I civil* Issue calendar GASTON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT SEPTEMBER TERM, 1003. — WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 16, 1903. ********** • Couk**i.. Ho. , Dk>‘kx-i>aht's Counsel. Whitney, Mavwall and Kmmii 12—Isaac Rhodes f< 8oe there Railway Co. i»«mh -«««< Moon. yfrr- Maxwell and Koran.. 14.—Unit Friday va Southern Railway Co. Baton and Moon. WUto^r, Max wall aad K reran* IS.—W. H. Aricdjr* ▼* Soul ham Railway Co. Boon and Mason. WMIaar. Maxwell and Keeiana. IS —Gu* Lay r» Southern Railway Co. Bason and Mason. WMNwy. Maxwell and K aran* 31.— SatHc Clonlnger rt Southern Railway Co. Bason and Mason. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. Maafum. _ Br—J. \V. Carter va J. A. Pinchbeck. Whitney. Maxwell aad BUM. J. O. Lay va Stanley Creak Cotton Mills. Mason, Burwcll nni>4 Trtbaa* Wr send Dakota seed to Rus sia. from which she raises Wheat to compete with our own pro duct in the markets of the world. To plant, cultivate, nip and harvest her own ci»|ts we send to Russia nearly one-lialf our to lid exports of agricultural ma chinery. This year we have al ready shiptied some 80.000 tons of these implements to the land of the Czar. In former vrar-t all this t>assed through the ports of New York and Philadelphia, but a fractional increase in freight rates between the lakes and the East has diverted the trade to Southern ports, while experi ments are being made in direct shipment from Chicago by way of the'lakes, the St. Lawrence River and the Atlantic Ocean. The cotton plant first came to America from Asia; now tbe greater part of tbe Central Asian crop ia grown from American cotton seed. American cultiva tors till the soil, which ia wa tered by so American irrigation system. Yankee gins clean the fiber. American compounds press tbe cotton into bales wrapped with American bands, and finally the cotton finds its wsy to Moscow over a railroad built with American capital and is turned into cloth by second hand machinery from au Atneri can cotton factorv, to compete abroad with American prints. Another regular article of ex port to Central Asia is the Ohio grape vine catting. The vine yards of Central Asia are all off shoots from American vines, and tbe fruit i* prized above all others in Russia proper for its delicacy and flavor. Twenty or thirty tons of American grapes to th«. ncre ia a common yield in Central-Asia, and as the Ameri can vine is free from parasites it la being introduced everywhere the world over, from Sooth Afri ca to Northers China and Japan. We atOI export tobacco plants to Russian Asia, so that the Russian tobacco, grapes, cotton and wheat crops are all Atneri i can, once removed. less than a cent, perhaps within a stone's throw of his own home. For enterprise it heats wooden nutmegs. DISSOLUTION OF PABTNEKSBIP Notice is given hereby, by mutual consent, that the part nership heretofore existing be tween I. F. Mabry and John C. Harris is this day dissolved and the business heretofore conduc ted by the uudersigned under the firm style of 1. F. Mabry & Co. will be bontinaed by John C. Harris. Parties having claims against the firm, or parties who are indebted to the firm, will ?‘lease call upon John C. Harris or settlement. Respectfully, I. F. Maury. John C. Harris. SALE OF LAND FOK TAXES. The State School, County, and Road taxe*. for the years designat ed, ;lt>t having been paid upoo the lands herefmafitr enumerated. I will jell the same to thtThlgbeat bidder for cash at the Court Houae door in Dallas. m MONDAY, SEPT. 7th, 1M3. CherrytriUe Township. Three-fourths of an acre listed in the name of Robert I.. Young In 1801 oo which the taxes aniouat to $4.15. 90 acres listed in the name of Jno. w- Dixon in the year 1901- and on which the taxea amount to $8.42. 25 acre* listed in the name of Jonaa B- Dixon m the year 1902 and on which the taxes amount to 92 cents. 4 acres listed in the name of Mar Iha Thornburg in the year 1901 and on which the (axes amount to 70 cl*. One and a half acres listed In the name of J. A. Walker in the year 1902 and on which the taxes amount to 40 cents. 21V acres listed In name of Henry D. Carpenter ia the year 1902 and on which the taxes are $1.18. A Iowa lot listed in the name of Charles Best in the year 1902 and on which the taxea amount to $1.83. S«0 acres listed in name of U. Craig eal for the yaar 1902 and on which is taxea amount to |4-5B. 25 acres Hated in same of Blvira Carpenter la the yaar MSI and on which the taxae amount to $1.89. 89 acres and 115 acres limed in the tMmmriJ. L. Stroup, administrator of the estate of W, R. Carroll, and oa which the Uses for the year 1902 amount to-fll.47. Ilw B«o4 Township. One lot in Mount Holly Hated in nametfT. A. Ratcliff In 1901—taxes One and a fourth aeraa listed ia •axm of Boyd Tate ia 1902—taxea doe, 93 cttti. One aero near Stanley listed la name of Will Brown in 1901 and 1902 Mount Hally listed In SJ55:3L,S" '■ ■Mrtfc Mai Tawaaht*. i^naKf We»4« era Norih Carolina TMH Southern Railway invite* the attention of Health or Pleasure seekers. THE TOUIIST SEASON opened June 1, 1903, and on that date lew-late Sssiwn luanlia Tkketi went on sale front principal points in the South and Southeast, to the-not ed retort* located on and reached by Southern Railway. Ticket* oa sale up to and including September 30, lwB; limited to October 31. 1903. lor return. **Tho L—4 ot tha Sky" AND •*Siwtlr» Cwmlry," AahevlUe, I. C, ead Bet Sariafs, It. C. offer every attraction to the Summer .» Traveler or Invilid. The hit Teaaeeaae sad Virginia Beeeeta alao offer many iuduccmenta for Health and Pleasure. Aak any Southern Railway Agent tor Summer Hornet Folder, descrip tive of the many Delightful Reaorta reached by South ern Railway. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Jobs A. Gullick, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said testator to present tbe same duly authenti cated to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 1st day of September, 1904, or this notice will