The Blazed Trail ' *2*wm .'• Hrn Ita pctbs wltt tortoel wood* a wus WfMMT to hw» to tb W«b taMadrtop*. Tbs pnir fall tod •Ml btTltosma* ulksdTrtedr. TWr*f *» MtortMO * Ho*,* OOTWMsd tawt. ■*» Mt tlma 'swat or • t(t«t RV» that I ton aiMQiiibw mm> «*»«»>* tlwy’r* tom laylu to* tow." Tt*rr» nrwwsrsd trtblax. Tbrsnab iV.dis Of tto aid dafB tbsjr found a jbaSft t*a*rtOB fnwa its ittmtad • rand. Ml IS- mil oT WUkti tb» dUn* , Mated wines dajathw Is tbs cumwt sb »Mtii tbs former sanctum. Darts ■toad startMt at tbs tansit •bat iTjtatiO How M tbsy cat to tarn wttbocat roar ssstaa tbs«? am qj^Sl '■ "1 deal km." Hfwisl the "1 !«•» «t«t over la U‘ break to kill a h* Pali Mai a aad when I ram hack 1 had her lids way.** , -'Veer yoa Mrod la watch tbk dam •rweiewt year demanded the team take a# Thorpe. -Answer nt. yaw “tea, 1 *»«." returned the man - •hade of BRmdM ereeplsa Into bte take. “Well, jraa've daoe It wed. Yoo'ee ■d aj darn, end yna're kIMad dee ■k. If the crew Bade eat a bool yoa, ftrt «a orer ttae ralta aarr. Too gat awl ad here! nice! Oeo*t yoo erer let me are joar tore apatar The au Usacked as he thaa learned •T hk comrades' death. Thorpe throat hk face at Mm. kahad hy rlrvam —tea heyoad hk hahitsal self cow teal. Tra area Ike yon whe stake the ttaohk.“ be stormed. -arapM fools Mho my they didn't mesa to! It ka*t eaaaph not to mean to; they ohooM mean not to! t don't ask yoa to llilak. I Jaw want yoa to da wkat I Ml yoa. aad yoo eaa*t rrea do that." lie threw bU kmaMer Into a heavy Mew that ranched the data watcher's far*, aad followed « tiawadl III Ij bv “Tap ana ae« pa/” ha ——»-rf ■Mthar. Than SQaarer caocbt tfla •m. wad—hB the daacd aad bloody rtetlm of the attack to «rt opt of tight. Thorpe ahook Ida forauaa off with ooa bapattept motion aad strati* away op tha Mrar. Ua bead arret, hie eye* daafe ta*. fata naemw tfietcadrd. “I earbea yop‘<! Utter niaay." tkaar •f dryly «I<M tba data watrher. eort totoeel Late (a tbe eftrraeaa the two owe raacbed Das Three, or. rather, the ajw* aa wblah Date Three hod awed. Tbe aaaw apretaetr repealed liar if apHtet Dll*. tbe dam watcher, waa "The dirty wbetper cried Tharp* They dM a paod >abr _ Be thrashed ahead here aad there aad aa nrtae arenm Bile blindfoUcd aad tted. Whim reteaaed the dan watcher waa enable ip pn eay **• reaat of fate aaealteeta “They cdse ap hebi*4 at wkUe 1 was eoeklay." be alt “Oae of 'as ptBtl mm. aad the-ather awe Braced Thee I faeare tbe •chat* aad J Tie* la MpTWWr SSSKX xrtut damn"tart*T» kfn'eaTtaVk’* Tta? MWVdrmMied w* WSC Ay ptcfcta' that dam. Tber mat MM low Retd whew IBM tta** «• Boat Mr drttt. and It laaka Bkr they waa rota* to earned. ftwH to ftm mattna hasda. “*>»* jroa ■" over nod take 'em •art Wat thru* TU*a have * amp Probably n» ikk ’*•». You whale day* Uttar Mt of • lot of atea who probably tart know any more a boat this hen •tawttat of oar dam than a ho* itoaa ataat a railed shirt. Meanwhile year dries taata Watll W ell, do yea ny UMM the MM who wan hack of that •tauaia* do >oa sapiiiM' Miwrbmn A Oaiy «5r» »• tin tar's dan hew many M *f ttaln yoa Bek? What they Mat ia la heap oar Arts*. If ttay feanp awr drtf*. tt*a rbaap at tta price of a few Mack cyca." Tta spec tar panMd tad grinned food bntaaredJy at tta mco* att-ottr* teeaa Tta* atsUealy bis owa became prana. "D* yon want to know bow to gat oranH bs uktC "Do yao want to knew bow to moke tbooo fellows Hog 00 Mian yoa can’t boar tbomT W«a n toll yoa. Take oat tblo drtrrt Do tt hi Mile of them. Ibow thaw tbrj’re do good wbsa tbey back op against Tboryo’n Otm. our boys dtod dotag thatr daty. tho way a riser man ought to Now bump yoorMlrosI Don't lot thtta die to talar Tbo Ct«w stirred naoaslly. lookt^ st onoh other for approval of tbo eoo ootaioa each had ozportoacodL Bod way tamed easily toward tho Moor. "Bettor turn to. bays, and got wot ■top." bo said. "Wo’to got o bard day tomorrow." n* stooped to Ugbt hla pipe at tbo At*. Whan bo bod again straightened bis hack after rath er a prolonged Interval tho group bad atoe4r disintegrated- A few minute# later tbo cooks* scattered tho brands of the lit from before ‘a steeping tofore daylight Injun Charley drift ed Into camp to bad Thorpe already oat With a curt nod tbo India a •rat ed htmaolf by t|ec Are and. product ns k eqnara plug of tobacco and o knife, togas lalonrHj to OU Us pipe. Finally h]u Charter apoha In tho rod auk clear cut lmKattr* English. a peas# "I dad troll three own." said be. "totk.dBM three own. One man go down rtvar. These neon hare cork toot One map ao boro cork toot Hr Tho Indion saddeoly throw bis this ant; bis bead bock, and half Hoard bis «TM la a cynical squint. As by ■ dash Dyer, the renter, leered Insolently from toWad tbo Indian’s stolid mask. "Bow do yoa koowr* Mid Thorpe. Tor answer the Indian threw his eh no Ida is forward lo Dym'a as roues fashion. "®* teaks trad big by tho too. light by the heal. Ha make trail big on la Chartey a row and walked after Dy er's springy fashion, illustrating hla point la tho soft wood atom of tho tote artiste Amide. Thorpe looked doubtful. “I behave you am rlgiiL Charley." said ha -But t» la mighty little to gn on. Toy caa’t to aero." "I tors" replied Charter. Ha paged atroocty at tba hart nf bin amaka. then area* and without farewell dtaappaand la the toraat. Then began tlM wonderful atronta acaiaat rircnmauncsa which has te am* a byword a room river men every where. A forty day drive bad to go eat in tan. A friahat had tr float oat | akOOOjOdO fhet of Iocs. It waa trotaan doaa. Fourteen, sixteen, sometimes rtghtaen boon a day tba men of the driving craw worked Hk* demon*. imam had no rtaoea to form. Of coarse under the pie non re the lower dam had gone oat. Nothing was to be dapeaded on bat rt>eer dogged grit V«r up river fladltv A ftmltt bad hung tholr drive for the season, and so bad iwflgued tbeniseivm to a definite bat art eitreordinary toss. Thorpe bad at least a dear river. Wallace Carpenter roald oat a ad-r at* ad haw baann flaab and Mood <ro darod. -The men t tent set van bad long sloea marked the point of practical othanation, hat war# carried through by the lire of tbrtr leader. Work was dogged ontH be atorroad Into right; then. It became freoated. When be looked at a man from bla cnrmoo*. tmralag eyoe. that roaa Jumped Impose! btlltV* w*ia poTed oalda Kke ttertian. The mea want at them brad •OB*. They way before the rush. Iboapa ahrayo M. Koe for a Watte laataBt of the day dot for many at sight wao he at rest laaftaotlroly he araawd to rrettae that a lot down weaM aoooa aanapea After the camp had falloa aaloep he wpaid often No awake half of the frw hoars of their eight eeery owoele ham staring at the toy. Bio ootad aaw definitely as try detail of the Wt aattoaae ho had slewed K. la adraaor ta tho work which bla body waa to so •ttopUah the next aiiiiatao Thao he dM oaotythla* twite. Than at hut the oobsOob weald talas. Be wobW fan Mo as oo or stoop. Rat twtoa that did not follow. Throat* 'tho dheotrlag laoa adat of Mo otitslng a obary thaafiht cleat ad tike aa or tee. It waa that after am be dM as* earn. Mb i tea at a* mare aasty Idas' Oram he weafd reach sat aad someth the mead eoMdb caste of the #rvet lose "Writ do M.~ hr whloprrod to theai aad re htaeU. -Wen da R. We rear he widay.*’ . 