the Gastonia Gazette BUSINESS LOCALS. —ages*- ■1 a NICK FK.UIT at Morris'a Rcstnu i rant si all times. ONION RETS and Garden sands at Elite Grocery. CRUSH Cakes and Crackers at the 1 Blits Gsocxay. DOUR-ROOM hone son 3rd street lor " rent. Apply to 8. 8. Morris. HOME SPUN wool yarn, black sad white. Burn Gaocuav. WATCH our ads closely. We have W a smile, if not a hearty laugh, for yon. Williams Pnruiture Co. XTEW UNE of Iron Beds' Fait and IN Colton Mattraaaea, Matting and Willow Rockers at Williams Furnl tare Btore. FR SALE—A good paying busi ness la Gastonia. Beat reasons for selling. Address X cure of Ga XBTTS. 41. 08 ED POTATOES — Hnrbsnk. •J Beauty of Hebron, Pscrtass, Early Roar, Bliss, all Maine-grown, at Burn Gaocaav. LOST—a new axe between J. 8. Jenkins' house on Airline street and Craig A Wflahn't guano house. If fonnd return to J. 8, Jenkins at J-ong Bros. 2t. rsEUNQUENT TAXPAYERS - U will taka notice that on the 3rd day of April, all real estate liable for taxes not paid wilt be ad vert i sab tor jmhlle sale. C. B. Armstrong, Sher DR. W. H. WAKEFIELD, of Charlotte, N. C., will be in Gasl tonie at the Falls Houston Tuesday, April the 7th, for one day oaly. Hit practice it limited tn eye. ear, nose and throat. 4f. TxON’T invest enough in a Mattress J-r to bay a nice Bed Room Suit. Our Wirt Springs with ooe of our makan of medium priced Mattresses are aa easy as an opiate. Williams Furniture Co. DOY8, come to our store this weak. o We have something coming from New York to give you for jnst a UtUe work. Now, coma with your mind made np that you will not tell year mother where yon got it, will you 1 Williams Fnmitura Co. TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1903. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Cotton seed 22yi cents. —Public sale to-day at the Frank Holland home place. —The regular meeting of the Bpworth League will not be held to-night. —Add to your phone list the following: Mrs. J. P. Culp, residence, No. 216; Jenkins' tin shop, No. 217. —Invitations have been issued to the marriage of Mias Mamie Cronse, of Kings Mountain, to Mr. Jnnius Aderholdt, of Cherry ville. The wedding will take place at the Lutheran church at Kings Mountain on Tuesday, April the 7th, at 7:30 o’clock in the evening. The bride ia well known here having visited Gas tonia several times. PEKSONAL MENTION. —Mr. N. W. Lumpkin *u a Charlotte visitor yesterday. —Miss Ida Rankin, of Moun tain Island, is the guest of Mr. sad Mrs. H. D. Shelton. —Rev. W. P. Watson returned yesterday from Hickory Grove where he went Friday to attend a union meeting. —Mr. Bealer Moore, of Gasto nia, is visiting relatives on French Broad Avenue.—Ashe ville Citlxen, 25th. —Court house writers have the right of way to-day. Future communications on the absorb ing topic must be shorter. Boil them down, cut out all you can span, and condense what is left into half the words.. —Mr. Aid Mrs. W. L. Hutch ison came down from Lincolnton Sstmday. returning home yester day. They were accompanied PT Hutchison's sister, Miss Carrie. Wilson who will make them an extended visit. “s*U Morrow, Mac HoUand, and Edward Sinker, o! the K. M. M. A., Yorkviile, •pant Saturday and Sunday in the city. Mr. Sinker left yester day for his home in New York and Messrs. Morrow and Holland returned to Yorkviile last night, —William Irving Payssoux. the boy hypnotist stia mind reader, gave a second exhibition in the opera bouse Saturday night to a good house. He win K on the road again this week t-Mi dates have not been giv en out. He ia masting with »*d has convinced the P«o|de ®f the genuineness of his powers of hypnotise and mind rMding. ^ - -- • _ i#Hvr«rry tMnniM. Tfc« *55°^ Quarterly Cooler etica of (ho We* End Method!* cbotefc *>• held l„ that chorea Saturday evening at 8:30 SSfaSSfKZ S’ Hh'w^ w. At 7:30 on the ant eyen fa* Dr. Weaver will preach to the ooagregmdoo. He will preach at the If a I a Street hhitreh Sunday - and hold the Oaartwty Conference for that at 8 o'clock Monday CHEtlYVILLE. c-'inaiKjndanoa »( tk* OaaMta. March 28.