: . , : 9ttm __ .L&fC'&Vi hath to oiear tho MmtM> AH well ■nte hekdhl Tbat*o»oodr I Mil know joa were throve*." STSSSU^oJik-*-1 *"* * "* ■*' -WoH. Mer. I Am oocryf* tried Had. way- “Vow ran taro la aad hoi* Ikwak, lf ywn eraat la* Thotae mated tho cook aad oM Ink am Him* tkr aatr two akam ho barer, ami ore to work to t* ay boa Mm oT Mooketo aad m eoDtct arm. poarloa aad toot* at *H dmcriyBoaa. That oeoahot tho aoraa dlaed taaribor at mm oad of tho lead to bio Tho b* atom exhaled already tho atmoaahor* of droortioa. -Sot awk Mho otd ttmeo. h thor ktaahod Radway. "Oao't yoa Jaet oh at ■ttta ume W nook* the* ptpos. chair «*•« M»lm the logs of tte catena. te» mma tte chin of melting mow hw* them Mm The fear Mob. *te» ptayrd <mo dp la tte wok com* kg the tight at a bon Intern. wUW Tterpe tad (be cook wiser letters Thorpe"! «ti to Me outer. 1 hare hern tat tte WMM tor •hew ■ awath." te wrote. ‘KaOtag Us s crock m tte hem wkleb ta «■ right sew. Bat | cannot got baste tali emsnifr. ate. I see strati. cso ws •fiasm steal the oekoM tkta ysor. I sat abate no steak at wtet* 1 was as yoa see It ta Mow bataaasa. hat tte waters tor trrees labor ate set "*T high there sitter.- sad so os. Whew Sites Odra Tbocpr. aged nrr sstw a., rcrrtTrd tkta da earnest tee ••■■pi d her tost almost angrily. *>Tsa*d thigh te was a rt ‘y laborarT tee ertak. -Why darau'i - tty toe a itantntali ar aemothteg is tte elty ■tec held tare ■ cbs>ee ta see bla testes r ktad tbas the caste te tortotg rabst telt'tat ter beat tec ted tee* a IM ttooa ta bta oww. teMMg* After galshtag tte tartar Tterye Bt Ms tape and strolled oat Ists tte dark mam. Opposite the nttta oMcs te amnpad aaaaaak. Tbsoogk tte narrow window heessM ana Kadwsy seats* tat moot at tbe amw*. Be bod am* down late bta stair sottl be rsaCwl aa ataaaot tte ■Bail at bta back. Me tags warn stack straight sat la mat at him. bta ehta amtsk aa Me brass!, sad Ma two arms hang tells at bta aim a pipe half toltaag treat tte iagera at aum bond. AH tbe far*Haas Haw had taros* (a -What's tte matter with tte boat -aaywgyr steak Tharps ta a law ealea at Aacfcaoa Bteca ssbaa tte etcea ap "Wat ye beardr toaotrsd tbs oM •*22*1- MM**! M n'4£r| «rhat do yoa Mir “Wtot I Miy- H*1i batted. That fra** taoaht Mm taa qaict. Ttag'a Mata tbaa a adtUoa tad a half la* Mt to (ha art tto that caa*t to gat eat «Ma year, and at bit aaotnat cal It tar •a baton I jtt to dotrt art oathM* tar wtottofodawa." Ttof, , oaaar rtg." ntiaMiatH *tot*a. Hdtlttr a Itt of valuable •arti torr. Tto ttehaWrat aad tfdd dtdaayway. aad to't dabratad a gaed dMl ad N la the Mala drive. Tto M. * ft aatdt grt all tto adraatiga ad F OHATTn IX. •1 lADWAT." hM ha 1 "t wooer. *al I need It rtm ought to _ „„ ___ oat of thte Jab af the M. A D.-aat mack, hat axae thla* Vnn jraa pi* mm a share of •hat I out collect fro* tbcaer “fcraT agreed tha Jabber raadiljr. •Mb a tench. “hare! Bat ran won't ■at aajrtbta* ru gtre roa 10 par eaac gtdehr "Oaed eaoagbr cried Thorpe. “Sam, •ham w» pet to town 1 waat roar pow ar of attaroar aad a tow ■■ora* after •Web I trill aat bother roc agala." Tba next da/ tba reuag nan called tor tha aaeood Una at tha little rad Palo ted odder aider the shadow of tba ■n aad far tho aaoood tine stood Pa tera tba hater pwwar ef the Jcalor •eaibor of the &m. -Walt, roans nut what caa I da ter four aakad tha tetter. "I bare bran Informed.” aid Thorpo without praUalaai7. -that rea lataod to par Jdba Badwaj aothlac tar tha •ee* dear la tha Caa breach thla winter, la that truer Dalr atadted his utuaM tardlte ttrotj. -If it la trot what la It to raor ha aakad at length. “!