The Gaatonla Garcttc. BUSINESS LOCALS. ■MS .3—i LU M BR R—160,000 fl. for Ml*. Cut to order on short notice. F. W. • Brawler A Co. -Oct ORN AND HAY—See oa before buying com and liny. F. W. Brmwley A Co.—Wc4. OHOTOS—The beat ia photography A you will Cud at Stanford1* atn dio. Leading Photographer. Phone lit. COR SALK—Oood second-hand An F- cbor boggy- Apply to J. G. Sfanooe, ETd. No. f. Qaatoala. r\R. W. H. WAKEFIELD, of Char U lotta. N c.. will be In Oaetcma a* Falla Home on Thursday, May tttb for on* day only. ilia practice ia limited to Bye, Bar, None and Throat, aad Fitting Olaasea. .. Nitka al (law Ada. A. L. BuVwinkle—Attorney at Law, Thomson Co.—Things to cat and wear. fame* F. Yeager—Overflowing of fering*. Bindley-Belk Bros. Co.—April sale continue*. Gaston Loan and Trust Co.—Peo ple who save. FRIDAY. APRIL 22. 1904. LOCAL AFFAIRS. » —Men waated—at the Falls House to-night —Art YOU goinp to the Li brary meeting to-night? —Beat bargain in town—a membership in the ney Library Association. —The Republican county con vention meets in Dallas this af ternoon. —This is the 22nd day of April. Been just one year since the court house struck Billy Patter son. —Winter clothing still, lingers in tba lap and on the backs of folks who do not yet feel like tackling summer gauzes. —Dirt was broken Thursday for tbe building which will be need as a bowling alley. The bill of lading for the alleys and equipment has been received. —We are indebted to oar good neighbor, Mrs. W. C. Aber nethy, for nice radishes and lettuce Tuesday. Tbe first ho me-grown we have seen this season. —A pretty little coin parse bearing tbe Scloss-Bras. Com pany'! clothing tTade mark ia S'ven out by the Swan-Slater xnpany with each suit of cloth ing bought of them. —The friends of Col. R. N. Wilson will regret sincerely that hia health does not permit bim to remain in the race for county treasurer. A card in to-day's paper announces hia withdrawal. —Ia renewing her subscrip tion, a good friend in Soptb Carolina writes thus appreci atively of Th* CAirmt, "It is like medicine when we are sick—something we cannot do without.” —It is now up to Memra. Charley Smith and Charley Ful ler to tell what was tbe matter with their ground hog. Mr. Bob Henderson ’phoned np from Begonia daring tbe aleet want ing to know. —The standard oil tank on South street ran over Wednes day morning and about 100 gal lons of oil was lost on the ground. Some of the people near By dipped np a good deal of it out or the paddles. —" i nere are 800 or hoo. names on the town's registration books,” said Esquire T. H. White, the registrar, the other day. About ISO or 200 of these ought to come off t — they’ve moved away or died.” —At the meeting of the Library Association to-night, there should be a full attendance of all citizens who have the in terests of the town at heart. It la an opportunity for all to do something for the town. —After beiug in the recruiting service in Kentucky since lest Jane, Ur. Prank Bnlwinkle has joined the 4th U. S. Cavalry at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. He saw service in the Philippines, came home and remained less than a year and then joined the army again, coulda't resist the charms of army Ufa. —"Have registered 12 or 14 new voters,” said Bsqaire Tom White Wednesday. Tell the people tl|at I will be at the City Haft Saturday and next Satur day. On other days they can call me and get registered wbere crer they heppen to see me. No, there a not a aew registration this year. Just the new voters have to register.”_ Letter la J L Falla Cu/fsi*. N C. Dear Mr: A mas said: Sand ax 7 *0 more for aaoOwr Jofc; IS mJST”vLy a^ oar axpariawM alt > rift£>.*Co PERSONA! MENTION. iai: wei* fat the city yoatarday. —**Ui Kbae Stokes leaves (or Yorkville this alter noon to spend Saturday end Seudey at home. . —Mr. J. W. Kirkpatrick returned from Due Wee* Wednesday where he west ^to attend the funeral of bU -MU* 8sills Corner arrived (ran Pinkney yesterday afternoon to visit her brother-in-law, Mr, J. P. Thomson. —Mr. end Mrs. 1. F. Wilson, of Gastonia, art in the city, the guest* of Mr*. J. W. Mullen—Charlotte Chronicle, ISth. —Mrs. G. A. Cray went over to Charlotte Tuesday morning to see her daughter, Mias Ethel, who Is in school at Elisabeth college. -Mr. and Mrs. L, R. Hagood, of Kings Mountain, came oesr Tuesday afternoon to take tea and spend tka evening with Dr. end Mrs. R. M. Reid. —Col. R. N. Wilson has been con fined at home for two or three days with e tench of rheumatism which kept him In bed a part of the time. He-was up and somewhat better yes terday. —Mayor A. M. Powell baa ro turaed from a visit to High Point and Me Aden vi lie. Altar attending the Royal Arcanum masting in High Point be visited bia daughter, Mrs. K. H. Merritt in McAaenvllie.