BBy WILL N. HARBEN, ---1 2*-ft? titute B^i HfUty" tH. I), by IUHI « iiemn CUAFTKIt V. mHE m-xt morning Hie uiwii apace nr lira vide nt the warelunaw wn* filled wllh mountain wit ir on*. Those wlrtch contnlmal iln-stmtls ginseng. fruit. cklrkena. trailer vr amok* cured bacon Inul v Hite ram ;i* rover* urir Gar in Itae ntli era trim cotton wagons. lii-ro which lb* iP', bulirlng bait* wvn* hooped. Tbe > eur'a <-ro|> waa Htmndant. >uul llt lle of llm product bad been stain**! to II** bull, fur tb* rlprulng period Inul lracu dry ulul bleated wllh Minab'nr. Aa Itlllyrr waa about tn i-nler lira front door of the warehouse after breakfast flaaeom Truitt slonrlird to ward lilts from a group u round a little campfire belweou two cotton wagon*. .Tciklng bla king tliuuib over Ma shoul der. and lilu-libig Dp bis auepeodrr Isem trousers at the waist, be drew the mcrrhnnt to out) tide. "Ilcnrd Iti!tliouae say yon was nttt lookin' frr George last tilghi.* bo be gan awkwardly, "an' 1 'lowed tbar’d be so liarm in harin' a word with you. That's all right ‘twixt me *n' George, aqulre. He told uis Jure now be sorer knowed wbut be was about an' that he's sorry. Shocks.' bo never hart me. Mr. Ulllyur. Doable*. I’d let that ebap maul loe in the fare a* much as be likes after the friend lie's been to JcIT. Ilf he's done my lioy one favor lie Ima a hundred. My wlfo feel* Jest IJko 1 do about George, an' ef she was to bear I’d got Ini In trouble uvi-r a llttlo thing like Ural last night abe'U quit me." "So tbtr won't Ik do charge agla ’lm. UtenY" snkl niltyee in relief. “Xst a bit." sskl ilia mountaineer, un consciously atrnklug tlm Ji« George Ducklcy bad bruised the night before. 'The marshal com* to tue Jeat sow an’ nxed me ef 1 v anted to make a case, on' I told 'ini He wa* craxy, lliat me *n' George wa* jest ployin', an' eomo o’ them derti niggers 'lowed we wss fun aln’." -i m gum you icei unit way. jniin, said Hlll.ver, nud bu went Into tba of fltr. KCt (luuu ■(. Iim Ursk Hirl liojiun to read hi* tuuil. -, Two cltiienv of Darky made tba warehouse ihelr busliuws headquarters, using tbe (leaks wlibonl |ia>. llanry Hanks, a tall, Unk, murrlcd nun about Qfly fire years of ago. bad a desk la one (Minor of the oau-o. Bo wore a long brown bvnrd, was dyspeptic, yel low skinned uml nervous. JTo was a Confederate veteran who had, after tbe war. developed a surprising capacity for making money one of lbe aufortu nate section be bad brnrely fought for. lie waa a well to do note sharer, and sold fanners their yearly supplies at an enormous profit Anything from a cooking stove to a yoke of oxen waa considered good security when once de scribed la I bo “Iron clad" mortgage nolo of which be waa the Inventor. Ha oarer wore a vest, and iho pockets of his thin coat wore always bulging with notes and accounts which lie carried on kla person to have them reedy at a mo ment's notice whan ha rau across a de linquent. Tbe other cltlsru waa 11m Kenner, a Jovial cotton buyer, a bach elor about focty-llva years of age. who waa the very life of tbe little circle. When be bad business to transact be could be as long faced and serious as any one else; but even then Iris humor was apt 10 babble op and burst at tbo vary iso moot no one wee expecting It His chief amnaement waa hi teasing Hanks, whom ha sarcastically called “Old Liberality," or “IJb” for abort Ha spoke with a whlno that always ended In a rasping laugh that eras