_*■» actio* te Mr. Badwar'a teter “Tao are oaaof Badwar'aseen 7" -Tea." 1* what rapacity bar* you barn working for blnr _“Oeet hook ana.' replied Thorpe *1 kMT oaM Daly alowty. Thro ead *m»r, wttft an tatooalty of energy that Martlwl Thorpa, ho triad: “Now. yog •at am of hen! Right off! Qalckr Tha yoaag ana recognised the cos prRiag and aatocratle boat rddreaelag • ■rrnkrr of tha crow. *1 ahatl do nothing of thr klndr ha cap Hr fl. with a Saab of are. Tha Bill owner leaped ta Me tact. Thorpe did not wtoh to bring a boot an •etna l ecewc of rtolmer. Ho bad at tained Me object which war to Sartor Re at bar. “I here Radway’e power of attor ney.- ha added. Daly art dawn. coalroUad btmeetf with an effect and growled oat “Why didn’t yon My tor "Now, I would tike to know yoot pe tition.- want on Thorpa. '1 am not hare to nake trouble, but aa ao atoo rtatt of Mr. Radway I bare a right to eland the eaaa. Of coarar I harp Mb bMb of vbt ftocr." It BiifMfrt m though convinced that a detailing of the other elde aright charge hie vtowe. Daly imridered oarafaity. tzlag Ma ■hit trine fyee aaewarrlogly op Theepe'a (Pee. RrMtolly fata ecrattay ndrtaad bier that thr yanng ana wan ■ taw to hr rrrtoned with. “Ife like thin.- hr told abcgptty: “wo contracted loot fall with thla mao .Radway to pot la BjOOOOao feat of oar TV milt ftwntr Iwpii t* Mt /ml timber. Mlrmd to the meJa drive at tha month of the Caaa branch, ta tUa he waa lo art Wlrpandoutt/. era* ae * the Matter of predatra. Tbaa# he drew frenfoor r«a aad waa debited with the amoeat of the aaaw. la that dmr “Perfect 17." replied Thorpe. “ta retera we were ta pap Mm. aw f^aatabte oeele. H e thnaaead. If. hewerer. he filled to pet ta the whale |ah the tee tract wae cold." “There hew r aadetataad It" era moated Thorpe. “Wear “Weft, br didn't aet ta tbe MOOuMt tteWi a artiaea aad a half boa* aa la the weeded “fct pea her* ta pear he ado three ■■Ilea aad a tmtt which Bader the enakt to *tIt" cried Delp. “Wart sane! Hare wa tatead la eaw thdi rammer aid «dt Wt teat M m la aearp atlch of timber we ewe aa ae la ha aMe ta dear a* af here |W ead al * the eleon af tha IHWBe ifldl mtm tkfli Mailafli uy** — aa ap lar . — l» draadtartr aaaoptap." fra aadad Thorpe, -aad M le a aaad deal «t hadwep'e feah. I am wtMa« le ed "rRahaaaNrnpSed'Sitp. with the j i aaw with throe attm and a half af MV hn which with the 91 worth of lagging ad ted mw worth *2UMa" “Hold m r cited Doty. “Wo paid Bodway H Wa avoid ten dooa It ateaili aa for teee." “Tow could wot ten dowa It foe our root teee than foubiweaty In that conn try " aaptted Therpc, “aa aa eapert win teatlfj" “Why did wa giro It to Radway at fawr tbcwr “Tow Mrad the eapeoea of a aolarted ere rarer aad yunreeleaa not bother,' replied Thorpe, "Radway aaald do It far Iom beuaoeo. for aeme ttxaogt rea •aw which you yooreelf do oel nndrr atoad. a jabber coo alwaya leg for Iom than a company." “We ooahl hare dona It for foer." tw Mat id Daly atwbberaly. "Bwt gat aa. What ere you driving atf My tlme'a valuable." “Wall, pat bar at fear, thaw.” agreed Thorpe. "That makea year mw logo worth aver *30.0X1 Of tUa mine Had way added (lSdXXX Tea bora appro priated that moch of hie wttboet pay lag him owe rent" Daly treated aaowd. "Haw about the *mUltaa aad a half (ret of aura ha appropriated r ha a Med quietly. “I*ai coming to that. Now far yew loanee. At the atuopagr rata yowr million aad a half which Radway 'ap propriated' would ha oaty throe thou aaad. Bet for tlie mke of argaaaeaK waTtl take the actual Mm you'd hare locofrod far aww logo. Brea than the mutton and a half would only have bora worth between eight and nine theamutd. Lied acting thte purely theo retteal Mm Rodway haa occamlooel yaw from the amount he haa gained for you. yon are etlll noma roar or Ova thooMod ahead of thr game. For that yow paid him nothing." -inert luawiyt loofcoot." Ta Jaatfc* too sboaM par bln that anoaat. H* ta a poor matt. Ha baa sank ail hr owned In this rectors. tiro *1*000. and bs baa aotMog ta Mrs on Ktta if too paf bin It* tbon aacd. h* baa lost eotwldsrabte. wbila Too bar# gained." "Bow bat* w* gaiaad by tbia Mt of phUaathiaerr “Becoos* yoa ortgteaQy Paid la caab for aQ tbit Umber oo tb* itspp ]wt *10000. and jam gat (ton Rad war aw lag* ta tbe vntoe of *30000." replied Thorpe atiarply. ■Bewde*. yoo Mill awa the ui III km and a half which. If you do net rare to pot them In rear ed f. yoo cnn sett for something oa tb* akfclt." "Don't yoa know, young nan. that whit* piae lags an skids wlfl spell ut terly In a aommert Worms gat late •an." "I da." rrpllad Thorpe “nnlna yoa bark them, which prams will coat yoa sboat *1 a tliooeand. You can tad any a noon t at null paTcbaasra at rs dacad price. Yoo can sad than sadly at S3. That nets yoo for yonr mllUoo aad a - half a tittle ot«r *4X100 nor*. Coder the dreesnstaaeaa I do not think that my request far *re thousand la at aU exorbitant" Daly laughed. "Yoo are a shrewd •surer, aad roar marks are Interest |H£ «a ^ "WiH yoa give *0.0007' asked Thorpe. "1 will sot." replied Daly; then, with s sadden change of banoc: "And now Hi do a little talking. l>e Ustmnd to too Joal.about me long u Pm gotag to. I hare Kadway'a contract In that aafo. and I Her np to It. PI! thank yoo ta ge plumb to biases 1" Tbnt*a your last wot* la ItT” aekai Tharps, rlslog. Tt ta" Then, mm he slowly iyj<l dlatlnetty. "I’ll Ml t<"> what HI do. I Intend to saDect In fnU the $4 • tbooaaod for the three nilllloa* and a half Ur. Rad way baa delivered to you. In retorn Hr. Badway win porch*** of yoa at the at ora pa ye ratra of a a thoneaad tba Million and a half he failed to pot fh. Thai Bahaa a trill aye I oat yon. tf my flrorlDg la correct. of Juat $11. 000. Too will pay that MIL aod 1 will tall yon why. Toor contract will bo rtowtd la any court as a camMing con tract for lack of coaetdeearteo. Too bpee no legal etaadlag la the world. 