The Gastonia Gsxette. BUSINESS LOCALS. ’-Ml ,-r.T .Bt.. ■ - —IM CUR RKNT—My home on old York i St. alter January Ut. Dtuuu Snmun.—oi!$tn. COR SAI.R—White Wyandotte * 0©?kf-'*l end pullets. v«*ui choice V*. f? f . I.MII'.. Nit' GASH— Xn freight or express ilc Ifvprrd until nil charges gir paid. C. M. Nown. Agent. W.V.VH£D-4 good men to sell new ,xT leg machines and collect: ran it be able to rive good reittcnre. Tim Singer Mlg. Co . Gaitunis. N C 1x4 WOOD U AS’TUi-A I. « c-uid# m pine wood wanted, rlLhet pie pared foi stove or iu four-foot or two-foot length*. Apply *1 once at Til* OAIgTTK office*. WAXTRD-Two families, with 4 or 5 girl* to work In knitting mill. a!*o several girl* to board and work in mill Wages from $.75 to J1.00 per day. Kxjrerienced Hands Jl.M. Apply to R. M. Dulin, Secy, nnn Tresis., Howling t'.reen. K. C. • * — K07ui.' '•! ' ^--- ■ mra FRIDAY, Nt)V. 4. l'.tOI. LOCAL AFFAIRS — Do you notice how much shorter it is getting between nights? The days ere cut short nt both ends. — Six hales o( cotton were marketed at the local platform yea terday, the SeAt price paid being » OS. — Rli'ort* are being made In ap prehend the suspects who robbed tire Dallas depot lint so far without results. —It wjll lie worth $25 in gold to the one who gets it it little nearer right lluui any one else. Time"* up nt noon election day. —A social and literary meeting of the Epworth league will be held ul 7 30 o’clock this evening, provid ed it doesn't rain. —The comity commissioners meet next Monday. At their next meet ing-tin: first Monday in December -the new officers will he sworn in. — Invitations have been issued by the young lady students of Jonea Seminary to a soiree to he given Monday eyeningfroru 8 to 10 o'clurlc. —The many friends of l>r. and Mr*. R. M. Reid sympathize with them in the serious illness of their little bon McDowell, who has diph theria. —A good photograph which shows four generations of his isuiily U prized by Mr. J. E. Page. The group show* Jlr. Page, his mother, his son James, and grandson James, Jr. —Tlic condition of little Ijlwrencc f.meherger, tlic seven-year-old son of Mr. Ii. N. l.inebcrger. wax extremely critical last night and it was thought that he could not live till morning. He has diphtheria. —We believe oor readers will not object to the better grade of paper we are using to print this issue on. We are glad to be rid of the dingy staff we have had to put up with lately and expect to use the Ibctter grade right on. There's nothing we can do or buy that is too good for Tun CayrTTg's readers. Stolen Good* Recovered. A box car on the C. and N. W. siding here was broken open Tuesday night and six pair* of shoes stolen. Policeman Wiley Carroll recovered four pairs of the shoes Wednesday from parties living near Bessemer City who had bought them for $1 a pair from two white men. The men, it is thought, are pro fessional car robbers and have been operating along the South ern for sometime. The officers are on their trail and it is prob able that they will soon be in the toils. Reservoir Broke, Killing Nine. A fearful disaster occurred at Winston-Salem at 5 o'clock Wednesday morning when the city reservoir broke, flooding a portion of the city, causing the death of nine persons and the serious injury of several others. The dead are Mrs. Martin Peo ples, Mrs. Vogler. Mrs. John Poe and 12-year-old daughter, Mrs. Southern, John Southern, Miss Octavia Bailey, Luclle Malone, and Cornelius Martin, the last two uamed being ne groes. The reservoir contained nearly a million gallons of wa ter. Four booses were washed away. A number of persons had narrow escapes from death. The