very lnfertkma Hanks had nsrer base known to sndK And yet a does observ ar would bars aaaa that In kla own way, ha assmsd to enjoy all kla asso ciate'* levity. It .was a chilly day and tliora waa a good Ire In ti« loag wood stove, and tba tws men bant aver it. Osama Barkley aat on Ms high stool at bis desk at wash an bis Mg lodflar. “flay, George," whined Kenner, as ha threw a- cigar atuasp nndet the stove and loaned back la kla chair. “DU yen aver hoar that tala BIN Cower la a-tell ln' on IJb, about bla bum out when he used to be In tbe jsmk business r‘ Georgs smiled Indulgently and said, without looking rwnwd, that be had not "ud mooc »«■ ^ am* down at the fur and o' tho itreat," •aid Kenner. 'Maot attar the aerraodor toar waa a Iota o’ scrap iroa a a* the Wo lyin' around, ah’ ha auoA money bayin' It «p mb' Ahtpolo' It to Iron foundrlaa. Than be added Wboat on' peaa on' corn aa ■ Me Mae, an* eoe rail wbee be bed a party Up Block of ermrytblng bit aback hack dr*. A wind waa a-blowtn' oar tbiopa leahod aimky. A Uae of backet paaadra waa fanned to 1b# nlpbaat well, am* wa waa Onto’ per tjr fair work wbaa Tib eaaaa hiptar Ami the at root, maldn* a eotao Uke a howt foil o' water. Wtow he toad what w# wae dots’ he pet awfol rattled an* tolled for aa to mi obi the ataff. 1 •won't etch 'ha, bat 81 LI Oewrr aaya wbaa eaaaa o' the crowd laid held a’ the whaat aeeka Ub yelled at 'em. Let tbe -tint alone. If# hmured, tot# eat the arfsp Hoar’ iHwrpe laapbed at Uda radial, bat flea** atapty rwanp hie teat beck tad forth a ad tbowofl tba ead of Wo aw bphtart dpar. To ah appearnneao M pad ad hoard a wand af whet had "TTo put I lie shanty out." ulil Ken ner. • hut l.fb tllOn't help n hit. lie watt bnpplit' it bout like, a cMckrn with It* Iwinl tHT tlolu' It* tout dance. Wt rutlly e at til kb lire. I believe bed '«' Ur»M«M dead Ui Ida truck* c( he’d •*• loro liy that blaze that night" "Ef- tbor'a anybody lliat loven a oHii ttiun-'ti yvti tW.“ Krunted lb note xlutvt-r. 'I'd like to two 'Uu. I never I torn I o* anybody killin' an)tiling ieifii you.” * Krutiv-r Imzliitl. "VVlien I fn*t Murtt-d out I'll-aduilt I vtiot putty done. 1 Ik Vmi know my tbuldy no Id a lull* fin mi o' hb tt hen 1 van. twenty one an* act rue up in the retail grocery bool ncan. lie miked to roe ao much about Iba ileaitlieau lyin' lu wait for aurkeru that I stixpuioncil even the preacher wk.-ir I nitciuletl roeetlu'. He sot be hind In UU m-count once, an' I luuled *iro np an' told 'lm tlie rraaoa I uraan't a trend l u' chturh room rvgUr waa be ta'"c be -iro-M.'t totin' fair, an' Hint 1 couldn't"- Kenner laughed laipul*!re ly ”git any aperltual good baton hi' to ■ man an' wonderin' ef I'd ever kH my mooay. He paid up an' quit me: but 1 didn't care; iay reUgtoa lm pro red, an' whsu bis Irnu wu owl ha neat off owin’ brother Lumpkin aeventy-two dollars an' odd costs. La tup kin re fused to be'p Hie heathens frr fear y*ar afterward*. ” Ulllywr turned round In bla clislr and aniilcd. fils ftteo had A beallltier glow and Ub rye a deeper twinkle than rauul. To look at him ooe would not Irore suspected that be had paaeed through a atortti the night before that ltad almost alinkm kb soul out of Ida body. * re arway* luougnc you il !0«tt oa your right*." lie ukl to Kenner. "Ah' the truth It lt‘* tbo only way to get on In iMislnuw." ‘■AVrll." taawercd tbo cotton buynr, T b«d to bold font* down, Ur. Hni ycr. I wii a trreen hand, but