1 colt yoar bln*. Hr. Daly, and I'll ftght yen front the drag of the bat tlnow«b every roar* tn Christendom.” "Fight ahead." adelasd Daly rweetly. wbo knew parfactly wan that Tborpafs law waa faolty. A* t matter of fact tba yoooy man coaid bora collected a* other ground*, bat aeltbar waa aware of that “rartbenttoce." panned Thoepe In addition. “I'll repeat my offer before wtUwaaea. end If i win the 8ret eelf rn ear you for (be nosey we eookl bare nmdr by pairbeatoc Ibr extra MUIw ead a half before It tad ■ "be— to w-oii." Tb*e oteteweat bad He effect, for It •breed an tuuaedlote oetOcawat before tbepiaeea tbe abide sbooM deteriorate. Delr^teeeped bed with a little men -AadL lastly." ceedaded Thorpe, pie/ I— ble tramp card, “the soil frece etart to Caleb wilt be pebbabed la ev ery Importswl paper la tbis ceaotry. If yea de on beltm I bare ibr la Cticaei' to de tbte yea era at liberty re doabt Ibe feet." Holy tree cogHatlof may Lblsfs. Be baew that pobtktty waa the last thing te be deeind. Thorpe's atate ateat bad been and# la vtow of tba Caat that etarb af tbe baalaiaa of a Crai It daa* oe credit. Be t that perhaps a rasper of a Me Ac a anther of rjgj bV •bet ta tbe etr Mt fed. 1 • Mob tea cap ten apt a bade of 'juesvjtgz f' / ... • — ■ X. j-l I-- ■ _LLLX MMif la tiitrt i vacattaa far tba ffn» of vtaltlag Mi sialar. for tbo purposes ba bad la vlaw •SCO woo Id bo boo* too much. Tbo re maining *oou ba bad raaaivod to (avert b Ma slater’s comfort aad bapptaoaa. He bad thought tbv matter over aad bad gradually evolved what seemed to bin aa excellent ptan. He bad already perfected It by corraapaodoaoa with lira. Reawtck. It waa. briefly, tbla: Ha. Tborpe, would at ouca biro a servant girt, wbo waold make a ay thing bat a* psrvtalea armrraonry la ao small a boon he hi- Tba remalodar of tba mon ey bo had already pah] for a year's tuition lo tba aemlnary of tba town Thus Dr-lec gained her Icioora aad aa opportaalty far study and ttlU ratals ad brr home ta case of ravaraa. Tborpe found bta slater already a young lady. After the first (Might ot anating bad passed they aat aids by aid# on tba haircloth sofa aad took stock of eeeb other. Helen bad developed from the school child to the woman. She waa a hand some girt, poasoeead of a slender, web rounded form and deep base! eyes, with the level gain of her brother, although • figure rather aloof, a face rather Im pwaalva, bat with the possibility of pas sion and veuotloa and a will to bark “Oh. bat you're tanned nod—and Mgr she tried. Kilting bar brother. "Yan'ee had wick a airs age winter, haven't you!" "Yea,” be replied absently. “Things came a little bettor than I thought they wore going to toward tbe tost, and I made a little money." “Ob, I ni so giadr *hs erted. “Wan It much!" "No. not moth." be answered. The actual Ogam won Id bare been no mnefa hettar. “I’ve utade arrangainanti with Mrs. Renwlph ts hire a eervaat girt so you will have all your time free, and I'Ve paid a year's tuition.tor you is tbe •military.’