®£] THE GASTONIA - — Published Twice a Week—Tuexlay and Friday. W. t. MAS SMALL. UUm «d4 PwyrlXw. DEVOTEP TO THE F10TECTI0M OF HOME AMP THE IMTOfyn ffF TO COUHTY. QA9TONIA. K. C.. TUESDAY. DECBMBBR 30. 1&Q3. " to he “Blazed Trail * S? CM/p/fti, ft93. »jr yttk.pi me*mr* xvm. rttn WtU ***T nOUMLl WAIT T# ttAO THE EAAZEH • Mil LATEI If PIT m#v. • ^ CHAPTKH I. I f P *>»twot» of atreaam drain I I lug tba cuif-ro portlonof Mich I X I ,**B *Bd aa the kag Inaw wnterm tba meat firm of Morrison A Duly bad for man/ /tan on rated on exteimlve luiglng operations In tba wlkleraeas. Now at Inst, In Ilia aarly etgtitiaa, tbay reached tliw and of thetr bold In Cl Another winter would finish tbe cut. At Ibis Juncture Ur. Dal/ called to lilai John Kadway. a man whole Uc know to poaaeaa cxteoelve experience, a little capital and a deal re for more of both. utU1 when the two foaiid llunuaelvaa e'looeTn the «un of. •*, "v* expect to cut tbla /ear eoino 00.000X100, which will Onleb eur pi»" hoMlnga la the Saginaw watan. Meet qf tbla timber Uea over In tbe Rrookad Lake dlmrtct. and that rr* expact to pot la oo tael roe We owa, beweror. 5XJOOXWO OO the Cone branch which wo wodd like to lag oo contract. Would you cam to take tba Jobf "How much a thonaand do /no «lT#r aaked Had way. "Poor dollark." replied the lumber mas •TH look at It." raptlad tho Jobber. Mo Bodway got tbe “daecrlptioma" aad a Utile map divided Into townships, ■actions aod quarter arcrioas and weat •at to look at tt Ha searched aaul ha found a -blear” on a tree. tho martins oh which Indicated It aa tha corner of a section From tUla corner the bound ary Hues wore biased at right ancles la either direction Had way fallowed tho biased lines. Thus be wts able ac curately to locate Isolated "forttaa” (forty actual, "etKbtiaa. quarter sec tions and sections In o primeval wtldag dcsb. The fust, howarer. required con siderable woodcraft, sn exact aunts of direction and a pocket compam. These resources were still farther drown Upon far lbs next task. Oad way trnuipod the woods, bills and val leys to determine tlie moot practical route over wtlieh to bufld a tossing rood from the standing timber to the shores of Can branch. Hs found It to be in affair of aotno ptmstement. Tbo pines stood on a country tuning with bills, drop with pot bo lea. It became neceeaury to dodgo lb and oul. here and titers, between tha knolls, around aod through tha swamp*, still keeping, however. In the same general direction sod preserving si way* tbs requtait* level or down grade. Rod tray bod no vantage point from which to surrey lbe country. A city man would promptly bars lost himself In tbs tangle, but the woodsmen emerged st lest on tbs' banks of s atrusm. I sav ing behind him a meandering trail of dipped tree*. “I’ll take It,- said ha to Daly. Daly now proceeded to drive a sharp bargain with him Customarily a Jobber Is paid a car tain proportion of the agreed pries as aaeh Stags of the work la completed. Daly objected to this 'method of pro cedure. -lou tee. Radway." he explained, “It's our last aassoa In the country. When this lot Is In we want to pull up stake*. so we can't take aay ebsnoaa on net getting that timber in. If you don't finish your Job. It keeps na here another season. There can be no doubt, therefore, that yea Singh I your Job. lo other words, we cunt take any chances, if you start tha thing. you've gut to carry It 'Way luruufu. 