W. r. MA18HALL, Editor ffprttfr._DEVOTED TO THE PKOTECTION OP HOME AND THE INTEI VOL. XXV. QA8TONIA, X. C., TUESDAY. JANUARY fl, 1PQ4. 15he Blazed HT—*. By STEWART * ratl_> “*"»» C.mrrtght, 130 a. hr -/"ItTtmrt Kgrnmrg TV hit. ur mis rmi avat. too viu tut fioiably want to uai tie uuti TKAR LATEI W HOT NOV. _ CHAPTEU III. P^tnonria waa awakened a lost [|| tlaie before day light by tbs I ringing of a aolay bell. He L. * drcwd. able*ring, aod slum bu-il downstairs to the round atoae. big a* a boiler. Into which tb* cripple (lumped huge logs of wood from time to tiaio. After Draabfast Tborpc re turned to this store aod sat ball doting for arbat see mad to blm uutold age*. Tbe cold of the northern country waa Initiating blm. Men ran** In. smoked a brief pipe and wrtil out. After a time be hlmmdf pul on hi* overcoat and ventured out lulu (be towu. It aaemed to Thorpe a meager affair, built of lumbar, mostly unpatntM). with always tbs dark, men acing mug* of tbe forcat bemud. The grant sawmill, with Its tall stack* and Ha roar* of water bnrralt prutarlloa against Orc on top. was tbe dotnlnaot bole. Near tbe mill coughed a little red painted stractar* from whose store pipe a coiomti of white smoke trooe. attesting tbe cold, a eiaar bn ad red feel straight upward, aod to wboar door a number of men were directing their slops through tb* snow. Over the door Thorpe could distinguish the word “Of fice." Hr followed and entered. la a narrow alt!e railed off from tbe mala part of tbe room waited Thorpe's compeluhjna of the night before. The remainder of the office gara accommo dation to three clerks. Ooe of those glanced up Inquiringly ta Thorp* cam* to. -i am looking roc work." said Thorpe. “Walt there." hrtrfly aumoaled tb* eltrlg la n Tew iDoiamta tba door of lb* Inner room opened and Shearer ram* •or. A man's bond peered from wltlitn "Come on. boys." said bt. Tbe Ore applicant* ahofBed through Thorpe found himself la the proaroc* of a man whom b* frit to be tbe natu ral leader of these wild. Independent spirits He waa already n Util* peat middle Ufr. and hie form bad lost tb* alastle vigor of youth. Rut bla eye urns keen, clear and wrinkled to a car tala dry racotlousneaa, and hi* ftgnrr waa of that bulk which Rives an Im p res el m of n subtler weight ond power than tbe merely physical. You fait lili superiority even when ha was moat comradely with you. Tlila man Thorpe waa to meet under other coodldou*. wherein the steal hand would more plainly clink the metal. He waa now seated in a worn odSc* chair before a Uttered dcak. In tbe does air hung tbe a mail of stale eigan and tba dear fragrance of plot. "What U It. Donator ha asked tb* drat of tbo moan *Tra boon out." replied tbe lumber man. “Her* yoo got anything for ca*. Mr. Dnlyr Tb* mill owner laughed. *T goes* so. Report to Shearer. Did you vote for tbe tight loan. Denny 7“ Tbe lambermau grinned tbevptahly. "1 dent know, air. I didn't get that far." * “Better let It alone. I suppose yoo and BUI want to come bnrk tool” be added, turning to tbe unt two to line. “Alt right; report to Tim. Do yoo "ttl oes n wry busy /trr% Mrs," ht mid. want werfcT" ba loqulrsd of tba laat of tba qbartat, a Mg' baabfot man. wttb '•>* aboMidrrm of a Hrmilaa. "Vaa. atr." anawarad tba lallnr. ao ramfertaMr. ••tVbat do roa want?' -I'm • cant book man. atr." -wurrr bnr» you wortadr • ( bad a Job wttb Maryan * Btab t.ia* no Itoe Hlror rtrar laat rrlntar." • Ml rlybl: wr naad coat book own. Report at -arTW.- and If tlwy don't want rati there ao to ‘tblftran. went act. Daly inroad to lUy with tba teat IHekara of amaaa want hi bta eye*. "Wbat aan I da far fabT ba ta qntrad. __ •*! am took bur far work." Tbarya m 11 but. -What kind of warbf -Aar kind, aa lany aa I ana laara tmalbm a boat tMUbabt bastor—" The older man atudled him keenly Tor a few momenta. "Hare you Imd any other btulneea oxoeHem-w “Notie." “W*jt hrjT* yon been dolncl" “Nothin*." The lonibrrmao'a cyce hardened •We ere a very bony flrui here." be ■aid, with a vertuln deliberation. "W# da not rarry ■ bin form of men to any ane department, and each of tboae men baa to fill Ula place and alcip aome oear the aide*. We do not pretend or at tempt to tenrh bare. If yon want to ha a lumberman yon ant learn (He lumbar buatneaa more directly than tlirooah (be window* of u bookkeeper** otter, tjo into the wood*. Learn a few Brat prlnrtphw. Find not the differ ence between Norway and white pin* anyway .