The Ga»tonla Ga«ctte. BUSINESS LOCALS. Binding twine, (Deeringi for sate at Elite Grocery. —10c>. f^REPB TISSUE-1000 roll*. all the different shades, at Adam* Drag Co. AVE YOU GOT YOURS? We mean that furniture which Wil liams ia selling at coat. 7tn Wf ANTED—Cood tinner with mum ” experience in cornice work. Most be sober and reliable. State experience and wagts wanted Call or address UaxKTTK ottec. 34tn. Notice ol Now Ain. Swan-Slater Co.—Warm weather wear. Jo*. P. Yeager—Indies’ Furnish ings. Williams Furniture Co.—Furniture •till going at coat. Adams Drug Co.—Wc can fnmiali you cream. Klndley-Belk Bros. Co.—Get ready for the hot days. Morris Brothers Department Store —Red hot prices. TUESDAY. JUNE 7. 1904. LOCAL AFFAIRS. —Change B. C. Rhyns to C B. Rhyne cm yoor phone flat. —Don't forget to meet the tax lister* at the cit^r hall Friday. —Central Committee meeting at four o'clock to-morrow afternoon —The Fourth of July is coming with a whoop and will gel here on the 2nd. —A sore foot haa been about to lay off Mr. W. O. Oattis for a day or two. A troublesome abscess scemi to be following a bruise. —A big seining party consisting of Messrs. J. I.. Falls, Moses Ro man, John F. Holland, L. F. Groves, T. M. Faysaoux and Capt. Geo F. Bason, apent last night at Tuck * serge. —We bear that a gay bachelor of Stanley has been plowing up hi* yard to sow peas and enrich the soil, so that he may have a lawn and a fence and a swing and a rattle and —a girl. —The telephone which was re moved from the freight depot sev eral months ago by order of Supt. II. Baker was re-installed June 1st. The phone was put in and ia paid for by the Southern. The number is 73. —"I want you to state on my authority," said Rev. W. L. C. Kil lian the other day, "that Mr. An derson Davis has the best garden in town. fee teen it and know." And Bro. Killian mounted his wheel and rolled noiselessly away. —A list of yonng men who have recently enlisted in the United States Army at the Charlotte recruiting station, published in Sunday's Ob server, contains the name of Gallon Mitchell of Gastonia. He enlisted for the infantry and was sent to Columbus. Ohio. —A new $300 cash register attracts attention at the Baltimore Racket. It is mounted on a beautiful piano poliabcd quartered oak cabinet, which contains six money drawers, in which the money for as many talesmen is separately deposited. It haa the usual means for register ing the sale on a alip for the cuato tner, and retaining a copy for the store. —The following young people will return the lattct part of the week from Due West where they have been attending Brskiue College and Due West Female College: Mias Bessie Anthony, Mias Amelia Craw ford, Miss Willie Falla, and Mr. Grier Carson. Mr. Edgar Long will go from Due West to Waynesvtlls at a | delegate to the Southern Students' Conference of the Y. M. C. A. Mr*. Samuel Clement* (Hark Twain) died in Florence. Italy, Sunday. The body will be brought to the United States for interment. Ttn LAMBS Imi ptlnltf their cbarehce. and ikmhn w urge tatty Mlatitm la re ante bar tra give a liberal guaatity of Ibt T iiaginin S Martmce Ratal toward the palatine. WeanawdcovtnIlka rold. Doat pay 81.SO a emlloa lot Lfatated Oil (WOlth do cental which tow do when yoa hat ether palate la a can with a paint label aa It. * S 0 make 14. therefore whea yoa weal feartoea aalltaa ol paint, bey only tight of L. S X. and wit aft gallon* pure Llnteed Oil with it. ead that get paiat at tone than 81 JO per gmlle*. Many haaatt an wall palatad with foar gallona of I~ A X. aad three gallon* <d Un wed Oil arlacd therewith. Thaw Celebrated Relate arc told by Gaptowia UAnsrwaag Co ,-Caatoaia TMOwraon A Panua, .