1 “I tblak l can. Mr. Daly” tba job bar aaaarcd him. -Phr that reneoeu" went on Daly. “*• object to poytag you a > the work progreeeee. Wf»e got to bara a guar notar that you don't nail «■ oa and tbit tboaa logs will ba driven dawn tba branch aa far aa tba rlrer la dna to cntcb oar drift.. Therefor* I’m going to Binkr you a good plica per tbooaaod. bat payable only when tbe toga art dell tried to our river men." Bodway. with hie naval arentoi atti tude of oaa anxtoua ta Juattfy tba oth er mas. ended by analog ooly bin em ployed argument He did not par catra that the tatted propoattloa la tradaead lata the traedectles a gam bling element. It baeaoM poaalbla for Marrtaoo * Daly to grt * carta In * mount of work abort of abaotataeom hMtioa iteue far nothin* All tide waa In Angnet. Radway. who w*m a good, practical woodaman. ant ahovf.tbojoblmmidlataty. Uagath *cad a craw, aataboabad a camp and began at aaca la cut made thrown tbs country ha had a bandy biased an l.la formar trip. Badway*a taek area not marrty to leral out sod balloat the ats feat a* , roadbed slroady conatiurtad. bat to rat s way far dva alien through the unbroken vet idem eon. Tba way bog. moreover, to ba »ot tarn than twaaty Ivr rant wide, needed la ba abeelatejy level and fret from Shy Mad ef eta »ow«Uaaa and ran air ad la tbe rwaaape liberal knife art ug with pnfee. aaOad aar dorsjs- Hat anly aiaat the growth be e—aead, bat tba roata mat ba rat net rj «*• jMRgsHdaa af the graaad tar etajL.atV'Ttttad ^ Ba*art fartbaa tba, —' "^•wny had baa brief tfa* St bla dhgaasl hot s ew maaiba si m»m. , :i'MwapivsSfc * • ... V V* Am Micas pioneer expect* to encounter u c mcrter of courae The jobber of coarse poshed bta faada <« rapidly an possible. but wn* Braattjr bnudlcapped by lark of men. Winter set In early and aurprlaod blm With several of the smaller branches yet to a u tab. Tba main Una. boar ever, war di.rar. At Interval* aqnarea were eat out nlongwtdr. In Ibetu two tong timbers or akbta we™ laid ondlronwlae for the reception of the piles of log* which would be dragged from lb* fallen tree* They wets called akldway*. Then Bnally lb* season's rot began. Tba men who wata to fell ttic trees ttadway distributed along oo* bound ary of a “forty." They war* Inatrnet *d to more forward acres* the forty la a straight tine, felling every ptne Ire* over right IdcJmw la diameter. While the law gnuga. three Id camber, pee]land ta fell the am trees, other men called swampers were bony cut ting and clearing of root* narrow lit tle trail* down through the forest from the pine to the akldway at the edge M the logging rand. The trails ware perhaps three feet wido and marvels of •mootbnea*. although no attampt was mad* lo level ware laaqualtUeo af the ground. They were called trnvoy reads (French trevolsi. Dawn them tha logs would be draggsd and hauled •ilher by o»ao* of beery steel toaga or a abort sledge on which on* sod of the timber w*uhl be chained. Meantime tha anvryers were bony. Bach pair of man aelectrd a tree, tba Bret they encountered over the blaaad line of their forty. After determining la which direction It wa* to fall they aat to work ta ebup a deep gash In that aide of the trunk. Tom Brood bead and Llccrj Foul picked out a tremendous pine, which - they determined to throw acroas a lit tle open apace In proximity to the trevoy road One stood lo right, tba other