city had jnst completed a new reservoir and this one had been condemned. Subscribe for The Gabtonia OaxBTTR : twice a week, one dollar a year. - Uttar to Jo*. S. Wray. OoiloKta. N. C. Dear Air: Hare you found-Ml tyou can paint n job with (ewer gallon a Devon than of anything else, lead • nwt-oil or anything tin* ? Mr. KtoprdAlmy. Honat ami Aten Painter. fiwenwfet). N Y. found it —?: H write*: l'\ r flow on a big jobthst' 1 toe* by'eon^ tract, and it haa navtd me at laaat tn in tka coat of material" Deroe la the atroagest paint nt know ofjgocn furtherrat; taker lets "EtteJ'S.,, **,.*«„ ‘ -covers more: goan for 1 a a ieea money7 Low pidW: lean money lor that; iem that, le»a money lor that. Ha voc mats longer, do eon mind the Was mower lor that! Yon ant surer •f It Yonra tnHr P W Dgvog * Co. 314 n *S=S=B55Sa"5S-^™-m»s-<—BHB PERSONAL MENTION. “Vr*. II. Batter was a visitor to Charlotte yeoterdny —Mr. John Bryan went lo Char lotte on business ycaterday. • —Ceorjte W. Wilson, Esq., inode n banneaa trip to Charlotte ycatenlay. -•'if. M»irf AdamD ri Clomi 13 son .1 :.*le..|iitti mil, ||,r f.n.ui lor Ciniifmo \. —Mr. J. M. Kliutoid ot Dallas was In town vrstenlay ennnito in Cliar lotta on business. -Mr. John J. Thomas is boldiug down a chafr at Epplev'i harh«T shop im a lew days. —ilt/i. tl F. Manner ot Old Fort armed Inesday lo visit M»v» Dell* Xolen and other relatives .. Mr-. W* Ml* *<• J I*WW mat Mr. and Mrs: T. B. (Jimin ol Clover were among yesterday's shopper* in town. —Mr. John II. Craig returned Wednesday horn Charlotte where be vfjited the families of Mr. and Mr*. Bd W. Mellon and Mr. and Mrs. T. M Shelton. .—Mist Bessie Ranisev of T.incoln rttn> was the guest Tuesday night of Rev. and Mr*. J. W. Ingle, She left Wednesday morning for Greenville. S. C . to visit. P I*. ... »» . ,«ui;mril HHii dt lighter. Mrs J W Kirkpatrick, went to Kings Mountain veutetdav to attend the tmnaar. Tluy will return to-day. —M*»lcr Irwin Gallant returned Wednesday from Charlotte where he visited hi* grand-father Mr. J V Gallant. While there he took in the circus end the fair. —Mr*. II. B. Moore i* visiting her parent* at Asheville. She went from Hickory, where she attended the Smith f-ork Marxist Association, nml will remain for a week. -Mr. Slimmer Mullen went 10 Charlotte yesterday afternoon to aec hi* brother. Mr Jnlcn Mullen, who hail lit* foot Iiadly manhcil in n street car accident tliere Weil ties day. —Mi«* Kate Oatti*. the l.i-vear old daughter of Section master Gat tl*. i* ill with diphtheria. She is a pupil in the Central graded ncboul. and ba« been oat <*/ school since Friday. --Meadante* O. A. Gray. J iT. N«l>»rk. I». A. Page, and J. A. Page and Mias Rmme Page attended the Boral lair at King'a MounU.n yes terday. They went over on No 11 and returned on No. 40. _ —Mm. J. D. Moore is viaitiag Capt. Moore s siater. Mr*. Rebecca Hstea. at Collettsville. She will go next week toGlobe for a three weeks' visit to Capt. Moore * brothers. Messrs F. P. and W. C. Sloore. .. h M. Cherry, ivbo went to Mu lord, Ga., a year ago to farm, ha* returned to okl Ga*ton again. He will live near Stanley. We welcome him hack again. There are few Glace* after all that arc better for laston county folk* than old Gaston itself. —klr. J. W. Rriil arrived at Chur lotle Tuesday from Tahleouah. In dian Territory. Mr. Reid moved from Gastonia to Talhequah laat January. Hit family is still there but it is probable that they will re turn to North Carolina in the near future to live. «xcpieq I position u machinist with Mr. Smart \V. Cramer, and will toon leave lor New Orleans, where he will be engaged In putting up ma chinery lor acvcral month* Mr. Gray was formerly employed by the Gaston Iron Works of theis city.