The OMlonia Owettg, BUSINESS LOCALS* COR TXL8 XAPHTHa aoap call at r the Elite Grocery,8M CAy. at the EUtv Grocery and ace thoae new toilet acta. 8&I CEED WHEAT, oeta and rye lor y .aalc. Sec Rrawlcy & Co. before bwyiag. 80o4 CO® SALE—100 leet ornamental wire fence with gate and poata. Cheap. P. W. Brawler. 60c4 V OFFICE will he ck.eU f,om Aug. 2S«h to Sept. 7th. -S3c7. Dn, U. E. McCowmu.i,. VV7ANTUD—Good bright quick boy W H or 15 yeara of aft for wrap per. Apply at office to-day. _InniUY-Brijt Oaoa. Co. COR SALE OR RXNT-The Thom ., ■?oWU,°^ h0V* •“?? lot 8onth of Lutheran church, on York afreet Apply to C. E. Armstrong. JJOtn. GINNING and Grinding—Having heard the Uorrow mill and gin, 1 am prepared to do gHnding and ginning for tha public. FiratcUaa aervreeguaranteed. J. B. Bom Hlflcd Netted •! Nrw Ad*. ' i. T. Wylie—Cemetery lot for sale. Robineon Bmthare—Rtetaon hata. Jaa. V. Yeager—September notea. Southern Railway—World's Fair rate*. T. W. Wood & Sooa—Virginia gray white oat a. * Kiiulley-BclU Broa. Co.-The Re gina ahocs for "milady fair." FRIDAY. SKPT. 2. 1904. LOCAL AFFAIRS - School belli ring Monday. . —Watch for another Gastonia wed ding November 25th. —Let Tug Oaim-rn follow yon when yon go off to school. , —The (Imt month with an r in it is hart. Xow lor the oyst-r. —It's September according to the almanac bat Angnat by the ther mometer. —Til* Western Union o«ce is ag«ia nader the management ol Mr. t. B. Harry. —The bill collector waa on ths war pub yesterday trying to effect peaceable settlements in as many cases as possible. —A big whits 7-Ib. radish was shown ns Tueiday by Mr. T. C. Smith. It waa about a foot and a half long. It la of the kind that seeds every other year. —The Page Company yesterday •LlfPCd to the UnagnaU Manufac CPtupany at Waynearille one of the big planers formerly used in the Gastonia coffin factory. It weighed 4,500 pouods. —A handsome gray granite menu ment is bring turned out by Messrs. Tprrccce Brothers for the family lot of the late Mr. O. W. Davis in the cemetery. It is seventeen feet high and is a handsome piece ol work. —In honor of Miss Etta Speer of Goldsboro, who la tha guest ol Mrs. Prank Wilson, Miss Ida Parsley en tertained a few of her friends at pro graaairv trix Tuesday evening. The octroi ion wna thoroughly enjoyed by all present. —The hoys and girls are going off to school. These are golden day* with these young people; may they use their time well. Loving hearts at home bare high hopes lor them and Tug GAurrg'n good wishes go with every one of them. —A modern two-stoey brick store room la to be built by Messrs. Stowe Brothers at Belmont in the near fu ture- Beick for the structure are bring made now. It wilt be erected on the lot adjoining the bnildingnow occupied by them which will be used as a ware house after the comple tion of the new building. —A cart from Rev. R. A. Miller, dated atTryon, requests ua to an nounce that he will return from hia vacation In time to occupy hia pulpit at the Lowell Presbyterian cnurch on next Sunday. Mr. Miller baa been spending some time at Ashe ville. He says "the weather has of the y2a/f”,,,*tenl—rao4t —Thflre la no improvement in the condition of Mra. E. N. Liueberger. She mats well only under the influ ence of sedative medicines. Her brother, Mr. Qllea Wllanu, was here Tncsday night and returned to Spnr tanburg Wednesday morning. Mrs. Wi.u'?1 earns yesterday altarnoon and Mr. Wilaon is expected to return shortly. "The ' school at Hickory Grove taught by Mr. R. W. Canon cloned Wednesday, a baaeball game on day_Wtnenai. tke teams oftthe M ckory Orove and the Clemmervitle wrbool, taught by Mias Mamie Shu ord, resulted in a score of fl to 7 in favor of the former. Mr. Canon will "te*" Rrakine September 13th. where be will this year finish the course. « uaptruc* uaaer a Tan*. PE1S0W At MEHTIOH. ^ ,0T «.