left, and alternately their age* bit deep. Tom glanced up at a sailor WOKS KKITu ’ She ll do. Hank." to Mid. Tto iwu tlwa with a dosan half dips of tto ax removed tto laeqoalltlm of tto talk from tbs saws path. Tto long flexible ribbon of slcsl began to atsg.'beoUIng so sdnptabiy to tto kanda and motion* of tto man manipulating that It did uot seem possible to mo bile an Instrument could cat tto rough pine. In a moment tto song changed timbre. Without a word tbe men atralglitvrwd their backs. Tom flirted along the blade a thin straam of kero sene oil from a bottle to bla hip pocket, and tto sawyers agnlo bent to tbelr work, away tag back nod rorth rhyth mtenUy. tbelr muscles rippling under the texture of tladr woolens Uke tboae of a panlbsr under Its akin. Tto out er edge of tto mw blade dlMppcared. "Better wedge tor. Teas.” advised Bank. They paused while, with a toavy ■ledge. Tcm drove a triangle of steel Into tto crock made by tto Mwlng. Thla prevented the weight of tto tree from pinching tto mw. Then tto rhythmical a-a-s, «-n again took up Its song. When the trunk was nenrty severed Tool firorr another sad thicker wedge. -TUBberr halloed Hank la a long drawn melodious call that melted through lb* wood* Into tbe distance. Tbe swamper* ceased nrorb and with drew to Infety. -Crack!- railed tbe tree Haak coolly unbooked Ua tiw haa dla, aad Tom draw tbe blade through aad opt tbe other aide. The Ire* shivered, then leaned aver so slightly ream the petvradleolar. then fall, at fiftt xwtlj. afterward with a crescendo rush, tearing through the branches of ether trees, beading tbe small timber, breaking the amaUset aad al last bitting with a tremendous crash and bnug which filled tbe air with a foe of etuen twig* needle* and the powder of anew. Thee the iwawpn*. who bare by oaw laiehrd tbe traroy road, trimmed the prostrate trunk dear of all pro tuberance*. it reqaired fairly skillful •« *«k. Tbe Iwaaebas bad to ba shared rtoee and clear, aad at the ■aiae time tbe trunk must not ha It*abed- And often a man waa foraed to wield hie Instrument from a coo strained pnaltloa. Tbe chopped branches and Mmb* had sow to be dragged dear aad piled. While this was being fin Wad Tom aad Haak amrhed off end sewed the tog lengths, par lag das attention to the aniath ef weakling knot*, forks tad rotten pin re* Tbo* acme of the toga were etchtceo. some sixteen or fear toee end some only twelve feat la length. Meat appeared tbe toe meters with (heir little wooden sledge* thetr steel (kain« aad their mm* They bad been helping «h* atlddies to place the par allel and tern bangs* *r skids, on which Mw togs were to be piled by the side of the raed. The tree which That and Hart Imd ju*t tolled ley ap a pto tle #!«pe from ftw new traroy read, aa •title fsbl-in |jtrsnai. the tiswstsi demis'd the Hie ef hit taami to the ~wt *f !hr leryeat or haft leg. -Alls* 14elty~ be cried. A hi me. base, etopbeafta* bee bead dew* sues atom to bar sheet laililltl IT-ntly spying her steps. moved. The I'M bait rolled over. Mid three foot and uu-uaccd a stomp. "fleer cried Laveqar. Moll/ slopped twice dlredly aido Wlaa. planted lier forefoot on u root alt* lad aaea aad pulled sharply. The end of tbe toy MM nroood tbe stomp. "Alb»r commanded Ureqn*. Aad Molly startad ytoftriy down tba bllL 8be pulled tbe timber, heavy as an trou uafe, bare and tburd tbroucb tbe brush. miaul ay no steps, maklny uo (alar toorre, boeklny sod finally yettiuy out of tbe way of in uucx pc*-uil roll with the ease nnd latent geiue of Isivwtua blntaMf. In Sea uPuulea tbe harden lay by tbe traroy rood, lu two initiate* more one end Of H had been rolled op tbe little flat M-oudeu sledge aa<1. the other rod drag on*- It was winding majestically down Ibivnilfli the undent forest Wlusi Molly and Fabian bod envoy - rd tbe toy to tbe skldway they drew It with a bn tup treats tbs I wo parallel ■bids nnd left It there to bo rollod to (be top of tbe pile. Then Mike McUovero and Hob Strat ton and Jim Qladye took cbsryr of H. Mike and Ilob wore runalmy tba cant hooka. White Jim atoud oo top of tbe ■rest pile of loin already decked. A Mender, pliable steel chain Hka a gray snake mu over tbe top of tbe pile and disappeared tbrough a pulley to aa Invisible borne- Jenny, the mate of Molly. Jim threw the end of this chain down. Hon passed It over sol under tbe lox and returned It to Jim. who rcuchcd down after It with tbs book of Ms Implement. Thu* the •tick of tlmiwr rested In a looy loop, ons esd of which led Is tbe Invisible here*, sod Ibe other Jim made fast to tbs top sf tlie pita Qe did so by Jam ainy into another Iny tba steel swamp book with which tbs rbala was armed. When all was made fast tba botos started. un«-« a immpcr, raid Bob. "Look oat Utter Tte log slid tv the foot of the two parallel pole* laid slanting ap the fucc of tbe pile. Then it tTeiotded oa tte aacmat. Bot oar aod Mock (or n lo •taat aod at oace tbs log took oo a daagarona aUot. . Quick as light Bob and Mike sprang forward, gripped tte books of tbe cant book* Uke great thomba aod forrAngers, aod. while one b*W with all hla power, the otter ■> ra a sharp twist op word. Tlie log straightened It waa a master feat of power aod tte knack of applying strength joatly. At the top of tte Httte loctloe tbs timber havered for e second. “One eioror anug nut Jim to tbe driver. He poised, stepped lightly ap and over and avoided by tte rate hairbreadth being crusted when tte log rolled. Hot It did not He quite straight or area. So Mike Ctrl a short, thick block a ad ell three stirred tte heavy timber angle lent ty to admit of tte billet's Insertion. Then the chain woe thrown down for another. Jenny, luriicsmrd only to a abort, straight bar with a hook (a It. lasted to ter collar and dug ter hoofs at tte weed of comma od. Tte driver, close te ter tall held fiat tte aleader steel chain of an Ingenious hitch about the ever useful swamp book. When Jlsa •hooted "Whoa!- from tte tap of tte teMway the driver did not trouble to •top tte horse; te merely let go tte book. Bo the power waa abut off sud denly. aa la meet and proper to such ticklish business. He toned and walk ed back, end Jenny, like a dog. without tte necessity of command, followed hhn In alow patience. Now corse flyer, a scalar, rapidly down the logging road, a small, Strader maa with a little, turned op mustache. Tbe mca disliked him because of hla affectation of a city smart sees and te es tree te never ate with them, even when there was plenty of room. The •ester's doty at present wna to measure tte diameter of tte logs In ear* skid ••All it r mmmtniltil Lm» »<J uad »o corn put* th* number of board foal. At tb* odtra ha tended ran. k*Td «b* book* tad iook»d attar tup pit**. * Hr itpprottrbrd th* akklway mptdty. lakl ht* rtruldc ml* acre** tb* m<v *f rtfb