire of over IdQJOS square miles, with close epos 10,000,®00 people. History it written to strange ways -Tbe story of America's nee against Base was made known to tbe world for the Brat time at a public banquet. Row another pnge of this straape chapter Of history has been written la a See*. Hob court of tow tbonoands of mtles from the sees# of setlan. “The American papers and public man who decried thotr government for tbo tardy throwing down of the chal lenge to battle have, tone* Urn true •dory waa made known, dorootty thanked Uwlr stars that long beads hnd etaarev knowledge prevailed over poped* r outcry. '-Mad America’s secret -MM baan known what must she have toot and Spate Bar* gained! America's whale available store went down with .**• Mato# Is Havana harbor.” ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN TOMBS « Wwewlti la Earn Utaart »«t«l hr Mofissa lanadata Bcccat dlscwwriea at Tltabes, Is Bgypt, bare cnormoaaly enhanced the Isunat of I hr romalM ot that aactant «*ty. aayn a T-omloa tab)* dispatch ta tba Chicago Inter Oceuu. Mr. Howard Carter, inspector ot an tlqolttaa at Laxor, has within tba last faw weeks tnstalind thn electric light la a n am her ot tba royal tombs In the ▼allay of tba Kings. It ta now possi ble to thoroughly view tlioso magnlfi contly decorated mausoleum* precious ly only dimly seen by tba light of a guttering candle or tba traaatant Saab at magnesium wise. One tomb, and only one, has aver been discovered with tba mummy of the mynt occupant still In place, aod with commendable good tusto tba body has been loft undisturbed where it wits placed over 8.000 years ago. This ta tbs mammy of King Ameoaols tt. whose tomb was opened by M. Loltst only three years ago, la an adjoining chamber lie the mummies of a mao, n woman and a child. Those last are be Uared by soma to bar* been executed In order to nccornpiuiy their royal mas tar to auotlmr world, lathing cun ex ceed the dramatic eflect^ben the elec tric light Hoods the tomb nud disc loses these grim relic* of *n abnoal prehl» tar to civilian fton. The mummy of (ha phnracti of ttie asodns, also dtarovered within tha last thrs* yetuts. Is now nt Cairo, waiting to be enrol led. Several religious societies have demanded that they be [wrmlttcd to sand a rapreasnlatlv* to be present, a* they do out believe that a body will be found and are firmly convinced that Wbllcol traditions as to this king's frowning ta tbo Bed sea will tbas be confirmed.. WOR8HIP OF FATHER JOHN. to«r Kaaalaa Peunnti Bailee* la Kraaetadl FrlnlV DlTlaUr. The belief of tbc DiuaUo peasantry la tha annuity of Father John of Krat stndt la sun largely bald, aoya tha 8L Petersburg correspondent of the loo don Tinea. Trustworthy newspaper reports art to the aflaet that twenty tire tan ta Hr lag at Karpovka, la tliu Don territory, journeyed 1.000 miles to Kronstadt In order to worship Father John, persist ing hi maintaining that ho wna Christ. 'They were discovered by the police and were taut home to be dealt with by the ccvteshisUcnl authorities. The correspondent also describes a set ns ha blmaetf witnessed at ftt. l*s tarsbnrg a few days ago. when Father John waa leaving the Nicholas railway station. In spile of the accrpcy nb swad, a large crowd had assembled and Father John bad to be escorted to tha train by a dnsen gendarmes, wlto formed a rime around him. Nevactho less women tried I lord to approach him, sad some throw throMClrea on the groond la order to crawl I aside the ring and klas Ida feet or even hit garments. When Father John waa In tbs train the gendarmes formed a lloe In front of It, hut one woman np preached and besought the pusaengrra to ask the famous priest to show hlm setf. avau If only for a moment. OUR HENS CHALLENGED. Thais Kgg Laying Ability to Be Test eg la Aasirattsu According to a Ban Francisco special to tlsc Chicago Tribune tha following challenge has been Issued to all Amcr- 1 testa poultry men by the secretary of the "laying competition" In Aaatralla to determine tho ability of bena to lay fggn: "Americans are Invited to send over three pens of the best laying strains of any breed except Brahmas to take part In the next competition In April or May next. The pens each consist of six pallets, but In case of deuth ws will a Ik for eight birds to be scot To show we are in contest we ore prepared to pay all exports**." Those Americans have been chosen to send specimens: W. K. llnys, lieu teyrUle. Oal., white Wyandotte*; Mrs. A. H. Hansel, I-oop city. Hob-, single comb brown Leghorns; W. B, Cables. Fayetteville, X. T„ white Wynodottes. QUAY TOO BUSY TO FISH. Vaia Mart te Lm muiiTiila ••aster Frees MalrSart Fight. ■muter Quay of Peunnylrnnla will ■How nothing to divert Mm from tbo statehood light, although various scheme! hire