• Attar bit apecch the btulneea man whirled back to Ula drak. •Hare yoa anythin* for me to do In the wood* llirtiT" the other aakad QOlatly. •iu. urn oaij over dm euooujer. Tborpe went out He had made Iba elementary diacovary that even In chop pins wood sklUad labor count*. Ha did pot know wlnia to tuna next and he would not Uave Lad the money to go far In any caae; ao. althousk Shear er* brueque grrvting that morning had argued a lack of cordiality, ha raaolved to remind tbc river man of hie prom taad aaalatnoca. That aoou be carried out bla tuaolra. “Oo up and tackle ttodw’ay," told ■bearer. "He's Jobbing for oa oa the Oaaa branch. He needs man for raid ing. I know, because ba'a behind. Ton'll gat a Job there." "Where la K7“ aakad Tborpe. "Ten miles from bare. Abe's biased, but you better wait for tbc supply teem Friday. If you try to make ber yourself you'll gat loot on aomo of the old logging road a." Thorp:- rnnaidered. "Tin busted." bo aald at last frankly. "Ob. there all right." replied the walking bom. "Marshall, coxae bets." The peglegged boarding house keeper stumped In. "What Is JtT" be trumpeted eouff logly "This boy wants a Job till Friday. Than bo’s going up ta Radway'e with the supply team. Now. quit your bol ierlag for a chore boy for a few days.” "All right," snorted Marshall. "Taka that as and split some dry wood that yea'll Ond behind the bonne." "I'm vary much obliged to yon," be gan Thorpe to the walking bus*. "and” "Thara alt right." Interrupted the lat ter. "Soma day you emu give me a Job-* _ _ CHAPTER IV. fpVn flr» day* Thorpe cat wood, I |4 I mad* Brae, draw water, awapt I Boon aod ran errands. At the J end of the week lie received ft from hla employer, damped hla va Uaa Into a low bobsleigh driven by a man muffled in a fur coat. aasUted la loading I he ak-l.b with a variety ef {blags. fiam MponrUeail plug to ralalaa, end turned hla face ul last toward tbe land of Ufa hopes sod d.slre*. The long drive to rump was al one* a delight and a misery to him. First hla Boat became nnuih. then til* hands. then hla note waa niptw*!. and Boalty hla warn dot lire were lifted from him hy lavUlble bauds, and he waa left naked t» tolvere and tremblings. He found it lomr* to all still on tbe tap of the bale of bay. aod yat he «o*ld not bear to ooMaanplate the cold shock of jumpbag hoot tbe eMgti le the ground. The driver palled np to breathe bis borate at tbe top ef a hill. '•Toa ry drwwed pretty light.'' ha ad dead. "Ilettec hoof It a ways and set warm.** The worth tipped tbe balance ef Thorpe'• decision, ye faocaofif stiffly, cooadoua of a disagrees Me shock from a ala Inch jump. la ten minutes the wallowing, slip ping aod leaping after the tall of the aiad bed vent bit blood tingling to tbe last of bis p rotas ting members.. OoM withdrew. Aflac a little while they arrived by way of a bill, over Which they plunged tato the middle of the comp. Thorpe bnUd'«’«»- be<*ed end to end. fad two smaller ones all built of haary logo roofed with plank aod Ughlad sparsely through one or two windows apiece. The driver pulled tg> opposite the apace between two larger budding* aod begaa to unload Mg pro visions. Thorpe set about aiding him nod an found himself for tho am time la a “took camp.'