! sasrSgtS from Chicago to Washington ■««m several atQes of can United S<2« «or n« Ihuto Mr odMr coootry In the world. toMfathc banner State in the s&i’SSSa fcJX worth over $10,000,000. Ohio gyp* *^**" a» to aartmat, with ^a^00don«M,and, ehboagh ^"savs — of $10tg0.00bi ^ySr^a anrpansed by half a dozen States ** **■■■**“ £!•** ud poultry prndnetios. The value of the poultry raked In New York in IS® waa $64*1,000 and the val ■aof the egg* produced than to&EmsSfVSi poaltry business in this country, we annually bojr both chickens and eggs from foreign countries. Ten or fifteen years ago the e*fof of the imports of eggs was eradderaUe, amounting to 500.000 in M90. but since then the total hen been steadily cot •wan, as oar farmers awaken to the possibilities ot the industry. Lnf year we bought from for «fni countries, principally Can ada, 384.000 dozen of eggs, pay ing for tbem $37,400. * “* **Pon* or tggi and pool aneCaterjssfc try m found ia comparatively aoMll number* on a very Urge Bomber of farms where they «*tbcr their own nbaUtencI usd receive practically so cue. The conatq—nee is that the snsue ormtaced at little coat. The development of this indns J*TJ1® no extent incredibly wger than it Is at the present &jsss& nrss win be a higsnrplas which aMM find an outside market. The export of rags in 1900 was the largest ta the history of fadoatry. amoooting to 5, 900,000 doaeua, valued at $984, 000. UrTOB VASTSOCSAK SACKS. Ta from ill Thom Be will Sir* a Traphy. NtvTMtla. SAt the Waldorf-Astoria last ht Sir Thomas Upton, who s to-morrow for the other side, said be bad become aa enthusiast on ocean racing as tike supreme test of yachting and of the merits pi yacht designsn t#d Mtllors, Ha will give to-My yacht clab that will serve as guardian of the trust s $2,500 perpetual challenge cup for a tact to be annually from Sandy Hook to the Needles, tbe nee to b« open to ell sloops, schooners and yawls, without allowances or restrictions of any sort. In the opinion of Sir Thomas the yacht club accept ed his trophy should offer a cap ▼Joed at least at $1,000 as see aud prise. The time for the race should be in May, to meet the donor’s views, which would permit tbe arrival abroad of tbe cruising vatchs in time to take part in the annual race for tbe German HmMfor'i arise flailed from IWtXJKS. TbJ time would suit yachtsmen abroad and would attract an in ternational entry, for such a MUtest would appeal to King Edward, as well as the German Emperor, and the best class of yaent owners, so that entries bom abroad would be sure to American designers, in Sir Thomas's it be relied on to s suitable to every .: of such a race sad agaal to sup that might come fc-pi oTfiopian bellev* fat ■ach a race would ha a success naturally be the custodian of tha ■ML bom tha location of tha clubhouse at tha Saa Gtote, la ZSE&S&SSZfift a grunt upholder of ocean races. <**■»< Wwi U>lw. Oet Stk. - General Bradley Johnson is dead, which meana that another •tardy old soldier of dm Con federacy has com to the other side to answer roll-call, has left the lest diminishing rank* of him comrades hen to take his place with tha steadily lengthening line yonder. Hfe ltfn arms an active one of vicissitudes. He waa prominent from bis earliest manhood. Middle-aged men of to-day can not remember when they did not hear and know of him as a man conspicuous in aflaha. He was always thinking, always ready to do w speak according to bis thought and to help to achieve something. He was a cavalry oum in peace as in war—on the move, eager, aggressive, watch* ml, circling any force of which he might be part, on advance gnard and scouting duty. He was fearless and faithful as he waa restless. He Sever was content to be still. He was for learning, seeing, doing some thing every day. nu Activities were in many directions. JHe «u soldier, **wyer, farmer, politician. Journalist, philosopher. Pro anu may he said to have been the keynote of his life, purpose and character. He strove to go ahead, to move forward and to take other* with him in obedi ence to an impulse aa natural as the impulse of a tree to grow. Yet he was notun iconoclast and never undertook to rash rough* •hod over sensibilities and prej udices. He was a genial, kind ly, attractive gentleman who won popularity and made friends wherever be went and in what ever work be engaged. He made enemies, of course, aa all active men mast; and he was right sometimes as all men are; b«t be was so fortunate as to outlive most of the enmities and in serene and peaceful age be looked back on the old quarrels and turmoils with calm and pleasant philosophy. He was not made to carry malice or bitterness and be was too wise a man to cultivate the unhappy faculty of doing so. After a stormy and strenuous youth and manhood he came at lost to the quiet and ripening time of life in which he looked on as one apart.’ But his in terest was keen to the end and to the end he was thinking, plan ning, looking to the future, learning and unlearning. He could not linger in ruts. He had the talcut for understanding and recognising old mistakes and for surrendering the most honored mad cherished errors as be dis covered them. He wss a familiar figure among the wide circle of bis friends acre in Richmond, where he was a general favorite. His clear, vigorous comments on men and affairs of the past and present always won atten tion and respect for they were live, freSh and pleasant, well Savored. Whether they were accepted or disputed they were palatable. The gall and acid be may have had as • young man were mellowed and sweetened with age until no trace of them was left. He was a brave and valuable soldier, a live thinker, an active, useful citizen, a genidl, charm ing friend and the sorrow for his death will be whispered and sincere, especially in Virginia and Maryland, where he was meat intimately known. AUTO PRESS REFORM. 1IMM» Ml -That MUm. KM •* t* rmm *«■«. “*• Met* hatter caps with too* *1*0**, a* Mite largo T*th or box Bte eoata la ttewoaaa i—1~ t*i1>«t.~ la tte «4ht at Man Baat. who Mote ••ewtfr at tte carwattaa of tte *a tteal la tte Pto* Art* h u* tte Krw k RMLWirS NEW MOVE Brim Road's PUa to Promote Its Btaplojaaa. AM ABB WOT AAKXKD TTPtt. n§ Brio railroad boo proa alga tad aa ardor oaUtag Cor tbr resignations of an dorks recently engaged who at tho ago at thlrty-Ore baro aat adraaood. otys tho Bow Took American. Tho rwlgwottnno Moot bo forwarded ta tho otocas of tho company within a that* Is ao cbanco for ooao who at thlrty-Ore boro not doooootreUd tbdr oaocntlro ability. Tho men who ere daomod to loam are these who baro aotcred tho cam paoy^ employment tinea May I. 1901. and la aa apologetic way tho oMldala any that there ato wimperattroly tow who wm bo oOWtod. la tbs rxitiue, however, no aaaa who haa reached the ago Hoelt wtM bo ghraa employ meat la tho clerkship prods by tho Mg railroad. “Men who baro became thirty-fire wltboet ennceeftng at enmothlns else bars little cbaaca to toko op railroad work." ta tho explanation of Secretary Qraavtlle A Hlcbardeoo. - President Underwood, bowerer, dooa not pot It ta tho aam way. Be soya: •The read owes a duty to mao la Its raipliy far oho major part of tboir Urea. It It constantly making prartsloa tbr thaso maa. It to aa tojnttos to thorn to hare maa who bora aaaa tboir boat days In other Uaao enter ear employ. It to to protect nor old a» ptoyeoa that tho order to lamed It to telr a aeon me that • me who baa bettor part of his Ufa to toe welt IMaaSifi to ho of medal rains to • railroad company. The alee la to em ploy young am who wtob to make roll “The employment and training of railroad employaaa la a groat problem, which can best be appreciated by those who an frequently the rlettme of bad Indgmeut In railroad office* TUa la wbat we are trying to remedy.'’ said Beerotary (Uchardsen. “We do net aay that a man who haa bean In the railroad bodnem fur tome yean Is anatom at thirty-ire If ha has not adraiBad. tor ha has at least toarm-' ad the routine. The fact that be Is edO la the business, however, thews that' there haa' baea soma detect In the sys tem that lupt htoi when he was young. Ha ahenld hare' base dropped long be wBtOriMdlai prlDdpkt fhwWI to taaght while the brain to yonag. The younger the bettor, and la the fntnre any man who safe* na tea step hi) mant will hers to giro a very strong explana tion of srby be baa touted la ether as perities If be la anywhere near thtrty .Rtsl “Our Idea now to to get as many bright young bays aa possible to go on the lowest tenada at tbs ladder to ad vance the others to the vaeanriea that will be made By always hartag good material at the bottom It. win be possi ble to admass the various grades aa the good Jobs at the top are opened, to steed of going to ochw companies to gat high salaried man while our awn wander why It happane that way. “First, we warn to protect oar eld man, and, secondly, make it nnaeom aery to go to other odlces ter good m ■Iciyam" la rWw of this action of tbs Brio it B lotcrsattsg to sots tbs non wbs boro sccsmpUsbad things oftor tbc ago of thtrty-drr. fall os Choir on thlrty-sls* roots sM bates ho fseotrsd hb Ant Impor tant military command. OUnr Croce well eras a rsry otdmpor taat Ifin until ha was aoarty forty, whan ha glrdad on tbo armor which a frw yasra la tor bogao to Idoatlfy btm with Bnglaad’o klotory. Chrtataphm Col tun boo was oearty forty whsn ha want ts roodlnaad and laa delta wtth bla pies for tbo dbcor ory of nrw continents, and It waa not onto ha waa tety-odx that ba rtarttd oq hlo rays go. Oanaral Grant waa a town character la ths wait aatfl ha was a boost forty. tleorgs WaaM^tsn bad osttled bach lata ths Isdslant lift of a Virginia ytantar a bon, at tarty>tw322. cumprialap 100, 087 etafto numbers. Whoa colonial aad foreign aawspapars are added It will