I reckon I ripened purty quick. Tbar yu a Tonne elnrrkcqwr next door to me, Joe oihtM, no eharp aa a brier, tie could niultiHr figure* by foor figure* iu LU brad an' fire yon the a newer la n minute, lie need to tea roe wbo would iVj to credit an* who wouldn’t, an' I alwaya relied on bis Judgment. “Hut. Lord. I cayn't ret here tcllia' yarns all day. 1'ui gain' to bondle a eight or cotton 'faro aundown: ll'a roll in' in like a rlrrua parade." Tbo day'* buHnee* bnd really begun. Mountain men came la with rnmplta of their ootfmi or gmin. Baacom Truitt bad nu armful of tbo enowy staple. “There ■ whole gaag of tan wagons from beyant tbo Ten moan line." be asbl to Kenner. 'They want to know wliat’a jroro beat figure." Kroner pulled tbe wods apart at tbe window end auewered: •Uctcb eighth* li the boat I kin d* Ba«. If tbey take my offer git 'em to drive It up to tbo eld# door. I’ve rented *pnce for 000 bole# here. I hope tbey nlo'l water packed or got any daed nlager* Hawed away la 'em. Kavery’s over, an' we never did buy ’em by tbe poahd nohow'* Train stnlled. “They'll let you liave It" ho Mid. Jjncy want to tank up nn’ go back Ha was turning away when Hacks detained him. "That's several In that gang tUat owe no for aupplte*" ha sold, pulling out kite bunch of note*. "Baa. tell ’em I'm prepared te t*d tho*r chock*" -AH right. Mr. Hanks." eekl the long moon tain err, “I’ll Ml 'em." Ksaner treat ant to receive the cot ton. and Hjllysr followed to ladleato tha apaea Keener was 1o use. This Mt George Buckley und the note ehav •r akmo together. Ueorga was writing whan Hanks stood up aad leaned on the desk near to htm. He cleared Ms throat tad chowod hie dear for a mo ment. than ho eaM awkwardly: *1 baton eeach of a band to talk, bat I’ve boon wantin' to say aooie'a' to yoo otor atom yore pa got to hie trouble, bat somehow Icoaldn’t git to It IJoet feel like lento* yaa that l m yore friend, *n' ef It bad been to lay power I'd ’a* Helped yea oat a' all that meea." ”1 thaak yon, Mr. Hank a." Otcrpe retamed. with a fluoh ef gratitude. •To glad to know you fait that way." The ekl men coughed aad etraked bto beard with bto scrawny hand. Tre been aetahta’ yore pragma* Georg* rrer since nHlyer tack yea op. I reckon I was mem latoraatod la it on account o' my bad lack with my ewa ! boy. Georg* Bob hata't woth bto room In brO, nor nrrer wtD to* Gear** avoided the eye bee ring dew* ob Mm whan ho answered: -Of coarse I cen t dictate to ye* Mr. Hank*" be eeid cautleasiy, "bat 1 thtnk yea am wrong about Bob. I think be win torn out a right wbea he's a Mttto etdrr. ne'e to with the eo olety eat beta end half ef them bora well to de parrot* sad the (nth to ha deesat kaew how to bsgto. I think he vrrots ttt, “Hdh always after toe te pot op Ibe vwnay ter ’be to «e koatoem e*’ aneemd Hash* "Hew, wooMa’t t be ■ datHmttod Mtot to pot amoey to bto bands wlen hr betot get enough energy to keep stood ret te nu ear tires et leenrt lift get to test shew that her# gat hostneaa cerarity 'fees IH rmk ’to*. Heh Ibe Mggast tmabto I rrer Hod-0large, erjhrji iyee w%et ■< man jwVc rams n* jarrae'f oa m dMua it mats* «r« mod euougb to kick 1m. Oil. Lie's Jest ruSteuT ( kaln't on! no money fit 'lm to tbibhUs with, but I’m boro to ten you or yon naad ■ •tube st any tint all you got to do to to call on mat. Aa I Mr. I*v» —tihifl l-oo." Goorgo Bushed as ha ttmnkod tbo old man again nod assured bln bo wm not In nosd of