Wm . , shots* Total cotton Mills, 32. Namber of atuodka. 232.790. Namber of cotton oil mill. 1. Nnm^roJ horses, 1,177. Nnmbcrof hmSoJS* . Valae of live slock, $S16,9S4. Valae of lead, $3,718,062. - Qottoo leads all other crops in Gaston ia nriae and comes sec* oad to oofa in acreage. The ;fSI2Se *■ ,c?tto* *» !903 was 1$JR0 which produced 6,642 hales of 900 pounds or 210 pounds of Hat per acre, 4,204.388 poaods Cotton.* Coro is a staple mop ia this C5S.2VSJ bJK2fS acreage of 20,400, an average of 14 hash els par act*. The best yield was oa the red lands of the • "metaaiorpbic group.” Wheat production this present year wis 31,780 bushels grown oa 14,220 acres. Oats, especially winter oats - sea largely grown and supply Rye production was not taken into consideration. as it ia grown ia a small way; but enough has been arid to show the great v vmaatiHty of the soils of Gaston. Bargbuiu cane baa been sne* *.'■ JJpSiuly cultivated ia Gaston. The early amber, the Tessa. W* J—ck. black smlyr aad *M|i3op is grawu throughout ,- aad Ac yield oi fc sometimes as high as ™_are a standard Gastoal there were ,48,500. bushels- oa 830 average of 75 bushels daw aad io a general fa* aad n also quite anten na a soiling plant m 9 ■ v1-1 ’ port arts both the following in qnccmcnts to aetilera: 1 Favorable geographical and climatic condition*. 2 Adaptability of toils to the raising of • great diversity of crops. 3. The very reasonable prices of land. - 4. The character of the pub lie school*. 5. Good macadam roads and bridges. 8. Numerous railways and cheap transportation. 7 Chm communication with the markets of Baltimore, Wash* ington and Philadelphia. Settler* desiring to locate will find plenty of land at a fair fig ure. Those without capital can rent on easy terms. The coun ty offer* good Inducements to colonies. Land, thick wooded with plaea, poplar, hickory and oak la to be obtained at low rate* and the beat bottom lands can be bought at $20 per acre. SOME QUAINT ENGLISH, UrlMHM Mm «l Mm taauaapa to 'a boa* as amaaiag as it la ram to to tba library at a Wtoaahlctsa siadoat Tba war* to cal tod ~0 Nora Gala da Couvaraarao.** It to —ppoaad to to atnsrt tba IWtssato la KnxUab n» varaattoo. and tba foOowtax. a dis tort** b—a»a -Fbr to Hkto a Hama." la Mw Had af gngttoh eaoraraatloa U toy “Hr** la a bona who bam a bad tanks Glra ml another; I wUi arc that. Ha aat sap kaow to atarrb. ba la puray, ba la ibuadarad. Don't you at* ashamed to him aw a Jada aa like! Ho to sad abtoU. bo to wkb aaito op; U waat to toad to tba far liar.** An aim-data la tba book to: “A day sam a aaaa to eoeaint tbto pbltoaopW tor to know at o'etork M waa oaa to aat. 'If ttaw an deb. toM hbb aat arhm you shall wish; U you am poor, aim you may da.' " la the prafacu tbo awa* otogaat pan •graph to tba Mb*b(: “Wo aspect than, >to tba llttto teak I toe tbo cam trbat wo wrote tom. and tor ber typotrspbkal mrmeaoo> that ■ay ba worth tbo accaptattoa of tbo aCadbraa parmito. and aapactalty of tbo youth, at wkteb wo dadicato Mb pap UcaJany." Tba anttara of tbto srrangr volume am -laar Os Kormcra and miro Cato Bao. It woaM te laioiaatlsa ta know whom l*adm sod Jaw Taarucd” En*. ttob. PbUadMpbia Uarord. Tb* cariosity or tbo oatlseo of wtM mtUlii aa to mrjriklBf belonging to tbo traveler of too bwb to amaalitg ait ■attorn. Ur.J.W.nXtotottoln-TbMt Tboaoood Ultra Through Br»*jr of bto TMt to on agtbMM wbara Hat oat/ of tbo plats proved rot/ Inquisitive. Bo wwm a frequent visitor Sbd would mrofnUy examine tbo tow betoogiaga of tbo trarWar. Mto cortoe ttj was iaalix pubM to a eory fan ar manner. Ow cno or bto