The Oirtonli C« BUSINESS LOO /"•OJNO to bif larnitnr DON’T MISS big Uni commencing Satun 21at, at Wllliarat Furait P«wy Wf ANTED—Good tinner “ experience in corrn Must be aober and rellat experience and wage# war or addreaa G ax rnrn office Katies ol Raw Ada. A. D. Roberta—iron tenet Mauney Broa.—Win thia Kiodley-Belk Broa. Co.— ol the embnadenea. FRIDAY, JUNE 3, LOCALAFFAIR — Lena than 30 dava i Fourth ol July celebratfon. —The Fourth ol July ii with a whoop aad will g< the 2nd. . —The recent rain a have t refreahiag and havaatarted to growing finely. —The first aew hotne-gro are reported by Mr. T. metow. He had a nice dinner yaatenUy. —Among the visitors in vcittrdav aar»e* nsvMinn Gastonia Gazette, June 3, 1004. MB. J. B. COGGINS HU1T. Struck by Ha. 11 jlhw Dags Mountain—His Wagen Damol lahag sag Hoag Severely Cat. Mr. J. B. Coggins is in Cow pens painfully if not scrionaly hart. He was struck yesterday afteniooo by No. U. With the wagon used here to deliver meat be left Gastonia early yesterday morning on W* way to Cpwpens. Just beyoud Kings wrantain while crossing the track of the Southern, be saw the train bearing down upon him. He whipped the horse and the animal went safely across, bat the delivery wagon and a boggy that worn attached to it were torn to pieces. In the crash, Mr. Coggins re ceived a severe cut on the back of his bead. Twenty-five stitches were required to clone the gash. The hone was not hart. The wounded man was liken up by the train and carried to Cowpens wnere he has a wife. He did not become unconscious and at last accounts was resting well. His brother. Mr. J. H. Cog K'ns, left for Cowpeus on No. 35 st night, after receiving the sbove particulars of the acci dent. BLAZES. ■rck Street » Quickly •land Can storm wai ia Tuesday utea before f lightning :ple of the church, oi 'rederick ii ia located "th of the igus of fire discovered the boll wild shriek wed qnick : difficulty in locating companies I readily. or colored cel at the the white marten at ia instance te colored plain. Will .mediately, ota had a •oding the e fire was d quickly blood, W. P. Smith, ol Clow ana Q- L. Riddle of Zeno. —The Charlotte and McAdenyilie baseball teams will play ball on the McAdeaville diamond Saturday af ternoon at /our o’clock. —Officer* of the Vocal lodge of Knights of Pythias are to be elected Monday night. A fall attendance of the members is requested. —The mass-meeting at the city hall to-mght. Don't forget It. The hour ia 7:45 sharp. The boaioeea ia to take hold of the Fourth of July. —A tender home-grown head ol cabbage was a gift to the Bdltor from Mr. MUaa Hanna yesterday. He has about hall an acre ia this vegetable. —The Woman’s Missionary Soci ety ol the First Baptist church was pleasantly entertained at the borne ol Mrs. L. L. Jenkins Wednesday afternoon. —The shade trees are going. Three elms were taken ap from the aide walk in front ol Craig and Wil son's yesterday morning to make room for their large awning. —'Tba grand stand at Dallas, which was demolished by the wind Sunday night has been restored, end everything is in readiness for the big ball game with Bessemer City to morrow. —When It come* to gardening, Esquire Thomas H. White can beet a Frenchman at the business. "It looks like I'll have to build a fence around my garden," ha said yester day, "in order to keep my onions in the patch." —A merry p»rty of two dozen young ladies chaperoned by Mrs. C. H. Robinson and Mrs. J. L. Beal and Mr*. J. H. William* enjoyed * picnic ezcmrsion to the Cliffs Wednesday. Messrs A. R. Bley. Archie Jenkins, and Pied Nolen also went along for good measure —The small-pox patient, Mr. W. H. Collins, local representative of the International Correspondence School of Scralion, Pa., will be re leased from the pest honae to-day after a confinement of two weeks. He had a realise case of the dis ease bat has recovered. —■I never saw such a rain fall hardly ia at life aa fell Wednesday evening in Bessemer City "said Mr. Blake Boyd yesterday. " The light ning wan heavy, too. We wen in Mr. C. C. Clark's store when one bolt fell and shocked several erf the company. It came pretty near get ting a little dog standing near a man's feet, bat he came to again." —The barber shop next to McAr thur's store he* changed hand*. Mr. Charley Epc ley has bought the busi ness and taken charge of it. The former owner, Mr. Henry Rockett has gone to Morgan ton fo look out n new location. Mr. Bppley had thought of taking some mill work but will not do so. He expects to glee hi* whole time to bis barber’s parlor. —His friends win be glad to hear that Mr. Ernest Williams has been recently promoted to the poeltion of expense messenger on the ran from (Ireen villa to Columbia, lfe is the yenngset eon of our popular police &an, Mr. T. N. Williams, and Uka s brother Turner on the C. & N-W.. takas to aa axpraaa car like a dock to water. Bmest ia giving good satisfaction and ia jnat the sort of boy tka express manager say* be bad been looking for for a long time. w^^wsnwwMesse!!'