'SAmi m I *T.I«h<Tt riRPRxmt'fi aearsh espedlttea bed pecrrd a fa» ere. aa Thrwpr had hotel*. I_' lew at the ead ef the Mi wiMMMr r isf fieto and toss* 'I I I — Of't - Itowa at lk boosts tbr Jaa cn* rccrir»d the drtrr aa fast aa (t caaa dawn. From oar crib to another actaaa tbr broad ebtaat of tbr rierr'a atoatb brory boom* were ettatord md to rad aCTmaally la Hoar the ratt to l.nkr Ptfirrlor. Aguluat tbrer tbr loan rar* oturil aoftlj la tin- »U«-kink’d raiTest Mail •toftn'd Tlt« rrll* ware eery taruty. wllb niaatlng liulmd of «*(uarr totn. l« order (bat the preawtr* might br dowita-Nrd Inatcad of aMewtaw la a abort time llir Murfavr af I be higooo waa cormsl bj a browa carpet of toga running lo mange pattern* I'ke vHad towa of fallra grata. Tbr drier arts all but nerr. Up in bow thr weather bod been clear, hot uppreaelvety hot for tbit time of year- The brat had come aod daoly and maintained Haetf well The man had worked for the Boat part la 1 aadarsblrta. They wart as n<rch In the -eater na out of It. for thr try bath had braeate almoat grateful. HaoiU too. tbr who bad attached blmarlf definitely to tbr drive, dirtrib ntrd bandiee of paper*. In wblcb tbr men read that tbr noaruaruabie candl ttona prevailed all over tbr country. At trurlh. however. It par* algua of brooking. Tbr aky. wblcb hrd brew of a steal bluet, harbored great piled thun der heads. Toward evening tba tban d*r head* shifted and dually dissipat ed, to he a tire, tmt the portent waa tbara. Ha mil tea's papers -began to tell of w a about* and ctou-lburuta la the south and west. The men wtabrti tbry bad same of that water here. 8a finally tbr drive approached Its and and all concerned began In autlct patlOD la taste tbr wesrinvaa that awaited them. The few remaining tasks (till confronting them all at oner •earned more formidable than what tbry had arrompllabcd. The work for the first time became dogged, distaste ful. Kero Thorpe waa Infected. He, too. wauled more tbaa anything else to drop on thr bed In Ur*. Hathaway’s boarding houra. Ttwrr remained bn* a few things to do. A mile of Backlog would carry tbr drlva beyond tba In fiuauca of freabrt water. After tbit there would be no harry. Be looked round at Ike bard, fatigue won. fares of tbr men a bant him. and be suddenly fait a great rush of affec tion for these comrades who bad so as reservedly sprat thrmarlve* for bis *f. Iblf. Tbrlr features showed exhaus tion- H is tree, but their eye* gleamed ■till with tbr steady, half humorous purpose of tba ptonrer. When they caught M* glance they grinned good humored ly. AH at oner Thorpe turned and start ad for the hank. That H do. boys.- be said golatly to tbr nearest group -«be* down.” It was nooa. The sorter* looked up lb mrprtse. Behind them, to their very rushed -be soft smooth elope of Hemlock rapids. Rein. them Sowed a broad, peaceful river. The drive bad pamed Its last obstruction. To all In tents and purposes It was aver. Calmly, with matter of fact dlrect osa* aa though they bod nor achieved tbr In.possible, they abouklmd tbrlr psavsya and struck Into the brand war oarsed. In tbr middle distance loomed tba tall Starks of the mill, with tbe lit tle board town about It. Arrow, thr rye “Koa’af nbangat. junko.- mol K* •pm rb* tlvrrad of tb* rail rood K»r *»« ptaamrd tb* broad npnnnra of Oak* Superior Tb* awn paired off naturally and mil lata • drawing. doored walk. Tborp* •aaad blntwir tnwxprrrrdly with Big Ja»k». Kor a Haw tbry ptoddtd on wltboot mitre raattoo Than tb* M«r ■aa tea fared a maark. “Th glad atw'a a**r," aatt ha. “I pat a mi Make roinlo' - Taa." ’•piled Tbarpe ladSOarentty. “1 *■» awl MX) mad a*.“ p*ra»*ed Jmka. "Might ** wefl be centa." cam ■•aird Thorp*- *Tt 'd taake yon 't*a« aa draak." “Ut iuako Hi Baked ertf eaeartmary. hat wtthoot Ike «H*hte«t raBeatiw 11. “Ttart alt Hfbt" aald I*, “bal ran *«ta*» Hf* I doa't Wow tW* Wake " Tw beard tbal talk heforo." nbraf *d Tharp*. 