The GMtoola Guctte. BUSINESS LOCALsT" OHOTOB—The best In photorrsphv tT yon will find at Shn/ord's sin dio. landing Photoprophsr^ COR SALE—Good second-hand An r chor buggy. Apply to J. O. Shannon, lit. V. I). No. f. Gantomz. y. c.—Atoc* TRY ME. Whatf Finola. the polish that makes things shine about the house. 5c per package. J. H. Kennedy A Co._—19c?. DEAN’S Mentholated Cough Drops, 5c per pseksge. "They cure the tickle* in your throat. J. H. Kennedy A Company. 28c2. QaRACAMPH— Selling wonderfnl » , ly. atving satisfaction. For first aid the injured. Price 25c. Ask J. H. Kennedy A Co. about it. Mcl. GIBSON'S Prnlt Tablets—Assorted crystallized fruits. Best you ever nfe. II you don’t believe it, try them. J. H. Kennedy A Com pany-»c2. PHOTOGRAPHS of the Bsby Hall a dozen photographs ol the baby tree to every caah purchaser of a go-cart or carriage at WlUiama Furniture Company’s. R. W. H. WAKEFIELD, of Char lottc, N. C., will be in Gastonia at Palls House on Thursday, May 12th lor one day only. His practice i» limited to Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses._ Naticc il Now Ada. Kindiey-Belk Bros. Co —Bulletin. Thomson Co—Specials lor this week. Adams Drug Co.—Dr. Pitcher's Castorla. J. Q. Holland A Co.—New ideas in tailoring. Swan-Slater Co.—Buy your spring Suit early. Williams Furniture Co.—How to JOhslf a dozen photographs of your TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1904, LOCAL AFFAIRS. —The directors of the Library Association trill hold tbeir first meeting at the office of Capt. J. D. Moore this afternoon at five o'clock. —While it was snowing last Wednesday many of the farmers were planting cotton. Mr. Gary Rhyne says that a few years ago be remembers that it snowed while he was plowing young corn. —A merry party of twenty yonng people chaperoned by Mrs. J. H. Williams and Miss Della Johnson had r basket pic nic at Long Creek Saturday. After dinner the crowd sreot over to Dallas and returned home on the 5:30 train. —The Kings Mountain Herald saya: "Like Gastonia our peo ple are working manfully to establish a library in our high school. Give onr school s good library and we are placing mind food in their reach that is worthy and will be sure to bring its reward.” —1\ uranu new lannary wagon warn trotted out Saturday morn iog by Mr. Bd Rankin. It is a beauty and is specially construc ted to promote convenience and dispatch in. delivering laun dry. It was ordered by Craig & Wilson for the Snowflake Laundry. —Yorkvilte is to have s Con federate monument on its public square. The Daughters of the Confederacy have the matter in charge. Gastonia’s Confederate dead are worthy of a stately memorial in atone, and why shouldn't it be placed in the public square in Gastonia? —The genera] reception at the First Baptist church which was to have been held last Wednes day night' has been set for to morrow night, and we are re quested to repeat that all mem bers of the church sod congre gation are invited and nrgea to attend that their ' mutual ac quaintance may be improved. 'Robinson. The study was Bryant—a number of questions on little cards. *ITie prize, a pretty fan, for the greatest num ber of correct answers was awarded to Miss Lola Jenkins while the consolation prise—a picture of Bryant fell to Mlaa Helen Jenkins. Dainty re freshments ooniistingof oranges, grape Ice and cake were served, and each voting guest was pre » aented with a pen and ink sketch of Bryant as a souvenir. MUST (• J A Noltr PEKSONAL MENTION. —*>«« Go*z Sater. of Charlotte. ia visiting Miss Edith Admu. -Mias Mamie Dunn. of Mt. HoBy, •pent Sunday with Miaa Minnie Cray. • . —Gr. and Mrs. L. N. Glenn, of Me Adcnvtlie, were visitors in the city yesterday. —Mis* Netl Smyre. who lisa been visiting Mrs, Bryan Jones, at Hickorv returned .Saturday evening. —Mr*. W. R. .Sims, Mrs. W. S. McT*nn, and her son. Willie. were visitors In ths city yesterday. —Measra. Cary Rhyne and Clinton Moore, of Dalian, weru visitors in Gastonia Saturday afternoon. —Mrs. H. If. Smith and son. Carl, of Charlotte, mbde a short visit to friend* in Gastonia yesterday. —MU« Mamie Chreiubera, of Win ston Saiem I* guest of Mias Pansy Ttawick. she arrived on No. 35 last night. —Mis* Janie Boyd of Union county near Monroe, arrived 8atunlay for a