the Gastonia oazbttb BUSINESS LOCALS. OEED WHEAT and rye lor talc by J E. W. Brawkry A Co. 23c» COR SALE—Nice bay horse, good r driver. Thomson Company. 11. DM8H OY8TERS aerved at all r times at Morria'a Restaurant, tf BEGLASSES — Near crop home IvB made molasses at Elite Grocery. \WANTED—Cretuo, Cubanola, and W I'ontella cigar bands. Address R. this ofice. oMp COME to headquartars (or your furniture. Large stock to aelert Irom. Williams Furniture Company. WANTED—to excliunge furniture (or stove wood, lor guod buy •ml for this year's wheat straw. Williams Furniture Company. CASH MARKET-1 will take . charge ol the Davis market again, on the first of October First class meats Terms strictly cash. ^ ours tor cash boviness, \V\ N. Davm FRIDAY. SKIT. 25.~1903. Nelice el New AtnillMouti. Shnlord —Leading photographer. Hamilton V. Stewart—Attorney at alw. •hoe*iB,,0n Br°*—EJwi'1 Clapp Craix A Wilson — Horne* and mules. Kiadley-Dcik Hro* Co.-First shoe sals of the (all. Thomson Company—Fall opr nine October 1st, 2nd, aodTrd. LitUe-Lonjf Co., Charlotte—Rail road (an paid to Charlotte. local affairs. —Several candidates were giv en the initiatory degree in the Gaatoma Lodge No. 188 I. O. O. F. at the regular meeting last night. Her many friends among our readers will regret to learn that the condition of Mrs. R. L. Jonnson does not improve. Sbe has suffered partial paralysis of one'side. —The Gastonia Conclave No. 391 Heptasophs Wednesday paid a death claim of $500 to the family of Mr. E. N. Jenkins, of Lowell, who died about four weeks ago. —Receipts st the local cotton platform amounted Wednesday to 23 bales and yesterday to 12 bales. The market price dropped several points yesterday, the best price paid being 10:50 cents. The Southern Railway yes terday filled in the low space be tween the passenger depot and the track with ballast which makes passing from the depot to the trains more convenient. —Twelve new subscribers in three days is the record for Tues day, Wednesday and yesterday. Thb Gazette is one paper in Gaston county whose circulation grows greater and not less. —The twenty shares of stock of the Pint National Bank of Gastonia advertised in The Ga zette were sold In Charlotte yesterday by H. N. Pharr, exec utor of the late J. J. Simms, for $120 per share. Dr. J. H. Mc Aden was the buyer. —The first citizen of the county to pay his taxes for 1903 wss Bar. Ernest Rhyne, of Dal las, who settled with Sheriff Armstrong on Tuesday of court week. The next man was Mr. W. M. Robinson, of Gastonia town ship. —A bine heron measuring 06 inches from tip to tip and 53 from toe to beak warn Jellied on the Loray branch yesterday af ternoon by- Mr. Hutch Work man. The bird’s leg bad an en largement which indicated that it had l>een broken and got well, —Recorder P. M. Shannon house, the avenging angel, the Nemesis, the evil genius, all round terror, and so forth, of evil doers in Charlotte, was in Gastonia Wednesday on busi ness, and incidentally to see what a town given over to peace and good order looked like. —A 45-lb Poland China shorn!, eight weeki old, was yeaterday shipped by Mr. W. B. Smith to Mr. John D. B. McLean at South Point. Mr. Smith has a pair of fine registered Poland China pigs, Sana L. and Long Black Knight and has sold several ■boats this season. A Sen «f Afflfctleu. Mr. W. C. Cherry, of Mount Holly, is in Qtafconla with bit little eon Lemuel, who bet been aflicted aeven years. Ha rolls tbe little fellow in an invalid’s chair. Tbe mother died last July, and Mr. Cherry says lie U no longer able to earn a liveli hood. Lemuel it now going on sixteen year* of age. 