'Taa. la* Hit* la lUJerewt. I'm fata' «0 gtt married aw thla. I law** that T Thorp*, hi* atreaihfb errata at toot, dial at Ida rtainwnWn. "Wha la aher- be aeknl alinrp ty, “•he eeef (a w,i.k at Camp K*ar.“ Tharp* dimly iwamuherad the weea OP bow aa ararw*laht*U ataatma with 0 eeetaln attneotlea af etdabtr Utewtaf hair, with a t-maln pWwalmt fall •harked. f*|t hw and Health. The two walked aa ta reeeteklHhed •ha*. t'laaHy the aktal. ao-W* ta aaataia tkaaH laaa*r. brake *at apata. “I da Ilk* that wmaaa.- aaW he with a qaalatty rWHiwratt aartimajeea. “Thera the taeat wmaao ta Urta dte Mrt” VMqa «yo thaTa th* Map ta «a. I ttts the rfVee too. Bot you bet wbm Carrie aaya a thin* that's plenty pond —nab tor Dip Juuko." Thorpe looked at Ms compmiion Ok edty. Be remembered Btr Jaokn an a wlhj hieet wbeu hie paaatna* were ssowerd a* a mao whose honesty had bean doubted “Vou've distun'd. .Inttho." said lie. “I know." Mkl the l>lg mnn -1 been a scale war all rtptn. I pnl* It I don't know uinHi, bill t'nrrle ehe's suiurt. and I'm foin* to do what she say*. When yon ret stack na a good soman •the Carrie. Hr. Thorpe, yoo dua l plre much for anythin* ehw. Sum ThsCa right. It'S I be biggest tliinw top of With* Here It wn» again—tbe oppoaln* said. And fwm anch a aou fee! Thorpe * lrao will cmitrartad agnhv "A woman la do otenao for a rman'i nagtartiog bli work." bo snapped “AbcrHy not.” agreed Junkv aerrno lj. **T aim to fluM* out my tluio nil right. Ur. Thorpe Don't yon worry none a boot that. I done my beat for TOO. And.” went on tbe liter man la tbe expamdaa of tblo unwonted roofl 6eeoe wltb bio employer. “I'd like to rtaa to rrmark that yon're tbe heat boa* I over bod. and we bay* wants to atay with her till there's eluting la turtles." “All rlpbl." turn-mured Thorpe Indif ferently. Suddenly tbe remaining bair mile to town seemed rny long Indeed. (TO BR COXTtNOSD.) HOW TO SPEND Sl.M0.Mt. (CONTINCRD FROM FAC.R 1.) similar study covering insects not strictly parasitic, yet like mosquitoes and other biting flies feediog npon blood. A studv of insects injurious to plant life, to determine the character of their digestive secretions with a view ui pre paring insecticides more prompt ly effective thau those now io use. Thorough test of the possi bility of using parasitic and pre datory forms from one country to combat the injurious forma of another. Tbe formation of a collection illnstrating all lines of work doue and the publication of tbe results, to be available to the world at large. At the end of that period, assuming that all my plans bad been carried to a sncccsaful issue, I would be ready for burial. AMON X. JBNKINS. Marla* RoxHtto Kapert oa Tabetcatoilt. I believe a million dollars could be better spent in instruct ing the north temperate zone white man bow to live eco nomically and wholesomely than any other way whatsoever. The reason the neoiTeuton is the master oi the modern world is because be retains ancient habits of life—habits bred in his bones—habits of wholesome prudence, pride and hardship. Our ancestors always lived ia wooden houses, with no end of fresh air, with electric suuligbt by day and equally powerful ra diations of earth into sky by night—purifying the body and keeping thy soul in the narrow, straight path. They lived in a narsb, cold, grudging land, and had to get their living by think ing- and bustling all the time, while lest favored peonies squatted under bauana trees and only had to reach out be tween naps when hungry. UIFFOKD PINCHOT. Pofexx la DXMrtainrt to AciicmJtare. If I