UR TKlOium’KimlttiM is still cH*bi«| a*. M low. It nwa ■raster, not lose. Cat on the bead W. F. MARSHALL. Editor u< Proprl.tor. DEVOTED TO THE FROTECTION OF HONE AND THE INTERESTS Of VOL. XXV. UO WAS NOT DELIVERED. Failure of aa Overworked Scheme la Frohlbitiea Kamoao. RaporU C—tti. The other day a drayman stopped at the Cottage Studio in broad daylight with a ten gallon keg and started to unload it Ur. Alvord chased ont and asked the drayman what was in that keg. The drayman looked iool ish and said, "I ain’t supposed to know. 1 guess it is the real thing, though. It's got a Gov ernment seal on it." "Well yon take it back to the depot and tell them they’ve barken up the wrong tree. Neosho River hy drant water is good enough for Methodists. I refute to accept it aa a gift." The drayman started back to the depot. An investigation revealed the fact that a rase, much used by some brewery findl, is to forward without order, a keg of liquor, and Ihere is a technicality of the 'law which compels a man to pay tor goods it be permits the goods to be unpacked at his place. The company takes it for granted that rather than fight tbe case at tbe risk of bis reputation tbe consignee will pay for it. It is said this has been tried on sev eral Emporia men who have good dames and no more use lor whiskey than they have for icicles down tbe backs of their shirts. The same plan is used by some oil companies. When barrel of oil ia ordered they will duplicate the order, running the chance that the consignee prill permit it to be unloaded at his place of business. % Turk Cnaaty Items. Vorkvllla Xnqitrer. March **. As reported in the house last Fridsy, the sundry civil appro priation bill contains $10,000 for a public building in Rock Hill. Tbe weather wise say the dan ger of a killing frost cannot be left out of consideration until af ter the first full moon in April. From that event the peach crop is reasonably safe. The Manetta Cotton mill at Lapdo, Chester county, was bad ly injured by fire yesterday after noon, tbe old portion of tbe mill being almost completely de stroyed. Tbe loss is thought to be not less than $25,000 and pos sibly much as $50,000. Mr. S. M. Faris has been ap pointed magistrate for King’s Mountain township, vice John A. Mackin,resigned. Mr. Faris is tbe choice of tbe leading people of Clover and the country surround ing and ia well fitted in point of character and ability for the po sition. Prom such - reports as the re porter has been able to gather, it wonld appear that wild docks are appearing in this locality in much larger namberatban usual. Mr. W. A. Youngblood first called the attention of tbe re porter to the matter. He re marked a few days sgo that the ducks were getting quite plenti ful on Catawba river. Dr. W. G. White, who has been 111 for about two weeks, is still confined to his bed; but is improving. Dr. McDowell is in attendance. He said that while the case gave considerable trou ble at first, he is now satisfied that the trouble is located, and be hopes that Dr. White will be on his feet again; but it will be a week or more yetr'at least, be fore he will be strong enough to resume his work. There are no ahoals iu Cataw ba river between Wright’■ Perry aud tbe dam, now. Formerly there were some pretty swift shoals on both sides of Csrothers Island, which used to be a fa mous fishing ground. But now there is not a rock to be seea. A boot can drift lasily from Wright’s ferry to tbe dam with out danger of hitting s single rock. The seining resort at Csrothers island is no more and the isluad itself has been reduced somewhat in size. The store of Messrs. S. D. Pat rick and Co.vat McConnellsvillc was destroyed by fire last Sun day morning, together with all its contents. A lamp exploded In tbe building Saturday night and set tbe store room on fire. Tbe fire wan extinguished only after a hard fight: but the efforts of the fighters were not discon tinued until there was reason to believe that there was uot a live spark left. At daylight Sunday morning early risers discovered the building to he in flames; tbe roof was falling in and the fire bed practically completed Its work. Mes«rs. Patrick Ik Co. had about $3,000 worth of goods, all of which were