The Gastonia Gazette BUSINESS LOCALS.' iOHHF. BRADLEY, land surveyo^ J Gastonia N. C._ —Ht. DRUGS—Read and remember that ad ib this iaaue. CO UR MILCH COWS lor sate. Ap r ply to X. C. McLean. BUST tor Sc—** Norma Martinet” at Kcnaody'a, sole agent* TWO CHOICH mlkb row. (or .al. or exchange. S. W. Bradley. pvRr.INBATORS tad Designer. ~ iot «t the Gastonia Tlook Store on the Corner. pAPRR JCR CUPS nl Gastonia B°°l< Store. Twenty rents per doaen or $1.2.5 per hundred. EOR SALK—500 cords pine wood, A order* left at Robinson lire*, will have prompt attention. P. K. Huffitctkr, BIG LINK of Morris chairs, with foot rest, lounges and coaches. Come and see them. _Wtu.tAisa PuawiTias Co. 'T'ORNADO INSURANCE writtei 1 by Castoa Loan and Trust Co., at very low rates. Call on or wrile to them (or terms. Strong companies represented. DEI) ROOM SUITS from $15 to $85. a3 Nicest line in the city at lowest possible prices. We have what you arc looking for. Wtt.I.IAMK ICSM1TUSK Co. TUESDAY. JUNE 9, 1903. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —A large number of Gaston iana went dowu on No. 11 Sun day to seethe destruction caused to the mills at Clifton and Paco let by the high waters of Satur day morning. Several alto went yesterday. —A rail lug is being placed iu the court room at the City Hall, cutting oil a sectiou just iu front of the roatrum for the witnesses, defendants, attorneys and others directly concerned iu the cases coming up for trial. —The appointment which has been made with Rev. J. A. Hoyle to preach at the Dallas Baptist chnrcb is for the second Sunday —which happens to be uext Sunday. The error in last Fri day's paper was detected too late for correction. —Collections were takeu iu the Methodist and Presbyterian churches at the Sunday morning service for the benefit of the sufferers in the Spartanburg dis trict. . The collection at the Presbyterian church amounted to $63.83 and that at the Method ist church $25. making a total of $88.83. —Through an error last week the name of Miss Cooper Walk up was included in the list of graduates at Jones Seminary in place of Miss Belle Furguson, of Pleasant Ridge. We regret the over si^ht and are glad to make correction. Miss Furguson's essav was one of unusual merit on the "Educational Movement in North Carolina.’’ —The Piedmont Telephone and Telegraph Company has re cently placed a long distance booth, with metallic service and connections with the Bell sys tem. in the hotel at Cleveland Springs. The growing popular ity and patronage of this sum mer resort demsnded the long distance service and the Pied mont Company is endeavoring to give the public what it wants ana needs. —William Iryin* Fayssoux, the boy hypnotist, gave sn exhi bition of his powers of mind reading and hypnotism in the opera honse last night. This was preceded by a Tree street exhibition yesterday afternoon. Fayasonx exhibited here several times before starting on the road and has slways been able to obtain and hold a crowd. For the past several months he baa been traveling pretty exten sively over the State and baa met with success. Writing • Seek » America. A traveller from the Old country was in Gastonia Satur day afternoon exhibiting a line of very beautiful colored pictures of foreign ecenes end cities. He gave his name as 1,. A. J. M. Theys Van Zeeland, of Hollaud. He is writing s book on tbe habits and customs of America, and sells pictures, he says, to pay his expenses while gather ing materials for it. He has been travelling in America since tbe Betelo Exposition. Te Wilmington fo fgjfc A round trip to Wilmington for 92-10 has been arranged for by the Pritchard Memorial Baptist Sunday School of Charlotte. The particulars and schedules arc printed to an advertUrment which appears elsewhere In to day’s paper. It promises and proposes to be a strictly Brst class excursion, and tbe names of the gentlemen composing the committee of arrangement* an a sufficient guarantee that it will be all it promises. The excur sion will leave Charlotte for Wilmington at 7 o’clock Wed ■eeday, Jane 24th. As the ad vertisement will eppear In to day's paper only, those who think of going wHl do well tc bear the Hate in mfed. PERSONAL MENTION. "'Mr*. E. J. Reedy, of Liu cojutou, i* the guest of Mrs. Johu H. Adams. —Miss