The Oaatoaia Citette. BUSINESS LOCALS. DllOTOS—Tbe beat in photography r yon will find at Shu ford'a atu dio. Leading Photographer. Phone 14/. COR SALE—Qood second hand An r chor boggy. Apply to J. O. I Shannon. R. P 1). No. f. Gastonia, X. C.-AXkA NECKWEAR—Lot of new neck wear just received at Yeager's 25c each. Also lot of silk chiffon collar forme, pointed and round. TRY MB. What? Finola. the potiab that make* thing* shine about the house. Sc per package. J. H. Kennedy St Co. -jflfcT r\ KAN’S Menthol aU<l Cough u Drop*. 5c per package. "They cure the tickle* in your throat. J. II. Kennedy Ac Company. 29cj. DaRACAMPH—Selling wonderfnl * ly. giving aatiafaction. For first aid to the injured. Price 25c. Ask J. H. Kennedy at Co. about It. »c2. GIBSON'S Fruit Tablets—Assorted crystallised fruits. Beat too crer ate. If yon don’t believe it, try them. J. H. Kennedy & Com pany; 29c 2. PHOTOGRAPHS of the Baby * Hall a dozen photographs of the baby tree to every cash jxarchaaer cl u go-cart or carriage at William a Furniture Company's. paR. W. H. WAKBFIKI.D. ofChar U lotle, N. C., will be in Gastonia at Palls House on Thursday. May lifth for one day only. Hia practice is limited to Bye, Ear. Nose and Throat, and Fitting Glasses COR OK KENT—The P. H. I * Cook* property on Oakland Ave nue near central graded school. Hour rnoma, good well of water, good garden lot, convenient location. j Terms reasonable. Apply at Ga- I ZKTTIt office. RRICK PLANT FOR SALH-For ~ reasons relating to my health I offer for sale my complete brick plant at Gaatonia. Outfit now in operation. Offer includes four acres of ground Capacity of brick-mak ■ njr machine 30,000 a day. For prices and terms, apply to J. T. Sugga. FRIDAY, APRIL 29. 1904. ===5S2!^=se=s=e= LOCAL AFFAIRS. —April is going out and May days are near. —Add to pbone list, Liueber ger House, No. 256. _ —Next Monday is commis sioners' day in Dallas. —It Is a good thing Mr. Hen derson Long isn't a candidate. His right hand has been laid up a week with a big boil on it. —A spirited game of base ball will be played on the Mc Adenville diamond to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon at 3:30 o’clock by the McAdenville and Mountain Island teams. —The primaries to-morrow. —The bicycle is too alow. Mr. Summer Mullen, the carrier, thinks of baying a motor cycle to put him over nis route faster. —Recent showers make the farmers feel good. They have brought the corn up and a little warm weather will now bring cotton above the ground. —Special business meeting of the Young Men's Christian As sociation next Friday night at eight. President Adauis issues call elsewhere in to-day's paper. —The estimate that the Youug Meu’s Christiau Association would be able to tender the Li brary Association $300 of surplus funds was too low. Upon going over the account, Mr. JohnLove finds that the amount on hand is about $800. —A party consisting of Miss Elise Stoke* with Mr. T. N. Kendrick, Miss Della Johnson with Mr. Price Rankin, Miss May Robinson with Mr. Will Morris and Miss Laora Page with Mr. Willie Hope Adams went to All Healing yesterday afternoon on a picnic, returning by moonlight. —The Sunday School Insti tute begins to-night st the Pint Baptist church, All the Sunday school workers of the various churches of the town and com munity arc cordially invited to attend the meetings. They will be conducted by Uevs. B. W. Spillman and H. C. Moore, two specialists in the Sunday School work. —The Bessemer City band of 19 members came over Tuesday evening and gave the Gastonia Junior band some object lessons in playing band music. The Gastonia band has 17 members and is making good progress un der the instruction of Prof. J. T. Martin. The Bessemer band baa fine instruments, and good mnaicians, and bids fair to be one of the best in the State. —What came near being a se rious accident at the depot Wednesday morning, was pre vented only by the quick-neat of Jack, the well-known porter of the C. & N.-W. When the north-bound passenger started from the station, a negro woman who .either had just arrived at the depot or was waiting to see bow long sbe could talk to her friends, ran ont of the waiting room with one arm fall of bun dlea and made a dash for the de parting train. She caught the hand rail, but lost ber Dalauce. Just as she was about to be hurled down under the train. Jack rescued her. —***———1 ■ PERSONAL MENTION. —Mr*. C. 1. Greshsm ret*met] Tuesday frost ■ abort visit to Gafl ocy. — Miaa Mabel Craig went to Spar tanburg Wednesday. 8be returned yesterday. —Mias May Robinson, of Vnlon. S. C.. is visiting at Mr. W. C. Ab ernethy'a. —Mr Moses Roman, of Gastonia, is a visitor In tbe city today.