the Gastonia Gazette 'business localsT” MAGAZmSt^JuTtke September magarincs at Hunter's Book Store. LOST. Small bunting cue gold watrh. Return to Tint Oaxkttx offlcc for reward. BRICK-300,000 brick for sale. Hard and soft, mostly bird. J. T. 8ikxu>, Guionla, N. C. C03 RENT—Ragan building, cor r ner Marietta and Main streets. Apply to Williams Furniture Co. IJOR SALK—A four roon^hnuse and r lot for sale In Gastonia, at right prices. Apply to Morria Brothers. H. G. Pi, *s. SPECIAL BARGAINS in Iron Beds for next ten day*. Have you seen the on-seats we an- to give oar customer? Williams Fumitun Co. DON’T FORGET—Onr cash custo i ranr? **i Ucket». one of which will call for the c&ns closet. Have you heard how 'tie done? _Williams Fnmiturc Co. ft1* W 11. WAKEFIELD, of Char Tr.aJfiPti c-' wjJ1 be«* Gastonia at Falls Hoaae cm Wednesday, Sep ternber 33. for one day only. His praethieja limited to eye, car, nose, LOST — Eyeglasses, gold-rimmed, on *ide;'ray‘ At e**t ,et oar b°y» show yoa the flood Dress Goods, Silks. Y£^T;S3*.SSk£* 8syryr^5®c Peas de Soi si good sakhl •ad tmm aadwtt^btte * laf 29 ? ~ 1 - -- _ New goods for fall season now rolling In on every train, new things don’t stop till you land^t A • A KIN ILEY-BELK Cheapest Store on Earth* - - Death at CharryrUle. Mrs. Sarah Ann Beam, wife of Mr. J. T. Beam, died at her home near CheTryvii(e on Mon day and was buried ae St. Mark’s Lutheran church Wednesday af ternoon at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Beam was in the 67th year of her age, having been born Oct. 21. 1836. Before her marriage to Mr. Beam on March 25th, 18S8, she was Miss Sarah Ann Black, daughter of Samuel Black, Bsq. She con nected herself with the Lutheran church in May, 1869, and re mained a consistent member of the same till the end. Thirteen children survive as foUows: Sne, Mary, Prances, Johnnie, Har riet, Laura, Mag. Julia, Dave. Katie, Rhoda, Lixxie, Sidney and Junius. Her grandchildren nnm ber twenty-five._ Mr*. Kindley Eater tains. At the home of Dr. W. H. Hoffman on Air Line Street Tuesday evening lira. W. E. Kindley delightfully entertained with an at home in honor of her Eiest, Miss Pannie Gresham, of onnt Airy, Ga., who is spend ing some time with her. A hun dred invitations were issued and the guests came in two sets, from 7 to 8:30 o’clock and from 9 to 10:30 o’clock. The guests were greeted at the door by Miss Ma bel Craig who ushered them into the parlor. Here the receiving Sirty consisted of Miss Gresham, rs. Kindley,Mrs. Ed Gresham, Charlotte, Mr*. P. R. Palls, and Mrs. Cisrenca A. Johnson. Prom the parlor they were led to the dining room by Mias Beta Hol land and here they were received by Miss Lyda Adams, Mias Ma mie Love, and Miss Battle Jan kina. Refreshments were served consisting of mayonnaise toma toes, sandwiches, olives, salted almonds, and reception mints. In the left Parlor Miss Lottie Blake served sherry ice cream. The color scheme of green and white was very eSectiva. Green candles and white carnations were the principal materials used in decorating, a profusion of ferns and palms also adding much to the effect. Music for the occasion seas furnished by the Gastonia Orchestra. The evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all so fortunate as to be the recipients of Mrs. Kindlcy’s hos pitality. —PoatttaaUr C. D. Holland • nd family are MW occupying the Carry residence oa York •tract, having moved ia tbc first of tbc meek. Subscribe for Tint Qamrrni. MT. HOLLY. 1. tinirHiw .»r the fkmmn* Aug. 17.—We had rain plenty since. lilt Friday and crops are showing some improvement. Corn; tnongh, is too far gone to make much now. We will not get more than 35 per cent of a rail crow on upland. The corn on the bottoms is pretty good, but it is never out of danger of high water till gathered. Cotton will be about a half crop. Rev. J. J. Gray is still con fined to bis room, but is im proving slowly. Misses Ethel and Aubry Can non and Miss May Sherrill, of Charlotte, are visiting the family of Mr. W. T. Connell. Mrs. A. D. Edwards, of Deca tur county. On., returned home to-day after an extended visit to her kindred and friends in this and Lincoln counties. au. m. k. Nants, of Ttmmas yille, was ip on t visit to hii fothei and mother, Mr. and ?Jr>. R. W. Hants, last week. Squire A. J. Smith, oI Bel mont, was upon i bo sines* trip to-day. _ Squire J. M. McIntosh and J. R. Connell are running their canneries on the twelve Itonr system now. Tbs Gazette has fail.d to mention the fact that old River Bend is the only township in the county that gave s majority for road improvements at the recent election. If the vote in some sections of the county fa dicate* t.h e feelings of the people On the subject of good roads they will not went the Commissioners to move the chain gang to their section at all. Our people have been very quiet on the subject till they had a chance to snow thfir feelings at the recent election and yon need not be surprised now if they should ask for something now. We feel like we have worn recognition and. farther, we feel like we ere going to be recog nised, too. Pint Baptist church—Services morning and night by Rev. A. Main Street Methodist church —preachlo* Suudav at il a. a. by the pastor, Dr. II. P. Cbreits bar* Boot aarvica at nifbt. * 8t. Mkbael'a Catholic church —8ervicea at 3 p. a, conducted by aubatlute from St. Mary’s Mr Rev. P. Melchoir. who la abac* on a vacation. Giving oar easterners very best bargains end in addition alee presents. Watch onr window, watch onr stock, watch this space. U Han yon heard of the nice presents we propose giving our customers? Yon maybe the lucky on*. Come let ns show yon what wc have. Gar stock Is complete, np-tp-date la every rapeet. Call often; no troable to show goods. * , ‘: * WILLIAMS FURNITURE CO. PkMean. -- — -, -- - t $5.00 IN COLD FREE! • V * j * * ^ We will five rite DolUn foM <• th« Hrtn raUia* tbe Urf«at Taraip ton n«i baa^hl «| as. C#aM cfc"w *°«**« Id. IMS. * # # * ^__ • • ’ •1 ■C'-'i [,«y;J; Wa kart |aet NNhH a Iml imk «l al wMw *1 Taraip feat ****** fm trM Mr Vahat ka Crauaa jral? U aat yaa ait iba laaar. ****** FROST TORRENCE .ROOM lit«.—