The OwtonU Gnette. BUSINESS LOCALsT" TOMATO plants for sale. A. C 1 Williamson.Uct s^OOK STOVB for tale. Nearly J-rood bargain. Coggins and C-- i’a market Jtnktar Block. ▼*?8W!r«ftflSss: Office, all houra of the day. kins Edna Jswain*. VOUXL HAY'S TO HUBBY to get * your choice at the big furniture p*sc^=far3!ft.ts!sfoS wrrr* o®c*. You tare comes la do* tune. Leave your order. NOTICE—Our customer* who have 1’ not yet settled their account! for fertilisers bought uf us, will greatly oblige us by making settle ment at once either by not* or cask. MUc4_C«AIO A Wilson. DR, W. H. WAKEFIBI.D. of Char lotte, N. C„ will be la Oaatonia at FalU Home on Thursday, May JJ'h'or ooe day only. Ilia practice ja Baited to Bye. Bar, None and Throat, and Fitting Oiaaaaa. COR SALE OB RENT—The V. H. * Cooke property on Oakland Ave noa near central graded school. Four roqma, good wen of water, good garden lot, convenient location. Term* reasonable Apply at Ga arrrn office. DRICK PLANT FOR SALK—For O reasons relating to my health I offer for sale mr complete brick plant at Oaatonia. Outfit now in operation. Offer include* foor acre* of ground. Capacity of brick-mak ing machine 30.000 a day. For price* and ttnu, apply to J. T. Suggs. Net Ice »l New Ada. Jaa. P. Yeager— Ribbon * Swan-Stater Co.-Talk about tonics. Torrence-Moms Co.—That Watch of Yoon. OaatooU Saving Bank-RolUng up Dollars. Gastonia Loan and Trust Co.— Tow* property. Kiodley Balk Bros. Co.—Unap proachable prices. J. D. Moore. Treasurer—Annual Stats meat of Town of Gaateoia. TUESDAY. MAY 10. 1904. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —A most enjoyable social meeting of the Methodist League was held in the League rooms Friday night. —Attend the meeting of the Library Association to-night. It will be held in the Y. M. C. A. Hall. The hoar is eight o’clock. —Official call by the president, Dr. J. C. Galloway, for a meet ing of the Library Aaaociation ia the Y. M. C. A. hall, appears elsewhere in to-day’* paper. —The Gastonia Lodge No. 368 A. F. and A. M. will confer the M. M. degree to-night Nfcxt Friday night Grand Master Lid dell, of Charlotte, will visit the Lodge/ —In a game of baseball yes terday morning between the Ozark and Spencer Mountain Mills, the Spencer Mountain team was beaten by a score of 13 to 8. —There was an ice cream sup per given by tbe young ladies of JMM* Seminary last night for tbe benefit of tbe Y. W. C. A. Sev eral young men from the city were present. —We are requested to an nounce that McAdcnville and Gastonia will play ball to-mor row evening at 3.30 o’clock. Tbe game will be played on the Modena grounds. —The mtuic class of Mrs. B. T. Morris is preparing to give a concert at the close of her school in a few weeks. It will be given in the opera house and it goes without saying that tbe music loving public ass s treat in store. —Tbe meeting conducted st the First Baptist cbnrch by Rev. R. D. Haymore has been interest ing and helpful sH tbe week. There have been about a dosen professions of faith and the meetings will continue a day or taro longer. —A basket of most delicious strawberries was brought us Saturday moruing by Miss Mamie, the bright little daughter of Mr. J. T. Spen cer. They were the first home-grown berries we have seen this spring, and were greatly ap preciated. She said her mother had been getting strawberries from tha garden a week or two. Uftir toll lari CmHtmtm, N C TatCUumitlayMr. PEKSOHAI MElfTlON. -Mr. Tom Ford, of South Poiat. wm ia the city Saturday. -—Jfr. and Mr*. Frank Lewie, of South Point, were in the city yeetor -NUa Jtthcl Gray, of Elisabeth College, a pent Saturday and Sunday at boeaa -Mill Besa Baber and Miss Jennie Pa*mjn weuf to Yorkville yesterday on a short visit. —Messrs. Archie Sena and James Torrence, of Charlotte, were visitor* ia the city Sunday. —Mr. Bruce Brown, of Clover, was a welcome caller at Tun Gate errs Office Saturday afternoon. — B*a. J- *• Cochrane, pastor of New Hope ebarch ia South Point, wan In the