- I >v*J I DQiy in trying that had been Uhdwday night1, and I -Edith Fallon nod Ora Wh have both been gate in disposed for tha past two weeks &ns,£t£3S&S Mass is ako still iaspsoring The High School opened here I Mooday morning with aa at tendance of 190 which baa la' Massed daily this week till tbs *»»bci is now nearing 190. While this is a fair attendance it is fax below what itshooM be. While ranninghia planar one day last week Henry Peterson was painfully hut by having a large apliatcr throat iatnhia atm. Bala again able to boat bis WO(k with soma inconyeni •^ES* Pieced in the giaoery at the ofl mill here, and the manager in* forau aw that they will be mady for tba first cotton of the •eason. Tha acad boose ia now aiao wen wader way and ia bnilt J* hold 100,000 bushels of aeed in the lower story and halls in the npper. Messrs. Ramsey sod Scocviru s« delivering this week wtSes Of cotton recently bought ot them by Mr. W. A. Manney at 10:85. This was cotton for which they could have obtained 16:50 at own time. A marring ia in progress here this week at the A. R. P. chnrch, is which the pastor, Rev. J. M. Garrison, ia assisted tor Rev- Mr. Philips, of Atlanta. He is an able man and is doing some fine preachiug among os. It is Oiobable that J. C. Bum* gardner has bought the Herald cart* and will leans it or ran it on bis own account otter this week. Mr. Banmardner is a hostler and should be decide to ran the paper it will add much to the certainty of what it will do. On account of his minis* terinl labors. Rev. T. A. Sikes M» been compelled to give up The new school boose out at T. M. A. Ware's is nearing com* pforion. It b a modern build in* and n decided improvement on the old one. Mrs. J. M. Williams and •everal of their children are wel come visitors with on now. an. k. u. Amoia and Hus band, of Charleston, are staying at Moan tain View hotel bow. They ere kindly remembered by may of as as having been here several years ago. Miss Gnasie Beattie, now of Gastonia, spent Inst week very pleasaaUy here with boaie folks. Ehred Harris left here last week to take work sfith the Colombia State at Colombia, S. C. Mrs. George Gambiell, who h a a been spending some weeks hm with her mother, me called bom to Abbeville on Monday by the sickness of her Mlaaaa Mary, Roby aad Pearl Palle. of Greearflle, are oat at theh^raadfatber’a. H. J. A1H Misari Hash and Mattie ypto1 visit to°“lst!v**i 2d pflltn . MfT Ww.Mattag, who is well wro^here from Setardsy^tVli Wate, who is to be one of tbc haw la the High 8chool this to »*> Shelby Mat ■ATIItS AT McAMNVILU Nr. tad Mrs Chari as Stacks Be McAdenvillc, Aug. .Hst.—Mr. aod Mrs. J. C. Roberta returned from a visit to friends sad rvla live* i«. sad around Yorkville last week. ^ ' Dr. 1. N. Glenn visited his mother several Uses last week. She is sick with fever. W. I,. Patour has gone to High Point where he is working m e furniture factory. Mr*. J. G. Howell spent eev m*l days with her sisters. Mr*. Chas. Crook and Mrs. Hinkle Baker, ia Gastonia last week. Mr*. B. P. Wilkerson and children retnrned home from a visit to relatives in York county last week. The 3-year old daughter of Mr. sad Mrs. Chiu. Stacks died at their home in Huntersville hast Friday sad was buried at Hickory Grove Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stacks were former residents of this place and have u large number of friends here who sympathise with them in their bereavement. hi. _X _ ta a a_t.i •pent several days in Concord last week visiting Mrs. Smith's parents. Mr. Will Bentley, of the cleri cal force of J. R. Reid Ik Co., went to Gamewell last week ac companied by his cousin. Miss Annie Craig, of Mount Holly. Mr. Bentley returned home Mon day evening. Mrs. J. B. Wylie enjoyed the company of her children Sunday ■early all of whom were from s distance. Mrs. W. H. Cartuth ers and two children of Port Valley. Ga; Mrs. C- J. Thomp son and three children of Knox ville, Term; Mrs. J. S. Wylie of Charlotte and Messrs. S. M. and James Wylie of the clerical force of the H. U. Me Aden Mercan tile Company and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilson of Gastonia. Mrs. Wylie has only been here a few months, having come from Chester county, S C. She has made many warm friends during her stay here. Rev. J. H. Bradley is assist ing Rev. J. P. Armstrong in s protracted meeting at Eibctbcl this week. Mrs. Bradley and the children are visiting her father in Aleviuder County. Mr. H. J. Wilkersou went down to Yorkviile Tuesday to go with his military company to