money. Kroner rawo In rubbing. bla hand*. n« was followed by lllllyrr with a icicgrum In bla hands: lie asenuel rs cited aa he aprosd It otwa no George's ledger. "I'urbeR A Cot offer fl.OD a bushel fer out entire lot n* wheat,** be mid. "What's yore Judgment. Usorgo - le .lt a><U or not aellT’ "I'd lot 'er allde Ilka a sled oa a anew naonutaln." spoke U|i Kroner. "Good* »*as known 1 bar's enoogk prom la It at tint. Too boagkt the Ohsrtrsioo a a' Atlanta Iota under eighty.” No one spoke fur a tuomam. Ilaaka was paying only aHgbt attantiou to Iba eoneonulhni. He waa aalduoi latoraat ed In whnt did nut peranouliy soortni bin. ”1 Jret erant yor» Judgment, Caargq" said Hiltyor la lb* proud tout a man might bare lu sddmiatag a snrnsasfal sou. Buckley's r> re held I hr agger look ut the young spocutotnr aa tiiey net tbo old man's excited alut*. "I don't llhe So exprsea myself.” bo •newrrrd finally. -If it went toy nsssy t would, bet It la yours." "Well, yo're wokeme to a fool'a ad* rice.” put In Keoncr, deeply lntrmted. 'Tvs wnlebsd tbo market for twenty "I xu ferl iifce fcM/a’^uv «*•* rat y*ra odd jrnv, an' you'll kit tlM ceilin’ la thi* lblue If roll don't git out wbilo you got a chance. Why, Ulllyer, anybody eon ore"— “Georg*." U» luMcbOBt broke la. with firm nmniin, "I am simply oMiug yon for yore Judgment. t want that an' nothin' else." "Wetu there la nothing else for mo to do but giro It. then," mid Rnckley. "It It were ay lorretmeat I'd boM on." "Thar, tbar. yon old okhUHat," cried Illllyor triumphantly aa ho slapped Kroner oo the abauldar. "Ton cayn't •car* that boy to death; he's pot grit; ball bold on tin It thnadora." “Ten." retorted the cotton buyer, "no* Goorg* will be like lh* little boy e-botd ¥ the calf-he'll he yellin' for eome hody to come help 1m ton loose." Ulllyer'a face was beaming. Ho Mi down at hi* dealt, and. taking op a taUgraph Monk, be began to writ*. Kenner pointed to him as be touched George on the arm, "Got bock Mg oeoocs at last," ho Inogbod; "hUa gain' to take that offer." Ulllyer looked np with a smite. “Coodnte tc Dinks, Kashmir, offered mo 10.000 bnsbols by this mania's wire at 91.03 a bushel," he said. "I'm goto* to nab It fore TarimM * Oo. and out whir ira at" Kanin- whistled toftly, growled out soon thing to hlueelf. and went out of the room. Haaki turned from the win dow and leaned on C sorgo’» desk. "Do yon reckon yo’re safe am thattl" be MUD, and. when Oeorgs rap Had hk tha adtematfr*. ha aakl slowly: “By gnm! you make mo want to rank a Httla aay a¥t. Rotor how it weiDO la mo yoa eonM torn tko thlrg yen way, Jaat with that darn steady ay* ¥ yocafn. DM I reckon I’M stay outeM*. I MW was a band to taka rooks, a¥ k*n bo fun to watch you naa t—ala with It" CHAPT1B VL BTIIT man ma fwfrt tridli much Miter thus a* Idle mm, aad the activity of Ida IlCa to ll! the watt following hid fe tbM'i convict leu waa a Meeaiaa to Oaorga lathy. Indeed, the Brat Baa day afterward waa a aort at critical per hid. tor every dihmn at the place wba had a ay da ha to respectability pat «a hie beet etothee and attended ane of tba ata white cbarrhca; aad ear bam knew that If be waa to continue to bold the peel Hen bo hod made for bhneeif la tba eocUl nfa of the rfllaps. bo moot not appear to fatter or U slink Into retirement on oeooant of whet bad happened. It w»n a hrtaUt, balmy day. aad who* ha wont down u> tbs iieWei after breakfast at tba Hmrtrf ba tooad tba ami