—Mr. J. R. Lewis, of Dallas, was in town last Wed nesday. . Mr. Andrew Raffield is boild ing s cottage in the western part of tdwn. Mr. S. S. Falls, formerly of King's Mountain, purchased a house and lot near the Cherry ville Mfg. Co., from Mr. E. D. Stroup aud will move into it. , Junius Rhodes, of Rhodhiss, was in town yesterday on busi ness. Miss Daisy Hunt, of upper Cleveland, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. M. Beam. Mrs. Broyles, a bind lady, will give an eutertainiaent in the Parochial school building to ne of tbe big guns have opened fire. Three batteries, stationed respectfully at B e 1 tnont, Dallas, and " Pan Handle" are uncovered. So far tbe ene my have not returned tbe fire. The batteries st Dallas aud Pan Handle are well fortified and supported by small guns. Don’t know how it is at Belmout. The enemy'a van-guard say that South Point is their most im portant place of mobility. I know one thing—it will take a lot of good logic to convince some people iu Gaston couuty that the county seat should be changed, and v;ce versa. On tbe first Monday in May the citizens of Cherryville will vote on the question whether or not Cherryville shall have graded schools. Rev. Mr. Cathey will preach bis farewell sermon at the Pres byterian church to-morrow. Not only his own members, but the people of all denominations here are sorry that it became neces sary for him to quit bis work here. He is s good man and a faithful minister. It is not known now who will take his esce; but whoever does will cate here. Rev. R. H. Cline is attending conference at Newton. Ths Weather. Yesterday's bureau dispatch says; Clearing tonight. Tues day fair and not so cold. Pr street ad Meeting. A series of meetings will be commenced S n n d a y at the Oxark Cotton Mill by Rev. J. H. Bradley, pastor of the West Bud Methodist church, assisted bv Rev. J. A. Ingle, of the Cberryville church. Services will be conducted every evening and possibly _ in the forenoon. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all. Accident te Small Bey. James, the ten year old son of Mr. R. W. White, while playing with bis younger brother in the yard at his home Thursday after noon fell and broke his right thigh. Dts. Sloan and Wilson set and splinted it and at last ac counts the little fellow was get ting along nicely. City School Commencement. Rev. J. S. Moffatt, pastor of the Associate Reformed Presby terian church at Chester, S. C., has been invited to preach the commencement sermon for the city Graded Schools on Sunday, April the 28th, but has not a* yet signified his acceptance of the invitation. Dr. Henry Louis Smith, President of Davidson College, has accepted an invita tion to deliver the literary ad dress. The date for the literary not yet been fixed but will bn announced later. Special mnaic will be furnished for both occasion* by the chil dren of the schools. Fayanasy at YorfcviU*. YwkrUU gamtiar. IMh. Will Irvife Fayssoux, the young Gastonia mind reader, gave an exhibition of his powers In Yorkvflle (his week ou Tues day and Wednesday nights. Young Fayssoux is a mete boy; but there is so doubt of the fact that he has acquired considera ble knowledge of mind reading and hvpnot&m. Had the re porter been skeptical bis doubts would have beeh dissipated by a practtcal demonstration that was given in The Boqnirer of r°“ vm ^ ■££ ben of the firpi hid the tvne They were not disposed to be buncoed, snd they hid it in the most difficult place Imaginable. Young Fayssoux came Into the office blindfolded, and after a search found the type in n box in a drawer, and tbea placed it in the proper ease and box. There was absolutely no hnm bng about the matter. The en tertainment in the opera bonne, however, could hardlv be de scribed as a success. While the hypnotic and mind readier pow «■ of the young man are all right, he tucks experience as a •how man. and wOl mmirn •ome additional practice tains*' ha e— hope to meet whh grant " » professional enter (continued prom 2nd pack.) except by the approval of .the Board of County Couiiniassoa era, and it will be the duty of the Commissioners to make es timates and to erect the build ings before the Legislature again convenes, and they have already said they would expend no more money for this purpose than ha* already been provided. B*»lde«, we believe the taxpayers of Gastonia arc in a position to know better than Mr. Hoffman whether or not electric lights and water works are desirable, and we think that if he will endeav or to acquaint himself with the facta before he makes these statements, be will find that these residents of Gastonia would not care to be put back where they were before they had electric Hebts, water works, and graded schools, for which pur poses these bonds sod indebted ness of Gastonia to which he refers were issued aud incurred. If Mr. Hoffman's idtss on the issne of bouds by municipal corporations had been followed in the past, wc doubt whether any city or town in this great American country of ours would have had electric lighta, water works, or other improvements of like kind, and we are