iCHARLOTTE ■. - I CHARLOTTE _ r CHARLOTTE CHARLOTTE HIVE and Most Popular Store. UL GROWTH of this store is due to the values with you through this advertisement about our and balcony for Millinery Department, almost former Bee Hive, we have one of the largest and best -jids in North or South Carolina. 'u'?» ‘ * STOCKS OF FALL GOODS. iKSKSUKtoSS?* ‘,ocl“ - "“"“"O'" »*•»» ■» «»r 3reat efforts for a still larger share than ever, of the Fall ra9 *rom Charlotte, Mecklenburg and surrounding counties. **la P°s^on *°* an<* will prove to you, when you examine our goods thst we sell goods cheaper than other stores. Buying, as we do, ,1®^® largest and only exclusive wholesale store In this section, together with oor sum* we buy goods In a great deal larger quantities than any other concern, 1?°W^P** *9?* “sh wc *ct aI1 thcre 18 ln buying. Selling only for spot cash, -no bookkeepers and collectors to pay, no lawyer’s fees to pay and no to ma*cc UP on y°u» we can afford to sell on closer margins, and we do for y°ur own satisfaction. The goods are here with prices on them In plain figures* ^ t' „tbJ*mJZVcxDtrieneJZr!uZ^ low*at' *7*1*™** #oW »oat aa ®«rked| no deviation. A child can buy a. cheap $. ttagtbe Iowestpoaalble prlce'and thaVnn * ***sfact,°“ ,n k“y*«g gooda when you can feel and kn>w that you are get k ^i!S*Mt#Sl*n5S?si!t ht ,? * *e Can buy cheape* wh«re V°“ ar* buying or else* here. The highest ® CVC.7.Kn€ 8°,dberC at ,0W Pr,cea* W* '* “ ,“,ckly wh"e *°oi «°°d» «™ •»!<< a. where the “ longer, matter ot place to bay, but a matter ef getting the right gooda at the right price. Men** Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods* tk. Yoowinfind ^ UdUeg MM *°* W#at tk”“t0 ** *SylUb, look W*g Maria Pioe Suita at $9JB !& iB «“* Suits, made of the . S?iS .£& SdASr°4t"cSS, *** P*tte™’ n,ce,y madc up io m**! *t*d* “*llon S'**1*- ®*'cw bright Metal Collar Bnttons, 1 cent. Bone Collar Bnttons, 2 cents a dozen. \ White or Colored Handkerchiefs, 5 cents. All-Elastic Saspenden, men's length, 5 cents. Good pair Cuff Holders, 5 cents. Link Cuff Buttons, 5 cents. White String Ties. 13 for 10 cents. _ Linen Collars, good styles, 5 cents. * .p«r^”£ss«i.fv,re”»s;5.*M,t® ■*worth yo*"' wi,“*to co,n'to *•*>• s»< BEE HIVE, _ Charlotte, N. C. to the cosy, vine-clad cottar*, hutuble though it may be, aet back from tha road half bidden by trees" sad shrubbery, with a town at some sort of erase ('.hough it be crab grass) look lug com I... table to oconpanta buyer ia mart easily fonnd tore beautiful country home than for tmtMMigbttp one end will pay 5^'n1i,sstbiajrt ntaolete and lonely place to live aid awetimee H is tb* cause of gttofl end girls leaving the Tilers to no prettier spot, sad uvrzs&ss'isz bMM, ant(Winded by hcantHol •bade trees, aad in sach a home. r*^rASrxi» tx*r» mT (ST^ 'h SHOOT HLSTOSV OF WHEAT. This month now closing, was one of our "special Topics” The discussion to be on "wheat.” Bat as we had already printed the varieties, botany and insect pests before we omitted alto gether. ” Wheat has been known ■OH earliest times. It is mention sd in tbe Old and New Tests mints, was known Jo tbe 5 o m in. Mentioned b y Sophocles, gj B. C. Described fe Tbe©. Phrnetne. MO B. C. tetrcsiaced into America In 1802. &rttaj*jarjs censed a belt bushel to be ftga-ff. ,sL «*■< “* oiiiiiiuiiry I ti 1 ffJo. Tbe RepabHcTs^Lonle; The neetmeHon of our forest trees the pest 2S years without replenish UMrthe waste bee caused such WM id d is enter, by stream «N that 0«r Agricultural WhusUBt at WssHIngtoo bus made several efforts, not only to pbHt the people from such Uire. It bis been clearly derm r. strated by scientific research, that oor land should be covered with trees from nne-foortli to one-third of the ar».. lo be fertile, and to fulfill the conditions un der which farming may be car ried on with success. »*m Lin. "This is a time,” says the Pro gressive Partner, "when every farmer should Hve at home. * • North Carolina soil will produce sufficient wheat for our con sumption if properly prepared and cultivated. The man who r«ee bis own cotton, corn, wboot and bogs la independent. He can easily and at little eapeom beautify his borne by plMtlag flowers, setting shads trees, etc. Than are many other idvaubmee hi (arm me which w foreign to a great extent to Htjr Ufo— quietude.fresh invigor stHig air, pars.wholesome water. »»d geaulue health and Rural I'ree Delivery. nr nuuaa op rtowtao. Prom the Monroe Journal, oat of our exchanges, we dip the following: "What noble work is plowing, with the broad and solid earth for material, a rawboned male for fellow laborer, and the simple plow for a tool. * ** You turn over the whole vegetable world, expose how many grubs, and put a new aspect upon the face of the earth 1 It comes pretty near to making a world. (Redeeming a swamp docs at aay rate.) "If a city man owns a garden 12 feet square, what he does not know about fanning is not worth knowing.” crop rrtortrrs. The State crop reporter is the highest, next the county crop reporter, and least of all, the towusbip crop reporters, who report to the eouuty correspon dent, and he reports to the statis tician direct. In a small coun ty sometimes township crop r porters are dispensed with, •• <1 the county crop reporter i. - ' over the entire eouuty. ;V. State crop correspondent ti.iveL over the entire Rtr.it. r.-ilinu . fare paid, aud r pons lie. Si .*« as a v- «»tv. He rcjtoits to th> U. S. stalin'.>• i.»n direct; tj« lll.Svt.fi ...» loud 'j i iU.-ts at ill. Lap,t il if t’< *•. ii- : ' ... county crop Tt-p ri, r ’••«< '-.w hrsidqnnr tcr> -r !*t ..Hi. ». -i;. o.\»n.>:t crop conditions SKIT 2b Low temp, retire t Or. aieued frost. Late corn iiv.- in iMUlllv tv. :tii cr to mature. Excellent crop if uu fust be fore Oct lOih. Corn gut It eiing ;iud ciilibiug begun Karly com 99J4<£ of a ftiil cr.-p. Late Co:ii in fine coudili .u. Cotton dcWitoraiing. Rick ing pushed; h-ing ru.iie.f to the gins. Opening rapid!:.; piema tutelv on thin Miidy i.iu i Rust. Ricking pnr.i.suing generally. Siiou crop infiicaud, 85'/f ol full crop. Sweet potato crop, over full crop, 106Wfe. Corn acreage, 20,400.265, 200 bushels indicated. Cotton acreage, 19,800.6, 600 bales indicated. NOTICE or CLAIM AND ENTBY. No. KM. ,Atro»CT»»> State o( North Carolina. Qaatpn Cooaty To M. A. Carpenter. actios Entry Taker The oodaraisBcd S. W. Uradlty ol Cat too omT Carolina, eater* and lay* - - J«e (ollowlna nrnerinrd piece or ol land in Crowder* Mountain Town .antra Cot*nlr. State of .North Carol] bi* Sept. 19, 1910. d. W Itiuiuav. Claimant S W llradley. No. ol acre* fta?. «»• 1® and rra late red Kept. 1(1.1903. _ _ M. A Cannrttna Jetrlrtcr of Deed* and actios ^urr SALE OF LAND. fcV.WteUfcBiteS:) “doU“£r Parte. J Sy virtue of an order of Ml*, made iu (be •bove entitled apecial proceed in* which la a proceediactn Mil land for partition, now Modtoc It* the Superior Court ol Uaaton County, on the 12th day ol September. 