s= the Gastonia OwUi Cwh Pm»i«. - ■“ -—■ ■— ■•■■V Published Twice a Week-Tiiesday and Friday* W. r. MAI SHALL, EHtar ami Pf»rtfc. >EVOTEt TO THE PiOTECTlfW Of BOMB Al» TME IWT^w gf TBg=fffPinT. | _!__QA8TONIA,^CmTI(E8DAY, NOVEMBER IQ, THE ALASKA BOUNDARY Coteocl W. T. Clouffh’a Defial* tlon of the Dedaioa. OT TO TEE KLOIDm ttAirep, •*«•« hMm ■•Oatra TIM fin MMt ton TktM the Dotted ■**«» Berth leUtota, Cotoorl W. V. Clough. rice pratodeot at tho Ortet Northern railway and ala* of tha Northorn leceritl**-(--tt waa aahad recently by a fleeter of the Now Toth Oerameatial Advertiser hew tb* Alaahaa bocadary i weald affect Araerteaii railroad aad commm dal Interests. Be Mid: The dactetm of tb* Aiaaka boandary coanladoo ilT«a th* Catted Stataa goeeromaat control of tha approach** by OM to the •able British Klondike region aad all that part of Brttlab North America ty ing north of M.00 dagrotc Berth latt todo Naturally American carrier* will her* a greater advantage la handling re _tho that hare eziitod for forty yoan, with mm* rhongM of camper* - tlrety Uttle Importance. Brttto* bmp* tar th* paat forty yean hoe* pemonog th* mm* AlMhan boundary Bn* prae Baally aa it la m*. TUa fT-irtaiy Uaa nine frost UM digMtt north lato' itud# ang aUrtn alnug tb* oooet above tha baada *f all thoacaaA lawca. ao chat ftcM Kff dagrow aarth all water ao taa*coaJatoth* aouatry auteod through before th* board of arOUneboa that tha main purpose of tb* odstnal rnorowtre of that atrip of mowed, to tads waa to cut off th* occom of BrtBeb North America north at M.40 to th* PadAc ocean, aad that parpm was eatabUab ad historically to tha mtiataettoo of a majority of th* board. “Doobttoa* arraogemenla wUI be mad* for goad* to pam over this atrip of United Stataa territory to and from point* la British North America la bond, tb* mm* ao poods now porn through tb* Cal tad Itatee ta going to aad from Canada and other foreign countries. The principal pert of en trance Into tb* Klondike gold reglia Is ghagnay. aad there are existing ar rangement* tar paadng goods tw hood thtaa^i United gtataa territory. One at the edvantages that th* Americas Miriam will Aertv* from th* deholtr MttteMaat of this boundary qoeatloa will be the advantage that aauat nat urally aglet tram having both end* of transit controlled by the Uoiled State* govern men I. Th* Canadian eoottntloa waa for a boundary Us* that would cot aeram tb* deep Inlets between tbalr ■sooths sad their bead* uu to leave tba beads ta BrtOab territory. This Important point the Co nail tone last “Tba taon tannin— or tu pm Jected Grand Trask Pidtt railway will be at Fort Skapaon. which la at tba —rath of Portland chenaaL tha boundary water bate can British North America and Alaaka. Two islands la 4ba Booth of tha awtraacr to Port IMmpana warn awarded to tbr United Stataa by tba Alaska a commies lea agalast tba protests of tbr Ueaadtope. who delated that it would hr a ntaaaaa to tha waatten tarn— at a CaatehCh tranacoori—olal railway hoc to bars this channel —dad la a military aaaaa by tawttecy lu pwieln eg an attar gorenimeoL “Practically this Alaskan boaadary Americ— projects. I do sot expat that It wtH cause any additional rail way ctetetracGoh by Aaterlcaa, teter oatee not right away at any rata. Quite aaturalty the local frrdeyanl of Alaska will ba samnlatad. AH of that ragtea along tba north Pacific cant baa a too. mild climate. Tba ■aaa tempers to ro of Sitka aad PMlh daipMa am aaarty tha nra that of bttka bring mom egnabia. mrt— to tte leoattoe aw tha aaaaa. Tbo latet ragtea of which the United Stataa has barn awarded ghaatota control is ewad bp magnISgakt temate. aad I praams that ■tesrale will ba foaad there ba groat ah—liana The dtterfea. uc/amjrtdk. Is