Oar East Gaston cotrrspon dence relates that Colonel Robert «•*■*«■ and learned things crii,n *° tbal tb* capitol of oar aoighbcriny rsiMirrr ffwasrsrj^s we throw oat the remark that it *■ op to Mr. Bdgar Love to ****** the Etad hand to Colooe! Abenetby and op to both of thea to take the Idle Comment **•■ •* tbeCbertotte Observer «omd the town and show kin the eights. - ' UMONAOE THE LATEST WET 2 WUHain 8. McLain, of Sooth Point, a brother of Mo, Dr. R. H. Adams, was married to a MJaa Guy. of Lowrysvilte. 8. CM tbe Ahenwthy has deposi ted $7,532 30 is the Commercial Mat****1 Bask of Charlotte, the tall amount of coaaty taxes due tbe State IocMbT Rev. James Boyce, Jr., writes from Lonuvilk, Ky.. to bis fath er, Rev. 8. B. Boyce, that it snowed there last Saturday and Sunday. _ ..Tteeja a young stranger at Mr. W. H. Jenkin*\ It I* a girl and ready for the Christinas tree. Mr. A. B. Rhyne of Gastonia township, wm robbed in Char lotte last Thursday night the Wtb of about $80. The mas wta» jot hia money was captured l,temopey recovered except $10 which bad been expended! It is reported that a certain man sent his team for a barrel of com juice, and on reaching a little town on the Carolina Ccd *»1. which we will call B-, the driver noticed that both hia horses had lost their collars and remembering that "necessity is the mother of invention" he bored two boles through the **te °f the wagon, and Polhng the hones' tails through the bmes and tying a knot on «*d of each, he drove ofl with ** a»r of complacency *and re marked to a companion. "Truth is stranger than fiction.” Wh. ft* U7 There was a fisticuff in town taut Tuesday night. A trifle over four dollars paid for it. *»• Vn the Qrsem? Miss Mollie Hill, one of Gas 1°®’* hit daughters, was married the 12th. Thanks, for cske and an abundance of it. fcra Tea 6et ft Tat. Sheriff? Sheriff W. C. Aberaethy showed as the other day an Irish copper cola that is over 100 yean old, bearing data 1778, with the likeness wl George III. The coin has been remarkably well kept and is a cariosity in the way of old money. rs. ism. Mr. Miles Hoffman has re* tarned from bis botiaess trip to Arkaniti* R. A. Lewis has sold his farm to Mr. B. E. Ratchford and will move to Lincoln county near Iron Station. plejwant features of Christmas ia this town wps the Christmas tree at the Academy last Monday sight. Every child inside the incorporation under “* *«T twelve yean was made f® f Vn*at of some ®cy. J. J. JCenndy opened the emciaes wilban appropriate address and Mr. W. C. Huddle* Moo performed the office of Kris £ri»fle to the satisfaction and dcligiht of all. The Gastonia Cornet band entertained the nodieoct with sweet music. Prom the Dallas correspondent Doc. 26—Mrs. Withers, a sister ®> Mr. Jonas Hoffman, in cwm* pnny with her d mghter, is on n visit to friends here, from Illinois. Wr. J. L. Clenuner and family “ Mtowsy, Tenn, are visiting at Major Matthews’. Missesi Pannie, Ssllie, and cSLJr2£_"‘ Warn Ten Thera? The festivities of Christmas •petMd bm by tbs young peo 9*t • Msfng n pleasmri "soci sbJe- .t the residence of Mr. R. C. G. Love last Friday night. Among the large number -of young ladies present we no deed Mlm Emma Parks, of Pine viMe, and Mias Katie Page of II nrladta rU • Late WedDeadly arcsine about 3 o’clock, tba work train on tba Cheater and Lenoir Narrow Oaten Railroad going up ike ftiadboda terrible fate at Lone Croak traatle. The traada was knock ad to diet! and tba an* at ran flat can ss. svsft 100 foot of the traada want to ^ i||> fata • — -1 . 7 a a „ f* a *L I/I7 \rflL /' # f RYU ON ENGLISH SOIL [Vk.*'V ^ .x "* *. .*.**;•.