gtao9 of Micro weHtac tor tba melL Thera waa a borhar abap ■«*t dear, aad It waa Owtaped with ttpwbiana baton tba red aad havtas tbalr boeta pohehed. Oeorpe bowed to aavaral af bln Mends end acaaatat aaiee. bat (bore was eeteetblnc wttbla Idas that nado him shrink from a a ■xBfltietrtlal broker. Inform tag nm f'f that wheat bed Haen to KIM a buabal aad advlaiug Un to bold aa, aa IU- market showed a AothM ui*. ward imduKjr. Meeting tba uagra partrr 3aka aa a corner, Buckley gar* him tba latter* and told ldm to taka them up to HHlyer, aad l ben, far ladk or anything eUo to do. bo eatared the wmreboaae. abut the door after Urn and went lock to lila room. Haro b» ret (town at the window lo the BUT alilne. a ail uImi.hh befure lie waa aware uf U be liod-alldwed a feeling <if Otter dwprugh-n.y to itfMeinl trpea liho. "What I* lie* Iiwr be *. knf'biUMrif "How am t to fight It through*" Kor half an law he aat Dios lu the vary dtrga of despair. and that suddenly g plrtare new before Ult lucuutl rhdoo g puture .if irid tnau lllllycr ao ho aat Item »h ibe bed la the vogue lamp light reenuutlng the nae loUtxkc Of In* life and the grlaa Bgtit ho waa Mill malting lo overcome the emuuquowwa. aad a 0u*b of shamt etole veer the young mao. "fro promised him,** ho •aid aloud—"Pro promised him to bo a mas. and I ahaU 1 aboilr Juat then the church beU* began to ring. The)' were oil Itarab In tone, betag cheap coat loot, i-acvt/t on* wtiivh (isd Iwob smuggled into the village during the war frrau a larger towa after the church la which It beieugod waa dm atroyrd by fire. It* tono waa sweet aad mellow aad roe* oat ef the general rlanttur Uke a proailae of peace to tuf ferlag sunk. It waa ringing la tbe lit. tie belfry of the church Lydia t'run*.ton attended, (the waa aa CptecopaUan, but aa there waa ns church of that do nomination at Darky, and her father waa partial to tbe rather progrceotvo young minister wt the Methodist church, abe aad her mother went there regular ly. Aad It mast bo coofeoaed that Ooorgo Buckley hod ea many a Poo* day sbuw fera tag her aeiyualataaca at tended Hut iHirtleiatar pure ef woo ablp. aad chiefly for tbe OffMrt salty af eeelag her. He knew tbnt it would be a dlflkult tblag far him to face the little concrcgatloa. divining the thoughts that would rlee la the minds ef all, and yet he met the matter cour ageously and went. rim va. - «- .t.. .1 A..* Ik. desk hymn knd been wins and that there were no loiterm, aa was frequently the ease, on the steps. benching tbe doer and looking In. LU heart set op a lively beating ■■ ha saw J.rdU Cr»n vton with ber porno la In their pow. The major was tbe only iota la Der *7 Who aal on the ladles' aide of Urn bens*. He seemed never to bars to marked that he was acting la ah excep tional manner In thia regard- la an other thlait be wai different from oth er men. He was. perhaps, tbe oaly male lndlrldnnl la tbe village who wore kid gloves. Hie silk hat was on the Soar at the end of the pew, nod across in tep Uy Ida gold beaded cone, apoa which wna engraved a respectful tribute from bis regiment. Indent, the Cranstoa family bad a decided air of tbe old regime about them, nmt It wai all tbe mure noticeable because at tbs few families of nuHe their owa rank at Dailey. Lydia, tan. gmrefal and fair, was realty a pretty gift and. What woe batter, she was very well informed. Mrs. Dwgan bud often remarked that nearly all tbe young men—and those