destroyed. The insurance amounted to $1,000. Three negroes were killed In a KINGS MOUNTAIN ITEMS. Kisc* lioaauia KcttM. Much JIM. Misses Annie Plonk and Car lisle Ware, of Gastonia, spent several days here tbis week. The Southern has a large force of hands at work extending the side tracks here. This indicates that the business of the place is increasing^. The Baptist people will, in a short while, begin quite an ex tensive improvement on the interior of their church. It will be reseated and several other touches added which will help the looks and convenience of the chnrch. We are informed that this church is in a very prosper ous condition. Mr. C. L. Epley who has bad chazge of weaving at night at the Enterprise Mill, has resigned bis position. Uis health was such that he qould not stand night work. We hope he will remain in town. "Among the Breakers," at the town hall Friday night wai quite a success. A nice sum was real ised for the library at the Aca demy. It will be repeated next Thursday night, April 17tli. The prices will be 10 and 15 cents. Cleveland county is to have another cotton mill. Messrs. By O. Jenkins & Son and a num ber of gentlemen from Gaffney ■re at the back of the enterprise, and we understand that it is an assured fact that the mill will lie built. These gentlemen are look ing out for a location, and it is thought that it will be located niar Grover. Quite an interesting cose is to come up at Yorkville court. Rev. Hawkins, of the Wesleyan Methodist chnrcb, Is suing a Mr. Jackson for slander. There will be about twenty witnesses from here. . Messsrs. J. S. snd W A. Mauney, D. U. Baker, of Kings Mountain, John Rankin, of Spencer MounUin and R. E. Mason, of Charlotte, went to Westminister. S. C., last week to inspect some wit^r power near that place. The gentle men have under consideration the advisement of establishing some cotton mills, also furnish ing lights for Westminister and power for other machinery. They are very mnch pleased with the prospects. The power is on Cbaugh Creek, and at one shoal alone they can secure 1000 horse power ana there are several oth er shoals that they will utilise if they decide to enterprise this move. They have an option on 3,600 acres of land. Tdain Boat Hear Fayetteville VaeatWrOU Cat., Wllalana r Payettcville people have re ceived with regret the uewa of the death yesterday of Rev. Dr. W. M. Wetmore, aged about 68 years, at Lincolnton, N. C., where he has been rector of the Episcopal church for more than forty years. He spent his youth and early manhood at the Wet more homestead, four miles west of town, and was a nephew of the late George E. Badger, his mother having been the sister of that distinguished statesman, Dr. Wet mote was the youngest son and the last of the immedi ate Wetmore family, the eldest of the succeeding generation be ing his nephew, Colonel C. W. Brosdfoot, and bis niece, MiV W. If. McPherson, daughter of the late Lieutenant General T. H. Holmes, who married Mist Laura Wetmore. The mule stables and keeper's house on the Biltmore estate, near Asheville, were destroyed by fire early Tuesday morning, entailing a loss of $13,000. The Enterprise says that the congregation of the Mooresville Associate Reformed Presbyterian chnrch Is making preparations for the meeting of Presbytery which will convene at that place on Friday, the »tb of April. About sixty delegates will at tend. - GAFFNEY'S TIN NINE. B*»«rt ml Ik* Mineral aft »l Who EualaN It. V*tWll« Xwatm. Of the recent discovery of tin near Gaffney an expert mineral* ogiat who waa there recently ia reported as saying: "It is the biggest thing that baa happened in the South since the civil war. It is more important than the oil fields of Texas." The ore is being mined on the land of a farmer 1 mile from Gaffney. He recently sent a carload of 20 ton* to New York and received a large ram for it. The ore was shipped to Cornwall. England, to be smelted. The ore at Gaffney is said to be the richest in the world. It is cassiterite, 70 per cent. pure. A syndicate is taking options on all land be tween Gaffney and King's Moun tain. There has been no dis coveTy of tin 10 the United States except in the Black Hills, S. D., and very little is found there. The