*' Nottod Nebraskan’s Method o! Stitaielcj In London. Kuua umi AUQoamoM all Tntmm, Mlwn tad rOMw ruMik ■■ Web aa Aakhaaoadoea •Ml Other* •« Biatlaetlaa. Are Tknaitkh Sar«la*>a . Ha Sa torhe HmwM— at Hears aaage “* toaata TteMaa Prallaa WHS aal niaehlaa. Unrlog tba caorae of kb systematic sightseeing to Ess land. UUUaiu Jen ■Utna Brian, the noted Nebraskan I linefeed at the Cheshire Che—e tar an flan street. Laudou. occs PJhtS the a»«t which.' accordlug to a tabtat In the wall, was the favorite ant * Ur. Sarnoel Johnson. sad remarked (fast be wee Id know tha portrait any* rhn became of the family reaesn Mt»w to Tom Johnson. oaya Cliarlas Mlcbritou In a tpecial cable dlaputcb fruto Lomiwi to lire New York A own cauL Hr. Uryas's laucb consisted at Mewed otrak: but. betas a teetotaler, ba bad to forego the bitter beer which Dr. Johnson found mi acceptable. Be esp ied from tbr uuna the Joboeou qaola (toit. “No. dr, there la uotblss which baa been routHred by loan by which to uioch Uapplnvea baa been prod add aa by • good la vara." aod lodoned tba aoMimcot Naturally be bought a book •boot tbr place, as be buys a book about everything be area and. what la morr. mule tbaoi. Bryan la about tbr moat vunsetea ttoaa rigblmer that rear tbr werkl’t toetrogolia Ideotilted, and tt daaa Iden tify Bryan. Wherever ba goes be la recognised, and there la about aa much curiosity about Ulus ao there Is about the king of Italy, who to aba to Lon don, It araa this king who gave Bryan him Bret sight of royalty. Bryan woe returning from tbr Cheshire Onset when a prorwlno earorllng the nett ing ruler vunte along the Thainea »m baokmeat from UuthlhalL and the apostle of Deatocracy found hbueetf haaamrd Id by a crowd Is front of flom «wt Botaw. The Mobankmeet wsa lilted with aoldleeo and policemen, nnd Bryan nttm found what waa rspeeled aod waited on the eklewalk for (be royal carriage to come. King Edwiatd was uot lo Ik* prucra •loo. but the (Vluca of tValea tod tbr Dub* of Connaught were. Ho Mr. Bry an bod a n«jd rlew of Ihra: also of tba king aad iiaren of Italy. Thtlr outjaetlra looked a good deal bo rad by tbr whole proceeding, and something af tbe name expression waa noticed on tba face of tbe great Nebraskno. Bin only ramturut oa tbe royal pa rade waa that ll«e English people aerat ed to tike tbetr dignitaries phllnaepb tealty. Tbe arst stage In bla exploraiiaa of Loadoo ltd Bryan to U’eatmlngter ab bey. The rerger took hlaa through and pointed oat tbe tombs of forgo Mas kings, murdered princes and bebraded rotate* lo tbr atognoog way peculiar to the tribe af exhibitors of famous Ptecra. Dart, aa »kaewb«*r. Rryaa waa I borough aad ayatetof tic. Ktret be thor ttaghly Inapertrd tbe beaatlfal build tag oa all aldee: tbea be took tbe dec ora dona. panels aad carriage la tbe aarr aad transept, sternly averting bla •yaa from the monumcoti aad to cabs aatU be bad secured a |imp‘i Impraa tea* of their aurronodtaga. Tbea he want with tbe eeiger. aad that gowned guide had a new experience. Rryaa did oat disturb him la hla recital of the aamee and deeds of mere kings nod queens, bat be cross quest looed him rlonaly about eeery tomb that boMa tba body of a mao dtettagukthad far what be did roe tbe paagla. Ha tarried at tba spot from which Cromwell's body was tom after tbb ruetoratioo to be baaged and spent amch time la the parts* comer. He would not dleeuas ths egret of so roach fancied royal splendor, hut them waa with Mai all tbe time Ms son. riTKlam faster, and It waa easy from tbe man ner te which br called tbe boy's atten tion lo tbr rloleuce of tbe death of an many'great cues of English history to rood hla mind. He was trenwndooaty Im praastd by tbe banaty of tbe abbey It self. but tbe record af murders, behead ten sad rMallooa of tbr mpalebtr —dr g Stronger I rep TO—Isa noon him than did the glory of tbe dukes and hi ana of Magiaud. teyia differs from tbe majority of »merteaa elghtnearu m l.iadia. He eanlbr wants to par and bear and dam not rare who known that be la a ton drrfm la I. sod an. He qaaatlana re aijhady—tnidesmeg. policemen. rate Man aad port era. sa web aa aaabanaa dora aod ethers of distinction He pays all »ha*gew without objeetto* and aaaeta the tipping question without diorb lag. bn* br asks tbe rakraaii at] ■bote theiwselrea. their earn I age, tbalr bhdaay. and abnoeha knowledge at re *T Maw of hla Jnunroyiaga. The tetiiHf boater, gulden and ratakigaan which he baa already relWrted weuki —be a «ra* rtatsa mart far a library of Load is ref* rente. mrw »*!