Mannaisas. Messrs. J. W. Cushion. B. F. Turner, and Jno. Lowrance of Danville, Va., are here visiting mends and relatives. Mlaa Mollte Campbell gave a lawn party to a number of her friends, several of whom came from Gastonia. Muse a Killie Gray and Retta Sbives of Charlotte ate visiting Miss Eliza Jenkins. Mrs. Chas. Roberts and three children of Charlotte spent sev eral days with Mrs. M. B. Albea returning borne Monday. Misaea Katie Webb and Grace Albea will leave next Monday lor Newton where they will re enter Catawba College. Tbe Graded School will open at Lowell next Monday. A number of yonng men from this place, will attend. Mr. David McGee moved to Lowell Monday. Messrs; Ray Albea and Britt Drake went over to Gastonia Tuesday evening. Mias Freddie Mone. who has been visiting her moot, Mrs. C. S. Drake, for several weeks, re turned to her home in Lanrin buiw.'Mo., this week. Mr- Louis Drake baa gone to Raleigh. Mrs. L. N. Glenn and Mist toey Ray are 08 on a trip to Asheville. Misses Nannie and Ruth Moose of Huntersville are vtalt tog la town this week. VmM Uke to Meet the teadn Untose tk reports are fake, EUtr T. M. P. Stubbs of States Go., where they burned the two M««oes after'tWy were already tried and sentenced to Jj* ktepd, is a gentleman we’d like to Mia. He U reported to "Meabesu of every denomlea rapf—eetod In tbia town, "ipl *be Preabyteriaa, were Is aati astir*# i •\ ,w ’ A ... ' * , - V, '■ WEBI-NEWELL AOttEMEBT. The Coagrasalana! Candidates Oa< Together and Arrange a Schedule—They Will Apppar la Each County—Thirty Ap palnbaaata la AIL Cknlana Otarno. sm 1. Col. Jake P. Newell and Can eressmao B. Y. Webb, the Republican aoJ Democratic candidates for Congress in this, the ninth district, arc now on their way to the first joint dis cussion. They met in Mr. Webb's room at the Bnford Ho tel. last night, and in the pres ence of the following named gentlemen made final arrange ments and fixed a schedule of meeting places: D. K. Pope and W. V. Hall and James A. Bell, Democratic chairman of the county executive committee and P. R. McNinch. Mr. Newel] offered a schedule with 41 appointments, and Mr.1 Webb told him that he would accept if he would cat the num ber to 30. That was finally done and the places and dates follows: sapt- 21; !?k ?3*S Sclrt. 22: BakerviUe, Sept. M; and UigKock tW, Sept 28. Yancmr—Crab Tree, Sept. 27; s«**Si ’ Scpl ** *ai Banl*rtnc Hill, Sept. SO; Marshall. Oct. 1, and hot Spring*. Oct- 3. Burke—Glen Alpine-, Oct. 6; Mor canton, Oct. 8, and Connelly Spring, Oct. 7. Catawba—Hickory. Oct. It!; Ca tawha, Oct 11, amt Maiden, Oct. 12. Lincoln—Keeparilte, Sept. 13; Lowes Title, Oct. 14, and Lincelnton, Oct. 15. „ C{erelsnd —Cssar. Oct. 18; Boiling Swings, Oct. Bi, and Shelby. Oct. 2tt Cation—Cherryvitle, Oct. 21; Dal Isa. Oct. 22; Heaaemcr, Oct. 24; Mt. Holly, Oct. 25. Mecklenburg—Matthcwa, Oct. 26; ComoUn». Oct. 77; Pincvillc, Oct. 21, and Charlotte, Oct. 29. ITie public will take a rest until Col. Newell and Mr. Webb begin their canyass. The heated controversy during the last 10 days has served to ad nertise the candidates and to stir the curiosity and arouse the enthusiasm of the voters of the district. > The yonng gentlemen will be given a warm welcome wherever they go. If the dis cussions arc lively the interest will not flag. TOM COUNTY flMAKES. Names ol tha Vinners and el These Wbe VIII Hava to “Try It Over." York Till* Unqaitcr. Aas. 30. With the help of correspon dents at all the precincts, send ing their information by tele phone and telegraph, we are en abled to print in tbis issue a Complete detailed statement of the result of the primary elec tion held throughout the connty to-day. i uc ioihi ngmDtr 01 votes cast was 3.323. something less than calculated on by most of the candidates, and the result will no doubt include a number of surprises not only to the can didates, but to the public as well. For the Legislature Messrs. J. W. Ardrey, J. E. Bcamguaid, J- M. Massey- and Joseph M. Saye are nominated. Mr. Ardrey leading the ticket over his fel low candidates by a handsome plurality. There will be a second race for sheriff between CapUin B. A. Crawford and Mr. Hngh G. Brown. Messrs. J. A. Tate and W. Brown Wylie are in a second race for clerk, the former lead tug by qnite a margin. Messrs. J. J. Hunter and W. B. Williams. Jr., will run a sec ond race for auditor. Mr. H. A. D. Neely is recom mended for treasurer on the first ballot and Mr. T. W. Boyd is nominated for supervisor in a like manner. Messrs. Ladd J. Lumpkin and John L. Rainey will be county