ALASKA’S BIS GROWTH XZPtev*. :i~r ) to fir# %M from Now York It raria Maatottoo Dewaoa to the city to wMth all (agreed htoMtog toads. M^nMMktota ** »to ■Mini »• aeaa WUWOOO. ^Ubto* toll tola a WWW water sapp* ^n*nia rtiw to apah to aartow to mwilna far bare to* wealth afAtoafca aad toa^Oaaa y^waa*^??^!^ ol^iM^HtorjMxteta. Nearly a «■ the Talley of ttoTwel ttoar. wheat barter aadaata era awww tow to fartecta. nTw Mtohaatotobata baOtat VmaiUtoa. Vha whaat wtok took the krat prtae « the flaataaatol aahtolllan to WM at Ptolatotokle caat traaa the Itoeaa itr er eeewtfy, which to eatfnated to eato THRILLING TROLLEY l£tP. ■ tba BaiUa-Zooara ala* toa train wbca tt tnnM at tba raoard apaadat tap aih* aa bear. d* Iwjr anaoa beard waa raaaaad araa Dr. Behai* tba hand oT railway* aad tba faaaaa . Prtry Paanckor Mtoaal aad fly. bat with harder aay aaaMtotlaa. Ibaa* baaaaa aad tolagraph posts abat flaat Uba Ugbtatng. Bat wbm Dr. gava aaattor tarn tboat ob btur* tadtottagotobabla a* wa draw ap gradually aad ar itaad at Ihh* baeta* mada Paartaaa aUlaa aad a half la algftt mlaeta* Wa •to*** back ta MariaaMda aad cara* •* Oa aaaa dtotaaca In tba rasa dm* ta a (stand. -Maw.” aaid Dr. Ktockal, —wa (toll tm what ato can do.” Ko oaa was coa> Dr. Baletol look a careful look' ta Mablow. Dabtwtts dad limr _1 tor allaa aad aa aigbtb ta oaa aadsbatf! a cool day. aad tba Impact of waa aabnaraMn. whistling rrcry erertes ad tba car. Tat wltb a roitabad mad • FARMING FOR CHILDREN. I "M*rw» la niHM aom BO Keerty U00 school cUIldrwn in uir •Mrt are reed ring laetrwetlon thla yaar In tb« primary courses of sgricul tara. aaya a OoluinbU sped 11 dispatch to the BL Loots Bepoblie. More than 100 teachers who atteodsd the Kb •»«»* atarertoty toot n««r and took to* tomm to agriculture aad hortlcal ta» sre glrtog tastreettoo to tbaaa braaehaa la tha pabWs achoala this year with aacaHaot results. In tha taachlng of these braaehaa to pnbke aebool students apodal attaatloa la paid to. beautifying tha aehoel gfowda aad tha yards and towns of the children's hr new. The aebool yard la ptoatad la dowers, trees aad ataroba «ad aadar tha dlroettoa of the taoebsr to aaltirated by tha stmdaata. 'The tiaebira lad that the students tske great Interest la the work, end they ea «faBtbo***7 ***** 41BcDlt7 ** Motto It has base tha aim of tbo Missouri ttolrersity to aococraga the Maehtag. of agriculture la tha public schools.1 aad tbo aODCta of tha ontrentty ate now achtortag raaalta. By seat year agrtcohart aad bartlealtmra probably will bo taogbt to o majority of tbe pobttc arbooto of the statu. A sarlaa of bnOaUas to to ccratee of Pmparstloo which wtU bo seat oat to the teachers to bo oead as text books to the public aebsato. YELL OF FARMER STUDENTS UNIQUE SECRET ORDER Custom sod Origin of the Society of Cepballatm. tOU OILY DTJBS PAID AT DEATH Many randon*. mostly fauclful. con esntioc Ua secret society of CephaJMs bar* tecs pobUabed. but the troth far (sends to Interest the oocaaoy tales all hare reed, aaya U* New York The Cap ha Data number 412400. ac cording «• tba general secret* 17 and foamier, Max BebreC. a prominent architect of Bay Kidga, Brooklyn. Starting arttb the Men that tbc mem karehlp be cameoted wltb a pact dee la tex tbs skulls of all to the society, tb* srtgtnal thirteen bare added to tbalr amber until tb* half million mark Is la Mgbt. The Capitalists hae* on ledse room* and pay no faas or does sare tbs one paid after death, the skull. Each member signs tba fMknrlag pact: I hereby raOaars mr yshHn sod oada mr *a»n 10 urn ahav* (OtetaehaO trm larnltr. The mats bare are mostly fma think are. man who fenl no qualms over as sociation with tba skulls of their for mar associate*. Bach year or ofteaer, as occasion attar*, they alt down to a banquet In front of rows of skulls of the departed, each la baked acres* tb* frontal bon* with tba aims of tba owner. No. 1 la tb* Mull of L. O. Kroeder, who was one of tba original thirteen aad bald tbc office of Dtogens* Tb* original society was Hk* a Fi mag nans company, all officer* sare an*. Tb* of ■corc were fancifully named from president doom to Buddha. Vishnu. Ooafoelna. Brahma. Fanatua. Ammon. Dtofsnon Oanymad*. Olgasticus. 0*1 da, Toaolos aad Artstotolaa. Mr. fckrof wan Fanatua, or secretary. Tb* secretary, who Is tbs planet ■ho«t whom oil the lesser lights awtag. coocelred th* weird Idee of tb* society In the sixties through an odd experi ence. K* formed 00* of a party of students of tb* Dalreretty of Stuttgart who in ISOS undertook th* exploration of tba Nile. K>I v/ nvum waicmrs • yoeng iwilcia, mo of former Oor •raor Clarke of Ohio, who atcheaad uo dm the Barra »un of tba daaart and fall de*4 from tba back at hla ctntL Tba body was temporarily burled Id tba •aada. Tba party coabaued Ha explo ration to tha third cataract a ad. rs toralng. axbutoad tha body. It waa found Impossible to tnu^ort tba ra tMlaa; still Mr. Scbroff was unwilling to permit bis friend's remains to mat la tba saak. 1 pondered a long time,- toys Ur. ■cbtcS. "1 had always bstlsrod that tha Boat of dignity In man rested In tba shun; so I decapitated my friend and tsok tba bead home with me At Orst I Intended sending It to hie father, bat frl aorta restrained me. tap resenting that It might be considered ghastly, finally I had It prepared and brought It to this country. There tt la." Mr. achrotf nodded to a polished *all over his bead resting opoe tba tap of hU desk. Tha grinning re He hold a long Franck hrinrwood pipe bo tween the teeth. "Tan. Homer, old bay." coatinned the secretary, addressing the skua "we have been companions tor many yean, and when I go my has dp lace will Jo la you." A pood away die” he resumed. “Thar* am HO sfcuUa within tea feet of mo. They am all properly labeled and numbered, and with each la a mo oed of the owner's achievements, to •other with a pbrntakglce) estimate of tbe skull Oaty one of the original thirteen is dead. Bat we am afl pet ting to be old feUowa, and oar besd pietm mart aeon go oa to tha shajvm with tbe others. *Wt am not cranks. Wa believe that the head, the birthplace sad repository of noble thoughts, should aet be com mitted to tbe annihilating Hamas nor got to tbe worms In tbe gmre; there fore we pmoorre the skull. - We are Performing a greet scientific sorrier, tor our phreaotogteto am toabled to eeapam the bnmpe upon tbe ifcalle with the known attainments, pecaltu* Bea and attributes of the owner. 'OephalMa have grown to the a am ber of 41X000 la twelve yearn. We hra ctrdm an over the world, and the rfcelaa are growing. By and bp tbe ikmafania of the ctrdm win toMfe.* »*■»!