'When at pity in tbe yard with hit broth er atveu years ago. be was stricken down with tome aort of paralysis, from which be hat never recovered. He can roll himself about a little with hit chair and crawl about the yard, hut he it practically helpir»« and a permanent cripple. He caanotread. A simple card tellt of Ida affliction and asks for kelp. PERSONAL MENTION. . —Dr. H. F. Cbritxbcrg visited in Clisrtutte Wednesday. —Mr. James Miller, of Bethel, was la the city Wednesday. —Mr. L. L. Jenkins made a business trip to Charlotte yester day. —Miss Mamie Wilkie, of Char leston. S. C., is the guest of Mrs. D. R. LaPar. —Mrs. E. E. Erwin has re turned from a week's visit to fr'-uids mi Clover. ~.\lrs. Sallie Garner, of .\nk i: ••'. S. C . is visin'in* licr son-in I »\v, Mr. J. F. Vhotntoii. | -Messrs. B. ltntVr :i.«l Will C irpviiter, of Gaffney, were iu ttiir city ycMi rday. —Capt. H. S. koss, the popu lar C. and N. W. conductor, spent Wednesday in town. —Mr*. S. N. Boyce spent Wednesday at Bessemer City, the guest of Mrs. W. S. Hn>. —Mr. John Kagan and Mr. Will Pegram, of South Point, were in the city Wednesday. —Mrs. W. K. Reid, nurse, and four children, of Pineville. arc the guests of Mrs. J. W. Reid. .“Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith, of Point, 9. C.. were among Wednesday’s visitors in the city. —Miss Mary Ragan left Weduesday for Spartanburg where she will attend Converse College, —Mrs. J. C. Whitesides re* turned to*day to her home at Maiden after a visit to Mrs. P. T. Heath. —Mr. Miles Smyre returned to his home at Newton Wednesday after a visit of several davs to relatives here, —Dr. Miller, of Smyrna, S. C. passed through Gastouis Tues day enroute to Baltimore to do post graduate work. —Mr. R. W. Purviance, form erly with the Textile Excelsior at Charlotte, has accepted the position of foreman with the Newt. —Messrs. Lytle Patrick, Leon ard Holland, and James Wil liams left Tuesday for Baltimore to attend the Maryland College of Pharmacy. —Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wrean, of Gunnison, Miss., were the guests of Mrs. C. V. Blske Tuesday and Wednesday, re turning home yesterday. —Mr. T. A. Norment, Jr., ar rived- yesterday from Lumber* ton and is with Mrs. Norment at the home of her parents, Capt. and Mrs. J. D. Moore. —Mrs. Fred E. Garvin and little daughter Aileen returned to Newton yesterday after a week’s visit to Mrs. Garvin’s mother, Mrs. J. D. Post. —Mrs. W. P. Gilliland and little daughter Mary returned yesterday to Spartanburg after a aeaaant viait of several days to rs. Gilliland's sister, Mrs. Jno. P. Love. —Mr. J. Calvin Harmon leaves this morning for his home at Kings Mountain after a visit of several days to his aunt, Mrs. O. W. Davis. Mr. Harmon will go next to Abbeville, S. C., where he will teach school dur ing the coming year. —Mr. William Watson. Jr., and tittle Misses Edna and Lil lian Watson will leave next week for their home in Newbcrn. They have been guesta of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Craig, and will be moat agreeably remembered by the friends they have made in Gastonia. —Mr. T. W. Wilson returned Tuesday night from Tnllahoma, Tenn., where he has been for the pest two months. Mrs. Wilson, who has been quits 111 for some time, has recovered and will re turn home later. She is with her mother, Mrs. J. H. C. Dull, at Tnllahoma. —Master Downing Tait, who haa been with his grandparents, Capt. and Mrs. R. C. G. Love, left yesterday for Charlotte from which point be will go to-day to his home at Brunswick, Ga. HU sister, Miss Bdith Tait, will re main here during the winter and attend the city schools. —Mr. J. R, Shannon is spend ing the week in town with his ion Miles. Mr. Shannon’s health has been somewhat out of fix on account of malaria and indigestion and he is here for n change. He has already found It beneficial, and we expect soon to see blm in tbe full enjoyment of his usual health. —Mr. J. C. Brown, who recent ly taught a school at Elgin school house, in Shiloh town ship, has gone to Columbia, S. C„ to enter the Theological Seminary there as a candidate for the ministry. Mr. Brown formerly lived iu Shiloh and U well and favorably known iu that portion of the county.