two weeks' viait to her aunt, Mr*. T. L. Clinton. —Mra. M. J. Cobanis* and Miaa f.yd* Adams went to Charlotte Sat urday. Mrs. Cnbaniss will have her eyes treated. —Mr. A. Rudolph Kiev representing the Charlotte News ia In town to es tablish a regular local bureau here for his paper. —Mra. E. N. Uneberger and Mas Jcr Lswrenc* left Friday afternoon R'cbhcrK, S. C.. lor s ten day's visit to har sister. Mr*. Blair Miller. —Mr. T. J. Dellinger of Uncoln t°n yt^t Sunday with his brother Mr. B. N. Dellinger. The former is bead machinist in the Linoolnton F oQfiarr. _ — MMses Lois Long and Catherine CopcUsd, two of Statesville'* moil charming young ladies, will arrive S^fzrdsy afternoon to visit Miss Mabel Cray Craig. —Miss Pansy Trawick leaves to morrow to attend the musical carni v«> in Spartanburg. She will spend a lew days with friends in Gaffney before returning home. —Mr. Philip Sadler, who lives in the neighborhood of Dixie, spent Saturday night and Sunday in the city with Mr. J. D. McLean. Mr. Saaler *nd Mr. McLean were in Montana together. _ —Miasi May Robinson, of Union, 8. Cv who taught a class in book keeping here last winter, will arrive Wednesday afternoon to visit the family of fir. W. C. Abcrocthy. —Means. D. M. Holland, J. H. Kennedy, J. L. Adams and Dr. H. F. Glenn went to Rock Hill Friday night to attend the D. O. K. K. faceting. Mr. Adams was one of» initiates. —Mra. N. K. Anil was gnest last night at Mr. j. P. Reid'*, ^he came in last night from Due West, where ■he hat been since the death of her father. Rev. A. O. Kirkpatrick, and will leave this morning for her home in Hickory. _ —Col. W. C. Morris and wife, of Dallas, are on a visit to their son-in law. Mr. J. Alex Yount of Newton. Col. Morris was a distinguished Confederate soldier, and is one of Gaston county's moat worthy, citi zens.—Newton Enterprise. J- H- Separk left Saturday morning lor Concord to be the gnest until Tuesdj^ of Mrs Jno. A. Mc Eaughlln On Tuesday she will be Joined by Mr. Separk. and they will go to Raleigh to attend the Separk Theina wedding Wednesday morn ing. _ Mr». P. T. Heath, her eon, Tyree, and Mis* Pauline Bramlett left for Atlanta Friday sight to meet Mr. Heath, who U traveling for the Southern Pant* Co., of Charlotte. Mr*. Heath and Tyree will return the latter part of this week and Mias Bramlett will go to her home in Savannah. —Mr. A. M. Kale of Mt. Holly waa hem Saturday to meet his brother Mr. A. Q. Kale of High Shoals, with whom he spent Sunday. Mr. A. M. Kale is superintendent of the Nlnm Mill at Mt. Holly and bis orpther i* the superintendent at H!jCk Shoal*—both among the best mifl men to be found anywhere. Frank Happerfield went to Yorkville I sat night, where he ia to build the foundation of a soldier's monument, which the Daughter* of the Confederacy will erect there on the public square. The contract for the monument, which ia to coat up wards of JlOto. has not been awarded yet. ~**r. John C- Rhyne waa a wel come visitor in Ggatonia a few days »a*t weem He ia now an engineer wua promoted a few month* ago. be^ for# he had been in the aeryfee thru* T?*”- a1!? J*e went on the railroad that If ha fired fonr year* and did not get an engine he would rc ke la at least a year ahead of his limit. Mr Rhyne at present OraeSeSiT ^ ^ entrine “* Poaf-ofllca Claaad Ta-day. The new fixtures are going in at tbe post-office to-day, and the inatitntioti will ahnt down busi ness with the public except from 7:30 to 8:30 in the morning and 5:30 to 6:30 in the evening. The improvements are needed and will greatly facilitate the busi ness of tbe office. Canalsra Precinct Msved. There eeema to be not con fnaion about the proper place for opening the polls this year in Pwcioct. Hitherto the ele£tiogs have been held at the Abernethy achool honae. Since iaat election however, this achool bouse hea been moved aboat a mile away from ha old location. The question arises now. where is the voting place? At the old location or the new location? So far aa the primaries are concerned Chairman Mason recommend! that the election be held at the uew location, where the boxes are to be found at this time, and he has re queued Thx Gairttk to pub lish bis recommendation in order to prevent further confusion among the voters of the pmclnct. °f 