of tbe Wat Harley Wood too—were actual ly afraid of tbe Virginia girt. aad. while da thought It moat peculiar and 4c plnrcd the cuodlttoo of things, aba at tributed the lowborn George Hockley's standing In Lydin's estimation to tbe fact that ho “could talk lo her about books an’ tlw- Uhn an' had the natu ral cheek of bin t-ln so." The ceotnil ntahj was carpeted, and Gsorgo step;iwl softly to on* of tbe aeota In tbe rear and aal down. Ha was gtad that I*Hi arrival was anted only by a few. The young minister'' would bar* been conspicuous la a lar ger plac* than Harley. Ua was ala feet foar to bctgbt. totj dark aad ro maikabiy alight; bis eyas war* dark blue, Mb features sharp, and ha wot* Us Mack hair tong and was dean shares. When the aerrk* was over George stood tad walled for Mrs. Ililtyur, who was camItig toward him. to her stiff Mack ante, with a welcoming smite. “Glad to ere you out. young man." aba said as she joined him. "That was a rip-you-npdbo-back, pay-upor gtbout sort of a sermon, wasn't ttf Ye* “o' Ur. IIHlyrr d bettor paaa around yore bod acres rd a tomorrow, sa- may bo yah’U git Urn boueflt of It I aood *W Pater Casbot duckin' hie bead a time or two.” Croat too* Vfrt latMM. to* major and uu wl(< bvtraa witn tfcelr ueunl odd Smutty. I>ul Lydia fuxo him mm of I*t nruttcat eadlm. -ito gou fad WtT aho Itngtod. Minin to ow nmilirKn talk. “Kot courtly." h* replied, wlidu In Sglto of klmaetf; "hot It traa strong, aau'i li v "Tun bat ha wnaa't hit. Jdlao Lydia." ■Poke np kin. nil Iyer. "JBf ersrgbody .paid tbt'r dew* HP« this goat* «n» to oag nothin' of the debts at other ftb«-Brother Mughrw ’<1 bo ont o' asms'll’ to pftwtl) about." "up. I know limt. Uni. Ultiger." Uiteaald. with a tough. and aka want on to bar father, who waa looking hatk ami frowning tmpettontlg. Outside the rbench. Cosrgs and Mia. lUItgor walked hmnowaid •be wait Hi ■ (slkutlm i "It ula'r ang or my MoeMeg,’’ she paid, "hat wbon it i la haowln' bow to treat 1 you lake Um mg cC the baob. I waa tickled back lPar. Toa tmated that aai K* HgLi-jeet right, to a gnat's had" "Why. wfcnt do gou mean, hn DU gorr* naked George. <iuh* at m as to Mr loceiilnx. "tt'oti. t-f goa don’t know a Let 1 am** let It Moan. I’m often wondered what makoa dm woaaea take to goa a* aa* I've a boat concluded lie boon’s# they eaga’t run over ran rough abed. My Lord. George Hockley, tbli la the fr. an' I acknowledge Id baud aoftret faat time I an* ooed goa two "giiti tod amch about (bo high stand In’ of the era not one that 1 utmost lowed gou waa a plarub tool to W goto’ that, hot- noil, 1 mar asrer know whan n hen wMl take a notion to aor. bat Of gou keep uu actin' with Lydia Cann atoti like you did bock ihr.r in moatin' Too Ua atm pig wgap bar around gars gttie Sagar. gha mag Iwiit oat a long time, bat aiaWM throw up (to rgoayo la the end. All tM kimtm bsaaoa cagnt pull a woninn aaray from a man she taspeeta an* la aorry far at tbs amt ttec. no' rf I'm any Judge—Hoc I reck on 1 tiiIk iao amck." "Ob. Mra. IllUyar. you art sartig"— "Tati know.'' the Utile woman ran on. "I wan u-aettiu' W two *-—r~T~ bablnd 'awn an' wtea goa eaam la 1 oaod ’er awitch or I iced a little to oaa aMe aa’ are gon. mu’ than torn looked atialftbt In fnmt af 'er Jmt ss *f noth in’ bad happened. Tint acme's’ bud happened to bey fat*, far I saw] tt change. A wvunu km feel a man as aaay oa bPadla’ a cbiekaa m tbo roost With a torch, toll aka eara*t foci