*££oLj vsssfcf ataar tevnr?—^ * tsaston Iron Work*. ~Wf~ Madge White, of Colletts SUteLE^ 1Ch°°1 —Manors. J. W. and O. I*. Stroup were welcome visitors at Tub Ga •kttb office Tuesday morning. —Miaa Annie Watson returned Tnenday to her home at YorVvilW after a visit to Miss Edith Adams. —Mr. W. P. Upton ia nowbaggags master at tbe station. MrCRay mood Underwood will go to aehool. —Mrs. R. B, Babington and little {^T* ar* •pending the waek with relatives at Stanley Creek. —Messrs. O. J..E. 8. and N. I,. Honacr, three brothers from Cherry vllte, were vialtora la Gaetonia yea terday. —Mr. Froat Torrence it expected to return to-day from a two week*' trip to St. IfOnts, Chicago, New York and other cities. -Meows. Fred A. Cathey and Hope Bn son will leave to-morrow tor an estended western trip, They expect to be gone e month. —Mrs. Mery Ward, alter spending the summer here with b«r duughtcr, Mra. 1. A. Hunter, left Wednesday morning for her Charlotte home, -Mra 1 R. MePadden left Tnen duy loe Rock Hilt to attend the Steele-Cnnningbam wedding. The te? m&SEsuc,c- “ * *utM i. m. ant lion returned to Charlotte yesterday morning. Mr*. Shelton, with the children, will re main lot a lew day* at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Craig. —Mr. Jamas Tiddy, now of Shelby, is beta on a visit. He was at the Shelby fall when the recent tragedy occurred there, and gives a graphic account o( the tragedy and attend ing events. . —Mr. R. A. Caldwell and Mr. James Jt. Shannon left yesterday morning for Washington to attend the Man nasal manoeuvres. Mr. CsMwell is one of lee's old soldiers sad Mr. Shannon one of Jackson's. -%*• W W Brann, principal of the Westminster school at Wilde mcie. spent yesterday in the city on Imhioell. while here he purchased f.bjg lot of furnitnre from the Uttle williama Company for the equipment of a part of hia boarding department Mrs. Fred H. Garvin and little daughter Aileen of Newton are the neats of Mrs. Garvin'a sitter, Mrs. Charles Ford. They came from Charlotte, where Mra. Garvin has been undergoing treatment for a throat trouble. —Mrs W. ll. Reddish returned yesterday from Morgan ton where •he and Mr. Reddish have bees spending a month's vacation. Mr. Iteddiah will return to-morrow and will fill hie pulpit at the First Jlaptist church Sunday. —Mrs. J. II. Adams, of Gastonia, after a visit of some days to her brothers, Messrs. Praak and Whit Query, ia lower Steel Creek, re turned to her home this morning. 'She wns accompanied by Miss Miry Query, who will spend the winter with her anat.—Charlotte News. 2Btb. „ —Capt. G. F. Bason left Wednes day afternoon for Raleigh to accom pany hi* non. Mr. George- Bason, who goes to enter the A. and M. College. Mr. Bason won a scholar ship from the Charlotte graded schools at the last commencement. He will take a coarse in electrical engineering. —*»r. n. u. Brown, with the A. D. Jouei company of Qntuboro, baa been here with Mr. M. B. Brissic the total manager this week, tuning the instruments sold by the com pany in tbia section. Mr. Brown is the compnfcy’s taner and keeps the Pianos in tune free for one year. He left on the morning train yesterday. ~3fc L. L. Hardin and bride, who was Miss Addria CbreitUirjr, were ft* *£*•& Wednesday at Mr. and *?«• G. W. Kagan. They went to Ctover Wwineadny evening to visit Mr. Hardin’s sister, Mrs. M. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Hardin are enronte to their home at Kocky Mount from a honeymoon trip to Western North Carolina. —Visa Emma Rom and Miss Jeo nls B. Brent arrived yesterday after oooa from Asheville and are the gnenta for a day or two of Mlaa Kose’t slater. Mrs. J. M. Sloan. They are enroate to their lroaies at Wadaaboro from Asheville where they attended the Confederate Re union, Xian Brent as . sponsor and JUgb^-juJd o. ho... tk. ar® State nranioa ol veterans st Ashe vIHe. He says there were 3,000 vet srnas in attendsaoe. and that he saw many « one armed and one-legged man. host of the meetinga It was calculated that there was not a man present under $8 years of age. Those whose mothers ware living were called upon to hold up their Vnds. Very, very few hands went np. _U. V A _* m ae a . _ —Jli** Myrtle Kolca end Mastei Wred ate temporarily attending U the earpreea office, Mr. CumctMt jng^become book-keeper (or the oil —Mr. LzFayvtle Cooper o( Ruth •rford county act In with TnrOa zuTTH yesterday morning to l«an tha printing buMnoaa. He la a blot? er of Mrs. J. W. lnrle. -Mr. A. J. Smith, of Belmont, is.iSLjtgs.xt.S-Jgk o* in arrauffimr a joint canvass fgi the office of fU-gister of Ueeds. -Mr. end Mr*. A. S. Wilkinson euma in Tuesday from Statervtllc and art at (he home of Mrs. Wllkia !?** ■»£!8‘£?r' .N E. Jenkins. Mr. Wilkinsoo Is fast recovering from a spell of trpbou] fever. . — Prof. R. J. Herndon came an from Yorkrille yesterday to instruct the Junior Band. Hein one of tha best instructor* in the South and afrbi.sffi/s —Mr*. Lizzie Falla and Mr. Hun ter Maunty. of King* Mountain, passed through Gastonia yesterday morning os tfcrir tray to Concord to Mtcnd in# wedding there last night of Mr. Doris Maunty and Mtsa Mah er. —Mcaara. J. P. Duvla. D. P. Kin caid. J. V. Grice, of Gastonia and Mr. M. P. Purr of Mount Holly re turned yesterday from Asheville where they attended the Confcdera e Kconkia. They all report a good time. «»»v /tvsiBnuiT. ufoirr CJrmjr, Wlllijui L*wi«. and Rufus Utmn leave Monday lor Durham to attend Trinttv Park High School. Mr. Mac Holland, who cocdpitted the high school course last year, will re turn to enter Trinity College. Brake Bar Arm. Uttle Regina, the seven year old daughter af Mr. and Mn. W. L. Coou, fell front a gate poat at Mr. Ed Long's residence yester day afternoon and broke Iter right arm below the elbow. Sev eral months ago in a similar ac cident she had the misfortune to break her left arm. 3,149 Salem The number of bales of cotton marketed on tbc local platform during the year which closed yesterday was 3,140. The first bale, marketed on September 3rd. brought 16ft cents; the last bale, marketed on August 1st, brought 11 cents. The lowest price paid for good cotton dur ing the year was 9 cents. Election Beard te Meet The county election board composed of Meaara. E. L. Wil son of Dallas, and Messrs. L. L. Jenkins and John O. Rankin of Castooia, will meet at Dallas Monday, the 5th iost., for the purpose of appointing judges and registrars for the coming election, making any ebangea necessary in the voting pre cincts, and for the transaction of any other business that may de mand attention. • wi A1 9 30 o'clock yesterday morningia the Mary Help Ab bey at St. Mary’s College, Mr. Isaac Ford and Miss Alice Me* Knight were united la marriage, Rev. Father Melchior perform ing the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. John B. McKnigbt; the groom ia a pros perous merchant and farmer and lives between Belmont and St. Mary’a. They left on No. 12 yesterday afternoon for a bridal trip to Columbia and Charleston. J ahnsea-Ba