— Gsttonia Cor. Charlotte Mews. ind. —Miss Annie Galloway returned yesterday from Sardis. Mecklenburg county, where she was bridesmaid st the marriage on Tuesday evening of Miss Rose Miller, daughter of Rev. R. O. Miller, to Mr. Mlson Wallace. The wedding was t brilliant one and wts largely attended. The cere mony was performed by the bride’s brother. Rev. Robert Miller of Beaver. P«.. assisted by Rev. R. G. Miller sad Dr. W. W. Orr. Retains by 'fhona. The Piedmont Tele phone Company will give the public free election retnr's next Tues day night. Snperintendent Bah ington aays thin will Include the Slate and presidential figures gathered by the entire Bell sys tem. The bulletins will be placed at some convenient place, and be hopes the pnblic will be on hand. Wabb at DillinftV The dosing rally of the cam paign will be the big speaking at Dilling’s mill to-morrow night. Hon. K. Y. Webb will deliver a stirring speech, the county candidates will be on hand, and the Cherryville band will plav lively musk. A good crowd is expected and it may be counted on to be one of the beat meetings of the campaign. T# Call r faster. There will be services at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, Nov. 13. conducted by Rev. W. R. Minter, of Shelby. The elders of the church have called a congregational meeting to be held immediately after the morning service for the purpose of calliog a pastor if the way be clear. It is probable that the way will be found clear and that a pastor will he called. ai name rrvai the Aery. Mr. James A. Hicks son of policeman J. I,. Hick*, i* at home on a seven days leave from hi* vessel. He ia on the U. S. Battleship low*, which i* now at Portsmontb. Mr. Hick* like* life nfloat pretty well but hdt not decided vet that he will re-ealist when hi* term i* out a* boot eighteen month* heace. He has enjoyed cruising around Cnba and in the Mediterranean and other seas very much. He "** *l A then*. Greece, on the 4th of July and ha* aeen a good deal of the world. Mr. Hick* l«ft last night for Charlotte to visit hi* uncle, Mr. V. A. Hicks, and will start back to hi* ves sel Snadey night. QUAirtliT COIffttEWCe"" CImIo| Sassion tor Tsar Bold •I Methadtsl Chorcb Maoday Iflfkl. The fourth quarterly confer ence of Main Street Methodist church w«r. held In *he cbtirrh Muiidat tn^hl willi I'lct-ldins Kklvr II. I,. Atkins in the cluui. The old Imard of stewards was re-elected ami Mr. R. 1,. Swan was added to the board. It is constituted as follows: Messrs. (J. A. Gray. R. B. Bab fngton, J. H. Sepsrk. S. M. Metric. J K. Dixon. A. R. An drrn. \V. if. Jenkins, R. P Rankin. <‘. M. Nolen. B. T. Morris, J. A. Glenn, R. I„ Swan. Mr. B. T. Morria was re-elected recording steward and Mr. A. R. Anders district stew ard. Mr. Geo. W. Wilson waa re elected superintendent of tbc Sunday School and was granted the privilege of nominating two assistants, the nominations to be confirmed by the next quar tcriy conference. Ihe recently elected officer* of the Kpwortli1 league were confirmed. *' Report* showed the hnanevs of the church to be in better shape than at auy previous clos ing quarterly conference in the church's history. The pastor. Rev. K. L. Bain, will report to the snunat conference all collec tions paid in full. Resolutions were adopted with the unanimous consent of the conference, asking tor the return of the present pastor. Rev. li. I,. Bain. Resolution* were also adopted expressing appreciation of the labors of the presiding elder. Rev. H. I«. At king, and expressing regret that the condition of his