* it wna a tonmoowM irauaing. dm end runtbbrd apac* tar tw* rooking rang** and two book* plaead oo* orar Ik* otkor. Along ooa Mdr ran a bread tab* Wwlf. with Mbar aboWra orar It and aantarooa borra* oadrraaath. all Al*d with mat learaa of brand, cook "■ and p*a. Tbr eratar waa urragtad bf fear laa« bnrti gaakad tab**, down • baar uMd* Mr* m ad ataoalU *0O tatwiug aagar. appi* bottar. aowdiawwta and warm and wbtar rdgra war* art with tin dh*~ tar a bant tang an Tba nr*, a ralbar thin farad aaao witb a nKM(a«ba. dlrrrtad where tbr prartataaa wrr* to ba Mowed aad tba “«**ba*." a bolklag math a rata-ad IbApa and tba drtrer ta tmrrj tbam la. In M row moment* the teak vat tv Mini wttb the exception iif * half doe rn other reams which the driver deals nalrd aa for tb* "van." The home* trrrr unlatched and (tabled hi tb* third of Ibe big log building*. The driver Indirniml the accoad. "Rctter *> Into tbc own'* camp and (It dim ti till tb’ boa* get* In," h* ad vl-uvl. Thorpe entered a dim, overheated plmtiurr (It <1 on two cUIm bf A dotv »*tr rler of larae bank* pnrtltlened freai one an dber like cablna of a boat -ml center* 1 hr n huge etova over t nli hong (lender pole*. Tb* liner • .■!•» to dry clothe* on. Ju»t outride l ie buuka ran a straight, bard bench. * bon-v atond at tbo cutrnDn- try log to accuitoui bin eyea to tbc dlmncea. "Set down." (aid a voice, “on th’ Boor If you until to. but I'd prefer tb’ dea con Ktl.'' Thorpe -ibedlently took poeltkm on lb* beiKli. je "deacon acat." HI* eye*, more irnml to tint light, Batih’ make oat ■ thin. tall, beat old dish. with bale minium, two vlalbl* teeth aad a three day*' atuhbte of whit* beard over hl( (oenger. I a laird face He ciaalit. perhaps. Thorpe * torprle id etprewaloa. "Too think tb' obi man'* no good, do ynor he cackled without the (lighteat uiallce. "lawha It deceivin'." He (prang up swiftly, adaed tb* toe of bit right foot in bt* left hand aad Jam pod hit left foot through tb* loop Urn* formed. Then lie eat down again and laughed at Thorpe** aatoalehment. “Old Jackwin'* (till party (mart." (old be. “I'm barn boa*. They ain't a man la tb’ country know* a* much about ho**ve a* 1 do. W* ain't hud hat two sick tbit fall, aa' between you on' me they’* a abate tot. You're a greenhorn, ain't yoaf ice. courvaesd Tbonw "Well." laid Jackson rellrctlvrij. bat nptdty. 'U rsMau. lie's quiet, but bee; and O'Orody. ha talk! lood. but you no blnft him; und Parry, be's only bad when hr geta full of rad ttkker; aad Morton, be's bad wbee be geti mad Uke. aud trill oar axes." TUorpr did not know be waa getting valuable polata oo tbe camp balllra. At dark tbe old uiau lit two lamps, which on-red dliuly to gtoee tlie shad ows. aud throat logs of wood late tbe cast Iron stove, boon after, tbe own came In. They were a <4Deer, tolled lot There were active, dear bat It precise Kreachuim. with small beads tod feet and a peculiarly trim way of wearing their rough gunueuU; typical native born Aturrlcao lumber Jack* powerful in frame, rakish In air. reek lass in manner: big blood ftcandlna rtaus aud Swedes, strong men at tbe rawing; an Indian or So. strangely Id contrast to tbe rest, and a rariaty of Irishmen. Kiutliitiueg and Canadians. These men tramped lu without a worJ and art busily to work at various teaks Some at on the -xlcucoo sent" and be-, xao to take off their socks and rub bers. Still ntnem selected und in lan terns from u prndnnt row near tbe window and followed old Jackson out Of door*. 1 Ley wen- tbe tears at era. "You'll Omi tbe old mao In tbs offtoa." sold Jackson. Thorpe inode his way acnoaa to tbe •mall log cable Indies tad as tbs oOeo. and (mailed opeo tbe door. A man sat at a desk placing Bguraa on a sheet or paper. He obtained tbe figures from atatlatlca peached 00 three thin leaves at beuebwood riveted to ■•UMr. lu a chair by tbe stove lounged A bulkier figure, which Tlsorpe con cluded to Iw that of tbe "old man." “1 waa sent here by Shearer," said Thorpe directly. "Do at Id you might glee me anur work." So long a alienee fell that tbe appli cant begun to wonder It bla qnaaUoo had been heard. “I might.” replied I ha man dryly at last. “Well, will your' Thorpe Inquired, the humor, of tbe sttua Lion overcoming him. nave J*« *»«r worked la the wood* 7“ "Ns." The seas smoked silently. "Ill pat /mi oa tho rood la tba more lag.’