city yesterday. „ — Mrs. Jas. Grass sad daughter, Mies Lena McCall, of Clover were la the city shopping yesterday. —Mr. Den Lowe, who has been living at the Trenton Mills, left yes terday with bis family for Monroe. —Mr*.W. I. Stowe has been corn fined to her bed since last Thnrsday on account of an attack of lagHppc. —Rev. Robt. Hammel. of Indiana, Pennsylvania, spent Friday night in the city with Mr. J. W. Kirkpatrick. —Mr. Palmer Black, traveling rep resentative of the Southern Belt Co. at Charlotte, was in the city Saturday. —Messrs. Oscsr Carpenter, of Stef ter. and Mr. Eugene Britton, of High Shoals, visited their Gastonia friends Sunday. —Mr*. W. C. Abemethy and son, Mr. Jo* Abcrnethy. went up yester day moraine to visit friend* and relatives in Newtoa. —Mr. 8. C. Cornwell, ol Charlotte, spent Saturday and Sunday in Danas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Corn will —Mr. R. W. Adams, and Mr. P J. Llneberger went to Yoraville yester day evening to attend the exercises to be conducted there to-day. —Miss Edith Adams returned Sat urday from Charlotte and McAdcu ville. She was accompanied by Mrs. L. N. Glean and Miaa Lottie Kay. —Misses Galloway, Simon ton and Cannon, teachers at All Healing, spent Sunday with Mias Zelma Kirkpatrick at her borne in Charlotte. —Miaa Kate Hodgson, one of the waitresses at the Fall* House, is quite ill at her room there. Her sis ter has had to stop work to wait on her. —Messrs Sofas Ratchford, Tom Ratchford. Newtoo Craig and Mias Mary Craig, of the Sooth Point neighborhood, were in the city Sat urday. —Mr. S J. Gaston and hia bright little aan, Grady and Harley, were agreeable visitors at this office Sat uraay on their way to the county convention. —Enquire Josh Roberta of Cleve land county waa ia town yesterday. He came over to bring a horse he had sold, and returned borne yester day afternoon. -Mrs. D. R. LaFar and children have retained borne after a pleasant visit to relatives and friends in Charleston, Columbia, and other points in South Carolina. —Mr. J. T. Cox, of Lowell, was a welcome caller at Tux Gaxxttx Sat urday. He says that a smalt bug somewhgt like a flea is attacking the young corn in hia section. —Misses Anna apd Mary Faulkner, of Kings Creek, were in town Mon day on their way home from a visit to Charlotte and Gastonia.—B lacks burg Cor. Gaffney Ledger. —hlr. and Mra. Edgar Tbomaston of Gaffney, were guests between trains yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Roper. They were en route to Lincolnton to visit friends. —Mrs. W. S. Dickey, of Black Stock. S. C., la here for a couple of weeks to receive treatment bv Dr. Eddleman. She it guest of her friend. Mra. Luther Glenn. —Capt. 8. A. Hoey came over from Sbtlby Sunday to visit hia daughter. Mrs. Robert Waren. He la la York vtUa to-day to attend the Confeder ate Monument Association. —Mlaa Maggie Gamble, of All Healing, was a most agreeable call er at Thk CAirrra ofice Saturday afternoon. Mlaa Gamble's school closes the latter pert of June. . —Mr. Padgett, of Gastonia, has been working this section In the In terest of the Mutual Aid and Benefit Society of Gastonia. He claim* great auocesa.—Loweayille Cor. Lin coln Journal. —Mrs. Format Floyd and children vial ted her parrots near PineviUe. last week, returning Saturday after nooa. Her sitter, Mlaa Hammie Smith, cams home with her for a two weeks' visit. —Mr. L. C. Pcgratn attended the dinner given last Saturday night at tkeMannfactarera’ Club in Charlotte in honor of his brother1, Mr. B. 8. Pegram, who is to be married on the 17th of thla month. —Mrs. B. N. Ltneberger and little eoa Lawrence, who have been visit ing bar sister, Mrs. V. B. MUiea at Rfehlmtg, passed through Saturday morning oa then- way to tMFhome la Gastonia.