The Oa»tonla Omtte. BUSINESS LOCALS. WTANTRD—Fresh country batter W by J. M. Clammtt. corner Main and Marietta 8t>.813ta DOR RASY 8HAVB3—Call at Bpp * ley • new barber atop opposite Craig and Wllaoo building. - 70c2 VOUNG HORSR far sale. Fire * yeara old. 128S pouud». Dark bay. Gentle and guaranteed. A. K. Holland. Dallas. S30c3 pOR BALK 01 JUtKT-Tb. TLorn r m Woioe house and lot South ot Lutheran church, on York atreet. Apply to C. B. Armstrong. JMtn. OAY YOUR TAXK8-I will be in £ «T office la Gastonia Saturday, the Mth. lot the purpose o 1 collect SWTr ‘a~* B An“^ COR RENT—My six room leajdence r on Main 8trect Gastonia. Convenient to business portion of town. Apply to A. £7 Loftin. (•reensboro, N. C. 820tn. BUY YOUR OROCKRIB8 iron, the Golden Rule Store. Matt. 7-1J. We will rive you cash or mda in* your corn and wheat aad ini etc. C. E. Rhyne, Manager, Otark Mills. __ -Mc4: New meat market—Having bought oat the market of Mr. W. N. Davis oa Main street 1 will continue to run the same as a flrtt claaa meat market. Will keep the choicest of meat*- at all limits sad del Iyer promptly anywhere in town. Phone No. 33. Rust. C. McLkan. IMet d Raw Mu J. M. Clampitt—Notice. Morris Biros.—Baying goods. Kindley-Belk Bros. Co—Big silk sale. Robinson Brother*—The Walk-over •hoes. Torrence Brothers—Big cut in W cycles. 8 wan-Bister Co.—New (all hats now reedy. TUESDAY. SEPT. 20.1904. ——m LOCAL AFFAIRE —Jones 8etninaryopens to-morrow. —Court will probably adjourn to day. —City council meets to-night at the dty kail. —Add to yonr phone list McLean's mast market, No. 33. —Barlow's Minstrels at the opera bouse to-morrow night. —Crusaders begin their teat meet ing at Lorny Park Friday, ths tJrd. —S e y a r a I communications, crowded out of this issue, will ap pear later. ■—There win be speaking al Dallas Thursday, October 7th. by Senator Lee 8. Overman. —The friends of Mrs. C. W. A her ffKSsssair' —A note from Mr. Grier Carson •ays that Brakine College has opened well—over loo students. ’—Democratic speaking tomorrow bight by Hons. T. M. Hufhstn and R. C. Strudwick. Go to bear them. —Card* have been issued by Mrs. W. O. Gattis sod Mrs. C. I. Gresh am for an at-boma at the Falla House Thursday afternoon at four p'clock. —The ladles of the Book Club will call on you for the books yon wish to donate to the library. A fuller Abatement of their plans wilt appear in Friday's issue. —Ths Gaxxttr la on to the plans' nnd ep4ciGcations of tbrsa Interest ing weddings to take place before the middle of next month, but is Dot vrt st lihprtv tn mtalrn tVwrm' tiaKlir —A unique walking (tick it a pee* cat to Tun Oawt-tk from Ur. f. W. McCready It ig a cornstalk with a naturally grown crook in It. TM* drook makes k gdod handle. The stalk had a gobd ear of tern a bo ye the crook. - —How many vote* mill be cast in Gaston county in the coming con gressional election? It Will be worth S!i la any paid np subscriber of Tag Aiumn to make a better estimate than anybody else on that question. Now ready. -jHia stock oil millinery and la dle* furnishings is being moved to - day by Mr. James P. Yeager into kia new stand in the Adama build ing. The stand occepied by Ur. Yeager will be occupied by the Lit Ue-Wllliama Furniture Company. ‘—The pulpit of the Presbyterian church was ftOcd Sunday morning and evening bv Rev. T. M. McCon nail. D. D., of GalaaviUe, Ga. He ••a heard on both occasions by good congregations and his dis course* were listened to with inter . —A not* from £dv' T, b Wade tells as that he iedbinf writ with SKgmsB reeaatty donated a piano, also a number of nice hooka for the library. —Saturday Mr. and Vtr*. g. B. Bab inston made a trim to Charlotte in hi* auto, regal nay for tha hip taro hours and fiftrendout** each way. It U 25X mile* from Gastoala to tfa agaare at Charlotte; “alataen miles of the way la macsdamhad