boon proponed, aeys t Washington apodal to tbo Philadelphia Press. One of tbo latest is a totoerara from a friend In Florida who thinks tha arc star is making a mistake In fighting to* the statehood mu. Hoping to lore tha senator from Washington the friend sect Urn the following dispatch: rue.teg was mart* ro prod. Tarpon are MUag Curl pasty. Whoa Ur. Qnay rocetvod tbo au» am* ho am Hod grimly and dtotatod tha (bi low tog answer: Tko tarpon aaay bo Ml tea but I as. set. _te_s. quay. A Fabo os the FrooMeaa. Members oI the Delaware Society of Now York at their thirteenth animal dtomar tha ether evening at Sherry's hashed heartily at a Joko aimed at Praoidaait Rooaevalt and told by Bishop Leighton Ootonaea of tha Dote wars dl cease, says thr Nr* York Borate. A rooaork at tha atoaa of one of the oilier •psalter's ramarka caassd tha Mskop to lamp to hto feet and aak that bo be at tewed to tod a story. "Tha attor da/," ha sate, "a man edited an tha praaidiat and a sound MM that ha was mahteg a Mg Mt with tha psepto. “Why." mM tbo man. “raw Basse wtn ae down to Mata*/ with Mat of Washington.” “Indeed." mptted tbo prsMIsst "Wldek Wash WhorstfcoOoorgUPtBchU First. Tbo QporgU pencil crop has another advantage; It is not OBhr "ntiaod” ttmtr than the Ttelawor* crap, bat it g«ts on thd market cttlkf. riklMAMM f, .A rnmrm* r«M. TMalt of roar own f awl to the tfst port of um night (when yoa ■•« awake I and of the faults of othort tbo Utter part of ttw »Uht (whoa ro« «fr aslotp). NEW PRIMARY BATTERY Invention of a Lawyer That May Do Marvels. lUmilBD POWER IB ALLEBBB, knalx an i««>uMU mmA Bala, taletaa tlwtita Uflita Appaesa* Noels a» taa C«U»rHr4ul>4 WIU a Medal, Utarr Ualeey of ness York abaaaUaa All la rartaaa It. Yuecinntad by the Idas involved in a model left la hi* office, Henry Ha Lacy, a young Lawyer of New York, nearly four years ago deliberately aaritOcad ku growing practice, turned from Ida briefs nnd caeca and forgot everything lu the a Indy of It, eayu lb* Now Yack Herakl. Now, after tke yoare of a tody, of tat ka lias expeodad hi* own resotmea and with capital supplied by two friends, be baa perfected what la declared to be practical slecmdana bare attuned Ur. ertilck will supply euatained power and win revolutionise electric motlre power. Scientists, among them tke foremast electrician* at tbe country, a commit, toe of United Statea engineer* and practical alactrMana have studied Ur. Halsey'* models According to their re port* there le but one opinion. "If tbe buliery does wliat it appear* to da, it la a wonderful Invention," they aay. With a buttery or fifteen coil* weigh ing Suu pound! in an automobile of the runabout pattern Ur. Hilary ha* rid den about New York far hour*, with four borsepowrer ready at any time be might nead 1L H* asserts that with the same machine be can go to Philadel phia at a uniform speed of teu tnllos an boar, climb hills a* steep as any other automobile, stop there Just long enough to replenish the electrolyte in hi* cells and return to New York at the name rate. Tbe met, lie declares, will bo 70 rents rneh way. At a recent private exhibition. In ad dition to the automobile, be. with four ceils, maintained thirty small electric tight* at long as he rrletietl. One cell weighing leas than seven pounds oper ated by a dock wort arrangement bo asserted would bo on hlcul sparkcr for tbs largest gasoline automobile made and would run six liotire without re plenishing. H* already hn* an order for 100 cell* to be placed to the lauucb of a New Yorker. The cells will weigh 2,000 pounds vvlien comp la tad, will de velop twenty-fire horsepower In an emergency and will run ordinarily ten hour* before the electrolyte must bo renewed Stripped of technicalities, tlw lew jcf't battery to Da thing more than aa ordinary battery to which tbo carbon dink to made to revolt-* In the sulphu ric arid and water. Tba sine plutaa art*, an to tbe common battery, stationary. From tbe disk tbo element of power to taken by brnahoa ngnlnat which It re volves. Those connect with posts through which wire* tre passed lend ing to tbe motor. Contrary ns it may appear, tbo motor ran by the battery In turn rsTotrao tbe disks by which lb* sustained power to tarnished. This vras explained by Mr. Halsey. Thera to as much power In all pri mary batteries as In mine.’