tot. tha tontafy mamdad to— la my rateable to Itself. "Tbo only railroad wow la Alaaka to owned by iararlnaa capital, bat la la aa way ooaaeetod with Grant Northern or Northern Farida total rale Ihtafa anly a ahert Una, hewaoir. naaariri— tba ip— emaal wtth Om Iewta dm Safi ape —1 Ptewtp ■teds of aatotof* warn aa— dally far ■ wpab at a tb— to wmtara Bearer A MARINE MUSEUM.. *■»*» Moa «i «u Jkege M runt IiImMi luHiaw Nt fillhiali Tb* Ualmmlt? of CaJlarnl* la abMS to raertra a raloabl* gin from tb* dt» bM of Baa Otago. Cal., la tb* form of a Maria* btalogtoal laboratory •quip gad oad aad* wad with raftdrat food* to teap a cocpa of acteottoM at work all tb* tjma, aaya a Baa Praactaeo aye dal to tb* Bt. Lon la Republic. Tha dadalas of tba Baa Ptfgara to found aucb an taatttntloo to th* raauN af^Hto work of Piofo— W. EL gJUer. ipo paaglaof Baa Otago. °* f,—"* ^ Tba Baa Otogaaa rata at ty faraiad aa atvaolaatloa to ba kopwa aa tba Ma rta* Blotogtoal aaanrlattoa. It* pur paaa I* atatad to ba to foaad aad Mtoow tha Boo Utago Moriaa Bkilngiial taatb tautou. tba abject* of which. according to Ma praoto to tba bylaw*, will •awtot la "oarrytag oa a htalagtatlaad hpdrogropbJr aorvay of tba watan of tba PadBc ocaoa odloaaut to tba aaaat •f aoatbara C« Ilf oral*, to build oad maintain o public aqurtom awl MO •oum aad to praaocuto aacb otter kin drad aadartaklogi aa Mgy ba -—p 1 wlaa." After the laathota to fouadad aad endrtcatty eudawed U will te trarafer rad to tb* Uairaedty of CaBforal*. ao that K Mar baaoM* a department at tba naJraratty. oo-ordlaata with txlat tag dapaetaaaala. Pmfoaaor Ritter to to te dlractor af tba laautate. In oaplololag tb* ooodo af aoeb ao tnadtata to tba people be ■aid that the aoatbara eaaat wan rub la Martor Ufa oad a good Bold for oa Ptorartaa. Be ocaad I be founding af oa Itetttut* that woald praoecuto Ho raaiarcba* aoottooouaiy through onto (tod laraoUgaton. oat by tadirhfaaia who work according to tbatr iwmwim Tte Member* af tba Boa Diego aaaa ctottoo ora atog of 10*00*. aad they or* •apaetad to aabaorlb* a fond Mate auoagfa to ytoM EIOOOO a year, which. It la aaMiacMd. tte laerttnta will ak Tte officer* «f tte aaaoctattoa aro: Praetor* t. Homir B. Patera; etc* praa Idrot Ulaa Bnaa Bcrtpga; aacrataiy. Dr- Trad*rick Baker; traocarar. Jottae Waageabalm: dtractora. R. W. Bcrtppa aad Jama* UacMalBa. REVIVING GREECE'S SPMIT. In a *an*U. Tha London Chronicle’. AtUnja cor laapoodrat trtagrepbed that ha recent ly had ao Interview with Mr. Dinas, on* af tha Cattferalaas who madesnch a eenaatloq la tha aaslaat Oractaa city by walking about tha afreets la aaotaat Greek drove hi Dima Intend! ta hnlld a etodlo ant e beam to tha fans of aa « admit toapla on a bill oot far from the Acrop olis on a alia prevented ta hla by the government. He aaye hla family has tamf I* Athena to stady tha aU Greek spirit which be believes to be klintlul with the modern iptrit of HaechaL To hare healthy Inman feelings ta yaor body, ha added, yoa anal wear mtlaoal Maple drees The sarmeow which th tern tty wear were made..to Athena, with tha excapMoo of tha aaa deia. w>lch are af Mexican origin. At Athene even the Meeedonlea qoeettoo pnH% before the totense tatereot atoms to the three Americana. The Bnio.m the Athenian ranch, which ta entirety written to rarer end tetonoety torn, devotee the whole af one day's recent Mao* to the subject. OOO DISCOVERY IN A TREE. WM»e piaae Pec Ruder Vend hr Bee Beater*. Bee heater* have discovered near Henry, fit, aa odd Boo tree. U waa fa«*l that a hoilsw opue warn llasd With !hoet Iron, aad opoa farther ta vaadgattoa thaw Waa detected a sttd lag panel ekjUfelly covered with bath, aayq the Chicago Pool It la haWavod that tMa tree was aoaa ■aad to secrete