3* e5fectltive this ruling nad it (a to be honed that it will be obtsrved in outer to prevent confusion. Here after the board of elections can paas upon the matter sad Sx the place and Anally authoritatively. -.1-1 1.1-^■ Death at aa Infant: Little Charles, the eleven month* old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Veach died Saturday morn ing about 8 o’clock. The child was recovering from an attack of pneumonia, and contracted whooping cough, which resulted in it* death. The funeral ser vices were conducted at tbe home, Suuday afternoon at 3 o’clock, and the little one waa buried in tbe city cemetery. This waa tbe ouly child of the bereaved parents sod is tbe sec ond one they have lost. PrahiMttoa NseUajC The Prohibitionist* arc getting ready to enter the campaign. Mr. Will White received a no tice from Salisbury the other day that tbe State Mass Conven tion would be held in Greensboro May 31. "Please write it up,” the notice ran, "and talk it up, bring an extra train full of peo ple, also a brass band. Whoop op all tbe enthusiasm yoo can for it. We will elect delegates for the nations! convention, | adopt platform and resolutions, i and nominate candidates." (Vims Mill fa Make Twins. The Nims Manufacturing Company is iust ready to start its annex for making twine—an addition which almost doubles its plant. The twines made will range in size from a small sew ing thread to s cord as large as s lead pencil. These twines will be put np in balls, cones and bunches. Superintendent Kale showed us some specimens Saturday that were certainly handsome products. The Niraa ia tbe only mill in this section of country equipped for just this class of goods. Cvrd-waad femurd. Had it not been for tbe prompt work of Messrs. Rhyne, Ken drick and others, Messrs. Mc Arver and Wilson would have lost 625 cords of wood Suuday evening. They had bought tbe wood on the stump from Mr. P. J. Lincbergcr sod had it cut and corded. The fire destroyed 37 cords. The wood was near the small branch behind Mr. P. J. Linebcrger’a home. The origin of tbe fire is unknown, but it is supposed to have been caused by the carelessness of some one in throwing sway a cigarette or match. "Trip Throngh Iki States." This wss the title of s contest of ready skill which afforded zestful amusement t o three dozen happy goests st the home of Mrs. L. L. Jenkins Saturday afternoon. The letters in the name of eaclT State were "pied” and the trial of skill came in arranging them in proper order quickly. This was done most expertly by Mrs. S. A. Robin son, to whom a beautiful ccoter Jlece was presented by Mr. enkins in s bright and pretty speech. The consolation prize, a fancy collar, was awarded to Miss Lowry Shuford. In the dining room refreshments were served in three courses. En tertaining music on the piano wss discoursed by Mrs. W. E. Kind ley, Mrs. W. O. Gettis, Miss Emma Page and Miss Mabel Craig. Charch at McLean's Chapel. < The petition to establish a ! church at McLean’s Chapel in . South Poiqt was granted Friday ' night by an adjourned meeting < of Kings Mountain Presbytery. . Those present at the meeting | were Rev. J. M. Forbes, Modera tor. Rev. R. A. Miller, Rev. J. I B. Cochrane, Rev. J. J. Ken nedy. Rev. M. McG. Shields * and Elders Joe Rntcbford and . J. F. Jackson. A commission consisting of Rev. R. A. Miller, i Rev. G. A. Sparrow, Rev. J. B. Cochrane and Messrs. Andrew | Cathey and Logan McKee, was appointed to orgsnize the church, at a convenient time. , The regular routine work was < disposed of and a commission was appointed to install Rev. W. A. Murray at Ironton. This commission was composed of Rev. M. McG. Shields. Rev. W. H. Wilson. Rev. W. R. Minter and Capt. J. G. Morri son. OFFERINGS AT THB STORES. At lb* Qutcala Hardware Cm. Orrr Bllr r»«i»»aol-SM ■aaafnilniei* baean aeUiaa Mint tkraagheat to* Saadi; ala hare iwliwii oalatmMtdlr. pad ted Jleten pnMl (baa ear other bread of MAMT MILLION beam touagbrat tha Ratted Sum*, painud with h. certify to It* ■sisSrau, "Herr aard the L. ft M. Fete* twaatr mn; boa ere palatrd with It rtau Mart bHWT «*tea baatM Minted wltb other Mini* within term rent* * , A. I. Sdarll. Atartra*. Fta. "Herr nert ill btnnde al mIm. LAN. Fotr Fnlnt ttaade botter, and wren leaner than tap otbni Mint* I