— Raleigh Poet, 20th. —Mr. A. M. Cobb moved to Mc Coll, S. C., Thursday, where be be come* machinist at large for the lour mills than and the mill at Bsn uetUvilla. He ts a good citisea and agopd machinist, whom hit Gastonia friends regret to lose. —Mr. Perry Glenn took Mrs. Glenn to Charlotte Tuesday night to re ceive treatment et the Presbyterian Hospital by a specialist In stomach diseases. Mr. Glenn was in tows Wednesday sod said that she stood the trip quite wall and at last ac counts was doiog well. Mrs. T. N. Williams went to Charlotte yester day to be with her danghtcr, taking little Luclle Glenn with her. Bilmrf Iras Manta in. Mr. Jno. D. McLean, who went to Montana about a year agy to engage in the sheep busi ness. returned borne Monday oignt. He says that the past year has been an nnuanally hard one on sheep-raising, io conse quence of which many have gone out of the business. One man lost 28,000 abcep. Hurt hy Lug Wagen. Mr. J. E. Finch, who work* at Mr. Sam Baadlcy’s aaw will, waa run over by a log wagon, Wednesday morning about ten o’clock. He waa standing on the wagon trying to steady a log with a cant-hook while the wag on was going down bill. Tbe wheel bit a stamp and he was thrown to a sitting posture un der the hnb of tbe hind wheel. He was bent forward by the hub pressing on tbe back of his neck and the wheel ran over his ann. His injuries are serious, but if poeumooia does not occur, be will probably recover. Smaka Hsuse Burned. About two o’clock last Tues day morning the smoke-boose of Mr. Robert Hand, who lives on Crowders Creek, was destroyed by fire. Tbe origin of the fire is said to be unknown. At Mr. Ed. Hcdgpcth’a, some of the family bad got np to run a dog off the porch, apd the light was was noticed by Mr. Hedgpetb’s mother. They ran over and gave tbe alarm. Mr. Newton Glenn and his haods also came and by tearing down tbe small buildings near by, they succeed ed in saving Mr. Hand’a dwell ing. These bnildinga and a ■mall quantity of meat compose* the mam part-of the lots. Parfsctlag Pheue lias. An inspecting tour was recent ly made by Superintendent Bab ington over the lines recent ly acquired by his company from tbe Gaston Telephone company. A new phone waa put in R. L ‘ Stowe's office for the Chronicle Mills at Belmont. At St. Mary’s he was cordially welcomed by Fathers Melchoir and James, who showed appreciation of and degne for good long distance connection. At Mt. Holly sev eral new phones will be added and an extra operator employed in order to give niont as well at day, service. Mt. Holly now be comes an important station, where tbe Piedmont's through business will be transferred and switched to tbe long distance company at Charlotte. Friendly Matm*. A pleasant meeting of tbe Friendly Matrons wet held at 3:90 yesterday) afternoon with Mrs. C. D. Holland. All tbe members were present, and at 4 o’clock tbe guktts of the club came in. A lively sewing con test was a part of tbe evening’s diversion, fa which Mm. P. T. Heath, won tbe first prise and Mrs. C. 1. Gresham tbe consola tion prise. Several contestants were awarded honorable men tion The hostess served ele rant refreshments in three courses. The guests were Mes dantes C. I. Gresham, P. T. 9 S'*51*. W. 8. Kindley J L. Robinson, R. H. XjWtVa.R. h. Bain, J. R. Diion, W.O.Qattia.and J. M. Sloan, with Misses Pauline Bramlett, Jauie Jackson, Susie Holmsa, Mabel Craig. MUNICIPAL MEETING MONDAY. Smatf Citizens Vent a Noml> utiag Ceuvaution Nasi Mas* . day Night. Tbe following call was circu lated for signatures yesterday: We tbe undersigned citizens and voters of tbe Town of Gas toala, believing it to be advis able that candidates for Town officers be nominated before the day of election do hereby call all the voters of Gastonia to assem ble in mass meeting in tbe Op era House on the night of Mon day the 2Sth, day of April, 1904, at tbe hour of 0 o’clock, for tbe purpose of uomiaatiug a candi cate for Mayor and a ticket for Board of Alderman and School Comtniseioners. The copy hauded in for publi cation at Ths Gazette office contained seventy signatures of citizens and voters that were widely representative of the va ried interests of the town. The time is eight o'clock next Mon day night, place Opera House. Let there be a full attendance of citizens and voters