rtalto. wrttaa Mr. Walla, bo fbnod mix bottle of spirits of its ton ■to so tbo table. and. seeing It wax ■ewerUtag bo bad not hitherto luepert ad. br oataemlty told bald or It aad aalrrd at mm. -What to tbtor "Ostj a medicine." I replied, and wbb a perhaps au worthy aattofaettoa I watched him bold It op to the light, took at K all rewad aud gnall/ remora the gtoaa stopper a— then taka a good «ir 1 bad to twab tooward to ww ay gasped tor beaalh aad ejaculated, ") am drlagr Ry dint mt arutb aiapptag ef Ho back and dowxrag mt raid water , he gairkly iwertml bot imnm did he tooth oaj of ary thlaga. speaker baa aa gfeea din aee the stator wbe | eto. cation ia bto biarsrs baa a " in al *oto aa laatanf aad apleadld as hie etewalag toother. It to emaxJag what Udaga people win apptoad whan they have the eagrogeef each atbaito Ineptl m after dlaner to Tbap prefer also ease; they Hke tags of baanr. Of eto gosaaa. If they bar* tasted the brow before, they know what they era going la get. The uses ef their sieod to taier aasa. hat lelemaxo mt tbo nrg tumid the appevtod: aat toieraoce of the raaeA the sargriatag. They wtoh to bo *t feat, aad what taxes ibetr aatada ae to—(Mr bit—artwel rapoae. They da Weld tn rMtob any groat bsl—a to atg— tbo torto af the arm tor ^-W. D. ■mreOs to thupeito. A RAZOR’S EPOC. ■I—to Trees. (.Uw Those mt ■ The edge of « razor tuoeloti of l» uinmU) potato or "tomb.- which tf the ruor lo of good material follow e*eh other tkronaheut tte whole length with great order aad deenzea Tfea aohrohen mnilarlt) of tlwer miaul* “teeth" goes to uieke up the blade e esusaalve koeuuee*. The edge arts upon the beard oat to lunch by Uw direct op. plica lion of weight at lone aa It does hr B alight "sseaaw" uwrmaout. which eaBhra tUu autvt-eolvr teeth" to act rapidly on one certain part or tbe hairy growth. The beet razors, according to the salcroeropiati. bare the teeth of their edges eat at regalarly as tUoee of a perfectly eat saw. This explains tbe uiaglc effect of hot water oa the tator's Made-the act of Upping It thoroughly rieaoalag tha teeth of any area ay or dirty aobataaos rttb which they may bare brew Hogged. Barber* often claim that ru aare “gat tired" of ebartog and that they will be all right after awhile If permitted to take a rest. When In tlda “tiled- oimmUUou a microscopic exam ination of tbe edge show* that con stant stropping by tbe sente person baa caused tbe teeth or Qber* of tbe edge to all arrange t bet twelves In one direc tion. A 10001)1 of dlaune causes these dne particles to roanasge themselves *0 that they again preseat the Iwtero gensure saw toothed edge. After this little recreation each particle of tbe Sue edge la up and reedy to support Ms fallow, sod It again takes some time I* spell the grain of the blade. Verdi Waa RIsM. When Verdi was potting tbe Iasi tsoebeu to "II Trueatore." he was ris ked In hto study by a privileged friend, who eras eae of ths a Meet bring mu slctaue and critic*. Be was permitted to examine tbe score and ruo over tbe "Aaril Chorus" on the pianoforte. -What do yen think of thotT" asked VMdL “Trash r rsspooded tile coa rndaacw. Verdi rubbed Ida bands and rhnefcltd. -Kow took at tbla." he said. "Itubbaabr* said tbe other, rolling a cigarette. The composer rose aod em braced Mae with a burst of Jay. “What Jo you steanr* asked tbe critic: -My dear friend.- cried Verdi. -1 hare beau asaklag a popular opera, lo It 1 re solved to please everybody except tbe parfcde. tbe great Judges, the clas sicists like you. Had I pleased you 1 sbaoM have pleased no ouo ohm. What you say assures am of success. In three mouth* ‘II Tnnatotv' will be •OOP aud roared and whistled and bar rel onesnr*l all over Holy.