Hina. Wednesday afternoon M r. Miles Johnson of Begonia and Miss Mabel Huggins, a waitress at the Falla House, drove to Bowling Green and were married by Rev. W. A. Hafiner. The ceremony was performed at 4 o’clock in the afternoon at the Presbyterian manse. The bride came to Gastonia two months ago from Hickory. A reception was tendered toe bride and groom atthe home of the groom's mother. Mrs. Violet Johnson, where they will reside. “ MODENA ITEMS. Mrs. J. R. Broom and chil dren have returned from a week’s visit to her sister, Mrs. J. A. Smyrc, at Mount Holly. Mrs. R. B. Pinner is very sick at this time. Misses T^enra and Bessie Lena, daughters of Mr. J. T. Lean, are Improving after an illness of several weeks with fever. Mr. Parker and family have moved beck to the Modena from Crowders Creek. After spending a few days with Jiis family Mr. Z. V. Harmon nas returned to Rock Hill, S. C., where be fa engaged in a barber shop. Are tour KHneys weur Bright*# Disease, DUbett*. Rbco matism. Goat, Gravel, Dropsy, la* Carnation of the Madder, Bad Blood •ad Nervous Trouble* caused by Sick Kidneys. 1. H. Kennedy At Co,, the well known Druggist of tlnatoaia, know by experincc that M1ND1PO will cure aU forma of Kidney and Ner vous Troubles, and win guarantee it in alt coses. Can't you afford to try it at their risk? It coats yon nothing If It don't do the work. •ant hr mail to any address, pre paid, an mcefpt of» cento, f Bonce IJ.J0 andA a poafttre guarantee. —1 l _mamawe—gaae PISTTT CBUtCB WEMUlfft. NnnUfn of Mr. MftvnU William Mud Min Mte Un rMftn ■( A. B. P. Church last Might. The Associate Reformed Pres byterian church urea the scene last evening at 8 o'clock of a happy event when a large num ber of tbtir friends itmtltered to witness the marriage ceremony joining the hearts and bauds of Mr. Bidwell William Boyd and Mias Belle Loughridge. At the how named the bridal party and attendants entered to tha strain* of Lohengrin's wed ding march played by Mias Ida Pursley, In the following order: Pint came Mias Annie Scott of Yorkville and Miss Corrie Laugh ridge of Clinton. S. C , down opposite aisles, followed respectively by Mr. Ed McLurd and Mr. J. W. Kirkpatrick, then came the groom, with bis best man, Mr. B. P. Wilson, down one aisle while the bride and her ns aid of honor. Miss Irene Laughridge, a aiater. proceeded by little Miss Robbie Lindsay as flower girl, cstne down the other sitlc; they were followed by Mr. Willie Hope Adams and Mr. Bovce Wilson » TL. bride and groom met at the altar where their patter, Dr. J. C. Galloway, pronounced in as im pressive manner the words which made them h ns band and wife. Duriug the ceremony Miss Pars ley played softly "Hearts and Mowers." As the party left the church llias Pursley played Mendelssohn’s wedding march. The bride and her maids were gowned in white organdy sod carried boqoeta of white carna tions; the groom and bis attend ants were attired in conventional black. A pyramid of ferns and palms in the centra of the altar with flower stands on each side ladencd with potted ferns and trailing ivy, made a most pleas iog and attractive decorative ef fect. The organ was banked with potted plants and cut flow ers. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd left on No. 40 last night for St. Loais where they will spend their honeymoon at the Exposition. On their re turn they will be at home with Mr. Boyd’a mother, Mrs. John F. Wilson, on Franklin avenne. The groom, a member of the firm of O. M. Boyd & Co. and the bride, a daughter of Mr. W. S. Loughridge, both have many friends who wish for them a long and prosperous wedded life.