* “Oh." aatd tbe gtri. and tall silent. - After a time. “Thanh yoa vary maeh. Harry deem” them, after another later eal. “1 ttilah I’ll go get ready tar sap per." Intend of getting randy tar supper aba paced excitedly ip and down bar room. “Oh, why didn't he any wbat he was aboat!” ebe cried to heneir. “Why didn't be! Why didn't her Tbe days, bowersr. pasasd In tbe main ptoasnra'dy tar them both. They ware food of ooe another. The bar rier slowly rising between them eras not yet ernnuted by lack of a (Tact Ion on either side, bat rather by lack of belief In Ibe other's rtfoetton. Helen Imagined Thorpes Interest In bee be coming dully more perfunctory. Thorps fancied bis surer cold, unreasoning and vagratefnL And yet this waa bat tbe ragor dart of a cloud. They could not forget that bat tar each other they .were alone In tbe world. Thorpe delayed bis departure from day to day. making alt Ibe preparations he peart bty coaid at home. Finally Helen came on him busily unpacking a box which a dray had lift at the door. Ha unwound and laid oaa aide a Winchester rifle, a variety ef Ashing tackle and some other miscella nies of tbr woodsman. Haiso was strttrfc by the beasry or the sporting Implements. “Oh. Harry!” aha cried. "Aren't they dot! What an yon going to do with them!" ramping.’- replied Thorp* with fala bend In excelalor. “When 7“ “Till* nDlwr." NeWu'a rye* lit ap with a Ore of de UghL -now mm: May I go with yooT" (ho cried. Thorpe (book hi* brad. “I’m afraid not. little girl It'* go lag to be a ban) trip a long ways from taywhcee. Too couldn't at and It.” “I’m anrr I could. Try we.” “N*" replied Thorp*. •*! know yon rootdo'L We'U be ateeplng on th* ground and gn|ag on font through touch extremely difficult rmiutry." 1 wtali you'd take me anmewbere,” panned Bede* ”| can't get away tbt* •Warner on lee* you do. Why don't you •amp aomewhera nearer home. *o I ran prt” 'Tharp* ana* and Waned her tenderly. “I canT. little girl: that * all. We^re get oar way to make.” She naderatood that be considered Om trip too ex penal re for them both. At tbla naotnent a paper Buttered fro* “Ok ka* I— a«* an- aw* k**r ffc* HUM** »* DM Nik l M *•*»< Mr |t total af Ipm that aada Mr *m*i “Bar* to yaar Mll“ *a aaM. vltk « totaagr itoto to Mr ratoa, aaO tofl tfca < "B» aaa (at ea Ma art gaaa. M ka raa*t dart to tot aa toara tkto katoM to«k* aM aawatoiaad to Ika •MM traa. “to* raa *a way a* aaf la* aawnrlnra to ka*a a *m4 tfca* tow totoaraa m» atodtoala* to tkto Oaa’t «at* if M la aa**artoa* •* ' Ba aa*kt to. tort to* kaalkaa. Oklwtok (TO W cowTiwyp.> Mmfti for Tto« Outohu Oamttb. A Golden Rule of Agriculture: Potash lntkekftUUtf«Mtl«n>lM*l a_ ui quantity to tat oar ooa*. Writ* oa and wo wUl aood yoo, >Vo», by ooxt nail, o oor mooay wteoto* boobs. «M*» cau worn, bt* Tot-SI MwsSs St. an-aM-Sqnnwtn* Eya Glass Fakirs Gal in Tbtlr Wsrk. Charlotte New*. Oth. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, ol ibis city, tell* a News reporter that he has recently received definite information that several parties, claiming to be Dr. Wakefield, the eye specialist of Charlotte, have been selling worthless spectacles and "eye drop*” to the unsuspecting residents of a score of North Carolina counties aud in several counties iu South Carolina. The first intimation the doctor had of the work of these fakirs was conveyed to him hy a letter from the sheriff of Alexander county telling him that an impostor was "doing" the people of hi« county; this was followed iu a few days by a message from the chief of