-_titan It r PERSONAL MENTION. &8ESSS3&&** laSS&sSS/ffli®^* jgfe^&FiSES p^PSSWS-gste mmsavva &NKSISSr®* _— Maanra. John M. Hoiim nod Rotort W tonS^.JSli W^iStT ^Too.'f VorW, w.i in Gao . -^J0f Jof B, Wrmy. Min Uni* Shu ford. t±2,“* U M V'1 *, W** Irtt motet day jaorn. Im toe Morebrad City i* attend Iht Ttaeh ^*M*«*« toTM*r*h*»i tSfc r>oot Ui maattt marhlotM and had rbarn fa Rock tSul?®“clrtc “•** PlaSt c» I tf.W£jtTS,tf,“.iS_E if JfEESl».WE",,"t •wc— °" 9eH^S(SB&E£xS “*£v Th> H Copper. o* tk« BsRcIO Letter, arrived Friday In rvwpona* to. a teietrraoi Wdte?^ e~s !ws g*2e»i£kj£r Ji/tfej IfBBP COOL and buy your (umi tare at coat from William*. 7ta Medical Men Meet. The pbycicians of the county had their monthly meeting yes terday in the city hall. A pa per on "Flux in Children" wai read by Dr. J. M. Sloan, and one on " Malaria" was presented by Dr. S. A. Wilkins of Dallas. Mlea Stokoa Organise At a meeting of the Board of Stewards of Main street Metho dist church held Tuesday bight Miss Elise M. Stokes of York ville was elected organist. Miss Stokes is a member of the graded school faculty and has filled the position of organist at this church acceptably for the past- month or more. Prof. J. H. Separk. Mr. C. M. Nolen, and Mr. I. K, Dixon were ap pointed as a committee on music. THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME to furnish your home for a nomi nal auto. Wa are telling all furni ture at coat. Williams Furniture Co- __ 7tn lw. J. W. Orillia Married. Rev. J. W. Griffin, who has been making his home with his sons in Gastonia, has joined the order of rx-widowers. He was married last Sunday morning and is now keeping house at his home in Stanley. His bride is Mrs. Rosa Hamrick, daugh ter of Mr. Joseph Stroup of Iron Station, and the ceremony was performed at 9 o’clock Sun day morning, by Rev. C. W. Pasoor, near CheiTyvitle, at the home of Mr. Wade Holtnes, who is a brother-in-law of the bride. It is hard to get ahead of the wid owers when they make a start. A Word ina Tim. " Please find enclosed $1 for my renewalwrites Mr. Jno. E. Ferguson from Texas, "I don't want to miss an isane. Crop proapects are good. Wheat and oats very good, bnt too mnch rain st present. Harvesting has begun.” List Tsar Taxes. The following appointments for listing taxes have been post ed by Mr. W. A. Palls, Jr.: He will be at Spe ocer Monntain the 9th; at the City Hall in Gastonia the 10th; at toe Arlington cot ton Mill the 11th, Pisgab the 14lh and Crowder’s Creek post office the 10th._ Hr. Aarsa Pierce Harried. In Dallas Thursday afternoon, Mr. Aaron Pierce of the Old Mill became an ex-widower by marryiug Mrs. Alice Warren of the same mill. They drove over to Dallas to have the cere mony performed and took near ly all of their Gastonia friends by surprise. May they enjoy roach happiness. Detintln Service*. The first of the service* pre liminary to the dedication of the Main Street Methodist church will take place on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock when Rev. C. M. Campbell, of Tbomaaville will preacb. Rev. W. M. Bag by will preacb on Thursday eve ning, Rev. H. L. Atkins on Fri day evening and Dr. G. H. Det wiler on Sunday evening. The dedicatory sermon will be preached on Sunday morning by Bishop A. W. Wilson of Balti more, Md. Baby Slaeos by H« Mother. Poor months ago Mrs. Jasper Rhyue was buried at Chapel church, leaving three little chil dren, one of them a babe ju it a week old. Yesterday this little babe, William Boger, was laid to rent beside his mother, after funeral services conducted by Rev. W. J. Boger. Mr. William V.lLincberger, the father of Mrs. Rhyne, was in town yesterday to get a casket. The little one died at three o’clock Monday morn ing. Since the mother’s death in February the little babe has been eared for by Mr. Rhyne’s mother, who came to live with him. With those who sorrow over the death of this little babe their friends sympathize deeply. List Taer Tax as. I will be at the following