—Cheater Lantern. si were guests natO yesterday after^ noon of Mr. and Mrs. J. H Bepark. other points. —Ml* Mam Johnson, mm of tho tneefcera In tho South Fort Baptist Institute, is spending eometlme with SftS&Wg’ST.BniS Hatley were 'cboot-ssatoo • at the Baptist University. —Mrs. C. B. Whitney end Master Floyd were in OsetooU yesterday morning and paid Tam CAsma a pleasant tall- Blaster Floyd wae on sjKsarBrwsrs twist to Bessemer on the noon train. _ —Mre. M. J. Martin came op from Bendy Plains Mat week to spend two weeks with her at ep-dsu eater, Mra. c r. Ororea. About lour fesiWraifaar Ev&ehisiKSSi FTsHiFtt&steft oyer. Sabecribe foe Thb OAhTOWtA OAStTTB. KIh Ledda Faucett and Mr. Charley Hayne were married in Dallas Friday evening by Esquire A. P. H. Rhyne. Miss Faucett ia the daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Faucett, of Gastonia, and Mr. Hayac is a traveling nun from Lexington. N.C. They will nuke their home for the present with the bride’s parents. Ladies Invited. The City Bowling Club has re* Quested that we give notice that the ladies are especially invited to come to the alley Wednesday afternoon from 2 o'clock until 7 o’clock. No charges will be made. It is opening day for the feminine bowlers, and especial paina will be takeo to give them all a pleasant afternoon’s recre ation. ..— Convention far Geatanla. The Congrcaaional Convention is likely to meet this year in Gastonia. The executive com mittee of this Congressional dis trict will meet in Liocolntoa Thursday to fix the time and place for the convendoo. Mr. E. L. Wilson, of Dallas, is Gas ton's member of this committee and it, we nudatand, emphati cally in favor of having the con vention meet in Gastonia. Mr*. Flaming Organist. At a meeting last Tuesday night of the official Board ol Stewards, Mrs. Kate Hayes Fleming, of Oxford, was elected organist of Main Street Metho dist church. Three years ago Mrs. Fleming taught music here in Oakland High School and since has been teaching in Ox ford. She it pleasantly remem bered by many friends here, wbo will be glad t6 know that she will return to Gastonia. Bank at Chsrryrills. Cherryville is to have a bank. Thursday's Cherryville News says Mr. S. S. Mauoey has broken dirt preparing the foun dation for a new brick building adjoining his store rooms. The building will be two stories high, and will contain two rooms on the first floor with a hall on the second. One of the first floor rooms will be nsed for a bank, the other for a dental office. Mr. Mauney hopes to have the bank ready for business by early fall, possibly by July. Hr. Carpenter Cemiag. It was gratifying to learn Sat urday that Mr. M. A. Carpenter contemplates establishing him self in business in Gastonia when his term of office expires next December. A branch of tbe wholesale business not at present represented here is un der consideration. Mr. Carpen ter has made an exceptionally efficient Register of Deeds and is a capable and energetic busi ness man whose citizenship any town might covet. The latch string is on the outside and a welcome inside. Eafarprlaa Mills. A meeting of the stockholders of the Enterprise cotton mill in Kings Mountain was held at the offices of the will last week. The Herald Says that tbe condition of the company has greatly im proved daring tbe past 12 months. The increase of tbe machinery has proven very sat isfactory, as this has helped to redace expenses per spindle. We are informed, says tbe Herald, that this expense was $20 this year as against 28 last. A profit of 14 per cent, was made daring tbe year. All the old officers were re-elected._ Kind lay-01 ana. Miss Mattie Glenn and Mr. Sam Kind ley were married last Friday night at the borne of the bride's mother. The ceremony was performed by Rev. M. McG. Shields at nine o'clock. The wedding wus a very quiet affair, only a Jew relatives being pres ent. Misa Glenn Is tbe daughter of Mrs. J. P. Glenn and has numerous friends In the city. Mr. Kind ley is a popular sales man in tbe firm of Kandlay-Belk Broa. Co. These young people have the best wishes and eon gratuUtlons of their many frienda. An example of wbat enter prise and Industry will do for a town is shown in some figures published