The Oiitwld Omtte. BUSINESS LOCALS. PIGS FOR 8AI.E. Apply to 8. T. Witeoir Dallas, N. C. COR SALE OR RENT-The Thotn r aa Wilson lioua* and lot Sooth of Lutheran church, on York street. Apply to C, B. Armstrong. J38ta». 'T'YFEWKITKK-A Crandall ma I chine, Universal Mo. 3, almost equal to new. Price new $75: our price $37.30. No reason able oftet re tuued. Apply at Qaamra office. GI^ RIDDLE'S Champion Roller Mill at Bethel, 9. C„ ia install ing mw up to data machinery and ia prepared to do the very bast work. Parties wishing the boot results are invited to see oa. —spa. T*0 CORRECT certain untrue re * porta, I with to aay that the store Iran new the Kagan stand le owned by me Individually and that no other pereon has any Interest in it. _W. C. None*. Notice ol New Ads. J. F. Yeager—Items of volne. Torrence*Morris Co.—His mother's portrait. Morris Brothcrs-Quick! quick! quick I .?f***91atST Co.—The sign post to tniftaom. Thomson Co.—Stick to this trade mark. Kindley-Belk Bros. Co.—August specials, Adams Drug Co.—For keeping fruits, TUKSDAY, AUGUST 2. 1904. g— ■■ 1 r mm—mastmmam bUUAL ArrAIICS —Remember the Veterans reunion in Gastonia next Thursday. —The Gaston cocuity Piblc society aaecU Thursday at the Lutheran chapel church. —The Gas too county Bible society and the Veterans reunion both come next Thursday. .-AWr crowd enjoyed Mr Bert Ormood'a picnic and speaking at Old Furnace Saturday. —Court week Sep. I*. List of jurors drawn yesterday by. commis sioners will appear Friday. —Gastonia hi Atonic ]>>dgg'N6. sat will do second dcffTte work to night and third dagtas work Friday —The ladies on what was formerly Narrow Gauge Street have changed the name of It to South Urond street. The men will take doe notice. —A nine weeks’ drought ia the Bethel section was broken Thurs day by good showers, to the great delight of the farmers, whose crops bsd begun to suffer. —Odd Fellows Gastonia Lodge No. Mi will have a aseeting Thursday night at which the Initiatory degree will furnish so ms important work. A fall attendance ia desired. —A very interesting letter from a brave old veteran on the battle of Chancellorsvi lie was crowded out of this issue. It will appear Friday along with the report of reunion day. —A fine lot of apples waa a gift to Tux Guam from Mr. W. A. Hea drick Saturday. He said they were of the rattle-box variety, the seed rattling inside when the fruit waa thoroughly ripe. —Puller's big barbecue and joint speaking and genera] jollification cornea oB at Bessemer City Saturday. The Bessemer folks are preparing (or a big crowd aad are not likely to he disappointed. —After the first of September, Mr. Jacob Ormmnd. formerly Register of asSra'.ssawusfe cr for the Trento* mill. Mr. R. H. Tuttle, the preneat book -keeper, will open a cotton broker's . office down town. -The Champion Roller Mill belonging to Mr. Q. L. Riddle at Bethel, 8. C-, ia in operation again after being cloud down for a year. Mr. Riddle informs na that bin mill has been completely overhauled and equipped with the moat modem machinery obtainable. —A neat new heady telephone list hfig- tnif inawasl k*s tks moat Telephone and Telegraph Com pany. Superintendent Bebtegton wishes the patron, reminded once morel to call always by Bomber and not by name. Get the number h«t> ft. You will not go to your liat May times before you will "know by heart" the numbers yon can most freqnsBtty. And get it now—Ta* Gamtts’s nomber is 90. even 90, sum it has been afsce tbs first phone was pot ta swsy back yonder. The Read Fare a. "I dropped In just to say a wtfrd about the road force," re marked Mr. O. M. Shivea yes tetdey. "We Mount Holly folks are pleased with the work. I want you to write it out sad sign toy name to it, that Eddie man, Todd, Craig and the other boys arc the right squad in the right place. They are pushing the work for everything its worth—they are gfadtng the new road right along. Our folks are well pleased."