* ha concluded, aa though thu war* the deciding quullflcatlon. One of the aw entered abrupt)/ and approached tbo coaotar. Tbo w id lac at the daok laid a aid* bk tablets. “What la It, Albert T be naked. “Jot of ebewln'," waa the reply. Tbo acaler took from tbe abetf a long plug of tobacco and cot off two Inehaa. "Ain't Mtttn' the ran much, are /aa Albert 7“ bo commantnd, putting tkr mao'n name and the amount la a little book. Thorpe went 001 attar haling his mama for tho time book, enlightened an to tbe method of obtaining aapplka. He promised himself some warm cloth ing from the can whan he should hare worked out the aaeonaary credit At supper bo kerned aoenathing aka —that he must not talk at labia. Per owe thine, supper was a muck briefer affair than It weald k»r» boon had ev ery nun felt privileged te take bk win In concerns ttou. not to apeak of tbe ab oooer »r noise nod the preeasee ef pence. Koch man naked for whet be wanted. Ttm«* pau the baarrn," hr nM. wttb tba dallbacar* intonation of a maa who doaa aot expect that hta m Q«0« will ha (rantod. B«ddaa tbr beaaa trot* fried nit paark. boltnl pofaiora. ranaad com. mlocr pte. a rartot/ of rooftloa aad tooxbmila. and at ran* gnat tta. Thorpe moral htmaclf eal Inc raremoo *7 of the it tide fog*. • That recoin* ha anderwaot a rata, chtan. a frw practlenl jokao. which hr taak mod nutmwllp. ant a raat taal of etadlaa At t> Olra-h the llaM. wore an out Br tajrtlxht bo ant • traarn ntlrrr mm war* at Work haw lax • mat that bat tw W aa arunoth aad lerrl a« a Sow York bootoaord. Thorta- ant foor othrro wrrr oat to work n« Iiila mat. which waa to bo twi tkmoal' a errek banoai lapdln*. hr waa lokl to “«rvrnr*cn" ttr leoraad ta am n trot dr Idttrrt at. f*rraa aftrr dnjilxtrt lie wan at. Knor othiT me* bora bln romp* ay. nod i wire llndwoy lilmaetf mine by. uut.-i.eil thidr operations for i no «stni it ml mored on without comm cut After Thorpe bad cnugbt hi* second wind be enjoyed 111* tank, finding a certain pleasure In tbo ruse with which he hn lulled |i|a flail , At the end of an iatennlMablr pr dod h faint, umdcul hallo swelled, echoed nisi died through the farre!. beautiful ue n eplrlt. It wa* taken un by nnntlier rnlce and repented. Tbn l:y onotlu-r Now near at bauil. uo Air away. It rang a* bellow as t beli. file sawyers, the swamper*, the sk Id ler* lu:J the lea lit iiteu tar usd and tat on tlu'lr henry bluukel coat*. Down ou (be ixmd Thorpe heard It, loo. sad nooUmvd what It might be. “Cons- os. I.ub 5h* menu* das," explained old man Heath kindly. Thorpe resumed Ida root aod fall la behind the little procession. After a abort time be mine upon j* horse and sledge Beyond It the cooks* bad ball! a Unie camp fir*, srouted aad srer which be had grouped Mg fifty pound lard tins half full of list things to cat. kerb urna aa be appraactmd picked op a tin plat* and cap from a pOc near at hand. The tookse waa pie Inly niaatsr of the situation. He Inroad peremptory or der*. When Krtekaon. Ike bland fiwedsc attempted surreptmoatly to appropri ate a doogboot the youth turned aa hltn aaeagety and sbnated: “Oct out of that, you big tow bead r Thn men at a, perched la rarlaaa at Utodsk aud place* Thorpe found It dUBcalt to Keep worm The rlolrot ex **/ don't knows teltich of you boy* U ocarfwy Jlrxt,'* auUI Aw« «|M4eUy erclee bud Uratrd him through. sad bow tba north coootry cold penetrated to Ms bones. Ha Middled rtoec to tba tra and drank bot tea. bat It did net do biro vary work good. In Ula aacrat aalod he mol rad to boy ooe of tba blanket macfclanws that rrry crealig. Tba oewcomei's brat day sf kard work trad tired blor completely Ha Waa ready for nothing an mock as hie bonk. But be had forgotlea that It waa Saturday might Hla eta toe was Hill to assure. They began with a few mild tricks. Shuttle tlia brngan followed hot back. Thorp# took all of It good naturally. Finally a tall Individual with a thtn. white (ace. a reptilian forehead, red dish hair and long, babbcoo anas sag geatsd tsaaing la a blanket. Tborpr looked at tba low reding sad itarSnad. ••rm wltk thr game as long as yoa can aay. bay*.” aatd b.t. "and rtl bare A aroct fan as aaybady, bot there gulag too far far a tired man.” The rapt Die o rreotlpman lot oat a string of oatba