places on the dates named for the purpose of listing your taxes; Osark Mill, Tuesday morning, the 7th. Modena Mill. Tuesday afternoon, the 7th. Avon Mill, Wednesday morning, the 8th. Gastonia Mfg. Co . Wednesday afternoon, the Xth. Trenton Mill, Thursday morning, the 9th. City Hall, Friday morning, the lOt A. City Hall. Monday, the 13th, E. H. Terror. Tax Utter for Town of Gastonia. _ — 7cl. Bmi Ttir Pitot Need Tnaiaf? Why let your pianos to to ruin when you have a chance to have them looked alter and properly tuned and regulated by one who under stands his business and has built up a reputation by giving' bit patrons the fullest satisfaction. See testi monials of prominent cilixena of Marion, Newton, Ltncointon, and •amending towns. For the hot days that are due us by —j ^ _ ,_ purchases to-day from our bargain list of “Hot Weather Specials." Just call your attention to a few out of this houseful of big values. :: :: THAT FIVE CENT COUNTER Is receiving new additions almost dally In White - Goods, Lawns, Linen, Crash, Madras. m Values range from 10c to 15c. All one Kf> price, per yard.. —^— -----y .. - i a Big Umbrella Sale at 96c. 100 umbrella*, made of good quality mohair, taffeta, fast black. Manu factnrers sample handles. Worth anvwhcre $1.50. Oar bar gala price___*rOv* Good quality ateel rod um- uo. brellas_OOC. Parasols for ladies misses and chil- Cl 4 (2 dren 25c 48c 75c 08c_^1.^*0 Hammocks Ham mocks Extra special values at $148 Gauze and Lace Hose Gordon dye brand and without a doubt the best values you ever saw for the price, per pari 48c A splendid quality of very fine | drop stitch hose for_„„_IvC Most complete stock of ladles' cotton and lisle thread game vesta. Regular 10c cotton gaaze vests Extra nice lisle thread gauze The new styles of Kabo Corsets No. 657 tod 639 aide of the feather weight batiste in two of the beat •hapes with hose supporters at tached Xoo-rustable f| aa eyelets, sizes IB to 28... #I*UU Two new styles In summer freight gtrdlea. The best gar ascot known to the trade it tbe j oA A tew dozen of those fancy «n jg _ summer girdles at_waC Ladles Shirt Waist The best styles and material in the 75c* ***36c Keep Step With The Season. Don't he bechuwd Ms straw bet time. The season is in fall bloom there >s nothin* a boat a men write g.TS^ Ste fftiofi nf tempting ixkl tbt vtrlity jpassaigttigig tioo. Among the very popular la The Split Yachts « $UM> SUS. He. 48c Keep Cool Don’t forget that new line of men's serge and alpaca coats. The bant of materials, correct in avstv detail. Alpaca oasts *ZJt coat* fl.nSSJMai!L$4*98 Shirts For sun nod boys mods of good quality, atriped madras witT^S tod dots sad best designs. M • _ Good fitting and well msdaSOC Oxfords for Ladles Tho vary boat stylos and bom mate* rials for tbt price, consists stock fc%!8SHag.$2.gO Oxfords for Men If yon want the best of —«— correct styles tty the Select© Fntent or ptotalridr Such bants deserve the beet tmtnent-Otw ttua iBajbgnress Ralston Health Oxfords at $4.00 per pair. PATENT or PLAIN KID. , MILLINERY MENTION That’s all It needs now, as It has demonstrated distinct ability to produce high quality Millinery at low prices. See the leaders Kindley-Belk Bros. CHEAPEST STORE ON EARTH. Furniture I at Cost for Spot Cash, and , We have just received a large shipment of Dining Room Tables, Sideboards, Dining Room Chairs, handsome Bed Room Suits at all prices, and a big line of rugs, all sizes and kinds. Also Centre Tables, Hammocks, and Imitation Leather Couches. All bran new goods go at cost for spot cash. Don't miss this grand opportunity. Come early and get your choice. BIG LINE OF GO-CARTS JUST RECEIVED. A A A A A A A A HI “ _, _ , • . | "W*— ' I'H ——1 ' ... . ■■■■■ ■ - . ' WILLIAMS U Craig and Wllaon Building JOHN H. WILLIAMS, Manager

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