kpt. mod* n mark oa bin pta* tablet* la tb* rr.lutttP to which th* lap betoaprd. ihraat tb* tablet ha ib* pork* at of hi* rout, wtaril a bio* erayoa. la * too* l«*M*r. with which b* aiad* aa t a* IwllmlkMt that the lap bad baaa orated. awl finally tapped a*r*ral Mine* atraady wbh a atartpr baraaiar. Oa ttw fare of lb* l .a hi wot la rollof waa aa V la*hi* of a <Mta Tbla ora* tk* maapanya brand Pad ao Hi* lap wa* branded a* hate apt ap ta tbawi B# dower power of tbo actual lUddlag. in o moment lie otorad ou to tbo Md rcoor of uporallooo without ho ring Mid o word lo oof of tbo taw. “A flue dim." a aid Mike, spitting. ■o day after day ibe work woat am Radway aprm Ida tlmo tramping through the wood a. Bjftuiaa oa now work, showing the awn bow to da things bettor or dlSbtnutly,-Tiling minute rapcdlrnia with the blacksmith, tba carpenter, the cook. Ho wu« not without his troabias. Hr»t he bail hot enough ojes. tbo snow ibtl ih#n i'aiue too ibcodaiUl/, boraeo fell *1'* of mile or calked tbcmsclrcs. oii^aw ran low gaaipad adly. trees turned out “punk.- a aor ta In bit of ground prorod soft for tra raylng. and oa ou. At etoction ibua. of enurwt. u number of the mm wont out And one craning, two days after otaa tiou time, onotbrur and Important char actor entered tbo North woods and onr 0(017. (TO U COMTINUBD.) A FI8H OUT OF WATER **• yrtmnmtm Krolu thM Cam* Ite CaiiMlr Duik. ▲ German acton flat- be coaid only bare been a Ueraino owe ooncelrML «'* are told, a pirn to train u Osh tc lire atil of water, lie placed a thriv ing lira* carp Is a mall tank and wttt lull it)!* polli-wce aad grant ox not neat rvnuorrd froiu tUc tank on- «t-.jni«! •f water every day. at toe Mine tlia* Incnwxiuc gnultully tba amouat Of oxygen to ttie water. Is dm* the wa ter barely roamed the enrp. and atUI It thdvml. Tba qaaaUtr Jf orator roe Uiraod to dlmlatab, aad. by akrwl/ adapting Ha Hirtbod of breathing to tbe aew condition*. tl-v Bali began ft breath* air and Indeed laur- <jotto tarra#trial la Ita habit* before Ik* tank waa entirety dry. The M-ieutint bad grawu to tor* tba carp. II* fad 11 from U* own baud, and now that It waa Uo lag In to* earn* element with htmaetf he took U from to* tank and toft It aa free to follaw ita owa derleaa a* war to* family cat. Tb* little Bab aha loved lla inuater. It (allowed him abeet from iiltw to place. Bopping along aft or him. ■ topping only occaatonoliy to taep for a paining Oy, Os* day to* mtoaftof waa t-roealng a bridge. Th* carp, aa umtul. waa at Ida bee)*, rntjoy tog tb* plenum air of tbe roostryald* and utteiing from dtu* to time a unfk aonad expressive of dcllgbt aad can ten tment Abowt Hie middle of tb* bridge a rat bouaetly waa sunning It self oo (be rail. Tbe carp apl-td tot By and Jumped tor It. bm mtaealeulat Ing tb* distance want orer tb* rail Into tb# nvar—aud waa drowned. — Great Bowed World. Uaaaaa*. Unpuyk la (he sabtleat Instrument ever played on by man. 11* xarlnttom are Illimitable—that is, they are limit ed only by the powers of tba ha man mind aad soul In all possible situations, Tha powor of word* or apooch ageaada that of araalc bocauao language la man than BMMtc aad eaaa tadodaa osda language In tha baada of a maatar to pregnant with every meaning. A nation's language is at otw* aa eg. pnmsloa aad a mold of It* character. teBoetlDg from oestayy to eeatary to* dovalspment of Its civfllxatlea aad Ha advance In