an otkar wonaan. That’s why they beta one another Mto oaskea. Thar sbo cornea newl" comap wm It was r.n okl fithkuml Victoria. Ortr. *■ by a slock leaking negro on tbe front amt Tbe oucupeata did aot tom their haada. T wonder how tlwqr got on to thatr oMtod lira. liUIyrr. with a snigger. "On to wbotr Hockley asked. "Why. oa lo that way of eettte' like they bad boards auder tha’r ctottote agate tho’r backs. I’d rmlber do s doy*a waafatn’ ’na to go a arils that •-way X always wsat to loU back krhon r* ruin’—why. tbst'o wlnt (M kfa ter. I always- Towed — bat thorn Mtoo os’ tbe Bigger took like ao many bean poles.” George laoglMd beartly. Shebadtba knack of making people «w«<foi gad atueo bin rrceat trotihlo sho bad daao amcb to (otter# ids gloamt and. be Mdte. hod Mo not eoeoangod Um to hope that- ltet bto Mart asok oadar tbcat reflections. Iydia Craaotea. Mr many reason., was oat of tM Qgmtleg. sad he wee mod lo allow Ms hopes to be alined. "Of course.” Mrs niUjwr west on. so If ranting Ms Hind, "thar ain’t ao aw Mladin* eonrtree to Um troth. Them Ortmatone hate’t yarn sett oar mine, no' n body ought to one oedl itery kw in mk matters, bat all tM atKwatry an’ family trma an* Mae blond royal on earth cayn’t Map a women', heart from flopplo' lost tbe way It wants ts top. I aorter like Lyd ia Craaatnn. Bbc cmiVt brag an ’ey no taesdaeta. bat she don’t PM known Me’e some pumpkin* «■’ ain’t a-worry te*. Bein’ afeard ycro bUa’t oa Mori a Other folks to tbe Mggcet drawback oa earth. Thar's oaa of yore best aufla, Georgs. Too alwaya hold yon Mod ap. gomctlmas 1 ttilok mi Mrs a erawa of soon sort m It before you dte. You’ve got nerve, oo* ptetty of It though 1 did think you was u-gata* to flicker under yen tmnha last wish, bat row rye no* akin i. clear so over (coKTiN-rr.n ox roc TB rhag ) .bo-p—"mi , .ij—Lm-w-g i There is a quality in Royal Baking Powder which makes the food more digestible and wholesoqie. This peculiarity of Royal has been noted by physicians, and they accord ingly endorse and recom mend it. MVAl IMM fMUt M. WW NW * Children** and 4 Mtonc** Coat*. i The most l*cantlful Hue 51 for children tad misses, "f Price* (or sizes four to 4 V& >*“** »/ §LS0‘ J tl-75. From eifht to i fourteen yean old $7.50, tk tiJ0’ **tS 30’ LmHci' ffitg ,.;^W;V fa btnrk, (an. 'brown, y «m«. bin*, gnr. and W^i;; mode. PkieestsiofAJO, ' t *5. $5.50. $B, $6.50, $7. * &T: ■■■ . . * ^ These ladles* costs deseri a consideration. We are proud of ^ will the boyer he~pra«d of the Jk ly Pleasing styles, of the parts _I ^ «*eel«esee of the materials, of the r U faultless care sad finish la the making. 1 J And the prices alas have a charm—la fact v A your coat mosey cannot he hatter spent, ^ ^ couuat hay greater cost goodaeaa than r a when invested In the aaperh coat values r ^ we offer. M i i i A ; ... “f“f“-tnnmt rt i MONUMENTS AND TOMBSTONES. I In order'to make some changes in our business we want to greatly reduce oar present stock by Jan. 1st, If yon are thinking of baying something In th* line of tosilmtooe* nr monument s. we are here to s*vC yon money while Una rtoeklasts. Uee n« stoncc. Respectfully i Torrence ros. i ■ ... ■ ' - - ‘ ■" 1 1 L " ..1 1 ■ " COME ONE! COME ALU •. .... We have a nice let el RUBBER TIRE BUG GI6S on hand. Any one wishing to purchase one will do well to call and see wbat we have saKKiawirKijRs r.«'ni^A*S5D%WU0C87! i

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