1903, wt the ucderaianedcouimleeionerr. wi)1m1( by public auction to the h Wheat bidder at the front door ot Ike (iaatnnToan and Truat rasaxffc^iiWri?*^ ?.« Saturday, the 17lfa day el October. 171). the follnwiar deaertbed land, lylar end beiaa In Oaatoola Townahlp. Canton Cmin ty. N C.: All that tiact auowr m Loe bwjae place ol Thbtaaa Wllaoo, dzceaaad, jidfcfaln* the land* ol Wm. H. Jrnkioa $.T. WUaow. tbo Arllnrtou Cottoa Mill. L. Jenklna.fad othrraond mote portIr a a 'gsmmastL USsSZia Subscribe for T« Oastokia Gaxwttu. Professional Cards, R. B. WILSON, Attorney at Law. GASTONIA, N. C. dr. o. e. McConnell, dentist. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. BldV GASTONIA, N. C. Phone 69. HAMILTON V. STEWART, Attorney-at-Lnw, Office over A. D. Clark’* store. g'astonia, N. C. LUCIUS J. HOLLAND, \ttnmey ami Counsellor at Law , r.M.' ’c y , 1'ifiv'l IlCill i, ... IOIHK... JicHuus fountains ot West* eru North Carolinu Villa Southt rn Railway Invites the Attention of Health or Pleasure seeker*. THE T0U1IST SEASON ; Opened .tune ). IWU ud on that date | L«wk»i. Saaatr Lianlw TlcfcW* I went m sale from principal point* in ' the South rtml im»!ieast, to the not* * H rt ports ImihIciI *»n And reached by j South* ni KiiiWsiy. l ick* tn on sale : up to find indiutiui' Svi ;cmber 30, i IW03; lt*nit««: Lu iVulxr 31, 1003, for I return. “The Land «I (ha Sky" AKD ’Sapphire Cavalry." AtktvJU. N. C, tad IV Spciaga. N. C~ offer every attraction to the Summer Traveler or Invilid. The Itn Tcaamaii mi Vjipeh >«a««t» al*o offer many inducements for Health and Pleasure. A*k «ny Southern Railway Agent for Summer Home* Polder, descrip tive of the many Delightful Reports reached by South ern Railway. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE kaviaa on elided a a ad . . * noa of the eatata of land, deemed. all peraoaa affalnM aald catatc archerc r1i if iM*yit “* v*” Id day al lifbatir, 1W4 or thia notice will be pleaded In har of Iheir recovery. ATI paraona indebted to •aid eat«te will pleaae make immediate actUeanetn. f. K. Ton antes. ^Admiji^rnlof ^e borne non of Pi an VI in ^hia Ana *§8*7803 NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Piedmont Telephone and Telegraph Com pany at the office of the company in Gastonia at ten o’clock a. n>. ou Tuesday, October the thir teenth, 1903. W. T. Lovh, President. September 17th, 1903. NOTICE. Hnving qualified as executor ol the Ir-rt wii! nud testament of John A. Gullick, deceased, tills is to notify all persons having claims against said testator to present the same duly authenti cated to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 1st day of September, 1904, or this notice will be plead in bar of any recovery. All persons indebted to said testator wit] please make immediate settlement with the undersigned. Gkokck M. Goumcx, Executor of the lost will and testament of John A. Gnllick, deceased. This August 20th, 19Q3. Sale el Valuable Lead. Em tkta.hUM ■SnSSmS^iS