- And so it srovad. A fiMMllag. Lord Ifaw. ftigltah mishear at traabtngrtou daring the civil war aad afterword ambassador la Fnaca waa i dlplaaiatUt 10 tw rare. Qa waa ax .■crdlngly tactful la action and bad tba rare art of keeping hla awii counsel. Wire air Edward Blouul called upon blaa one day nt tba cabaaey la Parts he found that a wall known Journalist bad preceded blm. The rial lor waa lay* log dawn tba law In a loud tons, aad wb»-_ after hla departure. dir Edward waa reeel rad. he took tba liberty of raying-. “May I be allowed to aak If It la quite wise to discuss state accrete lu sucb g laud low? I heard every word that oraa said, my lard, ax I sat In tba ante “Ahr aald Lon) Lyona. “But area tbea yon coaid not bear what 1 aald, far I aald nothing."— Youth's Gao* pantos. Tka ChaaakMt and PnlriSelsaa. Thu Cherokee Indian waa originally a polytheist. To hla tba spirit world was only n shadowy counterpart of tbla one. Ur bad aa great spirit, os happy bunting ground, no heaven, aa bell—all or which Ideas were 9 rat in troduced to tba American aborlglnee by Cbrtettan missionaries Consequent ly death bad rar blm no terror*, and ha swatted the Inevitable end orttb no anxiety aa to tba future, ah bis pray er* ware for temporal tad tangible tilaaelnga—far health, for long Ufa far ■acceta In the ebaae. In Htblng. la war aad la luua. for good crops, for protec tion aad Mr rwreuga. “Dreams." says aa eminent lecturer an theosophy, "consist of recoHocuoae of the combined lapreaetaas recalrad aad exrktap of the physical aad as tral minds. The soel aad aabaanaalaaa oraa are ladepaadearly active, aad It j «be reofwmaa a rial as froat tba eoo foaaaing of tba thoughts of tka wU with the exaggerated Interpretation of laipraaalooa raeaired by eebeunacteaa aaaa which rnakao It as ofut Ippad M) la wuMikar drag me * dddldf* “I bar* a* doo« you haro boat* aatao alortaa to mj dtarrobIL" bo oaVL *1 boa't Dm i* pat H ta that way.” —. _ i ■. j hot qawwy rrpiim. “How tbaar* ba haptfatly aobod. "I bar* aavar board a ay atortoo ta yaar rrodJt.- aid aho^-Ctorotaat: Date ■ ■ ■" ' * ■ ■ ■ , j. ; ■ . - CURIOSITIES OF SOUND. ■mi r Se tee llu Tbs CsiMSMslIf KM ss the UutlMl Mill. la r<»7 high or mooutnluotss regions ■Mods txoomo diminished U toodnoee a* that a coavcrsatfam eeuu-it be car ried aa la aa ordinary tour of voice, la mJuca k lu i diving la 11 the ro ver ao of ltd* bs Um cose. K|<evch Ix omims so Marti lag that It mast lx cur vted im lu whispers to bs- at all no ds r* LX to Um our. EoJiala of all Undo become musical If tlx vlbratlax of air ar* aniform and rapid enough. It !• sold that tbo patTa or on engine would make a treincudoua orgnu teal af music If the? could lx hud* to at. tala tbe rapidity of fifty 31 sixty a sec nod. Everything In nature baa Its jaj oota. aa It wore, and attuned to one particular musical sound This taut can be vary easily verified In everyday Ufo. Stand near an open piano and ■peak 1a aa ordinal? loan. White speaking you will suddenly boar a string within reverberate to your voice. Tbo tick or a watch, the sound of ov ary human voles, tbss buna of a dog. the maw of a rat. the noise of a wagon, tho roll of thunder. tlx fail of rain, tbo running of water—la tact, every thing about aa can entity bo placed hy an attentive ear on Its proper musical note. o«x of Um Bounds or Um seal*. This la a moat Interesting experiment sad anally verified. It Is said that Um ear can distin guish eleven octaves of eouod, but. aa a rule, those made by quick, short