and nine dlea is ronyn country toad. I ' PElSONAi HEirriOlf. —Mias Lottie Albea, of McAden eiUe, la viaitioy Miaa 6cland Green. ~Ur’ ,A«W« Scan and.Mr. Bd Gastonia •P*"t Sunday in -Mr. and Mra. Whit* and chil dren. of Chaster, era rial tiny rale three In town. -Mr. T. M.Wiley of Henrietta la here on btuiacaa stoppla* at tha Lineberxer Hottaa. —Mom. Kli Kendrick and T. Jt. ShaJord made buaineaa tripe to Charlotte Saterday. —Maetar Charles Allen of Lenoir U vieitiity hie water, Mrs. L. H. Karr, on Marietta street. —Mr. J. M. Clamnttt returned yee tenfay from a brief riait to hie fam ily at Plateau, Catawba county. —Mr. Georye Ratchlord and Miaa “‘*5 spent Sunday with the Miaaes Ford. —Mr. and Mrs. J. I*awrance Baal returned Friday (mm ,• fSt to friends at Lenoir.and Hickory. Wllkineeu returned Saturday to Statesville after apend iny several days with relatives here. —Mr- ,YMh■»• time -U the mormteSa .visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. UFar. Prom here ah* will go to her home ia Charleston. S. C. .-Mr. W B. Kindleyreturned yes terdsy from New York where be apeat ten days buying the fall and winter slock of roods for the Kind ley-Bclk Brothers Company's stares. —Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Shackelford attar spending a lew days with Mrs. D. R. LaPar. returned to their home in Charleston, 8. C.. oaWedne.diT Mrs. ShackeMord is a stater of Mr. —Mr. Wiley 8. Quinn kM bees helping contractor A. K. Loitiu with bit carpenter work at Saliibury. He iaat home for a day or two, and ■*2 M* bmck- H* la doing well and likes the work. —Rev. J. J. C. Andera of Crest on, iUhn county, and Dr. McC. Andera of Connely Springs were the gnesta Sunday ot l&ou&e A. R. Andera. Tbty returned to their respective booses yesterday morning. —Mrs. M. A. Thompson, of Rock Hill, is iq Guitonia neat of Mrm Jane OnUfck. She wllnShuS ho£ thia morrtng. She says that little KathWen ia In achool at Winthrop College and Master Tommie ia U tending the dty graded schools. - Mr R. B. Babington went to New ton yesterday to,look after matters in connection with the Improvement Stesy’S.gSh and switchboard than aid has BttTd ?Pf oautral office over pie Shu »“*: H* willproba bW install something like fifty new phones then ot as early date. —While pulling a buggy down iSEfe&SSS few f ^aa fisDa ousmea la coojifft to Ms hed^He —A letter from Mr. LoAin, her. 'Mr._ •I GtitrmU (or a *■4 baa taaay ft to keow that he_ elsewhere ~ J" "oDweH caaaty ^■Sjp8JrieF SKlSffi stk^vvssssrsn ■tan aloe* baa *M0 baahata. Sealer* Back at A. and M. Tb* Raleigh eorrerpondent of lb* Charlotte ObtefveT aays ia yeatardav’a iaaae: Then at* twtnty three senior* at work at tba A. and ||. Collage to-day, and thara are a number of other* «^o»Uteiaent. It kXS^ui £'«£ M;Tff SL’rS I * ^Lea •* . rue IN BALL AS. How* Occupied by Nr. Fnak Gt^o Haraad Friday Night. About half-past three o'clock Friday night the fire alarm oi the Dallas Cotton Mills terrified the inhabitants of Dallas. The house Just north-oast of the mill was on fire. It was the preach er Montgomery house occupied by Mr. Frank Campo, standing between the Humphrey cottage and Janett’s store. How It caught, no one seems to know. The flames were first seen by Mias Julia, daughter of Mr. C. M. Rhyne, whe called to some men going along the street to arouse Mr. Campo. Their first knock at the door didn't wake him. but their sec and effort worked all right. The fire'caught near the flue of the cook-stove. The cotton mill's fire company under the manage ment of Superintendent Fred Robinson was called out and did quick and effective work by means of hydrant and hose. Janett’s store was saved and me noniDorevi cottage alto, the latter having caught fire on the tide. The flames }hat con sumed the Campo residence were soon extingaished hut not until the cook-room bad