bo eecn what a harreet flows to tbo maeenro Brery twelrs awatba It Ub orally father* into Its now well ailed vastneaa bun* load* of printed paper. Tat so carefully kept are the files that they can readily be consulted, area when they are purely local papers. HUNGRY FOR DOG MEAT. Broiled dog. Mod dog aad easin' other forme of dog are coneidered del •cades by tbe Igorrocoa of tbe norther* province of tbe Philippine* writes the Wdshlagtoa correspondent of the Chi cago Chronicle. According to advices feet received at Washington Colo as 1 B. C Carter, Manila Whdiaer of public health, has received a gee tie hint from Pre vtedal Governor Wllilaa O. Peek, at Baguio, Beaguot. not to waste this "God gives dallescy.” BU appeal is couched la the follow lag tom: "I know that some of the depart ments under year charge are killing dogs sod throwing them away to get tld of them How, my people, you kaow. consider dog a Ood glvea tax ■** "Wm It not bo peaalbto ta\ooe way or another for yon to ooad mo 100, SOO or BOO dope that yon waat to get rM of to Ban Fernando, where | win hate Igemtas waiting u> bring them over the trail to me bare In Baguio? “The ftsst subsequent to rack aa event woald maka goda and mao wen dar. How, see If we cannot make sock 40 min—t" It la understood the request will be cbeerftdly compiled with by Colonel Carter. Manila la fall of stray dogs, aad he weald give aesnethlng tieedensie to get rM of thorn. The notlvao end Bkrepoana them don't loom to eoasldsr them gastronomic luxuries. Aad boastful e* the eeetefW otar uarS StoMT Whet shen the Jnigenet of the herd Odd he When he shag sharps thee with thy brother's seta? *• ,**>,w* ea the let* er 0 Martyr gray wart*, O wart* MmI, Wart* wlrt Wa ararar a* aatartaa* aa Trt 'HaSaTSaart wart*. wM a* tha *a •aaarfwaaat laal valaat wow a* rty *aartla«* yala •a •**. Law rrtaa* waawak ataa jW/a ahfaart anna* WfcaartaWa afcrti aa* rtatar tacaara Tat OMra thaa awt. war wart*, wtrt Mi nr tawar,' Wirt all rty tn inrtaaa a* art »*a 1 **?*£!*>«>*« *a> rat akalt aaa rta Aajhawjaf *raa* aa law a* na*a' la* I la* i rnm COTtM. HOtTH-SOUm Halted Ddbfiic* in Character al tha Haanfactnrad Product. ■alttak Ksntac Port. Referring to the statement that Southern milla consumed more cotton than the Northern the Norfolk landmark adds, "the Northern mills still retain s alight supremacy to the general total of domestic and foreign cot ton consumed.” This is correct. And there is still another material fact worthy the consideration of our South ern mill owners and those con templating going in the cotton mill bnsineas. While the South now coaautuca more bales of American cotton the valne of the product of the Northern milla from the Southern cotton they consume is far in excess of that of the product of the Southern mills because of the larger quan tity of finer goods produced. While one pound of cotton will make two yards of the general Southern product (we *re not exact as to this, but it will an swer as an illustration), ooe pound will mtke five yards of the finer goods turned out very large ly by the Northern mills, and j tells (or more money per yard, of conrse.thao the coarser South ern fabrics. It occurs to us our Southern mills should tum their attention more to the finer fabrics. Some steps have been taken in this di rection, but not to the extent that the future milling interests of the South demand. Our mills are too dependent upon uncer tain foreign markets because of the class of goods manufactured, while the home market, the best in the world, la being more and more monopolised by the North ern mills. The fact therefore that the Southern mills consume more American — Southern — cotton than the Northern by no means indicates that the Southern mills are making the money that falls into the tills of the Northern manufacturer. It were time the South were makiug a decided change in this respect. Salt of Personal Property. WMMt4«r, Oct. IStb. 1*01 WAS 13. 8 c— Adndalatrafor’a Notice. SALE or LAND. Professional Cards. R. B. WILSON, Attorney at Law. GASTONIA, N. C. dr. d. e. McConnell, DBNTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. Bld’g GASTONIA, N. C. Phone 69. HAMILTON V. STEWART, Attorn ey-at-Law, Office over A. D. Clark'a atore, CASTONIA, N. C. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Mortgage Sale of Lead. PUBLIC SALE. Valaafcla Baal and Paraaaal Pray* arty Near ML Hally. On the premises of my farm near Mt. Holly, I will oiler for sale to the highest bidder lor cash on Tsssdty. Ih* M lay *1 Rsvsabar. I Mi. the following valuable real and per sonal property: My tarm of 131X acres, 1 horse, 1 mole. 1 heifer and calf, 1 2%or»e jragos, bogs, and all kinds of farm iag utensils, mostly new. All Is de sirable and equable property. Call on or address R. M. Jmns, Mount Holly, N. C. NOTICE OP CLAIM AND ENTIT. Conniufcmar'i Sate af Lamd. ValaaUa Lat la Ootosli. ' Milir it IM, HU. I