—States ville Landmark._ Mr. John W. Hanes, a promt , Arisen and manufacturer of Wlaston-Salem, died Wcdnas AtlanHc City at the age | Mn. L. J. Htllud Entertains. At an elegant course dinner | Wcduesday evening, Mrs. L. J. Holland, of iJullas. entertained in honor of Mr. aud Mrs. T. I.. Craig and their guest, Mr. Wil liam Watsoo, Jr. It we* an ex tremely pleasant occasion, aud the guests War the happiest rec ollection of the delightful hospi tality of their courtly host aud charming hostess. Mad! in Farad. Drayton Medliu, the Gastou county c-ouvict serving a life sentence in the Jute peuiitcu tiary for the inunier ol Mr. Will Urowa, whose escape from the lv.-uiteuli.rry wes reported lust week, was discovered Tuesday pfternoon hiding i.i lire loft <>f the building nsed by to* authorities ns u shoe simp ■ledlin and A. V. Rice. oj New IIuuover, hod stored provisions in the loft and succeeded in concealing them selves for nine da\K*. Mayor’* Court. Wednesday morning in Mayor Wilson’s court Will Longshore, colored, was fined $10 and cost for an assault on bit wife. At yesterday morning's session the followiug cases were disposed of: Arthur Rhyne, colored,was fined one penny and cost, amounting to $3.35, for an aaaault on Ed Johnson, also colored; Will Boone, a white man, was fined $10 and coat for being drunk and disorderly; Miles Odom,colored, was taxed with the coat, the charge against him being for draying without liceuae. Over the Tea-cups. At her beautiful home ou Oak land Avenne Wednesday after noon. Mr*. John P. Love enter tained delightfully with a five o'clock tea in honor, of her sis ter, Mrs. W. F. Gilliland, of Spartanburg, who has been her guest for several days. The J nests weie Mrs Rufos M. ohuson, Mrs. G. A. Gray, Mrs. W. F. Marshall, Miss May Stew art, Mrs. R. H. Prichard, Mra. J. M. Sloan, Mis. R.C. G. Love, Miss Mamie Love, Mrs. F. Tor reuce, and Mrs. J. H. Separk. Mrs. Gilliland returned yesterday to her home at Spartanburg. Plaasant Club Msetlag. The first meeting of the Tues day Afternoon Club for the present season was held Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. M. Sloan on Yorkatreet. In addition to thj members of the club, twelve iu number, the following ladies were present as guests: Mrs. R. M. Reid, Mrs. J. H. Separk, Mra. B. F. Houston, Mrs. L. H. Long, Mra. W. J. Clifford, Mrs. C. b! Mason, Miss Blankenship, Miss Madge Little, Misses Bright and Spark Torrence and Miss Mamie Huss. In the hall and library, which were prettily decoiated in ferns and pink and white rosea, five tables were ur ranged and the afternoon was pleasantly spent in playing Pro gressive Flinch, Mist Mamie Huss winning the largest num ber of games. The score cards were cleveriy designed, being oblong in shape and bearing the likeness of a black cat. Re freshments were served, consist ing of pink and white cream and cake. The club is composed of married ladies residing in the York street neighborhood and meets every other Tuesday. H. V. Stewart, Attsrney. The card "Hamilton V. Stew art. Attorney-at Law, Gastonia, N. C," proclaims a new addition to the excellent bar of Gaston county. Mr. Stewart is a young man of character and talent, an alumnus of the State University, snd also of the law school there. His license was obtained at the recent examination by the Su preme court. At hia home town, Greensboro, Mr. Stewart was ■worn in as an attorney at law before Judge Allen last Monday and on Wednesday he came to Gastonia to enter upon the prac tice of hia profession. He has opened an office over A. D. Clark’s store, and hts home ia •t Mrs. Trawick’s on Main Street. We give him a cordial welcomo to our town and wish him success in big profession. Mr. Stewart is a kinsman of Mr. S. P. Stewart of our town, Tswsr OsUtMss; Wear* Under." The secret is ont and Oastonia can go on living fnst as if the riddle had ■ever been asked. No it can’t, either. Oastonia is not going to be what it waa before, Its houses an going to be brighter; its people a little mere protperou* ihey are *(iag