= THE GASTONIA Q»»t— C—ty Pewit. - ---Published Twice a Week—Tuesdays i vr. r. MAISHAU, tdilw mi fwyrkor.__DEVOTED TO THE FKOTECTION OF HONE AND THE INTEI VOL. XXIV. GASTONIA, N. C., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER fl*. 1003 THANKSGIVING " " AT THOMSON CO’S. 4* + + Wtrthank our many custo mers for the liberal support they have given us which has enabled us to make our stores second to none in this section. Already the spirit of Thanks giving is stirring. Already the distant glimpses of the Thanksgiving dinner with the steaming turkey as a center piece are seen. Already there come to the mind pictures of other Thanksgiving dinners of the long ago, when the faces of old friends and dear ones are as fresh in our minds as If we’d seen them but yes terday in the joyful group around the festal board. While this big store Is striv ing in the strenuous arena of commerce for mastery in Its line — striving, it believes, honorably and legitimately— yet it hopes that It may al ways have a truly human heart—a truly American heart that will thrill and throb and beat and feel for the interest of Its patrons. Big preparations have been made for this season. Our ~ buyers have left no> stones unturned in looking for high grade dependable merchan dise. Their purchases have been very extensive* and great saving opportunities await ^shoppers, owing to shrewd buying and accurate Judging of the people’s needs. N Prudent buyers will take time by the forelock and make their purchases early, while our mammoth* stock Is un broken and prices are the lowest. ^ • , 0 4* 4* 4* / ' l % The People** Store POINTS AND PARAGRAPHS . ON TOPICS OF THE TIMES. Ua«a CM* bca4 will be »r(at*4 InwtlMU Us* n***w»rthy wtteraaca «■ Umoa al camat tattmt Tbay will b* Uktn Item pohllc Klliwm. b»oh«. moamp**. a**wp*p*n. In fact whativar w* may S®4 thaw. Noaua timaatham aeltatlon. will irwnl with mu aiaw* ul th* view* el am ta* *ra mM*ttm«a the oppoait* will b* Uu*. But by rwuaa at th* atMact Mattel. *5*«*»W- «*• aaUmrable. or UM vtew* esec*Mrd. *ach win bar* aa *km*et •4 tlwalr tot*root to m*k* It * ceoaiesaa* atfreeaa. Where Campramisa Canata. Harr WMtoiwm. I.i -TX. Compramlw* at T.li*.* ' Affection compromises nil things. It is where there is no love, ont, out upon the storm-laden occeu of life—in the world of affairs, where meu meet in furious contention, where the play of The Rivals is not a comedy, but a tragedy, where all is strife— commercial, political—avarice playing at hide-and-seek with hon or, and expediency pouring lies into the pliant ear of ambition— every tnan for himself, tbe devil to get the hindmost—etch tub to stand on its own bottom—it is here where the shoe pinches, here that good men, great men, know the true need and meaning of tolerance, the God-like wisdom of the spirit of compromise, Salacliaa of a Lila Wark. Hucmm. Selecting * life-work is serious business. It should be done only after careful study sad test of aptitudes, fitness and tastes, by both the person choosing and those having authority with him, unless his bent speaks so loudly in his blood, and his dominant faculties are ao imperative in their expression of choice that he cannot mistake the calling for which he is gifted. It is every thing to s boy or girl to get into just the right place, where the highest and noblest faculties will find a healthy and delightful exercise, instead of the lowest and meanest. To do the kind of wark for which one ia fitted by nature, and to do it to the best of one’s ability, is working along tbe lines of one’s strength, which increases with every well-directed effort. A Thanksgiving Ssatimanl. Ckaiilx rad Chtldrra. Count yonrblessing*! Canyon doit? Can you tell tbe value of the goodness of tbe Lord to yon through the year that lies be hind you? Are yon grateful? You need not answer in words. Money talks. Let your voice be beard next Thursday not so ranch through songs as through silver. Your money will sweeten yonr tnusic aud make your gratitude effective and worthy. Anybody can speak or sing or pray, after a fashion, bnt it Ukcs a man to come down with his cash. And after all that is the measure of our gratitude to God. Be ye warmed and filled, is a very nice sentiment, but it is mockery to say it when we have not raised a finger to warm or fill anybody. Mouey makes more than the mare go. It makes