I Commences Thursday evening, Sept. 29th. t _ and Saturday, Sept. 30th and Oct. 1. You are cordiallyInvited »ifnifrS§P «*»*■, Our big stores have put on their fall attire and everything Is in^' pf§P 1 I ■ ■ ■ lUTHEKFOID COLLESE. Ha* kil Op suing ia Its History —What Iks Eusrgiea ol Pout Yeung Noa Hava AccempUeh mi—Sana Sacaat History ol Thla laaUlallaa. r» UH Editor at th« QUMUI Rntherfurd College opened its fifth year with an enrollment of 160 pupils. This is the best opening the school ever had. Students are still coming in— almost every train brings s stu dent or two. Last year at this time there were enrolled 138. showing an increase of 22 pupils. This school has had a some what remarkable growth'during the past fonryears. Just a word as to its history. Fonr years ago there came to Rutherford College four bright, well equipp ed young men to open up a school for the training of young , men and the young women of Western North Carolina. The names of these you ng men were: Dr.C.C. Weaver. A. C Reynolds, Wagstafi, and Crawford. When they came npon the historic grounds of Rathcrford College they found the campus grown up m weeds, the walks unkept, and the buildings uncared for. They set themselves to the arduous task of establishing an institution of learning upon (kw satiaa n( ika #.1/1 D >•» College. They toiled ceaslessly under many things that gave discouragement. At the end ol the first year their School num bered 104. The second yeer the enrollment wis ran un to >63. At the close of the third year of the school there were 191. Last year 280 students matriculated daring the year. He who tons can read the rapid growth of the school. In the incredible short period of four yean this school baa grown from 104 students to 280. The prospects for this year are far better than at any praviona time. It U confidently expected that the number will reach 300 this year. Two changes have been made in the personnel of the faculty. Miss Bompass, a graduate of Greens boro Female College and a former teacher in that institution, has . charge of the primary work. Mias Nannie Richardson of Greensboro Female College comes highly rrcomended to take charge of the mask depart ment. A reception to the new stu given Friday evening of the opening week. The re ception was held in the Society funs. Prof.. Loy I). Thompson open ed the exercises by mskiug a few remarks. Prof. A. C. Rey nolds made an address of wel come to the yoong men and young women who had come to enter school. Tbe various departments of the College work were represent ed. The Platonic Society had Hr. M. T. 3 mat her* to represent its interests in a few well ckoaen word* to the yonng oa the Im portance 61 the literary society stork. The Newtoniaa Sockty wee represented by Mr. J. Jones, who inede a few cWar cot state mentf as to the society track and welcomed the new men in the name of hia Society. The young ladies’ society, the Vic toriau, bad aa its represetative Miss Miranda Peele. The Y.M. C.A. work was represented by Pres. Howard R. Thompson. Prof. W. W. Peele who is manager of atbcletics presented tbe claims that atbeletic sports put noon tbe young students. Prof. 1. B. McKay spoke a few words of greeting to tbe new men. After the series of short speeches of welcome to the stud ents had been made those who had gathered there, the people from town and country, the vi sitors from Connely Springs, tbe students, all entered into very heartily the reception prop er of the evening. Presiding Elder J. H. West preached for the students Sun day morning Sept. 4th. Mr. A. Good of Patterson Springs has recently bought a house and lot in town. He will move here to put hia children in school sometime iu the future. Mias Nannie Richardson the htusic instructor will give a tna •icale in the college auditorium Saturday evening, Sept. 17th. Howard R. Thompson, Rutherford College, N. C., September 17, 1904. ' McAdenville matters. S c h • • 1 0»m-Ymi Mm Laanlaf tha Barber Trada— Nawa Nataa sad Parsonals. • rnmuoaOtart of Ut« OuMU. • McAdenville, Sept 21st.—The McAdenville school opened Monday with Mits Katherine Ray and Mist Thompson as teachers, both , of whom taught last session, and. whom the chU dren love. They have a large attendance to begin with, sfbkh will no doubt increase later. Another ooe of Rev. J. H. Bradley’s children, little Grace, la sick, with the fever. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley have tbeii bands full with both their children sick at once. We are glad tc say, the little patients are get ting along very well. Messrs. R. H. Fisher and A. Adcock went up to Spcncei Mountain Sunday and attended the Sunday school at that place. Mrs. Lee Roberta spent last week with friends at MouuUin Island. Mr. T. H. Bentley returned from Lenoir Monday evening, having been gone about ten days. Mr. Geo. Alexander, late oi Newberry, S. C., is here now and is ninniog a section of spin* ning. Mrs. I. A. Stafford is with Mr. Stafford at Mountain Island this week. Mr. J. B. Wylie, one of the grocery clerks at the McAden Mercantile Co’s store, was out on sick leave last week bm is able to be at bia post again. Mr. ft. A. Wilson, Jr., hat gone to Rockingham to live. Mias Myrtle McKnight will go this week to Concord to attend school. Her younger sister Miss Annie will go to Asheville where sliC'will attend school. Three more of our young men nave gone to New York to take a coarse in the barber school. It seems that this town has gone mad on the barber bnsi neas bnt we doubt if any one will become as proficient as Mr. J. W. Groves who wss seen in the office of the -store here the the other day cotting bia own hair and be did a first class job which ' Is ' well vouched for by some of our best citiaens who saw the performance. Mr. Groves will make the new bar bers haog their beads when be begins for it will be hard to find another inau as handy with the shears. If Barnuo and Bailey comes along we will have to hide Mr. Grhvea. The scourge of typhoid fever at the Tbomasville Orphanage la unabated. Thera have been 30 cases. A Matter There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesome. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. s V OLD FUUIACE FLAMES. • < 'Mnndaae* of too doaotfo. CMd Furnace. Sept. 19th.— The remains o< Mrs. Lula Wil liams who died at the home of her brother. Mr. R. P. Roberts, at Cherokee Falls. S. C., on last Wednesday were brought to Loae Creek church and buried ^cven o'clock ou Thursday. 1 be funeral services were con ducted by Rev. J. M. Forbis pas tor of the church. Mrs. Wil Hams bad been a patient suffer er for more than three years. She is survived by one sou aad one daughter besides the follow ing brothers and sisteia: Mr. J-, P• Roberta, of Cherokee Fall; Mr. Isaac Ruberts, of Roswell. Ga.; Prof. J. T. Roberts, of I.owesvilie, Ga.; Mts. J. C. Plonk, of .Cherokee Falls; Mrs. Geo. Wilson, of Florence,.S. C. Mr. and Mra. Isaac Roberts, ' Mr. R. p. Roberts, Mr. and Mra. Rnsh Torrence. Mra. Aoderson, Misa Mamie Hamngbt, Miss Zada Williams and Mr. Roberta Wil Iiams attended the funeral. The following young people are away at school: Mias Ln„-y Hickory, N. C.; Miss Manic Torrence, Saluda, N. C.: Miss Myrtle Arrowood, Westminster; Mr- Howard Ramseur, Catawba College, Newton. N. C. J- C. White, of Lenoir, N, C., spent Sunday night with home folks. Mias Ida Arrowood is visiting her brother, Mr. Lon Arrowood, at Cfiarlotte. Mist Violet Goforth of El bethel spent last week in this neighborhood visiting relatives. Trained Nerses Organise and Establish a Seal* sf Prices. wawUh ioshtl Mias Anne Pergnaon, secre tary, informs The Landmark that the Statesville trained nurse* have organised an asso ciation aad have decided to fix the charges for professional ser vices in accordance with the charges made by otberNortb Car olina nurses, which is $21 per week and expenses, except in Statesville, where the charges will remain at $16 per week aad expenses. The leaser rate for Statesville is made on account of the advantage of living at home. In cases where norsca ere quarantined with contagious disrates tuck s* diptberii. scar >«t feveror smallpox, the charge will be $23 per week. A miserable, ragged and dejected looking woman, with two impoverished little childeru took in the town tast week be# ging for help. Oar people, «a utnal,, responded, and tbalr wants ware supplied. Soon alter their departure It was learn yd that on the bill near town, awaiting their retnm were taw urge, strong man tacb ear ning a gnu. Such as this is simply an outrage, and we hope the good people of this ard sur rounding counties will keep a look-out for them, and not be doped as oar people were. Subscribe to Tub Oabtoitia Oazbttb, lESOtUTlOWS. Where** it hath pleased oar heavenly father to remove from onr midst by the hand of death oar sister and co-worker, Bala Anders Jenkins, aad whereas she was a loyal aad devoted member of the Ladies Aid So* an4. Foreign Missionary Society: Be it resolved, l-~That we bow in willing submission to the supreme wifi sod decree of onr all-wise God, who doetb all things well. . ^ That in the death of onr sister we recognlxe a loss irrep arable in the home, in the chorch, and in the societies which were ever dear in her ser vice and devotion. 3—That we extend onr heart felt sympathy to the grief strick en husband, father aad mother, a n d other relatives pointing them to the loving favor of onr Savior whose property it is to succor and to show mercy. *~That we file a copy of these resolutions with onr records, tbst we furnish a copy to the re latives and that we tend copies to the Advocate aad onr local papers for publication. Mm. B. T. Moamis. Men. M. H. Shupokd, Mm. J. K. Dixon, Mm.Mos. H. Spam. K« Drootk la Sight. ClmlMd Mala Oaalar. Out in Oregon an nnhappy woman is asking for a divorce becsnse beT husband bus been under the influence of liquor for twenty-five years. Sbe seems to have grown tired waiting fora dry apeiT, G. N. B. WANTED: 9t MEN AND WOMEN. T* taka MMataia af fowM Of. for Mads by n tarns Drag Can Mar. Adaoit Drug Co. the eater, drnggisu. are advertis ing to-day for fifty men and wo men to take advantage of the special hatl-price offer they are making on Dr. Howard’s eale betted specific for the cure of constipation and dispepala, tod a fifty cent package at half price, 25 cents. So positive are they of the re markable power of this specific *® disease*, as well as sick headacbesand Uvertroubles. that they agree to refund the money to Any customer whom, thM medicine does not quickly ! Opens 0 i Water. Goo I £SS } «^a I Bond win i | Twoaew ; at reason*] 1 write orser .... •'■ COME ONEI COME ALII | We have a nice let ef RUBBER TIRB BUG- II GIES on band. Any one wishing to purchase I • one will do well to calf sad see what we bare and get oar grlcea and tame. We will bo glad te show yon what we have and will sse onr beat efforts to satisfy yon la quality and stylo. We have la stack new vehicles, prices ranging from $25 to III7.M. Cone In and get A BRAND NEW BUGGY. 0 S t ./ CRAIG AND WILSON ' * f ' t

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