«» t«u *t o* rwmr r»H mmmlwr twnil. Tlie aaoouaccmeet of tto death of former 1 “artmortar General WUaoo fi. Bltaell was Htdwf wltb aorrow by the older attaebaa of tba port office de partment. ray* a Washington rprdal to the 8t. Lotda Republic. Bxpreaatoas of regret war* board on retry tide. Hr. BltaclL. though bnuqot In manner •ftttmts and bloat In express loo, bad tba faculty of making frWntto. Many atorlea era told of him. soma of them of a bomoroua Baton. Trar °« Rooa, who has sacred noder more than a docan poatraaetata gauaral. aaid: “Seas toe Ooka of Taxia waa a mao of ponderous weight Be had long, shaggy ayebrowa that wars aa prolific la growth as aa ordinary moat echo Ha waa good natural and always found time to pilot bla cofiatltnaota about tho department*. Ookt waa for ever and eternally chewing a big quid of tobacco of tba triad that to grown la Texas. “Thar# was a pant odea war on la aaruaat la aacaa town tn fata state, and a half doaeu or mare of bio ceostlts anta, together with tbo appUcant who bad baaa lalonad by tbs aaaator, came. •sat to bare tbo fight tattled. Coho' cams over tn tba depart meat sad in troduced bla friends to Hr. "liull "•How, Bltaell* said Cake, and bla Jaws ware working wltb regularity on a mouthful of plug. ‘I want yon to ap point this man (calling him by oamal pcatauatar at-. dkjw,- d« eoououea. mat T» ■■ to new compoaed of 2,000,000 good, loyal ettlaeaf— -Tan,’ Btisell brake la, ‘and 1000, 000 °f th*n* »ta op her# after other.' • Roee told • aether story of a member ■f congress who cams to tbe depart ■Mot one day and melted Into Blaaaira afire. "I have no bnatnaas to tranaact" ■■td tbe repreeeotaUre; “lost dropped I* to shake tenth." ! Bissau looked op from Us date and galatly stead, "Have yoo a photograph of yoo real/ that yon might leaver “Mr. BlearH waa one of tbe teat mao 1 ever aervad under," —at Roaa. "Be waa considerate of every one wbo worked about hla ofica." MONUMENT TO QEWE FIELD Ran mi mi. Joseph CUUm tv Ova .. the taada Lite. Tte school children of St Joseph, Me, win ereet a mnatimaart eoaamaaa amtfea of the Rfa and works of Snpeas field, tte otdldra peat, grte mm# into Caaaa while a realdant ef that aMy. aays the It. lash Republic. A maeowaat tea bean started to raise the iiinaij fnadt and while U Is too early to pre dMt tte encases ec 111 tore of tte hue dal part of the preposition those ta sharps sear that they bars received sock aaocwregiment as to warrant tte acred. tt Is prepossd to erect It at tte head •f Lower* lane, a Mt ef oanntry rood Uimartalbiil by rieM la a poem by •bat nama^'At tbs inaction rt lwvwT rood there b B triangle thirty-two foot seek way an arhtsh tbs marhla abort win be reared. bwreS Staltvirnp ltot rrante drtrara nad Baanma sod ere* French raal wtr Mal ta Ragland to Franoe* fle'th FRUIT FROM PORTO RICO A Grower’* Opinion of tbe Island's Orange*. TO 00Kf ETC n AMERICA* EAITBT tames Hntbm of a>fSMi Bar* Tkb Wtalir TUMUli at Bum m On*Bn Bna WU4 Tww Win B* Iklpwl «• tha lain! B«ata». iaarlaaa Qrastra Am Dnriaplac Hup Brata* la VplaaB laUm. “Pwto Rico Win be th* orange I aland of tbo world. Its coffoo will ooum la bar* tbo asm* rogs* lo tbo Uni tod ■tatoi It one tlmo bad lo Spain, and Mi poop la will bo Ilf tod out of poverty and ignorance." Tbto prophecy WOB outdo at tbe Bt James botrl In VToab ington to a reporter for lb* Washing too Star by Ur. Jonwa Rtrutheta, or ange shipper and growtr of Days moo, Porto llim Mr. dtnatlwr* llTOd la Washington from ltMS to IMOO, for a port of that Hoc being engaged in tba produce commission bnaloaaa. ' Porto Rtoo.” continued Ur. Rtrntb arm, “will become a aaa gtrt garden. Tb« people there are going to Qnd gold U tbe golden fruit. Jo at ns tbr poop to of Florida did and as tbo ora tig* grow er* of California do. Cold. wUk-b over whelmed tbo rioclda grower* In 1RM and which threaten* thorn In tbe l