were given the disposition of $1,000,000. for scientific uses I wonld use it for tbe establish ment of a museum of forestry as the centre of forest research. Exhibition rooms in such a museum would be used chit fly to exhibit tbe results of research work, and exhibits wonld there fore be-simply tbe products of investigations conducted by the museum staff. The result of sucb an institution would be to develop a deeper and more useful knowledge of forests than has yet been attained, and ita practical outcome would be of tbe highest importance. The more we know of foresta the bet ter ahall we be able to use and save them. Since snch use and' preservation are absolutely es sential to fhe prosperity and well being of oor country, 1 can con ceive of no more productive use to which to put money. NBurroie m. shakfh*.' S«rtM« to Cfelto to My York SUM H» Interested as I in in the de velopment of orthopedic snrgery, which aims at tbe relief and cure of deformities in childrSr, I would aa in New York, Ohio, and Minnesota, the States now caring for its deformed and crip pled poor (and aa other States will sorely follow, these eminent example*,) endow a chair of or thopedic surgery in, aav, four of the prominent universities, via; One at Cornell University Medi cal Collar*, one at Harvard Med ical School, one at tbe Universi ty of Pennsylvania, and one at the medical department ol the University of Chicago- A certain portion of the endowment could be used In equipping a complete mechancical laboratory where stideiits could be taught in a practical, scientific way the n*c and application of spparataa to 1 enr* deformity. In this labors Sf the student could leant not y how the apparatus is made, hut could bo tnugh< how to con struct it himself. The various uiuitriying pnoCIpi** Ol Wt* ctunics aa applied to the human frame could bo aa thoroughly taught sad their application to dtdormiug dioauaes aa tba prinei pies of engineering in our vari ous technical schools. The ma jor part of the endowment would naturally be so placed as to afford an income to a corps of instruc tors. I know of no way by which surgical science could be better advanced and human suffering and misery relieved than by the use of $1,000,000 in this way. CLEVELAND ABBS. CM Ih* OnlM State* Waalkar Bunas. Nothing that I know of would yield more bcneficieut results to the country than the establish ment of a reboot of meteorologi cal research. GKOKUK TMl'MBl'LL LADD. ProimsM Phiioaoefcy at Ytl* Uaiwanlcy. I would select a number of those scientific men in whose sincerity and scientific attain ments and skill I had the most confidence, and would distribute the money among them to use as they thought best in the protno tion of science. I venture to affirm that this is the wisest an swer yon have received. Cosfrtiiaui Finley's Goad Far* tea a. Waatuoafoa Co.. New a and Cornier. Representative Finley is a hap py mao just now. He bad fifty bales of March cotton in his store house, which he has been holding with the expectation of getting IS cents per pound- The recent upward teudency of tbe market has been very gratifying to him, and some of his friends advised him to hold on further, predicting that cotton would surely go to 18 cents. Friday afternoon Mr. Finley could stand the pressure no longer, after he learned that it had gone to 16 cents. He rushed to the telegraph office and wired bis agent to sell out at 16 cents. His good lnck was not confined to bis cotton. The same day he was notified by the fojrth assis tant postmaster general that fif teen rural delivery rontes in his district, which were turned down some time ago, are to be sur veyed and established at an early