police of Kutherfordton informing the doctor that a patty waa working under his name. Another party was arrested in Lumberton, charged with the same offence. The doctor has letters from persons in various parts of the State, from Hickory in the weat to Magnolia and Rose Hill in the east, demanding their money back—money they had unsuspectingly paid to im postors. One of these slick rascals sold an old couple two pairs of glasses for $50, guaran teed the glasses to cause cataracts, that were gTowiug iu their eyes, to disappear. Anoth er played the same $50 trick on a woman in Iredell, and yet another on an old blind man in Richmond county. All in the name ol Dr. Wakefield, whose reputation must suffer in conse quence. Many of the people purchasing glasses and eye medicines of thea^ "gentry” aie not yet aware of the trick played on them, and blame our towns man, Dr. Wakefield, for the deceit practiced on them. When will the people learn that the truth is not in the slick-tongued faucals who live by their wits? Administrator's Notice. 2*k d«7 ol IkwW, mi, or tbla notice will be plead in bnroflbeir recovery. All neraoaa indebted to tbe anid ratal* will plenae make immediate pay . lflOCV r COMPANY. _ -^‘l^ed Professional Cards. ~=3Baac====:g==>‘»‘ a sag . .. . sss dr. d. e. McConnell, dentist. Office Arat floor Y. M. C. A. Hld’e GASTONIA, N. C. Phone 69. Hamilton v. stewart, Attorney-at-Law, Office over A. D. Clark’* atore, GASTONIA, N C. Phone 177. *--—--■ mortgage sale or land. *w$3rsh£ 4a» ••■a* r«k^wT iwiM4, &®SSS6 ®8[MSSs niiju 1.1*04 *■* ***“&£?: Commitaioaer's Sale el Lead. ■ flaiftut c4 u _l»4fc. MO4, ttsffibfEsw^M&aes QQgpgfgg Ul.occwllbki.lloc WcK 140 pole, lo ■ (like oo BflMf*?*•* *«*e nflau track: thc.cc wltb taldKailwaa track to tht Iwaiaaiac. Eams&s&m b~k a^^M^d: i?‘c^iVpSitfcj,i5k!f! *“ wothimuiadtf In iwflvt moetka • of aala. Mnad payment* to 1>* iJa a2*jft.b .sOTpSi ik CwBMKmr. „2%,., too. ad ftggSc^—frJSSr oc-yy HE-SALE Or LARD. trust door eltlw ■sriafe t toljoWTH a in OGloo i ! *P tke mek ■ws SttHF ^MJ°3 In twelrr flit month* loom darofMlt. a. JrnM Mtont. to be evidenced b> mHi beorln* latenM at Mae rate of six 18) per cent, per aantrtB.aedtitle reaarred aatll per ch*** price la paid la tall, with prietMdta to HAPPY NEW YEAR! • Now it ia basinets. We now have in onr atables over 100 bead of Moles and Horses to start the New Year with. Come and see and get onr terms and prices. We have just received another. Car of Babcock Buddies from Watertown, N. Y. Car of Anctidr Buddies from Clnclwwatl, Ohio. Car of Rock Hill Buggies from Roclc Hill, 3. C. Car of Taylor A Cannady Buddies f row Oxford, N. C. We now have a lot of nice Harness, Whips, and Saddles, and the Vulcan Tarn Plow, the best plow on earth. We make prices end te.ms to anit everyone. s s t t : : : CRAIG & WILSON SOME OOOD NEW YEARS A A RESOLUTIONS! A A pas* throq«bo«t the veer, where I can receive 4 PERCENT INTER. K8T x>r uiy savings. • ,,,,, SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. . Webeve added aeveeal desirable pieces of real estate la town * uk “a r#“ontb,e wut GASTON LOAN A TRUST CO. •.I.MI.MH1 ... * --- m ,

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