commissioners, Mr. John K. Carroll will continue as superin tendent of education, and L. W. Lout hi an will have four more years as auditor. Concord is to have tree mail delivery, says a special from that town to Sunday's Raleigh Post. ITEMS HtOM EAST GASTON. Tha Wsstbsr sad Dm Peopla— Mlataka About Mr. Cornell Haw a Unisn Cauaty Lady T*ah the 5e We went to hear the sanctified or holiness preachers last Sun day. To be bonest with them, we were surprised (o hear as decent a sermon; it was on a much higher plane than others that we had heretofore heard. Probably they had found from the effects of others vilifying the people in general did not take well in that section, and by their bad success probably caused those there now to pitch tbeir sermons on a higher plane, and get what they said from the Bible. If one thing they said was true they arc an exception to the rule as heretofore prac ticed. They said they felt jnst as good without money as with it and that if the people paid all right and if not all right. Vet a powerful plea was made for that which wc are all work ing for. We just looked for some one to jump up and' do like a good lady did at Antioch in Union county, a few weeks ago. During the camp-meeting there the preacher was doine every thing in bis power to convert the people into the practice of paying more money freely. A certaiu lady arose in the congregation and asked per mission to speak, which was granted. Everybody was as tonished and listened witb all can to hear wbat she had toaay, which was as follows: In a distinct way and in a very few words she informed the minister and everybody else, that she bad come to church to bear preaching and not to listen to a preacher beg for money when be should be dispensing the word of truth to a dying con gregation. She said that begging on sneb occasions bad become a nuisance, and as for herself sbe was tired of it. Sbe added that ber husband had money to support all the preach er* in that part of the country, but that he was not going to give it to beggars. Of course the preacher was taken down, and it took several minutes to get the people quiet, and when quiet was restored preaching went on without any further begging. Right bere we want to say that the people know preachers have to be supported and that if they would let h be known that they were uot beggars and instead were in the hands of their friends we believe the peo ple would be more willing to re spond to their needs. We be tm wtiintr nas goi right tor crop* once wore and if it cos* limit* tin* way lung enough, Rant Gaaton will yet nave heavy crop* to gather. Our people have worked hard and they de serve all they will get. Wa are sorry to note the con* tinned illness of MU* Anna Maagu*. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Manga*. • Prom all reports It would seem that she coo'd not pnaaible (sat many ■Mrs days. Miss Aaua has been sick (or shoot two months, and has had ao nanmally bard dm* Mr. I. R. Connell, of Coo* nelly Springs, has aunt na word that it Is a mistake that he la thinking of returning to hi* old aacliaa. ’ Also that it is a mis* take that ha baa triad to buy hack the farm he sold Mr. J. H. Underwood sad that tbera arc too mnny op* and downs tbera for M«, especially downs, and i ■ ' r ‘ ' ' ' ' • . _ THE BELL wiLL RING + 4.1 . 1 NEXT MONDAY MORNING | HOW ARE THE BOY’S CLOTHES? . If there is anything in the world that will make the opcuinc of school easy for the boy, it’s a new suit. Just drop in this week, mothers, and see the new things in the celebrated line of Crescent clothes we are showing for boys and children. SWAN-SLATER COMPANY OUTFITTERS FOR MEN AND BOYS 0 that he had to shock a good many of hit topa on bia kneea. Ft will be remembered that there was a still bouse close, but now we want to Inform the gentle* man that all such as that has disappeared in Gaston county. East Gaston. Shari Wblatle. The Loray, tbe Trcntou, the Old Mill and the Avon gave their daybreak signals yesterday momiug with one blow much shorter than usual. It has been the custom of all the mills to give a long whistle lasting per haps an entire minate. A few days ago a gentleman from a quieter town in a northern state spent the night in Gastonia, and was aroused from bia sleep by half-a-doxen whistles giving the long signal at daylight. To him it was a pandemonium of noise suddenly let loose and be didn't do a thing hut bustle out and in quire where the fire was. But the main obicctiou is on account of sick people. There is scarcely a day in the year when