* be said. Th* only difference to It docs not last Tbo ordinary Lottery will milk* an *l*itile light It will run a motor, bat tar a few mlnuts* only, it to this abort Hv*r. Isldor Klttslo of Philadel phia. This man bad obtained aa option ok tt und tntended Jo porchsas it H* wa* recalled to bto native land, how ever. and In deftortlng ton the model with tbo lawyer, with Instruction* to see what could be done. Mr. IIolacy bo gs n to study It He foood be weald have to study eloctrlrfty Seat. He did this and took tlw awdei tn bto rooms at tbe Waldorf-Astoria. His bathroom became bto laboratory. He forgot bto law practice sad spent Ms saving*. Ha moved from the hotel to other quarter*, and finally Jaat as he thaagbt be would bar* to give ap he met two wealthy men of Psoeaylvanta who had known him there, and after tbsy bod investigated they told him to •o abend and there weald be money eweagti supplied. He «»—■ The saltan la a*M la ba doing ertrj Mig ptaaMa to pwwal Turk* fraa tbaai t* aator aajr plaoa whara drinks amaaM safer Lha g*aa that U la against (Mr rellgten. A mow order new pro btetts barters fna bntag urn chain tearing tbatr charts. Than noat ba ■a aarptaa aaaa, baeaaaa peraoaa. whlla waMteg iMr tan, (ate patten. RLanrinburg bad voted to. i»eue 0,000 of bond# far ■ light plant it by a majority of gfx rejected a bond {pane for water works. nonce. Notice la hereby |lvn that application will be made to the preeent General Aaaewbly of North Carolina to amend the act Incorporating Kbeneacr M. B. Church South In South Point Tovnahlp, Ooaton County, N. C. A. J. RamKiu, Com. / * The BEE HIVE. TO THOSE WHO HAVE NOT YET PURCHASED their win ter suits OR OVER COATS. Wl! WANT TO SAY THAT AN INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK CAN ONLY BE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. IT WILL MOST LIKELY LEAD TO A PURCHASE. THE PRICK IS LESS THAN YOU HAVE EVER HAD OFFEREE YOU; THE FIT. YOU WILL FIND PERFECT; THE FABRICS. THE BEST USED BY HIGH-CLASS TAIL ORS AND ON TOP OF THIS WE GUARANTEE TO PLEASE YOU IN EVERY RESPECT YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND BARGAINS IN OUR STORE. SO COME TO Tht BEE HIVE AND GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH THE BEE HIVE, CHEAPEST STORE IN TOWN. H. SCHNEIDER, Proprietor. SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE GREAT HIGH WAT OF TRADE AMD TRAVEL. VattlB| tha Priaalpal faiwaralal Oantwra aad Haallh aa4 Naaaara »—Hi aMha Sauth with IK. # « NORTH, EAST and WEST. ■ ▼*••»*»»• Tralu. Tkmih ®*w ▼••it »W h*w Orl»»»» Tift XTrkattT. >** rUTldft VftlMft tU AMftata «ai tI* *' nftlMft. ftilfcftT T|« 1 BftBTttl* »»■»« •» vto Iim aim «. H. »A»»WIC». W.I.TATLOB. Am am Nk -b , -. ,,'tl^***- *• AAmM,*^ *• *i*?*Tl I- e. eiAM, MM NANDrMM rurtrtmt Pmm. -., ,, ftirMia, A, A .^T g MUSIC WHILE YOU WOML American Tobacco Company’* Employes Will Work I# Piano Maalc. L'wirrlll*. Kr.. lliipttrh. A piano is now a part of the regnlar complement of machinery used in the American Tobacco compauy’s plant at Jackson aud Jacob streets in ibis citv and the '’department of music’’ is officially recognized in all the establishments of the Conti nental and American Tobacco companies in Louisville. Where formerly a rule of discreet silence was inforced, the strains of music varying from "rag time” to hymns, are heard and the hnndrcds of employes, men and women and children, sing as they work. As a result trotible> between the workers la rare and companies find their employes do their work with better grace and really ac complish more than they did be fore the rules cuforcing silence were abolished. The piano at the Jacob street plant is but a step further in the plan of the two companies to make life more pleasant for those who labor in the big factories, and it is stated that if the experiment proves a success, instruments will be placed in other establiahments operated by the concerna._ Mrs. Minnie Wolfe, of Monroe, has engaged in the fire inaurance business aod is probably the only female fire insurance agent in the State._ Subscribe to Thr Gaxkttu, twice a week, one dollar a year. White Barber Shop. J. W. WALTRR8, Prop. • AutoMl O. n. »»w «4 J. H. Waltm. Omlr Wkkc harfeerahop lathe city. flmjM U oear perfect aa we caa "h5* Mid Cold Rati*. _ Ofra aa a call. Main etreet aest te Oeatonia HnToHme Coaipaay . NOTICE. Professional Cards. P. H. COOKE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GASTONIA, N. C. Office la Cra^lfe Wiljw Building At Dallas in Clerk's office every first Monday. R. B. WILSON; Attorney at Law. GASTONIA, N. C.v • P. R. FALLS, DENTIST. GASTONIA, N. C. Office over Robinson Bros. Store Phone 88. TmTd. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. Bid'* GASTONIA, N. C. Phone 89. ADMINISTKATOrS NOTICE. nci day *t ftknmrf. I!H Administrator o4 HIUIol VrtaV’Yioli**)) VAkiuHi .. . _ Wm. II. Iwni, Attorns/. NEW BARBER SHOP. R. S. Alexander. P ii'Mm* M«H. Cm. MataalMavtotu. I am gl«d to say to alt my mends tbst I have opened shop again. They are afi invited to pay a visit to my shaving parlor Just opened on tli. ford ham comer. I will have an tip-to*date abot> and will give good satitflcK Call to see me. *.S. ALEXANDER EXtCUTOrS NOTICE.