— Chioaicle, 26th. —Mrs. W. E. Xiudley went to Spartanburg Wednesday to attend tbe manic Festival —Mra. W. O. Oattia, of Gastonia, ia the guest of Mr*. B. F. Withers.— Cbarlutte Observer, tt. —Mis. J. K. Lewis and her daugh ter, Mias Eugenia, oi Dallas were among the shopper* in the city yes terday. —Mr. J. D. Moore. Jr.. Mra. Mary Morrow and Mia* Mattie Moore are among the Spurtanbnig viaitors this* week. -Prof J. L. Webb, the XcAdcn ville amglng matter, was an agree able viittor at Tug Gaarrrg office Wednesday —Lucius J. Holland, Eaq., of Dal las, passed through Tuesday altar noon on a business trip to Charlotte, returning Wednesday. —Mr. O. F. Mason, of Dallas, ar rived id the city last night and ia • pending the day here, the guest of the Buford.—Chronicle, 26th. —Miss Mattie Caldwell and Mrs. M. I.. Smith passed through tbe city Thursday en routs to Spartanburg lo attend tbe Music Festival. —Mias Paulina Owaltney, of Hick ory, was the guest Tuesday night of Mrs. J. D. Moore. She left Wednes day morning for Spartanburg to at tend tbe music festival. —Mr. W. L. Button, of Saliabury, traveling superintendent oi the Virginia Life Insurance Company ia in the city assisting Mr. J. J. Foley. He will be here two weeks —Messrs. Robert Hare and Bob Shields came up from McAdcnville with the funeral procession Wednes day and stopped in Gastonia a few moments on their way back. —Mr. R. E. Helper, Mrs. W. D. Vinson and Misses Drown and Dupny of Duvidaon passed through the city Wednesday on their way to Spartanburg to attend the music feativsl. —Prof, and Mrs. 9. A. WolB, Mias Lilli* Sutumey, Mias Sarah llofl man and Mias Conan* Puctt, all of Dallas, passed through yesterday en route to Spartanburg to attend the festival. —Mr. Rawlinaoa McFadden went to Fort Lawn, S. C. Tuesday evening to attend the marriage oi Mr. Claude McFadden of Rock Hill, to Miaa Irene Thompson, of Fort Uwi. He returned yesterday. —Mr. W. N. Rhyne, carrier on Dallas R. F. D. route number one. was a pleasant visitor at Thb Ga zktt* office yesterday. He looks carefully and attentively after the interests of the natron* along hie route and the business ia constantly growing. 5S5S==B«HaSSB9SM»-im--* —Mr. and Mra. C. C. Cornwall, of Dallas, wars among yesterday'* visitor* to Gastonia. —Mr*. B E. Boyce and Mra. ). H. Kennedy have returned from their trip to Dae West. —Mr. Abner McGill will not re turn to his lumber and turpentine Interests in the South. Me was in town yesterday and aakl that ho had *o arranged that lie could remain at Home this year and attend to Ms farm. —Mr. 0. W. Falla, of Bowling Green, waa in town this week to see hi* little grandson, the heir born a few day* ago to Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Balia. *1 am said Mr. Falls! "and this la my Brat experience as a grandpa* —Mr. W. O. Glover, of York enunty, wsa a visitor in Gastonia Wednesday. Mr. Oloyer was for U year* mail carrier between Yuckville and Del wont, and year* ago won a good sewing mr.chinc in a clubbing content for the Yorkyllle Enquirer. —Mr. T. M. Fayaaoux and bia daughter. Mins Edith, vvill leave Monday for Hot Spring*. Va., where Mr. Raysaoux will attend the New York Life Insurance Company, Con vention. From there they will go to Washington. D. C. They will be absent shoot a week —MU* I’ansy Trawick and Mlaa Mamie ChreiUberg were among those who left Wednesday to attend the musical icatiyal in Spartanburg. Mias Trawick will visit friends m Gaffney, returning home Wednesday. Miss Chreitiberg will remain in Spartanburg for a while vialliag friends. —Mr. G. D. Flanagan and littU son were here yesterday haying some lumber dressed at the Rage Com pany's factory. With a four mats team Mr. Flanigan drove home with 2SS0 feet of dressed flooring. He U erecting a handsome new residence near Bowling Green just beyond the State line. Uttar ta Medea* Mills Gat!cats, N C. Dear Sir: Some think are taka a food deal of risk ia inviting com plaints of Devoe lead and-xfiic—w* autlioriie our agent to aeU it nailer tkia guarantee: | "If you have any fault to find with this paiat, either now ia putting it on. or hereafter in the wear. teH your dealer about it. "We authorise him to do what ia right at our expense.” The following story tetls hour little the risk it: J II Asher k Co, hardware dealers. Rhlncheck. N Y, have sold Devoe from '78 to now; have sold thousands of gallousand have had fast one cum in plaint ia all this thus. Three sides of a bouse were per fect; the fourth was as bad as the three wtrt rood. Explanation—it raiacd the night before