there is not a sick person in the neighborhood of some one of tbe mill whistles. While s healthy person might sleep on undisturbed, the nerves of the sick mother or the sick baby might be upset to such s point as to turn the balance between life and death against the suf ferer. The other mills will prob ably fall in line, on request, with those named and give only a short blow for the morning sig nal. In case of fire or danger the proper signal would be a succession o'f short sharp blows like tbe danger signal on the railroads. Tha Nemapcr aa a Law Beak. LiodmaU. Three persons were arrested in Goldsboro the other day lor violating the Audnbon law by shipping and selling birds. They all plead ignorance and even the magistrate before whom the case was tried aaid be didn’t know therp was snch a law. That magistrate ought to be removed instanter. Anybody who reads the papers knows there is snch a law, and a mag istrate who is not intelligent enough to read the papers and keep posted is unfit to bold hit job. Artist*. The impression exists in this world of bohemia (which is er roneous) that an artist is s per son more or leaa iu the need of a hair-cut, more or leaa erratic, and one who wields the brush with subtility and success. But kind friends, there are others. First we have the financial ar tist who draws a vast checque. The bar tender artist who draws beer, the weary Willie artist who draws flits, also the coy maiden artist who can draw three breaths while being kissed once bat ,of all the different arts upon the face of oar globe, the art work done be our wi\e» and sweet hearts upon the world’s famous Singer Wad* them ail. Now friends II you love your wife bay her a Singer. Machines rented by week or month or sold for cash, or cm •say monthly payments. We keep a full line of needles, oils, port* and attachments. • _ The Singer Mfg. Co., Davis Block, Gastonia, N. C. Phone 221. S2c2 Weak tmi laiM Om Cmlu mi Marifc-VMterB Balhrt? SmmHM AmU an authority to aell 225 ttckWBto all points Worth of IMt suiion at rate of U.SOforthe rotnul trip. Tick. *~d * ■2SSM8?" ommd ! t" 7 A" **'?'’"* J?4 '*cj • • < iC.t ;> ’ ■» Wood*! Scad*. VIRGINIA GRAY Winter Oats. Uv Eirty Far Best Knits. Out Trade Mark Brand la the brat end elaeawt qaaJlty that It la po—'bie to praam. Hairy, §r Winter Ystcft, Bown vitb Winter Oats, Biskra tba largaat pawdbls vMd at tba brat and rnoat nutrftioea bay. Writ* for price*. mrs Ksaarrirc nu umm TnUe all about aasda fra fall sowtag. It U tb* most tsIus bie aad hetpAd poblumdon of tba kiwi iraoed la twrrVu MaDad bee oa rsqnsat. T. W. WOOD & SONS, SMteMi, * Rictaoal, Vi. ~ 1 UJ1I 1 -V— Scaadinayiaas Camial to Sttrik Caraliaa. Cluilatn New* tad Coarln. Columbus, August 29.—The first contract for the establish ment of a colony in this State since the establishment of a de portment of immigration was signed to-night between Com missioner Watson sud parties interested in bringing colonies Sonth. Tbe land upon which the colony will be settled consists of 10,000 acres of Isnd in the lower part of Lexington County on the main line of the Sonthern, and involves tbe investment of abont $130,000. The colony will be made np of Scandinavians, and there will be abont 250 families. ATTENTION. KEKJtLICANS! lifaUtcH Canty Csoyantiao Called la Mael at Dallaa Fri day. S« at safer fth. The Republican County Coavea tloo to hereby called at Dali an, N. C., Friday, aeptoobar aa m«, at 11 o'clock, noon, for the purpose of nominating a full coanty ticket. Chairmen of the various precinct executive committee! are directed to call primaries* la their prectacta to meet Wed need ay. September 7th, at each hoar as best suits their con veniesce. to select the proper ana bet of delegates “to said county con vention. Let there bo a rood turn out at the primaries, so that a very voter may have a voice hi councils of hto party la these important mat ters. Bvery RepabHcaa la the Coun ty should attend the convention at Pallas and hey the ductutaion of living truths by the fearless and young orator and debator, SlrJake ?. hewed, Republican nominee for Congress. We ata not la the business of or riffitKl purposes, but are invite aad desire the presence of all voter* ia the coanty at oar convention, aad to ouch as attend we promise as Intel one o'clock sharp. W.JT. Jon oak. Chairman, Rep. Ex Com. Gaston Co. CiADoiva d. Holla kd, • wastay. - ■ • Nursery stock fro at Hillsdale Nursery, which sell ell kinds of nursery stock, fruit, Our Auioor kudgiof can be Johu P. love’s further Infornu* * S. Mosata, On* tSsi .