_ A birthday Party On Wednesday night, July 20th, MUs Myrtle Smith of Crowders’a Creek, gave a pound party and ice cream supper in Honor of her igth birthday, Mias *1*0 celebrated her lfeh~blrtbday at the same ***"■ 0**®*a were played and refreshments of cake and cream served. It waa e most happy occasion and waa greatly enjoyed by all present. The guest* war* Misses Ferric Forbes, Stoma Carroll, Jessie Nolan, Banish and Lana Quinn. Lena and Ger truda Glenn, Etna) and Nettie Parham. Bright and Lillie Stroup. Annie and Agues Oris* at Messrs. Barksdale, Coat Arthur Paxhaai, Brady, Boat and Edison Forbes, Lawsuo, John, Van and Hobart Brandon, Henry Ferguson, Charley Falla, flpratt Quine, Howard Falla Joe Hul, Plane Dkkaou, B<j Haflatetlar. •" Wfe. 01 Urth*‘ -Mf*: WUf Patman, of Bingi Mountain is visiting her sister, Mrs J. T. JUyno. “Miss Boss Holssss, of Salisbury arrived Saturday sfteraoon to viri Miss Btbel Gray. Misses Irene and Louis* Bar nn*Tr have retaracd from a pleas **tvisit to Salisbury. s^sCite^^r,®,^s —Mr. Lawrence Miller left yester day mors is* lor Henrietta sad Caro leea to spend a week or ten days. i.rJfc*'T' 4 ^*®P* left yesterdsj *®r Ckrrer where she will spend s week with her uncle. Mr. W. H. Sparrow. —Misses Helen and Lola Jenkins returned Friday night from a twe »o»tt>s visit to their grand mothei at Falaoa'e. —Miss Clara Ware retaracd Set unlay to her home at Salisbury aftei a tea days' visit to Kisses Carrie and Jan* Mortis. _“Mr». L. T. Strickland and Miss Grace are viaitiu* tor • .4-— i. Gaffney aad Greenville. They left yesterday morning. •**»■ Oeorge G. Glenn sod little non return'd Friday night ■ ,ri*it to Mrs Glenn's parents at liar’s Landing, S. C. . —Mr. A. P. Hand, of R. P. D. No. 4 Charlotte, was in Gastonia Satur day, monte, to Dallas. He returned home Saturday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. B. W Mellon, and children end Mr. John M. Craig, all a* Charlotte *P«nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joan H. Craig. Mb'* Myrtle Davis returned Wednesday from Clover where she has been on a pleaaaat two weeks' visit to relative* and friends. —Mrs. Tom Norm eat aad Uttle son Beeler, of Lumberton who are spend ingthe summer fa Gastonia, ora greats this wyck of Miss Mabel Jerome Robinson, who has been guest of her sister-in-law. Mrs. J. T. Spencer,/will return to Cow peas this afternoon. Miss Mamie Spencer will go with her. —Rev. and Mr*. W. H Reddish and Prof. Freak Huffman went to Morgaatoa yesterday morning to •P*»’d their Auguat vacation with Mrs. Reddish’s parents. _ — Mr. R. A. Hullender retained to Charlotte yesterday morning with his bride, who was Mias Anne Boat. Mr. Hullender la overseer of spin ning at the Fidelity Mill. —Miss Bvelyn Johnson, of Char lotte. came over on No. U yesterday to spend a few weeks as gueit of Mr. aad Mrs. R. M. Johnson. She is a sister of Mr. Johnson. —Mr. James A. Clifford, who is en Rged in gold mining near Pike's ak, has been guest for a few days 04 bis brother. Mr. W. J. Clifford He left rceterdsy to visit a brother la Du an. —Mia. A. J. Gamble, from near Waco, is spending ten days with her sister, Mrs. O. W. Daris. Mrs. Davis retaraed from Cleveland Sun day afternoon bringing her sister with her. —Mias Bessie Waldrop was the gnest of the Misses Shniord from Saturday until yesterday. She wo retum\nz from the summer school at the A. and M. to her home in Hendersonville. —Miss Ferric Kennedy, of Begonia, returned yesterday morning from the picnic at Hovis’a store. She was ac ccrmp.nied by