lateilertaai aad moral eto tnro, la -earning aad wlaannt The flexible Greek tangna was tb* ptadad and the tnetnunvot of 'ha subtle Grach Intellect. Tb* dlsUtkctlve qnaltttm of Ibe classic speech of the Homan de clam the dignity aad the virile energy which waa* Inseparable from to* eh) Botnata-— Portia mi Oregonian. kruttarad h* Mnk. “It limn puy» to bo conuerrattra." hM tba earofal mam. “Now. I ratal) tha taaa of tba man from UyararHlo. Dyar county. Taon. “ a eaa Ik* any man la DyerovIRe,* b* aanoanrad our day la tha matn •wort of that rill***. “Thno waa no rrapoona. •) na Uck aay nan la Dyrr county.' ha then pro. .lalmrd. "WUI tltara waa no roply to tha chat teoga. GmboMaoad by tha-of tia btuC. Ua man ahoutad. '1 na Ik* “At that a loug. laak-ntmu PoeM off Mb coat aad wtpad ay (ha float wtth tha boaatar. “ •Oaatiamaa.' nld tha braggart, aa ha broMiaal off Ua clothaa. 'tha traobla with na la tint I wot tor laa «an nothr- _ ■ahaoMta nr*I* Mb, Karra gmalMi aay that a gnat naay aoWdn an tha dlraet nootla of azbaoatad brain crlla. Whan you dad yoortblf bacon lag inoroa* *ud TtihhtI •at. whan yoo arr toaactem that thr •af of Ufa la evaporating, that yoo art balog tbr «lgr of yoar fartaar kaaa la laiaat la «UI*r» «roa rally aad that yoar Ufa la btrormog a bora, yaa any b* pretty aura Uni you a aad rnorr tlaag: that yon oaod country or oak door anrcloo. If yoa put thoaa. yaa wfll dad that oil tba old mttioaloaai wm rf nm. A faw daya of axarrlaa la Ur country rauMtag orar tha Ulli and aiaudowa will anun tha dark plctoraa ahlcb haant yaa and unit raatora boag •aey to yoar aatnal aplrttm—gaoaaaa ■>! .a | °«''M toto ■ Ufa Tha innp poraaa la ifaapar of frowning aatMlIy atMMpta M Kft > lift •uoy uni hit hold, with tka mate that ba la Itimadlnlalr plamid teapot lata ihr watar. a good mrtmmn aaa *o tkla with a aaddaa agwiru jark. bat wftb tkt aonawiouMr M la abate aa imposaiblr 1tat 'That a* thooM da wtwa ba baa tenad tka buoy to to ptoro both baste pnlm doom ward, aa tin booy aa tkt tom am mu tka body. pf»tea» H dowawird aad idtaktly away, whaa tka fartkar part of tka btey MUteMt af ilta watar aad aatoally f*JJ aaar tka hate, Tka a row «aa Ihtra ba pal ibioagb aaally, -and that* yat ate” A MARINC AUTOCRAT. **• teMUa mi (Its BtulMkli fM Min AfeMtaM# AvtAtfHf. ^Oy Uw Vitt MAfaiMioMBt rate tbt tbMi tC tbt in§|^ H| Ht Hnitiftbi ^irTf IrnTj M an Unas la grara aad osacdag. la af war U win at rain tba atopteat la tba kaar of haute It la nstb «f appalling arbaa ba auk M af aB thsttteMsdwa {t»caa*lrb£ ktaat la Ms skip aoly la ba totaassd ai baad"Utto "«b»ngaiai«g apjwtf «■ tnabae throogk (M water at a speed, Jl nay ba «f ertaon knot*, and La knows •bat tba iilgbiiaat mu taka af Us haad Bel bated aaba!ag*tha aarai and «*• tary chief of tho oatabMkantert h» tea lawyec-a kind at lueOca of tba peoao. — It wots, who boida oesrt e*e»y eases tog, InroaCgatat eaperte ef adalawiaee d«dHy. The datlagseats see basogbt is the -teste" —tbs quarter Back—with tbaly ancoaari. Bath aides eye beard, aad swift lodgment nasally fellows. ta tble capacity It win be noted that tba It cam. lodge aad |ary. Hat i tea (ting tba tarries oa atlag at tba bulal at hte < tba aid days < era—UmiteMot — In World’s Work. -Away with talmr Mid tba king is a load, harsh rales Bet tba cbaasberlals wee aometbteg af a hnaaectet. and when he -inrnu te the mob be ‘t-g-'-gfr-nil that la regard te the -*—-*-gr with tba prlamur the teg bad on m|y that it waa -a way wttk bias Htiid tMr qnmrry. Bite In trying to espials the Jako ta tbs sbtnao king lbs royal chamberlain be—wa confuted aad completely loot M* boad.