barn rm anad U up tea mn eepertence* H. V. takb. Fainter, Coacmrd M C. “I Minted oat aid itaallii with ft M. FnhMtwrntr-nle Marnnaa. Hal Minted el ace: look* beccct than baoeri nafated in (bo lent leer raart with other noint ' H. S Scedetd. Mania bwrlaae S. C. Oaad tbnUftM Mint tar ittene raarn. Feinted then# hornet with It Iflttt renet ana: Owy tiara ant atedadnafiBnd etecr I. B. Webb. Rlebary. D C, Thla wltbrtetl Falat U anld hr Oeamraie Heaoweaa Co__Osaladla. Twoanaon ft Fnaaeje. .Sumter BULLETIN No. I News from this store to-day Is of the most lively character. Warmer weather that has been a long time wanted Is here at last and naturally you'll want to see the fine things we have for the warm times that are fust ahead In wearing apparel for men, women, and chil dren, or which we present the finest showing to be found In Oastonla. And certainly yon want to see and know of these things, for sach ' new, worthy merchandise at such pleasing prices as these can only be secured by buying la large quantities as we do direct from the best makers In the land. BULLETIN No. 2 in summer a Malden's Fancy Lightly Turns to Picture Hats. The very best news to-day from this growing department. The new materials which ar rived yesterday axe now in the bands of the artists in our work-rooms, and within the next few days you'll aee the very swellest creations we've yet turned out. New lot of Gage Hats (aat arrived. tTffffilr"" • 8tylMl ,b‘pe*i75c’ $2.00 Women's Walking Hats that are as attractive aa they are inexpensive. They will be greatly worn in place of the more elaborate bats with walking suits, eg* i. gn The most approved shapes and colors_■ uC 10 BULLETIN No. 3 0 * 1000 yds. colored Lawn* in abort lengths. Worth OI-* 5c to 74c per yd. at ____O jC Cotton Voiles, best shades. Sold every where at 15c. | A_ Our price, yard____IwC 4000 yds. Remnant Percale. Same as last lot. Worth' * _ anywhere 10c yd. Just watch us move it out at yd_wC Nice light weight Madras. Colors, pink, blue, and gray, yard—-OC Special qnality white Lawn. 40 incites wide, at yd_ 71c 66-in. white Organdie, 50c grade at yd_ _19c mmmmm"*"•' ■ - , v ^ r. is, ■ i “Gordon DycM Hosiery. Ladles Fine White Shirt Waists Dainty sbeer'Lawu*. trimmed with pretty laser* iaA tioaeead leers, price*. $1,48. $1JS, McJSc, aw&-40C Black Dress Goods. Very newest weave* end as black as s era*. Specials at 50c | >6*1 n. oiiK oouoea Montir. KMn. Dotted 104a Fine Voile. N4a. Ofaaite. “*?. 'V. 'Za 4 BULLETIN No. 5 Big Shoe Sale. Continues throughout the week. Ladle* fine Ox fords, at pair.— , wiry Ladies’ pointed toe shoes, at pair. - S£H8c Bxtra special bargains in ladie*~is* Oxfords at - Agil s pair, $l.a aad~....9oC Max's Blncber Calf Shoes, at a pair_ __»f&S Men’s Pine Satin Calf shoes, at a palry jNm Lion Brand Shirts 98c* Vciy newest patterns sad the best fitting and best wearing shirt on the market. Coosa sae the new styles qoa in oxfords aod champaigns as..— , mOC - + _' BULLETIN No. 6 Men’s “High Art” Suits Of the newest styles and best materiel*, justice what we can do for you in the clothing line this week at CT in the small price of_9 • svv Merts’ Pants. $1.00 Pants at • pair_Ht $2.00 Pants at a pair_9tc $L90 Puts at a pair—Jfc $3.00 Pants at a pair_.Jl.St - t . — . . ‘ > • Boys' sad children's nits. Best materials sod son's M O * extra special values at $1.23, Me, 73c, «*d- , 4QC »* , • __ - ./ • ' . / - —. ; J^ TipWdatFcashsWeI Carrie* the fwdMt (reeerie* kept hi the city sack g as Mocha aad Java coffees, choe*l*te tea dike. choc- | olata cokes, all kloda of crackers, hotter thles, wafers. d plaeepplao. Florida araagea, aad fratta at ah ktads. F A complete lice of gccrtlomae'c cmokcrc. hi fact 4 everyth lag kept la a first-das# store. The ladles aad (eatlemea af the city aad eeaatry I are cordially lovftad to can aad have aa verify ear statemcat. 1 Vaara tnrty, [ W. P. RODDEY, Proprietor Dr. Pitcher's CASTOR! A We Are selling the old re liable Pitcher's Castor I a for 28c. Every bottle guaranteed satisfactory or money refunded. A A EF7ETvKaNT7iicSPiufE"sODA 9B9B9Ba9=aSB Adams Drug Co. "IT THE J. A. GLENN CO., “DAN VALLEY” “IMPERIAL” “COLUMBIA” “WHITE SATIN” “CAPITOLA “TELUCO" Mi “THREE P.“ THE J. A. GLENN CO.

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