whoa# meaning might be translated, “We'll ere a boot four Thorp# waa a good boior. but be know by now tbs toipbrr lacks* mrtb ad of Sghttag - nnytblo* to hurt the other fellow. And In a genuine, old fashioned. kaock-dowa-aad-drag-oot rough and tumble your woodsman ta about the tooghret wtomar to handle you will be llkoty to mast Ha la brought op oa fighting. Nothing pIrenes him batter than to gat drunk and. with a tow .companions, ta embark la aa earnest effort to "ctsaa oav* a rival town. And ha will accept cbaarfalty pnhlsbrncnt enough to kill three ordi nary men. Thorpe at the Brat hostile more merit rereog back to the door, aalaed one of the threr-foot billet■ of* bard wood In tend*] for the (tore and faced him op ponent*. **t don't know which of yoa bays la owning flrvt." said be quietly. "but he la Being to ast It aural nod plenty.” If tire nffnlr hod been serious three men would w»cce hare recoiled Itefure THE OLD RELIABLE . ^ -• tmammmnrm i the were danger of • Mick of bark wend. Hot tUe wne a send notnred Ut M taoiiTj. a toM ef nerve. Ml tkMW wan mu object la pattla* • broken bend K» that. The reptilian genllemaa alone gnuuMed inwnlilag profane. “If you banker far treable ae wart." drawled the unexpected votee at old Jocbooo from tho comer, “aMbhe you could pot on (lie gtoveo.'* The mm waa rarer. Thorpe won built oo true athletic Hone brawl, etralpht obeoldera, nnrrew flanka. Map, clean. •Booth muactax. He poroeaaed. bealdea, that beradMory lough — and balk which oe gymnexiaBi wtu ever quite ruppljr. The atlwe lean, while pewer ful ead oply In bM ruetmo. waa clangy aart did uot aae Me b««L Thorpe yltatad Ida bard, etmlgbt biowo at will. Finally ho aow klo opaMnp nod Mreut with a ewlaglng pivot blow. Tho other picked titcnaeif eat ef a comer and drew off the (tore*. Thorpe* otatua wan naaurrd. “The young fctWr'e all right." etv aeeved Heath. "Ha cuffed Ben ap to a peak all right" “Went down like a pock of wM fell ~rin.” replied Jackson tranquilly. HtO PC COWTIKLED.) To* Terrible far Words. Ckartcatoai Hm aaS Ctafln Human sympathy stands ap palled and speechless in the presence of a catastrophe such as that which took place at the Iroquois Theatre in Chicago Wednesday afternoon. Toe pitiful spectacle of those hun dreds of men _ and women and children fighting for their lives against the hell of smoke and gas and flame haunts the im agination. The condolence of the nation will go out in heart felt measure to the families of the dead. So distrossfal a tragedy has never before in the history of this coiotry converted the rejoicing of a Christmas sea son into sorrow sod weeping. The calamity is of a magni tude which readers it national. Onr wars in Cuba and the Philip pines have supplied no single battle in which the mortality was so great as it was in that fearful struggle at the exits of the Iroquois. And these pitiful heaps of corpses are shrouded in none of the pomp and circum stance and patriotic fervor which lift up the spirit of the living as they mourn over the dead of war. Few of them, indeed, are even the bodies of men, but those of girl* and little children whom all the world baa been taught to make glad and joyous at this particular period of the year. Caught in the fire trap, the little folks, who were round ing oat a week of holiday with an afternoon at the play, went to their death by ^be scores—death in a guise more horrible than even the most vivid imagination may adequately* picture. Mortal understanding may not frame for itself an explanation of why it had to be. Where the blame rests baa not yet been deter mined. It may have been mere ly one of those fatalities which no reasonable exercise of human foresight could have prevented. There was no element of contri butory negligence at Pompeii or Martinlvua. And then again a rigid investigation may develop ah explanation of a different character. It it claimed, it it true, that ingenuity had been exhausted in the effort to render the Iroquois Theatre "safe" in case of fire. It was supposed to be the finished product of the beat