last week by the Her ald, of Kings Mountain. This is the Hetala 'a brief but eloquent state meat: "Less than eight years ago W. Boyce Weir cold 6 acres of laud within the corpor ate limits of our town at $33>4 per acre. Last year he sold nearly 4 acres, considerably be yond that which be first sold, at $130 per acre, sod last week be sold three acres of ]ust about the worse he owned inside the town limits at $56 per acre. This same advance bolds good all over town. You can refer to any purchase of • years ago sad compare it with the present prices and you will fiud our words verified." PURNITUHg AT COBT—Why pay * mart whan you ess gat ram turn at east at J<*usaa sad Ball's? Mr*. Hadley Entertaine. The U. C. Club, of which the hostess Is a member, was en tertained Saturday afternoon by Mrs. W. B. Bindley. It was one of the most beautiful aad perfectly enjoyed social events of the season. Beside the club members quite a number of other guests were present. An invitation to the Hoffman home brings with it always anticipa tions of rarest pleasure all of which are happily realised. Dainty elegance, sweet simplici ty and gracious hospitality mark every feature. The game of poets was greatly enjoyd. The questions were printed on green cards with white pencils at tached, the clubs colors, and ran thus: Who was the healthy rt? Hale. Who was the sick poet? Haggard, etc. Miss Raima Page and Miss Mary Gray Sandifer successfully an swered all the questions, and cut for the first prize—-a hand some white kid wrist bag, which was won by Miss Sandifer. The consolation prize—a pretty white silk fan was awarded to Mian Mabel Craig. After the game delicious refreshments consist ing of salads, cream and cake were served in the dining room, which was exquisitely dainty in its spring decorations of wild roses and dogwood, with softly shaded lights and pink and white ribbons. Beside the club members the guests present were Mesdsme* Claude Holland, Lucius Holland, L. L. Jenkins, Stitt, Gatlis, S. A. Robinson, J. H. Separk. C. V. Blake, E. H. Tuttle, C. I. Gresham, L- F. Wet aell,L. N.Glenn,of MpAdenville; Miasea Madge Little, Mary Gray Sandifer, Nell Smyre, Best Horton and Rosebud Adams. BIG SALK aooa to be over at Gas . tools Furniture more. Come while good* go at coat. S. M. liMsna, Mayer. Through an error of the priut er ia last issue Mr. J. N. Rob erts, of McAdenville, was made Mayor of two towns. He ia the Mayor of McAdenville all right, but tbe chief magistrate of the municipality of Lowell ia Mr. S. M. Robinson._ Peats' Ctek At tbe meeting ofjthe Poets’ Club with Miss Margaret Glean Saturday afternoon, the contest u> naming correctly tbe flowers in a 'mixed pickle” transposi tion of tbe letters of the names was won by Miss Maude Separk. of Raleigh, the prise being a box of candy. The consolation prize, a picture of George Wash ington, went to Miss Mary Page. The refreshments were ice cream and cake.’ Tbe guests were Misses Marie and Halite Torrence, Maude Separk, Janie Boyd, and Mary QneTy. Tbe next meeting will be held with Misses Helen nnd Loin Jenkins. —Prof. Wr W. Arrowood principal of tha Dima High School, pasted through the city Friday an route to hi* home at Bethel. HU school closed last week. One of the espe cially pleasant features of the com mencement exercises was an addrc*s hy ex-Vice-President AdUi Steven son. OFFERINGS AT TMB~STORES. At the Gastonia Hardware Cn. Over bftr raanaaeX..* M. naaatacearera hexaa mOinu satet thwiaskaal the South, sales have eonttnaed athalernptedly. and tan time* treater then anr oust brand at seine MAWYJCTI.UON bawl tbrooabout tbe Ooitad States, sainted with it. ccriUr to ha bClVtllttl tMCUMCC. Flea as read tbe toltowtaa? •Have nasd the L~ JkJ*. Paint twenty ran**: banana sainted wt* It «Ubt rears ago abow better M-day tbaa bows saUtad with other paint* MlMs two raaaa.* A S. Bdsell Alachua. Pin. ■Hava aaad all kaenda at paior. L. • M. Pare Paist stand* bettor and wear* toagae than any otbar paint* I have rear aaad In ea tan man experience.