= THE GASTONIA P«»tM Cwrty Rml«. - Published Twice a Week—Tueadavs W, r. WAISBAIX. Mtw —4 fttprittot. DEVOTED TO THE PIOTECTION Of HOKE AND THE Dfl VOL. XXIV. _QASTQNIA, n. C., TIJ8EDAV. SEPTEMBER IS. 1003. _ , POINTS AND PARAGRAPHS ON TOPICS OF THE TIMES. V«4»r thl« bead will b« printed Iron tin* a* Urn* aote#vflky anirucM oa thyme* of earraol Imnoi. Tk«y will b« lakto Horn pabllc Kblrciac*. booko. attuiMi. inaHMn. Ip late wh*«*vp» at nay and then, fionr aaloctioo* will weened with oar rim aadthr riawa after read or*, aonteinc* Uic oppo.H* will b* Ire*. Bat by reaaaa ®< tha **b)act matter, btdrtf' lb* aathoreblp. or tb* rim tapryaaod. pack will hirr an *