been burned and a part of tbe roof. Tbe walls of the frame bnilding and the' roof Over one loom were saved. Mr. Campo lost only his kitchen furniture; bis household goods were carried oat. The damage was about a hun dred dollars. Tbe bouse, which belongs to Rev. D. W. Mont gomery, colored, of Salisbury, was insured for about $150, some aay $170. Sinfi'ttyi. Mis* Ooa Sarvis, daughter of Mrs. Susan K. Sarvis who lives on R. P. D. No. 1, was married Sunday afternoon to Mr. H. G. Rhyne of Dallas. They drove to Bowling Green where tbe knot was tied. They stopped a short time with tbe bride's sister. Mrs. R. W. White, on their retnrn home. Tbe groom is s well known bachelor living near Hoyle's bridge. Am Brokan. Little Major Whitesides fell sad broke his arm last Friday, while on bis way back to school after noon. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whitesides. He was running past some little girls when he stumbled and fell. Both bones of his right fore-arm were broken. Tbe limb waa get by Dr. Reid assisted by Surgeon Rufus Carson of the Confeder ate Veteran's camp. Tsxaa Lizard. Moat folks exclaimed " Horned toad I" when they saw it, but it passes as a Texas lisard. Mr. Rufus Pite was oisiin? bv the rail* hotel Saturday afternoon and noticed a queer looking liz ard-like varmint dart out of the pea patch apon the aide-walk. It waa the color and size of a frog, hut had a tail, and alao a neck to bold ita head up on. And it had horns on its head. Have I taken too mneh white lightning or do I really see something?" ia the inquiry Mr. Fite waa accused of making. To satisfy himself he caught the thing and put it in a box aod showed it. Further ihqniry de veloped the information that when Mr. W. J. Alexander went to Iodisn Territory several months ago, he sent one of the lizards to bis children and they let it get away. Mr. Will Thomp son also says he turned one loose in the park about two years ago. Helena and Macadam. Mr. J. H. Bigham, the Mecklenburg man who runs the Belmont ferry, waa a welcome visitor at TrfR Gazrttr office Saturday. He waa here to market two loads of Ip* upland melons, and waa kiad enough to make Thr Gazrtt%A ^present of one of his finest;-Mt. Big ham tells ns that the Mecklen ourg iningnun ire now ornr log the macadam on the Bel mont fenr road to the river. It ia already ’ macadamised 5fi miles out iron Charlotte, and a lore* of 60 hands ia now build in* it* on to the ferry—a fine trotting grade all the way. A bridge has already been built over Paw Creek. This fias macadam road will greatly facilitate travel in the ferry sec tion. Letter te A. I. Clark. Cmaimmim, N. C. JUPPE LEWIS’ OPEN LETTER. S«r» h« WIU wt Niki p Cam Stfll iPiMcnt ktibM • Qonrtl Witt the "Lea dare.” To the Voters of Gaston County. In asking yon to snpport my candidacy for the State senate in the coming election, I deem it proper to say, voder my own hand, a few things lor yonr calm consideration. 1. Jn the first place, l shall not undertake to canvate the county, for the following reasons only: (1) I shall sot have time to do ao; and (2), I do uot son aider it necessasy. The great majority of the people of .Gaston county are at wide awake to the conditions that surround them as I am, and I believe the most of them are an wise and good as I am. 2. I have always been a dem ocrat. and am Kill a democrat —of the Jefferson and Bryan type—and one of that clap of democrats that baa never bee u reconstructed, and never bowed the knee to Baal. I bate Anade no deal with any party, nor with any committee of any party. I am and shall remain entirely in dependent. ’ si* V' 3. Ponr years ago, our great ana gooa uover nor. in ats mem orable campaign, told ns. on every stamp in tbc ststr, "that when the amendment should be adopted, it would eliminate the bulk of the ignorant negro vote, and then the white people of the state' could vote for men and measures regardless of par ty lines.” 