Carrie Ruddock left yesterday to speod a few days with Charlotte friends. -Mr. L. M. Smith and Mr. Matvin Wilkinson, of Charlotte, spent Sunday In the city. —Mr. Archie Seun was over from Charlotte Sunday to sec his sister, Mrs. A. A. McLean. —Rev. J. 3. Grier was in town a abort while yesterday enroute to his home at Shston, S. C. —Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, of Bowling Green, were among the shoppers in Gastonia yester day. —Mr. J. R. Carson and little son Ralph, of All Healing, were in town yesterday, guests of Mr. R. W. Carsou. —Master George Gray is ex pected to return home from the Triuity Park High School at Dnrham to-day. —Mr. J. P. Thomson went to Converse yesterday to view the destruction caused by the high waters of Saturday. —Mayor A. J. Smith, of Bel mont, and Mr. F. W. Leeper, of Lowell, were welcome callers at Thk Gazuttk office yesterday. —Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bryson left yesterday afternoon for an extended viait to relatives at Bridgeport and Newport, Tenn. —Mr. J. W. Kirkpatrick, Miss Lois Moffatt. aud Miss Pattie Caunon left for Dae West Sun day afternoon, going by wav of' Columbia. —Mr. W. 1*. Harrison, cashier of the Yorkville Loan and Sav ' ings Dank, was in the city yes terday enrollte to the scene of the disaster at Clifton, S. C. —Mr. F. L. Carpenter, of Dallas, left yesterday afternoon for Morehead City to attend the annual meeting of the State Pharmaceutical Association. —Mrs. George Tate. Mrs. R. R. Ray, Miss Lottie Ray, of Mc Adenvilie, and Miss Battle, of SavanuaU, Ga., who is visiting Miss Ray, were shopping in the city yesterday. —Mrs. R. D. Craver, ac companied by tier sister. Miss Willie Jenkins, left yesterday oftcrnoon-forMrs. Cra'ver’s home at Durham. Mr. Craver will join them at Greensboro. —Cadet Marsh Morrow re turned Saturday from the K. M. M. A. at Yorkville. Cadet Hol land Morrow returned yesterday with Cadet Arthur Beal, of San tiago, Cuba, who is visiting Mr. Archie Jenkins. —Miss Ethel Gray returned Tuesday from Elizabeth College. She was one of the few who won distinction in music—a distinc tion which means something when conferred by that institu tion. —Dr. J. C. Galloway left yes terday morning for Due West to attend the commencement* this week. The interruption of di rect schedules causes the Due West visitors from this section to take route by Columbia. —Cspt. C. M. Nolen left Sun day for Savannah, Ga., to attend the annnal meeting of the Asso ciation of Southern Railway Freieht Agents and the National Association of Freight Agents. He will return the latter part of the week. —Master Arturo Beal, of San tiago de Cuba, was a very wel come and mostjnteresting caller at Thb Gazette office yester day. He is a cadet at the Kings Mountain Military Academy and is guest of Master Archie Jen kins. ■—Rev. D. P. MeGeachy, of Richmond. Va., who has charge of the raising of the Twentieth Century Educational Fund iu this synod of the Presbyterian chnrcb, was in the city Sunday and yesterday. He preached twice at the Presbyterian church Sunday. —Mr. Floyd E. Ules, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Gilliland and Misa Blanche Bryan pasted through yesterday enroute to Spartan burg from a trip to Asheville. On account of the damage to the Asheville and Spartanburg road they were compelled to re turn by way of Salisbury. Mr. J. C. Hopper returned yesterday afternoon to Rockwell N. Cm where he i* at work la a coffin factory. He and bia wife were called here by wire Satur day on account of the illness of Giles Fisher, the 12-year-old brother of Mra. Hopper. It was believed that he bad appendici tis, but he is better. Mrs. Hop per and tittle daughter will re main here for s white ou s visit. —Mr. Wright Torrence, who has been salesman in the dress goods department at Kiudley Belk Brothers Company for the past year, leaves to-morrow for Fltsgerald, Ga., where hr goes to tike a similar position with the dry good* establishment of Mr. Ssm W. Jones. Mr. Tor rence Is an experienced sales man and will be missed from paatouia. He lias a large num ber of friends here who regret exceedingly his deperture. LOST BOY RETURNED. Lucias Helea, Alter Two Meath b’ Wuderiags, Is Again Sale at Heina — Retnrnsg la Crease Saadajr Morning. The