Mlssea Edith Mauser and Virgin Kennedy. Mr. Andrew Kennedy met them here. -Rev, and. Mrs. W. H. McDwsin. of Birmiughsm. Alabama, were guests Sunday of Mr. and hire. S. F. Stewart. Monday morning Mr. Mc Uwaln went to Mecklenburg and Mrs. Mcllwain to Blowing Rock. • -111m Emma Age Is entertaining •f Bertroesta Miss Carrie Graham, of Wadesboro, who arrived Saturday, •"d Misses Willie Thornton sad Sophia Canto, of Pemandino, Pla., who arrived yesterday afternoon. “Mr. Tom Whitesides, formerly of Bessemer City, but now anprrinten dent of wearing at WinderTo*., waa lown Saturday night, guest of Mr. Claude GriSa. He went to Lincoln ton on bnsiaeas yesterday rooming, . —'***?.; M. Sloan and children nr I monra t iUt h« parent# In Wadeaboro. He? driWi Mtaa Kom. who baa been her neat reterna to Wadeaboro with the*. »d Mia. La«aa Sloan wUl apenAaometime with the home folk. Friday yrenln^fropi C$or2©n""iul!! to epend a week or two with hi. pa* \ n LOT70011 n - to the Laiher ’ at Chicago, id to aeehlm _ (a. A •' -Mr. O. M. Sbivea, of Mt. Holly waa a wajcoma caller at Tn* Oa ^[3ll brlnJCf^mme' 1m* y£S!?t SS,r;3« sn.’sf«aasK.-,,ST““ A Hem OccmIm. Mias Mamie Love and Mr. Grier Love moet delightfally en tertained a hundred or more friends I ait Friday evening with • garden patty at the elegant home of Mr. nod Mrs. Jao. F. I-ove. Mr. T. Gary Jordaa, of Alabama, was the guest of hon* <*• The spacious, ttaadr lawn with its velvety carpet of green was a scene of unusual beauty over which fen the mellow glow o# numberless Japeaeee lantern. “a J®"*0lights. Trail and Trie war* plawd, and with happy talk and laughter the hour* want swiftly by,- Water ■telona were served as refresh Mini *4. Mr. Daniel Love is no Iongei • widower. He and Mrs. Celia HoU, both of the Arlington, were married at 4 o’clock yester day afternoon. The ccremoay was performed at the bride’s home by Ksquire W. 1. Stowe in bis nsnal happy style. Hovia's Store Picnic. A good crowd gave attention Saturday to the splendid speeches of Hons. B. Y. Webb, Wm. H. Lewis, and O. P. Ma son st HovU’s store Saturday. The dinner by Mr. Parnsworth was abundant and well barbe c®*“- The best of order pre vailed and everybody had a good time. Mr. Morgan lamalna. Rev. C. I. Morgan, the popit J" and successful pastor of the Lutheran church here, was re cently celled to a pastorate near Salisbury. He tendered his res ignation to bis people here, but they declined to accept it. Son day morning, ranch to the de light of his congregation, be an nounced that be would remain •s tbeir pastor._ Dm* Isr Was. Gamble Camp. The veterans will meet in the Open House at ten o'clock sharp Thursday morning. Sec retary W. I. Stowe requests us to remind the members of Wil liam Gambia Camp to bring tbeir annual dues along. The •mount is small, but it helps the cause to have it paid in prompt ly ice wren sapper at Pltfah. On next Friday afternoon and evening (tbe 5th.) tbe young Peoples Christian Union of tbe Pisgali Presbyterian church will give an ice cream supper on the lawn at the parsonage for tbe benefit of Home an J Foreign Missions. The boors are from 3 to 10 o’clock, and all members of tbe congregation and friends generally are cordially invited and urged to attend. Cakes, cream and sherbets will be served, and all may expect a pleasant occasion. Birthday PsaM Party. Mias Rosa Ann, tbe youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Stacy at the Loray gave a pound party Saturday July 30. when she was nine years old. About 30 little folks responded, bring ing candies, cake and other good things, and while they sang and played the older peo ple looked on and enjoyed it thinking of their own child hood’s happy days, and the lines of that famous poem. •waur backward, ok