2= THE GASTONIA Q«»t«» Cw«<y P—»«« = -n _Published Twice a Week—Tuesdays W. f. MARSHALL, Mtor uti Pro»rl«f r.DEVOTED TO THE PROTECTION OF HOME AHD VOL. JLXTV. GASTONIA, N. C., TUESDAY. DECEMBER S. STORE COO I IS ESS So busy sre we to-day sending out goods to eager customers that we haven't time to write an elaborate advertisement of our great store's contents. We {ust have to pack together some truths that you will find |ust so—lust as we tell them to you. s Our two great stores are overflowing with good things for sustaining life and cloth* Ing the body. ST if if if if More people are learning of this store's goodness every day. We not only adver tise, advertise a'great deal, but we are accomplishing a tremendous amount of good store-keeping along with It if if In every line stocks are standard, styles carefully chosen, our claims and promises lived up to. It Is money In your pocket to learn the full measure of this store's ex cellence. if if if if ST if We couldn't say these things If we were not absolutely sure of our ground. But come and see and learn. if if if Thomson Co. The People’s Store POINTS AND PARAGRAPHS ON TOPICS OF THE TIMES. Uodei this bead will W Delated trow time to time oat*worthy idfiucH oa theme* of correat libnu. They will bo taboo (row public aMtmeoa. book*, utinao. ntwtpaparo. la fact wboraeor we way lad them, low Htaoa tbaia —loot too, will accord with oar vtawa tad the ehwi of oar read' era •omcU'ae* tbe oppoaita will bo into, bat by ntiaaofth* aobloct warier, lb* style, the author able, or the views erp regard, each will haeo mm tlemeat of timely Intoroot to raaba It a coaaptcwawa WWnact. v, w^a_ High Triced rhytk. New York Prcaa When a man take* whiskey for medicinal purposes he pays whopping big doctor’s bills. Bretherkeed. Ham's Horn. It is no use calling a man "brother” at tbe church door if yon are not going to look on him as a brother at your own door . Ha Such Thing. Charleston K«e« and Coatitr. Does tbe [Waterbnry] American really tbink that ita views on the negro question should prevail in the South when they do not prevail in the North or anywhere in the world? There is no such thing as industrial and social equality for the negro anywhere in this country, no more in Waterbary [Connecticut] than in Charles ton, and there never will be as long aa white is white and black ia black. Is it possible tbst any theorist in the North is better quali fied to deal with this problem than the white men of the South, who live with it dey and night, an J who have never escaped from it since tbe time that the slave traders of England unloaded tnetr chattels on tbe people of the Sontb? Why R« Waa Nat Pramoted. Orta arwtt MarSra to "(UMM.” , He watched tbe clock. He waa always grumbling. He was always behindhand. He had no iron in hi# blood He was willing, but unfitted. He didn't believe in himself. He asked too many questions. He waa stung by a bad book. His stock excuse was "I forgot." He wasn't ready for the next step. He did not put his heart in hla work. He learned nothing from his blunders. He felt that be was above his position. He chose his friends among his inferiors. He was content to be a second-rate man. He mined his ability by half doing things. He never dared to act on his own lodgment. He did not think it worth while to learn bow. He tried to make "bluff” take the place of ability. H« thought be most take amusement every evening, Familiarity with slipshod method* paralysed his ideal. He thought it was clever to nee coarse and profane language. He was ashamed of his parents because they were old fashioned. He imitated the babite of men who could stand more than he could. He did not learn that tha best part of his salary was not In hla pay-envelop*. RICHES FROM A SEA BOTTOM. Turk* Getting Fine Fertnaen Frem Semites Treeeere Skin. Jiwhn ClrcaUr. Reader* have beard of the search undertaken bv Greek divers under the Turkish govern ment and the treasury discov ered iu the Russian admiral’s ship, sunk at Teberman at the time of the naval battle of 1770, when tbe Turkish fleet was com pletely destroyed. The icarcb has continued with striking suc cess. These fortunate divers have become rich, but tbe Turkiih government also has obtained some large amounts, inasmuch as it has reserved for itself tbe lion’s share. The fact is that the Russian vessel, which sank in a depth of thirty fathoms, abounds in pieces of gold and silver. At first the divers paid attention to the former only, of which they found full sacks. These pieces are mostly single, double and quadruple ducats. It has already been announced that on the first shipment to Constantinople the divers ob tained for their part the sum of 278.000 francs. The daily work of the divers amounts to from 5.000 to H),000 pieces of gold. A special boat of tbe admiralty, manned by officers of the Turk ish navy and by a government inspector, is stationed continual* ly at thia point. Bach tack drawn from tbe water is regis tered, the pieces counted and