owner of the Gaffney mines baa refused $100, 000 for a fractional interest. The ore that is obtained front the mine at Gaffney is the only ore of tin that is of any importance— viz: dioxide or stannic oxide, which is called tin-stone, or cassiterite, and in its pure state consists oi tin 78 and oxygen 22. It is specific gravity is a notable feature—6.9: and it strikes fire with steel.' One man who has seen the mine describes the ore as a dark, grayish substance, not unlike metallic iron ore in appearance. The two principal reasons wby there are no tin smelters in United States are first there is very little of the cassiterite ore found: none at all except in Dakota; second, the process of smelting is a difficult and delicate one, requiring specially construed and expen sive machinery. The govern ment at Washington has taken cognisance of this find, and some days ago sent an expert to Gaffney to examine it. Hia re port has already been filed. A peat many other expert miners have visited the place, and the owner, it is said, is daily be sieged with offers from prospec tive purchasers; while the neigh boring farmers are kept in a state of keen interest by propo sitions from persons who wish to enter into various contracts with them, offering to take options and regular mining leases. It is putting it mildly to say that the Gaffney people are excited over the situation. Amiable Par sen N*w York Tloack. The Rev. Peter McQueen Is an optimist who always has a good word to aay for everybody, even if the person under dis cussion may seem to have uo admirable qualities. One day when he had been standing np for a particularly disreputable specimen of humanity, a friend said to him: McQueen how is it that you always can think of something pleasant to say about everybody under the sun?” Father McQueen laughed. "Well, you see," he said, "there is so mnch good in the worst of us, aod so much had in the best of ns, that it does not be come any of us to speak ill of the rest of us." Paul R. Outlaw, formerly as sociate editor of the Greenville Reflector end a young news paper man of rare ability, died Tuesday at Tarboro. aged 28. He.was forced to give up bis work last summer on account of faiUngdiealtb. A charter la granted to the Oxford Seminary iConatruclion Company, capital stock $50,000, F. P. Hobgood and about forty other Oxford men being the stockholders. The' company will bnild n school to replace Oxford Female Seminary, lately burned, and will thoroughly equip it. ROYAL Baking Powder Is Most Economical Because it makes feette* And mote healthful food. •O'M. nn» mou oo . Mw <-r-n STARLET. iVn«iKin(l*»e» of I ha (Unlit I Crowded oalollMt Ihm.i March 26th.—We trust that soon gentle spring which has for no ldng been lingering in the lap of winter, will leap forth and make some laps of her own. The wheat fields are looking greeu again and the snow white strawberry blossom bids ns good morning and an old time darky once told us that to-morrow was " Palmetto Sunday. * In order to be a little in touch with the Rnms study at Gasto nia yesterday some of the Stanley school children gathered bunches of the modest little daisies, those sweet little harbingers of spring which moved the heart of this great teoder poet when bit plough share crushed this crimsoned tipped floor, just one hundred and eighteen years ago nest month. One of our excellent farmers of Stanley had an idea that during the Ides of March, and when King Cotton was sweet sixteen to one or more might be the proper time to begin plant ing and did plant some on the 18th of March, 1904. The following named ladies of Stanley attended the cooking and sewiug school at Gastonia yesterday: Mrs. J. Jenkins, Mrs. L. J. Black. Mrs. R. E. Carpenter. Mias Mary K. Smith, Mias Viola Peterson; Mias Katie Carpenter. The death of Mr. David Eddle man, of Lucia, was quite a shock to bi* many friends. He died tome time yesterday and was buried at Snow Hill Methodist church to-day. Should no^onc else do so, we promise to (five the next issue of Tiir Gazktt* a brief sketch of this good citizen and kind neighbor of ours. Mr. Jesie L- Kennedy, a prom inent citizen of Kinston, died suddenly Thursday while on the witness stand. He was being tried for shooting and disabling for life Mr. Ed Hughes of La grange a year ago. At his borne in Siler City Thnrsday morning, Mr. J. N. Peoples, a prominent business man, committed suicide by tak ing laudanum and shooting him self. No reason for the deed is known. , PERFECTION In shoe making baa been attained by the factories that make ladles* fine Shoes. 