health ren ders it necessary (or hiui to re tire temporarily from the active ministry. After the meeting of the annual conference Mr. At kins mil go to Arizona with the hope of regaining his health. The annual session of the Western North Carolina Con cnce convenes at Charlotte No vember 10th, Bishop W. W. Duncan of Spartanburg presid ing. Mr. S. M. Morris is the lay delegate from Gastonia. NOVEMEEE IfUPTMLS. Approaching Marriaga #1 Mias •right Tarraaca to Mr. Victor Moaning Huatr Aoasracad. Cards reading as follows were issued yesterday: Mr. god Uro. I root TOfTOtKT U IK« welvliS* rMrptiMiot*rhelr »•**•» G»*toBUC>^Iiolio« The bride-to-be is a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Torrence of Crowders Creek and is very popular in Gastonia society. She is a young lady of pleasing personality and winsome man ners. Miss Torrence was former ly a member of the Gastonia grad ed school faculty. The groom* elect is a prominent young busi ness man of Floreuce. S. C. Both will have the congratula tion* and best wishes of a host of friends. The wedding will be a <|«iet borne affair and will be solem nized at the home of Mr. Frost Torrence. After the wed ding reception Mr. and Mrs. Iianner will leave for an extend ed northern trip. On their re turn they will he at home at Florence, S. C. Train Wreckers at Work. A dastardly attempt was made Tuesday night to wreck No. 35, the Southern's southbound pas senger train which passes Gas tonia at 10.55 p. m. Two cross ties were placed on the track at a road crossing near the Hol land farm, one and a half miles east of Bessemer City. Fortu nately the engineer saw the ob stacles in time to prevent any damage. Near the same place No. 40 the east bound train doe at Gastonia at 9.15, was rocked on the same night presumably by the same party or parties who attempted to wreck No. 35. Chief of polico Coke Duncan of Blacksburg brought hi* blood houuda to tbe acene on a freight train and tracked the criminals some distance but without suc cess. Mr. Duncan brought bis bloodhounds on to Gastonia and returned to Blacksburg on No. 39 Wednesday morning. South ern Railway detective T. N. Haney end policeman Wiley Carroll spent Wednesday at Bes semer working oti the case. No arrests have aa yet been made but the officers have clues which may result in the early appre hension of the criminals. Every Hoar of The Day. J. »L Jetmedy * Co., tbo reliable Dreggtet* of OaatonU. are having call* for "HIKniPO” the New Kid ney Cur* and Narva Tonic that they arc Mailing under ■ poativo guaran ty. Ue merit* are becoming the talk of the town and every body want* to try It, and why not’ it coat* noth ing If it don't do you good—not one cent. They don't want yeur money if ft does net benefit yen, and will cheer tally refnnd the money. Try It to day. —‘ ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING. Aaaul Seattoa ml Smith Pari Bapftat Aaoeciatlao at Rlckan a Saccaaa—Pracraia Alaag AJ Uaar-Gaateala Dalagatai The annual uiecting of (he South l'r»ik r.,i|>ii.i A.vsttciadoii which convened in the Finn Baptist church at Hickory Inst Thursday and adjourned Satur day night waa a moat successful one and was characterized by a spirit of enthusiasm rarely seen before. Reports from all paits of the territory bore witness thut progies* had lern the- watch word during the yrai just closed. Especially was this true of the foreign missionary work being done by the association, and the members pledged themselves to put forth a redoubled effort and show an even larger in* crease along tfaia line daring the coming year. INI /( ... * m < ' vwiviiM cnuicnrs were well represented liy tlieir