! mis ms vv—xe Col. AHfo*d Dead. Col. D. P. Allgood died yea* terday afternoon at four o’clock. He lived at Mr. Jno. F. Wilaon’a place on Crowder’s Creek and had been there two years. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson knew him him for twelve years at Cherokee Falla. He was a mau of great integrity and uprightness of life, and his death is a loss to the community. Col. Allgood was 66 years old, was twice married, and leaves a widow and twelve children, seven of them athome. One son it in a mill at Hender son, one at Roxboro. Mrs. W. L. Grissom and Mrs. Josh Jones are his daughters. Messrs. Gris som and Jones were in town last oigbt to get a casket. The bur ial will ue at Olney to-day. Col. Allgood was taken two weeks ago with hemorrhage of the stomach which was followed by paralysis. .UL-I JLJL1—-111 . tuc UMV.% AA//0. Tbe damage was only slight, but as a scaffold must be erec ted, the coat of repairs will be upwards of $50._ Pleasant Musical Eyaalag. Tbe opera house was filled Tuesday evening by an appre ciative and cultured audience to enjoy tbe recital by tbe music pupils of Mrs. B. T. Moris, a program of which appeared iu Priday’s Gazuttu. The recita tion by Miss Janie Morris capti vated her audience. Every num ber on the musical program de monstrated careful training by a skillful tntor, and was thorough ly enjoyed. A pleasing feature was the singing of Mrs. Morris whose well-rounded, perfectly trained voice never fails to de light her bearers. Trip to Baker's Mill. Capt. Geo. F. Bason and Mr. J. Lt. Palls drove over to Baker’s mill Tuesdsy. It was the first tour Capt. Bason bad takeu through this section iu a long, long time. Speaking about the country, Captain Bason said that in 24 years it bad "come ©nt” wonderfully in tbe matter of farming. He was especially im pressed with the attractiveness of tbe farms all along the road. The mill he fonnd in a beautiful locationThe dam is about 40 feet high and the pond covers 15 acres. "Any fish in the pond, captain?” "N-n-o-o; you’ll see an empty bait-cup about every ten feet along the bank.” ;S3KF«ttSlfl SEVEN BMKS^ Mm» TrtrufcU#, Import Mood IJauSF&s Boy A It ChI Botfk WITH MIS.T. L. C1A10. Friendly Nitnu Eajey ■ Perch Party Qtran CmnpUmantary It Mn. E. V. Mellon, of Char lettp. In honor of bet guest, Mrs. Ed Mellon of Charlotte, Mrs. T. l>. Craig entertained at an after noon porch party yesterday the Friendly Matrons Clnb. .The home and veranda were grace fully decorated with sweet peas, rotes, magnolias and other cut floorers, the sweet pea predomi nating. The bevy of charming women playing at progresaivc Trin was indeed a pleasing sight. At the conclusion ol the game when the guesta and mem bers bad counted their street peas, which were given as tallies Instead of punching a card the winner of the prise was found to be Mrs. J. K. Dixon, who received a gold cream ladle. The consolation prise, a gold signet bat pin, was won by Mrs. L. L. Jenkins. Following this an elegant tnenn was .served in three courses: CuUlaipn whs (MokrilN. Frawk Uvt cta« via o«— fn, CtoaaatolU. Saattn Piacnto. Hekla*. leas and Cato. CoSaa. Besides the clnb members, there war* about 30 invited guests present to enjoy the delightfully hospitable occasion. Marriage at Laray. Wednesday afternoon Mist Lizzie Bell of tbe Loray was married to Mr. Janes Kendall of McColl, S. C. Tbe ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Ingle and after spending tbe night with friends here, Mr. and Mr*. Killian left for their home in McColl. Lightning Strikes. Daring the storm late Tuesday evening lightning kilkd a $50 Jersey cow for Mr Prank Happer field, who lives st tbe Armstrong place on the old Dallas road. She was standing or grazing with bcr bead under tbe barbed wire fence when killed. Tbe same stroke shocked