*' H. P. Smith, Painter. Caneerd N. C. •I painted Prankaobare Black wltb L. « M. Paint: ataade am aa tboaxh varnished. Actnal coat was las* than tlJO par saltan.* W. ,C. Serr. Cbarltsioa. W. Vo. .. m Not paUtsd Ac last kxu rears with other paint,*'*1 ** K. S Sea bald. Harris Bnriasa. S. C. Uaad tha L. S M. saint ter sixteen ream. ThUai&2?5K^,5C Carroata Haibwab*Od._naataala Titonaraow b PMBAM.... Master. ANNUAL STATEMENT. Of to Tmwnr si to Tmwm si Oatwh Skew lag tk« An mat to lumi al laeaMs. to to AaHM to fiTHM al EitoltifM lar to Taar Mill A aril 3*. 1*4. MCXIPTS. | "vy»*JarS£ J*S5§iSiSSB3fi5jS NEW DRESS GOODS NEW UMBRELLAS NEW SHOES NEW SHIRTS NEW MILLINERY NEW SILKS NEW OXFORDS NEW CLOTHING Fine Dress Goods* 5f>c dotted Silk Mali, all the hen e . •bade* and black_OOC Plain Silk Moll. Colon, pink, bine, black, champaign, yd_dCOC Silk Persian Lawn* White end black. Inst the thiag for re Aft* yd-, 25c, 30c, 38c and-“Ot 08-in. white Organdie. Nice sheer |A_ qoality. 35c grade, yd._1 vC 20c^white Lawns in remnants, at |Q^ 36-In. Black Taffeta* That good heavy quality that's AA. worth $1.50, at yd_90C 36-in. black Pa an de Sol. A real fine, soft quality. A bargain at, per ^| White Kid Belts_30c, 48c White P. K. Belts __JOc Fhc $g of this store stands alone In its brightness and newness. There’s a charm of beauty and. lowness of price that will surprise and delight you. Come see. AAA A A A K1NDLEY-BELK BROS. CO. That Cheap Store. BESS EMU ITEMS. •'‘«T*MK>D4eB<* •« tk» -Trim Mr*. H. N. Garrison has re turned from a abort visit to Greenville, S. C. Mrs. Samuel Hay returned to Clover Monday morning and Mr*. Gantt, sister, of Dr. W. S. Hay. returned to Allendale, 8. C., Monday night. Both had been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Hay. Mrs. Edward Walker is ex pected to-night (-Monday) to visit for a short while her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ortnand, of Gastonia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. L,. Bathe. Mr. John Simpson spent Sun day In Concord. Mr. Prank Ramsey returned Saturday from Lincoln ton where he had been called by the siek* ness of his mother. Mrs. J. R. Lewis end Mrs. Prank Carpenter were gneats laat week of Mr. and Mrs. Rob art Pavne and of Mr. and Mm. B. L Proneberger. Elegant at.ined-glaaa window* Have beta pat ia the Methodist church, in place of Urn plain glass. One of tba new windows la a beantifnl memorial to the late Rev. John W. Roberta, the first pastor of the church. Kings Mountain and Besnant City played a ball gaaia Satur day on the grounds of tba form es. Rain coded the game ia the middle of the third inning. At the end of the second laniag the score stood t to l ia Bess eairr's favor. Dallas will play Bessemer oa the Resream diamond next Sat urday, sod the Shelby team will cone to tackle tbe Bessemer bora the Saturday following. On Saturday, tbe flat of May, Mr. Jobu A. Smith will give bit aaanal picnic for the operatives, la tbe Beaaemer City cotton ■ills. Tbe mill will clone down Friday night before to give tbe night band* a cbaace to tnjoy the day, Tbe picnic will be even in the park on the out skirts of the town. Mr. H. W. Counts, who came her* thetrat of the year to clerk •or Mr. C. W. Puller, has bought tbe metcaatila business of Mr. T. A. Kennedy fast across the street, and Mr. Henry Clark see ceeda Mr. Counts as bend dark for Mr. Fuller. Mr. T. A. Kennedy has lately bought and la now in charge of tbagTOcery department of the J. J. Kennedy fa Company store. EAST OASTtlf If any (mm win eadtto Ms sfWy winm( ukkhiafor ■ widower, Mbehw kkb then of dl sitee «ed agm. Mr. Charles Kia*. of the ex treme Beat port of Oaatoa, who loot bit hone by fire • few week* e«o. b sow prapefiac ta 2SrS%«tfB nrrinw. Mr. C. T. Thom, who bod hie wife*few dan ago itUda baa moved to Mounteia lab ad, where be bw been ia aaoaaa* fal batiaeM foe aboat tea yaan awvadto LaeU^Aflw h” wtta

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