Uw. la r*ba » child acaio Jost fac to. A Moanlaa Party. A party .consisting of the follosring gentlemen will leave Gastonia Friday, August 3th, in wagons for a ten days’ trip into the mountains:, Messrs. J. Frank McArver and two sons, J. B.Page, H. H. Spencer, J. A. Hunter, Albert Rankin, To bn McArver. Robert Jackson, Capt. J. Q. Holland, Dr. H. F. Glenn and Capt. W. I. Stowe. Others may join the party later. They will visit Chimney Rock and other points of interest, Pro^klv going aa far west as Asheville. Tbe party contains a number of members of the piscatorial fraternity who will take their reels and rods along. They expect to feast every day on mountain front. ' . Woman of the Twentieth Cen tury Sweater than I heir Ances tor*. Statistics prove that tbe men and women of to-dav iar exceed tbeir ancestors ia health, clean liness and sweetness. Physical culture is practiced br so many in tbeir own homes, that nature works like e well oiled machine. Outdoor exercise, where practic •Mft ,*• indulged in frequently. Rubbing ana bqthing makes them clean, and white odorless powder is dusted on the body or clothiag to prevent any an pleas-, ant odora which arise from the body. It is a disagreeable com bination to ose perfumes to try to conceal perspiration or other odora, so a well known and re putable firm has placed this powder on the market. Women of refinement esc it sftet the bath or when changing garments, and the result is that women ware sever so sweet as to-day, It Is but natural that their dispo sition should be brighter for they aye not in constant Iter tbeir acquaintances will discover that they are afflicted with bodily odora and thus shun tbeir so ciety. Men too, are happier, for whet lady cares to associate with a man whose toilet seems to be neglected. No nutter bow frequently one bathes, tbe odora are sure to arise, unless this powder has been dusted on the clothing or body. Refined people every where ose it and this accounts for tbe increase In health, cleaa liaass and sweetness. We have a FREE Sample ot Spiro Powder, n soevanir post card of Niagara Falls, sad a booklet, "Us* of 8piro," far ev ery ©o# who calls at oar atom. J. H. XunrasT. ft Co., Drug fiata, Gastonia, N. C. THE VETE1AIS THUHS9AT. Etmt «U Settiar WuM HiPir nil triad Tim In An. Qastouia wants every old sol dier id the county, with hie wile mid daughters, to be her* next Thursday. Soma have thought the reunion would be on toe second Thursday in August— but it is the first Thursday— °«** Thursday. August 4th. Let all remember this sad be on hand. Tbe veterans will bold their meetings in tbe Opera House. The officers of tbe camp art on the look out for a good speaker for the occasion. Capt. J. D. Moore will deliver tbe address of welcome to his comrades. After the morning exercises, dinner for the veterans, their wives and daughters, will be *pr*jd in Dr. Adams' new store building, so rain or shine the dinner will be on hand. Let every veteran come and be welcome. The following ladies have been appointed by Mayor Dixon ms an entertainment committee to pre pare tbe spread for tbe old sol diers: Mcsdatnes M. H. Shu iord, J. D. Moore. Leans Adapts, C. I. Gresham. W. T. Rankin, G. W. Ragan, J. H. Kennedy, M. H. Curry. Frost Torrence. J. K. Dixon. These will appoint twelve young ladies w awui *n«ra. To assist tbe ladies Mayor Dixon baa appointed Messrs. 