Mr. Happer field's little daughter standing in the door. At Mr. M. L. Mnancy's s pine 10 steps from bis house was skinned from top to bottom, and a slat shot out of a goods box on the ground near by. Child Bnvaei Little Harold, the six-year old •on of Mr. Patrick Jenkins, waa drowned at Mountain Island Tuesday afternoon. With some other little children at play, he area at the edge of the reservoir on top of the mountain pushing pine bark boats on the water when he fell in. The other children gave the alarm, and after a while a colored man dived for tbc child and brought the body op, but ft was too late; life was extinct. It was a very sorrowful occurrence that draws the sympathy of all to the be reaved family. Cast as Colts** Camasaacaassat. The commencement exercises of the Gaston college at Dallas took place Tneaday evening in the auditorinm of the college and proved to be one of the most sncceaaful in the history of the college, especially the address of Rev, B, H. Kohn of Cherry ville on "Patience end Pene trance.” The vocal and Instru mental selections rendered by the pupils of the music depart ment were very pleasing. The crowd was large considering the inclemency of the weather. There were no graduates on ac count of the curriculum of the college having been raised by the trustees of the college at a meeting some time ago. —The rasas- ertr hall to-night. The hoar Is 7:4$ sharp, me business Is to Uk* hold of tha Fourth of Jaty. I r I t I r l THAT WILL BE YOURS FRIDAY, j I The came Co w from ear New York rsprssTilsltas. who had aa net Inn on this J 3 to 15 laches wide. Fall pieces. See sheer window. , - _ J I Now for Saturday we9ve prepared a regular j feast for the bargain hunters of this section. ( Everything In Dry Goods, Millinery, Clothing ] and Hats going at almost a song. 4, 4 4 ] JUST SEE THAT 5 CENT ] 4 Several new lots will be added Saturday. * . -.. i Madras, La was, Liaen, Crash, sod white Organdie. Worth 10c to UXc, at yd-£3*C I .. J * | Spteudid quality colored Lawns lor dresses. Past colors, pretty patterns, yd._ ' e Now Just watch us make this the biggest June ' In our history by offerlog unheard of bargains. ] ---1 COME SEE KINDLEY-BELK BROS. CO. j Phone 83. Cheapest Store on Earth. ] 1 Organising VmIsm. Mention was made in these columns s few days ago of the work of reviving the local camp of the Woodmen of the World. The Charlotte Nears of Wednes day says: "Mr. W. R. Mat thews, Deputy Sovereign Com mander, woodmen of the World, leaves to-morrow for Gastonia to organise a new camp of this order. Mr. Matthews is an en thusiastic Woodman and has done much to increase the membership in this order here. The Gastonia people will find Mr. Matthews all right in every way.1* Mr. Matthews is accom panied by Mr. W. J, Miller, who will assist him in the work of re-establishing the camp. HINDIPO THK HIW MKitVK TOtMC It'* comfort to a man ia declining je«to«-W«.UI,SSS YOUNG M6N taka warning. 1 ^ifflaai afc.a yon will not fa* iaaonfefa. Death or (Kacaa* may overtake yoe. Every y*T ml delay lac****** the coat. Tk* North weatero iHm Ufa lm. CHEAPEST . Write to « or of hoar tt i* doe*. •■••■■■Ha* uAdiun LUAN and TRUST CO. GASTONIA, N. C. CiHxan'a Commit*# OntaaUan. Meeting nt the Palb Houne , yesterday afternoon, the Citi es** Executive Committee or ganised by ejecting Mr. W. P. < Marshall, chairman j Mr. J. L. I Robinson, Secretary,and Mr. T. < W. Wilson, Treasurer. The ; principal business tranaacted war the preparation and iaanaoce 1 of the cal) far a mats-meeting 1 to-night to conrider the Fourth \ of Jaly celebration and the en- , ter tainmeot of the Congressional Convention. —Less than SO days util tbc Fourth of July celebration. Fresh Fruits *»• nWT STARS C«I.MMkilir*i|aia4Ww. cr. DfOVrtckt <•:!««« 4* J. S. BISSON >eeee»M si.. GOOD NEWS! Our Furniture Sale has already proved a grand success. The people know a good thin when they see It. We have yet a mammoth stock for you to select from, and new gc _ Is on the way. Never think of buying till you see our stock. No trouble to show you through; our store rooms are neat, COOL and COMFORTABLE. We have no old shop worn, out-of-date stuff to weary you with. Entire stock fresh and of latest styles. • , • -st-----p-- -- _ -1 —1 LL—■■—1—I——■——— Ill l~——— '- ---..._ WILLIAMS FURNITURE CO. Craig and WlUon Building JOHN H. WILLIAMS, Manager Phone NbTsU

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