the fourth side was painted; and the painter didn't wait for the wood to dry. What ia done ia such case? Whatever the dealer, who sold the paint, considers it fair to do. We leave it to him. He may not do exactlv what we would do U we were there; but we are not there. The best we can do ia to leave it to him. Yours truly 51 F W Drvou & Co Mr. Ifagmas Ml • CM^dlt. Tbe folic wing statemrat baa been issued by Ur. L. M. Hoff* mao, of Dallas, whose candidacy for tbe Senate has been an* non need in these column*: To the Democrat* of Caatoa Coca ty: To (ns—e absolute hatnaosy in tbs Mate Senator, eitherfn the primaries or County convention noon to be held. I am grateful for proffered anpport bid know this fa beat aa weUaa more agreeable to mv inclination*. L. kf. Horneaji. Pella*. X. C.. April M, ISM Bind at tbe Arlington. Vera, the 3-year old daughter a( Ur. and Mr*. Henry Holt died Wednesday of stomach trouble. She had been sick for two months. The funeral was conducted by Rev. i. W. Ingle Thursday morning and tbe was buried in tbe Loray cemetery. OH to fmtytorr. The Spring meeting of the Pint A. R. P. Presbytery con venes at Mooresville to-day, Dr. J. C. Galloway, Rev. A. T. Lindsay, Rev. R. M. Stevenson, and Messrs. J. J. Henry and Alex Crawford went yesterday afternoon. Revs. G. W. Hanns of Gastonia, B. G. Pressley of Mexico, and G. L. Kerr sod N. E. Smith, of Mooresville, will be licensed. Rev. A. T. Lind say preaches the introductory sermon. Mrs. Anas Marcs land. Mn. S. E. Pierce, wife of Mr. Aaron Pierce, died Tuesday night at her home near the old mill. Her death was caused by consumption. Mrs. Pierce win 42 years old sod leaves a hus band and five children, all daughters, to mourn their loss. Two of the children are about grown; the others are small. The funeral was conducted by Rev. W. H. Reddish, after which the body was laid to rest Wednesday afternoon at Long Creek Baptist church near Dal las. Mr. Pirfce is drayman for the old miU, a worthy, industri ous man for whom sad hit chil dren much sympathy is felt. Mr. J. H. Smith Bud. ^v^^TLSSfAS died them Tuesday afternoon at 10 minutes after 6. He waa 87 of McAdenville for 80 years, dilt c“ureh'rSdThte fiSeraTim jrd*5£.»«r&r^ brought to Gaetanis for bodal Wednesday 4ftaraooa and laid to rest in the city cemetery by the aide of Me wife, whodUdii 1890. A large number af hia relatives and neighbor* fa Mc Adenville formed a part of the funeral pspeamioa. Mr. Smith was tbe father of Mr. Labe Smith of Gastonia and Mr. Eli Smith of Kings Mountain. The latter ■ith his family came over to at tend tbe fancnl. Cgmpsay wse held yesterday afternoon. Tbe vote lor dfaso lotion waa made by 344 oat of the 300 shares—tbe 344 beieg aU that waa represented. Mr. R. B. Wilson was appointed fa set tle ap the affairs of tbe corpora tion. The papers will be seat to the Secretary of State wbo will authorize a notice oi dim lotion to fee published. 7 Aipropwiowor 7-gg SEVEN BARKS > m m ■ y 1 i Regular $10.00 and $12.00 atiita at $7.50. Extra special val ues in men’s and youtbs* suits of the finest black clays, fancy all wool cheviots, serges, and two piece suits. The quality and the quantity you’ll have to select from at tbia price will positively sur prise you. Sizes 34 to 44. regulars sod slims, youths 14 to 20 at $7.50 $12.30 tad $13X0 auita at $10. Tlx fine at of Wonteda, in black a, blare and fancy nixtnrea of the ap Droved colors and textures. Made by Stroose & Bros., and other high-class tailors. Every garment perfection its self. You’ll save $2.50 to $5.00 if you SI0.00 Sixes 34 to 50—can fit any man. Wanted at Once 5000 beads for these five thousand new hats. The latest styles, best mater ials, prices about half what others charge for same goods. Henry Stetson Hats The leadiog new shape* aa well «• the staple styles. All the best colors and black, $3.00 grade at $1.50. $1.00 ounce Hat!, all colora io. and blaclt__*»OC Mexican Hand • Made Hate Straw hats, latest shapes and styles, 25c, 48c and_„_5f OC Lion Brand Shirts. We handle this line became it’s the popular priced shirt on the market to-day. The new summer Aft. styles now on sele at__OOt Shoes, Oxfords. Mea'U tm shoes, satin calf, ail Pino vici Blncher shoos, solid as a Pine oxfords, correct styles, patent colt. A regular ROO shoe |g Ladies’, Masts' and Children’s oxfords. • New shipment fast arrived. Misses fine oxfords, 13 to I, At. guaranteed to wear, a pair_VOC Lodies' Ina oxfords, IX toS, ao. solid as a rock-- -VOC Childrens* fine oxfords, at par r w 4*55fc,a,1Mt * KINDLEY-BELK BROTHERS ' .-/rrjMi'W.■ f.

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