vi brations are non easily conveyed. Iter Inauinee, tbs wtitr of a loctMt makes a more distinct lznpresdoa that tbo sighing of tbo wind through tbs trees A whirlwind In Ita approach la nolaataas It la only when It atrlkss soma obstacle that the volume of sound becomes terrific to as Then wo ro od vo the secondary shorter waves from tbo destruction of tbte obstacle. Tyu dall aays all friction la rby’kmic. Flames are notoriously sensitive ta aonafi. They wlU bcod end flicker sod oven respond with a leap of qalveriog light to a high, shrill sound, "hto te another lateroattag experiment, if are use a glass tub* with a aaaall let of gas by lowertug or rawing it to cor tain points wo cun eausa It lu shriek out shrilly or to answer sympathetical ly to Ita own keynote when song or spoken by the votes ir wn could only bear the roll of tbs vast oceans in harmony all around us In our everyday life. w» roukl ssty with truth. Indeed, whet tlx pest only law fined: "There’s not the smallest orb which thou behold set bet In Its orbit like an angvl slugs, still qotrinc to the youag eyed cberuMm."—RulUinoro American. Tbe •bepburO RML A certain good hlabop was In Italy tor bla health. and while walking in tbo mntiy one day be mat a small girl who was teodlbg some pig*. Tbe ardmala wore giving bar a great deal of trouble, and tbe good bishop offered to stay and woteb the ones that weea granting owl rooting In a ditch while tbo little abaphanleaa waut to catch two runaways that bad ilrayud from the fold. When abu HM back, tba reverend geutleuniu stroked tba un kempt curly hanl of the clilkl awl aak ed liar bow much abe earned by be> hard work and was told that soa re ceived « aobll a day. "Do you know." an id ba, "that L too am a shepherd? But I earn mack more than you." "Ah. you." answered tba little pass ant. "but. uo doubt, you tend man? more pigs than I do." Car la a a Time ittarlw. A naturalist while rmung Gnat Bangle ana of tlioaa Islands of tba la dlan ocean known as tbe Celebes. or Bpice Islands, round a envious time re corder lodged at the honeu of a rajah. Two bottles wars flrmly la abed togeth er and Axed In a wooden frame. A quantity of block onnd ran rrom oot bottla Into tba other tn Just half an hour, and wbua tba upper bottle waa •aapty the frame wua reversed. Twelve abort slicks marked with no tehee from 1 to 13 ware bung upon a oUiug. A book was placed between tba stick bearing tba number of notches curia ■ponding to tba boar last struct and 'tbe one to ba struck next Tba entry announced tba time by ■ diking tba boors on a large gong The Saaker ievea. Tba aa dent a battered and tangbt that erven plaovta ruled tba world and Its Inhabitants, than accounting for tba aareti days of the week, tba aeven boles In tba bead, tba seven colors of the *P®ctruin sad the aeven arose*. Tbe augorstltleu attaching to tba seveotb daaghter of a arranth daughter en dows such a parson with magical gifts and unlimited good luck Among noted areata and things that bear this mystical number art tha nev er) Dnjrs* war. tba great cenAlet for Oaranan aupramacy. the seven cborcb aa of Asia, tha aeven aloe pare of Kp be ans and tbe awe wonders of tbe fUakt TO ■ m Tk> Busy lUo—f'WuDt and Bara m art nbIoi to stall aa oaxt waak. Wbat abail I da wttb tbsaf I bars aa INtta “— The Wise Ca— In trod ore Ploaaaata at a slab tad Baaaaao aa a rf ob—Me w Ortaaaa IbMaOaoimfc ddttaa M »ba Widow. Widow (laarfollyi-Te*. mj d*n«b taaa ara aaw my only natter m. Prtaod Taka mj adslra and basbaad tsar wiraiaw watt—Prtaeatan Tt#ar. at o Dtawm root two ■•A aaa daTa «ot o ltd hoaa.” aatd Uarta