unwi” fng to adopt such views. Several columns of this cam paign circular arp taken up in an attempt to prove and show and make you believe that this coun ty is in a deplorable financial condition, and for this reason the county seat should not be re moved. Now let us see about this so called deplorable financial con dition of the county. We are not going to tax yoor patience with a great array of figures as Mr. Hoffman has done, for we do not consider it necessary for y°nr, enlightenment, and we think his figures are misleading. Now to discuss this alleged defi ciency, we must go back to the beginning of our permanent road improvement, and if yon have any doubt about the wise expen diture of this money, go to the records and see for yourselves. tbe county is about $28,000 m debt. Assuming Mr. Hoffman’s figures to be correct, we do not see how he reaches this conclusion. Taking the last annnal statement ol the Board of County Commissioners for onr guidance, and we do not consider any other official, he must have included contracts for some bridges which are to be built and are to be paid for ont of the taxes to be received from parties who have invented large sums of money in our county. Mr. Hoffman has estimated the expense, of the county govern ment for the present year by the expenditures of the past few years, when he is fuUyaware that the county's expenses have been unusuallv heavy on account of small pox, buying permanent road improvement machinery, and the building of many iron bridges over the county, when **»«? we « not likely to have again within the next generation, unless it be the small-pox expense. Even that will not probably be so great, for we have onr pest houses, etc. built, and a great many have been vaccinated. btnce our permanent road im provement! began we have been spending our funds in the same for which they were levied, while Mr, Hoffman carries our indebtedness to the time the tax es for the present year are due, •nd do*» ?ot give any credit for them. Thna this deficiency is made to appear larger than It really is. What is his purpose m trying to raise a scare-crow? Mr. Hoffman lives at the county seat and has often been on the Finance Committee. He most have known of this so-called de plorable couditon all tbe time. Why baa ke never raised his v?1?* before and warned the peo ple?. Why wait until the eve of an election that does not affect the financial condition of our countv, since, no matter which w«y it may go, a new coart bouse must be built somewhere. Thus we may easily detect the pnrpoee of Mr. Hoffman and those opponents of removal who are trying to frighten the people over an alleged deficiency. If you will take the average expenditures of the county for the yean when wejdo not have heavy expenses for small pox, bridges, and road macMaery, and compare them with the pres ent tax collected, you will find •*r?t we caa pay every dollar ol this so-called deficiency In the n«xt lour yean without raising onr fora one cent. la it fair for these opponents ai2 been ao largely bene expenditure! of which they now complaiu to J hu« and cry when it proposed to make boom outlay ■ss proceeds of which wen to be * ?***”• ^ pwpcaad for -j.-f S5*pe!rtk3E | eight Columns oi*hls^eai |dn«lar la giving the ■ 'I against removal, and about one half column to what is styled la the circular "A Reason for Re* moval”. We wonder If the only reasons for removal which have occurred to Mr. (Hoffman ate found in this one-half column, and even then the reasons tbeir in mentioned are attempted to be explained away. He does admit, however, that Gastonia is nearer the center of population, but even tries to meet this by pointiuy out the -upper end of the coonto as taking on naw life, and we iuppoee intends to make the impression that if Dallas is let alooe it will become the cen ter of population. We are of the opinion that no one can be made to believe this, not even the residents of Dallas. This campaign pamphlet of Mr. Hoffman abounds In such expressions as "shrewd manipu lators,” "shrewd promoters,” and there are intimations and suggestions of trickery, schem ing. and the improper use oi money, and everyone whether he be acting in his official capacity or upon bis individual responsi bility. has had such suspicious cast aud charges brought against him which includes every man who signed the petitions asking for removal and upon onr Sen ator and two Representatives; and even the County Commis sioners did not escape this sus picion. for from bis argumeu they all would be parties to det ceiviog the voters. , We have endeavored