a receipt given to the divers. It appears that tbe bottom of tbe aea is strewn with silver pieces, which have (be dimensions and the weight of French crowns of five francs. Besides this money, the divers have drawn up various other precious objects, gold and silver crosses, jewels, images, swords, canes, especial ly an evangel, of which tbe binding of gold is ornamented with precions atones of great value. This is not the first time that such enterprises have been un dertaken tor tbe purpose of dis covering riches buned in tbe sea, but they have seldom yielded the desired results. It would be difficult to give even a summary of tbe innumerable fortunes engulfed. Among others an English bark, which foundered in 1799 off the coast of Holland, had on board ingots of gold and silver valncd at about thirty millions of which a very small part was recovered. The Royal Charter went down near l be Moelfram with a cargo worth two millions. The greatest fortnne engulfed was in tbe shipwreck of a French sailing vessel off the coast of Trafalgar. It carried a ton and a half of gold plates and five tons of silver plates, whose destination was tbe famous Cathedral of St. Jean de Malte. There were also a large number of precious stones, designed to embellish some relics contained in the cathedral, as well as to adorn, various religions objects belonging to chevaliers of the order and kept by them in their chapel. ONE ON THE PtESINENT. Tuu Daaghtsrs of tba Canted* a racy Adapt laaahttlaaa at Thanks ta tba CMat Magistrate at Nattoa tor Hla Viadkatien at Cum at Caatsdsracy. L'karlott* Cbreolcl*. Houston Texas, Dec. 3.—The Texas chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy to-day adopt ed the following resolutions. "Whereas the President of the United 9tates by bis recent course toward the republic of Panama, has shown to the world his endorsement of the princi ples of accession, and "Whereas, the people of the Northern States by their accep tance and approval of his course, have shown that they have been led by him out of the fog of ig norance to the bright realms of truth attained by tba Southern statesmen so many years ago, be it Resolved, That we extend to the President the hearty thanks of the Daughters of the Confederacy of tbe State of Texas, in convantion assembled, for his endorsement of tbe prin ciples and his vindication o< the cause for which the Southern people fought so gloriously but so disastrously in tht war be tween tbe Sutra. Dr. J. P. M tin roe, president of tbe North Caroline Medical Col lege at Devideoo, is seriously ill at nis home there. He become suddenly ill Wednesday night bnt the nature of bis illness is pnsaliag bis physicians. Subscribe for Tmi Gaxxttx, TRUSTEES rot WRECKS BANK ••war's StaaUaf tammi to Anal to $11$,M* ItaMH. Hat Exceed Aih(i hr VMM —Stockholders sad Si rectors WB1 Bara (a Os Dtin iato their Packet*. CWlott* Chroatcl* Releigb, Dec.4.—Judge Moors appoints W. B. Blades trustee of the wrecked Farmers & Mer chants' Bank, at Newbero. The directors and stockholders agree to pay off all uncontested claims in 30 days from date, and all couteste claims 30 days after their legality ia proved. Cashier Dewey'a stealings are fonnd to amount to$110,690. The liabili ties exceed the assets by $20,000. Stockholders and directors will have to pay out considerable of their own money. WILLIAM M. SWITCH KAO. Snccamba ts an Attach at Pan. — Death Occnrrad la Washiagtaa. Charlottt Chroairlc. Washington, Dec. 4.—Former Representative. William M. Springer ol Illinois,former Dem ocratic leader, conspicuous in the House of Representatives, representing forty-four to fifty sccbnd Congresses, inclusive, and once chairman of the ways and means committee of the House, died at his residence in city to-day aged 94 years. His death - was due to pneumonia contracted in Chicago Thanks giving Day. He attended dinner there and warn suddenly taken with a chill. He left Chicago the following day, and arrived here last Satur day afternoon. HU family phy sician was immediately sum moned, but Mr. Springer grew steadily worse. His condition became critical yesterday and a radical change for the worse oc curred last night. He sank rap idly and passed away at 3:25 this morning. LIQUID AID. Has DavsUsod lata a Mast Ia> Mint AM Ta Surgery. YorkvUta Huialrw. In 1399 Dr. A. Campbell White in the Vanderbilt Clinic, made experiments with liquid air in the treatment of csncers, ulcers, eczema, etc*, and became so en thusiastic that surgeons and physicians all over the world were inclined to regard him as a hopeless fanatic. They have since changed .their opinion. Dr. White claims the coined word, "radaerotberapy," indica ting a combination of the X-ray and liquid air treatments. The difficulty of obtaining a regular supply of liquid air retarded bis experiments for years; but to day that difficulty is removed. He used to ret a day’s supply at a time and keep it in a tin can, and it would all evaporate in a day, whether used or