ftWa. "'daw kaar baw odTa be •Bum abaaa tar *Ua. Hit's dirrao* If ba*a oat a bar-”-CMei«o Trtbaaa. ■ ■ _ aaaa A maa-a tadk la atwaya it*t»t if Ma boast to Nabtr—Walbrr Was—-Walt Mi tat Isarart. Til Oabtobm Oucrn, I twie* i waak, $1.00 • poor. The Itear CUIld-Ob, Mrs. nioom, when dirt you get Ian*I Ur* Hleocp - Klee* you. dear. I w*j net away anywhere. What made yen think aoT The Dear Child—I thought you war*. I beard my mamma toy that you were ■t Inggwrtieailr with your buabaud tar aver a wee*. Abaetaielv ram Mere. "*be la the mom Incooatataot woman I rear kuaw.” "Never doe* what aha ought to ar ••hat yon axiawt. »hr‘ 'That la |um It Some time* aha doaa. •ha la luconalatvntly IpcoaaiataDt * Ovitlia Crea. Ur*, von Ulunx-t— We a)oat tiara the tiiKimhr* to diuucr. We owe them on* Von HI inner—or coorao. We paaaud an a nr Oil <|ull evening there, rod It If uiHliiiut inure (ban light that they ahoulU paaa one here.—Brooklyn Lit*. maklag It Bear. "You never allow youraclf to read a book until you have read a review a? HI Why la lhatr “Well. I prefer to net ougr p-Migtat ed mental rood." Professional Cards. R. B. WILSON, Attorney at Law. GASTONIA. N. C. dr. o. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. Bld’g GASTONIA. N. C. Phone 89. HAMILTON V. STEWART, Attorney-at-Law, Office over A. D. Clark’s store, GASTONIA, N. C. Phone 177.• Administrator's Notice. -Ttina* osslliril a. ulntnlMratn. at htvina; clatmo acatnoi the eauie of Mid dr cnttdlpabiblt them to thr ntkdcr*tf*ed o® ox tx-forc thr 29lh day «1 December. 1W4, or this ant tie will be plead la b«i ot their teeorrrr All perwo. indebted to the Mid Mv.tr will pie—e mu immediate par Ike 72nd day nl December. 1003. _ Look It T*car Cowairr. Oeo. w. Uainnti^. The OoN Coast Keaerta, Mobile. New 0rinses, Mexico, and California SOUTHERN** RAILWAY. Winter Tourist tickets now on sale to the noted resorts oi the Onlf Coast' and Mexico sad California. Tickets on sale via Southern Railway up to aud including April 30. 1804. limited to May 31, 3004, (or return passage. Elegant train service. The route of the " Washington and Southwest ern Limited” and "Sunset Limited". Axk nearest Ticket Agent (or de tailed information and descriptive matter. NOTICE. North Carolina, ) Gaston County. I Notice is hereby riven the public that application will be made to tbe Governor of tbe Slate of North Car olina for the pardon of Rufus Clip pard, convicted at (he September 1802 term of the Superior Court of Gaston County, (or the etime of lar ceny, and sentenced to serve on the roads of said County tor the term of four months. This Dec. 7, 1804. L. J. Holland, Attorney for Rufus Ctippard. BE-SALE OF LAND. CtnainiMuri Sale •( Lead. GOOD NEWS and 1 BETTER NEWS! • **** ,f*tiiu,y^5iVBde ul*nt»ou of our slock we have re eeived two car-loads, (50) fifty bead of uice Tennessee mulea and boraea. and we can now show yon the beat lot of atock we have h“d V a7 °ne *!!!*> Ve,rJ' . Tb«* *“** have been carefully selected by onr old fnend and buyer. Mr. G. A. Anderson of Johu son City, Tenneascc. And he knows bis,busine*s. He lias shipped ua 14 car-loads of stock, making a total of 350 bead during the past H?0lel0< 300 of*‘hen* BDd "'** have the two fresh cars of SO head to ofier you. Aruoug them are a lot of nice mated and matched teams or pairs, suitable for farm work or heavy wagon use, and almost any kind of a mule or horse you may want can be found at our stables. Remember we sell either for cash or on time, aud every animal guaranteed as represented when sold. It is useless to say that we sell them cheap or reasonable, for when