wandering boy is al home again, and there is great joy in tne household ot Dr. W. W. Nolen at Cronse and in that entire ueigliborhood. Two months ago Luciui W. Nolen, aged about 22 years, left the home of bis father, Dr. Nolen, to wander about and see the world. He did not tell his purpose, and his family did not know where he was. They heard rumors of liis bciug in Charlotte and in Hickory, but all efforts to find him were unavailing. Hearing nothing further from him, the family and neighbors fave him np as lost. Lost Sun ay evening he came borne in charge of Bis consin Mr. Mac Nolen, of Pleasant Ridge. There were tears of joy and a great Hocking in of happy neighbors when it was known that the wandering boy was aliye and safe at borne. While Mr. Mac Nolen was on his porch reading a paper early Sunday morning, some of the children reported that some one out at the gate wanted to see him. Neither they uor Mr. No leu knew the sad-faced stranger. Bnt he made himself known, told' hia cousin with sadness in his voice that be was in trou ble and wanted To go home and stay there. "Why certainly,” said Mr. No len. "come iu and get some breakfast and I'll send yon home to-morrow.” "i nave no clothes on,” the wanderer said, "fit to eat break fast in, and (M like to go liutne to-day, and not on the train.” "Well,” said Mr. Nolen en couragingly, "come in and wash up, and eat something and I’ll take you home to-day in my bag gy.” And so it was all arranged. Lucius gives a connected ac count of exteuded wanderiugs. He went first to Charlotte, then to Danville, then to Drake's Brauch toward Richmond. Hav lag spent all his money, he turned back homeward and packed dirt to Snlisbnry, States ville and Hickory. Here he worked in a lumber yard awhile and theu went to Morganton, Marion, Shelby and Blacksburg. He came byC.astouia on the 19th of May. and spent the 20th in Charlotte. He went below Charlotte and worked at Pine ville, then went to Rock Hill, Chester and Columbia. Below Columbia be hired and worked as a farm baud. Thursday morn ing he took a notion to come home, and reached his cousin’s about 8 o’clock Sunday morn ing. _ Looking Holland's Way. The Asheville correspondent of the Charlotte Observer sends that paper the following under date of the 6th: "Mr. Rollins [Republican State Chairman] will go to Charlotte Monday on court bnsineas and while there will in all probability dispose of tbc office at Gastonia, where there has been a lively scramble for the plum. Claudius Hol laud has for some time had the endorsement of Judge Pritchard and ex-Congressman Blackburn, and his chances appear good, if he can prove a clear record. Two Dots Without Noll. No mail from the North or Sooth was received in Gsstonia between the arrival of No. 35 Friday night and that of the Carolina and North-Western yesterday morning. The first mail brought to Gastonia over the Southern since Friday night waa a small amount sent out on No. 11 yesterday from Charlotte. This train does not carry a mail car and the pouches were brought ont on the baggage car. No Charlotte or Atlanta papers were received here Saturday aod there waa a scramble for Char lotte Observers when No. 11 ar rived Sunday. A Urge number were sold, but the supply fell short of tne demand. Tne only means of hearing from or com municating with the ontside world Saturday was over the wires, and anxious groups gath ered round the bulletin at Tor rence’s drug store to get the lat est from tne great disaster at Clifton. Major Charles M. Steel mau, of Greensboro, la being spoken of as a candidate for the gevernor ■hip next year. He has aa yet given out no statement aa to the matter. A commission vii chosen by • njcstlng of the business men of Winston-Salem Saturday to arrange for an election to vote o" the Issuance of $300,000 honj5* tor the construction of roads in the county. Dr. Elmer Jones, of Olney, Alleghany county, died In a liv ery stable at Hickory Friday morning from the excessive use of intoxicants. He was return ing borne from the meeting of the Medical Association at Hot Springs. He failed on kia ex amination about six months ago and was despondent. -pii' . --UH II i| ■■ g—ggg mess FIEMCT3 STOSNS. Tfca Wastsra Waatkwr Propbat Forecasts an Epidemic a( Floods, Storms sad Wars Waatbar far