plunder. Thirty yean ago a acreage character mde hla home la the woods near the tree, aad at ttaaae bo made a cooMdsiwbla ahow af vaiaabtag. He iHmpp mrod aa maldis 9 aa ha com* bat he .waa aaoafol to take all Me property with.him, ad wMh lag of any description aadsobtedly bended' by O. H. chief of that aerriee. TV* war* to to begin, aadar tha tevaea af tha treaty, “at towa." hot la kkety to Igat aovenl ream _ Oik w# IttV* lim«l m tmrn <» T". TM .. »m MMM Mia^r tm jkinu. *•••• In IK. MNW *«< »•»•« Aar* « * ‘ Snbaerlb* for Tm Ourm. "SAILOR JEAN'S” TRIP. Aiplrkc Author'* Plaa to Oat Malarial For a Book. nim RATI QUIT AM (NT FOOT. 'tailor Joe*.' *te la rlattln* aU tte ateto capital* of tte aadaa afoot bp ctrad at llaaaa. Ha. tte otter dap, aaya tte daaan CMy tear. Ba ted at that tlna oompteted hit thro aaad tight hundred and fifty nlfo aad ted worm wt hit Jaaa A. Krebs. Ba ws* (eodog aaad rata ate begem. Ba ted oaly 1K *» nttea ahaat ad Mae. Ba tea tte Poatawatar ad. re*ry taara flinate which ga ptnn ragtaaer hi* nan* wtte tte odtet casual fc (lao stanp. At atteg. capital* tte aaceatary of atataa laawaa him a cerddcste of Mb p roots**, ate taaaad by aaoL Bailor Jaaa~ Iran dlaa a anal) borrow which tea a date ate a dag aa U aad which te aaJIt Up “treOeyette." Ur left Boatao April I trtthaat a pawpy- Tte maw canaa fran UttU alnmialaot cate traya te atilt at 10 oaata aaeh. iaaa’a wtte ate baby tjtTel ahead oa tte -“--ft Ttey wait ata d—Igstfd palat. white te raaahta teaday. ate te apote tea day wttb thorn. Jaaa to aaw arerep lag *«0 a week arlBog Ua - -| i*ba "teller Jaaa't* atadattcal repact «p «* Oct. *1 waa aa fatlewa: Mttaw -kg Bahaa, awrc; Mttee by '*~g~ ataeaa dan*; kited tee of Ibo Mure; -bate opr* by highwaynaa. oace; ten a pat* watch ate |UD la each: thirty-olpht nilaa; word gjwfe atataa watt of VlrglaU, o*M ad aad driad applet. It late* I arid* era tal. Why Is "Itihr Mtv going to a* thla trouble? B*nsn*i be has 1 alien a. victim te the universal talie to ha an aalhoc. He explains It la thla wtaa: 1 had observed that moat people wba wrote atarlas to travel aver the country la i They waited only tt points to knew* internal. (hay acquire moat to (hair i Their etorkw are to beatan paths sad. draaa them aa artistically aad iiiptosl ty aa they may. they am anty wntag a tale that ha* bean told. While making ao particnlor claim to owpattmlty hi wrttleg. I thought by saUmlto tbo **rb to a aallor aad travel lag aa ana of the plain, everyday toilers I could gat closer ta nature aad her rhlldran and tell a story to our country anch ao bad nerve yet Seen tafcl t mast the farmer*, tbe miners, the railroad man, the worltiagBira. net to aneatate ar a doneu. Last to all. I maha nates earn owning tbe aiatttied to eeoaaroada hamlet* that are ao amah they do not appear am the map. At the mim^ wmpa I go through the pita aad sleep la tbe home* to the miser*. It would aurprlae yen to witness the variety to peoede la our country. Thor* la a wide difference la the characteristics to the American* m different aevtioaa. Jaat as tbe dliuata differ*.** "Bailor Jam's** route wa* made ant la detail befere be left Boston. Ac cording ta Us contract with hie pop llsher. ha moat complete hla tsar In throe and a half years. Be- to now southward hound and wfl pass the winter tramping -the am there at* ten Hla schedule require* him ta rspsrt ta Topeka. K*a.. In the spring. B* to ta gw on foot the entire dtotanc* except ta crossing strsama. where fvrrVv or* the hr car. Burglar proof pay can an ms taas ratloa ta railway rqBtpawat ta ho te trad ntrd by tha Pnaaytraate lyaWBL aaya a Plttaborg teapotch. Tha mtm paay te^aw haMdlag at thaOiteteat shops a aoor atyla aar Cm tha mt af tha paynaatar, ta ha aa aaarty