day. These routes are in the counties of Cherokee. York, Chester, Fairfield, Kershaw, Lancaster and Chesterfield. When Mr. Machen was at the bead of tbe rural delivery ser vice be denied the request of the establishment of these rontes, because they did not show sev enty-five white families to each ! route. No account was taken of the negro families. Mr. Fioley hag been working upon the offi cials of the postomce depart ment wjtb great diligence and he has finally obtained a ruling that these routes will be estab lished il it can be shown that one hundred families, black and white, will receive the benefit of the delivery service. It is pro vided. however, that at least one member of each family shall be able to read and write. This educational qualification, in the opinion of Mr. Finley, is in no way objectionable to the people along the proposed rontea. Letters have been sent to -the 1 pupils of the State Normal at Greensboro stating that the work of the college will be resumed on Thursday, February 18lh, and studeuta are expected to arrive in Greensboro on the 17th. In the event that freight delays may necessitate a postponement of this date of the opening, due no tice of same will be giveu. Administrator’s Notice. tlM 13* *9 rf PA. HK, C*malsalM«r,a S*la •( UjU. ITWILLPAY Too to keep a aavtafa ooeoaat with am. \Va pay 4par cant la l«rr»t compounded quart arty oil dapoeita. It wttl pay you to I at m haadla your money, which roe have to toon. Wawdiptaea it ior yoe oa raal aatete a a d otbar good aacaritr. lot laeea tigatlag tha aecurHWathonrofb b, aod atoha yao ao chary* lor thia atrr+ca. procuring for yoa goad lotoraet haertag paper. GASTON LOAN and TRUST CO. W.T.U»va. hMMMt. ■ ^ Tin - Professional Cards. dr. d. e. McConnell, DBNTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. Bld’g GASTONIA, N. C. Phone 89. HAMILTON V. STEWART, Attorn ey-at-Law. Office over A. D. Clark's store. GASTONIA, N C. Phone 177. A. K. LOFTIN, CONTRACTOR. Cotton Mill and other heavy Coo • tractions a specialty. GASTONIA, N. C. Wm. H. LEWIS, Attorney at Law. Office over Yeager's store. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. •gw * —1» | i ^ fP^VD to KSta"11113^ ««• n»»i Kj «i ratflwi, i»o*. uffljlTH” Wlllb* '«*•*<* U7 ■c«&\VV^v,&‘i&rhtl«T»t&p Mortfafee’a Sale at Lasd. »» »)r >Mk. IM4. ^esasggggg WJVSB* A. CoatmlaalMir’s Sala af lui ThvUiy, P*knurr’>ltk, IM4, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the Board of county Commissioner* of Gaston County will receive bids, on First Monday in March, 1904, for plowing the public roads of the county witn the Cotmty Road Machines. The contract for plowing said roads to be awarded by Township*. Parlie* bidding will bid so much per utile and state what town ship they are bidding on. The road machines to be furnished by the county and all labor, power etc, to be furnished by party re ceiving the contract. Uanal privileges reserved. By order of the Board. M. A. Carpenter, Clerk. 26c8. nonce Of DiMtMioa d Pirtunkiy, Notice ie hereby given that tbe partnership heretofore existing between lira. Minnie H. Curry and Robert C. Adams, which was a Drag business, in town of Gastonia, North Carolina, known as and doing business under the firm name of Cany sad Com pany, has been dissolved by mu tual consent. Minmik H. Cuaav. R. C. Adams, This the 25tb day of Jan., 1904. Tbe business heretofore carried on by Curry and Company, druggists, will be continued at the same stand by the under signed under the firm name of the Adams Drug Com pany, who haye charge of all accounts, payable and receiv abls, of the old firm. R. C. Adams, I. Lx an A6ams.

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