•>. until Arr—M+t i« a writer la Harper* Weekly. a IMWM4 HleOee arte* da*. JaaMIe Cheater Hoar. jr ifawii af ahaa la Ite Chieetta aatoeteMy. ban aw mi d Hart (hr tear teat a* Mala aa ahtm la Ita rapadW (a ra—te (a rateraai ohaaiaa (a alter watte Ita frrlteMIKr ar aaawrtmwaa ate N la teen that, amordlaa to IMa wat tkrrr la aa raaradal dWMtmr httatra Mtoab ate atnatet that a ter a* (tea. to teat h aa IrrtiahW ate indilti ta •hr bawaa ktey. rente i. ha aaye a ter af tree eae hr hMm that to te iwtete af (to iiaddnii ai ten tar fail aa aa aehaal araaaWte rae hr kited. fekfrtef PoMleatiow of our next iaaoo to feall ibe work tbU afternoon • ■ 4 to-Morrow. Admtiom sssaass gggsgg«ya^ REW USE FOR FOOTBALL Yale Instructor Applies the Sport to Greek Verse. aim with hakyaep thf toko. •k S Sl Wrlabl*a Tklary la TWf Saaikall Anaaaaa thr Mar Satka «»— *a Inliia Taa.k 1k>i ■>»!< Patiala.4 la thr -Iliad" a ad ~ud raaif IwiilrH la Paa ml Olka* ■wa-kiani Kaaaaaaa Mad* tm aim KooHjall aud the daaak-a urc bring bMaUanl la tbr looraa of ilrrvt at Vala. aaja a Srw Dim dlapatcii la ! Uaa PklladcipbU I'rcta. Nrorlj a b«a (trail pucoja nt-rollj written lu Unmet-, le Tatar on the .object of tbr Yale IlarranJ fnottaill game warr |irmmucd bjr member. of Dr. n. a YVrtglit'a Greek clanara. I Tb* poems al* closely modeled oc the “Iliad." and spretal uttvottoo to the me Of Homeric spUbot waa rrqulivd of tbr students. Instead. however, of refecoiuvs to "twlft rooted AcblUra" •od “Ajax, who bore hi* xbleld like a ! tower.'' It ara* “ tinrnbock with ble back eloped like a tuonntalo" uad “hag bead'd, red Umilad Uortwell." TUe poeuia wrrv tbe result of a pita Of Dr. 11. II. tVright. Instructor la Greek, to amuse tbe Intermit of tbe •todenta and ta ruuilllarlxe them with tbe cocatrwtloo of tbe epic nnr. Hie theory la that tbe amor of football «rouses tbe saute fivtlug or latent* eutbntln'ut In the modern yontli that tbe event* uem rllad In the •illad" uad tlw -Otlyma y" Inspired tu tie- men of fbrnwr times. Actoedlagly be OHKtaau offer of extm cmllt to tis-oibcra of Ms flaaac* who would prevent poems along tb* line* laid dewu. TUe general uad enthtnlasllc rsspoaaa. br any*, con •m* blci In bla tbeorj. Tbe offer wn* made tifter be bad tried ratnty to Interest bla cUinara lo Graek. The In Lucasge and lofty neutl moots of linuier bud uo effect oa (be majority at the arodratm. a-lio wrool tumble to net the spirit of I be poetry. Itftrrlug to Uml n cout.-nipoiitneou* ex amptr of tbr feeling which inspired part of tbe world'* grruteat llterulure be Umuij In uf the game of football. “t>oolbidl Is mu and vivid to every ooc of them tu'o." be aald In explain ing bis Wen. “II amuses tbe name lo teuw iulnilmtlon tint I H ntaalfeai Id Homer. ItnlTi-rty. 11.won and Hbevltn occop.r pnelilou* aliuoat like dciotgxMla of old In tb:- estimation of tbe under graduate*. They arc sot unfitting aab JocU for bevole iwetry: ibt>y have many of tbe qtialKIcntloaa strength, courage, daring and bruin* Tbr l at tile la one Is which the strong of body, the quick of eye and I ho awtft of foot xvUI tri umph. Tke poetry which I bave rend Is eery satisfactory and abowa tliat the SMB bave vnngbt tbe spirit I desired. Many of ttn> epithets are truly Homer ic." Tbe follov. lu't l» n part of one of tbe porta hatid.vl In: TMa la the aeblr array which RatJcctT mighty In battla. Lad lo tbe glorious remain under the boanv (due larner runner the mighty line tutlrr. low smashing. l a a* a ouanu.ln. Guarded tbe center buck r..UJ; Metcalf tb* speedy, at cod next him Holding the line at tu* right lung. and