the kingdom go, for tbe Lord hat ordained that hit work in the world shall be car ried on through the use of incaus furnished by men. The IsiiHiilut Farmer. Otfser Lcdjnr! The ene-Mbrse farmer who baa had the business prudence to buy a small farm, and pay his surplus earnings for land of bis own instead of for rent for other people’s land, and who by industry and judicious management has gathered from his field enongh grain aud long forage to make bread for himself and family and to fccrjffihis necessary (arm animals, and then has plenty of hotne raiTW meat and milk and butter for home consumption, ia as in dependet as a bank president or the richest merchant in his sec tion. We believe more so. His ^very action it above board aud known to the world. He rather delights iu talking of bis methods, his plans, aud ia generally willing for the world to know of his tail urea and successes aud whatcansed them. He is devoted to his family, loves hfs worthy neighbors, has contempt for the vicious, be they high or low, and the manhood to expreas it. He walks the earth erect, a man not afraid. ~ — 11 ■ ■ ■ ■ - — ■ Aaaaett Criticised and his Parsecatsra Roasted. Nn» York Tim... UA. Probably it would have been wiser in Prof. Bassett had he omitted to pilt his estimate of Dr. Washington in to emphatic a form, and especially had he avoided a comparison which is, in ! iu nature, impossible accurately to verify and ia offensive to many who might be in sympathy with Prof. Bassett's general ri^eaa. Possibly be would have done better to give the facts that anstain his estimate of the great and noble leader, leaving his readers to make each comparisons as they wished. But the form which baa be<fn taken by the resentment of tbf Southerners offended is not creditable to them. With proteau and thr^aU they liava fotced the Trustees of the college in which Prof. Bassett taogbt English to accept hit resignation. That is illogical, narrow, petty, and must do more harm to the reputation of the South, more damage to tits claim to superiority, than any professor could do by the extremes! unfavorable comment. The worst (hat can be charged to Prof. Bassett ia that he was intemperate in his inferences as to the intelligence and character of his section. Tbe people who are venting their spirit on him prove that their own folly and -nnia telligcnce are not a matter of inference* bnt of fact. Bavec Wrought by Nagging. VIchBovd Mm-Utiai. We have horrible stories from old times of people fastened where drops of water wonid fall on their heads at regular intervals and of tha frightful death, preceded by untold agonies, that re sulted. Thousands of hearth and brains suffer daily under a pro cess just as cruel, excruciating sod fatal. Unquestionably, long 'processions of people have been nagged into their graves untimely, and others into tnad-hooxes or worse places. No advantages of money, culture, refinement or position can give happiness or peace where there is nagging. It lacerates the sensitive surface of minds. It is as if we cxpoeed one of the great nerves and sewed at it with a dull knife without the merciful preliminary of an an aesthetic. Moat of us have had experience In one way or another. Sometimes we become morbid and we can feel the nagging com ing and begin to shrink from it and to feel the ache of h; and when it does come it jars and stings like some ghastly combina tion weapon simultaneously piercing, braining, burning and pois oning. The ranks of the outcasts end derelicts of both sexes and all ages are increased annually by thousands by the nagging tongues. Boys and girls actually are driven from homes by cease lees, unnecessary fault finding; huabeoda and wives are carried to the divorce courts, willing .employes are discouraged and demoral ised, good servants are ruined. VE*¥ NOVEL OrtlATldW. Ut drafted aa MllUenairs. CkKlott Obwrvw. Philadelphia, Noy. IB.