to nominate suitable candidates lor the im portant mnnicipal offices—and everyone is important. MB. T. M. OATES DEAD. At Ik# Age of 77, Ha Departed This Ufa Tuesday Night. After a lingering illness from bronchial trouble and dropsy ex tending through a period of more than three years. Mr. Thomas McGill Oates died at 45 minutes past eleven o’clock at his old home place Tuesday night. Had be lived until the 27tb of May he would have been 77 years old. He was buried at Pisgah church Wednesday after noon after funeral services by the pastor. Rev. A. T. Lindsay. He was a loyal member of Pis g*b church, and was greatly be loved by his brethren and neigh bors. Mr. Oates is survived by bis aged companion mud by tbeir three sons and one daughter as follows; William Oates in South Carolina; John T., near Besse mer; Henry, near the old home place; and Mrs. Margaret Car ion, wife of Mr. J. R. Carson. A good man, a good neighbor, and a good citizen baz gone from tbe scenes of earth. Tkaai McGill Oitw, ^•rrrmuoninuM ot tk« OiMttt. Pisgab, April 3Hh.—Thomas M. Oates died at midnight last night. He was born in 18*7, being in bis 78tb year. A good citizen, a wise concellor. a devoted, guileless Christian, a true, brave ex-Confederate soldier. Tbe last of a large family of Oateses. He was twice married; first to Flizabeth Anthony and to them were born two daughters. Tbe older one died at 2 years of age. Some years after Mrs. Oatea died and on the night of her wake, tbe other little girl died and both tbe mother and little daughter were buried in the same grave, side by stde. After some years be woodd and won Miss Nancy Shetley, near Old Furnace, and a more devoted woman does not live in North Carolina than ■he. Their living children are Wm. Alexander Oates, John Thomas, and Henry White Oates and Margaret C. O. Carson. Mr. Oates did much in raising Sidney Shetley and W. G. Thomas. Another of the old soldiers gone to }oln tbe shining hosts and "to see as he is seen.” J. B. Cahson. —The inclement weather headed off the- reception at tbe First Baptist church Wednesday night. It will be held next Wednesday night, says chair* man J. D. Moore, "if ft doesn't snow." THE DISCOVERER. OF SEVEN BARKS lA Wnk, Dm ■< IUn)4> Wka> «• Seven Barks J. H. Kennedy A Co. APRIL Our "High Art" Clothing represent* *11 the best cuts, styles nod materials of the tailor's art. C. fl ft Saits, $10. $12.50, $15_^lO $10 Spring-Summer Outing Suits, the latest styles in Men's « 7 gA Clothing. Per Suit_V • »«v Boys’ long Pant Suits, the $7.50 C K kind at, Sait_ 5* Ralston Oxfords The equal of anv$8 Shoe. The «►* latest leathers and vamps, pair^“ _ _» _ Ladles* Fine Kid Shoes and Oxfords at $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 to $3.50 •-r -—T New lotTof [the (nm Men’s'rad --- , ■ ■■■ -•" ■■ i A new line of Ladles’ Black and White Shirt Waists Nicely trimmed and neatly put to E?“i£^,.af.S£S-_tl4» 30-In. Black Mo hair • . • • %***»»*■* 30c ~ | _ _ • . • r China Silk v!SL,h<^‘£d c?10”’ wW**» cream, pink, blue rad Mack, Ad»— , worth 83c anywhere, at pd.-.nKJ > S,White. Organdie. . - ' T« Nuns Veiling. A^Sr^js^jsf6ir. .* 11 "‘ ■ . '--■*■ ■ ■--*-—>—■■ -l' v V«rt wide Fetal*, a regular 10c grade at .. Calico. Good five tear Calicoes, at per vd-__-■SfC . Ladies* Belts. White kid faclta, twenty-five M O _ cents and T_.. _ . wBC Assorted sample lot kid aad JOA cloth beha, brtest bncklas ,^.40C _. . • ' . «r • ' - . ‘ MILLINERY < Mon new hats arrived to-day to help swell oar already laygewtock. Oar MflUncry showing this season is bettor than ever, and right how we eaa pat before yon the latest Parisian rivlea « a mere nothing of a price. . Come see, and b* convinced. ■ _» Kindley-Belk 9f 9f 9f GASTONIA, LP-TfrDATECASH Srafei Carrlaa tba faaclaat graaaHaa kapt la tba city aaeb J aa Macfca ani Java aaffaaa, chacalata caabaa. abac- 1 aakaa, ail kMa at araakara, fcattar tblaa, wafara. * fnrtta af am kjaba af tba ftaaat aaaWty. | A aa*plata baa af gaatlaaMa’a aaatart, la faat ( avarytblag kapt la a ftrat-claaa atara. “ Tba laJtaa aai gaattvaa af tba alty am* aaaatry 1 • aaa earilaMy lavltaJ ta cab aai have aa varlfy aar •tataaiaat. ft J£.JP^JtODDEY, Proprietor | THE J. A. GLENN CO., WHOLESALE OROCBRg 59SSS55SSBBB9BS9EBBBSEBE9E5 And distributors following breads floori "DAN VALLEY" "IMPERIAL" "COLUMBIA" "WHITE SATIN" "CAPITOLA" "TELLICO" and "THREE P." We personally guarantee any brand above. Tboy are mods from boat wheat and by aeet modem mllpng mirth ode. THE J. A. GLENN CO.

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