Juaa. The great storm prophet, Irl K. Hicks, makes the following weather forecasts for June: The first storm period ii cen , 0,1 dtb. covering the 'iac aud 6tb. High degree* of humidity, high temperature, and very low barometer, on and next to the 3rd, will prove certain harbingers of severe storm*. If actual storms are delayed, even up to the 3th or Oth, do not be thrown off your guard nutit the iudications culminate. Vicious thunder storms, accompanied with hail and possibly tornadic centers, are among things reas on»bly to be expected at this period. Some very cool uights are sure to result when the storma are over. On and touching the 9th and 10th, look for reaction to a t o r in condition*—change to much warmer, falling barometer and more *torms of min, thunder and heavy squalls of wind. The regular summer solstice distur bances will set iu at this time, makiug June shower* probable almost any afternoon and even ing. The regular storm period, covering the 14th to the I9tb, will reach its culminating stages abojt Wednesday, Thursday nnd Friday,the 17th, 18tb and 19th. On aud touching the 21st and 22nd, look for the return of slonn condition* with renewed thunder and raiu squalls, and much, harmless lightning at uieht. Most sections will have sufficient rains at this aud other June periods. The last week iu June is covered by a combined Mercury aud Vulcan storm period. About the 25th it will turn exceedingly warm, the barometer will fall aud persistent cloudi ness and frequent storm* of wide extent sod much euergy will mark the closing days of the mouth. No. 97 Wrecked. Reports received here last night were to the eflcct that fast mail train No. 97, which has been making the trips to Atlan ta via Columbia siuev the block ing of traffic on the main lioe Saturday, was wrecked in ahead eud collision with a freight train sue and i half miles east of Rort Mills, S. C., b tween 6 and 7 o’clock last night. The freight train was derailed, part* of it being thrown a hundred yards from thetrack. Several persons were severely injured, though none were reported killed. Chief Mail Clerk Vandyke, of Atlanta, saw the freight in time to want the clerks, thus prob ably saving their lives. Engin eer Wilson, of the freight train, was seriously, perhaps fatally, injured, No. 97 was taken back to Charlotte at 10 o'clock, carry ing the wounded, and a wreck ing train was immediately sent to the scene. —Mrs. L. P. Wetxell returned Saturday from a short stay in l*incoln county. Mrs. W. E. Kiudley returued yesterday from a ten days stay at Cleveland Springs. Saturday she leaves for Asheville to attend the Y. W. C. A. —Miss Ioia Philpot, who has been the admired guest of Miss Mabel Craig, left yesterday after noon for her home in Pine Bluff, Ark. She was accompanied by M>ss Craig as far as Statesville. The North Carolina Teachers Assembly meets at Wrightsvillc Beach to day. Drugs ---— ■■ -■ ~ or^atalc “*y **• lKtk Justus,' in Hi our prescription week are the freshest, percet aad birbeat quality drum that can lie obtained from the momiefiablu anil tx P« r I auialachiuf chemists, importers and Jobbers. ff yoe want the beat results from the medi cine that you taka, hare it prepared at our prescription depart ment. II yon do this your doctor will worry less about your recov ery. J. EL KENNEDY 4 CO. Vhhe Pmal Pharmacy. MjBWU.1. STANLEY. nt the OMttt. Stanley, June We have changed from a torrid to a toireutial weather basis bat no hail or damaging freshet is re ported in this immediate section. Only refreshing raius. All growing crops ore gr atly revived, lu some places a good stand of cotton was obtained and had been worked nicely while now another crop baa sprnug np between the larger plants. One of our best fanners began harvesting bis oat crop tbe past week. Only a light crop was sown, yet it seems to have with stood the ravages of tbe insects better than the wheat crop. To-day’s Charlotte Observer conveys tbe intelligence that Mr. Wui. Richards, of Stanley, has fallen heir to a handsome estate in England. He is tbe oldest citizen of onr town and has lived here nearly fifty years. He bad l>ecn expecting this good fortune and says that he will sail for Mctrcy old England at an early date. J. D. McCall, of Charlotte, is bis attorney. Except failing eyesight. Mr. Richards enjoys excellent health allbough he is past eighty years of age. We have no recent marriages at Stanley but according to re ports we have furnished some of the grooms for other cities. Nolle* of Now A4verti*ume»(i. Curry & Co .