—Dr. Andrew Malden, of New Yolk to-day performed the operation of grafting an ear upon the head of a Western millionaire, whose name, the surgeon says be is un der bond not to divulge. The operation was to have been per formed in New York, but Dis trict Attorney Jerome is said to have interfered. Mr. Kclden is said to have advertised for a nua wiUtog to sell aa ear for $5,000; and of 900 applicants he selected a young German, who conducts a restaurant in Mew York. Dr. Peiden said to-day: "The operation has been per formed, and promises to be suc cessful, I am under legal con tract and heavy bond not to re veal the name of my patient. "Generally speaking, he is a wealthy man from the West. How he lost one ear, I don't know. It appears to have been cot off with a sharp instrument. I believe be saya it was accident-, al, but I never asked him to ex plain. “The operation took place at a private hospital here, where I was assisted by a Philadelphia physician, I think they will be willing to have their names known later. "The two men were placed in opposite directions, npon an elongated bed. One-half of the volunteer's ear—the upper ball— was cut off, together with about four inches of the akin behind the ear. "This was twisted around and fitted to a freshly prepared wound upon the patient's bead. The half ear was held in place by bandages, and the two men bound so they cannot remove their heads. They most retain this position for at least 12 days to allow the circulation to come through the flap of tb« skin that still remains a part of the volun teer’s scalp. "If this half ear starts to uuite properly, the lower half of the ear will be grafted in the same manner." Worth Carolinian's Saccos# la Tamo. Wuhlactoo Po*. "Texas spent mote money for higher education last year than any three of her sister States of the South," remarked President Houston of the State Agricul tural aud Mechanical Col lege, to a Post reporter, at the Shoreham. "In the aggregate, nearly $1,000 000 was disbursed in this cause, and about $3,000,000 for the com mon schools." President Houston is a young man, a native of North Carolina and enthusiastically devoted to bis great work iu the Lone Star State. For several vear be held the professorship of economics in the university at Austin and was dean of the faculty. Asked as to the condition of agriculture 1 in his State, Mr. Houston said: "While it Is true that our chief crop, cotton, is seriously men aced by the ravages of an Insect known as the boll-weevil, I do not think that its visitation will prove an absolute evil. It will cause our farmers to redouble the efforts in the way of select ing that kind of aeed which will produce a crop earlier *ha« the usual time of maturity. Best of all, it will cause them not to re ly on.cotton as much ss they do now, bat to grow s diversity of ] products. In tome parts of the State much attention baa been given with splendid results to the growing of fruit and early vegetables. The cutting down ot the acreage devoted to cotton and the mote general engage ment in truck farming will re dound to the benefit of the Tex as people.’’ ( . - ' WEOIM KOJABtM TRIKE IS ND SUBSTITUTE i I ■ . Going to Have a Turkey for Thanksgiving Day?. , £3gB§nfib That's right. TBs place to get the necessary Cat Otass, 8U rnvut, Table Cutlery, Carving Seta, etc., to atafce that Tarkey ■how op right, is at Torrence’s Jewelry Store, Here the Sock la. ample and the prices reasonable. --- -Invited ■ ' «■ out to dine? "It'a op to yon* to idoct an appropriate «***»*• hflgtfi that will reflect credit on your tult in Ifi 1 ^ Tonanca'a yon con tad alansri —ytkhwr y— Might d*Jw A Cnt Glut Plate, Bowl. Vaae. Tankard, Bonbon Wak, n Silver Tan Bet. ' S agar Dish, Cream Pol. Ladlo, nt of Bpoona- Ouaka, IdiM. flol* ad Seta,.and ■ hundred articles in sterling goods- There ate many other suitable gifta. Coaaa aronnd and eonanlt o«r aioUt. • TORRENCE, the Jeweler. UPON THE DOLLARS GASTONIA SAVINGS BANK, L. JENKINS. Pm. L. C. HARDIN. CiikUr. Gastonia Banking Co. -Gastonia, N. C. - ■ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. $75,000.00 * - _ - State Bank Incorporated May IS, 1903 I . __ ... I' ‘0 J. -‘.-T’"' !■»■■■ ———i i - rr;. STATB AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY OFFICERS JNO. " -- --n-fi R.C.O.LOVB,VlMhw. •IAL A. PAOB, -- DIRECTORS ♦ ♦♦ «. e. o. Love <N«. r. Love • »•*« Levi «QfT. A. Leve H TIm tin** fa 1mm tor ym to and oor attire it the place. Superior quality, Ik* total and MOM up-to-date atylea.'and right price* at# ttodfedtogatok. In* feature* of ow ctotkin*. Don't take OM Mrf tor H— come and aea for yottneH. ‘fl A fan and coagtMa Hat atf Hate and Qant’a Parnkklng* atoo «k band. Ofv* na a cad—It wW kMro*., i -0 AAA || / W. A. SLATER CD _wana •'

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