architectural skill of Chicago. Bnt the darnningly significant fact remains that a score of peo ple fodght their way to the open air and failed to find the fire es cape! In place. Who was re sponsible for this? Who took the fearful ha sard of permitting the place to be packed with peo ple night after night with one of the moat essentia) precautions for their safety lacking? Surely the blood of Mint of the almost numberless dead la on the heads of the bnllding Inspectors of Chicago. But there will be time enough to punish the guilty if guilty they are, when the first shock of mourning is over. For the moment ooo can scarcely think of aught else than the tragic scenes enacted in that horrid struggle in the auditorinm, corridors and foyer of the theatre building, sud of the crushing burden of grief that hsa fallen upon more than a half thousand bomas in Chicago. The people of Charleston join with those of the entiie nation in extending profouadest sympathy to thin vast host of men and women who are weeping to-day over the mutilated remains of their hus bands, wives, sweethearts and children. The Dew ChlM-Oh. Mis. me—, when did you art hack) Mrs Meant-to— yes. Seer. I was Mt away anywhere. What ante you think soT The Dear RklM-l tbeaxtit yw ret I heerd — maw— say the* yes were at lagirrtwsMa with year hothead Set aver a week. 1 1 ■w’smaaE-nHM An old ____ baa bad years ot active experi* sr&asxr'Sirte'Bs nuuiv a battle with the outlaws and beard tbe ballets from their nos whistle past him, who has often crunched behind rocks and stood behind trees and who baa done bis share in trying to stamp ont tbe miscreants, said a few days ago, in speaking of block ader* and moonshine whiskey: "I hare been a revenue officer for about twesty-five nr thirty years, and have sees all kinds of service, under all kinds of circumstances, and don’t believe blockading or illicit distilling will ever be stopped. The rea son for my belief (and I am not the on hr one) la simply this: There it such a large profit in tba hoamesa that the temptation is too great for most of that class of people, regardless of tbe lav, pot beading what bat befallen fellow moonshiners. Even lor getttng .hat they have once been imtigbt or suspected, and that the eyes of the oftecm arc ou them, they go right ahead and distill tbe min. But at tbe seme time they an ou the look* SOME GOOD THINGS AT HALF PRICE “von get e good thing and pay full valwr yon still have a goodttlM ana nc to be congratulated. Bat when yon bay a good thing et half price yoo hnrc the good thing aad also h*7f roar mooey, which in the seme as having two good things. That ts lost what we offer you. It fa*— hot afew wo^to tell the story. Warn closing out onr »eWs Stock of ; S ; ; ; ; ; . t COATS AND PUM AT HALF PBCEI Enough said for this. Again: we an also making a .... CLEAN SWEEP OP READY-TfcW—BP HATS AT HALF PRICE, STRAI Boy now. It is the same aa doobEng yonr money : NEW EMBROIDERIES ANO LACES. We have several Mg lots fast arrived. They ere not in onr half-price talc. They are high value, alasoet double value—for the price we charge. However come ten fog Orestes* valaea seer shown her. at these eric**. Pm Petticoats ' _Me, *1, *1.25, *1.50, *2.25, JJ.50. M Matthias* garwcnU at tbs prim. ^ " JAMES F. YEAGER, Take Tour Sayings to the Bank DonVtake chance* with them •t hone. The safest place them ta easOy rifled by the ejaterpria inr burglar. The Gastonia Savior* Bank iZSZfZPM' - Interest paid on mviat* ac eonru. The Gastonia Savian Beak Sis?;^jrsasS SSScSh. GASTONIA SAVINGS BANK, X. L. JENKINS. Aw. A Z. MAUDUt. CtaAftr. Gastonia Banking Co. " ■ ■ Oaatonla, N.C. ■■■■■ _........... . .. _- — ■■ -• - - Cg. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $75,000.00 State Bank Incorporated May 13, NOS • =—;ss—^-r=u‘s=i--r^ • v:—_= STATE AND COUNTY DEPOSITORY «1 ■ — 1 •*«* * “. I... ..- -~E- I OFFICERS ♦ ♦♦ jno. F.iova,*wM«* R.C.Q. IOVB,VIm Pr**, JO. A. PAO«» CmMt DIRECTORS ♦ ♦♦ • . «. I. l«VI AN*. N. LAV* ■ ••A* IOVI . NO*T. A. L*V*

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