in writ ing this article to be correct in stating the facts so far ns we know them, sod where it was necessary to drew conclusions, we think they wre justified by the facta. Respectfully, Hugh Long, J. B. Page, For Advocates of Removal. “Rev. A. T. Lindsay preached in Concord Sunday and returned home yesterday. Thaaira Gear a. Commencing with the iaane of Sunday April 5th the New York "Morning Telegraph” will be on sale at Carry ft Co. Gaatoniani deairing a sample copy will re ceive same at tbc above store. The drawing Exports. laalavilta Con-ter lomt aal. The exports for February, in round numbers, $125,000,000 in excess of any preceding Febru ary, and tbc exports for the quarter, including December, January, and February, amount ing to more tbau $407,500,000, were larger than in the corres ponding period of any year in our history. This remarkable exhibit ia described as a return to normal conditions, which means that in recent years when exports were mentioned it was assumed that constant gain from year to year was the rale, and that exceptions to it moat be accounted for by some special cause. In fact, the falling off in onr exports in 1902 was one to the failure of the com crop In 1901. That the decrease was not caused by impaired in dustrial activity nor due to an satisfactory general conditions is made absolutely clear by the Treasury statement, which shows that the $105,000,000 decrease of commodity exports in 1902 was more than accounted for by a decrease of $120,000,000 in exports of agricultural products. NOTICE OF ELECTION. Qim«m of iMMviat tin Ctn* tj Sdt to It V«M dtp Wednesday. April », 1903. * Notice U hereby (fo h tat to an act at the My of North Carolina, ._w _ raary the »tb, IMS, that ea_j tMOnUniiNB, SffiffiJ&'hiSSSSKSSS of ajacoorty at to the reaJrSTS tgsrShssvii:rEH£ tSSfiS r.xrsx.-'sxr'.sas removal." vorbro FLACKS: Belmont Predact at J. P. Store'* Pnralture Store. Union Precinct at Union School fiWMML jun"*0"'*, N°. *' *>recl,K!t •* c*iT Gastonia No. *. Precinct at J. D. Karan a store. Plena's ..frectnct at Clean's store. Chwrvlfle Preceat at oM P. O. near 8. 8. Maeaey't stare. i^Cerpsnteds Precinct at Ceiysater'a tr's Predact at Puller's Wood emer CKy Predact at Mayor's ■KfProdoct st DilUaf's MUI oSrA&gS" Stanley Predict at aM TtlsphSas Jljb Kelly Predact at’ Mayor's a toa^nl '.a emam_ I HNw rTtCliCt it Ntt Hflpl imtLl atCeart Hants la iMJS3FH • I The New Spring M Millinery Opening. WEDNESDAY AND THUESDAY, AFRIL FIRST AND SECOND. MISS BUDPOCK’S Up-Slain om Morris Brothers. The new materials, the new styles, the new col* ors, and new combina tions. And oar knowledge,skill and taste see all at yoor . service. Your inspection invited, yonr orders so licited. Miss Ruddock. MONEY FOUND On Main Street In the most pub lie place In town# Our store is the spot Get (s the push; cone along with the proces* si on, there Is money tobe found for every cna to seer nt our beautiful store { one of the prettiest la the South, Is what com* potent ludges aay. We believe it la true. Our stock la up-to date, very latest pat terns aad styles. Oor prices aad terms are fast «s popular. We klve some very pretty ,Bed Room Suita, Iron Bads, Rockers, Hall Racks, Matting, Water Seta, Side Boards, Din lag and Center Jables and Go-Cartp. ; We ere anxious to show you through this week, will appreciate year call No trouble to show geode. Come. WILLIAMS FURNITURE COMPANY. ■ mijibl . —T—mmmmrnmi i i ; Wednesday Evening, April 1st, 7 to 11, all day Thurs day and Friday. No cards or special Invitations* All Invited; all expected to be pres ent to witness the great special showing of meritorious creations for spring and summer wear* Our extraordinary success last season aroused us to the highest pitch of enthusiasm and In preparing for this seasons display we planned a. long stride ahead In the showing of taste, form richness of mater ials and exclusiveness of designs* The opening this year will the event of the season and well worth coming miles to see* ■ THE EMBROIDERY SALE Will be the talk of this sccOso for days to come. Mom two to twoatjr four Inches wide worth 10c to 40e par yd. Yoor choice p -“g*-i iiiiim •ip •MOrvo or Itntt to aoaatlty at per yd.— Big bargains In all lines. KINDLEY-BELK BROTHERS^). GASTONIA'S GREATEST STORK. ’ __ 1 1 We have the floods Out please and Mtvc root money. SOD lawplni «f Paper to aetect from, and any shade la the Sherwio-Williams Print yon ■ay want. WtaHB aaooyon—nay. CUBBY & COMPANY! A A Prescription D^afgUts.AA . ~--—— mmM i - •' ____

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