pas tors, Revs. W. H. Reddish and J. A. Hoyle, and a (nil delega «<>«« °t lay member*. Mr. H. B. Moure ol Gastonia was elect ed reading clerk aud chairman ol the finance committee. Capt. J. D. Moore was re-elcctcd a member of the executive board, his terra having expired with this year. Mrs. H. B. Moore was elected vice-president of the Woman’a Missionary Socie ty. This position carries with it the duties of president inaa much as there is only one presi dent for all the associations in the State. A splendid- address on mis sionary work was delivered be fore a meeting of the ladies by Mrs. 11. B. Moore. A plessant feature of the meet ing was a powerful address ou mission* delivered on Priday aigbt by Dr. R. K. Botnar, of Rtcbmoid, V«.t miitant cor reapooding secretary of foreign missions. Dr. Botnar also de lighted a. large congregation with bis excellent sermon Sun day morning. The attendance was large and it was the general verdict of nil who attended that it was one of the most successful meetings the association has ever held. MB. J. J. HARMON'S BEATS. Patted Away Sunday—A Oaad Neighbor. A Uvtag Father. Aa A Haitian its Buibaad. r« Iht K41UW of tlut fluMU: Mr. J. J. Harmon was born September 27th, 1837, and died October 30th, 1904. He leaves a wife aud seven children, five girls aud two boys, all of whom are married except one son. Several grandchildren survive. He also leaves four brothers: Messrs. T. W.. A. N., aud R. S. iiauuvjii, iuu w. n. nirmon 01 Texas, and three sisters. Mrs E. S. Gamble, Mrs. X. A. Thorn* burg of Cleveland county, and Mrs. L. C. Davis of Gastonia, to all of whom bin death brings a great loaa. He was among the first tc join the Confederate army in tbe civil war, going ont as a mem ber of Co., D, 14th Regiment of North Carolina troops. He was a noble and brave soldier and fonpbt valiantly throughout the entire four yeans* struggle. He was a member oft be M. R. Church South for forty three years and has been a faithful member and has lived up to bia every duty ox a good man. Hit membership was at Kings Mountain but his funeral was held at El Bethel church, the services being conducted by his pastor. Rev. G. D. Herman, assisted by the pastor of Kl Bethcl church. The body was laid to rest in B1 Bethel ceme tery. Hit funeral was largely attended by bis kin people and friends. t want to thank the good pro pie of that community for their kindness during his sickness. 1 also wiih to thank the ladies tor tbe benntiful flowers placed on bia grave. Mr. Haimou was a good neighbor, a loving father, and an affectionate husband. He will be greatly missed by his family and neighbors. _Hl» S 1ST it a. Tb« Censns Bureau announced yesterday that the total number of bsles of cotton ginned was 5,766,565, which is two millions more than amount at aame date last year._ Fancy Work Bmin. At a hnainesa meeting of the Main street Ep worth League held Wednesday night it was decided to hold a fancy wotIc basaat In the near future. The time waa not definitely fixed but it will probably be during tbe second or third week in Decem ber. Tbe baiaar will be open (or three days and every effort will be put forth to make it a success. Mrs. I. H. Sr park, the president, was empowered to appoint chairmen for the several committees necessary for inangnratine and carrying on tbe bazaar successfully. Anoth er business meeting is to he held Monday or Tneoday evening at which time the details will be completed. Tbe proceeds will be devoted to carpeting and otherwise beautifying the league rooms in the church. I.idles 27-in. Cloths, belt back, new sleeves, tan. black and «ty qo blue, choice__yswelfO 42-in, Cloaks, made of fine Rcraey. pleated front and back, with licit, ten dollar value ^ j Misses* $5 Cloaks, full leagth $2*98. Made ol fine Zibiline, trimmed wltlt velvet and bright buttons. Indies' Miaac* and Children’* Cl CA cloak* at 75c, 98c. $1.M and—O»»ow For Saturday aad Monday." ladies’ two dollar walking a* aa Special Clotblug Values. Six dollar Dine Overcoat*, a»o no for men at-^OalfO $7.50 Dtack wonted »nit* ^ ^ ^ g lloy’s black Cheviot snH*. AO. worth $1.50 at__..