8. **. Morris, Moaea Roman, and L. Thompson. The following little boys have deeo designated to dispense lemonade to the veterans in the hall: Charles Adams, John Ran Jnn, Averin McLean, Francis Whitesides, Charles Gray, Harry SI) Ilford. Mr. Shields Te Uavs. Called to tbe work of Bvon Eliot in Albemarle presbytery, tv. M. McG. Shields has ten dered his resignation aa pastor of the Gaatonia Presbyterian church. The congregation will be requested next Sunday morn ing to concur with Kings Moun tain presbytery in assenting to bis release. Albemarle is a ***** Presbytery, covering near ly all of tbe State cast of Golds boro. Tbe Presbyterian canoe is not strong in the eastern counties and tbe work of evan gelist appealed no strongly to Mr. Shields that he felt Provi dentially impelled to accept it. His congregation here, though refusing heretofore, will proba bly consent to s dissolution of tbe pastoral relation Sunday morn ing. Cat this Out! Cat this out and paste it in your new telephone Hot. The following numbers were by error omitted. Un* 101-2, S. W Bradley. —4, J. B. Carson. ,. —5, J R. Carson. ,. -3H. S. A. Lewis. .. — 2*, W. A. Robinson. —3, J. K. Shannon. Change Alexander House to read 149 instead of 249. Coll by number always and not hvniw nonce. To the Congregation of the Pres byterian Church: You are hereby notified that at the request of the pastor. Rev. M. McO. Shields, the Session has called a meeting of the Congregation to be held next Sabbath morning, August 7th, 190*. immediately after the morning service, to act npon his request that the said Congrega tion concur with him in his re quest to the Presbytery of Kings Mountain for the dissolution of the pastoral relation now ex isting between him and the acid Congregation. M. McG. Shuodc. Moderator. J. Q. Holland, Clerk of Seackra. lOcreal Linen Torchon Lace,5c Oar quantity United. Nothing la lot under 10c b vain*. Special 50c cad 76c Callara Reduced to 25c Tbia redaction cm brace* oar entire Mae of embroidered taro-over* embnrfd ***d aertto, and linen enff and collar arts. Parmer ule price 50c end 75c. Out special price to doae qg. anything in lot__25C Special vnlnee In Pearl Shirt Wabt Set* tbiae bnttoos to act. Price |A. per act-- IUC ! A 6 ► i ■ * ( Kindley-Belk . . S i Cheapest Store on Earth. ) For Mnm Km Mi Slots. One of the happiest social af fair* of the aeasoa was the de her bcaatual home, complimen tary to her sisters Miss Boom Rose of Wadesboro and Mist Latoa Sloan. The broad wan das beautifully lighted with elec tric lights and decorated with potted pleats, presented a farming scene. . Progressive True furnished fsin nod amass ment after which dainty refresh ments of cake and ices were served. __ _ Ves "TBETH1NA* Overcomes end Counteracts the * fleets of the Sum fas. Easy. Costs 25 cents at Drag »***»■_ -iJ2MB. I ' ' .. j: MX. HOLLY GRADED SCHOOL Healthy location. Thorough in *truction. Pupils prepared for entrance Into the heat colleges in the State. Diplomas (mated to those completing the course. The patronage at pay studeuts solicited. Rates reasonable. For circular of information, address J. A WSTIW, Stt’y SckMl Bnri 0 OS CiAS. A JONAS, S«pt.. m. Wly, K. C. -i— 11 ■ ' r-a——sa-a Fruits The fruit season Is on and you will find our stock of fruit powders, adds, and spices of all kinds com plete. King’s and Scott’s Fruit Powders,^Salicylic, Tartaric Acids, Cloves, Spice, Cinnamon, Tumer ic, Pepper, Ginger. ADAMS DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS IFOR ONE WEEK ONLY!! I Beginning Saturday morning, July 30th, and con«fi I tinuing through Friday, August 5th. 8 | We will sell 3 regular 60c ahlrts for fl. All regular $1 per salt underwear Will go at 76c par salt. B All regular %2 per ault underwear will go at $1.50 per aultt B Regular 60c elastic sea* drawers will ha sold this waafc I pair far ffcwl Geuulne Sc riven elastic a earn drawers 60c. B Remember this sale Is only for one week, ending August 5th. I IR »binson Bros.| ■ The leading furnishing gccis house In Gaston Co. I Shumbiimwwm——___ m

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