Mltrhrtt at.aid hard by his left hand gbevUn. Whom Henna*, they say. bad given bin wundeeful aundala Guarded ibe for right wing, atrmtg In of.rjv or Uefer.ifve: Bockwall. the crapy wus tbara class behind Horsbsch. miter. Whom Bloomer, the mighty line smasher. and Datchstdsr. strong ss a bttUoek. Aided on eltber side. PASSES FOR HEAVEN. toe. Paw to delta* Mia tea os wee wm Own* halos to Wwelhy. The right to tome free panes to hear *a to those -be may recommend was claliuod by Jolm Alexander Dow lo In bla add ran* at /.bin City tbe other aft ernoon. soya the Chicago Hecoed-Her ald. Tbe speaker dwelt at length on bla rlaltu of Ma« seat to numuutd the world. He wild: “It a tarter* not wbat people cay or mm. but II does uad will matter wbat > *«> of them at tb* day of judgment. A hub's imwer la ben ran la lo be mens need by bis work on earth, sod as mine l* one of tbe greatest my ward at the Jadgtoem day will be worth something. It will coast macb wbat I recoin ■ f n it *• Alarmed at rtie spread of the cigarette habit among tbe yonnfr people of Nntley. N. J.. the citisena of that town are form ing an anticigarette leagtte, in which women are to take a lead ing part ~l-b_''-Li_LL! _ . J_LB. IS BAN ON CORSETS. ■■•lUniHii tVaarlaa a Cnual* *»••«»< tla# lUaml irtMt. Fhvhap* ii I* too much to *uy that tbe “new woman' lata Inaugurated a campaign agalaet femlaiue tradition* bat U I* crrtnlo that rrorn lead* ami Birmingham bUau bare been aonnded upon the trniupeti of thr antlcuraet eruaada. while In London and ibe Mb nrha the new rainy day »k1rt, which within (lie lart few month* bus hero acen In lame number*, la already work ing a reform lu tcurbing women tu be careful bow they walk, aaya the New York Herald. League* bare been formed for the aeppreoaloo of that Brat mcotloaad ar* tMa. which baa ao lung been regarded aa taacntlul lo feminine dreaa, and men are betas enrolled among tbc membera. That women are bad walker*—many being pigeon teed—1* declared tn be one revclailou of the new *k!rt Pliya leal eel tv rM a. dlacuaniug tbe <| oration. «J thd greateat off coder la ibe tunn olab gtrl." whom* abciupt to aaanue man'a can* and freedom la an abeord mimicry IValrb * woman going up atalra at a railway nation In nine caw* out of ten they will plod lubort onaly «n>- tlielr feet routing down at ei ther able of Ibe etalr. tore luru.d In. to alltlng. too. woineuwuv pllly of a nmnber of aim of awkwanlnea*. A ■tout woman Invariably ail* ■iiuarety, with ber feel planted twelve Incbea apart. Tin* lean woman wind* brr feet about tbe leg* uf tbc ctidlr or ebw rraaae* her leg* ami thnwt* her faet oat la from uf ber. while thr amnll woman eltlier «lt» with her feet dan Kilns In a Uulpleu* wny or pen bea ber ••If on a high arat with one foot touching tbe ground and thr olber booked nrauiid the aukle of the Itrat. The MMI Mums. (Thr Stadium undoubtedly lark■ a orv tabi Indefinable somrihlng- a orrtaln J* "• ants quol —Harvard Monthly For Oe MWr.) W1*m I boon bucko tho oontor For aalna of many a yard. When MartoHlock plays tark>« And knivnlnfi (bent playa bard. Wbon soulful skier ora punctured And frtomled noddlan Jarred. When 8udrrmar.ua In crimson Uport nucleus In bfun. Whrn srUd. esthetic ptuncm Tbs drill with wounded strew. Whan TVLcuvro -Rrrurrectloa la rvsd in tuiag men la Alim Arthur Win* Pierre Is cssrhla* ail lbs pack. When problem playa arc Taking The place of taokles back. When Kamurd Shaw is punting Hey end the cl price track. Wbm crowds await CV Asnunsie's fTlie refreee'ai command. When Cork/ leads lbs ckesring Aod kleksrd Strauss the band Ah. then the Harvard Monthly Will think tho Stadium Brand! —Harvard Lampea Coats at of Two Chare. Two clwfa. one named petit and em ployed Id a Plttabarg- hotel, tltr other named Dowst and superlntrorilnu ths culinary department of a hostelry la Montana, arc going to have a cooking contest, sojrp tbs Minneapolis Times. Each