burglar proof aa It la psaatbta ta naha tt. ate. It tbo car proroa aarmafal tt wCI ha ■ate as tbs.MmCate atyta aa tha tp» A national paathaaa ta bates aractte bytbrhaatraa gararwuat la tha OKy af hr* lea. tha aatlautte rrat bate* CB000.000. It la ta ba at soar a ate ■aortal ate a aapahhar tar Mater THEOLD RBMBLE mmamaunmurt MR*, f ISM ON SOCIETY, ■aadaar Wa ad t* Raw York i m tha amt* at, aartaty mad tha ' •Nrta Rear Haadrad” la aaya tha Maw Tart Praar “•ortal poatttao h aa I •* daUmra mad aaata." aaM Mn, “»f that I aaaaa a partMaa la goad. aaHd aoetaty, art tha tawdry lalttlota, tba trtaga. yac kaaw. I mat “ n u* with thla aaw at araatnl at that rtrw ahoaM ba ‘ Math lag waaM at brUUamt warn I aw a Maw Tartar brad mad barm, a ad I thick ibka city la wak ing fan*ta Wadway. Waahlwttoa wW Uy ba amr aortal rawtar. ha ara city win aooa ■attar at i ea ratal." , Bra. rtah Ilford a waralag dagar. “Mat Oaa to tit* tta to (to (law h (to n*I«*I to into Mir «a (to I pL Ttoar toaaX tow to (to tor thta tear war to tto frataht W lto» to (to anpar part to (to I ■to to (to am Oar la BUT paws to Maw OrtaaJa. raaaaaar*braflatoa iwtto arwttj. ato IPMIn to aw awwa to (to pwatatop yaar. Mfhw to Blto ef Mam. Bdwart H. Btrobrl. win baa baa* appotatod woOdrottal advlaar to tka kltoc of Man. will aoaa Imaa tor Ma nr* paM of daty. Ho was ferae arty third ai Meet aarrvtary of etota.aad Stow that dear bo baa bam pie Samar of latoraadtoal It* at Harvard aat laao. Bt blbln Anortcan wba bao natal **" Twenty-five people perished in s tenement bouse fire in New York early Sunday morning. turn* (Ml tin aattUag m thM att «*MKbuMn*HMlMlMMNi Ik* trfmg mm botk «Sn udtMM W1U aak* tk* tw* |i iiinnaM am trttmUj. Tk* ant ate* lo tka atttw wU bt tk* wad In mt t* s*a nrjkweoMtfy a ad m«owttkanact lr tka «**U»k*wnte a* k»'cLTnUaa t Mt la fart. I eaa say tkat (Mm wa* lm HMataat takas by tk* i I* tk* Matter tka* I r Mrs. L. Q- C. Lamar, widow of the former Mississippi Sena tor And Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, died Tuesday night at her home at Macon. Ga. Repellent*, yd._fei Scotch Tweed, yd_SSe 4>-ia. ell'wool Sene, vd ifle »l«. Ctrietoe doth, yi. JLSt I ■ I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, »73,OOO.*0 - -L-— State Beak Incorporated May IS, IMS STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY I ... ■— « I Pike ClotIw« Malic* T*f C*d —————---* • * . It Is with pleasure we an sou ace to-the people af Gas tonia and vicinity, that on Thursday, Nov. 12th, we shall open a new Clothing, and Men’s Furnishing shore la the building formerly occupied by The Gasette. comer Soa^h sad Main Streets. We extend a cordial Invitation to aR to visit as and see for yourselves the high grade goods which are to be offered at prices that will be a revelation to every one. Purchasing our stock for oar two stores, the one in Durham and the one Is Gastonia, enables us to buy at the best advantage and at prices that permit os to offer bet* ter goods for the lea at money. We carry a fall line of the haadriotlored clothing made by Schloas Brea. A Co., "The Beat Clothes Makers” the high quality of whose apparel la known the caanfry over where quality goods find purchasers. The Illustrations la this afvcrtiscseat show aoae of the latest and most popular stylus which we shell offer dart eg the opening week st exceedingly moderate prices, rnpglng from SI to lH. It la net aur oblect In this announcement te eater to* to details covering the manifold merits of our elothlpg, preferring to have you coll lu parson and aah« your own careful Inspection. A welcome and a revelation await you. W. A. SLATER CO. Wholesale and Retail Clothiers and Fur"1*1"" DURHAM AAA GASTONIA jlrlgbtaa Sack I Fine OotHnq AlvirtUtt Saak