*>■OC Boy’# Knee Pants, fifty cent* 4 * — value* at__ «vv - ■ - -- -■ ' . - — ■■■■■ w Seventy'five cent* Boy's all C/|. wool K aec PastjLi^._WVV IW Derby Ribbed Shifts aad drawer* )mt la, best 90c values, bat ■‘ &/gg$S became they arc tecond*, price 500 Pec® Petticoat® at 05c to Wr& Arrive To* Day. ) ■'~ Listen how they are made: fine roer cerued aatteen this* hsoMtitehai nflts. (reach lock*d »«•**. * dollar aad * half sk l r t QO. lor-—---,—wOv ——..—.— • Shoes. Style aad fit me features that oeea overlooked in our line of sbilethe price is always kept tn tke bottom notch. Try oar Queen Quality Or R aim on Health Slices I*.oci ' ViBbreilMI. J . J Bi* stock, richt price*, pood steal rod umbrella*. Splendid five and -L .1. - .i.'.'WV." . ..j.. Among (ki Ckncbn. First Baptist church—Preach ing at 11 a m. and 7 p. m. Sun day by the pastor. Rev. W. H. Reddish. A. R. P. church—Services Sunday morning and evening as usual by the oastor. Dr. J. C. Galloway. St. Michael’s Catholic church —Snnday school at 2:30 and service at 3p. m. every Sunday. Rev. Fr. James, O. S. B., pas tor. I^tlhvrnn church - - Prepara tory service at 3 p. in Saturday; communion service Snnday at U a. in. Rev. C. f. Morgan, pastor. West End Methodist Cbnrch— Preaching at 7 p. tn.; subject' ’'Temperance;" Ozark at 11 a. m.; Arlington at3 p. m. Rev. J. VV. Ingle pastor. ! The State library Association will hold its first annual meeting in Charlotte on the 11th and 12th of this month. Cures FJ».l-' . '-L- -IL-- - Nr. rad Mrs. Vflm tanmi The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson sympathize with them deeply in the loss they have sustained by the death of their youngest child. Charlton, ■gad sixteen months, which oc curred at their house Wednes day morning at 80’ciock. The funeral was held from the Pisgah A. R.. P. church yester day at noon, Rev A. T. Lind say officiating. The interment was in Pisgah cemetery. The little one had been sick for several mouths, death resulting from a stomach trouble Three sisters, Ethel aged 1], leara aged S, Mary aged d and one brother. Brown aged 3, survive. '■ ......'i! .1 -iam— nnwuBB!" Janes Hendrix, one cf the most prominent Tonne mem of Montgomery. Ala., was found dead Tocaday morning on the roof of the American National Beak botldiog in that city with a act of tanttet’s tools, dynamite, . . fates and a pistol. He met death, while trying to eat an electric wire. tubs to Monimta —a Dr. MstfaU t-TEKUHIXA* tagPowdata) win be aent < fraarvtsrt? tke same of her druggist not Ktll. “TllKTiriXA* Ai?a lion. Regulate* the Bowel r., Icutaes >h4 Counteract* the . Ot Snmaicr's Heat, and makaataaft ■■£»> log easy. -OW.X4 vj« [Town 1904. i Please call at the Tax Collec > tor’s office In the city hall and pay your taxes. The town needs and must have Its money. I. N. ALEXANDER, Mc< TAX-COLLBCOR. - -- .... BIG BANKRUPT SALE The Mg bankrupt aala of tha Gattonta Bargain Hoom Stock, begun Saturday. U atiU in (nil blaat. Bee tbing ta being told at an average of Mcenta on tkc $. Yen Yon can't afford to miu thin Mg tale. Cotee and bring rear family. I WHITFIELD DRY GOODS CO. ■■■

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