we say that we have handled nearly five hundred heaci the past year, any reasonable man would know that the prices were satisfactory. All wo ask is a chance to show you our ability to please you. both in stock and price. Call and see ns whether you are ready or not to buy. Our hitching lot below stables is free to all, drive in and feed. Wheu yon are in need of a good buggy, nice surrey, or car rug* ol any kind, we can furnish il to you at a low price. We al*o carry a full liue of farm and spring wagons, drays, and several kinds of onc-horse wagous, all sixes harness, saddles, col lars, bridles, whips, and winter lap robes, the prettiest patterns and ranging in price from $1.50 to $12.00, and we have a lot of choice Turf Seed Outs of our own raising for sale at our store. CRAIG & WIL8Q N. SOUTHERN RAILWAY »WSK! ...QUICK ROUTS TO ALL POINTS... NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. XT ThrMigli Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts ArrouuMu niiKuu aixvmnudatk.ka Elegant Pallman Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains DININO.CLUB. AND OBSERVATION CARS. Fw S*t4 Canlort ut ChtiIcnb Eatftoycs, travel via the Sorter* tailway. rcltduWr and other inform ttion furnished hr tddreaeln* the uaOcratnad: R. L. VERNON. Trar. P«.«- A«t.. j. M. WOOD. Dlatrlct Paaa. Agcat. Charlatta. N. C. Atlcrlllt, N. C. W. A. TURK. Paaa. Trains Mgr.. ». H. HARDWICK. Osa'I Paaa A at.. WASHINGTON. D. C. COUNT YOUR MONEY! Statistics show that 6,770,867 persons in the United States owu deposits in Savings Banks, and that the average amount owned by each depositor is :: • • $409.23 Have you that amount of available cash? If you have not, why not get it? These people did not accumulate their holdings in a day; neither can you. \'We receive deposits in any amount, and pay 4 per cent, interest per annum, computed quarterly. Ask our depositors. GASTON LOAN & TRUST CO. W. T. LOVE, PwtMcat. E. Q. SScLURP. Tra—war. “DISTINCTIVE MERIT” is what we claim for our Jioe of CLOTHING. It is equal in everything b u t price to garments made hy the so-called high toned tailors. Don’t take our word for it. Come in and judge for yourself. Have the suits spread out for your in spection. We are glad i to show them. You don't ! have to buy. Look for the | YELLOW FRONT. ROMAN The Clothier. Shoe Shine Free. Phone 81 NOTICE TO TAX PAYEES! Attention is callid to Section 26 of the Chart er of the Town of Gaa tonia, compelling me to collect all taxes remain ing unpaid on January 1st, by distress and sate and NOTICE IS OlVEN HEIEBY that I will lev, upon the property of all persons whose taxes re main unpaid on the 1st day of January, 1304. and where there is no visible personal estate will advertise and sell the real estate of all parties delinquent. I. N. Alexander, Teem Tax CaOactar. jw THE WINTER RESORTS SOUTH *T Southern Railway The Southern Railway announce* the sale of round trip Winter Kxcur •ion tickets to a!1 the principal re torts of the Booth. beginning Octo ber IS, 1803. The winter re aorta of North and Booth Carolina. Georgia and Florida are especially litrttjng to tho*. |H search of health or pleat are. In these Stale* era each noted resorts as asssw-a'ifwSt SaMWW-fcSssS Miami aad Tampa, HI*.; alno the re tort* of N aI • ■ a a and Cnbe. boat math' d vi» Southern Railway, Ticket* on tole up to end Incfudhwr April 30, 1804. limited to ratnra on til Map 31, 1804. Southern Railway afford* elegant train service. with the latent Pallmaa hirtWr lfiform«(Wnt im)^ Jvw QAxrrr**" Xo '^HM °**to*ia l ''

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