4 4 4 4 Oar lines of Strap San dals and 5th Avenue Ties are the handsonrast that we have ever shown. All the newest things at S3.00 and S3.SO Robinson Bros. rat traittbstmiss*mrsaoci nonce. T« MacfcMWn •( Mali MBaCs. Notice it hereby given that a meeting of stockholders of Gas tonis Coffin Company will be held in the office of Gastonia Banking Company, Gastonia, N. C. April 28. 1904, at 2:30 p. as., to consider s resolution to dis solve said corporation. By order of the Directors. Jmo. P. Love, President. Gastonia, N. C. Mar. 28, 1904. A22c8._ 1 Notice I# Creditors. MARY JOHNSTON’S GREAT NEW NOVEL Sir Mortimer IS JUST PUBLISHED Reader* of "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD" wit) welcome the distinct advance which Mist John aton, already a master-hand in fiction, baa made over her previous successes. \ With frontispiece reproducing colon of origlnoi pointing try P. G Yofcn, and eight illustrations printed on indla-tfatcd paper sad mounted like jihnliiginphi HARPER A BROTHERS, New York THE J. A. GLENN CO., WHOLESALE^GgOCEgS And dlstrtbnt *m following braids floort “DAN VALLEY” “IMPERIAL” “COLUMBIA” “WHITE SATIN” “CAPITOLA” “TBLLICO” and “THREE P.” W« personally guarantee any brand above. They are made from best wheat and by most modern mlfl’ag methods. THE J. A. GLENN CO. Special Sate of Embrohieries Next Monday Morning at 9 O'clock. , _Atlbe boar wunad above we «hall make |n Embroideries. Oar showings embrace a aranaai w sals there will be surprises la beauty and Embroideries, 25c per yard. es in the very newest *-T*tfamtils designs. " , These goods are ia widths of 8 tol6 inches and will be oEared yard*0* * TUA “lom* •* **»«y fa*. far only,.per This special sale begas next Monday-■— at 9 o’clock. Flrat comer* get flret choice. 0rnI"* See window display of these elegant goads at our store to*day. Laces. uJ:zs&es. s?& jg-— alAS. F. GOING TO BE GLAD I Psriectim in UHHaefy la wkat we aha to produce. It u what every woman desire* who dreamt tastefully. We study material*, colon, fabrics, shapes; wo Andy to prodnee r*T tbing becoming to the wearer- -something which la material*, style, colon, ait and blend tags fascinates the refined eye and satisfies the perfect taste. We believe that I# yon seek these thing* among oar broad va riety end exquisite pattern*, yon arc GOING TO BN GLAD. * MISS RUDDOCK U» 8Mn Ow, Itort,-hiT, ' iflr gf&r&a lik To every purchaser of a cake of oar •—rrmi ncisecttn mum abb cdwramw map. Tut but this couoon and bring to - us and we will count It aa 10c on ' » a purchase of a calc* of Ridcaack* • er’a Umoma Skin and Complexion . ■ Soap. This soap sells for 29c and in this way you pay 15c for a 25c soap. ^We carry the moat complete line of toilet eoap in town. :: :: ADAMS DRUG C?. csasamamBasmn-fnewemssaansnaaessusess' ' . Our Piano Sales arc Still going oa at our asaal low prices. Why not cafl and gat our prices ? Remember we aril for cash or Installment. If you have any doubt as to the quality, tone or touch ask your friends. We have been in your town lor one year and hare sold mors pianos and organa than all other companies combined. Ask your friends and be convinced. A. D. Jones & Co. M. B. BR1SSIE,_Manager. Going! Going! Three Times! I And Gonef I - Tbe season for handling stock is drawing rapidly to • dom| Our Sue stock of horses and males is bow "goto*,” 4goto*," sad pretty soon it will be "three times said gone!" Oar lest sbipmsnt for the season was a car-load of hones Bad s car-load of males received last waek-we have only 100 head la all. la this lot are sobm anaaoaUy good stock foe farm parpoaes, and especially ia attention called to some Ins driving and saddle horses. This stock is horn onr old reliable Tennessee dealer, sad of coarse we gaaraotee every salmtl to be )ast as represented. Come ftloag qnkkly sad get yonr choke, wo ate wla&ag trp tbs reason. Craig & Wilso