1 saw the force and effect of this suggestion; and coming, as it did, from one of the best democrats in the conn try. -1 believe in it. and 1 am now acting upon it. So 1 have no quarrel with the democratic party as such. My quarrel ia with the so-called *leadcra, and with the manipulators, and with the wire-puller* in both parties. I believe ia an untrammelled manhood. 4. In the next place, I wish to say: 1 believe tn justice add I si mess to everybody,—ip hon esty aad decency and upright ness in all things. So I am in this race to win by fair aad boa eat and decent means: and. If I can not win in that way, I do not wish to win at all. 5. Platforms are often mad* to pall voten together on. Bat i a candidate’s real platform la not what he stands on, bat wbat he stands for. So 'the impor tant poestion is, what docs tb« candidate stand for? So far aa I am concerned, -this question baa been answered, jn large measure ia the fourth parfferaph hereof. That declaration can be applied to all the economic questions that may poaaibly arise in the state senate. As regards Taxes, Roads, Schools, State Aid, Pensions, and all other matters of public intesest, I stand sons rely and flatly . for justice and fairness, for honesty and mmgntuess, for decency ■uu uiuci. t mm nira R^ium all sorts of mischief and wrong doing, and against wickedness in all its forms. Now that is where I stand. And I have said all that I think 1 need to say. But. to account further for my candidacy, 1 have thought best to add a few more suggestions; and hence, 6. I believe that onr safety lies In onr voting for piea and measures, regardless of party lines. And Governor Aycock told na we could, under certain conditions, safely do this. There is now no danger of the once' dreaded condition, called "ne gro rule.'* That time has passed. The Amendment lias been adopted, and its pro visions are now in effect. Hente independence is in or der, and 1 ariab to avail myself of its benefits and advantages— according to onr said governor’s suggestion. . 7T Once more, 1 wish to say, once dor all that a large number of our beat citUens, in the party and out of it, were Mt pleased with the action of tha.? leaders” !h peremptorily "tatrfo'g down" one candidate and Patting up nu other for the state senate. It seems that lha one' jrho was "pot up" was preaeat at -the "taking down." The committee (I reckon I might call it that) or the leaders who bald that little meeting" in Gastonia ia tbe early pert of laat May, west to work and "fixed things* be fore tbe fomtian people bad time to meet and express their sentiments: and then bad the ticket* printed, a'tod seat them ont for endorsement by the peo ple. They say "the people did endorse it.* Perhaps some did. But the most of them endorsed it not knowing bow it happened, nor why it happened, nor who did it; and hence I do not think anybody ia bonnd by it. It was undemocratic ia principle, aad presumptuous. Again, a o m < years ago, when tbe so-called "regular nominee," my compe titor, was fa tbe I^ttiatetnie, sod a certain matter of county wide Importance came up, h was found that ba had pledged himself to a few of Me conatitu cuts without the knowledge o< tbe great majority of tbe voters* end then the people aaM. "out man if politically dead; We will A * i 4 4 u,Pi«2* 8be •»**»• taflotasilk, iQ. for shirt waist writ*___4WC a Now browns nod Mann, IMa. wide. a “^^“"-r^srisrTS J» HralMa ol brawn, Una ■•! i A black Uflou. honor OoaHty, pan ■ New Neckwear for ladlet. il N«j** colUrs and chJfloo tab collars. ^ £‘.,.Tr Ul**'"rteg ‘—fr- 4Sc £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 4 not vote for fetal again for nay. thing.' Yet right in the isorof all this, "the coamftten" or "the leaders" took down • good man and put oar taps op ' again. Aa mach aa to aay. "yoa mast vote for him; we are your lead era, and yoa mast do like we say—"follow yoor leaden.” Somehow, it has afemtd strange tojmaay of ns that oar "leaden" seem to think there are only one jot two man in the county capable of representing ns in the state senate. Bat, oaf of more than six thousand Voters in Gaston county, it would seem to me, that we ought to And several hundred who possess \he wisdom and ability and fitness to do so, sod. who ought in their torn to enjoy this booorable distinction and share in its benefits. No dpabt we coold find among aa a large number who would represent all] the interests of all the people, and. not be com pelled at a critical moment, to admit that thevhad "felt obliged for political porpoaes to tie their hands daring the campaign, in such a way aa to render them impotent and helpless." 1 am a candidate, not becansc I have any special desire to go to the senate of North Carolina, hot I wish to pretest- against some of-the methods and mem urea of some oi our so-caUad leaden; and because 1 -may be come the foretaaaer of those better things and better times whep the cherished hope* of the /.it.,_ihsta 4^111^._A pi ring sous ahall be realised in tbe assurance that all tbe fitness required of theta in order tn seek; and hold office in Gaston county will he to qualify themselves lor the places they seek, sad fed and manifest an abiding interest in tbe welfare and happiness ol all the people whom they would seek to represent. And, if elect ed, 1 shall do my utmost to re present all tbe interests ol all the people in Gaston, nod take care of tbe general interests ol the state, to' the beat of my ability —always remembering the time-i honored democratic principal of "the greatest good to tbe great est number." •>: • This is, 'perhaps;' llktbst- win be beard from me tiH after tbe election. Keep this paper, and read it before starting to the polls. Thanking you In advance for your manly support, I shall re* main Your Obedient Servant,' Wm. H, Lewis. Gastonia, N. C„ Sept. 17th, 1904 Haw Phone Numbers. Here ate some new phooe numbers: Leant 'am or put 'am ou your Hat: D. M. Jones, cotton office, 68; E. H, Tattle, Mi B. H. Parker, 31. • Crswder’a Creak ScheeL Him Annie Galloway has been elected to tench the Crowder's Creek school. She will taka charge the first of November and will board at the home ol Mr. Jamea Adams. Q. N. B. NAh. Haece. Lady Tooth Extractor, > bai returned to Osstoala to ram sin two weeks, commencing to-day, Sept. 10th, Office over EUt« Grocery, Mala street. ffflOtn the Walk-over shoes. ■ For an an ibwlitdy detail of masofactare. No obip win be foood io iqr ■ lor price. Fitted with bookaaod eyelets that Get the Walk-Over habit aad trouble. Aak to ot *en at ROBINSON BROS. HO^C 15 ^ ■•hi tins | Mr. Mites W. Hanna, one of s^rS'UirSiSra' Gastooia,.were married at BowT ing Green Sunday by ’Squire &. M. Dulin. Some of the infer. Irish pota toes we ever saw were shown ns yesterday by Mr. HvA. Hoi* combe. Mr. Holcombe and his fondly returned Saturday from Madison county, wham they , hare baaa spending the summer at their old hems, end are now bach st the Loruy. The pain tom were raised by bis sew John on California Creek and be has ISO bushels of them. They am ef the pwre Holy Rose variety end grow abundantly in Madi son, the potato bng being as yet unknown st Mr. Holcombe’s place. Two ipccivMM given to Thk Gacrttu worn seven inches long each, and-weighed l'A pounds a piece. .-Mr. Hol combe says lie is thanking of handling mountain produce, of which them it • meat abnn a . . a a. . *1*. JW.K "-CtoS siiiu x*®1 * Lot ^geVa^Cofwado Wk*’» Peak, Cripple Dww. gy Lkto Cter, ■ ftftw Abmv ik* * iAMotiir* ’ +£— a wnicD ■<• & vlilUl orouf at back with him was a small clip tearpte at aStUkaClty*011"0*