will serve a dinner of seven courses, the ooe producing the brat meal to reevire 11.000. Uowat believes In cooking without the ose of ll.luoc» while Petit contends that ninny rl nods ran be grrslly Improved with a dasb of brandy nr wine. The contest win not only test the skill of tin* men. bat show whether fine cocking con be done on lines of teetotallsm A con test Hke that la worth while we used mors cooking matches and fewer prise fights. Takes keery Iking. “They my Snatchem takes whatever be sees." “Good brsveus. bow bard for his family!" “Oh. he’s not a kleplomaalar. flea an amateur photographer."—Hill«il I phis Hulierln. Subscribe for The Gazette. PLAT1N0TYPES charm all who see them. The most beautiful pboto graoh made. Guaranteed absolutely permanent. All first-class photographers are making them. Samples ou exhibition nt :: :: :: :: Green's New Studio Davis Stock Skoac I ST Prepare For Christmas! TREMEMPOUS STOCK OF FURNITURE TO SELECT FROM. !■—■■■ ■"< " . t hsnkaglvlng over end oor fecee turn toward Christmas. May It be e very happy one to all ear customers. We have more things than ever before to help yoa make It happy. 4 4 PICTURES. UMBREILA STANDS. LEATHER COUCHPR MORRIS CHAIRS. FURNITURE NOVELTIES. In short" »~7^T mendou» stock of Furniture of all kind*. * A A x Year coming here end giving us a chance to gain your patronage Is bound to result In mutual benefit. Come. + + 4» ♦ + ♦ * 4 + 9S-SBSS9a9SBBSBBSB9BBBaeKBBaK9E=aeS9SBS=S5=SSSSSSS59a9E9e~=99SSS Williams Furniture Co. »• * *■ . i .*• - ' > • • •• V. - - - - — - — .. ■■ ——— ■ —•—— A MERRY XMAS to YOU AND YOURSI + May the day be pleasant, the dinner good, the tur key done to a turn, the pudding hot. *lMay you receive as gifts the things you moat desire, ami may the day be, as it should, the most enjoy able one of all the year. + CURRY CO. Admiaistrator’s Notice. NXC-, tl»l» i« tn notify ail person* srwiSSi cn of or fore ibf 22a4 <i; at Jiassiy, JMI. or cbirnullce will b» dM In bu of tbtrlt £J. OPERA HOUSE CHRISTMAS DAY and RIGHT. December 25th. The Seas mi’s Event In Every American C’ty. Mildred Rouclere Hreaantlag the Trarttty “HIE aKiMT Of PRMCESS IBS" 30 People In the Cast. < «*k wctaltk* IwM br U* »«I«M hi in VaudarUla The Kitimirai Royal Jmme Troupe Fr« >*• taNilH Court H donna. 152 Colonial Trio c»«» Haat.r, R„»anl ar»...t Skarwoad Pa* and Wnrda. Bolnmit a ad aUara Secure aeats early at Tor rence's Drug Store. rrnf. Jaaea Challenge Cana art Band will five grand street parade at IS a'eleck anon. Mat nee Prices 23c, 33c, 50c Night Prices 35c, 50c, 75c Matinee 2:30. N»ght 8:30 Subscribe for Thk Gastonia Gazette. Winsome Cravats and Mufflers. make an Weal Xmas present that will be appreciated by any man. Our holiday lines of these are the handsomest ever shown here. Cravats in all the newest silks, weaves, designs, colors, and shapes-25c to 50c Mufflers made of choicest Ori ental Silks, Brocade,plain, white, black, polka dot. etc. These make gifts that will be useful. Many other articles for men’s wear at ROBINSON BROS The tUboSukm. HOLIDAY OPENING DAY AND NIGHT THIS WEEK. _ • DON’T MISS IT! The prettiest and most up-to-date line of Watches, Chains. Rings, Brooch Pins, Solid Silver Brushes, Mirrors, and hundreds of other silver articles. Full line of Gold Plated Mirrors, Jewel Cases, Clocks, Photo Frames, etc., Gold and Silver Headed Um brellas, Leather Pocket Books and Hand Bags. A full line of Art Pottery and so many other articles that we can’t enumerate them, so come and see for yonrself. Don’t take our word for It—Santa Claus says "I’ve been climbing np and down chimneys for centu ries and know from experience that the most pleasing and lasting presents for old and young are to be found at the Jewelers so I have established myself at Torrence’s, and until further notice the firm will be SANTA CLAUS AND TORRENCE, Jewelers.

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