-Trauti and shoulder braces—any size or kind. Prices just right. W. O. Willis and others—Recur sion from Cburiotte to WUsalogton Jane 24 for only 22.50. Roman, the Clothier—Roy's nobby spring clothing. Superior in point of style, fobnc, and making. Gastonia Savings Bank—Our cart ful and conservative method* make your investments with ns oa strong na a rock. Robinson Bros —Best leather, bast workmanship, and beat style that can possibly be put into shoes are in the kind we sell. Morris Brothers—Special prices oa clothing, dry goods, shoes, and shirts every day lor two weeks. Pat ns to the test. Kiadley-Belk Bros. Co. Great scoop from railway company enables ns to throw oo sale 2,255 yards of Set Inwns at 2J4e. Great sensation. J. IT. Kennedy ft Co.—Drags sold by as are ireu!i. pure, and of first ciualitv. If you wuut Wat results from the medicine yon take, hive ft prepared here. $2.50—$2.50—$2.50—$2.50 Charlotte to Wilmington for $2.50. EXCURSION Wednesday, July 24,1903. Hy tba Pritchard Manorial Baptist Sunday School of Chariotta. Two Trains Half an Hour Apart. Flrat-claaa coach.*, large beery engine*, carcfal engineer* end good rime. iaSss tesssssi.’ sa. ssurawsAMh .re ond train leave Wilmington 10 p. m„ reach Charlotte at • a. m. _ 8»de trip* oa Steamer Wilmington to Carolina Beach, Old Srasawtck, B«5sr* Eb sir&re.Ss.T.srS’ srfc Trolley Cara ran regularly to Wrightevllle every SO minutaa lor thoee who with to ace thie fern one bench. Train* will atop at all atotJOM far paaaen gcre (rent ,0 Wadeehoro. f *-b*,2t-—<»«*« Ample ecc ation lor board and lodging wilt bt mad* in Wilming ton, and liet^of la and boarding bonnet with rate of board will be dfi Remembar. ain will leave Cheviotte at 7 a. m returning la are_>gtou at Sp. m. on the 19th. of Travelling Pa ****** r Agent ETI, Laard, and Local Rate* for the round trip from an point* between <_ boro p SO. Half Ticket*, fl.SO lor peraowa eadtr II. Chi Baggage car accommodation*. Bafraahment car attached to each train. Drag Store, at Brannon'*, and at Chariott* Steam Laundry. «: »: mi‘ tMESS!:*-}*— 75 Pieces Colored Lawns That were selected by our buyer for a 5c leader a month ago, hot were not urn vc i oy criD iporuuoo company nntil to-day and we refused to accept them witboat a rebate from Rail way company which was granted and the entire lot 012,255 yards goes on sale thla morning at 2}fc Come early to avoid the rush. One Case Millinery and Ribbons In Same Shipment at Bargain Prices Big line White Ribboos ex tra wide at 10e Ready trimmed Hats 75c Plaid Taffeta Silk, yard 10c Yard wide White TaSeta Silk 75c LOT 1—Coraet cover*, Gown., and Drawer* worth 50c at 25c LOT 2—0 o w a a , aUrta, Drawen asd Conwt oovera worth $LOO to $L2S, apedal tbk week 7Sc IWutiJulJy made and uimmedL ' atUl moving on. apecktl Creating a sensation! That is what we are doing on the prices we are quoting* Come see* Kindley-Belk Brothers Co. Cheapest Store on Eartl^* STRONG AS A ROCK. A larjce capital may be a guarantee of aafety.but * mmiwUm, cwvfol way of doiny buain... it b«tt*r yM. HwcmiiuA say nc i iam maiMg mo fawtMiiu tkorewh inveati^atioo and tooebaa ■olhtejr UatwOlw* bear tkatHoaa* atnuoy. la tkU way tbc iaterrrf. —u—»- ‘y’Tr Wfi aWilil GASTONIA SAVINGS BANK, L. L. JENKINS. Pm. 4.1. HARDIN, Catkitr. ■____ _ Boys’ Nobby Spring + + Clothing. + The vacation day* offer a favorable opportunity to fit the boy out with a new anit. We took good care to have a large variety for selection just at this time. Our clothing .'or boys is supcricr ta point of style, fabric and making and is priced very hv far cloth* ing of its standard. A GREAT PURCHASE of boys' knee pants snita from one of New York's forcaaoet makers of boya’ high grade clothing. Then am Sailor. Norfolk, and do*. Me breasted suits Is plain blues, brawns, end handsome ahttoics^ Soil* made to »ell at a bigger price than we are offariag tbem. Call and see them at the YELLOW FRONT/ ROMAN, The Clothier. W*OWB to. GASTONIA, N. C. Shoe Shine Free at Our Store.

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