to have some of their Tt>« can paint a building with fewer pejat than witV2aSfami" t nixed by hand. There's proof abundant of it all over the United Statee. There will •oon be proof abundant of Hia One "tffc. will people do with the rest of their money* HAMILTON V. STEWART, Attorney-st-Law, Office over A. D. Clerk’s store, OASTONIA, N. C. FIRST of the Fall begins Saturday Morning. It's our custom each reason while In the shoe market of the east to pick up with the mighty dollar all the shoe bargains possible, and often we get odd cases of stylish, servlcable footwear at a saving of a half or a third In price and for Saturday we’ve selected some of the best val ues yet. + + + + + + 4. 10 cues stylish Chrome Kid Ladies' Shoes, button tud lace, patent tip. All sizes. Regular $1.00 grade, oq. Saturday, pair_V 10 cases Men's Tiger Brand Bala, cap toe, all solid leather, Bogtish back 5 Cases Vlcl Kid Shoes. Sizes 6, 7, and 8, all solid * f gn leather, extra special value The ‘‘Western** La dies* Shoe is the best shoe on earth for the price. Stylish and servicable, all solid leath er. fivery pair warranted. Heel or spring heel, cap toe, lace. Sixes to 9. All one price, Godman’s School Shoes for Ladies, Misses, aud Children, solid leather. Every |»air guaranteed to give satisfaction or a new pair free. Infant's sises 1 to 5_48c Children's Kid Shoes, stock tip, lace, 5 to 8, pair-60c 8 >4 to II Misses do__ ,75c 11>4 to 2 Misses' sizes do.._$1.00 Marine Calf 5 to 8_8Sc " " syi to u-4i.oo " " Utfto2. $1.15 Ladies’ sixes 2yi to 8, heavy kid-4138 Stock tip lace or button. Regina Shoes $3.00 New fall stock now complete, in addi tion to the regular lutes we have some new toes just a little uarrowei than last season. The Regina Shoe it the best, easiest wearing and most stylish shoe made. All the leading leathers, patent and plain Kid. If yon want the best ask for * o nn Regina. Price..„#d.UU Clothing, Suits, Panto, and Overcoats. Some nobby suits for young men arrived to day Swell new patterns, college cut. Worth $10.00 to $12.00, price_„>0.40 Boy’* Schol Pants. Coat Suits. Milli nery. .’Dress Goods. Swell MW Mm of Coat Salts arrived to-day. Come see them. Millinery. &: sxrsra, ‘saiHSi wUl P** * « *wr more days till oar rss,^.*?bS,srsf S^ept e •e&arffi &rwSKfts far tike cotrnng event of events. Dress Goods. Nn,i5*5.^Z?dalff QAr suits. » inches wide, yd_VOC 39c "E3^T!^!^$2.48 Good Table Napkins, dor T_48C All Hncn Napkins, „98c 5,000 Pairs Men’s Pants to be retailed at wholesale coat and lest. Our senior member being president of one of the Urgent pants factories in the South enables ns to boy pants so as so sell them st wholesale coat and lest. A big shipment (all sines) ar nved to day. Below we quote only a few of the many special values: 75c Jeans Pants_ _48c $1.25 and $1.50 Cashmere and naA Wonted Pants_UOC $Z. 4 Cheapest Store RAILROAD PARE PAID TO CHARLOTTE r-’sa.iS ^fef^SSiV^sa 'if SfXSliBsbiSS Stof" *hP,,a *l »«• °l*aIoit. w. bell tv* nor atocWtieW gKffiragJiriassg »:~'-oi'“ta£!fjicisis- Mss - •»» «** _ I* orAjr l&» o«r p^tooe HvU* outalde oI Charlotte »ay attend tbit g-rffl-'E w* art going to offer the toOowiag indnoefaeot which will ' * MOM OCTOBER Rh TO 10th 1NCLU81VR We will pay late om way to paraona living we will pay (are both wave toaeraona llviae At yon wake purchase* take the duplicate ticket* aiada jmu by the taletpeopla i* the different department* and pretent at onr oMca. giving ro*t«a,»e and address and above term* will be compiled with in lull 1. sgssvasr - ^ ”r”' — ■** •*.—* . 4£ftSSSffll KTAKtlS^JiSSS*”- **• >JmfiS3s^BrtatS^MU7Sigssus Little-Long Co. WholoMle and Retail. STOIMWOM rot KENT. The front put of atore-room reoeotly vacated by tbeQaatoua Book Store ia for rent from now until tba Beat of January, cad tba entire building will be far rent ia about 60 day*. Pot terms after January aaa Mf. Front Torrence. For terma before that data call on tba andereiftoad at Tn Qa XRTTK office. _W. P. Monuu.