T. F. MAlSHAIi, UUow *ni Prorirtor. DEVOTED TO THE PROTECTION OF HOME AMD THE INTERESTS VQL~ X^^ Ladles*. Knit Corset Covers. ****?“] Ruing, high neck, long sleeve*. Used instead of linings with me reel lied * waists. Only garment o! the kind ou this market_;_ Hosiery. All kinds (or ladies, children and missis Prettiest line shown. Prices 10c, (I lzXc. 15c. 25c, 37Xc, 50c. and_#1 _i ~ -.mini mss i i - _ - Underwear. Everything in tbe line of seasonable on* derwear for ladies, misses, and children. Ladles’ vest and pant*, bast gft shown for price, each, 25c and._3VC Children and Misses’ Vests, 15c to_75c Wool Vests_$1 and op. Combination Suits, ladies and' PA ff A misses,- each, 50c to_V«i3U Wsistlags. One lot of new heavy vestings for waists. One of the best values ever f A shown for tbe price, per yd._* VC Mercerized fleece-lined Moltone. New weave, black, white, and colon. Aff _ Per yard, only^_43C Mercerised Waisrings. 3 yd. lengths, in all the new designs, price, per pattern. (4 50c to_ftl Velvets and Ribbons. In all the new shades and designs. Very choicest selection. Yon are ante to be suited litre. All colors and widths. Corsets. Full stock of leading brands. Your favo rite will surety be found in some of these: Tbe P. N.. Puritan, H. & H.. R. & G., Royal Worcester, N. H. Mar tha Washington and Ideal Waists. *< Prices far waists, from 25c to_fl Corset a, 50c to_ _.$3 Our leaders for one dollar are the P. N., Royal Worcester, and the Pnrita*. These • wnufarry in a dozen different styles, from the very abort to the extreme long hip. lafaat’a Caps. Our line ir varied in styles, ma- so gs teriala, and prices, 25c to_ We have designs thst will please tbe . mother and delight the little ones. *" Silks. All shades and designs, from 18 Si (A to 36 ins. wide, yd.. 39c to_lliSv — I i r. ' . . Steele of Standard Patterns and Desiint ers on hand at all times. •A '> . ' > V v ; . * ■ • *1 Coats, Shifts, and Fan. Our very handsome line of coats is aell ing rapidly. Ladies who rUt ondm compHineat as every day on having the SSKliSSfe-'K«2tSSJgS& le furs oar Uee Is the largest we have ever bought. These goods speak lor them $2*se&:2£ these elegant goods before yea bay. • Our vrelkieg skirts and Feco pettfcetSi Stf'L* K” Sddt I Walking skirts from $2.50 to._$6*66 1 We have a full line ot sbetlaad dose aad aepbyta for knitfleg shawls, slippers. etc/ • MILLINERY. The muob'i ru.b U still oa. Oar work room is a busy plan tk^. days, bet w are ready to handle yoar order not. As xsrzjsn srsssra Your special attention is called tom* ready trimmed bat* at $1.00, saVa ' $123, $1.50, $2.00 SBd_LfWi These we are .bowing is varioa. style* sad designs. These bats lava made thdr own war. be pate merU. iotas Ue% piece msfeaATjsssa! nets mad value. —___ - M. COME TO THE LADIES' " JAiS* v k- m__ __I Tbo oooond hook prtstod la tbo Bar I tab laayaarfr woo -Tbo Ouno ud Plapo of tbo Cbna." which tbo btlo woo -ryayohtd tbo laat day ot Mireto tbo /or of oar lord pod a tbotioomto roaro koadrofl and t.tttw - Oaly twotro coptoo of tbo work an now knows to ootot la 1M aa «to HObtaan of tbo aatoe of Atoborao Mid Wo com for a son oawal to «■» la Oattad btotoo corroot-p. rtfty-oU yoon lotor. ta I MW tbo aoaoo oolamo <*o No Pjwfort ooppt woo oo|d for fa.'9ft Ha IHMXO for No roar, wbtrb M tepor foot to tbo 01M of hartag aorta Not or gWdjgw Wo boor of rtx atwopapsr editors trbo romtlp laharttod fortoara Troa Wo la arhra oaeh tbor pMMroilp ootargo tbo poor and r •ftor.—Atloata AoM.w-R.Too t pm W.”job pot t topaoo.Ka l*n still wattlM Mr ■oaiotbiaa to taro ap. kooaai Wbat yoo aood to taro m m yoar^ooooroa—CatboBr Waadatd OMtTkwopoattto t- -- i Toa oftoa hoar tt oaM a wotaoa baa ^WWWha^^Aoa^aiaWirof fast. B toom , • ... Gastonia Banking Co. --Oa»tonlat N. C.--- vj —-i=.Tirr-r-r......I • ;'■»■■ V > • . ... I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7MMA« ! - '-- *' \ State Bank ImmhmM May It, IMt STATE and county depository ■■ * ii11 mVj|iffr OFFICERS JMO.P.bwTtoaM'at 4A*. A. toim, CmU"