not. Prof. Dewar of London invented a glass >.u)b in which a gallon can be kept for three weeks. The difficulties of aoplieatlon have almost entirely disappeared and "radaerotberapy" promiles soon to become as common a practice at cauterization. Liquid air will transform any liquid or etber to the solid state. It will freeze alcohol solid, when the alcohol will explode violent ly If ignited. Toe and of a rabbit'sear being frozen solid it was broken ofi without psin or hemorrhage; in less than ten minutes the circu lation was perfectly restored and the wonnd began to bleed. When sprayed on yoor skin the latter at once becomes dead and color less in. less than a minnte tba part la frozen as hard as ice, but the circulation returns in a few minutes without the slightest in jury to the tissues. There is no pnin in the application. Snr ^0*0 anaesthetise with *lt can operate witboot the interference of so much as a drop of blood. Dr. White saved a boy’s haod with liquid air. A cs rtr idg# had exploxed in the palm, making a nasty wonnd. At first tba liquid was applied too freely, for it (rote th« wound so solid that the acalpel could not penetrate it After waiting about thirty sec onds the operation wss satisfac torily performed without hem ; orrbage or pnin. When tba boy rctorned in a few days the wound was in perfect condition, and it continued to improve un til well. The first mid-winter session of the North Carolina Press As sociation convened at Washing ton Wednesday with an at tendance of 100. MT.OUVE FOSTOFFICE B0SBE9 ItbAfiiillmllMMlIM la Caah lawit Goldsboro, Dee. 4.—Tbit morning Postmaster Flowers, of Monnt OUve, ’phoned Poet natter Dobton of thU cty, that the poitoffice of Mount Olive bad been entered by unknown Pf»»oaj tome tine during last ntcbt. The tale waa blown open and robbed of all the at am pa, paper and $200 in cash. Tbit is tbe second tine that the Mount Olive office hat been robbed within the last tie months. nstbtatf New Under the Sen. Wtlkwbvre Cfcrooicl*. The papers are filled up of long accounts about tbe Prssi deot'a daughter Mias Alice, rid. tag horseback a straddle. In the P«ks sad streets of Washington, /^•t’s Bothing to be proud of or to publish promiscuously. Sev eral yean ago the custom of rid inff astride on bull beck was in sags rated by as excellent lady in this place. But tbe custom lasted only ono day and nobody btagged about it. We see noth ing la sister Roosevelt’s per* formaoce to be proud of. Panama, Dec. 4.—Last night’a demonstration folio wing tbs signing of tbe canal treaty, was most enthusiastic. About 3,000 Demons took part la it, which foriiBwina waa a very large crowd. There wen cheers for the United States and for Presi dent Roosevelt. Prom tbe pal ace the crowd went to United States Consul Gudger’s residence and to the quarters of Admiral Walker, where there waa more cheering aad the playing of national airs by a baud of moaie. The treaty will be turned over to Mr. Gudger to-day, who will immediately advise Washington* thereof. _ It will be enveloped in Panamaiaa and American flags. Mr. Gudger will keep the docu ment until December 8, when he will send it to tbe United States. If Admiral Walker leaves for New York December 8 by the steamer City of Washington he will take the treaty with him. If not Mr. Gudger wilt acrid It to. Washington by the Panama Steamship Company. ■aM Paata Claua: - Tla ]-nail aw (Tha anlaaah laahad )*l n ~1 -AM each af you wilt paw raealaa HI* raartr Chrtataaaa tmnt Bat 1-4 ha gtm* K ararr m WaaM maatloa what hard ttta tha haot Tha Tapir aaMi -Thai plahaaa aaa; [-H atau aaaamctt/. ItwMan If I map ha a* h*M aM fraa Tb* aatr thlap 1 ear* rap WmM b* tha** aaalchaa aa tha ahaU With Which T4 Uha ta Mphl atpaMC Oiaait Brttplp la^tabavaal' bahMaal minimal law raanaMtap theaa af aorta af the A merle an Ptlaa Aoeordh tha Landau (Mir Malt tha plan •■dor mnaMarattoa la that af as trial panal aettbnaaiit for tha < hrardt of mch -taMtaala. rtal effort* world bo mad* to taihirtac thSTSopto ***** ** paad oooto rt bat art/ m paohaBor*** VKOLB ROUBLE natmmiummuiM % i CHILDREN’S JACKETS. BtgLot.fOMdBarttlmMYcatei'a. Blue, Gray, Tan, and Red. wkOt tkcy loot,,«df #Lft : the dSidm SSJ^Sfwm JAMES F. YEAGER. COUNT YOUR MONEY! 9utkti« show that C States ova deposits ia PgjSffiajB asaiaiasaMaaf owned 1 » ra :: $409.23 ■ W?'#-" : ■■■'■■: ••'• ':••'■ ■' GASTON LOAN A TRUST CO. W. T. I-OVE, PrcsMast. r a M.Uf.T T I WELL BALANCED. . . i i - GASTONIA SAVINGS BANK, L. L. JENKINS. /Va.L. MAMDUt\ Cmtitr. Gastonia Banking Co. ■" Oaatonld, N. C.. : ■ ■ —■■■.— CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S7MOMT — • State Bank laeafpontN May IS, ISOS _ " “ ' " ‘ 1 1 " ‘ •*;*■ ■—■ *—■ -■ - STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY __ OFFICER® ♦ ♦♦ JNO. P. LOVE. PrtMtit R.C.O. LOVB,Vte« Pr*a. JM. A. >AMt. ■‘tiTTii DIRECTORS ♦ ♦♦ a. e. •. lovs <»•. s. uta t«f« •••T. A. Ufa I When In Doubt ABOUT TOUR CLOTHE*. LET U» HR>

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