—Baltimore Americna. Caiar e4 Jagaa* Mair. ta retry early Umee sJ pictnrea of VodM want abowa wttb gnat shocks * red hair fblUag dawn wsll on tha ■Monldern. This and <ba fact that tha Judas ta tha "Mirada Play*" waa pre sided with a red Mmole ■ asked tha saparaetteoa people at tha middle acre *9 ta each a decree (hat It waa actual 9 uaaafa far a red hatred peraia la ap plet la company, gaatnc that tbM ware coating ta a eartare pare, wrlrere Man daasm bacma to rebate aad «a nareio’the ssaaelsre prejadlea against (bore at lively colored hair." Qnua da Bargaree la Ma “Butre aad Em pires at tba Boa" boldly preMad aad (lortAad tba daeplaad odor In tha fol lowing wants: "A bore head covered with red hair ta aothing aire bat tha •«> la tha midst at Ma rays, yat many Mtt l" of it because few have the honor ta ha an* In a raewot^tgUbS auafeTteumao BfttOwr rmlnd a^taCWr frog a —»king kta to Imk that tba 7«y ta hod a boayy bM tattamh.wi thla aataalahtog rpirtta waa taag ha aaart. It ta tctaraatlag ta aota that tbs wrtkar ioat hla bat anyhow. Squally Wand waa tba raqoaat aooa auda ta Kr. Balfocr dorlap bit pmalnahtg la a» (ha paaea a J ■*»'.•* who had awry pngaafy aantooerd aathar aC tba ■*1*1. a aotortaoa nMSab. to a aO* tata^of baprlaanMaut Mr radt^ hag A lawyar hapgud ta ha aeqaalatad t*Mh a Juror la a patty otrll eaaa. aad ha Mat hla during a ma of tba amt. Tba lawyar waa Jaat 'Uglitb* og." aad audar ordinary ctrcuaataacaa ha woold haya oBarad tba atbar a «igar aabaattatlegty. tat It aooarrad ta hi* that It Bight not kook right. *T aappoaa,** ha aaid goardadly. "that a cigar wauM not laduaoea poar yap •atr Tha Juror waa aquaUy -riffru “A good m wouldn't." ha rap Prd. "hat a poor aor might prajudMn m* Bt pot a rood Igar,—Brooklyn Bagla THE OLD RELIABLE . I ' FURS, COATS, MILLINERY. Clearing out stock. Prices will irtsrsst. goods will tho bolidsy buyer. Prices, quality, sod pleased will maks a clean sweep of these goods. Walking Skirt* Down. Don’t forget that walking skirts are soar reduced to gUO S3.S0. They’ll not stay hers lopg. Pcco Petticoat*. Rsgolsr prices: 95c. $1, $1.25, $1 JO. $2.15, $3.50. and $4.00. Matchless pmsesb at the pricss. - SSS55S5 ■ :_r.. ’jJ'-r? W« thank amr customers far a very gamreas patronage during the year now deatag, and wish far them all a very pleasant Christmas. JAS. F. YEAGER. OPENING AN ACCOUNT with the Gastonia Savings Bank should follow tbs opening of the ' NEW YEAR •A soon as the opening of oar doMviO permit. This is e time of new raooin* tions, new efforts. Correct busi ness methods end money saving •** momrmotu terms. After closing np the week's or the .moatb’s business, place war balance with as. Another New Veer will Sad you in better shape. Only $1.00 required to start. GASTONIA SAVINGS BANK, L. L. JRNKINS. Pm.L. JL. HARDIN. Gastonia Banking Co. . Gastonia, N. C. - CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00 State Bank Incorporated May IS, ItOS --- \ STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY - OFFICERS ♦ ♦♦ «•. M>w,rwmin R. C.G. LOVE. Vie* Pe**. <A». A. PAPE.-n DIRECTORS ♦ ♦♦ »• c. «. l«vi '■*. s:vA; «»M. *. UVI W^A^SLATER COMPANYj

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